PTO General Meeting September 15th, 2015 ❖ Call to Order: Please make sure you have signed in and picked up an agenda. ❖ Welcome : Icebreaker ❖ Presentation/Approval of the Minutes: Executive Meeting ❖ Financial/Budget Report ➢ New treasurer, Payment of storage fee, tee-shirt money ❖ Teacher Report ❖ Principal Report -Jim Bruce ❖ Committee Reports ➢ Membership -Edith ➢ Movie Night - Jenn and Keri ➢ Skate Night - Keri Sept. 24, Oct. 27, Jan 26, Mar. 10, May 25 ➢ Newsletter - Robin ➢ Yearbook - Keri /Robin ➢ Sacajawea Tee Shirts - Haley ➢ Teacher Appreciation - Charlotte ❖ New Business➢ Need a VP ➢ Jog-A-Thon ➢ Mercer’s Girls ➢ Meeting Night/Time ❖ President's Report ❖ Correspondence Notes: Thank you all for coming.We are looking forward to working together throughout the year to make Sacajawea the best that it can be. Please feel free to contact any of the board members if you have any further questions.