ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO DAIRY NEWSLETTER COOPERATIVE EXTENSION The University of Arizona New Mexico State University January 2008 THIS MONTH’S ARTICLE: Commingling Dairy Cows: Pen Moves, Stocking Density and Health Ken Nordlund, DVM Nigel Cook, MRCVS Garrett Oetzel, DVM, MS Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 ~~~~~ Dairy Day is coming! The 2008 Arizona Dairy Day will be Thursday, April 3 at the Caballero Dary 2943 W. Harmon Road - Eloy, Arizona Dairy Day and Golf details inside. ~~~~~ Make plans to be at Caballero Dairy Farms 2943 W. Harmon Road Eloy, AZ 85231 Thursday, April 3, 2008 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Bring your family And enjoy the day with food & fun Lunch provided by For more information contact Julie Stefanic at (520) 626-9382 Email at or visit our website at Thursday, April 3, 2008 Caballero Dairy Farms 2943 W. Harmon Rd Eloy, AZ 85231 Space will be available to vendors at the following prices: Booth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 Extra booth space available for additonal cost Tractors, feed trucks or other equipment . . . . . . $100/piece One table and two chairs furnished with each space (check one) BoothSpace($400) = _______________ Equipment (Tractors/Feed Trucks/Scrapers/Other Equipment): ______ (# Pieces) X $100 = _______________ Power, water, additional table(s) and chair(s) are available if necessary, but we must know requirements ahead of time to arrange for generators, etc. (additional services) Power Type___________ Water_____ Tables_____ (quantity) Chairs_____ (quantity) Company/Organization__________________________________________________________ Contact Person ________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________ FAX _________________________________ Email address _________________________________________________________________ For more information contact Julie Stefanic at (520) 626-9382 via email at or visit our website at Please mail form with check payable to: The University of Arizona, PO Box 210038 - Department of Animal Sciences, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038 ® Commingling Dairy Cows: Pen Moves, Stocking Density and Health Ken Nordlund, DVM; Nigel Cook, MRCVS; Garrett Oetzel, DVM, MS Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Abstract In modern confinement dairies, cows move between groups depending on management needs for special rations and special handling requirements. With each move, each cow must establish rank within the new group. Extended stays in pens characterized by new arrivals every day appear to present substantial health risks to some cows. Overstocked pens present challenges regarding both stall and feed bunk access. Provision of 30 inches (76 cm) of bunk space per cow in the weeks before and after calving, and minimizing pen moves, appears to be consistent with improved fresh cow health and productivity. Résumé Dans les fermes laitières confinées d’aujourd’hui, les vaches se déplacent entre groupes selon les besoins de régie pour des rations spéciales et quand des soins particuliers sont requis. La vache doit établir son rang dans un nouveau groupe après chaque déplacement. De longs séjours dans des enclos où de nouvelles vaches arrivent chaque jour semblent créer des problèmes de santé substantiels pour certaines vaches. Des enclos avec une trop forte densité accroissent les problèmes d’accès aux mangeoires et aux stalles. L’allocation de 30 pouces (70 cm) d’espace par vache dans les semaines précédant et suivant le vêlage et la réduction du nombre de déplacement entre enclos semblent promouvoir la santé et la productivité des vaches vêlées récemment. A Changing Clinical Perspective of Fresh Cow Metabolic Disease Over the past 17 years of herd investigations by our clinical service, the complex of ketosis, fatty liver and displaced abomasum has emerged as the most frequently investigated herd problem, and cow behavior and social factors have emerged as the primary risk factors in these herds. Where poorly formulated rations and inaccurate delivery systems were once the primary risk factors, we increasingly see poorly staged pen moves and overstocking as the key risk factors in our industry today. We hypothesize that the mechanism is disruption of dry matter intake for vulnerable cows, leading to 36 ketosis or hepatic lipidosis followed by the cascade of related diseases, and resulting in high turnover rates in early-lactation cows. The primary variant we observe in dairies today is Type II ketosis as summarized by Holtenius and Holtenius,8 characterized by an onset of clinical disease at about five to 15 days in milk and usually triggered by negative energy balance in the pre-fresh period. In contrast, a majority of the herd ketosis problems seen 15 years ago were considered to be Type I, characterized by an onset of clinical disease at about 20 to 40 days-inmilk and associated with energy-related problems in the post-fresh groups. While both forms remain as problems, the relative importance of each has been reversed. Over this same period of time, our clients have changed from predominantly tie-stall herds of 50-100 cows to freestall herds typically in the range of 300-3,000 cows. In the tie-stall herds, cows were familiar with their environment, remained in the same group of cows, and were subjected to management changes without leaving their stalls. The only changes they faced with a new ration were the nutrients themselves. In contrast, virtually any change in ration or management group in the larger freestall dairies requires introduction to a new pen, familiarization with new pen fixtures, stalls, and headlocks, and establishment of rank within a different group of cows. Each of these aspects can present significant challenges to low-ranking cows and if a sufficient minority of the pen succumbs to disease, a herd problem emerges. This paper will summarize some behavioral research findings that provide useful perspectives on the clinical situation, and will present some of our evolving impressions as investigators of herd problems. Basics of Cow Behavior Relative to Modern Dairy Systems Our clinical experience suggests that regrouping and overstocking cows in the vulnerable weeks just before and after calving has the most adverse effects on cow health. While it is obvious that cows are social herding animals, there are several aspects of cow behavior that affect how well individual cows adapt to modern dairy systems. Behaviorists describe cows as crepuscular, meaning that they are particularly active in the THE AABP PROCEEDINGS—VOL. 39 twilight hours of dawn and dusk.1 Cows are also categorized as allelomimetic, meaning that they all want to do the same thing at the same time.1 These characteristics have consequences on stocking density regarding requirements for stalls and feeding space. When a cow is moved into a new group in a large herd, she experiences stress and must establish her rank within the social order of the pen. Cows form dominance hierarchies, strongly associated with age, body size, and seniority in herd.6 In general, cows resident in a pen tend to maintain their rank, compared to new arrivals.18 While rank within a pen is relatively stable, Hook observed a complete reversal of rank in one study when the dominant cow was removed and a new cow added to a small group.9 Konggaard and Krohn reported that early lactation cows were more affected by regrouping than mid-lactation cows.11 Lamb cites a trial where cows were given access to different diets through Calan gates, some a high energy diet and others a low energy diet.12 Cows losing weight also lost rank within a group, while the cows gaining weight tended to gain dominance. This may have impact on fresh cow health, as the early postpartum period is typically a period of significant weight loss for most cows. Many of our concerns about cow behavior have emerged with the advent of grouped cows in confinement freestall barns. Miller and Wood-Gush compared the behavior of a herd of cows on a British pasture in spring to their behavior in freestall confinement in the winter.15 Feeding, lying and agonistic behavior or conflicts were monitored throughout the day. While cows in both systems showed crepuscular behavior, almost all cows were observed feeding at the same time while on pasture, whereas a smaller proportion ate simultaneously in confinement. The allelomimetic tendency for lying behavior was more synchronized on pasture than in freestalls. Agonistic interactions occurred with about eight times the frequency in confinement compared to pasture, although all cows were familiar with each other and rank was well established. Older work suggests that the reestablishment of rank takes perhaps a week,18 but more recent studies indicate that stability is achieved in three to four days. Kondo and Hurnik established two new groups of 16 cows in each, and after five weeks removed eight cows from each group to form a third commingled group.10 They monitored the number of agonistic interactions per day and characterized them as physical (bunting, pushing, fighting, etc.) or non-physical (threatening and avoidance posture and movement). The number of agonistic interactions was highest on the day of comingling and was reduced to approximately one-third within two days. On the days that the cows were mixed, approximately 80% of the agonistic interactions were physical, but two days later about 40% were physical and 60% SEPTEMBER, 2006 were postural. This suggests that the groups are reasonably well stabilized within two days. Moving Fresh Cows through the Pens of Modern Dairy Systems Larger scale dairies have developed grouping systems of cows so that specialized management practices or rations can be implemented with simplified and minimized labor. A suggested series of pens or management groupings before and after calving (with time periods relative to calving date) might include a far-off dry cow (-60 to –21 days), close-up dry cow freestalls (-21 to –3 days), maternity pen – bedded pack (-3 to 0 days), colostrum pen – bedded pack (0 to 3 days), fresh pen freestalls (3 to 14 days), sick pen (variable), and various lactation groupings.19 First lactation cows are typically commingled with mature cows for the first time in the faroff or close-up dry pens, but may be kept separate in some herds. Each pen move entails some stress and requires the establishment of a rank order, but all pen moves should not be considered equal. Presumably there is some memory of rank in smaller herds. Movement from pens in close proximity to each other is likely to be easier, particularly if pen fixtures such as stalls, headlocks, water source and milking parlor are similar. Social Turmoil Profile of a Pen As we began to collect data on the duration of stay in pens, we found conflicting results. In some pens, long stays appeared to be very desirable, but in others, long stays appeared to be detrimental. It was not until we created the concept of a “social turmoil profile” of a pen, shown in Figure 1, that the findings made sense. The profile is constructed conceptually by superimposing two Figure 1. Graphic depicting the social turmoil profile of agonistic interactions in a pen characterized by weekly entries of new cows, compared to a pen with daily entries. 37 days of high rates of agonistic interactions, mostly physical, upon intervals of cow introductions into a pen. For example, close-up dry cow pens are usually characterized by weekly introductions, i.e., Tuesday, of new cows. The social turmoil profile of such a pen with weekly cow introductions on Tuesdays would be high turmoil on Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by five days of relative calm. We would speculate that short stays of a few days would be adverse, because all or most of the time in the pen would be in social turmoil, only to be followed by another move into another pen. In contrast, calving pens populated by cows expected to deliver calves in the coming three days would be characterized by daily additions and departures of cows. The social turmoil profile of a calving pen would have continuous high rates of agonistic interactions, and we would speculate that longer stays should be avoided. Close-up Pens Controlled prospective studies of the effect of duration of stay in close-up pens have not been found, but there is widespread clinical opinion that short stays in the close-up pen has an adverse effect on fresh cow health. A nutritional study by Robinson et al showed a subsequent production advantage for first lactation heifers exposed to the pre-fresh ration for five or more days, compared to shorter exposures.17 Mature cows were not affected by days exposed to the ration. While the focus of this study was exposure to the ration, it is reasonable that the advantage of longer stays in a pen with intervals of several days to a week between cow additions would be particularly beneficial to younger, lower rank cows. Maternity Pens Our group has assembled data from several field investigations that suggests that extended stays in maternity pens has adverse consequences on subsequent cow health. In general, rates of culling in the first 60 days after calving; ketosis and displaced abomasum are doubled for cows that spend three or more days in the pen, compared to cows that calve within two days on the pack. There was no evidence of bias by herd managers moving problem cows into the maternity pen early. These observations are consistent with the idea that extended periods of time in pens with constant social turmoil would adversely affect fresh cow health. There are several approaches to managing maternity pens to minimize cow stress and turmoil. One approach is to move cows at two days or less prior to actual calving, and there are dairies where records show that uncommonly skilled herdsmen are achieving this for 95% of cows. The more common practice in larger herds 38 with round-the-clock labor is to move cows into a maternity pen only after the cow has started labor and/or the calf ’s feet are visible. Another approach would be to develop multiple-bedded pack areas managed as all-in, all-out groups. A group of close-up dry cows would enter as one group. As individual cows calve, a temporary movable fence would be used to separate them within the pen, allowing them to move for milking and be monitored as fresh cows. As more cows calve, the movable fence would be moved stepwise down the length of the pen. When all cows had calved and were judged ready, the entire group could be moved on to lactation pens. Sick Pens Sick pens are another group with daily entries of new cows and are in a state of constant social turmoil. Mastitis is usually the predominant reason that cows are in a sick pen. Sick pens have also been shown to be the most highly salmonella-contaminated spaces on dairies.16 Because of the concentration of both mastitis pathogens and salmonella, these pens present substantial risks to cows that are introduced to these groups. Many dairies move all fresh cows through their sick pen until the colostrum has cleared. While grouping all “nonsalable” milk producers may be convenient for labor, it is a high-risk practice that should be discontinued. It is preferable to keep the colostrum-producing cows separate or with other fresh cows, and separate their milk in buckets in the parlor. In the fresh cow group, metritis is typically the most common reason given for antibiotic treatment. With the advent of labeled antibiotic treatments for metritis such as Excenel RTUa (ceftiofur hydrochloride) that do not require milk withholding, cows with metritis can be left in the fresh cow pen, treated and not exposed to the concentration of pathogens in the sick pen nor the social turmoil of another pen move. Stocking Density Because of the cost of dairy housing, there has been substantial pressure to overstock pens and barns in our dairy industry.2 While overstocking of barns is also a risk factor for lameness and respiratory disease,4 this discussion will focus on feed intake, milk production and ketosis problems caused by overstocking. In most discussions of stocking density, the focus is on cows per stall. As we work with our data from both field investigations and research with transition cows, we are shifting our emphasis to inches of bunk space per cow. It is our opinion that bunk space per cow is vastly more important as a risk factor for transition cow ketosis than stall stocking density, and the current focus on stall stocking density frequently misses the THE AABP PROCEEDINGS—VOL. 39 most important underlying factor in fresh cow disease: decreased dry matter intake. As we consider the issues that determine crowding at a feed bunk, there appear to be three general factors. Figure 2 is a graph made from one of our video studies and illustrates the percentage of headlock spaces over the feed platform that are filled throughout the day in the high production pen of a commercial dairy. First, there is the allelomimetic tendency of cows to want to all eat at the same time. This is suggested by the three feeding peaks that occur in the day. Second, there appears to be a particular drive to eat after the delivery of fresh feed and after milking. This is illustrated where the peak number of occupied headlocks occurred after the delivery of fresh feed and the return from milking. The second and third-highest headlock fill periods occurred after the other two milkings, when the feed was not fresh. Third, the tendency to eat together is confounded by the physical width of the cows when bunk pressure is intense, a tendency to spread out while feeding, and the influence of dominant cows to clear out subordinate cows in competitive feeding situations. Note that the highest occupancy rate was approximately 80%, which translates to approximately 30 inches (76 cm) per cow. Based upon 24-hour video studies of 12 dairies, cows do not fill more than 80% of 24-inch (61 cm) headlocks except in the most unusual situations, such as manual forcing for palpation, etc. Mature Holstein cows are simply wider than the standard 24-inch headlocks of our industry. Also note that the peak feeding periods last a relatively short period of time, usually less than 90 minutes. Once the peak bunk pressure starts to subside, dominant cows can be seen forcing subordinate cows from the adjacent headlocks, repeatedly moving from space to space down the line, and sometimes taking up diagonal standing positions at the feedbunk. Prior studies have suggested a wide range of acceptable bunk space per cow.7 A widely referenced study by Menzi and Chase suggests that because there were few periods of full bunk use in a 24-hour period, bunk space of 14 to 16 inches (35.6 to 40.6 cm) per cow did not necessarily limit access to feed.14 As shown in Figure 2, there are many periods of time when there is open space for cows to access the bunk. However, these conclusions reflect an assumption that cows are time-sharing animals content to eat in shifts and that dry matter intake (DMI) is not reduced in these conditions. Field data collected by Buelow from two dry lot 0 .9 0 0 .8 0 0 .7 0 18:19 0 .5 0 8:20 feed delivery 16:02 all back 0 .6 0 23:03 all back push up 14:12 m ilking 0:07 0 .4 0 push up 9:44 7:46 all back push up 0 .3 0 4:47 push up 0 .2 0 17:44 push up 13:14 0 .1 0 push up 21:50 22:12 push up m ilking 16:47 push up 6:50 push up 0 .0 0 Time of day 6:20 m ilking Figure 2. Graph of the % of headlocks filled through a period of 25 hours in the high-production group pen on a commercial dairy. The headlocks were spaced at 24 inches on center. SEPTEMBER, 2006 39 New Mexico dairies in Figure 3 supports the hypothesis that average dry matter intake is reduced when all cows cannot eat at the same time.3 In two pens of dry cows, average daily dry matter intake was monitored by weighing feed delivery and refusals. As the number of cows per headlock increased, average dry matter intake decreased. It is likely that the maximal fill rate of wide pregnant cows would be less than 80%. As these were pens of dry cows with no activities outside of the pen, individual cows would have had many opportunities to find access to feed after the dominant cows had eaten. Two plausible explanations are that intake will be reduced if the allelomimetic behavior is suppressed or that the feed available to the secondary shifts of cows is less palatable. Data collected by us demonstrates that overstocking of mixed first lactation and mature cows during the pre-fresh period has an adverse effect on production after calving. Over the period of several months during which a prepartum feed additive was being evaluated, the pre-fresh pen stall-stocking density ranged from 62 to 138%. Stocking densities greater than 80% of stalls in the pre-fresh group in a two-row pen adversely affected milk production of the primiparous cows through the first 83 days of the subsequent lactation. Modeling of data demonstrated that for each 10% increase in prefresh stocking density above 80%, there was a 1.6 lb (0.72 kg) per day decrease in milk production in the first lactation cows. In this example, a stall-stocking density of 80% in a two-row pen yields approximately 30 inches of bunk space per cow. While individual cows were not ranked for dominance, the first lactation cows in mixed groups are generally lower in the dominance hierarchy. Even if lactation groups are separated, there will still be a subordinate group in each pen of cows, and we would expect the lowest-rank third of the pen to show reduced productivity when bunk space is limited. In a recent study, DeVries reported on the effect of increasing feed space on feeding behavior within 90 minutes of fresh feed delivery.5 Because individual cow intake cannot be monitored in group feeding situations, cows were fitted with devices that measure the number of downward motions to retrieve feed. Feeding “hits” were monitored when the cows were allowed 3.28 feet (1 meter) of bunk space per cow versus 1.64 feet (0.5 meters) per cow. Dominant cows tended to maintain the same feeding activity regardless of bunk space, but Pre-Fresh DMI and Pen Crowding (Two New Mexico dairies) 36 Dry matter intake, lb/day 34 32 30 28 26 24 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 10 5 11 0 1 15 Cows in pen / headlocks, % Dairy 1 Linear (Dairy 1) Dairy 2 Linear (Dairy 2) Figure 3. Group average dry matter intake of dry cows and stocking density of headlocks on 24-inch centers. Unpublished data from Kenn Buelow. 40 THE AABP PROCEEDINGS—VOL. 39 subordinate cows reduced feeding activity when bunk space was reduced. Figure 4 is a scatter plot that presents the firsttest 305-day projected milk plotted against days since freshening for individual cows in a Wisconsin dairy herd.13 This particular dairy had acted on concerns about overstocked pens both before and after calving, and reduced both pens to an 85% stall-stocking rate. The highest first-test projections did not change, but the number of projected milk values below 20,000 lb (9,091 kg) disappeared. Clinicians who work with fresh cow production data know that 10,000 to 15,000 lb (4,545 to 6,818 kg) first test projected milk values reflect sick cows. In this example, reduction in stocking density was rewarded with tremendous reductions in fresh pen disease. Our current recommendations to optimize fresh cow health include the provision of 30 inches of bunk space per cow in the close-up and fresh cow pens. Counting the number of stalls or headlocks does not adequately explain the available bunk space per cow. Obviously, fully stocked three-row pens of freestalls reduce the bunk space per cow substantially compared to two-row pens. However, pen stocking rate, number and width of crossover alleys and other factors make the actual bunk space per cow measurements highly variable. Perhaps the primary clinical recommendation when evaluating ketosis problem herds is to stop counting stalls and start counting cows and measuring inches of bunk space. A Perspective on Fixed Pens, Variable Group Sizes, and Overhead Cost Most of the problems related to pen moves and overstocking are driven by the goals of minimizing labor and building costs. Labor and overhead costs are simple to calculate. However, the impact on cow health and productivity is difficult to measure and evaluate. The prior discussions are offered to provide information for the disease cost side of the equation. One of the ongoing problems in modern confinement dairies is the flow of irregular numbers of cows through special needs pens of fixed size. Dairy housing is usually designed to fit some “normal” expectations of numbers of cows in each management group. However, events occur that result in ebbs and flows in the numbers of fresh cows. Because the special needs pens for close-up cows, maternity pens, fresh pens and sick pens are usually designed for a very small proportion of the herd, these pens are easily overwhelmed by surges in numbers of calvings. Our observations of management approaches to the ebb and flow of fresh cows show four general practices. Some simply move the cows on an established schedule, usually dictated by computerized move schedules, and allow overstocking to occur. Some managers reduce the Figure 4. Scatterplot of first-test projected milk values and days since freshening for cows in a herd that constructed additional barn space approximately 110 days previously. The additional barn space allowed for a reduction of stall-stocking density in the pre-fresh pens from 120% down to 85%, and a reduction in the fresh cow pens from 100% to 85%. Unpublished data from Paul Meagher. SEPTEMBER, 2006 41 duration of stay in the close-up pen or fresh cow monitoring pen, choosing to avoid overstocking and accepting other negative consequences. Some managers develop temporary and additional groupings, such as an extra close-up group. This approach can work satisfactorily if the extra pen is managed as a separate and equal group, but is not successful if all cows are moved through the extra pen sequentially. Finally, some managers have facilities that allow them to expand the size of a particular pen, allowing them to maintain stocking density on the critical transition cow pens and transfer the pressure to other, perhaps less vulnerable, groups. Perhaps the most successful approach is to build special needs pens to accommodate the extremes, rather than the average. Using costs offered by Smith, doubling the typical size of all special needs pens in a new dairy construction increased the annual total dairy facility cost by approximately $60 per cow, per year.19 It is not difficult to calculate a combination of reduced death rate, early lactation culling, treatments and increased production to yield $60 per cow per year. As we accumulate data on disease and production costs related to compromised transition cow housing, we expect that sizing the special needs pens to handle the surges will become the sensible decision for both economics and welfare. References 1. Barrows EM: Animal Behavior Desk Reference, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2001. 2. Bewley J, Palmer RW, Jackson-Smith DB: Comparison of free-stall barns used by modernized Wisconsin dairies. J Dairy Sci 84:528-541, 2001. 3. Buelow, Kenn: Personal communication, June, 1996. 4. Cook NB, Nordlund KV: Behavioral needs of the transition cow and considerations for special needs facility design. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 20:495-520, 2004. 42 5. DeVries TJ, von Keyserlingk MAG, Weary DM: Effect of feeding space on the inter-cow distance, aggression, and feeding behavior of free-stall housed lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 87:1432-1438, 2004. 6. Dickson DP, Barr GR, Johnson LP, Wieckert DA: Social dominance and temperament of Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci 53:904, 1970. 7. Grant RJ, Albright JL: Effect of animal grouping on feeding behavior and intake of dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci 84(E. Suppl.):E156-E163, 2001. 8. Holtenius P, Holtenius K: New aspects of ketone bodies in energy metabolism of dairy cows: a review. J Am Vet Med Assoc 43:579-587, 1996. 9. Hook, SL, Donaldson SL, Albright JL: A study of social dominance behavior in young cattle. Amer Zool 5:714, 1965. 10. Kondo S, Hurnik JF: Stabilization of social hierarchy in dairy cows. Appl Anim Behav Sci 27(2):287-297, 1990. 11. Konggard SP, Krohn CC: Performance of first-calf heifers in two different grouping systems. Rep Nat Inst Anim Sci Copenhagen, Denmark. 1978. 12. Lamb RC: Relationship between cow behavior patterns and management systems to reduce stress. J Dairy Sci 59(9):1630-1636, 1976. 13. Meagher P: Personal communication, May 2006. 14. Menzi W, Chase LE: Feeding behavior of cows housed in freestall barns, in: Dairy Systems for the 21st Century. Amer Soc Agric Engineers, St Joseph, Michigan, 1994, pp 829-831. 15. Miller K, Wood-Gush DGM: Some effects of housing on the social behavior of dairy cows. Anim Prod 53:271-278, 1991. 16. Peek SF, Hartmann FA, Thomas CB, Nordlund KV: Isolation of Salmonella spp from the environment of dairies without any history of clinical salmonellosis. J Am Vet Med Assoc 225:574-577, 2004. 17. Robinson PH, Moorby JM, Arana M, Hinders R, Graham T, Castelanelli L, Barney N: Influence of close-up dry period protein supplementation on productive and reproductive performance of Holstein cows in their subsequent lactation. J Dairy Sci 84(10):2273-2283, 2001. 18. Schein MW, Fohrman MH: Social dominance relationships in a herd of dairy cattle. Br J Anim Behav 3:45-50, 1955. 19. Smith JF, Harner III JP, Brouk MJ: Special needs facilities. Recommendations for housing pregnant, lactating and sick cows. Kansas State University Agricultural Experimental Station and Cooperative Service, EP100. Manhattan, KS, 2001. THE AABP PROCEEDINGS—VOL. 39 HIGH COW REPORT December 2007 MILK Arizona Owner *Stotz Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy 2 *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy, LLC. *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy Barn# 18,764 4,814 18,213 17,666 8,455 20,452 21,073 5,162 18,468 18,371 Age 05-02 06-01 05-06 06-00 04-04 04-07 04-01 05-02 05-04 05-05 Milk 38,980 37,080 36,620 35,960 35,450 35,300 35,290 35,270 35,210 35,200 *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Shamrock Farms *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy, LLC. 8,455 18,764 20,754 22,060 12,651 21,972 20,059 19,902 20,752 4,581 04-04 05-02 04-04 03-03 04-03 03-03 05-00 05-06 04-03 06-09 1,465 1,461 1,443 1,435 1,429 1,418 1,376 1,355 1,355 1,351 *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy, LLC. *Stotz Dairy *Stotz Dairy *Goldman Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy, LlLC. *Stotz Dairy *Withrow Dairy 18,764 18,213 8,455 5,162 21,972 21,073 9,993 5,204 18,371 6,151 05-02 05-06 04-04 05-02 03-03 04-01 04-08 05-00 05-05 06-01 1,086 1,079 1,072 1,046 1,037 1,035 1,032 1,029 1,020 1,015 New Mexico Owner S.A.S. Dairy *Wayne Palla Dairy *Wayne Palla Dairy *Butterfield Dairy *Providence Dairy Caballo Dairy *Providence Dairy *Providence Dairy Pareo Dairy Caballo Dairy Barn # 8,655 2,559 ----1,492 697 551 905 300 166 9,524 Age 3-11 6-00 4-04 6-06 6-00 3-09 6-00 6-06 5-11 4-05 Milk 37,362 37,070 37,050 36,720 36,520 36,410 36,400 36,400 35,723 35,590 *Goff Dairy #2 *Providence Dairy *Providence Dairy *Goff Dairy #2 *Providence Dairy *Vaz Dairy *Wayne Palla Dairy *Providence Dairy *Providence Dairy Stark Everett Dairy 3,684 6,015 5,898 6,292 5,388 --------6,636 9,052 4,086 4-03 4-11 5-03 3-04 6-02 4-00 4-04 4-06 7-01 5-06 1,923 1,485 1,384 1,374 1,371 1,370 1,370 1,349 1,332 1,330 ----551 3,684 8,655 2,559 9,524 300 5,978 5,100 5,207 4-04 3-09 4-03 3-11 6-00 4-05 6-06 5-06 4-03 8-01 1,155 1,138 1,130 1,128 1,116 1,113 1,100 1,071 1,060 1,060 FAT PROTEIN *all or part of lactation is 3X or 4X milking *Wayne Palla Dairy Caballo Dairy *Goff Dairy #2 S.A.S. Dairy *Wayne Palla Dairy Caballo Dairy *Providence Dairy *Butterfield Dairy *Goff Dairy #2 S.A.S. Dairy ARIZONA - TOP 50% FOR F.C.M.b DECEMBER 2007 OWNERS NAME *Stotz Dairy West *Red River Dairy *Danzeisen Dairy, Inc. *Stotz Dairy East *Mike Pylman *Goldman Dairy *Zimmerman Dairy *Arizona Dairy Company *Butler Dairy *Parker Dairy Number of Cows 2,203 9,734 1,459 1,335 6,745 2,329 1,299 5,576 622 4,573 MILK 28,405 26,789 25,426 24,252 23,989 24,472 23,740 23,422 23,733 22,455 FAT 1,038 897 930 881 866 846 851 844 833 851 3.5 FCM 29,108 26,124 26,070 24,768 24,411 24,295 24,060 23,809 23,765 23,504 DIM 240 3.5 FCM 28,169 27,103 26,304 26,105 25,269 24,993 24,923 24,478 24,464 24,155 23,838 23,817 22,872 22,150 CI 13.00 13.30 13.40 13.60 13.63 13.92 13.70 12.98 13.82 13.50 14.90 14.00 14.22 14.02 203 213 241 208 202 213 NEW MEXICO - TOP 50% FOR F.C.M.b DECEMBER 2007 OWNERS NAME *SAS MCatharn Pareo *Pareo 2 *Butterfield *Do-Rene *Red Roof *Hide Away *Milagro *Providence *Vaz Vaz 2 Tee Vee Stark Everett Number of Cows 1,945 1,068 3,525 1,633 2,130 2,301 1,611 2,859 3,481 3,056 1,972 1,969 944 3,267 MILK 28,730 27,429 26,518 25,495 25,549 24,687 25,686 24,958 23,801 23,835 22,991 22,942 22,032 21,525 FAT 971 940 915 930 877 883 852 844 874 854 857 857 823 792 * all or part of lactation is 3X or 4X milking b average milk and fat figure may be different from monthly herd summary; figures used are last day/month ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO HERD IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY FOR OFFICIAL HERDS TESTED DECEMBER 2007 ARIZONA 1. Number of Herds NEW MEXICO 32 280 2. Total Cows in Herd 60,538 60,750 3. Average Herd Size 1,892 2170. 87 87 5. Average Days in Milk 197 197 6. Average Milk – All Cows Per Day 59.3 61.64 3.8 3.66 52,171 19,473 68.8 71.89 85 74 11. Average Days Open 163 145 12. Average Calving Interval 14.2 14.04 86 81 14. Percent Somatic Cell – Medium 9 15 15. Percent Somatic Cell – High 5 4 16. Average Previous Days Dry 63 63 17. Percent Cows Leaving Herd 32 32 4. Percent in Milk 7. Average Percent Fat – All Cows 8. Total Cows in Milk 9. Average Daily Milk for Milking Cows 10. Average Days in Milk 1st Breeding 13. Percent Somatic Cell – Low STATE AVERAGES Milk 21,916 22,443 Percent butterfat 3.72 3.62 Percent protein 3.05 3.08 Pounds butterfat 806 857 Pounds protein 668 677 2008 Dairy Day Golf Tournament Hole Sponsorship Sponsorship is greatly appreciated and will be $200 per hole. Sponsorship includes: Sign with your company name (If received by March 14th, 2008) If you would like to give golf balls, towels, pencils, etc., contact Julie Stefanic at 520-626-9382 or - - - - - - - - - - - - Return - - - by- March - - - 14, - -2008 --------------- y air D Golf The entire amount of hole sponsorship is considered a tax-deductible donation. ay Please make check for $200.00 payable to: UA Foundation Dairy Extension Program Coordinator Dept. Animal Sciences PO Box 210038 ® Tucson, AZ 85721-0038 D Organization________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP_______________________________________________ Contact Person_______________________________________________ Phone_____________________Fax______________________________ Email____________________________________________________ Article to give away_____________________________________________ D ai ay Dairy Day Golf Tournament Registration ry D Golf Friday, April 4, 2008 Club West Golf Club 16400 S. 14th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85045 Entry Fee: Shotgun Start: Contact Person: ® $90.00 per person 1:00 p.m. Julie Stefanic PO Box 210038 - Dept of Animal Sciences Tucson, AZ 85721 (520) 626-9382 ~ ----------------------------------Registration form. Please detach and return to address above. Individual Team Name(s)______________________________________________________ Organization________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP_______________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________________ Team Members: Number of players _________ ___________________________ x $90.00 ___________________________ Total amount due $__________ ___________________________ Please make check payable to UA Foundation Individuals will be assigned to a team. Mulligans will be available the day of the tournament. Neither the tournament fee nor mulligans are considered a tax-deductible donation. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TUCSON, ARIZONA PERMIT NO. 190 Department of Animal Sciences PO Box 210038 Tucson, AZ 85721-0038 Phone: 520-626-9382 Fax: 520-621-9435 Email: Upcoming Event Arizona Dairy Day - Thursday, April 3, 2008 Caballero Dairy Farms - Eloy, Arizona Arizona Dairy Day Golf - Friday, April 4, 2008 Club West Golf Club - Phoenix, Arizona