SOATEST  Placement Test   Math Doctoral Preliminary Test  

Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences
Test Scores
SOATEST Placement Test Math Doctoral Preliminary Test These instructions are intended for those who have been given permission to enter test scores such as Chemistry and Math Placement Tests, and Math Doctoral Prelims test scores. Training is required prior to gaining access to SOATEST. Go to…SOATEST 1) Enter in Student’s R#, or do Name Search [Next Block] 2) All test scores on the student’s record will be displayed. (SAT, ACT, GRE, etc) a. Click in the next available blank line to insert Chemistry Placement test score. i. If needed, use the Arrow Down on your keyboard to open up a new line, or ii. Record/Insert to enter in a new line (fastest way – once SAVED, the test scores are listed in Date order) 3) Enter in Chemistry Placement scores a. Test Code field: Enter CHPL (enter in the appropriate code) b. Test Score Field: Enter appropriate test score range c. Test Date: Enter date test was taken, or type in a “T” for today’s date d. Source field: Enter WEB (Web Placement Test) e. [Save] F10, or click on Save icon CHEM Placement Code: i. CHPL: Chemistry Placement Score Range 000 to 100 (requires 3 digits) MATH Placement Codes: i.
MTH1: Math Placement Score 1 Range 00 to 11 (requires two digits) MTH2: Math Placement Score 2 Range 00 to 23 (requires two digits) MTH3: Math Placement Score 3 Range 0 to 8 MTH4: Math Placement Score 4 Range 0 to 8 MTH5: Math Placement Score 5 Range 0 to 7 vi.
MTH6: Math Placement Code Range 1 to 7 Math Doctoral Preliminary Test Score: i.
MTHP – Math Doctorial Prelim o Has only two codes of NO or OK **It is critical that each person enters ONLY the test scores they have been given responsibility for. SOATEST: Placement Test Scores & MATH Doctoral Prelims 1 5.23.2011 Example of SOATEST: Tips: How to clear a line? 1)
Test Score has been saved: a. Click on the Record/Remove or Icon to remove an entry that HAS been saved. 2)
Test Score has not been saved: a. Click on the Record/Clear to remove an entry that has NOT been saved. Are all lines filled up? •
Click on the Record/Insert drop‐down menu, or use the arrow‐down key on your keyboard. How to enter in the Test Date field? 1) A couple of ways to manually enter in a Test Date. a. Type in Date by using the date format of DD‐MON‐YYY b. Double Click on the Test Date Calendar icon to select date 2) To enter today’s date. a. Enter in a “T” in the Test Date field and tab‐‐‐this will enter in today’s date automatically. Open up SOATEST by itself • If you have a form open that is in query mode, and then open up SOATEST, SOATEST will automatically be in Query [Q] mode. Scores display in Date sequence order SOATEST: Placement Test Scores & MATH Doctoral Prelims 2 5.23.2011 