Admissions   ‐T G

Banner Student
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
Student Information System
Admissions Banner 7.4 Admissions General Instructions ‐Training Guide‐ Version III ‐2008 1
Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 8/27/2008
Banner Student
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
Student Information System
Appropriate Use and Security of Confidential and Sensitive Information Appropriate Use and Security of Confidential and Sensitive Information Due to the integration of Student, Human Resources, and Finance modules in Banner, it is imperative that you understand the importance of records security in regard to the access you may have in Banner. You may be granted access to information beyond what you need to perform your assigned office duties, but you should adhere to only the areas you are responsible for. Your access into Ban‐
ner has been granted based on job duties and it is your responsibility to ensure the information you have access to is used appropriately. Because you have access to confidential information on currently enrolled and former students, it is important that you comply with and are aware of the FERPA Act of 1974 (Family Education Rights Privacy Act). All information, unless you have been given written consent from the student, should be used for legitimate educational purposes only. It is necessary that All University employees become familiar with the following policies. Always as a precaution, below are some good standards you should always follow. • Do not share your password(s) or store them in an unsecured manner. • Do not leave your workstation unattended; it is your responsibility to keep any activity attached to your login id secured. • Do not share any confidential and sensitive information with anyone, including colleagues, unless there it is to be used for business purposes. • Do not leave any documentation that has any identifiable information pertaining to a student on your workstation without you being there to secure and protect it. • ALWAYS, securely dispose of all documents, reports, screen prints, handouts that contain confi‐
dential and sensitive information by destroying or shredding up those documents. Contact the Office of the Registrar or refer to the Office of the Registrar’s WEB site to find out more information pertaining to FERPA. 2
Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 8/27/2008
Banner Student
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
Student Information System
Admission Processes Banner TTU/TTUHSC Admissions Process
Before an application can be created, the applicant must exist in SPAIDEN. All applicants must be entered on SPAIDEN prior to being entered in any of the Banner Admissions Forms. Once an applicant has been entered, a Tech ID will be generated that is unique to that person. All information pertaining to that person will be entered using that Tech ID. This Tech ID is the person’s TTU and TTUHSC identi‐
fier and must be protected as the Social Security number is. Once a person has been created in SPAIDEN, additional information can be entered into the Banner Admissions Forms, SAAADMS, SOATEST, SOAPCOL, SOAHSCH, etc. Banner Forms associated in processing admissions: SPAIDEN SAAADMS SOATEST SOAHSCH SOAPCOL SAADCRV SOAPCOQ Main form used to capture biographical/demographic information Main form used to create and maintain admissions applications Used to enter and update test score information Used to enter and update High School information including the class rank Used to enter and update College information Used to enter and update admission decision codes. Summary of all colleges on the student’s record SAASUMI Summary of all applications on record for the applicant. SAAACKL Summary of student’s applications and application checklist requirements 3
Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 8/27/2008
Admissions SPAIDEN ‐ used to maintain addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, emergency Tips
contact information, and biographical information SPAIDEN
Person Information Click on Arrows to view additional addresses •
Areas of SPAIDEN Current Identification Tab Alternate Identification Tab Address Tab Telephone Tab Biographical Tab Email Tab TechSIS Equivalents SPAIDEN ↔ 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 010, 011, 015, 020, 103 4 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions SAAADMS ‐ used to house all data pertaining to the prospective student's admittance application SAAADMS
SAAADMS ‐ Admissions Application (SAAADMS on next three pages) Key Block Area ⇒ Type in Tech ID or do Name Search (if needed) ⇒ Term: Not Required ‐ unless you need to search for a specific Application 200951 Spring 2009 HSC 200957 Spring 2009 TTU 200977 Summer 2009 TTU 200953 Spring 2009 Med 200955 Spring 2009 PHM 201027 Fall 2009 TTU ⇒ [Next Block] Bordering Residency Codes On Attributes Tab BDRC ‐ Bordering County BDRS ‐ Bordering State View Current Curricula ⇒ Key Block Area ⇒ Check View Current/
Active Curricula button to view only current programs Application Tab ⇒ Admissions Type ∗ ST Standard ⇒ Student Type ∗ N New First Time ∗ R Former Tech Admission ∗ S Second Degree ∗ T Transfer ∗ D Non Degree Seeking Student ⇒ Residence Code ∗ R Resident ∗ N Non Resident ∗ F Foreign ∗ L Resident Law School ∗ M Non Resident Law School ⇒ Site ∗ TLB Lubbock TTU ∗ HLB Lubbock HSC Curriculum Tab ⇒ Catalog Year ⇒ Program • Program Examples ∗
MD‐MD‐MED Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Disclaimer All valid values are not listed in instructions i.e There are more Site Codes than listed in the instructions TechSIS Equivalents SAAADMS ↔ 2U6, 2G6, 2A6, 2B6, 2M6, 2N6, 2P6, 206, 207 5 8/27/2008 Admissions SAAADMS ‐ Continued SAAADMS
Scroll Bar Always watch for additional applications SAAADMS Application Decision Shows if the student’s requirements are complete and has been admitted or not admitted, etc Scroll Bar Always watch for Additional Applications Application Tab Details 1 Term: ⇒ Term student is applying for 2 Student Type: ⇒ New First Time, Transfer, Former Tech, Second Degree, etc. 3 Application Status: ⇒ Application is Complete, Incomplete, Decision Made, Withdrew, etc 4 Curriculum: ⇒ Program student is applying for Curriculum Information Tab Student’s Program Checklist Tab Admissions Requirements Notations when documents or requirements have been completed and met 6 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions SAAADMS ‐ Continued SAAADMS
Contacts, Cohorts, Attributes Tab Attributes Block ( SAAADMS) Attributes are needed to enter additional information for a prospective student. A TTU student who is attending either a 1st or 2nd summer term, Special Admits, HSC Classifications, and Bordering State & County ⇒ Summer Term (TTU Only) ∗
If a student is applying for 1st Summer, 2nd Summer, an attribute is added on the Attribute Tab ⇒ Special Admit ∗ If a student is applying for a Second Degree, or Special Undergraduate, an attribute is added on the Attribute Tab. ⇒ HSC Classification ∗ If a student is applying to HSC, an appropriate attribute is added in order to set the correct classification on the Attribute Tab ⇒ Bordering State or County Notation ∗ If a student is located in either New Mexico or Oklahoma, a Bordering State or Bordering County may be on the students record in the Attribute Tab 1SU 2SU BDRC BDRS Summer Term 1st Summer Term 2nd Summer Term Bordering County & State Bordering County Bordering State SPU SD GBGM GAGD GAGM UNJR Y1 Special Admit Special/Non Degree UG Second Degree UG HSC Classification Biomedical Sciences Master Graduate Allied Health Doctoral Graduate Nursing Masters Nursing Junior First Year Disclaimer All valid values are not listed in instructions i.e There could be more Abbreviations than listed in the instructions Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 7 8/27/2008 Admissions SOAHSCH ‐ All High School information pertaining to the student SOAPCOL ‐ All prior College information pertaining to the student Tips
TechSIS Equivalents SOAHSCH ↔ 209 SOAHSCH
High School Information
SOAHSCH Key Block Area ⇒
Type in Student’s Tech ID or do Name Search ⇒
[Next Block]
High School Details High School Code Graduation Date Date Transcript was Received Class Rank and Size Admissions Request ⇒
HST1 Code entered for checklist requirements Form includes High School Address SOAPCOL
College Information
SOAPCOL ‐ All prior College Information pertaining to the student TechSIS Equivalents SOAPCOL ↔ 211, 212 •
Prior College Details Prior College Code Date Transcript was Received Date Transcript was Reviewed Admissions Request ⇒ CLT1 Code required for checklist requirements Degree Details (2nd Block) •
Degree Transfer Hours GPA Form includes College Address 8 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions SOATEST ‐ shows every test score received on a student ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, AP Credit, CTAKS, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, PCAT, TAAS, TOEFL, MCAT or TTU Placement Tests Test scores are entered into SOATEST either through auto load or hand entered SOATEST
Test Score Information
SOATEST Key Block Area ⇒
Type in Student’s Tech ID or do Name Search ⇒
[Next Block]
Test Score Details 1 2 3 4 5 Test Code Test Scores Date Test was taken Source ‐ how TTU/TTUHSC received test score Range of Test Score Percentiles Click on Percentiles Tab to view Percentile information Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC TechSIS Equivalents SOATEST ↔ 221, 210 9 8/27/2008 Admissions SAADCRV ‐ Used to view Application Decision Admitted, Denied, Reviewed, etc (see next page for codes) Tips
Decision Codes Listed on next two pages. 1. Decision Codes 2. Plus to Banner Decision Codes TechSIS Equivalents SAADCRV ↔ 206 SAADCRV
Decision Processing
SAADCRV Key Block Area ⇒
Type in Student’s Tech ID or do Name Search ⇒
[Next Block]
Two ways to get to SAADCRV 1. Type in SAADCRV in “Go To” field 2. On SAAADMS Form • Next Block into Students Records • Application Tab • Options ( drop‐down menu) • Highlight & Click ⇒ Assign Decisions to Application (SAAADCRV) Application Decision Details 1 Term student is applying for 2 Decision Code ‐ admitted, denied, etc 3 Status ‐ Application is Incomplete, Complete, Decision Made, Withdrew 4 Student’s Curricula (Program) 5 Decision Code with date decision was made and the user who admitted student Other information on SAADCRV • Student Type ‐ High School, Transfer, Former TTU, etc • Residency Code • High School Review Tab • Prior College and Degree Review Tab • Test Score Review Tab 10 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions Admissions Decision Codes FA FC FI FR FS GF GS ND PE RF RV RG RP RS RT SA SD SS TA TS WA WB UG Freshman Assured Admit Freshman Comm Review Admit Freshman Ind Review Adm Freshman Review Admit Freshman Scholarship Admit Gateway Fall Program Gateway Summer Program Non Degree Pending Review Process Review ‐ Freshman Former Tech Good Standing Former Tech Probation Former Tech 1st Suspension Former Tech with TTU Degree Senior Academy Second Degree Former Tech Addt’l Suspension Transfer Admit Transfer Scholarship Admit Withdrawn after Acceptance Withdrawn before Decision Disclaimer All valid values are not listed in instructions i.e There could be more Decision Codes than listed in the instructions Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC AD RJ DD CD NF RL WA WB GR Student Admitted Denied Admission Deferred to Department Accepted Conditional Need Financial Guarantee Rejected for low Withdrawn after Acceptance Withdrawn before Decision 3A 3B 3C 3D RJ WA WB WP Law Law Admitted Resident Law Admitted Non Resident Law Admitted with Scholarship Law Summer Admit Denied Admission Withdrawn after Acceptance Withdrawn before Decision Withdrew after Pay Deposit AD WA WB WF RJ Tips
HSC HSC will use the Merlin System Student Admitted Withdrawn after Acceptance Withdrawn before Decision Withdrew after Interview Denied Admission 11 8/27/2008 Admissions Tips
SAADCRV Decision Codes
TechSIS to Banner
Banner Form Name
Freshman Assured Admit
Freshman Comm Review Admit
Freshman Ind Review Adm
P1 FR Freshman Review Admit
HC FS Freshman Scholarship Admit
P4, PB GF Gateway Fall Program
GWA GS Gateway Summer Program
GWS ND Non Degree
ND PE Pending
PE RG Former Tech Good Standing
FG RJ Denied Admission RJ RP Former Tech Probation
FP RS Former Tech 1st Suspension
FS, FT TR Former Tech with TTU Degree
FD, RT SA Senior Academy
SA SD Second Degree
TD SS Former Tech Addit’l Suspension
SS TA Transfer Admit
T2, T4, T5, TP, 2P, 4P, SU, SO TS Transfer Scholarship Admit
P6 12 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions SAASUMI ‐ excellent form to look at all applications on a student’s record. Query Only Form SAASUMI
SAASUMI Key Block Area ⇒
Type in Student’s Tech ID or do Name Search ⇒
[Next Block]
Admissions Application Summary
TechSIS Equivalents SAASUMI ↔ 218 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 13 8/27/2008 Admissions SOAPCOQ ‐ used to look up all colleges attended on a student’s record Query Only Form Tips
Prior College Summary
SOAPCOQ Key Block Area ⇒
Type in Tech ID or do Name Search ⇒
[Next Block}] TechSIS Equivalents SOAPCOQ ↔ 211, 144 14 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions SAAACKL ‐ excellent form to look at a summary of all applications on a student’s re‐
cord and the checklist items SAAACKL
Admissions Application/Checklist Summary
SAAACKL Key Block Area ⇒
Enter in Tech ID ⇒
Enter Term (leave blank to bring up all applications) ⇒
[Next Block] Lists all Applications and Checklist Items on the student’s record TechSIS Equivalents SAAACKL ↔ 2U*, 206, 207 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 15 8/27/2008 Admissions ●
Summary of Admissions Forms Tips
Person Information ⇒
SPAIDEN (View Student’s address, phone number, birth date, etc) Admissions Forms ⇒
SAAADMS (View Application) SAAADMS (Application Fee) SAAADMS (View Checklist) SOAHSCH (High School) SOAPCOL (College) SOATEST (Test Scores) SAASUMI (All Applications Summary) SAAACKL (All Applications and Checklist Summary) SOAPCOQ (All Colleges Summary) Admit Student ⇒
SAADCRV (Admissions Decision) ●
Banner Form Name
Admissions Application
High School Information
2U6, 2G6, 2L6, 2N6, 2A6, 2B6, 2M6, 2P6, 2L6, 206, 207
Prior College
211, 212
Test Score Information
221, 210
Admissions Decision
Admissions Application Summary
2U*, 206, 207 SOAPCOQ
Admissions Application/Checklist Summary Prior College Summary
General Person Identification
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 20, 103
211, 144
16 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC Admissions Banner Terms
Banner Terms
200957 200977 201027 200951 Spring 2009 HSC 200953 Spring 2009 Med 200955 Spring 2009 PHM 200971 Summer 2009 HSC 200973 Summer 2009 Med 200975 Summer 2009 PHM 200981 1st Summer 09 HSC 200991 2nd Summer 09 HSC 201021 Fall 2009 HSC 201023 Fall 2009 Med 201025 Fall 2009 PHM 201026 Fall 2009 Med‐El Paso Spring 2009 Summer 09 Fall 2009 LAW
200958 200978 201028 Tips
Spring 09 Summer 09 Fall 2009 Need Help TTU Dale Ganus Kathy Smith HSC Dave Carter Margret Duran Debbie Ivey Banner Web Sites
Banner Student Web Site
**First time you sign in:
You will be prompted to download ActiveX
*Note: This web site URL could change prior to Go-Live
Need to Reset Your Banner Password
Banner Project Site
Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 17 8/27/2008 Admissions Tips
Index Security of Confidential Information…………………………………. Admissions Process Introduction………………………………………. SPAIDEN……………………………………………………………………………. SAAADMS………………………………………………………………………….. Contacts, Cohorts, and Attribute Tab SOAHSCH…………………………………………………………………………... SOAPCOL……………………………………………………………………………. SOATEST……………………………………………………………………………. SAADCRV…………………………………………………………………………… Admissions Decision Codes………………………………………………… Admissions Decision Codes TechSIS to Banner Comparison.. SAASUMI…………………………………………………………………………….. SOAPCOQ…………………………………………………………………………… SAAACKL…………………………………………………………………………….. Summary of Admissions Forms………………………………………….. TechSIS to Banner Forms Comparison……………………………….. Banner Terms…………………………………………………………………….. Banner WEB Sites……………………………………………………………….. Need Help………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2 3 4 5‐7 7 8 8 9 10‐12 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 8/27/2008 Admissions ‐ TTU/TTUHSC 