Administrative Council Meeting Minutes April 20, 2009

Administrative Council Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2009
Attendees: John Burns, Norman Hopper, Steve Fraze, Philip Gipson, Kevin Pond, Jane
Piercy, Tom Thompson, Eduardo Segarra, Alon Kvashny, Cindy Aker, Norman Martin
1. Approval of April 6, 2009 Minutes
Minutes of the April 6, 2009 meeting were approved.
2. Progress on Appointing New Doctoral Fellowships
Department chairs reported on the progress of appointing new doctoral fellowships.
The process is on schedule.
3. Report on Strategic Faculty Hires
Department chairs reported the discussions with departmental faculty have been
very beneficial. Dr. Burns reported the information was sent to the President
approximately three weeks ago. Dr. Burns reported that he has not received a
response from the Provost.
4. Progress on Needed Renovations
Dr. Burns reported that the university may receive as much as a five percent budget
increase. Stimulus funds may become available to CASNR for facility renovations.
Dr. Burns has requested information from the departments for needed renovations.
5. Report on Accident at the TTU Equestrian Center – Dr. Kevin Pond
Dr. Pond gave a report of the accident. Authorities found there was no negligence
involved. A moratorium has been taken from the program for a period of time.
6. Report on Development Activities – Jane Piercy
Jane reported that the potential for establishing new scholarships in CASNR is very
good. A new scholarship in Natural Resources Management has been started in
honor of Dr. Preston. A new scholarship for the Masked Rider has been started by a
former Masked Rider. Dr. Mark Miller has started a teaching endowment for a
faculty position from a donation of the sale of a patent. Funds will also be solicited
from former students. Dr. Mindy Brashears has started a similar endowment for
food safety.
Jane reported that sealed bids will be opened by late summer for the sale of the
Thompson Ranch.
Jane reported that the Development Office received a letter from the widow of a
former CASNR alumnus and a donation for the 50th Class Reunion luncheon.
7. CASNR National Championships – Norman Martin
Norman distributed information on CASNR National Championship Teams. As a
result of his research, he learned that the number of national championship teams
was much larger than originally recorded. As of this date the total is 76. Norman
will research the cost of a poster display that can be interchangeable.
8. Award Nominations Reminder
A reminder of the timeline for the award nominations was noted.
a. Electronic copies of the award nominations due on May 18th.
The information includes the nominees’ brief vita, five year summary of teaching
evaluations, and the support document (one page).
b. Information placed on the CASNR website by June 5th.
c. Ballots due by June 19th.
d. Review nominations at a special meeting on June 29th.
9. Other
Dr. Kvashny reported that he and Dr. Burns travelled to Austin to attend the ASLA
Texas Chapter Annual Meeting. It was well attended. Bob Anderson, former CASNR
Advisory Board member, received three awards.
Dr. Akers reported the second student orientation session will take place today for
transfer students. The university has concerns about the transfer numbers since
they have decreased. Dr. Akers reported that university dorms are full. Dr. Akers
also reported that the FIG (Freshman Interest Group) is full.
Dr. Burns reported that 12 rooms have been reserved at the Whittington Center for
the Administrative Council Retreat. The cost of each cabin will be $52 per night.
Dr. Hopper reported that he and Dr. Elam will be meeting to discuss the upcoming
faculty retreat.
Dr. Thompson reported that the department has filled their staff vacancies.
Dr. Fraze reported the State FFA contests held this past weekend held record
numbers. He also reported that areas in the Ag Ed auditorium were flooded due to
the recent rains. It was noted that some of the campus emergency alert notifications
were not received until after the storm warnings diminished. Dr. Fraze announced
that he, along with faculty in the department, will be attending the AAAE Western
Region Research Conference in Lake Tahoe, NV this week.
Dr. Segarra expressed concerns regarding the reconciliation of research accounts.
Procurement card expenses have not been reconciled from as far back as November
and December. This has caused major problems. Dr. Burns will check on a contact
to express concerns.
Dr. Pond announced that Ryan Rathmann has been interviewed by TAMU recently.
Also, the Ranch Horse Team will be in competition the weekend of April 24th. There
will be a banquet on Sunday. Please let him know if you would like to attend.
Norman Martin reported that a new slideshow is in place for FBRI on the CASNR
website. He is also working on a story for Dr. David Lawver who will be traveling to
Kenya to work with faculty at Egerton University in Njoro, Kenya. Dr. Lawver has
received a Fulbright Scholarship to support this leave.