FAST COMPRESSIONAL ALFVEN WAVES IN A TOKAMAK Hironori Takahashi PFC/JA-80-7 March 1980 Fast Compressional Alfven Waves in a Tokamak* Hironori Takahashi Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 U.S.A. Enhancement of cyclotron damping is theoretically evaluated based upon the wave E-field polarization which is modified by the two-ion hybrid resonance. The degree of enhancement and its asymmetry about the plasma center is consistent with experimental observations. The enhancement factor is very large at low plasma densities at which most of the past damping strength measurements have been reported, but approaches unity at high densities. implies the predominance of pure This cyclotron damping in future reactor-like deuterium plasmas minority simple antenna and a pair of limiters are protons. A in sufficient to couple rf power with an efficiency of about 75 %. spite of overall the presence power of deposition There is no evidence that parasitic loading accounts for a significant amount of the power. *This work was supported by the United Energy through Contract EY-76-C-023073. 1 States Department of 1. IntroductiQn One promising method tokamak plasma of additional heating for the near cyclotron cyclotron frequency generates in the ion plasma fast compressional Alfven waves whose energy the by (and ions field-particle range frequency The impressed radio .of frequencies ("ICRF" heating)*. field a thermonuclear temperatures is irradiation of to the 'plasma by electromagnetic fields in the ion (rf) bringing possibly interactions. by absorbed various through electrons) One is possible mechanism for dissipating wave energy is ion cyclotron damping. In one-ion B-field of species a plasmas immersed fundamental tokamak, in and the inhomogeneous cyclotron harmonic given resonances occur at different major radius locations for a wave frequency. Damping of small left-handed component (E+) resonance layer. the of fast wave is governed by the the wave E-field in In the fundamental resonance layer, where the wave frequency equals the fundamental cyclotron frequency of constituent ions, the the ions experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the E+. However, their coherent motion tends to shield the E+-field nearly completely from the resonance layer. The fundamental cyclotron damping is consequently weak in one-ion species plasmas. In the second harmonic resonance layer acceleration is proportional to the ion Larmor radius ( e* ) ion and to the perpendicular gradient of the E+. The gradient can be approximated by kjE+Iin one-ion species plasmas, and the wave damping strength is proportional to 1/2e(kJE)Z. In' recent tokamak experiments using deuterium .gas, small concentrations impurities. Such situation: the a of mixture proton protons were represents fundamental as the always a more cyclotron found furthermore, a new resonance between as complicated and the deuteron second harmonic cyclotron resonances occur at the same and, working location, these ion species ("two-ion hybrid resonance") comes into existence. Because of the proximity of the cyclotron and influence of these hybrid resonances resonance plays an layers important mutual role in determining the dominant damping processes and division of absorbed In mixture power among different species. shielding of the E+ from the proton fundamental is incomplete and spiraling motion. proportional stronger than concentration to the the is resonance layer protons keep accelerating in a familiar This so-called the this the minority species damping is magnitude of the E+.-field, and can be much second small (a harmonic damping when the proton few percent). However, the relative damping strengths depend strongly on the parallel phase speed. The two-ion hybrid resonance surface lies cyclotron surface for low proton principal effects on the waves: polarization in the ion very concentrations alteration of the cyclotron 3 close to the and has two wave resonance E-field layer and introduction of mode conversion near the hybrid resonance Mode conversion is important whenever cyclotron damping at the hybrid surface is weak. This situation proton concentration is are nearly arises either when resonance layer, or when when significant E+-field the perpendicularly incident on the hybrid layer. Alteration of the polarization caused by the hybrid resonance important the large and the hybrid resonance surface lies well outside the cyclotron waves layer. the proton increase in concentration the magnitude is and is a few percent. A gradient of the on the side. of the ion cyclotron resonance layer closer to the hybrid surface results in strong enhancement of the deuteron second harmonic damping. The minority species damping is also significantly greater than in the absence of the hybrid resonance. In their pioneering work second harmonic Adam cyclotron and damping Samain 2) in two-ion species plasmas. temporal evolution of the ion velocity wave the strength in one-ion species plasmas and the fundamental cyclotron species calculated damping by Stix 3), distribution the minority who analyzed under fast heating, obtained similar results for the damping strength. The roles played resonance were Perkins 5). by mode analyzed conversion at the independently by two-ion hybrid Swanson 4) Enhancement of the cyclotron damping caused by and the two-ion hybrid resonance through modification of the wave E-field polarization was first recognized by Takahashi 1,6). The present paper extends these earlier results to quantitative evaluation of 4 the enhancemen.t of the cyclotron damping. A series of ICRF heating experiments was conducted in tokamak 7), and the was the first under the conditions in which the ion heating could be critically evaluated. The principal .of these paper generation, those results cyclotron contrast to and are letter 8). In the absorption are reported. These interpreted in terms of the theory of damping. other short aspects of the experiments concerning wave propagation experimental enhanced results experiments, showing substantial heating of the plasma core, have already been reported in a present ATC These experiments interpretations explained in terms are of in mode conversion damping at the two-ion hybrid resonance. In this paper the phrase, "proton abbreviated as PFC as fundamental "two-ion is in PFC resonance. The phrase, "deuteron second harmonic", is shortened as DSH as phrase, cyclotron", hybrid", in DSH heating. The is represented by IHB as in IHB mode conversion. 2.1 Wave Coupling System and RF Instrumentation A schematic of the wave coupling system used in the ATC tokamak is shown in Fig. 1. The overall electrical system and structure used in internal exterior the to earlier structure the tokamak vessel are similar to those experiments of the mechanical ATC 5 in the coupler ST is tokamak 9). different The in two important respects: the absence of an electrostatic shield; the presence of limiters to protect and, the antenna from direct contact with the dense plasma. The absence of a shield makes the ATC structure considerably simpler to fabricate and install. The central element in the coupling located on the outer side structure (larger plane about the plasma an of 135 center, degrees which is located at a major radius of 0.9 m, and has an inside 0.19 m. The antenna is in poloidal plane and are planes located in the nominally radius of made of a copper strip, 1 in. wide and 1/4 in. thick, and is encased in a ceramic sheath. lie antenna major radius side) of the plasma torus. It subtends an arc-angle poloidal is separated The limiters by 0.2 m along the meridian symmetrically on either side of the antenna. The sides of the limiters facing the antenna are covered by ceramic plates. The inside radius of each limiter is 0.17 m and the ceramic plate is recessed by electrically grounded to the 1/8 in. The limiters vessel and have slits cut in the radial direction to reduce the rf return current near the edge that would tend to are cancel the plasma rf field created by the antenna current. In order to achieve efficient coupling in the face of relatively small radiation resistance it is important to obtain a high antenna current. This is accomplished through a resonant impedance matching network which is adjusted to bring maximum (voltage minimum) of a current the standing wave pattern to the 6 antenna center. and is tuned for a resonance. this becomes As plasma detuned and reactive the effects antenna the matching antenna remains current 200-300 amp. The good. reaches 10 % of the network experiment conditions The measured root-mean-square but is typically incident and reflected powers are measured by the incident The reflected power is power. coupling efficiency (net coupled ICRF vary, 450 amperes two 50 db directional couplers. than of current diminishes. However, these effects are small under the heating (RMS) impedance tuned circuit is matched to the line impedance by a pair of stub tuners. .and The This no more means that the power power/incident power) of the antenna in ATC is better than 90 %. A net rf power of up to 200 kw is coupled into ATC by this system without encountering a limit set by electrical breakdown. The rf current in magnetic loop the which antenna is half is an monitored inch 3/4 in. behind the antenna slightly below (see Fig. 1). by a one-turn in diameter and placed the antenna midpoint This current transducer has a sensitivity of about 0.1 volt/ampere measured across a 50 ohm termination. null probe is also located 1/2 in. behind the A voltage antenna slightly above the antenna midpoint. The probe, similar in construction to a spherical Langmuir primarily to locate estimate the probe the plasma interpretation of the ion leads to an (1/16 in. voltage density minimum behind saturation in diameter), point, the current but antenna. from is used also to A crude this probe estimate of plasma densities of less than 1017 /m 3 7 behind the antenna. There are arrays of probes that measure the toroidal of the wave B-field. The relative phase of two probe signals is determined either by observing them directly on an oscilloscope of an analog phase comparator constructed for this means by .or component purpose. The phase measurements yield information on the poloidal mode number and toroidal wavelength of the fast wave. One important equivalent measure of the antenna performance rf current (RMS), square in this paper. rapid variation of the eigenmodes. The plasma heating absence of The resistance caused by toroidal resistance is typically 1-2 ohms under conditions plasma. (RV-) computer is useful in following loading loading the of and is determined by means of an analog device which will be referred to as the loading resistance computer its series loading resistance. It is defined as the ratio of the net rf power (RMS) fed into the antenna to the its is compared to about 0.1 ohm in the Thus, only about 5-10 % of the coupled power is dissipated in the circuit. 2.2 Discharge Characteristics ATC is a tokamak with toroidal compression capability 7). ICRF heating is, however, applied plasmas with a major radius between generator frequency to 0.84 m All uncompressed deuterium and 0.9 m. The rf is fixed at 25 MHz which corresponds to the 8 DSH cyclotron frequency at 1.64 T. plasma are performed All at attempts the plasma center. In this paper both the lasts placed refer For wave to these measurement field and density are varied over much wider ranges: n,, 0 =0.5-4.2x10 %/m3 typically we the densities layer resonance conditions as "plasma heating conditions". purposes heat moderate-to-high (ne,>2x10 19 /m3 ) and with the cyclotron near to 40 ms and with a Bo=1.2-1.9 T. 10 ms The discharge rf pulse usually applied 20-25 ms aftef discharge initiation. The most important impurity for the considerations of wave absorption is hydrogen. An accurate measurement of its density is difficult, but the proton-to-deuteron ratio is estimated 10) to be at most 5 %. This upper bound is obtained from the fact no recognizable at a location peak exists in the wing of the DI spectral line where proton-to-deuteron the ratios Ho enhanced the observed cyclotron Throughout damping this line is and are wave damping rather paper among the assumed to be 3 %, the strength than (proton-to-electron ratio) is taken to be arbitrarily expected. Small found in ATC are in contrast to those (~20 %) in TFR experiments 11), interpreting that mode proton small reasons for in terms of conversion. concentration (<5 %) and is whenever a numerical value is needed. More detailed descriptions of the experimental facilities and environment can be found in a laboratory report 12). 9 .3.1 Fast Wave Propagation in ATC In ATC plasma the wave damping length is large compared to (minor) radial propagation extent and of damping the plasma. amenable This to makes separate the the wave analyses: propagation characteristics and field structure of undamped waves are first obtained and the damping strengths are then calculated based upon the known field structure. We first consider the fast waves in a straight cylindrical waveguide partially filled with a cold uniform plasma magnetic field. and Eigenmode immersed solutions in a for uniform longitudinal such a system were obtained by Bernstein and Trehan 13) for general non-axisymmetric modes. A theory of excitation of azimuthally symmetric eigenmodes was developed by Stix 14). The theory 15) used here is an extention of the latter to more general non-axisymmetric cases using the eigen-solutions of the former. Poynting energy density, flux, group velocity, and radiation resistance are also calculated. antenna Wave (The term, "radiation resistance", is used loading is computed as averaged the ratio over the waveguide of the time-averaged Poynting flux integrated over the waveguide cross-section to wave the resistance in the absence of toroidal effects.) In particular, the group velocity cross-section for energy per unit length of the waveguide. the Both the Poynting flux and wave energy consist of contributions from the plasma and vacuum regions within the waveguide, and the computed velocity depends upon the size of the vacuum region. 10 group The ATC vacuum vessel is oblong in cross-section (see encloses Fig. 1), a large vacuum space on the small major radius side and is difficult to model accurately in theoretical calculations. On one hand, theoretically calculated group velocity tends to be too smal'l because of the failure to space. Calculations of account the loading hand, depend critically on the antenna and vacuum vessel. torus of circular for vessel, relative vacuum sizes of the plasma, The vacuum vessel is represented by a cross-section its large resistance, on the other with a minor radius of 0.21m. Were the theoretical vessel to enclose the actual the equivalent radius same volume as would be 0.27m. the Eighty percent of the actual vessel walls are made of bellows structure, but the theoretical model assumes smooth The stainless-steel walls. inhomogeneous plasma is represented in theory by a plasma of constant density equal density. Ion to the volume average of the actual and electron temperature variations with time are taken from a typical discharge at each density level. A discrete fast wave eigenmode * in a plasma can be numbers. identified by filled a set of radial(l) and azimuthal(m) mode It is convenient to speak in terms of the perpendicular (NLkVA/a) indices 3), and where parallel kL, k11, (N1 =k11VA/w) VA and (4 Alfven frequency. refractive are, respectively, the perpendicular and parallel wave numbers, Alfven speed, angular waveguide and wave At sufficiently low densities the fast waves *See, e.g., Fig. 2 of ref. 3 or Fig. 6 of ref. 12. 11 in a completely filled waveguide suffer a cut-off (N,<0) and unable to propagate along the waveguide. waveguide the cut-off exists azimuthal modes (for for the modes propagate In a partially filled m=O field exp l(k 1 z+mO -wt)). However, the .positive-m the and all variation lowest radial negative-m of the modes very low densities *. at are form of all (They can presumably propagate increases, a cut-off mode may become propagating, at which point at N=1 and N =O. We term propagating mode. wavelength all densities.) condition this the As the "onset" density of a new As the density increases further, the parallel becomes progressively shorter. Because of the different dependence of the PFC, DSH and IHB damping strengths on the parallel wavelength, the mode goes through in each of wave damping. of a mode which different a different mechanism is responsible for the The exact plasma conditions under which the takes place density profile 17) Because of the phases and onset is sensitively dependent on the radial the presence of the vacuum space. approximate nature of the representation of the actual ATC vacuum vessel and the uniform plasma model used in the present theory, the model's prediction of the onset conditions is not expected to be accurate. Toroidal effects on superposing the wave propagation are accounted for by fields of the waves circumnavigating around the *This was demonstrated by numerical examples by Paoloni 16) for m=O and +1 modes. Similar calculations indicate that the same is true for all positive-m modes. 12 torus. The resultant fields depend upon both the phase shift and damping that the waves suffer as they go around the torus. such conditions processes of wave generation, propagation, and damping are closely intertwined each Under and isolated process is difficult in practice. investigation of Nevertheless, studies of the loading resistance and wave amplitude under different plasma conditions provide evidence for wave generation and clues for the physical mechanisms of wave damping. Suppose that the antenna carrying unit rf current wave field effect. of In a experience a amplitude, toroidal complex the torus, where kU s, in geometry the with generates a absence of the toroidal dissipation, the waves phase shift ik11 L each time they go around is the complex parallel wave number and L the toroidal circumference. The total field for an rf current of I for the waves propagating around the torus many times is obtained by summing an infinite series, S = sI(1 + exp ik 1L + exp 2ikL +...) = sI/(1 - exp ik1,L) When the plasma conditions are interference appropriate (1) for a constructive of the wave fields, the cavity becomes resonant. As the conditions (principally the density) vary with time, a series of such toroidal cavity resonances resonance and at an should be observed. At a anti-resonance (n is a half-integer) S is pure real and is given respectively by, 13 SA = ( ) (2) + O( ) (3) - SR= sIR/(1 SIA/(1 where c( =exp(-ktL) and kL is the imaginary part of wave number. respectively. experimentally measureable. can be a can cause consequences 1). measuring the energy more a Its two quantities the (as waves resonance. opposed travelling This can to be has poloidal a more usual in only some determined one practical simply by phases of the wave field at two or more torus. The travelling waves also deposit uniformly around the torus than the standing waves. If the so-called mode splitting, caused by unequal the are It should be noted that the toroidal wavelength relative points around the These travelling standing) wave resonance: direction parallel IR and IA are the rf currents at the resonance and anti-resonance, resonance the B-field indeed present, all on influence of the left- and right-running waves, is experimentally observed resonances, other than the m=O modes with no mode splitting, must be the travelling wave resonances. (No experimental demonstration of this fact has been reported in the literature.) The oscillogram in Fig. 2 shows amplitude (rf envelope) measured time by degrees around the torus away from the above(T) and below(B) the plasma axis. 14 variation of the wave the probes located at 90 antenna nearly directly The different amplitudes NOMMONNOWNIM" of the two signals are caused by a slightly off-centered The plasma. peaks and troughs of the wave amplitude evidently correspond to the occurence of toroidal resonances and anti-resonances. The theoretical calculations of the wave amplitudes corresponding the ' experimentally .presence of the correspondence observed peaks of and these density variations troughs. confirm However, to the one-to-one peaks cannot be established in the ATC experiments, becuase of the approximate nature of the theoretical model. It was shown in the experiments 9) earlier in the ST tokamak, however, that the density and B-field dependences of the loading resistance dispersion peaks relation. waveguide For closely these followed the experiments fast the wave circular model was a better representation of the actual vacuum vessel and the theoretical calculations accounted for the density inhomogeneity. 3.2 Wave Damping Measurements A set of Re-computer signals is shown in Fig. 3. B-field is different conditions are density also increases The for each of the oscillograms. (The plasma slightly different.) In each the density reaches a maximum during the pulse. DSH (deuteron case the monotonically by a factor of two or less over the pulse period, except in the left-most oscillogram the toroidal for which The locations of second harmonic) cyclotron resonance surface are indicated in the figure. The data levels sufficiently low (neo=7.5-9. 6 x10 15 are /m3 taken at density at the mid-point of the pulse) that the m=O and all negative-m modes are cut-off. The prominent peaks in these oscillograms are the m=+1 mode determined to be by phase measurements of magnetic probe signals. (However, small-amplitude, higher azimuthal modes (m>+1) may also be present simultaneously in the signals.) measurements of selected numbers of 2-4. the plasma, Toroidal resonant peaks indicate toroidal mode When the cyclotron resonance surface the wavelength toroidal is within resonance is broader, indicating the presence of damping processes on or near the resonance surface. Quantitative evaluation of the damping from the magnetic strength can be made probe signals such as those shown in Fig. 2. The quantity, s, in eqs. (2) and (3), which is proportional to the radiation resistance, is in general, not directly measurable. However, this can be eliminated by taking the ratio of the wave amplitude at a resonance to that at an if the adjacent anti-resonance, variation of the radiation resistance for a small change in plasma parameters is neglected. The ratio is related to the wave damping length(LD) through *, LD/L [ln(T +1)/( T -1)] (4) where T =IASR/IRSA. The normalized damping length (LO/L) number of times amplitudes e-fold. the waves go around The wave damping length is the torus before their is related to *Typographical errors in eq. 9 of ref. 1 are corrected here. 16 the the resonant cavity quality factor (Q) through, LD = 1/k; =2Qu1/C4 (5) where u3 is the parallel group velocity. It should be noted that the group velocity varies widely depending upon the mode and that a large Q mode does not necessarily imply a large Lt mode. In experiments either the damping length or the Q-factor is directly determined and the other is derived ambiguities would be introduced through through this eq. (5). conversion Some unless the group velocity is accurately known. The damping length determined using Fig. 4(a) for the shown in Fig. 3. the DSH (or in The abscissa is the major is the range of include 2-4. in radius location of different When toroidal mode the resonant surface is side (R(S2.=2)=70 cm), the weak and the waves go around the torus some 13 times before their amplitudes e-fold. the shown 18) PFC) resonance surface. The observed modes are the outside the plasma on the high field damping is conditions corresponding to the oscillograms m=+1 azimuthal modes, but may numbers eq. (4) This damping is damping caused by the wall resistance. length is one-twentieth the theoretical interpreted as The measured damping wall resistive damping length computed for these modes in circular cylindrical waveguide made of damping increased perfectly smooth stainless-steel walls. length appears reasonable, path lengths of the 17 wall however, currents The observed because due of the to (1)the elongated vacuum vessel cross-section poloidal circumference), (2)the (a 1.6-fold partial increase bellows structure (an average of five-fold increase in toroidal circumference), presence of ports and other (3)the obstructions to the wall current paths and (4)the surface roughness (0. 8 -13.0pm) * comparable the skin depth damping strength. (8.5}.m), in all of to which tend to increase wave In the following calculations the wall damping length is taken to be one-twentieth the cylindrical surface. When the value resonant for layer the is perfect within the plasma, the normalized damping length is reduced to about 2. The ratio, 13/2=6.5, of the damping lengths with and without the resonance is a measure of the effectiveness of energy by the fast wave: about 90% (6.5/(1+6.5)=0.87) of the power is deposited within the plasma and about 10% in observations deposition the walls. These lead to an optimistic view for fast wave heating of tokamak pasmas. When the resonant layer is outside the plasma on the low side (R(.a =2)=110 cm), the damping is stronger than on the high field side indicating the presence mechanisms. The understood. There charge exchange nature are, (CX) non-linear processes surface field of some additional damping of these damping mechanisms is not well however, analyzer taking indications signals place on observed that or on the suggest possible near the cyclotron in the tenuous plasma outside the nominal plasma radius. *The range of roughness of stainless-steel sheets. commercially 18 available cold rolled In Fig. 5 oscillograms of the charge and R.7-computer showing the signals relative are exchange shown locations neutral together of the analyzer with a schematic plasma, antenna and cyclotron resoanace layer. Very large-amplitude, sharp spikes are observed on the high-energy channels of the CX analyzer nearly exactly coincident with the appearance of peak in the loading resistance. a of the observed phenomenum is taking the resonance the time constant analyzer, indicating that the energetic ions are contained only for a very short time. When resonance The CX signals rise and fall very rapidly with a time scale comparable to (300.sec) toroidal layer place is This suggests that the in the plasma periphery. deep inside the main body of the plasma, or, outside the plasma on the high field side, no such spikes are observed. One possible explanation for the absence of spikes conditions can be either that the energetic under these ions are not contained long enough to reach the they are created created upon charge penetrate through right in exchange the front of dense analyzer without being reionized. wave damping strengths when the sides of body resonance plasma ions to can not reach the is on the opposite the plasma suggests that the observed phenomenum takes of the spikes with the occurence the energetic However, the difference of the place mostly on the low field side. which unless of it, or that the neutrals the main analyzer of Furthermore, the coincidence a toroidal resonance, at wave electric field becomes large, is indicative of a threshold nature of the phenomenum. 19 A notable fe.ature of the damping curve in Fig. 4(a) is that the region of the maximum damping is not symmetric the axis plasma major radius side 19). expeiiments 20). in shown Another The Fig. 4(a). also abscissa pulse. The net difference between discharges due loss is plotted. and with of to without A broad peak is located on the larger major radius side of the plasma axis where the the strong damping region is also located. the is radiation integrated over the period of rf and exchange pulse TFR that to identical charge heating to the output voltage of a bolometer is ordinate is facing the plasma and is proportional to the power the in observed manifestation of the asymmetry 21) The Fig. 4(b). was shift This respect and is shifted toward the larger RO=87 cm at with center of Under these conditions rf power is evidently more efficiently absorbed by the ions, some of which become lost through charge exchange and intercepted by the bolometer. Another set of output signals * from the R..-computer in Fig. vicinity 6. The resonant surface (R(.C.=2)=88 cm) is shown is located in the of the plasma center (Ro=87-89 cm) for all cases except The electron density levels are the lowest density case (No. 1). The different for each case and are shown in the figure. density case (No. 1) is taken under conditions identical to those of the center oscillogram of Fig. 3. resonance peaks of the loading resistance become lowest nominally Toroidal progressively *The incorrect label of the ordinate of Fig. 4 and numbering oscillograms in Fig. 5 of ref. 1 are corrected here. 20 of broader at higher densities and are difficult to recognize at the highest density level. The latter is a typical condition under which most heating experiments are undertaken. isolated resonant experimental peaks in determination these of the high In the absence of density cases the damping strength based upon *eq. (4) is not possible. 3.3 Cyclotron Damping We first compare the experimentally observed time variations of the loading resistance and wave damping strength with predictions based upon the theory of cyclotron damping. One low density case, for which strength direct are made, experimental and one measurements high of the damping density case, for which the measurements are not available, are examined in some detail. electron Landau damping and transit time magnetic pumping are also weak needed under in the ATC eqs. (1)-(3) conditions. The are from results 3) given in terms of the quality cavity. (TTMP) included in the calculations, but their effects on the fast waves are strengths The They derived factor of a damping Stix's resonant are for the minority (Q1 ), second harmonic (Q and Landau/TTMP (Q ), ) damping given respectively by, 22 (a n. + 9 1nHu1)2] 21 (6) 2 II (7') (±D2[1rrs e )2}/2 2pD (k (8) 2 ge /2u2 W 12Bu1 exp- e Here, u e are respectively the plasma minor radius and the a and r n axis. densities. the deuteron and proton respectively, u1j, vH and v. are, respectively, proton, speed, phase are, nH and deuteron and plasma the and layer distance between the cyclotron resonance parallel wave the (3e is the thermal speed. ratio of the electron thermal pressure to the magnetic pressure. In deriving these results Stix accounted for the the at E+-field the evaluated across the surface due to the presence of cyclotron resonant minority protons. the E+ and its gradient However, thin for These layer. resonance species one-ion enhancement of the cyclotron damping nor plasmas, the reasonable were mode but neither conversion, caused by the presence of the two-ion hybrid resonance, was included. were were at the resonance surface and were taken to be constant approximations both of reduction the Further approximations introduced in assumptions that resonant surface and that N the =1. Stix's analysis E+ was also constant along the The latter would result in an over-estimate of the second harmonic damping strength by a factor up to four for those modes that are not near their onset. 22 It is often stated that minority damping is much stronger second harmonic damping when the minority concentration is a few percent. However, the eq. (6) strong should be noted. wavelength dominant damping kg and small harmonic damping. Q of in rising plasma density, mechanism rapidly changes from the second harmonic to the minority damping. large dependence As the wavelength of a new propagating mode becomes progressively shorter with the than Higher radial modes with a k1l are more strongly damped by the second Near the onset, both damping strengths are proportional to sufficiently high temperature, which may have interesting consequences because the the ion temperature. Away from the onset and at temperatures, QE becomes independent second harmonic damping becomes dominant for all high temperature reactor-like plasmas. wavelengths of in Note the symmetry of the second harmonic damping with respect to the relative locations of the resonant layer contrast the to and plasma axis experimental (eq. (7)). observations This discussed is in earlier (Fig. 4(a)). Theoretical loading resistance variation for case is shown in Fig. 7(a) oscillogram at the center of and should Fig. 3. the low density be compared with the Toroidal resonances are designated by sets of radial(l), poloidal(m) and toroidal(n) mode numbers. The radiation resistance is first computed based upon the theoretical model outlined effect through eq. (1). is intrduced in parallel wave number needed in this 23 Sec. 3.1 and the toroidal The imaginary part of the equation is obtained from Q-factors give.n in eqs. (6)-(8) by converting them to the damping length through eq. (5). By using effects on the loading resistance different of each mode density, the going phases of its "life span" can be simulated. only' two poloidal modes (m=+1 .power. time-varying The loading and resistances +2) that carry through There are appreciable of the individual modes up to m=+3 as well as the total resistance are shown in Fig. 7(a). The damping lengths predicted from theory are too large, so that the theoretical toroidal resonant peaks which can reach 6.3 ohms are much larger than the largest Note the the ambiguities damping Q-factors small group offsetting the by velocity effect values of 0.5 ohms. introduced by converting the Q-factors to length: predicted experimental discrepancies the used the theory in the caused by too large are partly offset by a too conversion. Without this difference between experiment and theory would be bigger. The theoretical values of the minority(I), second harmonic(II), electron Landau/TTMP(E), wall resistive(W), and total(T) lengths damping are tabulated in Table I for each toroidal mode shown in Fig. 7(a). The damping lengths comparable for the PFC and DSH damping for these toroidal modes, predicted by this and are much greater than the wall resistive damping these predictions were true, then theory length. the If most of the power would be dissipated in the walls and there would be no significant in are change measured damping length as the resonant layer moved into the plasma. The previous section shows that this is not the case: the measured damping length is smaller than the tabulated by factors between 18 entries are made for the table because and 120, values depending upon the modes. No electron Landau/TTMP damping it is completely negligible (L./L>10 in the ) for these cases. Fig. 8(a) shows the computed loading resistance variation for the high density case which should be compared with the top right oscillogram (No. 5) of Fig. 6. There are five propagating modes that carry appreciable power (the through m=+2 and the first radial modes of second radial mode of m=+1). The loading resistance of each mode and the sum over all modes are the figure. (The radial modes.) shown that The theoretical radiation resistance of a mode is the long wavelength n=1 toroidal resonance immediately following the onset. the by mode comes into mode of m=+1 onset at nearly identical times (at about 23 ms). n=1 toroidal modes of these poloidal modes create a high peak the loading resistance. resistance are considered to model. than not be Such observed due to abrupt in the the The first radial mode of m=-1 poloidal mode and the second radial have in m=+1 curve is the sum of its first and second in general highest at its onset, and is further enhanced fact m=-1 changes mode The of in the loading experiments, and are the deficiency of the uniform plasma The other resonant peaks in Fig. 8(a) are more prominent the experimentally observed ones, indicating actual damping strengths stronger than the theoretical predictions. However, the differences are not as pronounced as 25 in the low density case (Fig. 7(a)). Theoretical values of electron the Landau/TTMP(E), minority(I), second harmonic(II), wall resistive(W), and total(T) damping strengths are tabulated in Table II for each toroidal mode shown in Fig. 8(a). The DSH damping is the strongest mechanism for all low number modes (n .< 3). toroidal The m=-1 poloidal modes and the 1=2 radial modes appear only at high densities and more strongly are much absorbed by the DSH damping than the PFC damping. These modes would deposit most of their energy directly into deuterons and make fast wave heating less susceptible to "thermal runaway" of the minority species 22). Unlike the low density case, the theoretically predicted total damping is now by dominated power dissipation in the plasma rather than in the walls. The theoretical power deposition efficiency ranges from 74 % to for these modes. The 97 % efficiency is generally better for those modes that carry large shares of the total power. Although no direct measurements are available, comparisons of the theoretical loading curve with the experimental computed damping strengths are actual still one an indicate underestimate that the of the values. The actual efficiency is therefore expected to be greater than these completely figures. negligible Electron (L0 /L>10 Landau/TTMP damping is ) except where entries are made in the table. The theory in this section is based upon a uniform plasma model with the cyclotron and Landau/TTMP damping strengths obtained 26 by Stix. The mode uniform plasma model is inaccurate in predicting the onset, and one-to-one correspondence of the toroidal resonant peaks cannot be obtained. This discussion has shown that the predicted damping lengths at low (neo=0.5-1.0x10 9/m 3 ), where the experimental individual be modes can densities measurements for made, are too large by a large factor (18-120). The dependence of the damping length on the resonant layer location also fails to predict the observed asymmetry about the plasma modes center. cannot overlapping be Although the damping strength of individual measured modes are at higher densities, where many present, the predicted time variation of the loading resistance indicates that the discrepancies are much smaller. 3.4 Enhanced Cyclotron Damping We next consider whether better agreement can be found theory and caused by included. experiments the presence For proton-deuteron distance (,v 1 cm) small hybrid between if enhancement of the cyclotron damping of the proton two-ion hybrid concentrations resonance away from the surface cyclotron lies resonance (Cm~ 3 %) only resonance a is the small surface. * The cyclotron and hybrid resonance layers overlap with each other and their mutual influence must be taken into account. The fast *The geometry of the two-ion hybrid resonance surface, cyclotron resonance surface and fast wave cut-off surface can be found, e.g., in Fig. 6 of ref. 1 and in ref. 5. 27 wave has only component a in sinall one-ion left-hand species polarized plasmas. electric However, field the hybrid resonance (an electrostatic resonance) tends to produce a linear E-field polarization magnitude of (i.e., E+-field. .electromagnetic The resonance) E+=E..) and proton cyclotron tends (The theories by Adam reduce resonance surfaces both enhance the resonance (an the magnitude of and Samain 2) and by Stix 3) include only the latter effect.) Within the two to to make the polarization both circular and right-handed and thus to E+-field. thus region between the the magnitude and gradient of the E+-field are greater than in the absence of the hybrid resonance. The magnetic field inhomogeneity across the plasma cross-section must treatment be included into the analysis, cylindrical geometry becomes difficult. and a However, because of in the relatively thin and straight geometry of the cyclotron and hybrid resonance layers situation may be in the important amenable to an central plasma region, the approximate treatment in a simpler slab geometry. Boundary value problems in slab geometry with an B-field and a non-uniform warm plasma were solved numerically by Takahashi 1) to obtain the E-field based inhomogeneous upon a second-order structure. differential The theory equation (eq. was (23) of ref. 1) that treated the PFC damping in a self-consistent manner, but the DSH damping strictly valid was not included. Thus, the theory only when the latter had small effects. of the proximity of the cyclotron 28 resonance layer, the was Because hybrid resonance is heavily damped: the real and imaginary parts of the perpendicular properties wave were number computed for the local comparable and the real part of the coefficient equation of the second order derivative term in the differential did 'not plasma vanish at the hybrid layer. .resonances was obtained earlier 1). A criterion for such weak The resonance is weak when the following inequality is satisfied: 2 1.082 H Here, CO=nD/ne, are, ao=.: e/(o , Da 2 19) eL D aPDJ and Wg , D, cJ, and c respectively, the deuteron cyclotron and plasma frequencies and the speed of light in vacuum. In the present paper we are cases are also concerned with such weak resonance cases. In Fig. 9 reproduced the from E-field structures for specific ref. 1. The x-coordinate is in the direction of inhomogeneity with its origin at the slab center. The abscissa of the figure is R,-x, where R,=0.9 m is the scale length of the B-field inhomogeneity ("major radius") at the center. The tokamak axis is to the right of the figure. The slab half-width ("minor radius") is, a=0.17 m, and neo=2.5x10 /m variations of the E.-field across the slab 29 . The top figures are for three different values of magnetic field: one for which the PFC resonance is located at the center and two others for which the displaced by 0.06m on either side figures are variations of the three ten-to-one cases. between the (Note two cyclotron the groups (ICR) of of E+-field resonance is the center. The lower for the corresponding difference in the ordinate figures.) Locations of the ion and two-ion hybrid (HBR) resonance surfaces are indicated in these figures. Effects of the weak hybrid resonance appear as small the E.-curves (The E of the evidently as there. resonance Et the However, is influence of the hybrid significant. Compare the CH=O and 3 % cases shown in the lower central figure. The large difference a a fact that the field and density gradients are in the same direction on on is little affected) in Fig. 9. The effects are stronger on the low field side of the axis, result bumps consequence of the fact strongly altered by the IHB that and the PFC field is polarization is resonances. Particularly noteworthy here is the appearance of a very steep gradient of the E+ over a narrow region resonances. In the case gradient in this between shown region in the the cyclotron lower is then greater figure the hybrid resonance. expected that the DSH damping should be enhanced by two orders of magnitude. be hybrid is enhanced by one order of magnitude over the value obtained in the absence of the It left and than without Since the magnitude of the E+ can also the hybrid resonance, the PFC damping could also be enhanced. Furthermore, the dependence 30 of both of these damping asymmetric strengths on the resonance layer respect to the plasma center. presented in with quantitative analysis is the location is A more remainder of this section. Ions that move across the cyclotron resonance layer kick in their perpendicular energies due to acceleration. The power absorbed by the ions can by statistical taking gains. a average of the be receive a cyclotron calculated these incremental energy For a slab of unit height and depth the power absorbed by the protons and deuterons is given respectively by 6), 2 II pD C 1) 4 (x)12 J 2 Xx + (10) I C Here, x. and R. are the x-coordinate and the the cyclotron resonance surface. "major radius" Nand P of are, respectively, the proton plasma frequency and the deuteron Larmor radius. The integrals, J, J, and JI , are given by, rdC.I E(.)12exp - 2 dH ir 31 H(1 1/2 0(12) ( D 71/2 fo II 3 where - (u11/vM)(x = (x) xC)/RC (14) E+(x)/E+(x) (15) 0(x) = a[dE+(x)/dx]/E+(xc) Dimensionless quantities, analysis this In ions. E+-field and to perpendicular refers to or proton(H) either is the most probable speed of the M-species v. and deuteron(D) eq. (14) in M, subscript, are the normalized by the E+at the resonance surface. The gradient its E(x) and *(x), (16) number, wave the axis (y k , the x-coordinate and- B-field) is assumed to be zero. If the E+ is evaluated at the constant across the integrates to unity. to correspond "enhancement E+ the J,=1 2A =1, resonance Thus, and layer, gradient and surface then 8(x)=1 the approximation used by the Stix assumed and J3 would actual value of JI represents the factor" of the PFC power absorption. Similarly, if is approximated by kiIE+j and evaluated at the resonance surface, JI NJ resonance equals to (kia) . Stix further assumed or equivalently, k =k~l where kA is the Alfven wave number ( W/VA)- JI/(kAa) is therefore the enhancement factor for the 32 DSH power absorption. specific cases are The results of the calculations for some presented in the remainder of this section. For these calculations the integrals in eqs. (12) and (13) are evaluated numerically using the field variation obtained from the solutions of the boundary value problem discussed in an earlier are: cases .paragraph. The parameters common for all a=0.17 m, R0 =0.9 m, CH=3 %, and the on-axis ion tempeature, T,. =200 eV. Several computed quantities for four different locations of the cyclotron surface are presented in Table III. respectively, the power absorbed by PL the and Pi are, PFC and DSH damping within a slab of unit height and depth. These values are for the waves travelling in one direction only, and such are normalized in a way that the Poynting flux is 1 MW per unit height of the slab. Power absorption by both mechanisms is strong when the resonance surface is located in the low field side of the center, which is consistent damping (Fig. 4(a)). DSH damping. resonance with observed asymmetry in the wave The asymmetry is particularly pronounced for If the deuterons absorb much more surface under power when the is in the low field side, power loss from the plasma through deuteron greater the these charge exchange conditions. This should also expectation be is much not inconsistent with the observed asymmetry of the bolometer signals discussed earlier (Fig. 4(b)). refractive index correspond to considerably (n,,) The eigenvalue for the parallel is about 30 for all cases and thus would the toroidal greater than mode the 33 number toroidal of 15. This is mode numbers shown in Figs. 6 and wavelength 7. (The slab considerably shorter with the same peak density. k is taken to be zero.) is about one geometry than leads to the parallel the cylindrical geometry This is partly due to the fact In these computed cases the PFC damping order of magnitude stronger than the DSH damping, and thus the assumption underlying the theory is valid. resonance surface enhancement is located at the plasma from When the center, the factors are respectively 1.8 and 5.2 for the PFC and DSH damping, but if the resonance surface is away that the plasma center on the located low field 0.04 m at side, the shown for enhancement factors are respectively 2.8 and 13 *. In Fig. 8(b) variation of the loading resistance is the same case as (a), but with the PFC and DSH damping strengths multiplied respectively by 1.8 and factors should be different for given here are only approximations. the modest enhancement 5.2. Since the enhanceme-nt different modes, the results However, they indicate that factors expected from the theory of the two-ion hybrid resonance are sufficient to suppress the prominent toroidal resonance peaks loading curve reasonably and to make the appearance of the similar to experimental observations. The abrupt rise of the loading resistance at the onset of the two *When the resonance surface is further away from the center and comes too close to the fast wave cut-off surface, these enhancement factors become very large, but the normalizing factor (the E+ at the resonance surface) tends to zero. The enhancement factors lose their significance in these cases, since Stix's results were obtained based upon the plasma properties of the central core. 34 new modes and .subsequent gradual fall-off rise resistance seen in Fig. 6) of the (instead are of the gradual principal discrepancies that are still evident. Each mode with a given set of radial and poloidal mode .has a given radial variation of the E+-field, and hence the radial power deposition pattern. The lowest radial m=+1 poloidal periphery. mode This is low-density has the tokamaks. the most numbers pattern peaked prominent mode near mode in of the the plasma small-sized, Higher radial modes of any poloidal mode have in general much more favorable power deposition pattern. These modes become propagating in larger, denser tokamak plasmas. The total radial power deposition pattern is obtained from the sum over all modes weighted in accordance with their resistances such as those shown in Figs. 6 and 7. the loading the Enhancement of resistance by toroidal eigenmode resonances must be taken into consideration in calculations since loading loading of the weighted sum, resistance of a lightly damped mode (such as the m=+1) is enhanced strongly by the resonance. In Table IV the results densities are summarized. of computations At high for densities four different the enhancement factors are close to unity. This shows that the damping strengths at high densities predicted by the those of Stix's present theory tend toward theory for "pure" PFC and DSH damping. At high densities (and also at high ion temperatures) cyclotron damping at the location of the IHB resonance is strong enough to suppress 35 it unless (i.e., it high implication far proton for spite of the protons is away concentration). This has a presence deuterium of plasmas, a the few percent dominant .essentially pure cyclotron damping. DSH damping, energy directly in deuterons, should damping under reactor-like conditions. Poynting damping. The power dissipated tabulated which is deposits a given amount of by strong for the this mechanism reaches density. The enhancement are 15 and 590 for the PFC and DSH damping for this case. However the latter is likely to be an significant E-field For mechanism dominate over PFC This tendency is particularly nearly 15 % at the lowest factos also impurity flux, greater power is dissipated at lower densities by both mechanisms. DSH significant future ICRF heating of reactor-like plasmas: in inevitable in from the cyclotron resonance layer effect of calculations the and DSH the overestimate because the damping is not included in the validity of the theory is questionable. In Fig. 7(b) the time variation enhanced damping is shown. of theoretical loading The enhancement factor for the PFC damping is taken to be 15 from Table III, but the factor for DSH dampng is arbitrarily indicated in the table. individual peaks is appearance and the level closer taken Although again of to the experimental with to be 100 rather than 590 as one-to-one impossible the loading results (Fig. experimentally observed damping strengths 36 the to correspondence of obtain, the general resistance 3). are are much This shows that the not incompatible with enhanced.cyclotron damping. The lack of mode structure in the loading curve was interpreted by some researchers as an unrelated to fast wave generation. Such "parasitic" depo'sition indication of anomalous .loading was thought to be especially severe for antennas electrostatic shields. However, experiments is different. the only mode that interpretation power without of the present At low plasra densities m=+1 mode is can carry significant rf power, whereas at higher densities more propagating poloidal modes become available to carry away rf power. become propagating, Higher are radial especially modes, case also rises as seen in Fig. 6. (No. 5) overlapping of the apparent strongly lack damped of of resistance. 0.8-2 ohms is in good radiation structure modes. The observed agreement with resistance. It is that most of the is When loading the recalled loading that caused resistance most by damping is approach theoretically heating experiments are conducted at these high indicates also In the highest density sufficiently strong, the loading resistance should radiation may efficient in this respect. Thus, as the density level increases, the level resistance which the of predicted ATC plasma densities. This the rf power is indeed radiated as the fast wave, and that it is not necessary in the ATC experiments to consider anomalous phenomena to account for the bulk of the power coupled into the tokamak vessel. In the preceeding paragraphs 37 interpretations of the experimental .results are cyclotron damping due to resonance. presented the in presence terms of of the enhanced the two-ion A few words of explanation are in order at this point regarding their relation to interpretations based conversion damping at the two-ion hybrid resonance. .analysis hybrid is upon mode The previous based upon a simple model for the plasma dielectric tensor that results in a second order differential equation. In the limit of the cold plasma approximation the coefficient of the highest order derivative in the equation vanishes at the hybrid resonance, and higher order terms must be retained the propagation of wave in the vicinity analysis in the previous section deals with under which would than arise temperature the resonance. physical the weak The conditions the second order term remains more the higher order terms. Such physical situations when is that the high, proton or concentration the parallel is small, wavelength Equation (9) expresses a quantitative criterion for the of describe thermal effects, primarily PFC and DSH damping, are strong enough such important to hybrid category under most resonance. plasma is ion short. presence The ATC plasmas belong to this heating conditions, and the wave damping data are interpreted in this light * (However, modes near their onset with a long parallel wavelength may not satisfy this criterion and the mode conversion may be important for them.) *There are theoretical treatments 4,5,23) based upon mode conversion. However, none of them solved boundary value problems to obtan the E-field structure in a bounded plasma, and so were only applicable when the wave absorption was so strong that no waves reflected from the boundaries need be considered. The ATC experimental conditions clearly do not correspond to such cases. 38 I. 4. Conclusions The damping length (rather than the fast cavity-Q factor) of the wave propagation in ATC tokamak is measured directly at low plasma densities. The wave damping strength .measurement is found deduced from these to be much greater than that predicted by the "pure" PFC and DSH damping theory. Asymmetric location of the region of the strongest damping about the plasma center in contrast to the predominance reactor-like also the theoretical predictions. The discrepancy in the damping strength is much smaller at higher implies is deuterium of pure plasmas in densities. This cyclotron damping in dense spite the of inevitable presence of a few percent impurity protons. These discrepancies attributed to interpretations of conversion at the between theory the two-ion other experiments hybrid and hybrid resonance. based resonance, experiments the upon are Unlike linear mode current results are explained in terms of enhancement of the cyclotron damping: hybrid resonance alters the polarization of the wave E-field in such a way as to enhance enhancement These is both asymmetric explanations concentration the are the with PFC and respect applicable only DSH damping. The to the plasma center. when the proton is small and the hybrid resonance layer lies close to the cyclotron resonance layer. Satisfactory performance can be obtained 39 from a simple wave coupling strticture without an electrostatic shield commonly used in the past ICRF heating experiments. antenna represents a step The forward success towards of a the more (presumably all-metal type) structure which could be ATC rugged used in a thermonuclear environment. The major part of the power coupled into the tokamak vessel radiated as fast waves and there is no evidence that significant power is lost through so-called "parasitic loading". This is to is not say that no rf power is channeled into plasma phenomena other than the fast effects, wave generation. If there are any parasitic they are not of major consequence in dissipating the rf power. A coupling efficiency (net excess 90 % of is coupled routinely power/incident attained. resistance is 1-2 ohms under typical plasma The power) total heating in loading conditions, and the wave generating efficiency (wave power/net coupled power) of 90-95 % is achieved. deposited in plasma/wave efficiency of The power deposition efficiency (power power) is about 90 %. The overall delivering the power to the plasma is the product of all these efficiencies: approximately 75 % of the output power is actually deposited in the plasma. Only that part of the power which is deposited contributes significantly to plasma efficiency 8)" is lower in generator the central plasma core heating, and "the heating than "the power deposition efficiency" quoted here. 40 5. Acknowledgement This work was done research staff at while the author of the the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The author would like to acknowledge many -Drs. F.W. Perkins Drs. H. Hsuan, providing him information. and T.H. S. Suckewer, T. Stix. was helpful a member discussions with He would also like to thank Nagashima and F.J. Paoloni for bolometric, spectroscopic, charge exchange and rf The author is indebted to Messrs. A.J. Sivo and R.S. Christie for construction of the rf equipment and to the ATC operating crew for the machine operation. 41 References J. H., (1)Takahashi, Physique, de Suppl. au n12, Coll. C6, Tome 38(1977)171 .(2)Adam, J. and Samain, Nucl. T.H., D.G., (4)Swanson, (6)Takahashi, H., Phys. Rev. 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Soc. 21(1976)1157 (22)Adam, J., Italy, 1972, Symp. on Plasma Heating and Injection, Varenna, C.N.R., Lab. di Fisica del Plasma e di Elettronica Quantistica, Milano, Italy (23)Jacquinot, J., Paper D4-1, 3rd Topical Heating, Pasadena, Calif., 1978 44 Conf. on RF Plasma Figure Captions Fig. 1 Schematic of the wave coupling structure (shown in part). Fig. 2 Time variation of the wave amplitude (rf envelope) observed by two magnetic probes located 90 degrees around the torus away from the antenna nearly directly and below(B) above(T) the plasma axis. Fig. 3 Oscillograms of the loading toroidal magnetic field resistance computer outputs. The is different for each oscillogram. The locations of the DSH or PFC resonance surface are indicated. Fig. 4 (a)Variation toroidal of the wave damping normalized layer. The region location of of the (b)Variation of bolometer through charge exchange and with and signal which radiation. without the center registers The extent of the plasma region is indicated. 45 at or PFC The outer 87 cm. power loss difference rf pulse is plotted. positioned at 107 cm. DSH the minimum damping length is asymmetric with respect to the nominal plasma discharges by circumference as the toroidal field strength is varied. The abscissa is the major radius resonance length between The nominal limiter is Fig. 5 Oscillogram in the middle shows the perpendicular charge exchange signals at three different energies. Sharp spikes are observed on the two high energy signals coincident with the appearance toroidal resonance. The lower oscillogram the initiation spikes. The top diagram of the shows rf the main body plasma peak at 3 ms pulse is coincident with the relative locations plasma, antenna and cyclotron resonance layer. the a shows the loading resistance in the expanded time scale. The second after of of the The space between and the antenna is filled with a tenuous plasma. Fig. 6 Oscillograms of the Rg7-computer output. The cyclotron resonance surface is located near the plasma center in all cases. Variation of the central electron density for each case is also shown. Fig. 7 Theoretical loading resistance corresponding to the conditions strengths obtained of the based by center upon oscillogram minority and of second Fig. 3. experimental (a)Damping harmonic damping Stix. (b)Minority damping strength multiplied by an enhancement factor of 15 and the second harmonic damping strength by 100. Fig. 8 46 Theoretical loading resistance for the experimental conditions of the top-right oscillogram of Fig. 6. upon minority and second harmonic (b)Minority damping strength (a)Damping strengths obtained by Stix. damping by multiplied is based an enhancement fact'or of 1.8 and the second harmonic damping strength by 5.2. Fig. 9 (a)Variation of the across the slab of E.-component for three the different wave values of the confining falls B-field : one for which the proton cyclotron resonance the field electric at plasma center (0.9 m) and two others for which the resonance is displaced by 0.06 m on either side of half-width is 0.17 m. The hybrid the resonance effects on the E., but they are asymmetric with center. (b)Variation of a very has slab only small respect to the of the E+-field for the same three cases. The hybrid resonance has strong appearance The center. steep effects gradient cyclotron resonance layers. 47 on the between E+. Note the the hybrid and Table Captions Table I The theoretical wave damping length normalized circumference for the toroidal to the toroidal eigenmodes shown in Fig. 7(a). The normalized damping length is the number of times the waves go around the torus radial(l), before their poloidal(m) and identifies the resonant mode. based upon "pure" fundamental damping. electron The negligible. one-twentieth the e-fold. toroidal(n) damping and theories deuteron damping(E) resistive damping(W) values are computed set for of numbers computed for the proton second Landau/TTMP wall A eigenmode The damping lengths cyclotron cyclotron(I) The amplitudes harmonic(II) is completely are lengths these in modes cylindrical waveguide made of smooth stainless steel walls. a The right-most column(T) lists the total damping lengths. Table II The theoretical wave damping length normalized circumference for the toroidal See captions to Table I for symbol to the toroidal eigenmodes shown in Fig. 8(a). explanations. The electron Landau/TTMP damping is completely negligible except where entries are made. Table III Influence fundamental of the two-ion hybrid resonance on the proton cyclotron (subscript I) and deuteron second harmonic (subscript II). damping. four different Some computed quantities are of for locations of the cyclotron resonance layer (Re). n,, is the parallel refractive index, P the power slab shown absorbed in a unit height and depth normalized in such a way that the Poynting flux is 1 MW .J-2 /(kAa) the per unit enhancement height factors, of the slab, J1 and Q the quality factor, and Lb/L the damping length normalized by the toroidal circumference. Table IV Influence of fundamental the two-ion hybrid resonance the proton cyclotron and deuteron second harmonic damping. Some computed quantities are shown for four different on-axis on plasma density (neo). symbol explanations. 49 See values of the captions to Table III for Table I (1, m, n) I II E W T (1, (1, 1, 1, 3) 4) 170 56 230 100 - 13 11 12 - (1, (1, 2, 2, 3) 4) 240 79 410 150 - 17 13 16 11 (1, 3, 4) 95 220 - 17 14 50 9 a Table II (1, m, n) I II E W T (1,-1, (1,-1, 1) 2) 76 29 1.7 2.4 - - 55 27 1.6 2.0 (1, 0, 6) 5.0 5.4 160 9.2 2.0 (1, 1,10) (2, 1, 1) (2, 1, 2) 3.1 81 33 24 1.7 2.7 80 - 17 54 23 2.3 1.7 2.3 (1, 2, 8) 6.5 20 140 8.6 3.1 (1, 3, 8) 7 20 160 9.6 3.3 51 d Table III 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 28 29 30 31 25 1.6 78 55 2.0 6.0 7.2 64 2.8 1.8 Jl/(kAa) 13 5.2 1.2 2.1 QI QJ 560 8500 180 3400 230 6500 2100 120000 (Lo/L)z (LO/L) Z 14 220 4.5 6.4 89 180 58 m ni P1t P1 JI kW/m 2 kW/mz 4.0 52 0.11 3100 Table IV 10'/m3 neo ni kW/m kW/m' P, P3E J/k )2 JE/ (kAa ) (Lo/L) (LD/L)1L 0.8 1.5 2.5 3.5 14 22 30 36 300 95 55 12 2.0 40 0.55 15 590 3.1 54 5.2 1.3 1.1 570 3900 150 1200 230 6500 360 26000 1.2 7.1 3.7 6.4 180 8.8 640 44 30 53 1.8 0 U- C CL CC Uj cnc ANTI-RESONANCE ,F-R ESONANCE Pt I I I 1 10 pb ms I Fig. 2 II - -- - "Ali S CD z 0 4 . - 4 It I. i 15 0 0 (a) Damping Length S S 0 10 -j 0 S -J 5 S S 5 SF 0 I 110 I -90 100 RD1=2] (cm) HI- I I 80 70 -] Plasma 1.0 r .8 k E .6k .4 k (b) Bolometer Signal .2 0 I 110 I I 100 I 80 90 R [22 Fig. (cm) 4 I 70 - =2 Plasma (Nominal) =>~ Tokamak Center Antenna ± CX Signals - 450 eV - 900 eV IZ7, 1800 eV RF ~1~ I 10ms Loading Resistance -0 Fig. 5 4I . 01--!:!7 1711 !t I, II A ii-I4 3.01 E-a NA~ - ARI 4h 2.01 V. I I I I I 0 0 a) 1.0 20 Fig. 6 t ms 30 (a) (1,1,4) (1,1,3) 6- 6 (1,2,4) To tal 4(,2,3) m=+l - 2 m=+3 m=+2 20 26 24 22 30 28 t [ms] (b) 1.2 Toto 0.8 m + +I C3\ 0. 4 -- \ m=+2 - ----- - m =+ 2 0 20 22 26 24 t [ms] Fig. 7 28 30 I fK( 2,1,1 ) (a) (1,-I, I) 4H- 1,0, 6) (2,112) 2 (1, 0 ) + V M ,+ M=+2 2 2 57 22 I I I 24 26 28 30 t Ems] 31 (b) 2 Total rI crn I 0 \+ - - - -_-=-- m=I 20 22 24 26 t [ms] Fig. 8 28 30 LO 882H 0 LU U, 0 i Iscc w- 0 I', 0 E 0 C% ~8H tn 0: 2 0r LLJ /1 I - U, 0 U, 2 I.- U 'I U a: 0 LU - + w 88H U, 0