PFC/JA-86-30 Requirements for Ohmic Ignition I. H. Hutchinson Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 May 1986 Submitted to: Journal of Fusion Energy This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. Requirements for Ohmic Ignition I. H. Hutchinson ABSTRACT An analysis of ohmic ignition criteria is presented, quirements on T, nt and n/j finement assumptions. with Spitzer is required. For resistivity The value are how much in a form easily applicable circular cross-section to various con- 'NeoAlcator' a value of B 2 a approximately equal outstanding increase uncertainties in schemes to in current density is achievable shaping and what the exact NeoAlcator coefficient is. Key Words: giving the re- Ignition, Ohmic Heating, Confinement tokamaks to 250 T 2 m lower this by plasma Introduction It is generally acknowledged that to obtain ignition of a magnetically confined plasma which is heated only by ohmic dissipation, due to DC currents in the plasma, is very difficult. rapid decrease of the resistance recent unfavorable on tokamaks have scalings reawakened fact be achieved. models, there to be required for ignition of with interestill is in whether no clear consensus because temperature. observed with studies[2,3l an ohmically this increasing of confinement Despite previous appears Qualitatively of the However, auxiliary heating ohmic ignition could in using specific confinement on what are the conditions heated plasma and what these plasma requirements demand of the machine engineering under various scaling assumptions. The purpose of this paper is to set forth these ignition requirements as clearly and succinctly as possible. By doing so, the engineering require- ments and their sensitivity to physics assumptions can be directly and quan- titatively deduced in terms of a few simple analytic formulae. The uniform plasma power balance is analysed first leading to the rather simple theorem that, when the confinement time is independent of temperature and proportional to density, the optimum ignition point is at the temperature where Bremsstrahlung and alpha heating balance (T = 4.4 keV). are then incorporated in order to obtain realistic machine Profile effects requirements. Brief discussion of other issues and limitations is followed by a summary of conclusions. Zero-Dimensional Analysis Consider initially a uniform plasma in which the power balance equation can be written in terms of the power densities of ohmic (POH), alpha particle -2- (Pa) dW - - POH + Pa - Pc dt Pb - Qa<av> 3nT - . ng2 + n2 --- 4 = n H [F2 2 T- 3 / 2 processes as and bremsstrahlung (Pb) conduction loss (Pc) - Cn2 T1/2 T 3T nT - + R (T) - CT1 /2]. Here n is the electron density in an assumed 50-50 DT mixture with temperatures Te - TD = TT - T; j is the current density, T the bremsstrahlung) energy confinement time, n the resistivity, Q energy (3.5 MeV), < ov > the DT rate coefficient, fusion heating power (Qa < ov >/4), F the ratio R(T) (non- the alpha the normalized of density to current density (n/j), and H and C are the constant resistance and bremstrahlung coefficients. Cyclotron radiation is ignored because, as we shall see, the temperatures of interest to Ohmic ignition are rather low. The normal course dW/dt = steady-state equilibrium power balance condition is of 0, which determines T if the other quantities are known. One needs to be somewhat cautious in defining the meaning of 'ignition' for an ohmically heated plasma because normally the ohmic power cannot be 'switched off' in the way that auxiliary power can. Physically the most rigorous definition comes about by recognizing that the stability of the power-balance (dW/dt). a slight equilibrium If this sign is negative, increase the energy; i.e. in is determined by the the equilibrium is stable, temperature leads to a a loss of energy (dW/dt<O). 'negative of 3/aT sign because feedback' into On the other hand if the sign is positive the equilibrium is unstable and a positive temperature -3- perturbation will grow with time and lead to an (initially) exponential growth of temperature. Clearly, what is required for ohmic ignition is to reach the point where the usually stable low temperature equilibrium solution becomes marginally unstable; because then a small temperature perturbation will lead to a steadily increasing temperature moving the plasma into the regime where alpha heating is dominant. In other words, the ignition point of interest is the 'thermal runaway' point. Mathematically, then, the ignition condition is that 3 dW -(-) aT dt dW = 0 0 dt Since simultaneously. - , these derivatives 2 could equally well replace dW/dt by (1/n We make the assumption, confinement scalings, that T valid is not assume for n to be constant we ) dW/dt in these expressions. most empirical explicitly tokamak ohmic on T. Then dependent we can immediately eliminate nT from the ignition condition by writing 3 3 (-) 3T nt 0 =- a H [ aT F2 = - 5H - T- - 2F 7 2 / 2 + d dT R T-5/2 + T R (-) T Since R is a known function of T, - CT-1/2 n2 T C 2 + T- which ohmic 3 / dW _ ] dt 2 we can regard this equation as indi- cating that for a given value of F (the temperature at 1 -_ - ignition n/j ratio), occurs. It there is more is a unique convenient, though, to solve the equation for F 2 with T as the independent variable. For any T, ohmic 5H F 2 - -/[T 2 7 /2 ignition can occur d R C (-) + - T 2 dT T 2 , -4- at that temperature only when Having solved for F we can substitute back into the power balance to find what value of nT is required for ignition at this temperature. We find immediately: R 4 nT - 3/[- T - (-) + T 5 dT T - 5 2 at ignition. d R CT-1/2 Whether or not any confined plasma in fact ignites depends upon whether its Lawson product nT exceeds this value or not. Of course there the confinement time scale. should a piori no adequate is presently theory for how a widespread observation However, is that the ohmic confinement time is proportional to density. So let us adopt a scaling of the form T - K n where all other dependences incorporated into K. on factors such as field and size are Then we write nT . Kj2 F 2 and recognize that, from the engineering viewpoint, there will generally be practical constraints on Kj2 which will determine whether this equation can be satisfied, for a given scaling, in an achievable machine. the ignition criteria just discussed prescribe Put the other way around, the values of nt and F2 for ignition at any T, and hence demand a value of Kj2 at least required machine equal nT/F to figure engineering when ignition of 2 We . merit. can therefore The least demand regard is -5- 2 placed occurs at the minimum value of nT/F our previous equations we can readily evaluate this. Kj 2 . as a upon From 2 The minimum value of nT/F occurs at that temperature which makes d 1 1 d - (F 2 ) = 0 nT () + 2 dT nT F dT where the total derivatives ignition condition. d 3 a 3 dT nT 3T nT here mean derivatives But, using the power balance equation, F = const Hence the minimum value of nT/F HT-3/2 --- in 2 dF2 3 3 dT 3F2 nT dF2 T = const dT HT- 5 /2 F4 at ignition occurs where 3T - - F2 or, along the marginal 0 , = nT other words, where Note exactly balance. that the ohmic since heating and conduction losses ohmic and conduction powers the balance, so also do the alpha and bremsstrahlung powers. fore immediately write down the equation determining We can there- the optimum tem- perature for ignition as R(Tm) - CT/2 m =00, and the required nT as 3F2 T5 /2 m (nT)m H Notice that the solution for Tm, in the uniform plasma model is just the well known minimum possible temperature for idealized ignition (4.4 keV for Zeff - 1). However, time for ignition there we because do not require we always have infinite some confinement ohmic heating to balance the non-bremsstrahlung losses. In order to obtain explicit solutions for the parameters we have discussed, we need to adopt an analytic -6- form for R. Various forms are available, however it proves of considerable later, in discussing profile effects, simplifying advantage to adopt a power-law expression. The expression we shall use here is R - A T 3.5 m 3 s-1 keV-2.5 A - 3.9 x 10-23 ; where we are choosing to measure all energies and temperatures in key. This form approximates the DT reaction rate to within to 10 keV and to within ~ 5% from ~ 3 to 7 keV, of most interest. uncertainties in These the errors are modelling. in 20% from T - 2.5 which covers the range negligible Also, - these compared units, to the other Spitzer resistivity with in A - 16 and the bremsstrablung coefficient with Zeff - 1 give H - 1.64 ms'1A- 2 keV5/ 2 ; 108 x m 3 s-1 keV1/2 C - 3.3 x 10-21 With these forms we can write explicit expressions: n2 - - F2 = 5H - C / [2.5 AT5 + - T2 ] 102 8 /[0.0024T 5 + 0.040T 2 ] m- 2 A-2 2 2 j2 - 4 nT - 3/[2AT 2 .5 - -1/2] - - 102 0 /f0.0026T 2 .5 - 0.088T-1/ 2 ] m- 3s 5 and also for the optimum ignition point: Tm C ()1/3 . 4.4 keV A 15 (C/A)5 /6 " - In Fig 5A(C/A) 5 /3 + C (C/A)2/3 1 are these equations, plotted together the with values = 1.6 x 102 1 m-3 s. of the machine the F2 parameters figure-of- and merit nT/F 2 nT from (= Kj 2 ), - -- F 2 [0.00 24 T5 + 0.040 T 2 ] 6 [2.5 AT5 + CT 2 /2] nT = 10-8 5H (2AT2 .5 m-'A [0.00 26 - 4CT-1/2/51 -7- T2 . 5 + 0.088 T-1- 2] 2 . The idealized ignition curve for nT (ignoring the ohmic heating term in 3/[AT2 . 5 - CT- the power 1 /2]) balance obtained by is also shown. The ohmic ignition occurs at a noticeably lower curve than the idealized value. The previous discussion is essentially completely general, applying to any confinement scheme. Even different assumptions about the n and T dependence of T could be incorporated and the analysis suitably modified. However, should be there incorporated are various in important order to obtain considering some of these complicating additional realistic factors results. which Before factors let us end this discus- sion of the simple uniform plasma model by adopting a specific tokamak the NeoAlcator confinementt 4], transport scaling: T = Kn ; K = 2 x 10-21 R 2 a K1/2 Then ignoring shaping (K = 1) and using j = 2B/poRq we get nT F2 - Kj2 = 5 x 10-9 (B 2 a)/q 2 (m-3 s)/(m- 2 A- 2 ) with B in Tesla, a in meters and q the safety factor. optimum value of nT/F 2 , which is 3T /H we get Substituting the the minimum required machine parameter as B 2a - T2 m. 150 q2 This number is comparable to those quoted elsewhere[5] noted that simply to apply this criterion to the but it should be center of a tokamak (where q = 1) leads to a considerably too optimistic view of the ignition requirements, because of the importance now discuss. -8- of profile effects, which we Profile Effects and Shaping In order profiles of to determine plasma quantitatively parameters on the the effects ignition of non-uniform condition we adopt a model in which the plasma is taken to be cylindrical and all profiles are taken to be proportional to a parabola to some power: (1 - r2 /a2 )a T =T ; (1 - r2 /a) n = n . The convenience of this model is that the volume average of any quantity f - fo(1 - r 2/a2 )k is readily shown to be 1 < f > - fo - k+1 This enables us to generalize the previous treatment very rapidly. simply recognize that the correct total power-balance We equation is the volume average of equation 1, which then becomes d -- 3nT - CT 1 /2 n 2 ] > = < [HT- 3 /2 j2 + AT 3 .5 n 2 - <W> dt H 3 T /2 A (3 2+1 00 Fe2 3TO C n0 T(a+a+1) T 3 .5 + 0 = (3.5c0+28+1) TI/2 (a/2+2B+1) Here we have assumed j c T 3 /2 and put Fo - n0 /j0 . Given this equation, we can see that the previous analysis goes through just as before except that the coefficients must be replaced by modified values 3a H =H/(- + 1) 2 A C" - A/(3.5a + 28 + 1) C/( - + 28 + 1) 2 -9- So to obtain the central ignition condition equations by simply we their values appropriate replace the parameters alternates primed defined 2AT 2 .5 previous For example: above. 4CT-1/2 (3.5a+2a+1) (a/2+26+1) 1/3 3.5a+20+1 C in all - not (a+a+1) - 3/[ Tm - to the profile-corrected ) -1/3 A a/2+20+1 nT C 5/6 (-)m - 3 (-) A F2 1 3.5a+26+ 1 -I H a/2+20+1 5/6 3a/2+1 a++1 where we leave the subscript zero as understood from now on. In Fig. 2 we show the correction function of a for three be noted that in a edge to central typical values Tokamak (3a/2+1) the density profile 2 - is equal to qa/qo, by increasing a helps )m as a It should the ratio of Therefore a is strongly to lower the required value . consider a tokamak with qa - 2, 2/3), peaked density, a -1. in the Neo Alcator formula, ff. and 1). 2 The value of 8 is less certain but peaking As an optimistic example (a of a (0,1/2 safety factor in this model. contrained by known physics. of nT/F factors for Tm and (nT/F Then we find the nT/F 2 We include the correction no qo - = 1, 1.5 ii which applies to the chord averaged density requirement calls for ) a/2+2a+1 This value is approximately 3a/2+1 5/6 3.5a+2$+1 B2 a - 150( ) 1.5 = 250 T 2m. ( a/2+2$+1 the lowest plausible value for a tokamak with no neoclassical resistivity enhancement. -10- circular profile If we allow shaping, One main reasons. the vertical scaling is other The hand, of effect stronger density for fixed effects shaping is current unchanged. is to increase is uncertain and may depend configuration. In absence of the other the On mean current Quite how that affects profile factors to proportional decreased are edge. q' at the plasma the additional in increase permitted requirement profile presuming other a B2 a the axis, the as K1/2 (c E b/a, In so far as shaping increases the current density at fixed q and B. density on is T base for this the data although elongation); small. in NeoAlcator the increase is to deal are more difficult to have a favorable effect for two Vertical elongation appears with. J-2, effects on details a well-established the of the plasma model for the profile-effects of shaping, an estimate may be gained by supposing the shaping simply to allow (qc = 2lra 2 B/1 0RI ). If a lowering the of the circular edge current-density central rises q-value by only a relatively smaller amount, then what shaping allows is a broadening of the temperature current profiles, and example we might suppose that at qc = i.e. a modification 1 we should take a - 0, case we get B2 a = 110 T 2 m in our previous example. may have the potential to ease the Further Tokamaks is essential to For in which This crude estimate more than a rough indication that shaping should be regarded as little significant factor. of a. give ignition experimental a firmer engineering demands on work basis for shaping shaping of by a ohmic estimates. Other Corrections and Limitations Modifications of effects are easily the coefficients incorporated. due For example, -11- to additional physical trapped-particle neo- classical corrections to the resistivity may increase the value of H by This increases over averaged a factor which, the F 2 the nT/F value and decreases 2 the value of nT or of Tm, ately but does not affect as 2[3]. as large may be the profile, value proportionsince they depend only on A and C. Loss of some fraction of the alpha power due to unconfined drift orbits can be incorporated as a decrease in A, which increases nT/F 2 as A-5 /6. A more complex situation arises when noticeable amounts of impurity Assuming are present. radiative to contribution the losses to be dominantly bremsstrahlung Zeff modification - an assumption which will prove false for heavy impurities - we can calculate how a small amount of impurity of three effects: Z modifies the charge ignition conditions. There are increase of ohmic power by a factor which is approxi- mately (0.65 Zeff + 0.35), decrease of alpha power, due to dilution, by a factor ((Z - Zeff)/(Z - 1)12, and increase of radiation by Zeff. All that we require is to modify the coefficients H, A, C by these factors. 2 In particular the nT/F Zeff (Z-1) 2 correction factor is 1 5/6 0.65 Zeff + 0.35 (Z - Zeff) differentiate If we Zeff dfz -- fz this 5 = dZeff expression 5/6 + with Zeff - 3 respect to Zeff we Zeff - 0.65 Z - Zeff -12- 0.65 Zeff + 0.35 get 0.18 + 1.67/(Z - 1 is always positive: which at Zeff impurities always it make to achieve more difficult 1). Therefore ignition even on this optimistic assumption about radiation. An issue which so far we have not addressed concerns whether the F values we require 'density-limit' are Normally achievable. tokamaks The basis of this is that for fixed q the mean current density is proportional to B/R. number. the F parameter tokamaks, a This is often expressed in which cannot be exceeded. terms of a 'Murakami number' nR/B. for circular experience Therefore, at least is proportional to the Murakami Now the optimum F value is 5H F. 5A(C/A)5/3 ignoring profile 2 + C(C/A) / this value corresponds x - 1/2 4.6 x 1013 = This translates effects. number of 2F/Po = 7.3 3 101 9 m- 2 T-1. to the high range (for q - m-1 A-1, 1) to a Murakami It is interesting to note that of density operation for most Tokamaks but not significantly exceeding typical achievable values. It should also be noted that a smaller F-value by a factor of up to 2 does not greatly alter the engineering factor nT/F ignition density generally 2 . than present is less Therefore the required expectations of what should be achievable. The density limit is not a serious problem. course, confinement degradation occurs if significant Of near the density limit, that is a problem. Concerning the Beta limits, if we operate at the optimum F value this implies that 2wonT - -t B2 4 2vo FmTmj = " B2 FmTm - qRB -13- using the circular q-value. Substituting the zero-dimensional values and q - 1 we get 0.13 at M - BR Thus at the optimum ignition point in a high-field machine the central St value will be quite modest, field will be essential 1% for Bt = 13T, R e.g. = to achieving ignition anyway, 1m. Since high this shows that the beta-limit should not be a problem. We can current (4 confirm 5MA) to that an confine ohmic the ignition alphas. Tokamak Using has sufficient again the circular q value which we take to be 2 we get 27ra 2 B I - q iioR a2 B 10 R = MA. Since B2 a is determined by the ignition requirement (which for present purposes we take to be B2 a = 100) we can eliminate B to get a 100 al/ 1 2 Thus the current R MA is more than enough, in even quite small machines to confine the alphas. Also we should verify presumably the irreducible tion we Using require. that neoclassical mimimum, the ion transport, is low enough to permit approximate formula[61 for which is the ignithe Banana regime: nTNC we find, 107 1 2 T1/ 2 (a/R)1/2 for T = 4.4 keV and (a/R) required nT(= 1.6 x 10 2 1 m- 3 s on the = 1/4 that in order to achieve zero-d model) -14- the we need at least 12 MA of will This current. previous equation. sized machine Of transport ion the of enhancement appreciable there were confinement. neoclassical sufficient should provide even a relatively modest So again, from the 0.23 m, a provided be present course, above if Neo- classical, ignition might be prevented. Summary of Conclusions (1) unique a which is ratio the of function (F) of any assumptions about Independent density. takes place physically defined, Ohmic ignition, at a temperature current of density to confinement other than that T is not explicitly a function of temperature. (2) The nT required for ignition is similarly a unique and hence T, of lying idealized below the slightly function of F, ignition fusion curve (see Fig. 1). (3) The quantity nT/F 2 constitutes an engineering figure-of-merit when It is then proportional to confinement time scales proportional to n. and its required value is likewise a the square of the current-density unique function of ignition temperature. (4) The minimum value 4.4 keV where the of nT/F NeoAlcator requirement; ally scaling x for a uniform plasma, occurs, bremsstrahlung quired to reach this is 1.6 (5) 2 and alpha powers at T The balance. = nT re- 102 1m- 3 s. allows the nT/F 2 to be reexpressed as a B2 a requiring B 2 a > 150 in a uniform plasma but more realistic- 250 in a circular tokamak (not accounting for trapped particle resistivity enhancement) when profile effects are accounted for. -15- Impurity effects are always detrimental to the ability to achieve (6) igntion. (7) Density limits, beta limits, alpha drift orbit confinement and neoclassical ion transport do not appear to be serious limiting factors in practical sized achieve ignition, (8) machines. these If machine limits will not parameters be are such significantly as to stretched. The most crucial areas of uncertainty in determining the engineer- ing requirements for igniton are (a) the neoAlcator coefficient and (b) the degree to which the current density, increased by issues, particularly to encompass Our shaping. values shaping, (from present degree of uncertainty the B 2 a uncertainty leave 100 particularly on axis, to = 300) which range in large from can be these enough plausibly achievable to presently inconceivable. Acknowledgements I am grateful to D. R. R. Parker for helpful R. Cohn, J. P. discussions. Freidberg, M. This was- supported Department of Energy Contract DE/AC02-78ET51013. work -16- Greenwald, and by References 1. D. R. Cohn and L. Bromberg, Submitted to J. Fusion Energy. 2. B. Coppi, Comments Plasma Phys. Cont. Fusion 3, 47 (1977). 3. C. E. Wagner, Phys. Rev. Lett 46, 654 (1981). 4. R. R. Parker, M. Greenwald, S. C. Luckhardt, E. S. Marmar, M. Porkolab, 5. and S. M. Wolfe, Nucl. Fusion 25, 1127 (1985). D. R. Cohn, L. Bromberg, and D. L. Jassby, 7th Topical Meeting on Fusion Technology, Reno (1986). 6. W. M. Stacey Fusion Plasma Analysis, Wiley (1981). -17- Figure Captions Fig. 1 The values of n/j(-F) and nT required for ohmic ignition at a The idealized ignition nT temperature T in a uniform plasma. requirement (ignoring ohmic heating) is shown for comparison. The ratio nT/F 2 is the machine figure-of-merit requirement. It is minimized at the optimum temperature Tm Fig. 2 The profile correction factors for the central optimum temperature and nT/F 2 requirements as a function of the temperature and density profile indices (OL and 0). -18- ci~ N CC a)) CV) C14 sr~v se -u J -L L1 - -WI-0 L-VL - no /= 0 0 cc LL CYJ LI. E IV) C Ct, o 00 6) 0 ot 040 VAO CV) CY W