INFLUENCE OF FINITE RADIAL GEOMETRY ON COHERENT RADIATION GENERATION BY A RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON BEAM IN A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC WIGGLER Ronald C. Davidson and Yuan-Zhao Yin PFC/JA-84-23 June, 1984 N INFLUENCE OF FINITE RADIAL GEOMETRY ON COHERENT RADIATION GENERATION BY A RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON BEAM IN A LONGITUDINAL MAGNETIC WIGGLER Ronald C. Davidsont Plasma Research Institute Science Applications Inc. Boulder, CO, 80302 Yuan-Zhao Yin Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, 02139 ABSTRACT The influence of finite radial geometry on the longitudinal wiggler free electron laser instability is investigated for TE mode perturbations about a uniform density electron beam with radius Zb. The equilibrium and stability analysis is carried out for a thin, tenuous electron beam propagating down the axis of a multiple-mirror (undulator) magnetic field It is B [1+(6B/B )sink z],z, where X0 =21Tr/k 0 =const. is the wiggler wavelength. assumed that k R<<1, and that perturbations are about the self-consistent 0 2m Z-bmVb), where Lb L 2ybmb -2yb Vlasov equilibrium fb ( , )nb 2_ 2 2 p =prU6' , is the canonical angular momentum, and nb bW b' Lb and Vb are positive constants. For 6B/B 0 <<1 and slow beam rotation (wb Wcb eBO/y bmc), Rb=(2T the equilibrium density is uniform (%) . //Ybm2bb are investigated out to the beam radius Detailed free electron laser stability properties for the case where the amplifying radiation field has TE-mode polarization with perturbed field components (6Ee, B r, 6B z). The matrix dispersion equation is analyzed in the diagonal approximation, and it is shown that the positioning of the beam radius (Rb) relative to the conducting wall radius (Rc) can have a large influence on the growth rate and detailed stability properties. Analytic and numerical studies show that the growth rate increases as Rb/Rc is increased. t Permanent Address: Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. * Permanent Address: Institute of Electron, Academia Sinica, Beijing, People's Republic of China. 2 I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY There have been several theoretical 1-26 and experimental 27 -3 5 investigations of coherent radiation generation by free electron lasers that use an intense relativistic electron beam as an energy source. Both longitudinal1-5 and transverse6-18 wiggler magnetic field geometries have been considered, and there have been many theoretical estimates of the gain (growth rate) that treat the system as infinite and uniform transverse to the beam propagation direction. Few calculations,5,16,17 however, have attempted to include the important influence of finite 16 17 , radial geometry in a fully self-consistent manner, and these analyses5, have indicated that the relative positioning of electron beam radius (Rb) to conducting wall radius (Rc) can indeed have a large effect on the linear growth rate and the detailed stability properties. The longitudinal magnetic wiggler configuration 1-4 has been identi- fied1 as a strong candidate for coherent radiation generation at frequencies significantly higher than those generated by the cyclotron maser instability (assuming the same average axial field B0 ). In the present article, we investigate the influence of finite radial geometry on the longitudinal wiggler free electron laser instability.1- The analysis is carried out for a thin, tenuous electron beam propagating down the axis of a multiple-mirror (undulator) magnetic field (Sec. II and Fig. 1). It is assumed that ko%<<l and that the amplifying radiation field has TE-mode polarization with perturbed field components (6Ee, 5Br, 6Bz). the beam radius, Here, Rb is \0= 27/k0 = const. is the wavelength of the wiggle in the axial magnetic field, and the conducting wall is located at radius r=R . A very important feature of the linear stability analysis (Secs. III and IV) is that the positioning of the beam radius relative to the conducting 3 wall radius (as measured by k/Rc, say) can have a large influence on the growth rate and detailed stability properties relative to the case where the system is treated as infinite and uniform1 in the transverse direction. To briefly summarize,- in Sec. II we describe the equilibrium properties of a thin, tenuous electron beam propagating down the axis of a multiple-mirror magnetic field. Equilibrium self fields are neglected, and the vacuum magnetic field is approximated by [Eq. (3)]l B (r,z) = B 0 1 + sinkz , B0(r,z) = 0 r 2-'2 for kR <<l. Beam equilibrium properties ( /'t= 0) are investigated for the choice of self-consistent equilibrium distribution function (Eq. (6)]36 nb 0 b 2A 5P2YblbPe 1 2YbmLb 2 2 2 where p 1 =pr+p8 :ebmVb)' z is the axial momentum, P is the canonical angular momentum, and nb' Yb' wb' Tb and Vb are positive constants. is the characteristic energy of a beam electron. Here Ybmc For small wiggler amplitude (6B/B 0 <<l) and a slowly rotating electron beam with Wb eBO /Ybmc, it is found that fb 0 fb5 where V 2 T 2 TCh/Ybm. LpJ _Lb abYb vb ~ h%) (1-r'/ ~(Z bbY b) 6(p b ' In this case, the axial modulation of the beam 0 the beam density is uniform with nb()= (9)]. tion (3) Wcb ) can be approximated by [Eq. (16)] envelope is negligibly small with Rb(z)b= const. [Eq. 2 [Eqs. (10) and (14)], and over the interval O<r< The particle trajectories in the equilibrium field configura- are also described in Sec. II [Eqs. (17)-(20)]. 4 Stability properties are investigated in Secs. III and IV for TEmode perturbations about the choice of self-consistent solid-beam equiAssuming perturbed field components librium specified in Eq. (16). (5E 9 5B , 6B ), the linearized Vlasov-Maxwell equations [Eqs. (24)(25)] are analyzed using techniques established in recent investigations37-39 of the influence of finite radial geometry on the cyclotron In particular, for a tenuous electron beam, we maser instability. approximate the r-depencence of 6E (r,z) by the vacuum waveguide solution, J 1 (t 0Zr/Rc), where a is the Z'th zero of J1 ( 0 Z) = 0 [Eq. (30)]. After considerable algebraic manipulation, this gives the matrix dispersion equation [Eq. (43)] 2 0 2 2- - It + c Xn,n(k,w) Rc n=- N#0 =F n=-c + 6E (k) -N,n(k+NkOW)5 6 (k+Nk0 1-on 0, ,n(k,w) is defined in Eq. (50) for the choice where the susceptibility of radially confined equilibrium distribution fb in Eq. (16). For sufficiently small wiggler amplitude, the off-diagonal terms in Eq. (43) can be neglected, and the dispersion relation is approximated by (Eq. (47)] 2 - k2 a2 R + xnn (k,w) = 0. c The striking feature of the definition of \mn(kw) in Eq. (50) is the strong dependence of the integrand on radial coordinate r. For the case of small energy variation over the beam cross section, we obtain the approximate expression for ),(k,w) given by [Eq. (55)]. 5 2 (kw) = 4 2b 91_f_( [ ) 2 ..b ] 1 - w-k~k )V-cb] + where f () (Wcb g2f 2(w) 2 [-(kknnkOb-b 2) c 2[w-(k+nk0 )Vb- cb]2 Wcb ) and f2 M) are defined in Eqs. (56) and (57), and g and g2 are the geometric factors defined in Eqs. (53) and (54) (see also Fig. 2). In Sec. IV, we obtain approximate analytic and numerical solutions to the diagonal dispersion relation (47) for Xn(kw) specified by Eq. (55). Several points are noteworthy from the stability analysis. First, for a given harmonic number n, the characteristic maximum growth rate [Eq. (68)] is largest whenever the argument of J corresponds to the first zero of J'(x)= 0, i.e., when n Wcb kOVb where a 6B BO n,l is the first zero of J'(x) = 0. Second, the characteristic n 1/3 maximum growth rate scales as (V /c)2/3^ nb , which can lead to n,l substantial gain for the. longitudinal wiggler free electron laser.. Third, there is a strong dependence of stability properties on the positioning of the beam radius (Rb) relative to the conducting wall radius (Rc). In particular, the growth rate Imw increases as Rb/R, is increased, and the detailed dependence of Imw on numerically in Sec. IV. /R is examined Another important feature of the results is 6 that the instability is inherently broadband in the sense that many harmonics are unstable, even when (wcb/k0 Vb)(6B/B ) is chosen to maximize emission for a particular value of n. Finally, also in Sec. IV, we investigate stability properties in the limiting case where 6B=0. This corresponds to the cyclotron maser instability for perturbations about the solid electron beam equilibrium f0( ,k) specified by Eq. (16). The numerical results for 6B= 0 also show a strong dependence on radial geometry (Rbd/R) 7 II. A. EQUILIBRIUM MODEL AND ASSUMPTIONS Equilibrium Field Configuration In the present analysis, a tenuous electron beam propagates along the axis of a multiple-mirror (undulator) magnetic field with axial periodicity length X 0 = 27r/k 0 and axial and radial vacuum magnetic fields, B (r,z) and B (r,z), given by1 r z B (r,z) = B z 1 + 6BI 01 B0 kr)sink 0 z ink0zj (1) B (r,z) = -6BI (k r)cosk z where I (k0 r) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order n, and 6B/B 0 < 1 is related to the mirror ratio R by R (1+6B/B 0 )/(1-6B/B 0 ). = In circumstances where the beam radius Rb is sufficiently small that k2 << 1, (2) and the oscillatory field amplitude 6B is small with SB/B 0 < 1, then the leading-order oscillation (wiggle) in the applied field is 0 =0 primarily in the axial direction, with B= the context of Eq. (2), O(k r6B/B )B . Within the equilibrium magnetic field components can be approximated by 1 B. (r,z) = Bo + B0 sinkoz, j (3) B (r,z) = 0 r 8 -l in the beam interior where r < Rb <<b k' 0 Assuming a tenuous electron beam with negligibly small equilibrium self fields, then the electron motion in the longitudinal wiggler field specified by Eq. (3) is characterized by four single-particle constants of the motion. These are: pz ' 2 2 2 ' r + pe = p. 2 4 2 ymc P0 = (m c = r p 2 2 1/2 2 2 + c p1 + c P - ) (4) , A 0(r,z) where pz is the axial momentum, p1 is the perpendicular momentum, ymc2 is the electron energy, and 0 1 A0(r,z) =-! rB f1 + B sinkz (5) , 0 is the 6-component of vector potential consistent with Eq. (3). Here, -e is the electron charge, m is the electron rest mass, and c is the speed of light in vacuo. Note that ymc2 = const. can be constructed 2 from the constants of the motion pz and p,, which are independently conserved. It is important to keep in mind that the validity of the single22 < 1, particle constants of the motion in Eq. (4) assumes that k0r SB/B 0 <1, and that the oscillatory radial magnetic field B ~ -(8B/2)k rcoskz 0 To determine the range of can be approximated by Br= 0 [Eq. (3)]. 9 validity of this approximation, we have also calculated (in an iterative sense) the leading-order corrections to the longitudinal 0 and transverse orbits, treating the magnetic force (-e/c)vxB e as a small correction. B. Beam Equilibrium Properties The TE-mode stability analysis in Sec. III is carried out for perturbations about the self-consistent equilibrium distribution 0 (x b f = 2 )5 (p - 2bmT - 22 Ybi.b6 (P T 5 (P2 Ti Ybmwbe nb A where nb' T.Lb' 'b and Vb are constants, ybmc 2 bmV) 36 (6) , b b const. is the characteristic energy of a beam electron, and Vlb is defined by Vib =( 2 b/ybm) 1/2 2 p - 2ybMW Pe . Making use of Eq. (4), 2+ p-mr p2r + -yb it is readily shown that 2 b2 (7) + y 2 m2 rwb 2 cb (1 + -_B sinkoz - b where wcb = eBO/ybmc is the relativistic cyclotron frequency. Eqs. (6) and (7), From it readily follows that the average axial and azimuthal momentum of the beam electrons are given by d3 p pf0 d z b <pz> <p e> rd33 YbmLvb' fdd pp fbefb fd 3pf0 d p Moreover, it f0 0 YbmWbr. b can be shown from Eqs. (6) and (7) that f (x, ) corres- 10 36 ponds to a sharp-boundary equilibrium with density profile n0 T 0 d p fb given by const., n (r,z) 0 < r < Rb(z) (9) = r > Rb(z) 0 Here, the radial boundary Rb(z) of the electron beam is defined by ^2 2 Rb(z) where =2Tlb = -Lb wcb [l+(6B/Bo)sink0 z]- Wb bm. From Eq. (10), 0 < Wb (10) b b is required to be in the range cb[1-6B/B0( for a radially confined equilibrium to exist. Moreover, the maximum occurs for k0 z=(2n+1)7r/2, n=±l, t2, ... beam radius [Rb ]M Introducing the effective thermal Larmor radius rLb condition k [Rb]2 22 0 Lb < V -Lb cb the << 1 can readily be expressed as b Wb(1_L_ B0 cb Wcb( The stability analysis in Sec. III is carried out for the case where the beam rotation is slow with Wb << (13) W cb and the wiggler amplitude is small with 6B/BO << 1. In this case, 11 the axial modulation of the beam radius in Eq. (10) is very weak, and Rb(z) can be approximated by the constant value 1/2 b (z)~Rb (b b cb ) ( Moreover, consistent with Eqs. (13) and (14), it is valid to approximate Pe=- which gives b Mcbr 2/2 in Eq. (7), P 2 2 - Ybmwb P8- 2 YbmT'b (15) 2 PI - wcb and 6B << BO. for wb < Eq. 2 2 ^ (Ybmb) 2(1-r /2 ) The equilibrium distribution function in (6) can then be expressed to the required accuracy as 0 b nb - 2 Tr 2 p2 (YbVb) (-r b tb/%r 2 ^ 2 (16) bmvb p-bm 2 2 where pi = pr+p2. Equation (16) readily gives the rectangluar density profile in Eq. (9) with constant beam radius equal to Rb. Note from Eq. (16) that the equilibrium distribution function has an inverted population 1 in pa with f0 = const. x 2[p - p2(r)]6(pY mV 2 ^2 2 2 where plo(r) = (Yb mVlb) (1-r /Rb). C. Particle Trajectories in the Equilibrium Fields The orbit equations for an electron moving in the axial magnetic field B (z) = B +6Bsink z described by Eq. (3) are given by dp'/dt'= z 0 -(e/c)v'B 0 (z'), ymsv'(t') 0 dp'/dt' = and y = (1+k' 2 x (e/c)v'B0 2 2 1/2 /m c ) (z') and dp'/dt'=0, where 2(t') = const. The axial trajectory = 12 that passes through the phase space point (z,pz) at time t'=t (z',p') z is given by P pz , z' = z + V (17) where T = t'-t and vz=p z/y m=const. is the axial velocity. Defining v' (t)=v'(t')+iv'(t') and making use of Eq. (17), it is straightforward x y to show that v'(t') satisfies V d = dt'- + C ~ c 1 + B sin(koz+kov t) ' ), z O 0 (18) where wc = eB 0 /ymc is the relativistic cylotron frequency for electron Integrating Eq. (18) with respect to t' motion in the average field B and enforcing v'(t'=t)=v +iv =vlexp(i$), where (v ,v ) = (vicosOv sin$) 1 is the perpendicular velocity at time t'=t, gives '(t') = vjexp (+iwT (19) . c SB cosk 0 z-cos(k 0 z+k0 v z) B0 k vz 0 From Eq. (19), we note that 1v'(t')I = const., the individual transverse velocity components, as expected. v' (t') can be strongly modulated as a function of z and t' wiggler field 6Bsink 0 z. However, and v'(t'), by the longitudinal Depending on the size of 6B/BO, this can lead to a significant enhancement of radiation emission relative to the case where 6B=0. For future reference, it is convenient to Fourier decompose the k0 z dependence in Eq. (19), making use of the Bessel function identity 13 exp(ib cosa) JM(b)exp(-ima+ir /2) = where J (b) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order m. This gives viexp(i$) v' (t'= I J m,n m B 0 z B 0k 6B B n kv n- 0 (20) x where exp[i(WcT+mk0vzT)]exp[i(m-n)kOz] . mn denotes I' _ From Eq. (20), for (wc/k v)(6B/B) of order unity, we note that the temporal modulation of the perpendicular velocity can be strong at harmonics of k0 zk0Vb. Finally, when Eq. (20) is integrated with respect to t' to determine the transverse particle orbit x'(t')+iy(t'), we note that there are, resonant contributions proportional to (wc+mk0 vz ) assumes that vz (with w c+mkb0 b0) . n this regard, the present analysis b is sufficiently far removed from cyclotron resonance that the particle orbits do not exhibit large (secular) transverse excursions.1 14 III. A. TE-MODE STABILITY PROPERTIES Linearized Vlasov-Maxwell Equations For the equilibrium configuration discussed in Sec. II, we now make use of the linearized Vlasov-Maxwell equations to investigate stability properties for electromagnetic perturbations with TE-mode polarization. It is assumed that a conducting wall is located at radius r = Rc > Rb. Moreover, perturbed quantities are expressed as 65(x,t) = 6$(x)exp(-iwt) where Imc>O corresponds to instability. symmetric (3/H=O) We consider azimuthally TE-mode perturbations with electromagnetic field components 5Ee(rz)~e = (21) ( where (er' e = Br (r,z),Ar + 6Bz(r,z), ) are unit vectors in the (r,e,z) directions. Maxwell equations for 6 and 6 7x 6.,c = - b (22) ~ %c d3 p v 6f are given by 6 B Vx6 E = where 6J(x) = -e = I o The 41- e 3 d p v 6f (23) c is the perturbed current density, and 6f (r,z,) b is the perturbed distribution function. From Eqs. (21) and (22), 5B (r,z) 15 and 6 Br (r,z) are related to SE (r,z) by e ri 6i z= - (r6 E6 ' (24) ic a W az r 6e Moreover, substituting Eq. (22) into Eq. (23) and taking the O-component gives /2 2 r r r r -E + 2 ++ +(r,z) -2 r a 2 (25) 47riwe 3 d p v i 6fb(r,z,,) which relates 6E (r,z) to the perturbed azimuthal current density 6J (r,z) = -e 3 d p v 6b' Making use of the method of chracteristics, the linearized Vlasov equation for 6fb(r,z,,pt) = 6fb(r,zq)exp(-iwt) can be integrated to give dt'exp [-iw (t'-t) 6 fb (r,z,,) = e I (26) x where (g',g') v'x6B(x 6 (x ) + c * b , ) , ' are the particle trajectories in the equilibrium field configuration (Sec. II.C) that pass through the phase space point (g,,p) at time t'=t, function. and ( ) is the equilibrium distribution We first simplify Eq. (26) for the general class of self- consistent Vlasov equilibria (Sec. II.B), 16 f0 0 (p-2y WP ' fb be Lb b (27) ), where the perturbed electromagnetic fields have the components shown in Eq. After some straightforward algebra, the perturbed dis- (21). tribution function can be expressed as 3f 0 0 b 2e 6fb(r,zq) 0 - where T=t'-t. e v'6iz(r',z') dT exp(-iwt) v e6Br(r',z') (28) 0 fb I - - In obtaining Eq. f 0/ap 2and af /ap +1 v'6B (r',z')] [E (r',z') br' br') +Yb b (p- d- exp(-iot) (28), use has been made of the fact that are constant (independent of t') along a particle trajectory in the equilibrium field configuration. Moreover, from 2 2 21/2 = V'=v lm=p ad are independent (l+ /m c ) /ym and y' =y Sec. II.B, v' = vz = of t' in Eq. (28), and the axial orbit is given by z' = z + vz . In addition, the transverse velocities v' can be determined from Eq. (19), v'(t'=t) = = dr'/dt' and v' a = r'd6'/dt' subject to the boundary conditions r, v (t'=t) = v,, r'(t'=t) = r and 6'(t'=t) = 6. Equation (28) simplifies considerably in the case of very slow beam rotation (wb « Sec. II.B. W cb) and weak wiggler field (6B << B0 ) discussed in Neglecting the terms proportional to wb in Eq. (28), and expressing 6Br in terms of 6Ee 0 af0 6fb(r,zq) = 2e (24)], we obtain [Eq. d - exp(- i)p'6 r',z') (29 0 0f + 2p0 (29) 0 dTexp(-i) p I 6E(r',z), 17 where z' = z + v zT. Eq. (25) In general, Eq. (29) is to be substituted into and the resulting equation solved as an eigenvalue equation for SEa(r,z) and w. B. Matrix Dispersion Equation for a Tenuous Beam For a low-density electron beam, we make use of the fact that 6 the solution for Ee (r,z) is closely approximated by the vacuum waveguide solution, and solve Eqs. (25) and (29) in an iterative sense. In particular, we express37-39 6t e(r,z) = 6E (z)J1 (aOr/RC) where aOz is the Z'th zero of J1 (a) 6 0, and E (r=Rc,z) = 0 at the Here, Jn (x) is the Bessel function of the first kind conducting wall. of order n. = (30) , Taylor expanding the z'-dependence of 6E 9(r',z') in Eq. (29) according to 6e (z') = k=-co 6E (k)exp(ikz+ikvt ) (31) , where k=2n/L and L is the periodicity length in the z-direction, we readily find 0 3f0 / kv (k)exp(ikz) d 6^f (r,zq) = e b k 8 2 z l W bf+ k 9 2 ymw 0 b pz (32) 0 x We substitute Eqs. d-c (30) exp (-iWT+ikvz-p and (32) into Eq. (aOr '/Rc (25), make use of 18 {r (3/3r)[r(a/ar))-r }Ji (ar/R 0 oc dr r J (ao r/R )... with 2 c 2 . 2 /R )J (ar/R ), and operate This gives 2 Rc az (47re iW/c 2 ) 2 JO c dr r J 0 [RcJ 2 a 0o)/2] dp x -~r) (E + 12(1 _ 2 V (k)exp(ikz) k c k 0z x r dT exp(-iwr+ikvz where use has been made of J(a zr'/RC Rc dr r J (a0 r/R) /2)J =(R (a We now evaluate the orbit integral 0I dt exp(-iwT+ikvt )p I The azimithal momentum p' p= (a0 r'/Rc) is expressed as p, is constant (independent of t') p, = ymv field configuration described in Sec. II. (34) = pjsin ('-e'), where for the equilibrium Equation (34) then becomes 0 I = (35) 0 dT exp(-iWT+ikvzT)sin($'-e')Ji (a or'/Rc) p To simplify Eq. (35), we specialize to the case of small thermal Larmor radius, r b/b << 1, and approximate the r' and e' orbits by (r',6') ~ (r,e). This is an excellent approximation for a slowly rotating beam with wb/wcb /wcb << 1 follows from Eq. < (14). Eq. (35) can then be approximated by , inc r2 ^2 << since rLb/R 1, -2 /2 V b ^2 cbR The orbit integral I in 19 I = pJ 1 f (a0 r/RC) dr exp(-iwT+ikvzr) (36) 1 {expi($-e)]-exp[-i($'-e)) ' is the rapidly oscillating velocity phase defined by [Eq. (19)], where ' 'B += cT + Wc B0 +CoskO ) - cos (k0 z+k~v ko v (37) We substitute Eq. (37) into Eq. (36), make use of the Bessel function identity in Eq. (20) to expand exp(±i$'), and then carry out the integration over T for Imw > 0. After some straightforward algebra, this gives PiLJ1 ( 0r/R C) 2i n,m n ( wc 6B ovz 0) B kv Jm dB B zk E n-m+l exp~i($-8)]exp[-i(n-m)k0z](i)nM X (8 w-(k+mk 0 )vz~- (38) exp[-i($-e)]exp[-i(n-m)k0 z](i)-n+M+1 w-(k+mk0 )vz+Wc where wc = eB0 /ymc, vz = pz/ym and eigenvalue equation (33), 0 $, d- 0 dpip -" L denotes n,m 3n=-00 we express d3 = . In the m=-co n integration over dpz and carry out the required 0 making use of ve=(p±/ym)sin($-e) and the fact that fb 0O 2 - 2 ^2 2 (ybmVib) (-r/ accuracy of Eq. (15). is independent of $ to the level of In particular, we readily obtain from Eq. (38) 20 2r devisin($- )I - 1 4ymi J (a0 r/Rc) JIrp 1 k i B exp[-i(n-rn)k Z] 0 cOv z B0 ) mk(0 vzB 0) n,m n (39) n-m w-(k+mk w-(k+mk0 )v+W z)~c Substituting Eq. (39) into Eq.. (33), the eigenvalue equation for 6E 6(z) can be expressed as 2 2 z 2 a 2 2 Rc +2 e z c (40) Xmn (kw)6E (k) =k- m,n x exp~i(k+mk0 -nk0 )z] , where the susceptibilityX mn (k,w) is defined by =1 Xrn (k,w) (4 2/c2 4[(R /2)J (a0 r3p Jm (w fd \k Ov [ 09 dr r J2 (cL 0 r/R) 01 x /n B0 I 0d 'b P a PP± 3 0 0 af SV2[mm BB)J k-z0 BB + k ( (i)nm Iw-(k+mk0 )vz-W c b z P±JJ P. -nf+ W-(k+mk 0)vZ +WC (41) 21 In Eq. (41), vL = pl/ym, vz = PZ /ym, WC = eB0 /ymc and fd p = 2r f dpjpL Equations (40) and (41) should be compared with Eqs. (22) and (23) of Ref. 1. The major difference is that Eqs. (40) and (41) include finite radial beam geometry in a fully self-consistent manner, whereas Ref. 1 assumes an infinite uniform beam in the transverse direction. The effects of finite radial geometry are manifest through the occurrence of the effective perpendicular wavenumber a on the left-hand side of Eq. (40), as well as the r-integration over J (a0 r/R ) and the r-dependence of the equilibrium distribution function f in Eq. (41) b [see Eqs. (15) and (16)]. Eq. (40) Fourier decomposing the left-hand side of with respect to z, and changing the k-summation variable on the right-hand side of Eq. (40) from k+mk0-nki>k gives 2 a2 -- k - e k (k)exp(ikz) R2 c2 c (42) + k m,n Xm,n(k+nk0 -mk0 ,906 6 (k+nk0 -mk0 )exp(ikz) =0. Equation (42) gives the final dispersion equation D (k,w)6 0 N#0 N=-- D0 (k'W and , and D + = r N#0 (k+Nko' X1,+NO~) (k+Nk0 ) (k+ 0 , (43) 0 -l where e (k) ++ and XN are defined by N=l [2 -2 2 k2 ~a R R(kw) 2J + c (44) dp.z 22 Xn-N,n (k+Nk0 ,W) XN (k+NkO,) (45) . The dispersion equation (43) can be used to investigate stability properties for a wide range of system parameters. To lowest-order, the stability analysis in Sec. IV is based on a diagonal approximation to Eq. (43), i.e., D0(k,w) = 0 (46) , which neglects the coupling of 6 e(k) to the higher harmonic dependence in 6E (k+Nk0 ) for N#0. Making use of Eqs. (44) and (45), the approximate dispersion relation (46) reduces to 2 k2 c 2R a2 01 x n=- c n,n (k,w) (47) 0 which is analyzed in Sec. IV. C. Susceptibility for a Nonuniform Beam We now evaluate the susceptibility X m,n(k,w) defined in Eq. (41) for the specific choice of radially nonuniform beam equilibrium in Eq. (16). The evaluation of x (k,w) proceeds in a manner similar to Ref. 1 with the important difference that the p,- and p Z-integrations in Eq. (41) select spatially nonuniform values of p, and ymc choice of f in Eq. (16). for the In this regard, it is convenient to define 23 PLb = Ybm^Vib Pzb = Yb= YbmVb (48) ' /2 21- 222 (1+p2b/M2c2)1/2 b;/ zb -1/2 2 (Heretofore, yb has been a convenient scale factor, with Ybmc measure to the characteristic electron energy.) Eq. (16) that the delta-function form of f b a It is clear from selects the values of perpendicular momentum p, = plO(r), total energy ymc2 perpendicular velocity v, = p /ym 1 V10(r), and axial velocity vz p /Ym = = = Y r)mc2 Vbo(r), where 2 2 r2 ^2 b V.LO(r) Lb b 1 + YO~r - c 1/2 r (49) Rb1/2 RLb(b-r Y(r) Yb Vb (r) E Vb bO b y0 (r) for 0 < r < Rb. Note from Eq. (49) that p1 0 (r) and V1 0 (r) are highly nonuniform across the beam cross-section, assuming maximum values on the axis of the beam (r=O), and minimum values of zero at the edge of the beam (r= ). (r=b). theothr hand, for Vib/c 2 << 1, the variation On the other hndfor2 of y 0 (r) and VbO (r) is relatively weak over the beam cross section. Substituting Eq. (16) into Eq. (41) and carrying out the integrations over p, and pz, we find after some straightforward but 24 tedious algebra that Xm (k,w) can be expressed as 2 - 4 Xm,n(kw) c 0 c 0 bc 2 Rb dr r J2 ( 0 [(R /2)J2 (a0 2 2) O(r) (k+nk 0-mk )c 0+ YO Vb b2 c V2 0 (50) ] - V2 cb~r)b c2 + (cb where 2 pb be in Eq. (49). 2 w-(k+nk 0)V yOwcb '-W cb) b, (w0-(k+nk -mk )(k+nk )c 2i JI 0 yb/YO ~ wcb = eBO/Y bmc, and YO(r) and VIO(r) are defined Here, emn is defined by1 n E m,n e6B \ (k=Z) zp m/e6B kcpz z) z)z (51) b The r-dependence of the integrand in Eq. (50) is generally quite complicated. For present purposes, we assume Vj,/c <<1 and approximate YO(r) = Yb in Eq. (50). This gives the approximate result 25 Xm,n (k,w) m I ( ( =2 2 4C [(R /2)J cb k0 b B + 2[w-(k+nk -mk 0 (1 (52) m,n ) 2-(k+nkmk 0)(+nk)c2 w-(k+nk 0 )vb cb r2 ^2 + (Wcb -b (52), L) 2 C In Eq. ao9 b (k+nkO-mk)c b r2 VLb 2 2 dr r J 0 6B kOVb B 0 n n-m (a0 )] ( cb B w-(k+nk0 )-wcb b lb - 1 'wc) the r-dependence of the integrand is of the form We'introduce the geometric rJ1 (aor/Rc) and r2 (a2r/Rc)(1-r/) factors g, and g 2 defined by 1A g2 J (aOr dr r 2 [(R /2)J (a O)] 0 R (53) 2 + (a0 cJ (OR (1 2 J a0% R) and 1 2 2 [(R / 2 2 [dr r 2 J0 a%] f 2 2 3R 2 2 ( R c 0 +~ 0 a0% 2 1 a OR Rc )( 1 kb 09 R c 1 OR R 2R C (54) 26 Note from Eq. the that g 1 =1 for a uniform density beam filling (53) waveguide (Rb/Rc=l). On the other hand, for Rb=Rc, it follows from Eq. (54) that g2 = (2/3) Figure 2 shows plots of the . geometric factors g1 and g2 versus ^b/Rc for several values of Z. Note that g, and g 2 increase monotonically for increasing Rb/Rc. Substituting Eqs. (53) and (54) into Eq. (52), we can simplify the expression for Xmn (k,w) for general values of m and n. In the approximate dispersion relation (47), however, only the diagonal terms (52) - For m-n, Eqs. are retained. (54) give for the susceptibility 2 Xn,n (k,w) = Mcb k b -bZ2 4 2 n c gb 6B B 0 w-(k+nk 0 b 4brfi e = 2 cb b g [-(k+nk 0 Vb-Wb 2) (55) wcb + (cb Here, w2b gf(W) 2 glf 1 (W) x S , b = and are defined in Eqs. (53) and (54), and fI(w) and f2 (w) are defined by (for m=n) f (W) = 2 Sc (w-kVb) + ^22 Vitb g2 kc2 Lb 92 21 f2 M) = w2 - k(k+nk 0 )c2 , b (56) n,n .57) In overall form, Eq. (56) is similar to the result obtained in Ref. 1 for the case of a uniform beam with infinite cross section. There are important differences, however, associated with the dependence of Xn,n (k,w) on the geometric factors g, and g 2 ' 27 IV. ANALYSIS OF DISPERSION RELATION A. Approximate Dispersion Relation Making use of the expression for Xn,n (k,w) in Eq. the (55), approximate dispersion relation (47) for a tenuous beam can be expressed as 2 -2 2 0 2- k2 _ k (, / 2 p c2 c = n=--C cb _B 2 nnwkOb k V B0 2 V1f(W) ib. c2 [1w- (k+nkO)b [2 (2(W)V [W-(k+nk 0 )Vb + (cb 2 ) (58) cb]2 Wcb) The dispersion relation (58) clearly has a very rich harmonic content, and Eq. (58) can be solved numerically retaining several terms in the For present purposes, we assume that the harmonics in summation over n. Eq. (58) are well isolated, and investigate stability behavior near cyclotron resonance with polarity w - (k+nk O)Vb = +wcb (59) ' for a particular choice of harmonic number n. Equation (58) can then be approximated by c2/R )[w-(k+nk (w2 -c2 k-a =1 2 4 k b 2 cb] 6_B- 2 ("cb pb' n bV 0 nk)b Ok c b (60) ) v2- x Vib gf1(W) [W-(k+nk O)Vb-wb] - 2 c (9 92 f 2 (W 28 where g, g2 fl, and f2 are defined in Eqs. (53), (54), (56), and (57). For w = (k+nk)Vb+ cb' the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (60) is negligibly small, and the dispersion relation can be approximated by (W2c 2 2 2 k2 c2 k ) [w-(k+nkO b-b] 1 2 1b 12 Icb6B(1 + 4 g 2 w b~ \ObB) (61) ^2 1 2 Vib 4 52"wpb The dispersion relation 2 2 (wb ~n B SOb BO (knkc 2 nc -k2c2 Z (60) is solved numerically in Sec. IV.C, and analytic estimates of the instability growth rate are made in Sec. IV.B. B. Analytic Results For a tenuous beam with (w2b/c k )(2b/c2) << 1, we look for solutions to Eq. (61) near the simultaneous zeroes of S= (c2 k +c2 kZ)1/2 (62) w = (k+nk0 Vb + W cb Here, k ±Z= a Z/Rc is the effective perpendicular wavenumber, and we have chosen the branch with positive frequency (w>O) in Eq. (62). Shown in Fig. 3 are plots of w/ck 0 versus k/k0 obtained from Eq. for the choice of parameters kZ/k0 =9.58, Vb /c=0.86 and several values of the harmonic number n. 6 , and (62) cb /cko=4.783, Denoting the simultaneous 29 ,ik ), solutions to Eq. (62) by ( we find for the upshifted frequency and wavenumber 2 2 =Y2 (n (i W+a b2n 0 b cb 1/2 J k Z 2 Yb(nkOVbcb 1 +b 1(3 , (63) and 1/2 2 2 k 2 =b(nk b bbWb+ 1 - +k Yb where 8 b and y b are defined by Z _____k k0 b (64) cb b/c anddb b b J _ (-$2)-1/2. 2 (1% bot Note that (n ,k ) corresponds to the uppermost intersection points in Fig. 3. Moreover, for k± -O, Eqs. (63) and (64) reduce to the familiar results obtained in Ref. 1 for a uniform density beam with infinite transverse dimension (Rb,Rco). For solutions to exist, it is clear from Eqs. (63) and (64) that the inequality 22 c K = 2 2 c a0 2 2 yb(nk OVbwcb) < 2 , (65) c must be satisfied, which we assume to be the case in the remainder of Sec. IV. For purposes of making an analytic estimate of the growth rate, we express w=! +6w and k=k +6k in Eq. (61), weexrsn as a small parameter. W- C2 c2 treating (w2 (lb/ n 6k) k 2)(2 2 n (VLb/c) To leading order, this gives (6w-Vb6k) 2 2 VLb 1 8 '22 pb c2 + 1 I gw g2wpb V 2 2 (knnk0-k.L )c n (k +k nI )1/2 L 2 (66) 30 denotes J2 (cb6B/k where [Eq. (62)], and (o VbBo), use has been made of(! = (c k+c2 k in Eqs. (63) and (64). n ,kn ) are defined 1) As a simple analytic estimate of the characteristic maximum growth rate, we consider Eq. Typically, the Jn contribution on the left-hand (66) for 6k=0. side of Eq. (66) makes a small contribution in comparison with the right-hand side, and Eq. (66) can be approximated by (for Sk=0), r3 n 3 2 1 8 2 Lb 2 2wpb 2 c -k) 2 (knnk 0 1/2 2 2 n (67) (kn+kig) c 2 For sufficiently short emission wavelength that knnk0 > kI, Eq. (67) gives V3 I2~ =- V3 n ~4 Re6w =- 2 22 2 Lb (knnk0-kZ)c 2 22wpb n 2 2 "n c2 ^ 2 2 1/2 (k +k 2 9)1 n 1/3 ' (8 (68) 2n Several points are noteworthy from Eq. (68). First, for a given harmonic number n, the characteristic maximum growth rate Im6w defined in Eq. (68) will be largest whenever the argument of Jn corresponds = 0, i.e., when to the first zero of J'(x) n Wcb 6B = k0 b B0 where a n,l as (69) n,l' (x)=0. is the first zero of J' n (\±b/c)2/31/3, can be substantial. Second, since Im6w scales the growth rate for the longitudinal wiggler FEL Third, the growth rate increases as the geometric factor g2 is increased (see also Fig. 2). electron laser instability described by Eq. Moreover, the free (61) is inherently 31 broadband in the sense that many harmonics are unstable, even when (Wcb/k0Vb) (SB/B 0 ) is chosen to maximize emission for a particular value of n [Eq. wavelength with (69)]. Finally, in the limit of very short emission 2 kik, it follows from Eq. (68) that Imdw can nnk 0 > be approximated by 1/3 Im6 W = (g 2 wbnkocJn C. .Lb (70) Numerical Results The dispersion relation (60) is a fourth-order algebraic equation for the complex eigenfrequency w. Equation (60) has been solved numerically over a wide range of system parameters. In this section, we summarize selected numerical results for 6B/B0 # 0 (longitudinal wiggler free electron laser) and for SB= 0 (cyclotron maser). Longitudinal Wiggler Free Electron Laser: Shown in Figs. 4 and 5 are plots of the normalized growth rate Imw/ck 0 versus k/k0 obtained numerically from Eq. (60). AbOl are kO Yb 2 , aOi =3. 8 3 (Z=1), ViJb/c =0.1, Spb/ck 0=0.25, and 6B/B0 (6B/BO (cb/ck0) = a 1 The parameters common to both Figs. 4 and 5 = 1/3. Vb/c= 0.8 6 6 , In Fig. 4, we have chosen the parameter = 1.841, which maximizes the growth rate for n= 1. 0 On the other hand, in Fig. 5 we have chosen (6B/Bc which maximizes the growth rate for n= 3. cb/ck0 )=a3,1= 4 .2 01, For example, comparing Figs. 4(a) and 5(a), we note that there is a considerable upshift in maximum growth from normalized wavenumber k/k0= 31.5 in Fig. 4(a) (n=1) to k/kO 97.3 in Fig. 5(a) (n= 3), from 1.841 to 4.201. as the parameter (6B/B( cb/ck 0) is increased Figures 4 and 5 also illustrate the strong depen- dence of growth rate on finite radial geometry. In particular, the plots 32 in Figs. 4(a) and 5(a) are presented for the case where the conducting wall is relatively close to the electron beam (Rb/Rc=0.25, gl=3.792 xl0 2 and g 2 =1.314 x10-2 ), whereas the plots in Figs. 4(b) and 5(b) correspond to the case where the conducting wall is much further removed from the electron beam (Rb/Rc -4 -3 and g2 = 3.704 x 10). 0.1, gl 1.105 x 10, As /Rc is decreased, we note that there is both an upshift in the value of k/k0 corresponding to maximum growth as well as a significant reduction in [Compare Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) or Figs. 5(a) and 5(b).] growth rate. It is clear from the analytic results in Secs. IV.A and IV.B and the numerical results in Figs. 4 and 5, that there is a strong influence of radial geometry on the growth properties of the longitudinal wiggler free electron laser. Indeed, as expected from Figs. 2 and Eqs. (60) and (61), the closer the conducting wall (Rc) is positioned to the beam radius (s), larger the instability growth rate becomes. the Of course, this is associated with the fact that g2 increases as Rb/Rc is'increased [Fig. 2 and Eq. (54)]. Another striking feature of Figs. 4 and 5 is that the instability is relatively broadband. Even though (6B/B )(Wcb /ck0 ) is chosen to maximize Imw for a particular value of n, adjacent harmonics still have relatively strong growth. (See also the discussion at the end of Sec. IV.B). Cyclotron Maser Instability: In the limiting case where 6B= 0 and the applied magnetic field is given by the uniform value B9z, term survives in Eq. (60) with J (0) = 1. only the n= 0 The resulting dispersion rela- tion applies to the cyclotron maser instability for the choice of solid electron beam equilibrium distribution in Eqs. (6) and (16). The dispersion relation (60) has been solved numerically for the growth rate Imw assuming 6B= 0. Typical results are summarized in Fig. 6, where the normalized growth rate Imw/wcb is plotted versus kRb for the choice of parameters 33 Yb = 2, a % =3.83 (Z= 1), Vb /c0.1, Vb/c =0.866 and Wpb Wcb = 2.29 x 10-2 To illustrate the influence of finite radial geometry, we have chosen Rb/Rc = 0. 2 5 in Fig. 1.314x 10-2 and -2 6(a) (corresponding to g, = 3. 792 x 10- and g2 b/R= 0.1 in Fig. 6(b) (corresponding to gl= 1.105 x 10-3 and g2 = 3.704 x 104 ). free electron laser (B# 0), As for the case of the longitudinal wiggler it is clear from Fig. 6 that the relative positioning of the beam radius (Rb) and the conducting wall radius (Rc) also has a large influence on the strength of the cyclotron maser instability. [Compare Figs. Indeed, the growth rate increases as {/Rc is increased. 6(a) and 6(b).] As in Figs. 4 and 5, there is a con- commitant upshift in k/k0 corresponding to maximum growth as Rb/Rc is decreased. 34 V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we have investigated the influence of finite radial geometry on the longitudinal wiggler free electron laser instability.1 The analysis is carried out for a thin, tenuous electron beam propagating down the axis of a multiple-mirror (undulator) magnetic field (Sec. It is assumed that k2 III). <<l and that the amplifying radiation field has TE-mode polarization with perturbed field components (6E,' 6B ). 6B, A very important feature of the linear stability analysis (Secs. III and IV) is that the positioning of the beam radius relative to the conducting wall radius (as measured by Rb/Rc, say) can have a large influence on the growth rate and detailed stability properties ' for perturbations about the choice of equilibrium distribution f in Eq. (16). Several points are noteworthy from the stability analysis in Sec. First, for a given harmonic number n, the characteristic maximum IV. growth rate [Eq. (68)] is largest whenever the argument of J sponds to the first zero of J'(x)= 0, i.e., when (wcb/k a n,l' where cc n,l rate scales as corre- Vb)( 6 B/BO is the first zero of J' (x) =0. Second, the growth n 2/3^ 1/3 , which can lead to substantial gain for nb (VJLb/c) the longitidunal wiggler free electron laser. Third, there is a strong dependence of stability properties on the positioning of the beam radius (R) relative to the conducting wall radius (Rc). In particular, the growth rate Imw increases as Rb/Rc is increased, and the detailed dependence of Imw on Rb/Rc was examined numerically in Sec. IV. Another important feature of the results is that the instability is inherently broadband in the sense that many harmonics are unstable, even when (Wcb/k0 b )(6B/B of n. 0 ) is chosen to maximize emission for a particular value 35 Finally, also in Sec. IV, we investigated stability properties in the limiting case where 6B= 0. This corresponds the cyclotron maser instability for perturbations about the solid electron beam equilibrium f0(x,) specified by Eq. (16). The numerical results for 6B= 0 also exhibited a strong dependence on radial geometry (R./Rc). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research. 36 REFERENCES 1. R.C. Davidson and W.A. McMullin, Phys. Fluids 26, 840 (1983). 2. R.C. Davidson and W.A. McMullin, Phys. Rev. A26, 1997 (1982). 3. W.A. McMullin and G. Bekefi, Phys. Rev. A25, 1826 (1982). 4. W.A. McMullin and G. Bekefi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 39, 845 (1981). 5. H.S. Uhm and R.C. Davidson, Phys. Fluids 24, 1541 (1981). 6. V.P. Sukhatme and P.A. Wolff, J. Appl. Phys. 44, 2331 (1973). 7. W.B. Colson, Phys. Lett. 59A, 187 (1976). 8. T. Kwan, J.M. Dawson, and A.T. Lin, Phys. Fluids 20, 581 (1977). 9. N.M. Kroll and W.A. McMullin, Phys. Rev. A17, 300 (1978). 10. T. Kwan and J.M. Dawson, Phys. Fluids_22, 1089 (1979). 11. I.B. Bernstein and J.L. 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(63) and (64), where a k/RC Plot of normalized growth rate Imw/ck0 versus k/k0 obtained b numerically from Eq. (60) for kORb0., Vb /c=0.866, (6B/B0 2, /c = 0.1, at = 3.83 (Z= 1) wpb /ck = 0.25, 6B/B = 1/3, and cb /k0 V) = 1.841 for (a) k0R c = 0. 25, g,= - 20c 3.792 x 10 -2 and g 2 = 1.314 x 10-, and for (b) k R = 1.0, R/Rc -4 0.1, g=1.105 x 10 -3 and g 2 = 3.704 x 10 Fig. 5 Plot of normalized growth rate Imw/ck0 versus k/k '1' numerically from Eq. (60) for kO Vb/c= 0.866, a 0 P, x pb 10 2 and g2= 1.314 x 10- 2, 0.1, g, = 1.105 /ck x 10 3 b = 2, V b/c = 0.1, =0.25, 5B/BO = 1/3, 00 and Rb/Rc= 0.25, = and for (b) k Rc = 1.0, /R 4.201 for (a) k Rc= 0.4, (6B/BO)(b/ck) 3.792 =3.83 (Z= 1) , a) obtained and g2 = 3.704 x 10 4 39 Fig. 6 Plot of normalized cyclotron maser growth rate Im/w cb versus k obtained numerically from Eq. (60) for 6B= 0, yb 2, V Lb/c = 0.1, V/c =0.866, a =3.83 (Z= 1), and wpb cbb = 2.29 x 10-2 for 09. b (a) Rb/R=O. 2 5 , g 1 372l9 -2= and for g 2 =3.314 x 10-, =and (b) Rb/Rc .1, 1.105 x 10 3 and g 2 =3.704x10. 40 I I I I I I I I ,%O 0 - I- i I lob L i *-~L) z 0 cr-1 uw -j wi Fig. 1 ~mJ 41 1.0 0.8- 0.6- g1 0.4- 0.2- 1=4 . =2 1=1 f=3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 A R b /R c Fig. 2 (a) 0.8 1.0 42 0.8 0.6- 9 2 0.4- 0.21=4 f=l t=2 1=3 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 Rb/Rc Fig. 2 (b) 0.8 1.0 43 I 60- Yb= 2 ao 50- I 1 Vb -:- =0.866 =c4.78 = 3.83 koRc = 0.4 40- ckO 30- n=4 n=3 n=2 20- 10- 0 0 0 30 k /ko 20 Fig. 3 40 50 60 44 IfI in In '~J. ro I, - 0 0 to N~ 6 W) II C 0 a 11 -In( < col 0t 0 0n M II C 0 if if) N~ IT I I In I Vp .0-01/('WT I to 101 I Nc I 0 45 (0 LO C~j 0I 04/I 0 rI I 46 0f II 0 C 0 0 I, C Lc) 0 cli 0 N 6 S <>0 ro co it$ C; 11 II a to Jol a) - C m7 0 >(0 i N 0 0 0 I C0 I I I to) N OJlM Irr0 I 0 47 I', 0 CC 00 CC .0- OO/mw 2 0 48 7 Vb -- Yb = 61- =0.866 cC V.b= 0.1, aot Wpb 8B=0, = 3.83 =2.29x-2 Wcb 5k (a) Rb =025 4k 3 3 E 0 3k 2k I F- 0 .-V I.' Fig 6(a) I 7.0 I 7.5 kR b I 8.0 8.5 49 (b) 1.5 Rb -c 4' .0 0 3 1.0 N 3 E q~. 0 0.5 .--- j 01 I I I, 8.0 7.5 A k Fig. 6(b) Rb | 8.5 9.0