Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 10/01/2014 to 12/31/2014 Tongass National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment - Land management planning EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/27/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/2016 Project Contact Expected:08/2016 08/2016 Susan Howle 907-228-6287 Description: The Tongass is analyzing Plan changes to transition away from old-growth harvest. It is looking at which lands will be available for young growth harvest, and changes to S&Gs and direction needed, while maintaining a viable timber industry. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Tongass National Forest All Units. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Haines, Juneau, Ketchikan Gateway, Prince of Wales-Outer, Sitka, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon, Wrangell-Petersburg, Yakutat. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Tongass National Forest, Region 10, Alaska. R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Shoreline II Oufitter/Guide (formerly Shoreline II Outfitter and Guide Management Plan) - Recreation management - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 06/16/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/2015 Expected:12/2015 02/2016 Jay Kinsman 907-747-4228 Description: This project will determine recreation use levels for saltwater-based outfitters and guides on the Admiralty N. M., Hoonah, Juneau, and Sitka Ranger Districts. A Proposed Action will be developed to allocate service days to outfitter/guide use. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Hoonah Ranger District, Juneau Ranger District, Admiralty National Monument, Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau, Sitka, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon, Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Shoreline and other areas accessed from saltwater on the Admiralty National Monument and Hoonah, Juneau, and Sitka Ranger Districts. Page 1 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Michelle Putz Tongass National Forest - Recreation management Completed Actual: 09/08/2014 09/2014 Sustainable Cabin Management - Facility management 907-747-4278 Project Description: EA The Tongass is proposing to remove nine cabins and convert or replace three cabins to survival shelters to help move toward a sustainable recreation cabin program. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest Angoon Airport Project EIS UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District, Admiralty National Monument, Yakutat Ranger District, Petersburg Ranger District, Thorne Bay Ranger District, Sitka Ranger District, Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau, Ketchikan Gateway, Sitka, Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon, Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL Tongass National Forest, Region 10, Alaska. Tongass National Forest, Region 10, Alaska. R10 - Alaska Region Admiralty National Monument (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Facility management - Road management In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 09/24/2008 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 12/2014 Expected:06/2015 07/2015 Jennifer Berger 907-789-6278 Description: The FAA is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to consider alternatives to, and impacts of constructing a new land-based commercial airport near the City of Angoon. The FAA is the lead agency and the USFS is a cooperator per an MOU. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Admiralty National Monument. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon. LEGAL - 57' 29" N, 134' 33-34" W. Near the environs of the City of Angoon and Favorite Bay. Jessica Lopez Pearce 928-606-0236 Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company Road A Lighting Installation - Minerals and Geology - Special use management CE Description: HGCMC is proposing excavation and emplacement of six light poles on Road A for safety purposes. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT Completed Actual: 09/16/2014 10/2014 UNIT - Admiralty National Monument. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - ANM, T42S,R65E, 58.1834N, 134.7379W. Juneau A-3; 58.1834N, 134.7379W. Page 2 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Windfall Harbor Shelter Rehabilitation EA EA Project Purpose Control Lake Trail CE Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R10 - Alaska Region Admiralty National Monument (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Kevin Hood - Recreation management Completed Actual: 09/08/2014 09/2014 907-789-6220 - Heritage resource management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Description: Move historic CCC shelter 34' closer to the beach to restore it to original setting. Replace and/or repair structural elements, slow its deterioration and provide separation from a brown bear trail which is close to the shelter's current location. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest Planning Status UNIT - Admiralty National Monument. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon. LEGAL Section 31, Township 46 S, Range 69 E, Copper River Meridian, northeast portion of Admiralty Island. Section 31, Township 46 S, Range 69 E, Copper River Meridian, northeast portion of Admiralty Island. R10 - Alaska Region Craig Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management Completed CE Actual: 09/08/2014 04/2015 Victoria Houser 907-826-1614 Description: This project will develop a trail from State highway 925 to Control Lake Cabin, a distance of about 2000 feet Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Craig Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - This project takes place on State of Alaska Land with a Forest Service easement for recreation access. This project is centrally located on Prince of Wales Island. From Control Lake Junction travel by foot 2000 feet Southeast to the Control Lake Cabin. Page 3 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Craig Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Dog Salmon Wildlife Viewing Area Enhancement Project - Recreation management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 12/19/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 12/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 06/2016 Victoria Houser 907-826-1614 Description: Enhance wildlife viewing opportunities at the existing Dog Salmon Wildlife Viewing Area by improving the surface and circulation of the parking area, installing a vault toilet, installing interpretive kiosk and redesigning the viewing platform. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest Eight Fathom Rock Pit UNIT - Craig Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 20 miles east of Craig on the Craig/Hollis Highway. Turn South onto the Hydaburg Highway to the Polk/Twelvemile turnoff. Turn left and travel 10 miles to the Dog Salmon Wildlife Viewing Area. R10 - Alaska Region Hoonah Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Minerals and Geology EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 11/12/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 10/2014 Expected:12/2014 03/2015 Terry Fiske 907-945-1217 Description: Expand existing rock pit by 5 acres per year. Location: Tongass National Forest 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Hoonah Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon. LEGAL - T45S, R60E Section 6. Eight Fathom Bight Rock Pit. Juneau Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 4 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Juneau Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) 2014 Kensington Fuel Depot - Minerals and Geology EA *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Notice of Initiation 08/28/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2014 Expected:12/2014 Project Contact 12/2014 Curtis Caton 907-789-6273 Description: Coeur Alaska requests authorization for Petro Marine to install a bulk fuel depot at the Kensington Mine to replace current iso-container fuel system. Web Link: Location: Davidson Creek Falls Fish Passage UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Berners Bay, Alaska; Kensington Slate Creek Cove Marine Facility; Upper Laydown Yard. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 05/28/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 10/2014 Expected:11/2014 05/2015 Barbara Adams 907-789-6252 Description: Deepen an existing jump pool located on river right bank and blast a series of 4 or 5 jump pools on the river left bank. Web Link: Location: He'en Latinee Meteorological Development UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. T. 40 S., R. 70 W, Section 34, CRM; Davidson Creek ~ 700 feet upstream of the mouth. - Research and Development In Progress: Scoping Start 08/18/2014 CE Expected:10/2014 10/2014 Richard Edwards 970-295-6760 Description: Authorize for the Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, to upgrade and install solar powered, automated meteorological monitoring stations at three locations in the He'en Latinee Experimental Forest. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - T. 37 S., R.64 E., Sections 4 & 9, and T. 36 S. R. 63 E. Section 35. Davies Creek drainage, approximately 23-25 miles north-northwest of Juneau in the He'en Latinee Experimental Forest. Page 5 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Juneau Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Lena Beach Recreation Area Renovation EA - Recreation management - Facility management - Road management In Progress: Notice of Initiation 02/26/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2014 Expected:02/2015 Project Contact 05/2016 Ed Grossman 907-789-6237 Description: To address concerns and improve the site: pave and change the road to one-way, add parking, install gates, reconstruct 5 shelters, add accessible trails, replace outhouses, improve fish passage, and add other recreation amenities. Web Link: Location: Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area Planning UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lena Beach Recreation Area is located at about mile 17 along Glacier Highway, northwest of Juneau, Alaska. - Recreation management - Special use management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 08/29/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 12/2014 Expected:01/2015 01/2015 John Neary 907-789-6224 Description: JRD is reviewing year-round recreation use by both independent and guided visitors within the Mendenhall Glacier Recreation Area in order to update and revise its commercial capacity allocation. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. JRD/ AK/ Juneau; 5815 acres federally designated recreation area including and surrounding Mendenhall Lake. Port Snettisham Iron Ore - Minerals and Geology Project 2013 Plan of Operations On Hold CE N/A N/A Jessica Lopez Pearce 907-789-6273 Description: The 2013 Plan of Operations for surface exploration activities at the Port Snettisham Iron Ore Project proposes helicopter-supported core drilling at nine sites and a temporary camp. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Township 45 South, Range 72 East, Sections 5, 8, and 9; Copper River Meridian. Page 6 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Juneau Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Treadwell Ditch Trail Bridge Replacement - Recreation management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 02/26/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 01/2015 Expected:04/2015 Project Contact 07/2015 Mike Dilger 907-789-6228 Description: Replacement/construction of 38 bridges on Treadwell Ditch Trail, construction of two reroutes and one section of gravel tread. Web Link: Location: West Glacier Spur Road Area Enhancements EA UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - The trail exists across sections 7, 8, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27 T41S R67E, and section 12 T41S R66E of the Copper River Meridian. The bridge replacements will occur on the Treadwell Ditch Trail (Forest Service Trail Number 33718) on Douglas Island in Juneau, AK between Blue Berry Hills and Bonnie Brae. - Recreation management - Facility management - Road management In Progress: Notice of Initiation 02/26/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2014 Expected:01/2015 05/2015 Ed Grossman 907-789-6237 Description: To improve the site and safety: add parking, install a gate, build a 0.4 mile non-motorized trail to separate traffic, construct a spur trail to the lake, install a six-hole vault outhouse to serve heavy summer use, and install signs. Web Link: Location: West Glacier Trailhead Improvements UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - Not Applicable. West Glacier Spur Road (#8453), sometimes referred to as Skater's Spur, is on the west shore of Mendenhall Lake in Juneau, Alaska. The road is less than 1/2 mile long. - Recreation management On Hold N/A EA N/A Ed Grossman 907-789-6237 Description: Proposed improvements at West Glacier Trailhead include vault toilets (4 holes total),a shelter at the commercial launch area, new trailhead sign, a new gate to and an access trail from the commercial launch area Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Juneau Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Juneau. LEGAL - S7 T40S R66E Copper River Meridian. At the end of Skater¿s Cabin Road to the West of Mendenhall Lake in Juneau, AK. Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 7 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Heckman Lake Dock Renewal Special Use Authorization - Special use management Completed Actual: 07/21/2014 Project Contact 01/2015 CE Jeannie Blackmore 907-228-4120 Description: Renewal of a special use permit for a floating dock and ramp accessing private property. Web Link: Location: Margaret Wildlife Observation Enhancements UNIT - Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Ketchikan Gateway. LEGAL - T. 73 S., R. 91 E., section 1. Southeast side of Heckman Lake, approximately 15 miles northeast of Ketchikan, Alaska. - Recreation management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 07/21/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2014 Expected:11/2014 03/2015 Jeannie Blackmore 907-228-4120 Description: Improve bear viewing opportunities at the observation site Web Link: Location: Saddle Lakes Timber Sale UNIT - Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Ketchikan Gateway. LEGAL - T. 73 S., R. 91 E., section 1. Margaret Wildlife Observation site, Margaret Creek upstream of Marguerite Bay, Traitors Cove, approximately 23 miles north of Ketchikan. - Forest products EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 09/12/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/2015 Expected:08/2015 09/2015 Daryl Bingham 907-228-4114 darylabingham@fs.fed. us Description: The proposed action would harvest almost 30 million board feet (MMBF) of timber on about 2,207 acres using cable, shovel, and helicopter logging systems; and would construct up to 16 miles of NFS system and temporary road. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Ketchikan - Misty Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Ketchikan Gateway. LEGAL - T72S, R91E, Sec 35, 36; T73S, R92E, Sec 1-4, 8-12, 13-17, 19-36; T73S, R93E, Sec 18, 19, 30, 31; T74S, R92E, Sec 1-3, 11-13, 24, 25, 36.; and T74S, R93E, Sec 6-8, 17-20, 30, 31. The project area is located about 14 miles northeast of Ketchikan, Alaska, on Revillagigedo Island, and occurs in Value Comparison Units (VCUs) 7460, 7470, and 7530 between George and Carroll Inlets. Petersburg Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 8 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Petersburg Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) City Creek Trail Section I - Recreation management Completed Actual: 09/17/2014 Project Contact 04/2015 CE Linda Slaght 907-772-5948 Description: The purpose of the project is to provide safe, easy access to a local recreation area in Petersburg. The trail will provide additional pedestrian access to the recently completed Sandy Beach trailhead for the US Forest Service Raven Trail. Web Link: Location: Kake-Petersburg Intertie UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. City Creek Trail begins at the south end of Sandy Beach in Petersburg and meanders through the forest along the shoreline to City Cr, approx. 1 mi away. Project includes the first 0.375 mi of trail. - Special use management EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 07/28/2014 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 11/2014 Expected:07/2015 08/2015 Tom Parker 907-772-5974 Description: Determine final location for a power transmission line and access road along the powerline corridor, between the communities of Petersburg and Kake. Web Link: Location: Level Island Communications Site Tree Removal UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Mitkof and Kupreanof Islands, linking the communities of Petersburg and Kake. Intertie is proposed to run from Petersburg, AK (Mitkof Island) to Kake, AK which is located on the neighboring island of Kupreanof. - Special use management Completed CE Actual: 09/12/2014 10/2014 Russell Beers 907-772-5940 Description: The FAA proposes to remove trees on 3 acres of previously cleared areas that are encroaching on antennas and other structures. A gravel berm of approximately 400 cubic yards of material would be removed to facilitate tree removal. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Section 28, T.62S., R.79E. Copper River Meridian. Level Island, Petersburg Ranger District, Tongass National Forest. Page 9 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Petersburg Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Mitkof Island - Forest products EA In Progress: Objection Period Legal Notice 08/07/2014 Expected:10/2014 Project Contact 11/2014 Carey Case 907-772-3871 Description: Project provides units for small timber sales, a one-time predominantly helicopter-based offering with a limited number of ground-based harvest units requiring road construction, and supports a programmatic microsale program on Mitkof Island. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Mitkof Island road system. Russell Beers Out of the Woods Productions - Special use management In Progress: Expected:09/2014 09/2014 LLC Commercial Filming on the 907-772-5940 Scoping Start 09/02/2014 Petersburg Ranger District Description: Out of the Woods Productions LLC applied for a special use permit to conduct commercial filming on National CE Forest System lands on the Petersburg Ranger District. *NEW LISTING* Location: UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Turnabout Island north of the City of Kake, Alaska in Frederick Sound. Renaker Parks 907-772-5975 Petersburg Ranger District Precommercial Thinning Project 2015 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) CE Description: Precommercial tree thinning of approx 6,651 acres of young-growth stands. Stands are 19-36 yrs old and will be thinned to 14,16 or 18 ft spacing. Some south aspect stands may include pruning, canopy gaps or leave strips to improve wildlife habitat. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT Completed Actual: 07/09/2014 08/2014 UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. North Kuiu Island, Portage Bay, Kake and Tonka. Page 10 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R10 - Alaska Region Petersburg Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Heath Whitacre - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:11/2014 05/2015 907-772-5925 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 09/2014 (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: This project proposes to selectively thin previously-harvested conifer and alder stands in riparian areas adjoining Class I & II fish streams, where thinning would benefit the desired future condition of the site. Web Link: Petersburg Ranger District Riparian Thinning CE *NEW LISTING* Location: UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. All District watersheds containing previously-harvested young growth stands with Class I & II fish streams where thinning is compatible with LUD objectives. Russell Beers 907-772-5940 Reissue Five Special Use Authorizations on the Petersburg Ranger District - Special use management CE Description: Reissue special use authorizations for the following uses: crab pot storage, waterline, oyster farm gear storage, isolated cabin, communications facility. Web Link: Location: Thomas Bay Integrated Timber Sale EA 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT Expected:11/2014 01/2015 UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Marsh crab pot storage:Sec 1,T58S,R73E;PSG Borough dry hydrant:Sec 5,T61S,R81E;Henderson gear storage:Sec 34,T58S,R74E; Youngberg isolated cabin:Sec 6, T63S,R73E;USCG DGPS facility:Sec 28,T62S,R79E. Carey Case - Land management planning Cancelled N/A N/A 907-772-3871 - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Description: Timber harvest, young-growth treatments, wildlife enhancement, and restoration activities. (Project planning was cancelled in the fall of 2014, but the project may be considered again in the future.) Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest In Progress: Scoping Start 06/27/2014 UNIT - Petersburg Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Thomas Bay is located approximately 20 air miles northeast of Petersburg, Alaska on the mainland. The project area is in VCUs 487 and 489. Sitka Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 11 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Sitka Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Deer Lake Coho Rearing Facility Permit Re-Issuance (NSRAA) - Special use management CE Description: Re-issue special use permit for coho rearing facility- run by NSRAA Web Link: Location: Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 12/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 01/2015 Clay Davis 907-747-4225 UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - T62S, R69E Section 5 and T61S, R69E section 5. Deer Lake, Baranof Island, Alaska. Clay Davis 907-747-4225 Hidden Falls Fish Hatchery Alaska Department of Fish and Game - Special use management EA Description: Re-Issue of special use permit for a salmon hatchery run by Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association. Web Link: Location: Kook Timber Sale(s) Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 11/2014 Expected:04/2015 04/2015 UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Township 54 South Range 66 East Section 2. Hidden Falls, Baranof Island 25 miles NW of Sitka. - Forest products Completed Actual: 08/29/2014 05/2015 CE Terry Fiske 907-945-1217 Description: To manage the timber resources and provide an opportunity for small logging companies and sawmills to obtain timber. Harvest 3-4 sales over a five year period using the existing road system. Web Link: Location: Kruzof Island Outfitter Guide EA UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Sitka District, COrner Bay Road System. - Recreation management - Special use management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 08/28/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2014 Expected:03/2015 03/2015 Clay Davis 907-747-4225 Description: To determine the amount of recreation use that the Mud Bay and Eagle River road systems can accommodate, and then decide how much should be allocated to commercial use. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Copper River Meridian, Township 54 South, Range 62 East, Section 18. Mud Bay Road System and Eagle River Road System, Kruzof Island. Page 12 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Sitka Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Lake Osprey Hydropower, Little - Special use management Port Walter NMFS Marine Station Special Use Permit EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 05/16/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 12/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 02/2015 Clay Davis 907-747-4225 Description: Issue new special use permit for re-construction and use of an existing hydropower facility at Little Port Walter NMFS Marine Station Web Link: Location: Research Special Use Permit Sitka Conservation Society Water Temperature Logging in Wilderness CE *NEW LISTING* - Special use management Completed Actual: 07/22/2014 08/2014 Clay Davis 907-747-4225 Description: The Forest Supervisor proposes to authorize Sitka Conservation Society to establish a stream temperature monitoring program for select streams in the West Chichagof-Yakobi and South Baranof Wilderness Areas in Southeast Alaska, year-round, long-term. Web Link: Location: Salmon Lake Trail Reconstruction UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - T63S R69E Section 21. Little Port Walter 55 miles SE of Sitka. UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Copper River Meridian, Alaska, T.58S.R.67E.,sec.2, T.47S.,R.56E., sec.11, T.49S.,R.58E.,sec.10, T.50S.,R.59E., sec.15, T.49S.,R.59E., sec.34, and T.48S.,R.57E., sec.13. - Recreation management Cancelled N/A CE N/A Annemarie LaPalme 907-747-4209 Description: Reconstruct 5.9 miles of Salmon Lake Trail to eliminate deferred Maintenance. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Township 57 South Range 65 East Sections 2, 3, 10, 12, 14, 15. Silver Bay. Page 13 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R10 - Alaska Region Sitka Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Marty Becker Shelikof Stream Restoration - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:05/2015 05/2015 Project. Restore Shelikof Creek - Watershed management 907-747-4293 Est. Notice of Initiation 11/2014 through addition of Large Wood. Description: The intent of this project is restore Shelikof Creek through the installation of Large Wood structures using heavy EA equipment and helicopter placement. Structures will provide need pool habitat and other channel form features which are missing. *NEW LISTING* Web Link: Location: Sitka Smoke House Project UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Kruzof Island. Project work will be located along the lower 2.5 miles of Shelikof Creek on Kruzof Island, near Sitka, AK. Source trees will come from nearby young and old growth stands within 1 mile of the Stream. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Jay Kinsman 907-747-4228 Description: Issue a new special use permit to the Sitka Tribe of Alaska for the construction and use of a traditional Tlingit Smokehouse for Tribal use and educational purposes. Web Link: Location: Two temporary sawmills at False Island and Corner Bay. UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Copper River Meridian Township 55 South Range 63 East Section 27. Sitka, Alaska. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 09/30/2013 Expected:11/2014 CE 11/2014 Clay Davis 907-747-4225 Description: Re-issue special use permits to operate portable sawmill facilities for log sorting, storing, processing, drying, and finishing timber at two sort yards. Project purpose is to support the economy of Southeast Alaska. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Sitka Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Sitka. LEGAL - Not Applicable. False Island and Corner Bay on SE Chichagof Island. Thorne Bay Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 14 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Alaskan Dreams Shoreties Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Thorne Bay Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Melanie Slayton 907-828-3249 Description: Shoreties Web Link: Location: EC Phillips Shoreties UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - 55' 27" N, 131' 35" W. Orr Island. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Melanie Slayton 907-828-3249 Description: Special Use Permit renewal for shoreties. Kahli Cove SUP Web Link: Location: UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL Approximately 55' 45"N, 131' 32" N. Craig, POW. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Melanie Slayton 907-828-3249 Description: Special use permit for upland uses in support of an existing mariculture lease. Upland uses include shoreties, water line, satellite dishes, and an existing foot trail. Web Link: Location: Kosciusko Vegetation Management Project UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Section 31, T 68S, R 79E, CRM. Kahli Cove, north of the Community of Naukati, Prince of Wales Island. - Forest products Cancelled EA N/A N/A Delilah Brigham 907-828-3232 Description: It was decided to cancel this project and develop the Kosciusko Vegetation Management Watershed Improvement Project as it allowed a strategic management approach to the transition of young-growth while focusing integrated activities on resource needs Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. SW Kosciusko Island from Van Sant Cove to Ruins Point, then along coast back to Van Sant Cove. Page 15 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Thorne Bay Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Kosciusko Vegetation Management and Watershed Improvement Project - Forest products EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 10/22/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2014 Expected:05/2015 Project Contact 06/2015 Delilah Brigham 907-828-3232 Description: Manage roughly 4,000 acres of young-growth for multiple resource objectives and harvest an estimated 200 acres of old-growth, to meet Forest Plan objectives and assist in the transition to a young-growth industry. Web Link: Location: Naukati Timber Sale UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. SW Kosciusko Island with an eastern boundary from Holbrook Arm NW to a point just east of the Shipley Bay Log Transfer Facility, following the LUD II Boundary. . - Forest products On Hold N/A N/A EIS Delilah Brigham 907-828-3232 Description: This project is still being developed and will change because of new policy and direction. This project will include both young-growth and old-growth management and other non-timber resource activities. Project name will change. Web Link: Location: Sal Creek Cabin and Trail EA UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. West side of Prince of Wales Island. - Recreation management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 12/13/2011 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:02/2015 06/2015 Victoria Houser 907-826-1614 Description: Construct a cabin with young growth and access trail in the Sal Creek area. Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Thorne Bay Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Prince of Wales-Outer. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Sal Creek. aproximately 5 mile north of Thorne Bay on the Beach Road. Wrangell Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 16 of 21 R10 - Alaska Region Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Wrangell Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) ADFG Tent Platform CE - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 04/25/2014 Expected:10/2014 Project Contact 12/2014 David Rak 907-874-7566 Description: Approval of special use permit for new tent platform in Stikine-LeConte Wilderness. Web Link: Location: ATV/OHV Usage for Powerline Maintenance UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Site is located w/in Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 5, Township 60 South, Range 84 East, Copper River Meridian. 56 degrees, 41 min, 40.42 sec N lat; -132 degrees, 13 min, 22.15 sec W long. Kakwan Point in Stikine-LeConte Wilderness. - Special area management Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 02/2015 Expected:09/2015 09/2015 EA David Rak 907-874-7566 Description: Southeast Alaska Power Agency is proposing the use of ATV/OHV in closed areas, including roads and powerline right of ways for powerline maintenance. Location: Anan Floating Dock EA UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Closed roads and powerline right-of-ways on Wrangell, Vank, Woronofski, and Mitkof Islands. - Recreation management - Facility management *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Notice of Initiation 09/08/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2014 Expected:01/2015 02/2015 Andrea Slusser 907-874-2323 Description: The Wrangell Ranger District proposes to construct a small floating dock in Anan Bay to provide for increased safety for visitors to the Anan Wildlife Observatory. The project includes associated trail improvements and outhouse construction. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - SW1/4, Sec. 36, T65S R89E, Copper River Meridian. Anan Bay, Wrangell Ranger District. Page 17 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Wrangell Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Anan Management Plan Update - Recreation management On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A EA Dee Galla 907-874-7551 Description: 10-year review of current visitor management practices at the Anan Wildlife Observatory. Project will examine new management strategies to address known issues including high commercial visitor demand and available access by non-commercial visitors. Web Link: Location: Anan Trail Reconstruction UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Cleveland Peninsula, Anan Bay. Wrangell Ranger District, Anan Wildlife Observatory. - Recreation management CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2014 Expected:11/2014 04/2015 Dee Galla 907-874-7551 Description: Upgrade a portion of the trail to 4-5ft wide gravel surface. Includes an approximately 900' section between the viewing deck and high water in the lagoon. The purpose is to accomodate new toilet facility at the deck, but will also improve access. Web Link: Location: Berg Bay Cabin Replacement UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Cleveland Peninsula, Anan Bay. Wrangell Ranger District, Anan Wildlife Observatory. - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A EA Dee Galla 907-874-7551 Description: Replace existing A-frame cabin and toilet with new, regionally approved cabin and toilet. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Latitude, Longitude: 56.3647N, - 132.00693W, NAD 83. Mainland, north shore of Berg Bay. Page 18 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Wrangell Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Navy Timber Sale - Forest products EIS In Progress: FEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/17/2009 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 11/2014 Expected:01/2015 Actual: 03/10/2009 Project Contact 03/2015 Sandy Powers 907-228-6312 Description: Timber Harvest and Road Construction. Oyster Farms Permit Renewal 2015-2019 Web Link: Location: UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - 55N, 56 N 132 W CRM. Southwestern portion of Etolin Island, VCUs 465, 467, 468, three-fourths of 464, and a small portion of 466. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 12/09/2013 Expected:10/2014 12/2014 CE David Rak 907-874-7566 Description: Authorize the continuation of multi-year special use permits for upland facilities related to two mariculture operations. Web Link: Location: Wrangell Island Project EIS EIS UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. One operation located on Blashke Island: VCU 460. One operation located on Mosman Island: VCU 467. - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 08/15/2013 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 12/2014 Expected:07/2015 08/2015 Tim Piazza 907-228-6318 Description: Develop/implement multi-year project involving a variety of timber harvest, road construction, forest restoration and enhancement. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project area is Wrangell Island, located within the Wrangell Ranger District of the Tongass National Forest. The community of Wrangell (population 2,500) is located on the island's north end. Page 19 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R10 - Alaska Region Wrangell Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Zarembo Minerals Investigation - Minerals and Geology 2014-2015 Plan of Operation Completed Actual: 07/28/2014 Project Contact 08/2014 CE David Rak 907-874-7566 Description: Zarembo Minerals Company, LLC, has filed a Plan of Operations for July 2014 through 2015 for surface drilling and exploration and winter storage of equipment. Due to economic recession, they did not complete anticipated work prior to this time Web Link: Location: Tongass National Forest UNIT - Wrangell Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Wrangell-Petersburg. LEGAL - Twp. 63 S, R. 80 E., Sec. 8,9,16 and 17, CRM. Federal mining claims, in the NW part of Zarembo Is. south of Zarembo Springs and St. John's Harbor near St. John and Frenchie Creeks: VCUs 456,457, 458, 459. R10 - Alaska Region Yakutat Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Cannon Beach Day-Use Area Improvements Project - Recreation management - Facility management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 10/05/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 12/2014 Expected:01/2015 04/2015 Lee Benson 907-784-3359 Description: The shelter is rotting and will be replaced with a larger structure. Outdoor seating and tables will be placed between the shelter and pavilion. The barrels from the two cannons will be reattached. Site signage will be improved and updated. Web Link: Location: Sea Otter Cabin Site Assessment UNIT - Yakutat Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Yakutat. LEGAL - Forest Service; Semi-Remote Recreation. The Cannon Beach Day-Use Area is adjacent the Gulf of Alaska along a 7 mile long sandy beach named after the two World War Two era cannons, still existing, that were set along the beach. - Recreation management - Facility management On Hold N/A EA N/A Lee Benson 907-784-3359 Description: Determine location to erect Sea Otter public use recreational log cabin. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT UNIT - Yakutat Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Yakutat. Alternative sites on the Yakutat Ranger District include North End of Khantaak Island, Kriwoi Island, Eleanor Island, Cannon Beach, East side of the Dangerous River, or on the Ahrnklin River. Page 20 of 21 Tongass National Forest Project Name Tongass National Forest Yakutat Access Travel Management Plan Revision Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R10 - Alaska Region Yakutat Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Road management On Hold CE N/A N/A Lee Benson 907-784-3359 Description: Revise Yakutat Ranger District Access Travel Management Plan (originally signed in May 2008). additional roads and/or trails to be designated as open for public use Web Link: Location: Yakutat Ranger District Carrying Capacity Analysis EA Consider UNIT - Yakutat Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Yakutat. Yakutat Ranger District. Lee Benson - Regulations, Directives, On Hold N/A N/A 907-784-3359 Orders - Land management planning - Recreation management - Heritage resource management - Fuels management Description: The Yakutat Ranger District (YRD) is in the process of determineing the recreation visitor capacity for the district. The main purpose is to provide a rationale to guide decision-making for allocating outfitter and guide use across the district. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Yakutat Ranger District. STATE - Alaska. COUNTY - Yakutat. LEGAL - National Forest System Lands. The entire Yakutat Ranger District on the Tongass National Forest in Region 10. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 10/01/2014 08:56 am MT Page 21 of 21 Tongass National Forest