Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2015 to 06/30/2015 Mark Twain National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Mark Twain National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) SEMO Grazing Allotments Project - Grazing management Completed EA Project Contact 12/2014 Paul Whitworth 573-996-2153 Description: The primary purpose of this proposed action is to bring the existing grazing allotments into compliance with the Mark Twain National Forest 2005 Land and Resource Management Plan (2005 Forest Plan) and current environmental laws Web Link: Location: Mark Twain National Forest one District) Ava/Cassville/Willow Springs Ranger District Administration Site EA Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than R9 - Eastern Region Albert Weathersbee - Heritage resource In Progress: Expected:12/2014 03/2015 417-683-4428 management Comment Period Public Notice aaweathersbee@fs.fed. - Land ownership management 09/19/2014 us - Land acquisition Est. Objection Period Legal - Facility management Notice 11/2014 Description: This project will provide safe and adequate office space, parking, loading zones, and equipment storage to accommodate district personnel, customers, and district operations, in consideration of the significance of existing historical structures. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Poplar Bluff Ranger District, Doniphan / Eleven Point Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY Oregon, Ripley, Wayne. LEGAL - Eleven Point R.D.Big Barren Allotment Ripley Co T25N R1E sec 29 Copenhagen Allotment Oregon Co. T24N R3W sec 30-31 Poplar Bluff R.D.Black-River I-Turnbough Allotment Wayne Co T27N R4E sec. 14-15, 22. Doniphan/Eleven Point RD and Poplar Bluff RD. UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL Section 11, T26N, R16W, Ava quadrangle, Douglas County, Missouri. 1103 South Jefferson Avenue, Ava, Douglas County, Missouri 65608. Page 1 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest one District) Becker Special Use Road Access Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2014 Expected:11/2014 Project Contact 12/2014 CE Teresea Crowe 417-967-4194 teresearcrowe@fs.fed.u s Description: This project will provide permitted road access across Forest Service lands to a private residence in Douglas County, Missouri. Location: Bilicki Special Use Road Access UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL T26N, R11W, Sec. 13. T26N, R11W, Sec. 13, Douglas County, Missouri. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2014 CE Expected:11/2014 12/2014 Teresea Crowe 417-967-4194 teresearcrowe@fs.fed.u s Description: This project will provide permitted road access across Forest Service lands to a private residence in Douglas County, Missouri. Location: Brushy Creek Prescribed Burn and Cedar Removal Addition CE Albert Weathersbee - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:10/2014 10/2014 417-683-4428 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 12/19/2012 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. (other than forest products) us - Fuels management Description: This project would subject an additional 188 acres to Eastern Red Cedar removal and prescribed burning for the purpose of restoring glade and open woodland ecosystems on the Ava Unit of the Mark Twain National Forest. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL T26N, R11W, Sec. 31. T26N, R11W, Sec. 31, Douglas County, Missouri. UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Taney. LEGAL - T24N, R17W; and T23N, R17W; Taney County, MO. Ava Unit, Taney County, Missouri. Page 2 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest one District) Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than Butler Hollow EA Albert Weathersbee 06/2015 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:05/2015 417-683-4428 - Vegetation management Notice of Initiation 01/03/2014 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. (other than forest products) Est. Comment Period Public us - Fuels management Notice 11/2014 - Watershed management - Road management Description: The District is proposing this project to address declining forest health; enhance native plant and wildlife communities, provide opportunities for timber products, and allow for improvements to the transportation system. Web Link: Location: Central Crossings Fire Department Special Use Permit Project Contact UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Barry. LEGAL - T22N, R26W, Sections 18-20, 29-33; T21N, R26W, Sections 6, 17-20, and 29-30; and T21N, R27W, Sections 1-5, and 7-30; Barry County, Missouri. Management Prescription Areas 1.1 and 8.1, Cassville Unit, Barry County, Missouri. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 04/02/2014 Expected:09/2014 10/2014 CE Albert Weathersbee 417-683-4428 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. us Description: This project will re-issue a special use permit for two buildings owned by the Central Crossings Fire Protection Corporation for maintaining and operating rural fire stations on Forest Service lands in Barry and Stone Counties. Location: Howell County PWSD3 Special Use Permit UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Stone, Barry. LEGAL T22N, R25W, Sec. 13 NE SW SW, Barry County, MO; T22N, R24W, Sec. 9 SE SE NE, Stone County, MO. Barry and Stone Counties, Missouri. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/02/2014 CE Expected:09/2014 10/2014 Albert Weathersbee 417-683-4428 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. us Description: This decision will authorize re-issue of a special use permit to Howell County for continued operation and maintenance of a sixinch water transmission pipeline. Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Howell. LEGAL Township 26 North, Range10 West, Section 24 on the Willow Springs NW 7.5%u2019 Quadrangle. Howell County, Missouri. Page 3 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest one District) Jon Nichols Number 2 Special Use Road Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 04/02/2014 Expected:09/2014 Project Contact 10/2014 CE Albert Weathersbee 417-683-4428 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. us Description: This project will provide permitted road access across Forest Service lands to a private residence on Cassville unit. Location: Kenyon Hollow Haying Allotment, Prescribed Burn, and Cedar Control Project CE Albert Weathersbee 11/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:10/2014 417-683-4428 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 12/19/2012 aaweathersbee@fs.fed. (other than forest products) us - Fuels management Description: The area would be improved by removing cedar and prescribed burning about 580 acres, of which 51 acres would include the Kenyon Hollow Haying Allotment. Haying stewardship would be exchanged for wildlife habitat improvement and related activities. Location: Missouri Botanical Gardens Special Use Permit UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Barry. LEGAL - SENE, Section 33 of T23N, R26W, 5th principal meridian, USGS Cassville and Shell Knob 7.5%u2019 Quadrangles. Ava-Cassville-Willow Springs Ranger District, Cassville Unit, Barry County, Missouri. UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Howell. LEGAL - T25N, R10W Sec. 14, 15; Howell County Missouri. Willow Springs Unit, Howell County Missouri. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2014 CE Expected:10/2014 10/2014 Teresea Crowe 417-967-4194 teresearcrowe@fs.fed.u s Description: Study and quantify the microclimate of calcareous glades with placement of one temperature sensor. Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Taney. LEGAL - Not Applicable. T24N, R17W, Sec. 29. Page 4 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest one District) North Fork Access EA Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Recreation management - Road management In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 10/24/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:04/2015 Project Contact 06/2015 Darla Rein 417-683-4428 ext. 133 Description: This project will analyze alternatives for the North Fork Access recreation area and facilities, providing for future use of the area that addresses the concerns of cooperating agencies and organizations, local businesses, and the public. Web Link: Location: Mark Twain National Forest District) Fremont-Pineknot East Restoration Project UNIT - Ava / Cassville / Willow Springs Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Ozark. LEGAL - T24N, R11W, Section 15, Ozark County, Missouri. North Fork Recreation Area, Willow Springs Unit, Ava/Cassville/Willow Springs District, Mark Twain National Forest, Ozark County, Missouri. R9 - Eastern Region Doniphan / Eleven Point Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Vegetation management (other than forest products) EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 09/17/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:01/2015 04/2015 Brian Davidson 573-341-7414 Description: The purpose of this project is to restore fire-adapted pine and pine-oak bluestem woodlands to a full range of vegetative composition and structural condition. Web Link: Location: Mark Twain National Forest District) 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Doniphan / Eleven Point Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Shannon, Carter. LEGAL - T. 26, 27 N., R 1, 2, 3, W. Mark Twain National Forest - Eleven Point Ranger District. Houston / Rolla / Cedar Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Page 5 of 10 R9 - Eastern Region Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest District) Elder Piney EA Project Purpose Decision Expected Implementation Houston / Rolla / Cedar Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Project Contact R9 - Eastern Region Mark Hamel 07/2015 - Recreation management Developing Proposal Expected:07/2015 573-341-7443 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Est. Notice of Initiation 11/2014 - Forest products - Fuels management - Watershed management - Special use management Description: Improve forest health, enhance natural communities, provide a wide diversity of habitats to meet the needs of plants, fish and wildlife species, improve species composition and stocking, reduce hazardous fuels, provide a variety of timber products. Location: Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association Special Use Permit Planning Status UNIT - Houston / Rolla / Cedar Creek Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Pulaski, Texas. LEGAL T34N, R10W, Sec. 6-8, 18-21, 29-31; T34N, R11W, Sec. 1, 12, 13, 22-28, 32-36; T33N, R11W, Sec. 1-3, 1012; Fifth Principal Meridian. Located approximately 25 miles southwest of Rolla, MO and adjacent to the east boundary of Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation on the Houston/Rolla/Cedar Creek Ranger District of the Mark Twain NF. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/08/2013 Expected:10/2014 CE 10/2014 Teresea Crowe 417-967-4194 teresearcrowe@fs.fed.u s Description: Construction, use, and maintenance of electric distribution lines across National Forest System lands. Location: Mark Twain National Forest 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Houston / Rolla / Cedar Creek Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Laclede, Phelps, Pulaski, Texas, Wright, Dent. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations across Texas, Laclede, Wright, Phelps, Pulaski and Dent Counties in Missouri. Poplar Bluff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 6 of 10 R9 - Eastern Region Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest Blackwell Ridge Project EA Project Purpose Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R9 - Eastern Region Poplar Bluff Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Paul Whitworth - Special area management In Progress: Expected:07/2015 08/2015 573-996-2153 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Notice of Initiation 10/03/2014 - Forest products Est. Comment Period Public - Vegetation management Notice 05/2015 (other than forest products) - Watershed management - Road management Description: Implement 2005 Forest Plan MP 2.1 & multiple-use objectives, address oak decline, provide habitat diversity, via timber treatments, wetland restoration, pond maintenance, trash dump removal, road maintenance, and closure of illegal roads & trails. Web Link: Location: Fuchs House Special Use Permit Amendment #1 Planning Status UNIT - Poplar Bluff Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Wayne. LEGAL - T 28N, R 4E, sec. 35-36; T 27N, R 6E, sec. 30-31; T 27N, R 5E, sec. 4-8, 10, 15-18, 20-28, & 34-36; T 27N, R 4E, sec. 1-2, 11-15, & 23; T 26N, R 6E, sec. 5-6; & T 26N, R 5E, sec. 1-3 and 10-14. The general project area is located west of U.S. Highway 67, and north of the Black River. The nearest rural community is Williamsville, Missouri, which is within the project area. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Bill Paxton 573-785-1475 Description: Amends CSE Construction, Inc., special use authorization PBL76 to include the mill pond and dam at Markham Springs Campground. Location: Mark Twain National Forest District) UNIT - Poplar Bluff Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Wayne. LEGAL - T27N, R4E. Markham Springs Campground, Williamsville MO. 2123 Road Improvement Project - Road management CE *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Scoping Start 01/16/2015 Expected:03/2015 03/2015 Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: The purpose of this project is to improve Kelly Road (Forest Road 2123) to prevent further resource damage. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT R9 - Eastern Region Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one UNIT - Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Iron. LEGAL - Township 32 North, Range 4 East, Section 35. Land is in Iron County, Missouri. Page 7 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest District) Floyd Natural Community Restoration EA Project Purpose Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R9 - Eastern Region Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Mark Hamel 02/2015 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:01/2015 573-341-7443 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Notice of Initiation 04/30/2014 - Forest products Est. Comment Period Public - Fuels management Notice 10/2014 - Watershed management - Special use management Description: Improve/restore ecosystems to the structure and composition of the natural communities that fit with historic landscape patterns in the area. Web Link: Location: Red Bluff Campground Planning Status UNIT - Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Washington, Crawford. LEGAL T37N, R1E Sections 4-9, 16-20; T37N, R1W Sections 1-18, 20-23; T37N, R2W Sections 1-3, 11-13; T38N R1E Sections 19-21, 28-33; T38N, R1W Sections 19-36; and T38N, R2W Sections 20-28, and 33-36. Ssituated in the Northern portion of the Potosi Ranger District on mostly Federal lands between Steelville (10 miles to the west) and Potosi (7 miles to the east) in Crawford and Washington Counties. - Recreation management On Hold EA N/A N/A Jay Turner 573-729-6656 Description: Relocate campsites that historically flood along Huzzah Creek to higher ground for the safety of campers and to alleviate maintenance and repairs necessitated by the floods that typically occur one to three times a year Location: Silver Mines Recreation Area Hazard Mitigations CE Daniel Jordan 03/2015 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:02/2015 936-655-2299 - Heritage resource Scoping Start 04/04/2014 management - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Description: This project will permananently close three abandoned mine entrances in the Silver Mines Reacreation to maintain bat habitat while protecting public safety. The gate closures will be constructed to allow entry to bats. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Crawford. LEGAL - T36N, R2W, Sections 20 and 29. Red Bluff Campground. UNIT - Potosi / Fredericktown Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Madison. LEGAL - Township 33 North, Range 5 East, Section 12. The mine entrances to be closed are in the Silver Mines Recreation Area on the Fredericktown Unit. Page 8 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Salem Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) County Road Easement SAL231 - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 08/13/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 02/2015 Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: County to gain easement for use and maintenance of National Forest System Road. Location: UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Crawford. LEGAL - T35N, R2W, Section 33. Land is in Crawford County in Missouri. County Road Easement SAL234 - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 08/20/2014 Expected:01/2015 02/2015 Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: County to gain easement for use and maintenance of National Forest System Road. Location: UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Dent. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Land is in Dent County in Missouri. East Fork Huzzah Analysis Area - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products EA - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 10/07/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 01/2015 Expected:02/2015 03/2015 Jay Turner 573-729-6656 Description: The purpose of this project is to manage project area vegetation to improve forest health by treating oak decline, enhancing ecosystems, improving wildlife habitat, and managing the transportation system. Web Link: Location: Private Road Special Use Permit Amendment SAL15502 UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Iron, Crawford, Dent. LEGAL - T34N, R2W, Sections 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,16,17,and 18; T34N, R3W, Sections 1,2,10,11,12,13,14,15,22,23,24; T35N, R2W, 19,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34; T35N, R3W, Sections 24,25,35,36. Land is in Crawford, Dent, and Iron Counties in Missouri. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 01/13/2014 CE Expected:03/2015 04/2015 Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: Landowner requires amendment to existing permit for new access to private land across National Forest System lands. Location: 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Dent. LEGAL - T33N, R4W, Section 32. Land is in Dent County in Missouri. Page 9 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest Project Name Mark Twain National Forest Private Road Special Use Permit SAL232 Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R9 - Eastern Region Salem Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/20/2014 Expected:01/2015 Project Contact 02/2015 CE Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: Landowner requires permit to access property across National Forest System lands. Location: Special Use Permit SAL229 UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Iron. LEGAL - T34N, R2W, Section 25. Land is in Iron County, Missouri. - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 03/13/2014 Expected:01/2015 02/2015 Becky Gordon 573-341-7452 Description: Landowner requires a permit for the use of National Forest system lands. Location: UNIT - Salem Ranger District. STATE - Missouri. COUNTY - Shannon. LEGAL - T31N, R3W, Sections 31, 32. Land is in Shannon county, MO. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/02/2015 09:00 pm MT Page 10 of 10 Mark Twain National Forest