Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 07/01/2014 to 09/30/2014 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision Project Contact R8 - Southern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Chattooga River Boating Access - Recreation management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 07/24/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 07/2014 Expected:11/2014 11/2014 James Knibbs 803-561-4078 Description: The Forest Service is proposing to establish access points for boaters on the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River within the boundaries of three National Forests (Chattahoochee, Nantahala and Sumter). Web Link: Location: Southern Region Caves and Mine Closures UNIT - Chattooga River Ranger District, Nantahala Ranger District, Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina. COUNTY - Jackson, Macon, Oconee, Rabun. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Access points for boaters:Nantahala RD - Green Creek; Norton Mill and Bull Pen Bridge; Chattooga River RD - Burrells Ford Bridge; and, Andrew Pickens RD - Lick Log. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed CE Actual: 06/02/2014 07/2014 Dennis Krusac 404-347-4338 Description: The purpose of the action is to close caves and mines to minimize the transmission potential of white nose syndrome and for the protection of associated wildlife species. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Cherokee National Forest All Units, National Forests In Florida All Units, Kisatchie National Forest All Units, Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest All Units, National Forests In North Carolina All Units, Savannah River Natural Resource Management and Res All Units, National Forests In Mississippi All Units, Ouachita National Forest All Units, Francis Marion and Sumter National Forest All Units, National Forests In Texas All Units, Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area All Units, Daniel Boone National Forest All Units, George Washington and Jefferson National Forest All Units, National Forests in Alabama All Units, Ozark-St. Francis National Forest All Units. STATE - Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Lake, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Chattooga, Cherokee, Covington, Hale, Lawrence, Macon, Ashley, Benton, Montgomery, Murray, Oglethorpe, Chickasaw, Randolph, Pontotoc, Jackson, Morgan, Whitley, Natchitoches, Vernon, Winn, Roanoke, Berkeley, Edgefield, Newberry, Cocke, Monroe, Unicoi, Angelina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Craven, Botetourt, Charlotte, Roanoke, Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. National Forest Systems lands: KY, VA, TN, NC, SC, MS, AL, GA, FL, LA, TX, AR, OK. Page 1 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) AND072_ATT Permit Renewal Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision Andrew Pickens Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 04/15/2013 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 08/2014 Expected:09/2014 10/2014 Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Mike Crane 864-638-9568 Description: Renewal permit for all existing lines in Oconee County, 7,183 feet exisiting fiber optic and copper overhead lines with a 10 foot ROW (1.65 acres) and 215,646 feet of existing fiber optic and copper underground lines with a 5 foot ROW (24.75 acres). Web Link: Location: George Micro Hydropower Project UNIT - Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Oconee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Oconee County. - Special use management CE In Progress: Scoping Start 12/16/2013 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 10/2014 Expected:01/2015 06/2015 Victor Wyant 864-638-9568 Description: Donald and Bettina George currently have a special use permit for a grassed emergency spillway from Thrift Lake to Lick Log Creek. They propose to construct a micro hydropower plant structure in an alcove to the side of Lick Log Creek on NFS lands. Web Link: Location: Land Bridge Road, Bridge Relocation Project UNIT - Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Oconee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Below Thrift Lake and adjacent to Lick Log Creek. - Special use management - Road management Completed EA Actual: 06/23/2014 09/2014 Victor Wyant 864-638-9568 Description: The Oconee County Road Department has identified a need to relocate the bridge over the Chauga River on Land Bridge Road, a county maintained road on National Forest System lands. The new bridge would be located a few hundred feet downstream. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Oconee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This project is located on Land Bridge Road over the Chauga River. Page 2 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) Outfitting and Guiding Special Use Permit Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision Andrew Pickens Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Recreation management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 07/2014 Expected:03/2015 05/2015 EA Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Jennifer Barnhart 864-638-4463 jenniferjbarnhart@fs.fed .us Description: The US Forest Service is proposing to grant outfitting and guiding special use permits to businesses on the Andrew Pickens Ranger District, Sumter National Forest in South Carolina. Web Link: Location: Russell Farm Historic Site CE UNIT - Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Oconee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Andrew Pickens Ranger District and Chattooga Wild and Scenic River Corridor on the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia. - Heritage resource management Completed Actual: 06/23/2014 08/2014 Jennifer Barnhart 864-638-4463 jenniferjbarnhart@fs.fed .us Description: The Oconee Soil and Water Conservation District has applied for a special use permit to coordinate a volunteer program to remove encroaching vegetation around the house site, paths and remaining structures at the historic site. Web Link: Location: Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Andrew Pickens Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Oconee. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Adjacent to Highway 28 and the Chattooga River. Enoree Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Page 3 of 10 R8 - Southern Region Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) Chester County Stream and Riparian Restoration/Enhancement Project - Watershed management In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 04/17/2014 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 07/2014 Expected:04/2015 Project Contact R8 - Southern Region 05/2015 Christopher Evans 864-427-9858 Description: This project would involve restoring and enhancing the hydrologic, riparian and aquatic funcitions within four watersheds - McCluney Branch, Little Turkey Creek, Clarks Creek and an unnamed tributary to Clarks Creek. Web Link: Location: Georgia Aster and Shortleaf Pine Management Expected Implementation Decision Enoree Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one EIS *NEW LISTING* Planning Status UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Chester. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project area is adjacent to the Broad River just east of the Woods Ferry Recreation Area. - Land management planning - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 08/23/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2014 Expected:02/2015 05/2015 Jeff Magniez 803-637-5396 Description: The Sumter National Forest is proposing activities to enhance existing Georgia aster populations, expand Georgia aster at new sites, and restore shortleaf pine communities on sites that are currently dominated by loblolly pine. Web Link: Location: Giant Cane Restoration project on the Enoree Ranger District EA *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Chester, Newberry, Union. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Chester, Newberry, and Union Counties, South Carolina. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Watershed management In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 03/31/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 09/2014 Expected:10/2014 03/2015 Carrie Miller 864-427-9858 Description: The Giant Cane Restoration Project will restore native giant cane woodlands on the Enoree Ranger District on 104 acres of the Sumter National Forest. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Chester, Newberry, Union. LEGAL Compartments 5, 33, 172 in Chester, Union and Newberry Co. Sumter National forest, Enoree Ranger District, Chester, Newberry, and Union Counties. Page 4 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) Growing Season Prescribe Burning Management on the Enoree Ranger District CE *NEW LISTING* CE *NEW LISTING* R8 - Southern Region Enoree Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Fairfield, Newberry, Union. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Compartments 13, 16, 27, 37, 38, 41, 67, 108, 116, 147 and 160 of the Enoree Ranger District, Sumter National Forest, Fairfield, Newberry and Union Counties, SC. UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Newberry, Union. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Compartments 24, 124, 125 and 126 of the Enoree Ranger District. Lower Broad Watershed Project - Forest products EA Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 07/2014 Expected:12/2014 03/2015 John Richardson 864-427-9858 Description: Silvicultural Treatments consisting of commercial thinning on 6,361 acres, regeneration harvest (clearcut with reserves) on 2,146 acres and regeneration harvest ( shelterwood with reserves) on 256 acres. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Project Contact Hector Socias 06/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 05/12/2014 864-427-9858 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Proposal to implement additional growing season prescribe burning on approximately 2,909 acres in Compartments 24, 124, 125 and 126 on the Enoree Ranger District, Sumter National Forest. Web Link: Location: *NEW LISTING* Expected Implementation Decision Elizabeth LeMaster 07/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 06/05/2014 864-427-9858; 803- Vegetation management 276-4810 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: To use Growing Season Prescribe Burning on approximately 5,708 acres in Compartments 13, 16, 27, 38, 41, 67, 108, 116, 147 and 160 on the Enoree Ranger District, Sumter National Forest Web Link: Location: Growing season Prescribe Burning on the Enoree Ranger District Planning Status UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Fairfield, Newberry. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project is located in the Lower Broad watershed. Page 5 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) Natural Awareness Tracking School Special Use Permit Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision R8 - Southern Region Enoree Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 08/2014 Expected:09/2014 12/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Hector Socias 864-427-9858 Description: The Enoree Ranger District, Sumter National Forest has accepted a special use permit application from the Natural Awareness Tracking School for a proposal to provide a basic land navigation course to the public. Location: Woods Ferry Horse Trail Realingment Project, Phase II Project Contact UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Union. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Northwest section of the Enoree Ranger District east of route 22, south of the Tyger River, west of route 176 and north of the Enoree River. - Recreation management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2014 Expected:07/2014 07/2014 CE Alice Riddle (864)427-9858 Description: The project will continue to realign sections of existing trail that are poorly located and not sustainable in their current location. Additional new trail construction will be added to the trail system. Web Link: Location: Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) Cape Romain, NWR, USFWS Demonstration Bee Apiary at Sewee Visitor and Environmental Center CE R8 - Southern Region Francis Marion Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Special use management Completed Actual: 03/28/2014 04/2014 Amy Fore 843-336-2203 Description: Amend exsting special use permit to US Fish and Wildlife to add bee apiary at Sewee Visitor and Environmental Education Center Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Enoree Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Chester. LEGAL - Sumter National Forest, Enoree Ranger District. Chester County, east of the Broad River. UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Charleston. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Francis Marion National Forest Tract F-92, Compartment 212, Charleston County SC. Page 6 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) Central Electric Power Coop McClellanville 115 Kv Line Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision R8 - Southern Region Francis Marion Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Special use management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/09/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/2014 Expected:12/2014 Project Contact 01/2015 Amy Fore 843-887-3257 Description: Construct a 115 KV powerline from Winyah Generating Station (Georgetown, SC) to McClellanville, SC. Web Link: Location: Francis Marion Forest Plan Revision UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley, Charleston. LEGAL NE section of Francis Marion National Forest. Francis Marion National Forest. - Land management planning EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/30/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2016 Mary Morrison 803-561-4058 fmplanrevision@fs.fed.u s Description: The forest plan revision is expected to take three years to complete with three major steps: an assessment, a draft forest plan, and then EIS/ROD. Web Link: Location: Guerin Creek Salt Marsh/Ecological Restoration on the Francis Marion National Forest CE Mark Danaher 08/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:07/2014 843-336-3248 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 04/03/2014 (other than forest products) Description: Approximately 7 acres of salt marsh would be restored by smoothing out furrows installed in the past to grow a loblolly pine plantation. The action would restore tidal function. About 14 acres of loblolly pine would be removed. Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley, Charleston. LEGAL Charleston and Berkeley County, South Carolina. Francis Marion National Forest. UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Charleston. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Guerin Creek. Page 7 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) Macedonia EA EA Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Francis Marion Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than Bill Twomey - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:07/2014 08/2014 843-336-3248 - Forest products Objection Period Legal Notice - Vegetation management 05/29/2014 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Environmental Assessment for ecosystem restoration activities in the Macedonia analysis area of the Francis Marion National Forest in Berkeley county South Carolina. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley. LEGAL - USDA Forest Service. Francis Marion National Forest, Berkeley County, South Carolina. Amy Fore 843-336-2203 Nature Adventures Outfitter Guide Amendment for Motorized Tours - Special use management CE Description: Nature Adventures Outfitters has proposed the addition of motorized tours to existing permit FMF076. Motorized tours will be conducted on Lower Wambaw Crrek and Hampton Creek and Santee River currently permitted for canoe/kayak trips. Web Link: *NEW LISTING* Location: In Progress: Scoping Start 04/04/2014 Expected:07/2014 07/2014 UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley, Charleston. LEGAL Not Applicable. Lower Wambaw Creek, Hampton Creek, Santee River, FSR 204 Boat Launch, McConnells Landing. Amy Fore 843-336-2203 Re-issue AT&T Permit for Buried Telephone Cable Along Cainhoy Rd. - Special use management CE Description: Re-issuance of existing permit to AT&T for 2.27 miles of buried telephone cable along the eastern shoulder of Cainhoy Rd in Berkeley County SC. Permit area is located in portions ofTracts F-18a, F-25, F-81 and F-258. *NEW LISTING* Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 04/29/2014 Expected:07/2014 07/2014 UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Eastern shoulder of Cainhoy Rd (S-8-98), Berkeley County SC. Tracts F-18a, F-25, F-81 and F258. Page 8 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests one District) Twin Ponds Rifle Range Reconstruction Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision R8 - Southern Region Francis Marion Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Recreation management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 06/20/2014 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 07/2014 Expected:09/2014 Project Contact 10/2014 Janna Dupre 843-336-2221 Description: Phase 1 would: remove the existing range structures; add rifle sheds; parking spaces; accessible walkways; range office; and dirt berms would be added or improved. Phase 2 would: add archery and pistol ranges. Web Link: Location: Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) Aiken Coop EDG402401 UNIT - Francis Marion Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Berkeley. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Located on Forest Road 202. Long Cane Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 08/2014 Expected:12/2014 01/2015 R8 - Southern Region Peggy Nadler 803-561-4053 Description: Renewal of permit for overhead and underground electric lines. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Long Cane Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Edgefield, McCormick, Saluda. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Long Cane Ranger District. Dell Frost 803-637-5396 FY '14 Pre-commercial Thinning - Long Cane Ranger District - Vegetation management (other than forest products) CE Description: Pre-commercial thinning of 635 acres of predominantly loblolly pine sapling size trees withi Abbeville , Greenwood, McCormick and Saluda counties, South Carolina. Web Link: *NEW LISTING* Location: 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Completed Actual: 04/21/2014 06/2014 UNIT - Long Cane Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick, Saluda. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick and Saluda counties, South Carolina. Page 9 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests Project Name Project Purpose Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests District) Little River LON017 Planning Status Expected Implementation Decision Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Long Cane Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2014 Expected:10/2014 12/2014 Peggy Nadler 803-561-4053 Description: This action is a renewal of a special use permit for electric powerlines above and below ground. Web Link: Location: Watson Hill LLC Vegetation Management and Timber Sale Project - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products EA *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Long Cane Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Long Cane Ranger. In Progress: Notice of Initiation 06/05/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 09/2014 Expected:02/2015 03/2015 Dell Frost 803-637-5396 Description: Seed tree regeneration (1,365 acres),Thinning (6,732 acres),Loblolly pine removal(19 acres),Woodland establishment(268 acres), Herbicide release (1,365 acres) Web Link: Location: UNIT - Long Cane Ranger District. STATE - South Carolina. COUNTY - Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Management Compartments 201 204-211,222,226-229,234-241,254 and 256. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 07/01/2014 03:37 am MT Page 10 of 10 Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests