Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 10/01/2015 to 12/31/2015 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) 2016 Gypsy Moth Slow the Spread - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 11/2015 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 EA *NEW LISTING* EA *UPDATED* UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District, Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY Bland, Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Wythe. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Unknown at this time. Karen Overcash 11/2015 - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:10/2015 540-265-5175 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: Watershed restoration including improving water quality, vegetation restoration, recreation management, and native species protection and habitat improvement. Web Link: Location: UNIT - James River Ranger District, Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Alleghany, Bath, Rockbridge. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Approximately 100,000 acres, south of Millboro Springs, VA in the Cowpasture, Jackson, and Calfpasture watersheds. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Russ MacFarlane 540-265-5168 Description: Aerial application of insecticide to reduce low level populations of gypsy moth on the leading edge of expansion. Insecticide used will likely be gypsy moth specific disparlure. Specific locations have not been identified yet. Web Link: Location: Lower Cowpasture Restoration and Management Project Contact Clinch Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Page 1 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) Bark Camp Dam Renovation Decision Expected Implementation Clinch Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Special use management EA *NEW LISTING* Planning Status In Progress: Scoping Start 09/24/2015 Expected:12/2015 01/2016 Project Contact R8 - Southern Region David Skinner 276-679-8370 x222 Description: Bark Camp Dam has been identified as a hazardous dam and needs to be renovated so that it meets new dam safety standards required by Virginia State Law (Dam Safety Act). The height of the dam and the width of the spillway will be increased. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Scott. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bark Camp Recreation Area - Jefferson National Forest. Karen Overcash 540-265-5175 Flatwoods Job Corps Conservation Center Municipal Sewer Line - Facility management CE Description: Construct sewer connection from Flatwoods Job Corps Center to new municipal Coeburn-Norton-Wise Waste Water Treatment Authority line. Disconnect from on-site waste water treatment facility. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Flatwoods Vegetation Treatment Project EA Actual: 08/26/2015 09/2015 UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Wise. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Flatwoods Job Corps Center in Coeburn, Virginia. Shelby Williams N/A - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A 276-679-8370 x237 - Forest products shelbywilliams@fs.fed.u - Vegetation management s (other than forest products) - Road management Description: Fire management, Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants, Forest products, Vegetation management (other than forest products), Road management Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Completed UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Scott, Wise. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Flatwoods Area. Page 2 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) Nettle Patch Veg Management EA EA Expected Implementation UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Scott, Wise. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Forest Service land north of Forest Road 238 and Forest Boundary where applicable to the northern edge the continuous treated areas Forest Boundary. UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Dickenson, Wise. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Pine Mountain. - Fuels management On Hold N/A N/A Terry Adams 276-328-2931 Description: Prescribed Fire to Improve Forest Health, Yellow Pine Regeneration and Reduce Hazardous Fuels in Urban interface (WUI). Web Link: Location: UNIT - Clinch Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Lee, Scott, Wise. LEGAL - Not Applicable. West of US 23 and South of Big Stone Gap VA in wise, Lee and Scott Counties on Wallen Ridge. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT R8 - Southern Region Clinch Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one EA *UPDATED* Project Contact Shelby Williams N/A - Recreation management On Hold N/A 276-679-8370 x237 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants shelbywilliams@fs.fed.u - Forest products s - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Road management Description: Wildlife habitat improvements, prescribed burning, timber harvest, trail work and noxious weed eradication. Acreages to be determined. Web Link: Location: Wallen Ridge Hazardous Fuels Project Decision Shelby Williams 04/2016 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:12/2015 276-679-8370 x237 - Forest products Est. Notice of Initiation 10/2015 shelbywilliams@fs.fed.u - Vegetation management s (other than forest products) - Road management Description: Fire Management, Wildlife, Rare plants, Forest Products, Vegetation management, Road management Location: Pine Mountain Vegetation Treatment Project Planning Status Eastern Divide Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more Page 3 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) AEP 765kV Transmission Line Supplemental EIS Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Eastern Divide Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more - Special use management EIS Developing Proposal Est. NOI in Federal Register 09/2014 Expected:11/2014 12/2014 Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Karen Overcash 540-265-5175 Description: A change in the mitigation described in the 2002 ROD for the construction of a 765kV transission line. The mitigation is related to the Bluefield-Wythe 69kV line removal or relocation on Rich Mountain. Location: AEP South Bluefield-Wythe 88 kV Transmission Line Rebuild UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bland. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Bluefield-Wythe 69kv transmission line on NFS lands on Rich Mountain. - Special use management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 09/04/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2015 Expected:02/2016 03/2016 Carla Dunn 540-265-5197 Description: Remove towers along existing 88 kV line across Rich Mountain and collocate next to existing 765 kV line across Rich Mtn. Connect to existing 88 kV and rebuild line there for remaining corridor. New line will be 138 kV. Web Link: Location: Fork Mountain Vegetation Management EA Mark Miller 10/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:10/2015 540-552-4641 - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Watershed management - Road management Description: Commercial timber harvest, Commercial Thinning, Non-commercial timber stand improvement, Treatment of nonnative invasive species, planting oak and American Chestnut seedlings, Prescribed burning Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bland. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Rich Mountain area down to the town of Bland. UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Monroe, Giles. West of Waiteville, WV. Page 4 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) Renewal of Transmission and Distribution Powerlines Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Eastern Divide Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/22/2013 Expected:11/2015 11/2015 CE *UPDATED* Derrick Miller 540-265-5128 Description: Multiple lines for AEP Web Link: Location: Roads Management Project Contact UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bland, Craig, Giles, Montgomery, Smyth, Tazewell. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Across the district. - Road management On Hold N/A N/A EA Jesse Overcash 540-552-4641 Description: Change travel management status (opening and closing dates on selected roads) across the district. Web Link: Location: Ruffed Grouse Vegetation Management Project EA *UPDATED* UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Monroe, Bland, Botetourt, Craig, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Select roads across the district. Nicholas Redifer 05/2016 - Recreation management Developing Proposal Expected:05/2016 540-291-2208 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 nicholasredifer@fs.fed.u - Forest products s - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: Commercial timber harvest, Commercial thinning, Non-commercial timber stand improvement, Treatment of nonnative invasive species, Supplemental planting of oak seedlings, Prescribed burning, Road maintenance, Road Reconstruction Web Link: Location: UNIT - Eastern Divide Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Craig. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Northwest of New Castle, VA. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest in more than one District) 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts (excluding Projects occurring Page 5 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest in more than one District) Cedar Creek Timber Stand Improvement Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts (excluding Projects occurring - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Completed Actual: 07/07/2015 08/2015 CE Project Contact R8 - Southern Region John Donahue 540-291-2188 Description: Perform a pre-commercial thinning in seven young hardwood stands totaling approximately 109 acres. Web Link: Location: Clarks Gap Vegetation Project CE *UPDATED* John Donahue 12/2015 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:11/2015 540-291-2188 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 06/04/2015 (other than forest products) Description: Perform a commercial thinning on approximately 67 acres. Complete a pre-commercial thinning on two young hardwood stands. Complete various wildlife habitat improvement project. Web Link: Location: Cole Mountain and Tar Jacket Prescribed Burns UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Amherst. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Project is located within Compartments 1229 and 1237 in Amherst County, Virginia. UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Amherst. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Compartment 1180. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:03/2016 04/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: Prescribe Burn two areas: Cole Mountain (1,075 acres) and Tar Jacket Ridge (778 acres) on the Pedlar Ranger District, George Washington National Forest. Web Link: Location: Gilmore Hollow Vegetation Project EA *UPDATED* 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT John Donahue 540-291-2188 UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Amherst. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Pedlar Ranger District, Amherst County, VA. Within and adjacent to the Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area. 11/2015 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:10/2015 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Description: Commercially Harvest Timber and perform non-commercial timber stand improvement John Donahue 540-291-2188 Web Link: Location: UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Botetourt, Rockbridge. LEGAL Not Applicable. Project will include forest stands within Compartments 3008, 3010, 3011, 3012, and 3013. Page 6 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest in more than one District) Jordan Bridge Replacement Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts (excluding Projects occurring - Road management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 11/2015 EA Expected:05/2016 06/2016 *UPDATED* Project Contact R8 - Southern Region David Whitmore 540-291-2188 davidwhitmore@fs.fed.u s Description: Replacement of the Jordan Bridge (built in 1927) will increase the maximum load capacity of the bridge to better meet the needs of the Forest Service. Web Link: Location: Pulaski Tract Vegetation Project EA *NEW LISTING* Rocky Row Timber Stand Improvement Project UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Amherst. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Forest Road #76 just above the Oronoco area, in Amherst County, Virginia. 06/2016 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:04/2016 - Forest products Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Description: Use a variety of vegetation treatments to achieve Forest-Wide Goals and Objectives. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bedford, Botetourt. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Glenwood Ranger District southwest of State Highway 43 and North of Roanoke, Virginia. - Vegetation management (other than forest products) Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:12/2015 CE *NEW LISTING* 01/2016 John Donahue 540-291-2188 Description: Perform a pre-commercial crop tree release on 15 young forested stands totaling approximately 230 acres. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Amherst. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Pedlar Ranger District. North of the James River. Alongside Forest Service Roads 36, 36D, 36E. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT John Donahue (540)291-2188 James River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more Page 7 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) Big Run (FSR 600) Road Decommissioning Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region James River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more - Watershed management - Road management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:02/2016 06/2016 EA *UPDATED* EA *UPDATED* UNIT - James River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Alleghany. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The project area is located approximately 2.7 miles northwest of Callaghan, Virginia. - Recreation management - Road management *UPDATED* 06/2016 Patrick Sheridan 540-839-2521 Lee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one R8 - Southern Region Kevin Kyle 11/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:11/2015 540-984-4101 - Forest products Comment Period Public Notice - Watershed management 11/28/2014 Description: Regeneration harvesting on approx. 537 acres, establishment of approx. 17 acres of wildlife openings, and approx. 145 acres of non-commercial stand improvement activities to promote mast bearing trees in immature stands. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Expected:03/2016 Actual: 01/15/2013 UNIT - James River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Alleghany. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Ten miles southwest of Covington, Virginia in Alleghany County. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 07/21/2010 Description: Restore public motorized access to Peters Mountain. Location: Barb Project Patrick Sheridan 540-839-2521 Description: Decommission approximately 2.7 miles of Big Run Road (National Forest System Road 600). This road is located in western Alleghany County, Virginia. Web Link: Location: Peters Mountain Access Project Contact UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Compartments 215, 216, 217, 218 and 219 on the Lee Ranger District. Page 8 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Lee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Thomas Ledbetter Buck Mountain Prescribed Burn - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants 03/2016 In Progress: Expected:10/2015 540-432-0187 Vegetation management Comment Period Public Notice CE (other than forest products) 08/21/2015 *NEW LISTING* Description: Use prescribed fire on 800 acres to promote box huckleberry, a locally rare species. Other objectives include restoration of open woodland conditions for grasses and shrubs. Web Link: Location: First Mountain Project EA UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - West Virginia. COUNTY - Hardy. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Buck Mountain, approximately 9 miles southwest of Wardensville, WV. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 06/08/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2015 Expected:01/2016 01/2016 Kevin Kyle 540-984-4101 Description: The project name has been changed from its original name (Peterfish Gap Salvage)on the last SOPA report. Salvage dead and dying trees as a result of Shipwrech wildfire; improve wildlife habitat Web Link: Location: Lee Ranger District Prescribed Fire Projects EA *NEW LISTING* Lee Ranger District Range Management Project UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Page. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Page County, Virginia. 03/2016 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:03/2016 (other than forest products) Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 - Fuels management Description: Continuation of 7 prescribed fire projects across the District, totaling 10,000 acres. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Page, Rockingham, Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various locations across the district. - Land management planning - Grazing management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:10/2016 EA *NEW LISTING* 10/2016 Trent Milam 540-984-4101 Description: Renewal of permits for pastoral grazing allotments per new Forest Plan. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Thomas Ledbetter 540-432-0187 UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Page, Shenandoah, Warren. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Page, Warren and Shenandoah Counties in Virginia, Lee Ranger District. Page 9 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) Massanutten, Tuscarora - Bear Wallow Trails Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Lee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Recreation management Completed Actual: 05/08/2015 08/2015 CE *UPDATED* EA Stephanie Chapman 540-984-4101 Description: Proposing to relocate short sections of trail on the Massanutten and Tuscarora - Bear Wallow Trails Web Link: Location: Moreland Gap Project Contact UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This area is in Shenandoah County, VA just west of SR 678. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products On Hold N/A N/A Kevin Kyle 540-984-4101 Description: Harvesting timber on approximately 300 acres to regenerate declining oak stands Web Link: Location: Newton Tract Plan UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Shenandoah County. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE In Progress: Scoping Start 02/25/2013 Expected:10/2015 12/2015 *UPDATED* Margaret McElveen 540-432-0187 memcelveen02@fs.fed. us Description: Improve and maintain fish and wildlife habitat. Area located in Shenandoah County about 13 miles west of Woodstock, VA Web Link: Location: UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Shenandoah County, 13 miles west of Woodstock, Virginia. Relocation of Mill Mtn Trailhead - Recreation management CE *UPDATED* Expected:10/2015 10/2015 Stephanie Chapman 540-984-4101 Description: Relocate one section of Mill Mtn Trail and trailhead from Wolf Gap Campground to Picnic Area, totaling .25 miles. Construct small parking area at Wolf Gap Recreation Area Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 06/26/2014 UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Hardy, Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Shenandoah County in Virginia and Hardy county in West Virginia. Page 10 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest District) Relocation of North Mtn Trail Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Lee Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Recreation management Completed Actual: 05/08/2015 08/2015 CE *UPDATED* EA UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Hardy, Shenandoah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Shenandoah county VA and Hardy county WV. Kevin Kyle 08/2017 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:06/2017 540-984-4101 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 (other than forest products) Description: re-establish shortleaf pine in the northwestern part of the Lee District in Hardy County, WV on several hundred acreas Location: Tuscarora-Hawk Trail UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - West Virginia. COUNTY - Hardy. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lee Ranger District, Hardy County, WV. - Recreation management Completed Actual: 05/08/2015 08/2015 CE *UPDATED* Stephanie Chapman 540-984-4101 Description: Relocation of the Tuscarora-Hawk Trail near Dry Gap, WV. Web Link: Location: Upper Passage Stream Habitat Enhancement Stephanie Chapman 540-984-4101 Description: Relocate 3 sections of N Mtn Trail, totaling .42 miles Web Link: Location: Sandy Ridge Short Leaf Pine Restoration project Project Contact UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia, West Virginia. COUNTY - Hampshire, Frederick. LEGAL - Not Applicable. This area is in Hampshire County, WV and Frederick County, VA near Capon Springs, WV. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 08/07/2015 09/2015 CE Dawn Kirk 540-291-5211 Description: Restore a segment of Upper Passage Creek by placement of large woody debris, rock vanes and weirs, modifying vehicle access, and improving stream bank stability and trail integrity at Lion's Tale Trail area. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Lee Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Page. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Upper Passage Creek in the Crisman Hollow Area, Page County. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Mount Rogers National Recreation Area (excluding Projects occurring Page 11 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest in more than one District) Crawfish Valley Wildlife Habitat Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Mount Rogers National Recreation Area (excluding Projects occurring - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A Project Contact CE Jay Martin 276-783-5196 Description: Early successional habitat maintenance for a wide variety of wildlife including the American Woodcock and Golden-winged Warblers. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Wythe. Located approximately 4 miles north of Rural Retreat, VA along SR 727. Davis Valley Wildlife Habitat Enhancement and stream restoration - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE Description: Early successional habitat enhancement and stream restoration of Dry Run. Web Link: Location: Ewing Mountain Vegetation Management CE *UPDATED* N/A N/A UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Smyth. Located north of I-81 at exit 54. UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Carroll, Grayson, Wythe. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Ewing Mountain in Wythe, Grayson and Carroll Counties. - Road management On Hold N/A N/A CE *UPDATED* Jay Martin 276-783-5196 Description: Seasonal Road Closures as conditions warrant, for resource protection and public safety Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Jay Martin 276-783-5196 Terry Adams N/A - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Cancelled N/A 276-328-2931 - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Ewing Mountain vegetation management using prescribed burning, timber sale, NNIS control, and wildlife openings. Web Link: Location: Forest Road Management Changes On Hold UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Washington, Wythe. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Various roads on the Mt. Rogers NRA. Page 12 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest in more than one District) Fox Creek Horse Camp Vault Toilet Installation Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Mount Rogers National Recreation Area (excluding Projects occurring - Recreation management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:06/2016 10/2016 CE Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Sara Schell 276-782-4377 Description: Installation of a vault toilet to replace rental port-a-johns. Web Link: Location: Special Use Authorization Renewal for Outfitting & Guiding on the Mount Rogers NRA CE *UPDATED* - Special use management EA *UPDATED* 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT 04/2016 David Skinner 276-328-2931 Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2016 David Skinner 276-328-2931 Description: Various special use proposals for hay fields, recreation services, events, communication site use, private access, etc. Location: Woodpecker Vegetation Management/Timber Harvest Expected:03/2016 UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Grayson, Smyth, Washington. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Horseback riding activities will take place in Grayson, Smyth, and Washington Counties in and around the high country area. - Special use management CE *UPDATED* Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 Description: Special Use Authorization for the renewal of Outfitting & Guiding permit for horseback riding on the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area Web Link: Location: Various Special Use Proposals UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Smyth. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Fox Creek Horse Camp, State Route 603 in Troutdale, Virginia. UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wythe. Various areas on the Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area. Jay Martin 01/2016 - Forest products Developing Proposal Expected:12/2015 304-846-2695 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 11/2015 (other than forest products) Description: Vegetation management for wildlife habitat improvement including commercial timber harvest. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Mount Rogers National Recreation Area. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Smyth. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Along Forest Road 16 and Forest Road 857. Page 13 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest one District) Briery Branch Dam Rehabilitation Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation North River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Watershed management - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A EA Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Elwood Burge 662-236-6550 Description: Rehabilitate dam to be in compliance with dam safety. This project is on hold pending funding. Web Link: Location: Elkhorn Rx CE *NEW LISTING* Gate Mountain Timber Sale UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Rockingham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Briery Branch. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: - Vegetation management Scoping Start 07/09/2015 (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Prescribed burn on the 1,100 acre Elkhorn burn unit. Expected:10/2015 03/2016 Joseph Emswiler 540-432-0187 Web Link: Location: UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Elkhorn burn unit is located on Elkhorn Mountain, which is located in Augusta County, approximately 4 miles southwest of Stokesville, VA. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A EA Gerardo Paez 540-432-8231 Description: Commercial timber sale on approximately 400 acres to improve habitat conditions for various wildlife species. Web Link: Location: UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Rockingham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Approximately 6 miles SW of Fulks Run, VA. Hearthstone Dam Rehabilitation - Watershed management - Special use management EA *UPDATED* Expected:04/2016 04/2016 Elwood Burge 662-236-6550 Description: Rehabilitation to bring the dam into State of Virginia compliance standards Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Augusta. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Hearthstone Lake. Page 14 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest one District) Hone Quarry Dam Rehabilitation Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation North River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than - Watershed management - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A EA Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Elwood Burge 662-236-6550 Description: Rehabilitate dam for high hazard compliance. Dam owned by Shenandoah Valley Soil & Water Conservation District. Dam crest needs to be raised and new spillway. This project is on hold pending funding. Web Link: Location: South Archer Project EA *UPDATED* Todd Lake Dam Rehabilitation EA UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Rockingham. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Hone Quarry Dam, near Hone Quarry campground. 01/2017 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:12/2016 - Forest products Scoping Start 08/03/2015 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 11/2015 - Fuels management Description: Several hundred acres of thinning and regeneration treatments to improve wildlife habitat. Gerardo Paez 540-432-8231 Web Link: Location: UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Augusta, Rockbridge. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Forest Service land around the vicinity and south of Archer Knob on the Great North Mountain. - Watershed management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Notice of Initiation 01/2015 Expected:07/2015 09/2015 Elwood Burge 662-236-6550 Description: Dam rehabilitation required to bring dam into compliance. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Augusta. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Todd Lake area. Page 15 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest one District) Tom Lee Draft Timber Sale EA Wallace and Marshall Tracts Prescribed Burns Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation North River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than Web Link: Location: UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Augusta. LEGAL - NFS. Approximately 2 miles west of Deerfield, VA. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Scoping Start 01/12/2015 Expected:10/2015 01/2016 EA *UPDATED* UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Approximately two miles south of Williamsville, VA. Gerardo Paez 12/2015 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:10/2015 540-432-8231 - Vegetation management Comment Period Public Notice (other than forest products) 05/02/2014 Description: Regeneration harvests primarily for oak regeneration of approximately 600 acres total, several thinnings, temporary road construction. Web Link: Location: UNIT - North River Ranger District. STATE - West Virginia. COUNTY - Pendleton. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Along Forest Road 151, north of Highway 33. George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Thomas Ledbetter 540-432-0187 Description: Rx burn about 276 acres on the Wallace Tract and 56 acres on the Marshall Tract for wildlife habitat improvement and convert areas from cool season grasses to warm season grasses. Web Link: Location: West Side Vegetation Management Project R8 - Southern Region Gerardo Paez 10/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:10/2015 540-432-8231 - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Fuelwood and timber sale on approximately 292 acres to improve habitat conditions for various wildlife species. CE *UPDATED* Project Contact Warm Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more Page 16 of 18 R8 - Southern Region George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) Border Restoration Project CE Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R8 - Southern Region Warm Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Vegetation management (other than forest products) On Hold N/A N/A Project Contact Karen Stevens 540-839-2521 karenlstevens@fs.fed.u s Description: Prescribe burn 31,475 acres within 23 areas on National Forest and VDGIF property as part of the Appalachian Fire Learning Network. Web Link: Location: Bratton and Wolf Special Use Reauthorizations UNIT - Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath, Highland. Along the Virginia and West Virginia state boundary from Lake Moomaw to Ruckman Draft (north of State Route 84). - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Yvonne Norman 540-962-2214 Description: Reauthorize use of National Forest for 1) water supply well (Wolf) and 2) use of existing road to provide access to private property Location: Fiber Optic Line on Warm Spring Mountain UNIT - Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. Wolf Location is along State Route 614 & Muddy Run, Bratton Location is on Piney Ridge near Highland Cty Line. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2015 Expected:12/2015 12/2015 CE *NEW LISTING* Description: Bury approximately 12,000 feet of fiber optic cable in an existing utility corridor. Web Link: Location: Hidden Valley Campground Host Site Improvements Carla Dunn 540-265-5197 UNIT - Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Warm Springs Mountain. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Emily Ellis 530-252-5862 Description: Upgrade Hidden Valley Campground host with an electrical hookup. Web Link: Location: 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT UNIT - Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Approximately 4 miles northwest of Warm Springs. Page 17 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest Project Name Project Purpose George Washington and Jefferson National Forest than one District) Planning Status Decision On Hold N/A CE Project Contact R8 - Southern Region Warm Springs Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more Paddy Knob Early Successional - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Habitat *UPDATED* Expected Implementation N/A Steve Tanguay 540-839-2521 Description: Create early successional habitat in the vincinity of Paddy Knob. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Warm Springs Ranger District. STATE - Virginia. COUNTY - Bath. Approximately 8 miles northeast of Mountain Grove. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 10/01/2015 04:25 am MT Page 18 of 18 George Washington and Jefferson National Forest