Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 07/01/2014 to 09/30/2014 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R6 - Pacific Northwest Region, Regionwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Region) Christine Pyle Aquatic Invasive Species order - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:05/2014 05/2014 to prevent the spread or 503-808-2691 Est. Scoping Start 05/2014 introduction of aquatic invasive species Description: The purpose of this order is to prevent the spread or introduction of aquatic invasive plant or animal species. CE Public involvement is targeted for the Umatilla, Willamette, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie, Gifford Pinchot, and Colville NFs. *NEW LISTING* Web Link: Location: UNIT - R6 - Pacific Northwest Region All Units. STATE - Oregon, Washington. COUNTY - Asotin, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Ferry, Garfield, King, Klickitat, Lewis, Pend Oreille, Pierce, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Baker, Clackamas, Douglas, Grant, Jefferson, Lane, Linn, Marion, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wheeler. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Order will apply to all Forests in Region 6, however targeted scoping is with the Umatilla, Gifford Pinchot, Mt. Baker/Snoqualmie, Willamette and Colville NFs tribal and public scoping lists. R6 - Pacific Northwest Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Forest Plan Amendments for the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline - Land management planning EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 09/21/2012 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/2014 Expected:03/2015 10/2015 Wes Yamamoto 541-825-3100 Description: The Forest Service is proposing to amend the Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP) for the Umpqua, Rogue River, and Winema National Forests for the proposed Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Tiller Ranger District, Klamath Ranger District, High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Douglas, Jackson, Klamath. Umpqua NF, Rogue River NF, and Winema NF. Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT Page 1 of 9 R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Motorized Vehicle Use on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Supplement - Land management planning EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 10/07/2011 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 06/2014 Expected:09/2014 Expected Implementation Project Contact R6 - Pacific Northwest Region 10/2014 David Krantz 541-618-2126 Description: Supplement to the Motorized Vehicle Use on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest EIS. Web Link: Location: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) UNIT - Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest All Units. STATE - California, Oregon. COUNTY - Del Norte, Siskiyou, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath. LEGAL - All Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. All Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Gold Beach Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Holly Witt Coos-Curry Electric In Progress: - Special use management Expected:07/2014 08/2014 Cooperative Power Line Special 541-247-3688 Scoping Start 12/10/2013 Use Permit Renewal Description: Renewal of existing Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative, Inc. power line special use permits and incorporation of CE amendments into one authorization, including an operations and maintenance plan. No new construction or ground disturbance would occur. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT UNIT - Gold Beach Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Curry. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Within Curry Co.on Forest Service lands adjacent to the Rogue River from approx. Foster Bar west to the USFS boundary, and adjacent to the Illinois River from Oak Flat north to Rogue River. Page 2 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) RF-38 Test Drilling Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Gold Beach Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 07/15/2013 Project Contact Expected:11/2014 12/2014 Holly Witt 541-247-3688 Description: Red Flat Nickel Corp. plans to drill 35 3-inch diameter holes to a depth of 50 feet to obtain core samples of minerals adjacent to existing roads. No new roads would be constructed. About 1200 feet of road would be brushed. Web Link: Location: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Big Pines Restoration EA UNIT - Gold Beach Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Curry. LEGAL - Township 37 South Range 13 West - Sections 18, 19, 30, 31, and 32. Willamette Meridian. About 8 miles ESE of Gold Beach, Oregon, in the area known as Red Flat within the Hunter Creek and North Fork Pistol River watersheds. Access is via Hunter Creek Road (NFS 3680) to NFS 1703 road. High Cascades Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Vegetation management (other than forest products) On Hold N/A R6 - Pacific Northwest Region N/A Judd Lehman 541-560-3462 Description: Apply recommended stand density reduction thinning to ponderosa pine dominated stands to sustain large ponderosa and sugar pine trees, increase stand vigor, and promote pine regeneration. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT UNIT - High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - T. 32 S., R. 3 E., Sec. 4,5,8,9,16,17,20,29. T. 31 S., R. 3 E., Sec. 3,10,15,16,21,28,29,32. T. 30 S., R. 3 E., Sec. 13,24,25,26,35. T. 30 S., R. 4 E., Sec. 6,7,18. Stands adjacent to Hwy 62 between Prospect and Union Cr, and adjacent to Hwy 230 from its junction with Hwy 62 up approx 5 miles. Page 3 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Bitter Lick Creek Instream Restoration Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation High Cascades Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 06/16/2014 Expected:08/2014 R6 - Pacific Northwest Region 09/2014 CE *NEW LISTING* Project Contact Steven Brazier 541-471-6766 Description: Reconstruct inlet to an off-channel pond to provide consistent flow of water from mainstem Bitter Lick Creek channel. Reconfigure four legacy instream structures that currently impair movement of juvinile anadromous fish. Web Link: Location: UNIT - High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Northeast 1/4 section 12, Township 32 South, Range 1 East, of Willamette Meridian. Approximately 8 air miles north of Lost Creek Reservoir (along OR Hwy 62). Jeff VonKienast 541-560-3440 Clarks Fork Wildlife Habitat Enhancement & Fuels Treatment Project - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management CE Description: Prescribed burning (some Spring prep burning, with all units burned in fall) on up to 6,450 acres to improve wildlife habitat (improve quantity and quality of forage) and maintain current low fuel loading in project areas. Web Link: Location: Union Creek Water System Maintenance Project In Progress: Scoping Start 06/09/2014 Expected:08/2014 10/2014 UNIT - High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Township 35 & 36 South, Range 3 & 4, East, Willamette Meridian, Jackson County, Oregon. Approximately 5 miles east of Butte Falls, Oregon along County Highway 821. - Recreation management On Hold CE N/A N/A Leslie Moscoso 541-865-2710 Description: The project would address several deferred maintenance items to the Union Creek Water System, including: replacement of the waterline, replacement of components at the Union Creek and Farewell Bend campgrounds, and the USFS Administrative Compound. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT UNIT - High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - sec. 34 and 35, Township 30 South, Range 3 East, of the Willamette Meridian. Union Creek Campground, Farewell Bend Campground, and USFS Administrative Compound at Union Creek. Page 4 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Wizard Island #2 Mine Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation High Cascades Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Minerals and Geology On Hold R6 - Pacific Northwest Region N/A N/A EA Project Contact Karla Gallegos 541-471-6708 Description: The project would authorize mining a sulfur enriched clay mineral deposit (epithermal argillite) on approximately 5 acres of land for up to 10 years. There would be no vegetation removal. Web Link: Location: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Eden Ridge Timber Sales EIS Powers Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CE UNIT - Powers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Coos. LEGAL - T. 31 S., R. 10 W., Sec. 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, and 30; T. 31 S., R. 11 W., Sec. 24, 25, 26, and 27, W.M. Approximately four (4) air miles southeast of the city of Powers, Oregon within the area known as Eden Ridge. Karla Cottom 10/2014 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:10/2014 541-439-6250 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 08/2014 (other than forest products) - Watershed management Description: Place large wood into and adjacent to ~2 miles of stream to improve habitat for fish and other aquatic species. Thin(non-commercial)~500 acres of previously harvested and dense stands to stimulate the development of mature forest near streams. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Wesley Crum 10/2014 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:09/2014 541-439-6241 - Vegetation management Objection Period Legal Notice (other than forest products) 03/20/2014 Description: Commercial thinning, root disease treatments and planting on approx. 3,736 acres of candidate stands regenerated in the 1920s-40s and located on Matrix under NWFP. Includes 72 treatment units using groundbased and aerial logging systems. Web Link: Location: Elk River Aquatic Restoration UNIT - High Cascades Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Douglas. LEGAL - W½, NW¼, Sec. 13, T. 29 N., R. 4 E., W.M., Douglas Co., OR. About 18 miles north of Prospect, OR. UNIT - Powers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Curry. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Elk River watershed about 5 miles southeast of Port Orford, Oregon. Page 5 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Powers Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Mount Avery Spur Road Project - Special use management - Road management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 11/22/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 08/2014 Expected:11/2014 Project Contact R6 - Pacific Northwest Region 12/2014 Donald Kay 541-439-6223 Description: Construct about 330 feet of new road on Forest Service lands from the end of Forest Service Road 5201-200 to the private parcel in T32S, R13W, Section 16. Applicant requests permission to use and maintain the road for perpetual timber management. Web Link: Location: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest one District) Applegate Plantation Thin EA Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Katie Schubert - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A 541-899-3800 - Forest products - Fuels management Description: Thin overcrowded, previously managed stands (plantations) located within the Applegate Adaptive Management Area (AMA) in order to maintain and enhance forest health and terrestrial and aquatic species habitat Web Link: Location: Ashland Trails Project UNIT - Powers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Curry. LEGAL - T32S, R13W, Section 22. Sixes River and South Fork Sixes River watersheds approximately 15 miles east of Port Orford, Oregon. UNIT - Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District. STATE - California, Oregon. COUNTY - Siskiyou, Jackson, Josephine. Applegate Adaptive Management Area. - Recreation management EA Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2012 Expected:01/2013 03/2013 Brian Long 541-552-2907 Description: Addition of 13.2 miles of existing historic Forest Service trails and 8.7 miles of unauthorized user-created routes, construction of 9.7 miles of new trails, and closure and rehabilitation of 5.0 miles of unauthorized user-created trails. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT UNIT - Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - T39S, R1E, Sec.17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 30-32, and 34; T40S, R1E, Sec. 2-9, and 17-19; T40S, R1W, Sec. 1, 12, and 13, W.M., Jackson Co., OR. Ashland Creek and Neil Creek watersheds. Page 6 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest one District) Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than Project Contact R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Michael Hackett 541-899-3884 Strongarm Pine Plantation Thinning and Restoration Project - Vegetation management (other than forest products) CE Description: Precommercial thinning and fuels treatments on 55 acres of the 25-year-old Strongarm Plantation consisting of mixed conifer and hardwoods which range from 1 to 12 inches in diameter, with a focus on pine/oak restoration. Web Link: Location: Weatherbee Mining Claim In Progress: Scoping Start 05/15/2009 Expected:09/2012 10/2012 UNIT - Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - sec. 2, T. 40 S., R. 3 W., of the Willamette Meridian. Upper Applegate 5th field watershed. - Minerals and Geology EA Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 07/2012 Expected:01/2013 03/2013 Karla Gallegos 541-471-6708 Description: Placer mine, removing mineral deposit from an ancient channel (underground). Project would remove approximately 40 cubic yards of material per year. Removal process would primarily pick and shovel, using a winch to move material mid-slope. Web Link: Location: Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Briggs Valley EA UNIT - Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T. 48 N., R. 10 W., Section 22, SW 1/4, Mt. Diablo Meridian, Siskiyou County, California. Elliott Creek, approximatley 10 miles south of Oregon/California border. Wild Rivers Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: Scoping Start 06/22/2011 Est. 215 Comment Period Legal Notice 12/2012 Expected:01/2013 R6 - Pacific Northwest Region 03/2013 Don Bellville 541-471-6735 Description: Partial cut exisiting stands to promote large-diameter trees and maintain pine-oak habitat on approximately 985 acres;no regen harvest or new system road construction; objective is to increase vigor and growth of mid-seral stands. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Josephine. LEGAL - T36S, R8W including General Forest, Partial Retention, and Special Wildlife Areas (meadows). Upper Briggs Valley Watershed. Page 7 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Cedar Gulch Mine Planning Status Decision Wild Rivers Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A Expected Implementation Project Contact R6 - Pacific Northwest Region N/A EIS Kevin Johnson 541-471-6727 Description: Previously known as Tracy Placer Mining Project (#9992). Prepare Supplemental EIS and environmental review of proposed Plan of Operations for placer mining less than 5 acres in the Sucker Creek watershed. Web Link: Location: Cleopatra Test Drilling UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Josephine. LEGAL - T40S, R06W, Section 19. South bank of Sucker Creek, about 11 miles southeast of Cave Junction, Oregon. Within Riparian Reserve and Late Successional Reserve. - Minerals and Geology EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 11/20/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 11/2014 Expected:01/2015 02/2015 Robert Shoemaker 541-471-6708 Description: Red Flat Nickel Corp. plans to drill 59 3-inch diameter holes to a depth of 50 feet to obtain core samples of minerals in Curry County, Oregon. Equipment and personnel would be transported and removed via helicopter. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Curry. LEGAL - Primarily T41S-R10WSections 5-8, 17, 18; T41S-R11W-Sections 1, 12. About 10 miles WSW of O'Brien, Oregon. Generally between Baldface, Taylor, and Fall Creeks within the North Fork Smith River watershed, Curry County, Oregon. Gary Einck 541-618-2037 Eight Dollar Mountain Communication Tower and Distribution Line Project - Special use management CE Description: Construct 150ft tower (19x19 ft base) and ice bridge connecting new tower to communications shelter; utilize 2 previously disturbed staging areas; replace 93 ft of an existing underground electric distribution line; coverage for 5 existing lines. Web Link: Location: 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT Completed Actual: 04/23/2014 06/2014 UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Josephine. LEGAL - sec. 17, Township 38 South, Range 8 West, of the Willamette Meridian. Approximately 3 miles southwest of Selma, OR. Page 8 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest District) Sucker Creek Legacy Roads and Trails Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R6 - Pacific Northwest Region Wild Rivers Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one - Watershed management - Road management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 10/01/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2014 Project Contact 06/2015 Expected:09/2014 Chris Park 541-471-6761 Description: Decommissioning, stormproofing and stream crossing upgrades to legacy roads and trails within the Sucker Creek 5th field watershed. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Josephine. LEGAL - T. 39 S., R. 6 W., T. 39 S. R. 5 W., T. 40 S., R. 6 W., T. 40 S., R. 5 W., T. 41 S., R. 6 W., of the Willamette Meridian. Sucker Creek 5th field watershed. Wild Rivers Aquatic and Riparian Habitat Enhancement Project - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management CE Description: Restoration of aquatic ecosystems and water quality across the Wild Rivers RD. Web Link: Location: On Hold N/A N/A Ian Reid 541-899-3852 UNIT - Wild Rivers Ranger District. STATE - California, Oregon. COUNTY - Del Norte, Curry, Josephine. Wild Rivers Ranger District. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 07/01/2014 03:17 am MT Page 9 of 9 Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest