Project Name
01/01/2016 to 03/31/2016
Los Padres National Forest
This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.
Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
AT&T California Master Special
Use Permit Renewal
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A
AT&T requests to renew & consolidate all existing linear rights-of-way special use authorizations into 1 master permit for a 30-yr. term. Existing facilities are on the Monterey, Santa Lucia, Mt. Pinos & Ojai Districts. One line is in Black Mt. IRA.
Web Link:
Vicki Collins
Los Padres Tamarisk Removal
Location: UNIT - Los Padres National Forest All Units. STATE - California. COUNTY - Kern, Los Angeles, Monterey, San
Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura. LEGAL - Multiple locations in Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara,
Ventura, Los Angeles & Kern Counties. Telephone communication line - linear rights-of-way - across all districts except Santa Barbara Ranger District.
- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants
- Vegetation management
(other than forest products)
- Fuels management
- Watershed management
In Progress:
NOI in Federal Register
Est. DEIS NOA in Federal
Register 02/2016
Expected:09/2016 10/2016 Lloyd Simpson
805-646-4348 ex. 316
An effort to remove tamarisk from all watersheds where it occurs in the Los Padres National Forest. For the targeted waterways, project is in or adjacent to the Sespe-Frazier, Juncal, Camuesa, and La Brea IRA's.
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Los Padres National Forest All Units. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa
Barbara, Ventura. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Piru Creek, Sespe Creek, Lockwood Creek, Santa Ynez River,
Sisquoc River, Arroyo Seco River Watersheds along stream channels.
Los Padres National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide)
PGE Master Distribution
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Vicki Collins
Description: Pacific Gas & Electric application to consolidate and renew 8 existing authorizations for existing distribution facilities for a 50-yr term. All lines are 12 kv and have a total length of 8.2 miles occupying 35 acres. In or adjacent to Tequepas IRA.
Web Link:
PGE Master Special Use Permit
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District, Santa Barbara Ranger District, Mt. Pinos Ranger District. STATE -
California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. LEGAL - Multiple locations in San Luis Obispo and
Santa Barbara Counties. Tepusquet Pk, Cuyama Valley, Santa Barbara Cyn, Tequepis Cynn, Santa Ynez Pk,
Raterlee-Cerro Alto, W Cuesta Pk, Rincanada Mine.
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A
PGE application to renew & consolidate 8 existing use authorizations for existing distribution facilities that generally serve a single facility into a single master permit for a 30-yr term. In or adjacent to Black Mtn., Garcia Mtn, & Fox
Mtn. IRA's.
Web Link:
Vicki Collins
Zaca and Piru Fire Burn Area
Level 3 Trail Maintenance
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District, Santa Barbara Ranger District, Mt. Pinos Ranger District, Monterey Ranger
District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. LEGAL - Multiple locations in Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. West Camino Cielo, Figueroa Mtn, Olive
Cyn, Plowshare Pk, Salmon Cr, Lakes of Monterey Co, Vaqueros Pk, E&W Cuesta, Black Mtn, Lopez, Avenales,
- Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A Kyle Kinports
Description: Trails within the burned areas have been damaged by erosion resultant from the removal of native vegetation by the fires. The purpose of this project is to repair heavily damaged trail sections through reconstruction and rerouting.
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District, Ojai Ranger District, Mt. Pinos Ranger District. STATE - California.
COUNTY - Santa Barbara, Ventura. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Zaca Fire and Piru Fire burn areas.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Monterey Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Abbott Lakes Restoration
- Watershed management Completed Actual: 10/26/2015
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
Description: Re-fill lower lake to provide year-round available water for use in emergency wildfire situations
Web Link:
Peter Harris
831-385-5434 x228
Grizzly Mine Closure
Location: UNIT - Monterey Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey. LEGAL - T19S, R4E, Section 36,
SE 1/4. Los Padres National Forest System lands, Monterey Ranger District, Monterey County, California.
- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants
- Minerals and Geology
In Progress:
Scoping Start 08/10/2015
Expected:10/2015 11/2015 Jonathan Schwartz
805-646-4348 Ext 311 jonathanschwartz@fs.fe
Description: Closure of an adit and two shafts using bat gates in order to: 1. Reduce the safety risks to the public posed by the open adit, tunnels and shafts
2. Implement measures intended to protect bats and their habitat
Mt. Manual Repeater
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Monterey Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey. LEGAL - T24S,R5E, NW Section
1, Mount Diablo. 450 feet northeast of Alder Creek Camp Ground.
- Special use management
- Facility management
In Progress:
Scoping Start 10/15/2015
Expected:04/2016 05/2016 Peter Harris
Description: The purpose of this project is to provide more reliable and accessible Forest Service radio coverage within the Big
Sur area by installing a radio repeater vault on Mt. Manuel.
Location: UNIT - Monterey Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey. LEGAL - T19S R1E Sec 17 SW.
N 36 deg 16.178' x W 121 deg 46.060' elev 3328'.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Monterey Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Strategic Community Fuelbreak
Improvement Project
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Vegetation management
(other than forest products)
- Fuels management
03/2016 Jeff Kwasny
To re-establish and maintain 24.1 miles of historically used fuelbreaks-all of which originated as firelines-within the wildland urban interface threat zones on NFS lands; approximately 7.5 miles within wilderness and 16.6 miles outside of wilderness
Web Link:
In Progress:
NOI in Federal Register
Est. DEIS NOA in Federal
Register 04/2016
Sudden Oak Death Prevention
- Recreation management
- Vegetation management
(other than forest products)
- Fuels management
Completed Actual: 12/03/2015 12/2015 Jeff Kwasny
Description: Selectively remove bay and tanoak trees in Bottchers, Ponderosa, and Nacimiento campgrounds to prevent dispersion of disease spores to adjacent disease-vulnerable native oak trees. Treat cut stems with herbicide to prevent re-sprouting.
Web Link:
UNIT - Monterey Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey. LEGAL - Portions of T18S, R2E,
3E, 4E; T20S, R2E, 3E; Mount Diablo Meridian. Monterey County, California, on the northern portion of the
Monterey Ranger District of the Los Padres National Forest.
UNIT - Monterey Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Monterey. LEGAL - Not Applicable.
Bottchers Gap Campground located at top of Palo Colorado; Ponderosa and Nacimiento Campgrounds located along Nacimiento-Fergusson Road.
Los Padres National Forest Mt. Pinos Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Page 4 of 10 Los Padres National Forest
Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Mt. Pinos Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
DWR Gauge and Road
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Veronica Garza
Description: Issuance of a Special Use Permit to the Department of Water Resources for use of a water flow gauge on Piru
Creek and the maintenance of the Hardluck Road.
Web Link:
Smith Communication Site
Special Use Authorization
Location: UNIT - Mt. Pinos Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Los Angeles, Ventura. LEGAL - Black
Mountain Quad T 7N, R 19W, sections 13, 24 SBBM. Hardluck road and Piru Creek, east of Hardluck
- Special use management Developing Proposal
Est. Scoping Start 02/2016
Expected:06/2016 07/2016 David Betz
Renewal of permit for the existing communication site at Cerro Noroeste occupying 0.5 acre in T9N, R22W, Sec
26, SBBM. These facilities have been in place since 1961. The facilities include a 30' tall tower, building, solar panels, and fencing.
Location: UNIT - Mt. Pinos Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Kern. LEGAL - T9N, R22W, Sec. 26, SBBM.
Approximately 20 miles West of Frazier Park, CA.
Los Padres National Forest Ojai Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Applications for Permit to Drill
(APD's) in the Sespe Oil Field
- Minerals and Geology
Web Link:
On Hold N/A
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
Jonathan Schwartz
805-646-4348 Ext 311 jonathanschwartz@fs.fe
Seneca Resources is requesting to drill 8 oil and gas wells at 4 existing well pads, installation of 7,960 feet of new pipeline, a 400 barrel emergency tank, a transfer pump, three pressure vessels, and 2 master headers in the
Sespe Oil Field.
Location: UNIT - Ojai Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Ventura. LEGAL - T5N, R19W, Section 29,
SBBM. The 4-proposed pads to be drilled are about 5 miles north of Fillmore in the Sespe oil field. All located in
Sec.29, T.5N, R.19W, SBBM.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Ojai Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Blue Point Campground and
Day Use Removal and
Restoration Project
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Recreation management
- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants
- Watershed management
- Facility management
- Road management
In Progress:
Scoping Start 07/23/2014
Est. Comment Period Public
Notice 02/2016
08/2016 Diane Cross
805-646-4348 x320
The Ojai Ranger District proposes to decommission the campground and infrastructure (roads, campsites, cement creek crossing, and rip-rap bank protection) utilizing heavy equipment to remove infrastructure and restore area to natural conditions.
Web Link:
Seneca 2013 Pipeline
Relocation Project
Location: UNIT - Ojai Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Ventura. LEGAL - SW1/4, Sec. 10, T5N R18W
SBBM. The Blue Point Campground and Day Use Area Removal and Restoration Project (Blue Point Project) is located 13 miles north of Piru, California and 2 miles north of Piru Reservoir in Ventura County, CA.
- Minerals and Geology
- Special use management
On Hold N/A N/A Jonathan Schwartz
805-646-4348 Ext 311 jonathanschwartz@fs.fe
Description: Re-issue a SUP for an existing six inch gas pipeline for a new term allowing relocation of a segment of the line and installation of an inspection device launcher on the line.
Web Link:
Seneca Pipeline Special Use
Permits Renewal
Location: UNIT - Ojai Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Ventura. LEGAL - Sections 28, 29, 31, 32 &
33, T.5N., R.19W., SBM. The project is in the Sespe Oil Field located about 5 miles north of Fillmore.
- Minerals and Geology
- Special use management
On Hold N/A N/A
Issuance of two new special use permits for a new term to replace two expired special use permits with only administrative changes. There are no changes to the authorized facilities or increase in the scope or intensity of activities.
Web Link:
Jonathan Schwartz
805-646-4348 Ext 311 jonathanschwartz@fs.fe
Location: UNIT - Ojai Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Ventura. LEGAL - Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 &
33, T.5 N., R. 19 W., SBM. The project is located 5 miles north of Fillmore in the Sespe oil field.
Los Padres National Forest Santa Barbara Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
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R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
Los Padres National Forest
Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Santa Barbara Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Happy Canyon Allotment
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Grazing management Expected:04/2016
05/2016 Valerie Hubbartt
805-967-3481 ext. 254
Proposal to authorize livestock use on the Happy Canyon Grazing Allotment for a new 10 year Term. This project replaces the prior Happy Canyon Grazing Allotment EA or project number 33801, since that decision was withdrawn. Within De La Guerra IRA.
Web Link:
In Progress:
Comment Period Public Notice
Santa Barbara Mountain
Communities Defense Zone
Winchester Canyon Gun Club
Location: UNIT - Santa Barbara Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Santa Barbara. LEGAL - Sections 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 32 and 33 Township 7 North, Range 29 West, San Bernardino Base &
Meridian, Santa Barbara County, California. The allotment project area is located on the Santa Barbara and Santa
Lucia Ranger Districts of the Los Padres National Forest in Santa Barbara County, California.
- Vegetation management
(other than forest products)
- Fuels management
In Progress:
Scoping Start 09/30/2015
Expected:03/2016 05/2016 John Smith
805-967-3481 ext 217
Description: The Santa Barbara Ranger District proposes to conduct vegetation management to improve defensible space near the communities of Painted Cave, San Marcos Trout Club, Haney Tract, Rosario Park, West Camino Cielo and
Refugio Canyon.
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Santa Barbara Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Santa Barbara. LEGAL - T5N R28W
Sections 8, 17, 18, 22, 23 and 27, T5N R32W Sections 16, 17, 18, 22, 23 and 24, T5N R31W Section 13 and T4N
R31W Section 7. San Bernardino Base & Meridian, Santa Barbara County, California. The mountain communities are located off Painted Cave Road and East Camino Cielo, Highway 154 and Old San Marcos Road, West
Camino Cielo, Highway 154 and Stagecoach Road and Refugio Road.
- Recreation management
- Special use management
In Progress:
NOI in Federal Register
Est. DEIS NOA in Federal
Register 02/2016
Expected:12/2016 01/2017 Jeff Bensen
Description: Proposal to issue a permit for ongoing operation of exisitng target range. Previously an EA (project #2147) overturned on appeal. Project is in or adjacent to Tequepis IRA.
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Santa Barbara Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Santa Barbara. LEGAL - Sec 18 & 19
T5N, R28W; Sec 13 & 24 T5N, R 29W, SBM. West of Hwy 154 on W. Camino Cielo, 5 mi. north of Goleta.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Santa Lucia Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
El Dorado Broadcasters, LLC
Tower Replacement and
Building Upgrade - Cuesta
Peak Communications Site
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Special use management
- Facility management
On Hold N/A N/A Vicki Collins
Description: El Dorado Broadcasters, LLC has requested authorization to replace a 55 ft. wooden pole with a 200 ft. selfsupporting transmitter tower and upgrade the existing 18x18 ft. concrete block building located at Cuesta Peak
Communications Site.
Web Link:
Fernandez #65 Guzzler Tank
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo. LEGAL - Section 35,
T29S, R12E, MDBM. Cuesta Communication Site.
- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Completed Actual: 12/10/2015 12/2015
Project involves replacement of underground tank for wildlife guzzler utilizing hand tools. In addition cleaning and patching of the asphalt water collection apron, repair of the barbed wire fence and sign installation will occur.
Web Link:
Melody Fountain
805-925-9538 ext 214
PGE Master Transmission
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo. LEGAL - Not
Applicable. Approximately 20 miles east of Santa Margarita on the south side of Forest Road 28SS02 (Fernandez
Rd)at T29S,R15E,NW 1/4,SE 1/4 section 12 MDBM.
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Vicki Collins
Description: Pacific Gas & Electric application to consolidate and renew 8 existing authorizations for existing transmission facilities for a 50-yr term. Relisted as CE because preliminary results of resource surveys show no significant effects.
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. LEGAL
- T28S-32S, R11-13E, R15-18E, MDM and T12N, R31W, SBM. Diablo, Gates, Midway,Temblor, San Luis
Obispo, Santa Maria, Atascadero, Cayucos, Morro Bay.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Santa Lucia Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Porter, Pine Canyon and South
Fork La Brea Grazing
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Grazing management Developing Proposal
Est. Scoping Start 04/2016
Expected:04/2017 05/2017 Melody Fountain
805-925-9538 ext 214
Description: Proposal to authorize continued grazing on the Porter, Pine Canyon and South Fork La Brea Allotments. This project is located within five IRA's; Horseshoe Spring, La Brea, Miranda Pine, Spoor Canyon, and Tepusquet
Web Link:
Pozo/La Panza OHV Trail Reroute and Restoration Project
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. LEGAL
- T32S, R17 &18E, MDM and T9,10,11&12N, R30,31 &32W SBM. Los Padres National Forest, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, California. Approximately 20 miles east of Santa Maria.
- Recreation management In Progress:
Scoping Start 02/01/2013
Expected:01/2016 10/2016
The USFS in partnership with the Central Coast Motorcycle Association, proposes to re-route 11-12 motorized trails in the Pozo/La Panza area in order to reduce soil erosion and sediment delivery as well as improve OHV trail system usability.
Web Link:
Alicia Sanchez
805-925-9538 ext. 235
SBA Tower Reinforcement
Special Use Authorization
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo. LEGAL - Sections 25,
26, 27, T29S, R15E; Sections 20, 21, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, T29S, R16E; Section 3, T30S, R16E. The project location is approximately 17 miles east of the Santa Margarita community and south of Highway 58 and is within the Pozo/ La Panza Place and has a Land-Use Zone of Back Country.
- Special use management In Progress:
Scoping Start 09/21/2015
Expected:02/2016 03/2016 David Betz
Description: SBA Towers proposes to reinforce the foundation of their existing authorized tower at the communication site at
Cuesta Peak. 4 pieces of concrete will be installed between the 4 legs of the existing tower, and diagonal braces installed in 4 places.
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo. LEGAL - T29S, R12E,
Sec. 35, MDBM. Approximately 6 miles SW of Santa Margarita, CA.
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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision
Project Contact
Los Padres National Forest Santa Lucia Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)
Union Pacific Railroad
Communication Site
Improvements - Tassajera
Communications Site
R5 - Pacific Southwest Region
- Special use management On Hold N/A N/A Vicki Collins
Description: Union Pacific Railroad proposes to remove existing 8'x20' building, replace with a 10'x18' building, fence area, pour four concrete pads: 12'x20', 2'x4', 4'x6', and 3'x8' for building & entrance, generator & propane tank at
Tassajera Communications
Web Link:
Location: UNIT - Santa Lucia Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - San Luis Obispo. LEGAL - Section 20,
T29S, R12E, Mt. Diablo Base & Meridian. Tassajera Communications Site.
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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.
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