Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 Klamath National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Six Rivers Road Maintenance CE *UPDATED* Adam Dresser - Watershed management Completed Actual: 01/13/2016 03/2016 707-441-3618 - Facility management - Road management Description: This project will maintain forest roads on Six Rivers National Forest and the Ukonom District of Klamath National Forest. Activities include brushing, blading, grading, spot rocking, installing drainage dips, culvert cleaning and replacement. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Six Rivers National Forest All Units, Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou, Trinity. LEGAL - Not Applicable. All Forest Service system roads with Six Rivers National Forest and the Ukonom District of Klamath National Forest. R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Dressler Access Road Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 CE *UPDATED* 05/2016 James Main 530-842-6131 Description: This is a reissuance of a Special Use permit covering an existing right-of-way 2,640 feet long, 12 feet wide, containing approximately .73 acres. NCRWQCB - water board waiver not applicable. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Expected:05/2016 UNIT - Klamath National Forest All Units. STATE - Oregon. COUNTY - Jackson. LEGAL - Sections 20 and 21, T. 40 S., R. 1 E., Williamette Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. Page 1 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision - Watershed management - Facility management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 09/10/2015 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2016 Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Yreka Flood Hazard Reduction Project/FS Service Center Expected Implementation Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Karen Nolan 530-842-6131 Description: Modification of the 100-year floodplain surrounding the Yreka Service Center by lowering the ground in some areas and raising it in others. Small buildings will be removed or relocated; a bridge will be relocated on site. NCRWQCB waiver- not eligible Web Link: Location: UNIT - Klamath National Forest All Units. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 1030 S. Main Street in Yreka, CA. It is part of the Yreka City, Yreka Creek 7th field watershed (HUC 18010207050204) within the Yreka Creek 6th field watershed (HUC 180102070502). R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Karuk Radio Repeater at Gunsight Peak Communication Site - Special use management CE Description: Installation of a VHF 60 watt P25 Repeater with UHF 30 watt link radio at Gunsight Peak Communication Site. Repeater will be placed on a tower owned by State of California. Project will not include any ground disturbance. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Klamath National Forest 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:05/2016 05/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District, Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 45 North, Range 8 West, Section 21, Mount Diablo Meridian. Middle Fork Humbug Creek, 7th Field Watershed. Goosenest Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 2 of 29 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Goosenest Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Bray and Horsethief Grazing Allotment Analysis - Grazing management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 06/06/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 05/2016 Expected:09/2016 Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2016 Eric Baxter 530-398-4391 Description: To inform the responsible official of the environmental consequences of re-authorizing livestock grazing. NCWQCB 2010 Cat B Waiver. Web Link: Location: Cal-Ore Lease Renewal UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T43 north, R10 west sections 2, 3, 10, 11, T44 north, R10 east sections 2-4, 10-15, 22-28, 33-36, T44 north, R10 west sections 34 & 35 T45 north, R10 west T46 north, R2 west sections 31, 32. The projects are located: Bray 13 miles SE of Macdoel CA, Horsethief 10 miles SW of Macdoel CA-5th field WS Butte Creek, Antelope Creek-Red Rock and Little Shasta RiverSee comments for 7thfield HUC's. - Special use management CE *NEW LISTING* - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Carrie Carter-Griffin 701-842-2393 In Progress: Scoping Start 10/01/2015 Expected:06/2016 09/2016 Marla Knight 530-841-4425 Description: Improve habitat for Phacelia cookei to change a downward trend in population levels and avoid a trend towards federal listing. NCRWQCB Waiver Cat. A. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT 07/2016 UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Range 3 West, Section 30, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Herd Peak is approximately 20 miles southwest of Macdoel, CA. CE *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 Description: The Goosenest District proposes to renew the existing special use permit for the existing Cal-Ore facility at the communications site at Herd Peak. Waterboard Cat A. Location: Cooke's Phacelia Habitat Enhancement Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T43N, R3W, Sections 21 and 34; T42N, R3W, Section 3, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Selected locations within the first three miles on the KNF side of Military Pass Road within the Whaleback West 7th field watershed (18010207040301). Page 3 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Goosenest Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Deer Mtn/Dry Lake Allotment Boundary Fence - Grazing management In Progress: Scoping Start 10/04/2015 Expected:06/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 07/2016 CE *UPDATED* CE *UPDATED* EA In Progress: Scoping Start 10/04/2015 Expected:06/2016 09/2016 John Brodbeck 530-398-4391 Description: Project proposes to pile and burn slash left behind by fuelwood harvesters. NCWQCB Category A. UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Handpile and burn of slash left behind by permitted firewood harvest near Township 45N, Range 1W. Fuelwood area(s) to be determined during project design. John Brodbeck - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:07/2017 07/2017 530-398-4608 - Forest products Scoping Start 11/19/2015 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 10/2016 - Fuels management Description: Vegetation management and fuels reduction project with an emphasis on improving forest resilience to wildfire, insects and disease, while improving mule deer habitat. NCRWQCB Cat. B Waiver. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44N Range 2W, Sections 28, 29, 32, 33, 4, 9. Approximately 8 miles SE of Grass Lake, CA. Township 44N R 2W, Sections 28/29, 32/33, 4/9. - Fuels management - Special use management Location: Harlan Eric Baxter 530-398-5767 Description: Construct new fence between Dry Lake and Deer Mtn. allotment to improve allotment and pasture management. NCWQCB Category A. Web Link: Location: Goosenest Fuelwood Slash Project Contact UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 45 North, Range 2 West, Sections 8 and 9, 15 and16, 22-27, and 34-36; Township 44 North, Range 2 West, Sections 1-3, 10-15, 13-15, and 23; and Township 44 North, Range 1 West, Section 18 Mt. Located within the Upper Prather Creek, Lower Prather Creek, Horsethief Creek, Shafter-Butte Creek, Bray-Butte Creek, Lower First Creek, Penoyar, and the Soule-Butte Creek 7th field watersheds. Page 4 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Goosenest Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Herd Peak AT&T Special Use Permit - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/08/2016 Expected:04/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 05/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* EIS *UPDATED* Carrie Carter-Griffin 701-842-2393 Description: The Goosenest Ranger District has received an application to permit the existing 8' x 14' AT&T facility located at the existing Herd Peak Communication Site. No new disturbance is proposed. Waterboard Category A. Location: Pumice Vegetation Management Project Project Contact UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Range 3 West, Section 30, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Project is located approximately 20 miles southwest of Macdoel, CA. - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 07/11/2011 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/2017 Expected:09/2017 11/2017 Eric Baxter 530-398-5767 Description: Reduce fuel loads and improve forest health: 9,056 acre project area; 6,473 acres treatment. NCWQCB 2010 Cat B Waiver. Web Link: Location: Six Shooter Project EA *UPDATED* Robert Reed - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:09/2016 11/2016 907-874-7558 - Forest products Scoping Start 01/06/2012 - Vegetation management Est. Comment Period Public (other than forest products) Notice 05/2016 - Fuels management Description: Vegetation management and fuels reduction with an emphasis on improving mule deer habitat. 15,067 acre project area; 13,806 acres treatment. NCRWQCB Waiver Cat. B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T43N, R1E, Sections 12-13, 24; T43N, R2E, Sections 2-11, 14-22, 29-30; T44N, R2 E, Sections 31-33, MDM. Tamarack Flat (18010204130100) 7th field watershed; between Garner Mountain and Davis Rd (S. of four corners). UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T44N, R2E, Sections 1-5, 8-12,13-18,19-24; T44N, R3E, Sections 7,18; T45N, R2E, Sections 25-28,32-36, MDM. 7th Field Watersheds - Antelope Well (HUC 18010204130204). Dock Well (HUC 18010204130201). Hill 22 (HUC 18010204130203). and Six Shooter Pass (HUC 18010204130205). Page 5 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Decision Goosenest Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Tennant Fuel Hazard Reduction - Fuels management CE *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 05/15/2015 Expected:06/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 09/2016 - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 10/2016 Expected:12/2016 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 12/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Conkey Water Line System Special Use Permit Renewal James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Cal-Trans proposes to widen the Beaver Creek bridge on Hwy 96. Bridge work will be within the Cal-Trans DOT easement. Staging areas will be outside the DOT easement, and covered by NEPA analysis. Location: UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T.46N. R.08W. in section 6, M.D.M. Near mouth of Beaver Creek on Hwy 96 along the Klamath river. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 CE Expected:09/2016 10/2016 James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Reissuance of an expired Special Use permit to operate and maintain an existing water system consisting of approximately 900 feet of 2-inch buried pipeline from an unnamed spring to private property for domestic use. NCRWQCB waiver - not applicable. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Eric Baxter 530-398-5767 UNIT - Goosenest Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 43 North, Range 1 West, Sections 1, 11, 12, 13, and 14, MDBM. Private lands surrounding the community of Tennant, CA. Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Cal-Trans Beaver Creek Bridge Widening on Hwy 96 *UPDATED* Project Contact Description: Project will provide defensible space and improve emergency access to the community of Tennant, CA through the construction of roadside fuelbreaks. This is a federal Steven's Fund Project on private lands. Waiver not applicable. Web Link: Location: Klamath National Forest Planning Status UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 16, T. 17 N., R. 6 E., Humboldt Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. Page 6 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Crawford Vegetation Management Project EIS *UPDATED* Crockett Water Line System Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 James Main 530-842-6131 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 12, T. 15 N., R. 7 W., Humboldt Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. Gregg Bousfield - Forest products On Hold N/A N/A 530-493-1706 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Commercial and noncommercial thinning with fuels treatments on about 1,200 acres to reduce stand density, promote structural and species diversity, , and promote resiliency to large-scale disturbance. NCWQCB Waiver Cat. B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Description: Special Use Permit Renewal to authorize the existing operation/maintenance of water system consisting of 60' of 4" plastic pipeline and 400' of 2" plastic pipeline from unnamed tributary of Elk Creek to private property for domestic use. Waiver n/a Location: EIS Project Contact UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T14 - 15N, R5 -6E; T15N, R7E; Humboldt Meridian. Appx 10 mi SW of Happy Camp,CA. Swillup Creek, Coon Creek, Dutch CreekKlamath River and Aubrey Creek-Klamath River 7th field watersheds (Ukonom Creek-Klamath River 5th field watershed HUC 1801020906). CE East End Vegetation Management Project Expected Implementation Lisa Bousfield - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:01/2017 02/2017 530-493-1766 - Forest products NOI in Federal Register - Vegetation management 01/27/2014 (other than forest products) Est. DEIS NOA in Federal - Fuels management Register 04/2016 Description: Thinning in stands for forest health and fuels reduction, with fuels treatments including underburning and pile burning on about 1,600 acres. NCRWQCB waiver cat. B. Web Link: Location: *UPDATED* Decision UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T48N, R8W, Sec. 22, 23, 26, 27 MDM. Located in Beaver Creek 5th field watershed (HUC# 1801020609). Page 7 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose *UPDATED* Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Various Sections of Townships 14,15,16 North, Ranges 7,8 East, Humboldt Meridian and various sections of Township 44,45 North, Range 12 West, Mount Diablo Meridian. East Fork Elk Creek 6th-field (180102090302),Lower Elk Creek 6th-field (180102090303), Upper Elk Creek 6th-field (180102090301). - Special use management Cancelled N/A N/A CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 11, T. 46 N., R. 12 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Scoping Start 02/02/2016 CE *UPDATED* Expected:09/2016 11/2016 Jon Grunbaum 530-493-1719 Description: Construct off-channel ponds for winter refugia for Choho salmon and other salmonid species. NCWQCB Waiver category B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Special Use Permit renewal to authorize the operation and maintenance of an existing water system consisting of 1320' of 1" buried pipeline and an 8" by 8" spring box from Fern Springs to private property for domestic use. Waiver n/a Location: FY16 Coho Salmon OffChannel Ponds Project Contact Gregg Bousfield 10/2018 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:04/2018 530-493-1706 - Forest products Est. NOI in Federal Register - Vegetation management 09/2016 (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: Integrated resource management project that aims to improve physical and biological conditions in the Elk Creek watershed. Waiver B Web Link: Location: Everett and Bonnie Smith Waterline Permit Renewal Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Elk Creek Watershed Project EIS Planning Status UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Horse Creek pond near Happy Camp; China Creek; Horse Creek ponds near town of Horse Creek. Page 8 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Feher and Hedden Waterline Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:09/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 1, T. 45 N., R. 11 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 Expected:02/2017 05/2017 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T47N R12W south margin of Sec. 32. Water diversion/fish exclusion structure will be constructed at same site as current water diversion which is at RiverMile_0.6 on Fort Goff Creek. - Special use management CE *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 James Main 530-842-6131 Description: New authorization for Special Use Permit, its an existing water system formerly under permit to Harold and Violet Anderson both deceased. NCWQCB waiver category exempt. Location: Hancock Forest Management Access Road Jon Grunbaum 530-493-1719 Description: Install a permanent fish exclusion screen & headgate to facilitate water diversion while preventing fish entrainment into diversion pipe/ditch. Headgate structure will facilitate water diversion without the need to construct a diversion dam Waiver B Location: Haley Existing Water System James Main 530-842-6131 Description: SUP renewal for operation/maintenance of existing water system consisting of 2' width & 1,000' length of 2" buried plastic pipe and 300 gal polypropylene water storage tank from Macks Creek to residence for domestic/irrigation use. Waiver n/a Location: Fort Goff Creek Fish Exclusion Screening Project Contact UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - SW1/4, SE1/4,NE1/4, section 20, T17N, R8E, H.M. Fort Goff Creek watershed code is 18010209020202. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 03/2016 EA Expected:04/2017 05/2017 James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Reconstruct 2,300 ft of temporary roadbed; fully construct a 200-300 ft adjoining spur roadbed. Rd will provide temp access/use of private forest land for log hauling. Roadbeds to be blocked and grated after use. NCRWQCB waiver cat. B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T40S, R1E, Section 27, Willamette Meridian. Located about 7 miles northwest of Hilt, CA. In Mill Creek 7th Field Watershed (HUC#18010208050202). Page 9 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Happy Camp Fuels Treatment 2016 - Fuels management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 06/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T16N R7E Sections 1,2,3,10,11,14,15,16,21; T16N R8E Sections 6,7,18; T17N R7E Sections 5,8,9,14,15,22,23,26,27,34,35 of the Humboldt Meridian. See above. - Fuels management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 03/2016 Expected:04/2016 05/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T16N R7E sections 1,2,3,10,11,14,15,16,21. T16N R8E Sections 6,7,18; T17N R7E Sections 5,8,9,14,15,22,23,26,27,34,35 of the Humboldt Meridian. In and around the town of Happy Camp, CA. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* Jon Grunbaum 530-493-1719 Description: Fuels reduction on 200 acres of private land adjacent to residential structures and infrastructure within the Happy Camp Wildland-Urban Interface. Water Waiver not applicable on private land. Location: Jennings Livestock Allotment Special Use Permit Renewal Jon Grunbaum 530-493-1719 Description: Fuel reduction proposed on 200 ac (175 ac shaded fuel break; 25 ac underburning)on private land adjacent to residential structures and infrastructure within the Happy Camp Wildland Urban Interface. Water board waiver not applicable-private land. Location: Happy Camp Fuels Treatment 2016 Project Contact James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Intermittent grazing of livestock on an unimproved pasture and a cultivation field. Season of use for the pasture is from April 15 to June 15. Season of grazing use for the field is from September 1 to November 1. NCWQCB Waiver category exempt Location: UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 24, T. 46 N., R. 9 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. James Main 530-493-1768 Kanawyer Water Transmission Pipeline Special Use Permit Reissuance - Special use management CE Description: New special use permit to reauthorize the maintenance and operation of an existing water transmission pipeline to a new permit holder. NCRWQCB waiver category exempt. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T46N, R11W, Section 36, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Within the town of Hamburg, CA. In the Tom Martin Creek - Klamath River 7th Field Watershed (HUC 18010206110301). Page 10 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Maloof Waterline Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:09/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* Project Contact James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Special Use Permit renewal for operation/maintenance of an existing water system consisting of 560' of 1-3/4" buried pipeline and a 24" diameter cement spring box from an unnamed spring to private property for domestic use. NCWQCB waiver exempt Location: UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 8, T. 46 N., R. 9W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. James Main 530-842-6131 Mark and Sherry Crawford Road Access Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management CE Description: Special Use Permit renewal for the maintenance of an existing road right of way 2000' in length by 15' in width to access private property. NCWQCB waiver category exempt *UPDATED* Location: McCollins Late Successional Reserve Habitat Restoration Project Expected:09/2016 10/2016 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 8, T. 46 N., R. 9 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Forest products - Fuels management EIS In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 02/18/2014 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 08/2016 Expected:04/2017 08/2017 Gregg Bousfield 530-493-1706 Description: Vegetation treatments designed to enhance late-successional dependent species habitat including but not limited to about 2,000 acres of commercial and noncommercial thinning and mastication. NCWQCB waiver category B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T45-46N, R9-10W, MDM. In the Collins and McKinney Creek watersheds approximately 3 miles east of Horse Creek, CA. (Horse Creek-Klamath River 5th Field watershed HUC 1801020610). Page 11 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) PacifiCorp Powerline Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 08/01/2012 Expected:09/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T46N R7W-12W, MDM; T14N R6E-R8E HM. Starts at T44N., R9W MDM Sec. 2 off County Road 6G002 on Scott River Rd.; ends T18N. R6E., HM, Sec. 8, at KNF & Six Rivers Forest Boundaries just south of Little Grayback Mt on Happy Camp/Oak RD. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:04/2016 05/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 20, T. 46 N., R. 12 W., Mt. Diablo Principal. As illustrated on map in project record. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 CE *UPDATED* Expected:04/2016 05/2016 James Main 530-842-6131 Description: SUP renewal for operation/maint of existing water system of a concrete spring box,325' of 3" metal pipeline,150' of buried 3" metal pipeline, and 470' of buried 2" metal pipeline from Miller Gulch to private property for domestic use. Waiver exempt Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT James Main 530-842-6131 Description: SUP renewal for the operation/maint of existing water system of 730' of 2" buried pipe, metal water tank 16'x5',210,000 gal 12'x12' redwood water tanks,30'x12'x18" concrete platform from unnamed spring to private property for domestic use waiver n/a Location: Shirley J. Fisher Water System Special Use Permit Renewal James Main 530-493-1768 Description: Renewal to authorize the maintenance, operation, and construction of about 30 miles (270 acres) of existing powerline. No new disturbance proposed. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Perrone Water Line System Special Use Permit Renewal Project Contact UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 32, T. 47 N., R. 8 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. 16733 Highway 96, Klamath River, California. Page 12 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Angie Bell 530-493-1723 Siskiyou County Off-Road Riders Big Foot Search Pleasure Ride - Recreation management CE Description: Special use permit to the Siskiyou County Off-Road Riders for motorized off-road vehicles using designated existing roads and trails open to the general public in the Humbug Gulch watershed for May 29-30, 2016. Water board waiver Cat. A. *NEW LISTING* Location: Siskiyou Telephone Fiber Optic Cable Gordon's Ferry Road Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:05/2016 05/2016 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 16 North, Range 7 West, Section 16 Humboldt. The project will occur south east of humbug in Siskiyou County, CA in the Humbug Gulch Watershed. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 09/2016 Expected:10/2016 10/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: Special Use Permit amendment to replace buried fiber optic cable along Gordon's Ferry Road. Replacement requires digging a trench 1.5 miles long by 12 inches wide by 3 feet deep, parallel to the existing buried cable. NCRWQCB waiver category exempt. Web Link: Location: Siskiyou Telephone Fiber Optic Cable Installation Downriver UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T16N, R8E, Sections 7, 8, and 18 Humboldt Meridian. Approximately 2 miles west of Happy Camp, CA (HUC 18010209020305). - Special use management On Hold CE *UPDATED* N/A N/A James Main 530-842-6131 Description: Fiber Optic cable installation for Siskiyou Telephone from Benjamin Creek to Dillon Creek. NCWQCB waiver category exempt. Oak Flat Creek,Benjamin Creek-Klamath River, Slippery Creek-Clear Creek 7th field watersheds Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT James Main 530-493-1768 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T16N R7E sec. 21,22,27,28,32,33. T15N R7E sec. 4,5. T15N R7E sec. 5,6,7. T15N R7E Sec. 7,18,17,20,29,30,31. T15N R6E sec. 36. T14N R6E sec. 1,11,12. T14N R7E sec. 6. T14N R6E sec. 14,15,22,21,28. From 1/2 mile below Benjamin Creek to Dillon Creek, along Highway 96. Page 13 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Happy Camp Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Thom Seider Fuels Management on private land - Fuels management Completed Actual: 02/12/2016 Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2016 CE Chris Hays 530-841-4441 Description: Fuel reduction on up to 240 acres of private land adjacent to the Thom-Seider project on the Happy Camp District. NCRWQCB waiver - not applicable on private land. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Westside Fire Recovery Project EIS *UPDATED* UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T46N R10W Sec. 31; T46N R11W, Sec. 6 and 7; T46N R12W Sec. 1,5,10,11,12,13,14,15. T47N R12W Sec. 31,32,33 of the Mt. Diablo Meridian. T17N R8E Sec. 16,17,20,28 of the Humboldt Meridian. n/a. Wendy Coats - Forest products Completed Actual: 02/29/2016 03/2016 530-841-4470 - Vegetation management 12/23/2015 (other than forest products) Description: Project was developed in response to landscape-level ecosystem needs due to the high intensity and severity of effects of the 2014 Fire Season. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Project is located within the Beaver Fire, Happy Camp Complex Fire, and Whites Fire perimeters. James Main 530-842-6131 Yreka Union High School District Education Center Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management CE Description: Special Use Permit renewal for the operation/maintenance of an existing educational center measuring 20' by 40', with associated outbuildings (two sleeping structures). NCWQCB waiver category exempt. *UPDATED* Location: Klamath National Forest 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT In Progress: Scoping Start 03/16/2016 Expected:04/2016 05/2016 UNIT - Happy Camp Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Section 21, T. 48 N., R. 8 W., Mt. Diablo Principal Meridian. As illustrated on map in project record. Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 14 of 29 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Bear Country-Forks of Salmon Fuels Reduction Project - Fuels management Completed Actual: 10/08/2015 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 10/2015 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T39N, R12W sections 15, 17, 18, 20, & 22 (Mount Diablo Meridian); T11N, R7E sections 33 & 34, T10N, R7E sections 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 18, 19, & 20 (Humboldt Meridian). Private properties in the vicinity of Forks of Salmon, Siskiyou county, plus 60 acres on private properties located in the Bear Country neighborhood (Godfrey, Harris, Blue Ridge, and Black Bear Ranch). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T10N, R7E, Sections 11-13, Humboldt Meridian. Horn Creek-Salmon River (HUC 18010210040202). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Issuance of a new special use permit to install a new above-ground water line. No new disturbance is proposed with this project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Reissue special use permit for two existing water systems on private property. No new disturbance is proposed with this project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Bentley, H. New Special Use Permit Lauren McChesney 530-468-5351 laurendmcchesney@fs.f Description: The project will treat 25 acres of private property in the vicinity of Forks of Salmon, plus 60 acres on private properties located in the Bear Country neighborhood (Godfrey, Harris, Blue Ridge, and Black Bear Ranches). NCRWQCB waiver does not apply. Web Link: Location: Bennett, L. (Tina Bennett) Special Use Permit Reissuance Project Contact UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T10N, R8E, Section 20, Humboldt Meridian. McNeal Creek-South Fork (HUC 18010210010803) . Page 15 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) California Highway Patrol Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management On Hold N/A Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region N/A CE Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew a special use permit for radio service facility on Eddy Gulch. NCWQCB waiver - exempt. Web Link: Location: Callahan Complex Fuels Treatment on Private Land UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 39 North, Range 11 West, Section 15 Mt. Diablo Meridian. Eddy Gulch Communications Site, about two miles north of Sawyers Bar, CA in the Eddy Gulch 7th field watershed (18010210020703). - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/01/2015 Expected:04/2016 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: Fuel reduction on 200 acres of private land in and around the community of Callahan and adjacent to the Salmon/Scott River Ranger District. NCRWQCB waiver - not applicable on private land. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T40N R8W Sections 20, 21, 28, and 29 of the Mount Diablo Meridian. Private land in and around the community of Callahan, Siskiyou County, CA. Watersheds to be determined. Cecilville Fire & Hose Company - Special use management SUP Amendment Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Special use permit and amendment to include installation of metal service building for the storage of fire trucks and rescue vehicles at the Forest Service administrative site in Forks of Salmon, CA. NCWQCB waiver - exempt. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Margaret Boland 530-841-4425 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 N, Range 7 East, Section 13 Humboldt Meridian. On the Forest Service administrative site in Forks of Salmon, CA in the Horn Creek-Salmon River 7th field watershed (18010210040202). Page 16 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Gay Baxter Forks of Salmon Elementary - Special use management Developing Proposal Expected:06/2016 06/2016 School Generator Replacement 530-468-1210 Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Special Use Permit Amendment Description: CE Replace one of the existing generators with a new generator to be placed outside and sound shielded. NCWQCB waiver exempt. *UPDATED* Web Link: Location: Hotelling Gulch Fish Passage and Channel Restoration Project UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 North, Range 7 East, Section 13 Humboldt Meridian. At the town of Forks of Salmon, CA (Big Creek-North Fork Salmon 7th field watershed 18010210020802). - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants EA *UPDATED* *UPDATED* Angie Bell 530-841-4583 In Progress: FEIS NOA in Federal Register 03/04/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2016 Danika Carlson 530-468-1225 Description: About 1,950 acres of fuels treatments on ridgetops and along roadways, thinning in natural stands and plantations, and meadow treatments to improve ecosystem function and resiliency while contributing to the rural economy.NCRWCQB Waiver Cat.B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT 05/2017 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 North, Range 8 East, Section 28, Humboldt Meridian. 2.5 miles south east of Forks of Salmon in Negro Creek-South Fork Salmon River 7th Field Watershed. - Forest products - Fuels management EIS Expected:12/2016 Description: Increase access to low gradient salmon and other fish habitat in Hotelling Gulch, and improve natural stream function and the transport of watershed products to Salmon River. Proposed channel modification along gulch and upgrading culvert crossing. Web Link: Location: Jess In Progress: Scoping Start 02/12/2016 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 10/2016 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T40N R12W Secs. 23-24, 26-28 & 34-36; T40N R11W Secs. 28-33; T39N R12W Secs. 1-4 & 9-12; & T39N R11W Secs. 4-6 Mt. Diablo Meridian. About 2 miles south of Sawyers Bar, CA; Olsen-NF (18010210020801); Shiltos-NF (18010210020706); Jessups NF (18010210020704); & Eddy Gulch (18010210020703) 7th field watersheds. Page 17 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Meeks Meadow/Ruffey Lake Area Outfitter and Guide Permits - Recreation management - Special use management EA Description: Reauthorize Wilderness Outfitter and Guide Special Use Authorizations Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Missouri Bar Water System Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:12/2016 Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 01/2017 Samuel Commarto 530-468-1203 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 41 North, Range 10 West, Sections 23 and 26; Township 40 North, Range 6 West, Section 36, Mount Diablo Meridian. Ruffey Lakes, Meeks Meadow. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: New special use permit to develop water system for privately owned property. NCWQCB waiver - not eligible. Web Link: Location: Richard Cormier Special Use Permit Renewal UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 North, Range 8 East, Sections 19 & 20 Humboldt Meridian. Missouri Bar, about one mile east of Forks of Salmon, California (McNeal Creek - South Fork Salmon River 7th field watershed 18010210010803). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew the special use permit to authorize an existing bridge to private property. No disturbance proposed. NCWQCB waiver - exempt. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Expected:06/2016 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 North, Range 8 East, Section 28 Humboldt Meridian. Bridge over the South Fork Salmon River about 2 miles southeast of Forks of Salmon, CA in the Negro creek-SF Salmon River (18010210010802). Page 18 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Siskiyou Telephone Company Horn Field Line Extension SUP Amendment - Special use management CE Description: Amend a special use permit to allow installation of underground phone line to private property. NCWQCB waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Wilderness Outfitter and Guide Permits On Hold N/A N/A UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 10 North, Range 7 East, Sections 13 & 24, Humboldt Meridian. Horn Field, about one mile west of Forks of Salmon, CA in the Horn Creek-Salmon River (18010210040202) & McNeal Creek-So. Fork Salmon River (18010210010803) 7th field watersheds. - Recreation management - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:10/2016 01/2017 EA *UPDATED* Description: Reauthorize Wilderness Outfitter and Guide Special Use Authorizations Web Link: Location: Wisniski Special Use Permit Amendment UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Marble Mountains, Trinity Alps, Russian Wilderness Areas. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Amend permit to include 1/4 mile of an existing road on private property, for access to the Mountain Laurel Mine for commercial haul of ore to mill site located on another private parcel, and add a private water line. NCRWQCB waiver cat. B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Samuel Commarto 530-468-1203 UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 39 North, Range 11 West, Sections 4 & 9, Mt. Diablo Meridian. In the Eddy Gulch watershed, approximately 1.5 miles south of Sawyers Bar (Eddy Gulch 7th field watershed: 18010210020703). Page 19 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Decision Salmon River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Expected Implementation EA *UPDATED* Location: R5 - Pacific Southwest Region UNIT - Salmon River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T10N R7E Sec 1-3, 11-13; T11N R7E Sec 35-36; T10N R8E Sec 4-9, 18; T11N R8E Sec 20, 21, 28-33; (HM) and T40N R12W Sec 14-24, 27-32 (MDM). National Forest System lands one to nine miles northeast of Forks of Salmon, CA. Salmon River-Crapo Creek (180102100401) & Lower NF Salmon River (180102100208) 6th field watersheds. Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Adams, S. Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 06/2016 CE *UPDATED* Adams, V. Special Use Permit Renewal 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for an water transmission line to private property. No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T38N, R11W, Sections 11, 12, 14, and 15, Mount Diablo Meridian. Main Taylor Creek 7th Field Watershed (HUC 18010210010401). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 CE *UPDATED* Project Contact Marissa Jones - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:10/2017 10/2017 530-468-1276 (other than forest products) Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 - Fuels management Description: Precommercial thinning, release and fuels reduction in plantations and in natural stands on about 2,600 acres along Yellow Jacket Ridge. NCRWQCB Waiver Cat. B Web Link: Yellow Jacket Ridge Klamath National Forest Planning Status 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for an water transmission line to private property. No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T38N, R11W, Section 29, Mount Diablo Meridian. Cecil Creek 7th Field Watershed (HUC 18010210010501). Page 20 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Arland Costa Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management On Hold N/A Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region N/A EA Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for livestock area. NCRWQCB waiver category B. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Ragne 8 West, Sections 22, 26, and 36, Mt. Diablo Meridian. About 5 miles northeast of Fort Jones, California off of West Moffett Creek Road (Luce Gulch-Moffett Creek 7th field watershed 18010208030304; Crooked GulchMoffett Cr 18010208030302). Craggy Vegetation Management - Forest products - Vegetation management EIS (other than forest products) *UPDATED* - Fuels management In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 01/04/2016 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 06/2016 Expected:04/2017 04/2017 Andrew Mueller 530-468-1223 Description: Improve fire resiliency by reducing fuels and stand density in strategic areas to protect communities and promote forest health in lands near Yreka, CA on about 10,700 acres within a 29,500 acres project area. NCRWQCB Waiver Category B. Web Link: Location: DeRose, K. Special Use Permit Reissuance UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T46N R8W Sec 13, 2328, 32-35; T45N R8W Sec 1-17, 21-24; T46N R7W Sec 16-18, 20, 22, 28, 30, 32-34; and T45N R7W Sec 3-5, 8-9, 17-20 (MDM). National Forest System lands one to nine miles northwest of Yreka, CA. Humbug Creek (180102060801) and Yreka Creek (180102070702) 6th field watersheds. - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE *UPDATED* 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Reissuance of a special use permit for an existing water system on private land. No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Expected:06/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T45N, R7W, Section 19 and T45N, R8W, Section 24, Mount Diablo Meridian. Greenhorn Creek, 7th field watershed (HUC 18010207050203) . Page 21 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Fasig, L. Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 06/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T45N, R8W, S. 24, Mount Diablo Meridian. Greenhorn Creek 7th Field Watershed (HUC 18010207050203) . - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 CE *UPDATED* In Progress: Scoping Start 05/16/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2016 Expected:08/2016 08/2016 Stephanie McMorris 530-468-1226 Description: The project reauthorizes grazing permits for 10 years under an adaptive management strategy and updates allotment management plans for Lake Mt. & Middle Tompkins allotments. NCRWQCB - Water Board Category B. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Range 9 West, Section 14, Mt. Diablo Meridian. Near private land up Indian Creek, about 5 miles north of Fort Jones (Lower Indian Creek 7th field watershed; 18010208050102). - Grazing management EA *UPDATED* Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for an existing water transmission line to private property. No new disturbance proposed with the project. NCRWQCB waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Lake Mountain & Middle Tompkins Grazing Allotment Management Plan Project Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit to remove the longest road on site and keep the shortest route. No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Karadunis, Dean Special Use Permit Renewal Project Contact UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T44N, R11W, Sec. 310, 16-18; T44N, R12W Sec. 1,12,13; T45N, R11W, Sec. 2-5, 8-11, 14-18, 19-23, 26-34; T45N, R12W, Sec. 25, 36; T46N, R11W Sec. 17, 20, 21, 26-29, 32-36, Mt. Diablo Meridian. This project encompasses 24,868 acres on the Oak Knoll and Scott River RD boundary near Lake Mtn & Tom Martin Pk. (HUCs 18010208060402;-601;401; & -403; 18010206110303; & -304. Page 22 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Lover's Canyon EA *UPDATED* M. Brown Special Use Permit Renewal Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Secs. 25 & 36 of Township 44 North, Range 12 West; Secs. 19, 21, & 25-35 of Township 44 North, Range 11 West; Sec. 1 of Township 43 North, Range 12 West; & Secs. 2-8 of Township 43 North, Range 11 West (Mt. Diablo Meridian). Located 15 miles west of Fort Jones, CA w/in 7 drainages w/in the Lower Scott River Watershed (HUC 1801020806). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 CE Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for an water transmission line to private property.No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Expected Implementation Danika Carlson - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:02/2017 02/2017 530-468-1225 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Scoping Start 09/06/2013 - Forest products Est. Comment Period Public - Vegetation management Notice 06/2016 (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: The Forest Service is proposing to treat up to 3,000 acres within the Lover's Canyon Project. Treatments would include thinning on up to 2,700 acres, creating fuel breaks on about 220 acres, and under burning on about 165 acres. NCRWQCB Waiver Cat. B Web Link: Location: *UPDATED* Decision UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T40N, R8W, Section 28 Mount Diablo Meridian. Unnamed spring, Callahan - East Fork Scott River 7th Field watershed (HUC 18010208010304). Page 23 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Menne Special Use Permit Amendment Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region 06/2016 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Range 9 West, Section 20, Mount Diable Meridian. In the Tyler Gulch - Scott River watershed (HUC 18010208050304) along Scott River Road. - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 07/01/2015 Expected:05/2016 05/2016 CE *UPDATED* EA *UPDATED* UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T45N R3W Sections 16, 21, 29, and 31 of the Mount Diablo Meridian. Community of Scott Bar, Siskiyou County, California. Watersheds to be determined. - Heritage resource management - Facility management Cancelled N/A N/A Lauren McChesney 530-468-1281 laurendmcchesney@fs.f Description: Construct new fire engine house and 5-person barracks. Renovate historic residence and convert to on-site administration office. NCRWQCB waiver category A. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Margaret Boland 530-841-4425 Description: Fuel reduction on 80 acres of private land in and around the community of Scott Bar and adjacent to the Salmon/Scott River Ranger District. NCRWQCB waiver - not applicable on private land. Web Link: Location: Scott Bar Fire Station Improvements Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Amendment to amend a Special Use Permit to remove a water system and reduce the size of the permitted cultivation area from 7.38 acres to 4.95 acres. NCRWQCB waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: Scott Bar Complex Fuels Treatment on Private Land Project Contact UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 45 North, Range 10 West, Section 21; N41° 44' 30" W123° 10' 18", Elev. 1600 feet. Within the community of Scott Bar, in Siskiyou County, CA. Watershed to be determined. Page 24 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Siskiyou Telephone Scott Valley Line Extension - Special use management Cancelled N/A Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region N/A CE *UPDATED* Project Contact Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Extend a temporary road from private property an additional 875 feet by 20 feet across FS lands to private property and install two buried conduit lines for phone and fiber optics. Conduit will be installed using a vibrational plow. Location: UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lower Indian Creek, 7th Field Watershed. Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Siskiyou Telephone Special Use Permit Amendment for Phone Line Installation - Special use management CE Description: Amend Special Use Permit to plow down 1100 feet to install an underground phone line to a private residence. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T44N, R9W, Section 2, Mount Diablo Meridian. Lower Indian Creek 7th field watershed (HUC 18010208050102) . Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Southern Oregon University (Jefferson Public Radio) Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management CE Description: Renew the special use permit for electronic comminication equipment located on Mount Boliver. NCWQCB waiver - exempt. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Stearman Special Use Permit Renewal (Previously listed as "W. Johnson Special Use Permit Renewal") CE *UPDATED* Expected:06/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 40 North, Range 8 West, Section 33 Mt. Diablo Meridian. On Mount Bolivar, below the Forest Service Lookout in the Lower South Fork Scott River 7th field watershed (18010208020105). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renewal of a special use permit to authorize an existing water transmission line to private property. No disturbance proposed. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T45N, R10W, Section 21, Mount Diablo Meridian. Big Ferry Swanson, unnamed spring. Page 25 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Scott River Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Sturges Road and Water Transmission Pipeline Special Use Permit Renewal - Special use management CE Description: Special use permit authorizing the existing road access and the operation and maintenance of of two existing water systems for irrigation and domestic use. No new disturbance will take place as a result of this renewal. NCRWQCB waiver category exempt Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Sections 10 and 11, T10N, R7E, Humboldt Meridian. Knudsen Gultch and Boyd's Gultch. Wooley Water/Road Special Use - Special use management Permit Renewal Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 06/2016 CE Description: Renewal of a special use permit for a water system of 2,035' of 1/2" buried plastic pipe from an unnamed spring for domestic use and irrigation, as well as maintenance of an existing road. No new disturbance will take place; NCRWQCB waiver exempt Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: Woolley, R. Special Use Permit Renewal UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Township 44 North, Range 11 West, Section 23, Mount Diablo Meridian. Scott Mountain; Isinglass Creek Scott River watershed (HUC 1801020806023). - Special use management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:06/2016 CE *UPDATED* 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT 06/2016 Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 Description: Renew special use permit for an existing water transmission line to private property. No new disturbance is proposed with the project. NCRWQCB Waiver exempt. Location: Klamath National Forest Gay Baxter 530-468-1210 UNIT - Scott River Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T44N, R11W, Section 23, Mount Diablo Meridian. Isinglass Creek- Scott River 7th Field Watershed (HUC 18010208060203) . Ukonom Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 26 of 29 R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Cornwell Roadside Hazard Project Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R5 - Pacific Southwest Region Ukonom Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Vegetation management (other than forest products) On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A CE Todd Salberg 530-627-3337 Description: Removal of roadside trees on approximately 1 acre threatening a private residence. Location: Creasy Waterline Renewal UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T12N; R6E, Section 29 HBM. UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. Management Areas- General Forest - Cultural. Watershed - Lower Middle Klamath. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Roberta Coragliotti 530-627-3333 Description: Renewal for an existing waterline permit Location: Seasonal POC Gate UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T13N R6E Sec 5 HBM. UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. Management Area General Forest, Riparian Reserve; Watershed - Middle Klamath. - Watershed management On Hold N/A N/A EA Todd Salberg 530-627-3337 Description: Install a double gate across Forest road 15N01 for seasonal protection of Port Orford Cedar resources Location: Siskiyou Telephone Fiber Optics Installation Permit UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T13N R4E Section 2. Unit - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. State - California. County - Siskiyou. - Special use management On Hold N/A N/A CE Leslie Goslin-Burrows 530-627-3291 Description: Install fiber optics telephone line along Forest Hwy. 93 between Oak Bottom and Butler Flat. Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T11N R6E Sec 1, T11N R7E Sec 6, 7, 8, 17 & 20 HBM. Management Area - General Forest, Riparian Reserves; Watershed Salmon River. Page 27 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Klamath National Forest Ti Bar Hazard Tree Project Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Ukonom Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Facility management On Hold N/A Expected Implementation Project Contact R5 - Pacific Southwest Region N/A CE Todd Salberg 530-627-3337 Description: Remove and sell approximately one to two truckloads of sawlogs that threaten the water system, a pumphouse, a storage tank, and a solar power system. Location: Ti Bone Elk Thin UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T13N R6E Sec. 8 HBM. UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. Management Area General Forest; Watershed - Middle Klamath. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A CE Kary Schlick 707-441-3625 Description: 20 acres of thinning to improve Roosevelt elk winter-range forage conditions within a portion of the Ukonom herd of the Marble Mountain elk population and for fuel reduction Location: Ukonom West Plantation Thinning Project EA - Forest products On Hold N/A N/A - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: Commercially thin approximately 750 acres of existing plantations (mechanical treatment). Location: 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - Project areas may be within T.13N, R.6E, Sections 4, 5, 7, 8; T.14N, R.6E, Section 33. The project is located on the Ukonom Ranger District and may cover lands along both sides of the Klamath River from Dillon Creek down to Ti Creek. Roberto Beltran 530-627-3334 UNIT - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. STATE - California. COUNTY - Siskiyou. LEGAL - T12N R5E; T12N R6E; T13N R5E; T13N R6E HBM. Unit - Orleans/Ukonom Ranger District. State - California. County - Siskiyou. Lower middle Klamath River. Page 28 of 29 Klamath National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/01/2016 04:08 am MT Page 29 of 29 Klamath National Forest