Vapor Intrusion Modeling: Limitations, Improvements, and Value of Information Analyses by JESSICA M. FRISCIA B.E. Civil Engineering The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 2011 Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AC HJTEHNSOGYl June 2014 C 2014 Jessica M. Friscia. All rights reserved. -r~J~ FIBRA R IE S The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Signature redacted_ Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 9, 2014 Certified by: _ Signature redacted David E. Langseth Senior Lecturer of Civil and Enviropnental Engieering Accepted by: Signature redacted Heidi . Nepf Chair, Departmental Committee for Graduate Students Vapor Intrusion Modeling: Limitations, Improvements, and Value of Information Analyses by Jessica M. Friscia Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 9, 2014, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering Abstract Vapor intrusion is the migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a subsurface source into the indoor air of an overlying building. Vapor intrusion models, including the Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) model, can be used to predict the concentration of VOCs in the indoor air of a building based on a measured subsurface soil gas concentration or contaminant source concentrations, either in non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), groundwater, or soil. An analysis of two of the EPA-implemented J&E spreadsheet models, one that considers subsurface soil gas data and one that considers groundwater data, was conducted. The governing equations, assumptions, and limitations of these spreadsheet models were investigated. A value of information (Vol) worksheet was developed that can assist practitioners in deciding what additional data to collect as part of a remedial investigation. The Vol worksheet calculates how varying values of model input parameters affect the model-predicted indoor air carcinogenic risk. The worksheet then compares the user-defined target risk to the range of potential risk values for different combinations of varying parameters. The results of this analysis allow the user to determine which groups of parameters have the most impact on the model results. This information can assist the practitioner in deciding whether or not to collect additional data to reduce the uncertainty in the input parameters. The EPA J&E soil gas and groundwater spreadsheet models, as well as the Vol worksheet developed for each model, were applied to case study data for a trichloroethylene-impacted site in Rhode Island. The results of the J&E model and Vol worksheet analyses for this case study predicted incremental carcinogenic risk values for trichloroethylene (TCE) below the risk value calculated based on measured indoor air data. This comparison suggests the potential for other sources of TCE within the building. Groups of parameters were identified for each model that impacted the model-predicted carcinogenic risk. The development of a cost-benefit analysis, which would be used to quantify the value of obtaining additional data for these critical parameters, is recommended for future research. Thesis Supervisor: David E. Langseth Title: Senior Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering 3 Acknowledgements I owe thanks to many people for their substantial contributions throughout this process. First and foremost, I would like to thank my adviser, Dr. David Langseth, for his hard work, guidance, and insight throughout this endeavor. I would also like to thank Dr. Atul Salhotra for proposing this topic and for all of his feedback. This study would not have been possible without the training and advice that was provided to me by Igor Linkov and Matthew Bates of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Furthermore, I am grateful to Daniel Groher, Katherine Malinowski, and Cynthia Colquitt of the Army Corps of Engineers for providing me with the site data and information needed for the case study. I would like to thank my partner, Joe Corsello, for his assistance and teamwork. I would also like to thank Dr. Eric Adams, Lauren McLean, Kiley Clapper, and the entire Master of Engineering community for an unforgettable year. I am grateful to all of my fellow MEng students for making this experience so rewarding and enjoyable, both in and out of the classroom. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, Albert Watkins, my entire family, and all of my friends in Kings County for their support and encouragement. 5 Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... A cknowledgem ents......................................................................................................................... Contents .......................................................................................................................................... List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ Abbreviations and Units ............................................................................................................... 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................... 1.2 Project Purpose and Scope................................................................................................ 1.3 Project Approach ................................................................................................................ 1.4 Overview of Existing Vapor Intrusion Models................................................................... 1.4.1 Johnson and Ettinger (J& E) M odel........................................................................... 1.4.2 Biodegradation of PHCs and the BioV apor M odel .................................................. 1.5 Introduction to V alue of Inform ation.............................................................................. 2. EPA J&E Models: Governing Equations, Assumptions, and Limitations .............. 2.1 Groundwater Source M odel............................................................................................. 2.2 Soil Gas M odel ................................................................................................................... 2.3 M odel A ssum ptions and Lim itations ............................................................................... 3. V alue of Inform ation Analysis.............................................................................................. 3.1 Param eter Selection and Relevant Values ...................................................................... 3.2 Spreadsheet Operation and Model Results - Groundwater Source Model...................... 3.3 Spreadsheet Operation and M odel Results - Soil Gas M odel......................................... 4. Case Study - Form er Nike Battery PR-58 ............................................................................. 4.1 Site History and Operations............................................................................................. 4.2 Potential Historic Releases and Source Area.................................................................. 4.3 Conceptual M odel and the DPW Facility ........................................................................... 4.4 Soil Gas J& E and Vol Analysis....................................................................................... 4.4.1 Soil Gas Vol Analysis, U sing the 2003 Toxicity V alues ........................................ 4.4.2 Soil Gas Vol Analysis, U sing the 2014 Toxicity V alues ........................................ 4.5 Groundwater J& E and Vol Analysis ............................................................................... 4.6 Comparison of the Groundwater and Soil Gas Model Results....................................... 5. Conclusions and Opportunities for Future Research ............................................................. 6. References................................................................................................................................. Appendix A: Detailed Equations and Structure of Vol Worksheets ........................................ Appendix B: N ike Battery PR-58 Data....................................................................................... B-1: Data from the 2014 Draft Stone Environm ental RI/FS .................................................. B-2: Data from the 2012 USACE Vapor Intrusion Investigation................... Appendix C: Case Study J& E and Vol Analysis Input Data...................................................... 7 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 23 33 34 39 39 43 50 51 51 53 55 60 62 69 71 79 82 84 90 112 113 117 121 List of Figures Figure 1: Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Model Proposed by Johnson and Ettinger (1991)......... 17 Figure 2: Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Model with Biodegradation Proposed by DeVaull (2007) ............................................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 3: Conceptual Model for Groundwater Source Contamination (EQM 2004) ......... 24 Figure 4: SCS Soil Triangle with Centroids for Each Textural Class (Nielson and Rogers 1990) ............................................................................................................................................... 27 Figure 5: Conceptual Simplification in EPA J&E Model of van Genuchten Profile (Hers 2003)36 Figure 6: Example Building and Soil Properties Investigated in Vol Spreadsheet .................. 43 Figure 7: Example of User-Defined Cells in Vol Spreadsheet................................................. 44 Figure 8: Example of Random Probability Generator in Vol Worksheet ................................. 44 Figure 9: Cumulative Distribution Function of the Pressure Differential ................................. 46 Figure 10: Example of Random Parameter Value Generator for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in V ol W orksheet ...................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 11: Example Results for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in Vol Worksheet ...................... 48 Figure 12: Example Results Table for 5,000 Simulations for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in Vol Work sheet ............................................................................................................................. 48 Figure 13: Example of Ranking of Toggle Cell Values by Percent of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Hazard Classification in Vol Worksheet ................................................... 49 Figure 14: Example of Ranking of Toggle Cell Values with the Same Number of Experiments 50 Figure 15: Form er Nike Battery PR-58 Location ...................................................................... 51 Figure 16: Location of DPW Building (Yellow) and Former Nike Battery PR-58 (Red)...... 56 Figure 17: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results - Percentage of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Risk Classification versus the Number of Experiments for TCE for Target Risk of 10-6 and Model-Provided Toxicity Values .......................................................... 63 Figure 18: Frequency of Incremental Carcinogenic Risk (x 10-6) for 5,000 Simulations, as Compared to Target Risk and Default Value, for Varying Pressure Differential Values and Model-Provided Toxicity V alues...................................................................................... 65 Figure 19: Frequency of Carcinogenic Risk (x 10-6) for 5,000 Simulations, as Compared to Target Risk and Default Value, for Varying Pressure Differential, Porosity, and Water-filled Porosity Values and Model-Provided Toxicity Values ..................................................... 66 Figure 20: Ranges of Estimated Carcinogenic Risk Values for Eight Combinations of Parameters - Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE Using Model-Provided Toxicity Values ...... 68 Figure 21: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results - Percentage of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Risk Classification versus the Number of Experiments for TCE for Target Risk of 10-6 and Updated Toxicity Values........................................................................ 75 Figure 22: Ranges of Estimated Carcinogenic Risk Values for Eight Combinations of Parameters - Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE Using Updated Toxicity Values ..... 76 Figure 23: Decision Tree for Groundwater Vol Analysis of TCE............................................. 78 Figure A - 1: User-Defined Table in Groundwater Vol Worksheet .......................................... 91 Figure A - 2: Parameter Ranges and Distributions Table - Groundwater Vol Worksheet ..... 92 Figure A - 3: Pressure Differential Range Equations .............................................................. 92 Figure A - 4: Particle Diameter Range Equations ..................................................................... 93 Figure A - 5: Soil Stratum A Parameter Range Equations ........................................................ 93 Figure A - 6: Perm eability Range Equations ............................................................................ 93 Figure A - 7: Soil Strata B and C Parameter Range Equations ................................................. 94 8 Figure A - 8: Random Number Generator Equations ................................................................... Figure A - 9: Default and Random Parameter Value Generator Equations............... Figure A - 10: Toggle Cell Equations...................................................................................... Figure A - 11: Simulated Pressure Differential Equations ........................................................ Figure A - 12: Simulated Hydraulic Conductivity or Permeability Equations .......................... Figure A - 13: Simulated Groundwater Concentration, Particle Diameter, and Soil Stratum A P aram eter Equations ............................................................................................................. Figure A - 14: Simulated Strata B and C Parameter Equations............................................... Figure A - 15: Chemical Properties Equations .......................................................................... Figure A - 16: Diffusion Path Length Equation......................................................................... Figure A - 17: Air-Filled Porosity Equations .......................................................................... Figure A - 18: Saturation and Permeability Equations ............................................................. Figure A - 19: Capillary Zone Equations.................................................................................. Figure A - 20: Building Parameter Equations........................................................................... Figure A - 21: Henry's Constant Equations ............................................................................... Figure A - 22: Diffusion Coefficient Equations ........................................................................ Figure A - 23: Effective Diffusion Coefficient Equation ........................................................ Figure A - 24: Source Soil Gas Concentration Equation........................................................... Figure A - 25: Building Parameter and Peclet Number Equations............................................. Figure A - 26: Toxicity V alue Equations.................................................................................... Figure A - 27: Attenuation Factor and Indoor Air Concentration Equations ............................. Figure A - 28: Risk A ssessm ent Equations................................................................................. Figure A - 29: Q uality Control Equations................................................................................... Figure A - 30: V ol Evaluation Equations ................................................................................... Figure A - 31: Simulated Incremental Carcinogenic Risk Distribution Equations .................... Figure A - 32: H istogram Equations........................................................................................... Figure A - 33: Target and Default Value Equations ................................................................... Figure A - 34: Toggle Cell Values and Number of Experiments Table ..................................... Figure A - 35: Toggle Cell and Percent Change Values Data Table.......................................... Figure A - 36: Possible Toggle Cell V alues ............................................................................... Figure A - 37: Possible Combinations in Vol Worksheet .......................................................... Figure A - 38: Ranking of Toggle Cells Equations .................................................................... Figure A - 39: Ranking of Toggle Cells According to the Number of Experiments.................. Figure A - 40: User-Defined Table in Soil Gas Vol Worksheet................................................. Figure A - 41: Parameter Ranges and Distributions Table - Soil Gas Vol Worksheet.............. Figure A - 42: Default Soil Gas Concentration Equation........................................................... Figure A - 43: Simulated Soil Gas Concentration Equations ..................................................... Figure A - 44: Source Soil Gas Concentration Equation............................................................ Figure A - 45: Effective Diffusion Coefficient Equation - Soil Gas VOICALCS Worksheet Figure A - 46: Possible Toggle Cell Values - Soil Gas VOICALCS Worksheet .................... Figure C - 1: Groundwater DATENTER Worksheet - Target Risk of 10-6................................ 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 101 101 102 102 102 103 103 104 105 106 106 107 108 108 109 109 109 110 111 122 Figure C - 2: Groundwater DATENTER Worksheet - Target Risk of 104................................ 123 94 95 95 96 96 Figure C - 3: Groundwater Vol Worksheet Input Using Model-Provided Toxicity Values ...... 124 Figure C - 4: Groundwater Vol Worksheet Input Using Updated Toxicity Values ................... 124 125 Figure C - 5: Soil Gas DATENTER Worksheet ......................................................................... 9 Figure C - 6: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 10-6 and Model-Provided Toxicity V alues ................................................................................................................................. 12 6 Figure C - 7: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 10~4 and Model-Provided Toxicity V alues ................................................................................................................................. 12 6 Figure C - 8: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 10-6 and Updated Toxicity Values ............................................................................................................................................. 12 7 Figure C - 9: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 1 0 -4and Updated Toxicity Values ............................................................................................................................................. 12 7 List of Tables Table 1: Order of Parameters Included in Vol Analysis Worksheet for a Groundwater Source.. 45 Table 2: Noncarcinogenic Hazard Quotient and Incremental Cancer Risk Values for CHCs at DP W F acility ........................................................................................................................ 59 Table 3: Comparison of RfC and URF Values .......................................................................... 59 Table 4: Revised Noncarcinogenic Hazard Quotient and Cancer Risk Values for CHCs Using 2014 Toxicity V alues........................................................................................................ 60 Table 5: EPA J&E Spreadsheet Model Results for PCE and TCE for Soil Gas ....................... 61 Table 6: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10-6 and Model-Provided T oxicity V alues..................................................................................................................... 63 Table 7: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10-4 and Model-Provided T oxicity V alues..................................................................................................................... 67 Table 8: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10-6 and Updated Toxicity V alu es ................................................................................................................................... 69 Table 9: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for Four Toxicity/Risk Scenarios................. 71 Table 10: EPA J&E Spreadsheet Model Results for PCE and TCE for a Groundwater Source.. 72 Table 11: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE for Four Toxicity/Risk Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................... 73 Table 12: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10-6 and U pdated Toxicity V alues ................................................................................................... 74 Table B - 1 - 1: Shallow Groundwater Analytical Results at DPW Facility .............. 114 Table B - 2 - 1: Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Analytical Results of Detected Chemicals at DPW Facility ............................................................................................................................................. 118 Table B - 2 - 2: Indoor Air Analytical Results of Detected Chemicals at DPW Facility ..... 119 Table B - 2 - 3: Chronic Human Health Risk Estimates Using January 11, 2011 PR-58 Indoor Air Samples at D PW ................................................................................................................. 120 10 Abbreviations and Units AST ATc ATNC atm-m 3/mol cal/mol Cbuilding cm cm 2/s CERCLA Cg CHCs CSM C, DANC Deft DPW ED EF EPA ft FS g/cm-s GW-ADV GW-SCREEN h HQ IRIS J&E k K LEL MCL n NA Attenuation factor Aboveground storage tank Averaging time for carcinogens Averaging time for noncarcinogens Atmosphere-cubic meter per mol Calories per mol Vapor concentration in the building Centimeter Square centimeters per second Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Concentration of the contaminant in the soil gas Chlorinated hydrocarbons Conceptual site model Concentration of the contaminant in the groundwater Decontamination agent, non-corrosive Effective diffusion coefficient for soil stratum i Department of Public Works Exposure duration Exposure frequency United States Environmental Protection Agency Foot Feasibility study Grams per centimeter-second Advanced groundwater J&E EPA spreadsheet model Screening groundwater J&E EPA spreadsheet model Hour Hazard quotient Integrated Risk Information System Johnson and Ettinger Permeability Kelvin (unit of temperature) or hydraulic conductivity Lower explosion limit Maximum Contaminant Level Porosity Natural attenuation 11 NAPL NCBC NPL AP Pa PCE PCI PHCs ppmv RBC RCRA RIEDC RfC RI SG-ADV SG-SCREEN SVOCs TCE TeCA THQ TR pg/L pg/m3 URF USACE UST GSA VI VOCs Vol yr Ow Non-aqueous phase liquid Naval Construction Battalion Center National Priority List Pressure differential Pascal Perchloroethene Peabody Clean Industries Petroleum hydrocarbons Parts per million by volume Risk Based Concentration Resource Recovery and Conservation Act Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation Reference concentration Remedial investigation Advanced J&E EPA spreadsheet model for a soil gas sample Screening J&E EPA spreadsheet model for a soil gas sample Semi-volatile organic compounds Tricholoroethene Tetrachloroethane Target hazard quotient Task risk level Micrograms per liter Micrograms per cubic meter Unit risk factor United States Army Corps of Engineers Underground storage tank United States General Services Agency Vapor intrusion Volatile organic compounds Value of information Year Water-filled porosity 12 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Vapor intrusion is the migration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a subsurface source into the indoor air of an overlying building. Vapors may migrate from subsurface contamination typically in the form of non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL), contaminants dissolved in groundwater, or contaminated soil, to the air inside a building. The contaminants of interest are typically petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) or chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs). When the indoor air concentrations exceed the human health-based indoor air regulatory concentrations, vapor intrusion may be significant. The regulatory levels are based on conservative assumptions that are protective of both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic adverse health effects. Examples of two chemicals that may be considered in a vapor intrusion assessment include benzene and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) (EPA 2013c). Additionally, methane and certain other volatile chemicals can pose explosion hazards when they accumulate in confined spaces at levels between the upper and lower explosion limit (LEL) (EPA 2013a, b). The following subsections discuss this exposure pathway in more detail, methods of mitigating and characterizing it, and the purpose of this study. Vapor intrusion may be an issue at more than 100,000 contaminated sites in the United States (Colbert and Palazzo 2008). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) first issued draft guidance documents regarding vapor intrusion and the associated potential risks to human health in 2001 and 2002 (EPA 2001, 2002). These draft documents provided guidance for the investigation and management of vapor intrusion at Resource Recovery and Conservation Act (RCRA), Superfund, and Brownfield sites, but did not address vapor intrusion for petroleum releases at underground storage tank sites (Kalmuss-Katz 2013). Proposed revisions (EPA 2013a, b) to the draft guidance documents have been released for comment. In addition, beginning in the 2000s, several states began to issue their own guidance documents, many of which are consistent with the federal guidance. Today, a majority of states have adopted some form of a vapor intrusion regulatory program (Levy 2012). If a vapor intrusion pathway is suspected at a site because of historic operations or known releases, an investigation is required under these federal guidance documents as well as many 13 state and local guidance documents. Practical experience with assessing vapor intrusion has demonstrated that this pathway can be extremely challenging to assess (Swartjes 2011). Typically, indoor air regulatory levels are in units of pig/m 3 , so extra care must be taken to avoid contamination during sampling. Certain chemicals may also be detected in air inside buildings due to emissions from the use of consumer products, building materials, and even outdoor air sources, so the contribution from the subsurface is difficult to determine. Furthermore, indoor air concentrations of VOCs vary with season, location, weather, lifestyle, and building ventilation rate. These issues contribute to a high level of uncertainty when assessing the potential and degree of vapor intrusion (Swartjes 2011). This variability in indoor air concentrations and the large number of controllable and uncontrollable factors that affect indoor air concentrations can lead to unnecessary remediation- and mitigation-related costs. The costs associated with vapor intrusion investigation and mitigation can be high. Vapor intrusion costs at just 19 of the U.S. Navy's contaminated sites totaled $6.9 million (McAlary et al. 2009). Mitigation strategies and technologies for existing buildings that are affected by vapor intrusion include sub-slab depressurization, remediation by soil vacuum extraction, building pressurization, air filtration, and sealing of preferential pathways in the building envelope, including foundation cracks, sumps, etc. In the case of new construction, vapor barrier and ventilation layers can be incorporated into the building design (Swartjes 2011). 1.2 Project Purpose and Scope The cost of these remediation strategies can be compared to the cost to collect data that can reduce uncertainty and result in a more realistic evaluation of the vapor intrusion pathway. Under the current regulatory environment, and depending on site conditions, mitigating vapor intrusion in the absence of sufficient data may be more cost effective than completely evaluating the pathway through extensive data collection and negotiating with the various stakeholders, including the regulatory agencies. In other cases, reducing uncertainty in the vapor intrusion pathway may result in decreased remediation costs. The purpose of this study was to develop a decision analysis tool that engineers could use to better determine what additional data to collect following a preliminary vapor intrusion investigation. As part of this investigation, scientists and engineers often measure subsurface soil, soil vapor, or 14 groundwater concentrations, and may then use a computational model or empirical data to estimate an attenuation factor (c). The attenuation factor is the ratio of the indoor air concentration to the sub-slab or soil vapor concentration. Thus the attenuation factor can be used to estimate an indoor air concentration that can in turn be used to estimate the carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risk values. In the case of new construction, the model-predicted indoor air concentration may be used to decide whether or not a vapor intrusion mitigation system should be incorporated into the design of the building. In the case of an existing building, the predicted indoor air concentration can be compared to indoor air concentrations measured within the building. If the measured indoor air concentration exceeds the model-predicted indoor air concentration for a contaminant, then there is the potential that vapor intrusion is not the only source of the contaminant. Furthermore, if the model-predicted indoor air concentrations for all contaminants are below the regulatory levels, the model results could potentially serve as a line of evidence to demonstrate that vapor intrusion mitigation is not necessary. The computational models used to predict the contaminant concentrations in the indoor air of a building rely on several simplifications of the vapor intrusion conceptual model (Bekele et al. 2012). These assumptions and limitations were investigated as part of this study. Among these assumptions is the use of default or suggested values for many soil- and building-related parameters. The effect that the values of these estimated parameters have on model output was evaluated. 1.3 Project Approach Determining the effect these estimated parameters have on model output for a given site may help engineers determine what additional data to collect following a preliminary vapor intrusion investigation. As part of this study, a Value of Information (Vol) worksheet, using a Monte Carlo approach, was developed for two vapor intrusion models to help model users determine which otherwise-estimated parameters have the greatest impact on model output. Vol is a decision analytic method for quantifying the potential benefit of additional information in the face of uncertainty (Keisler et al. 2013). In the case of vapor intrusion modeling, the results of 15 the Vol worksheets can be used to determine which parameters or groups of parameters would be useful to investigate prior to making a remedial decision. As part of this study, the EPA Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) spreadsheet models for groundwater and soil gas sources were investigated. These models do not account for the variability of certain parameters (e.g. soil moisture, porosity, pressure differential, etc.) that affect vapor transport and migration. Instead, either the model assigns a value for these parameters or the model user is required to define one using suggestions from the User's Guide (EQM 2004). The Vol worksheets that were developed for each of these models informs the user of which combinations of otherwise-estimated parameters have the greatest effect on whether or not model-predicted values of the incremental carcinogenic risk exceed the user-defined target carcinogenic risk. In developing these worksheets, the governing equations and assumptions of the EPA J&E models were assumed to be valid. Following the development of these worksheets, a site affected by CHCs - the Former Nike Battery PR-58 - was used as a case study. Data from this site were analyzed using the EPA J&E models and Vol worksheet. 1.4 Overview of Existing Vapor Intrusion Models Vapor intrusion models have been developed to predict VOC concentrations in indoor air based on source concentrations, e.g. NAPL, groundwater, soil, or subsurface soil gas. Additionally, models can be used to back-calculate permissible source concentrations based on target indoor air concentrations or regulatory standards (Bekele et al. 2012). In the 1980s, studies of radioactive radon intrusion into buildings were conducted, many of which form the basis for studies in organic vapor intrusion modeling (Nazaroff et al. 1987). In the early 1990s, onedimensional models were proposed by Johnson and Ettinger (1991) and Jury et al. (1990) to predict the transport of VOCs in the subsurface. Since then, several models have been developed, ranging from one-dimensional analytical and semi-analytical models (Sanders and Talimcioglu 1997; DeVaull 2007; Mills et al. 2007; Turczinowicz and Robinson 2007) to three-dimensional numerical models (Abreu 2005; Bozkurt et al. 2009). Some models may be more appropriate than others depending on if the contaminants of concern are CHCs or PHCs. Sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 discuss two of these models and their applicability in more detail. 16 1.4.1 Johnson and Ettinger (J&E) Model In practice, simplified models are preferred for their user-friendliness and their lesser number of input parameters. In fact, the EPA as well as several state agencies has issued their own versions of the J&E model, which will be discussed in more detail in Section 2. This model considers the following processes: contaminant partitioning from the source to the subsurface soil gas; 1dimensional upward diffusion from a subsurface source through the vadose zone; predominantly advective flow into the building through a crack in the foundation due to building underpressurization; and mixing and dilution within the building due to ventilation (Johnson and Ettinger 1991; EQM 2004). Figure 1 depicts this conceptual model. build" A ir S urcei uniino C ernlin e s / ' Cv= C suc Contaminant Vapor Source (soil or groundwater) Figure 1: Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Model Proposed by Johnson and Ettinger (1991) To predict the attenuation factor and indoor air concentrations of organic vapors, models like the J&E model typically require inputs that include the source concentration; soil-specific parameters that affect the transport and migration of these vapors through the subsurface; and building-related parameters that affect the indoor air concentration (Bekele et al. 2012). Several governmental agencies, including the USEPA, have utilized the J&E model in developing screening concentration levels (Tillman and Weaver 2006). Additionally, the EPA commissioned the production of spreadsheet versions of the J&E model (EQM 2004). Spreadsheets have been developed for NAPL, groundwater, soil, or subsurface soil gas sources to predict indoor air concentrations for a given source concentration. Unlike the original J&E 17 model, which provides the attenuation factor as the model output, the spreadsheets provide the incremental carcinogenic risk and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient as the model output, and the attenuation factor is only an intermediate calculation. Furthermore, in the EPA version, parameters that are user-defined in the 1991 model are either calculated (for example, the soilgas entry flow rate into the building) or assigned values through built-in tables (for example, the capillary zone moisture content and capillary zone thickness) (Johnson 2002, 2005). The potential for conservative predictions of models like the J&E model and EPA spreadsheets are of concern and merit further investigation. Inaccurate estimates are the result of a combination of factors including but not limited to the assumption of homogeneous soil in the subsurface; a lack of consideration for the biodegradation of organic vapors; and simplified representations of natural attenuation (NA) processes, when they are considered at all (Bekele et al. 2012). NA processes include biodegradation, physical processes (for example, dilution, dispersion, and sorption), and chemical reactions. In the case of PHCs, biodegradation can be significant and models that ignore this process, including the J&E model, may predict overly conservative estimates of the attenuation factor. In the case of CHCs, microbial degradation and co-metabolic degradation processes may occur under predominantly anaerobic conditions (English and Loehr 1991). Despite experimental data and field assessments confirming the dechlorination of CHCs under certain conditions in the subsurface (Little et al. 1988; English and Loehr 1991; Barbee 1994; Davis et al. 2002; Chen 2004; Haest et al. 2010), limited effort has been made to include these processes in vapor intrusion models (Bekele et al. 2012). However, the J&E model may still provide a useful screening level representation of the vapor intrusion pathway for CHCs, provided it is implemented with inputs representative of site conditions. 1.4.2 Biodegradation of PHCs and the BioVapor Model Unlike for CHCs, biodegradation of PHC vapors in the subsurface has been described in several field studies (Ostendorf and Kampbell 1991; Hers et al. 2000; Davis et al. 2002, 2009a; Morrill et al. 2005; Johnson et al. 2009), laboratory investigations (Jin et al. 1994; Pasteris et al. 2002; Ghazali et al. 2004; H6hener et al. 2006), and modeling studies (Karapanagioti et al. 2003; Abreu and Johnson 2006; DeVaull 2007; Abreu et al. 2009). 18 In order for biodegradation to occur, sufficient oxygen, hydrocarbons, nutrients, moisture, and microbial populations must be present. In the case of PHC vapors, aerobic biodegradation is the primary mode of natural attenuation. Published research and case studies have established that aerobic biodegradation is limited by the availability of oxygen, and not bacteria, in the vadose zone because microorganisms capable of degrading PHCs under aerobic conditions are abundant in almost every type of soil (Weidemeir et al. 1999; DeVaull et al. 2002; Davis et al. 2009a). The diffusion and transport of oxygen in the vadose zone is influenced by numerous factors, including soil moisture, porosity, diffusion coefficients, and the uptake of oxygen by soil organic matter and the biodegradation of PHCs (Bekele et al. 2012). Factors such as air-filled porosity, water-filled porosity, chemical diffusivity in air, Henry's law constant, and chemical diffusivity in water are used to estimate the effective diffusion coefficient using the Millington and Quirk equation (1961). Efforts to incorporate biodegradation of PHCs were undertaken by Johnson (1998, 1999, and 2002) to improve on the 1991 J&E model. Such an improvement, however, was not incorporated into the EPA-implemented J&E spreadsheets. Oxygen-limited biodegradation was, on the other hand, included in the BioVapor model (DeVaull 2007). Figure 2 depicts the conceptual model that was proposed as part of the development of the BioVapor model. 19 indoor C ] aerobic I ground surface zone A Lb anaerobic zone source zone Figure 2: Vapor Intrusion Conceptual Model with Biodegradation Proposed by DeVaull (2007) This model does not account for spatial and temporal variability of the soil temperature and moisture, which affect the distribution of oxygen and organic vapor transport. The model also does not consider the heterogeneity of soils, which can also affect oxygen and organic vapor transport. 1.5 Introduction to Value of Information Vol, which will be discussed in detail in this section and in Section 3, is one tool practitioners can use to analyze model sensitivity to unmeasured input parameters. Previous studies in vapor intrusion modeling have not included the use of Vol. Several studies, instead, have used other tools to determine the sensitivity of the original J&E (1991) model to parameter inputs that largely go unmeasured, including crack factor, building air exchange rate, porosity, and soil moisture (Hers et al. 2003; Johnson 2002, 2005; Tillman and Weaver 2006). Johnson (2002, 2005) in particular developed a parametric analysis of the original J&E model using three dimensionless parameters that influence the attenuation factor. This method allowed for the use of a flowchart to determine which parameters are critical for a given simulation. 20 Tillman and Weaver (2006) developed a Java package that allows for a synergistic uncertainty analysis of the original and variants of the J&E model, including the EPA-implemented spreadsheets. This software considers uncertainty in four building parameters (mixing height, floor-wall crack width, air exchange rate, and floor depth below grade) and five soil parameters (porosity, residual moisture content, modeled moisture content, soil gas flow rate, and temperature). The study revealed that, for the examples provided in the paper, the greatest attenuation factor was produced when the lowest values were used for building mixing height, air exchange rate, residual moisture content, and percent effective saturation along with the highest values for soil porosity and soil gas flow rate. High or low values of the floor-wall crack width and subsurface temperature had no effect on the worst-case scenario results (i.e. the results with the greatest attenuation factor) (Tillman and Weaver 2006). These two parameters were later found to have no effect on the best-case scenario results (Tillman and Weaver 2007). For the examples studied, the synergistic effect of the uncertainty of the 14 parameters was found to cause as large as a 3042% difference in the predicted attenuation factor as compared to the attenuation factor obtained using default values (Tillman and Weaver 2006). This synergistic sensitivity analysis is similar in principle, though not identical, to Vol analyses. Vol can be thought of as the amount that could be paid to obtain information, whereby the decision with information plus the cost of obtaining the information is equal in value to the decision to not obtain the information (Keisler et al. 2013). Vol analyses have been used to investigate the cost-effectiveness of site investigations for remediation purposes (Back et al. 2007; Dakins et al. 1994; Dakins et al. 1996; Rautman et al. 1993; James et al. 1996; Kaplan 1998; Demougeot-Renard et al. 2004; Norberg et al. 2006; Back 2007). However, little effort has been made to conduct Vol analyses in the field of vapor intrusion (Collier 2011). Furthermore, Vol has yet to be applied to vapor intrusion modeling to determine if reducing parameter uncertainty can change model output. There are several methods of conducting a Vol analysis, including equation-based computation of the probability distribution of the model output based on the probability distributions of the input parameters (Meltzer et al. 2011). Another method of conducting a Vol analysis is to use a Monte Carlo sampling algorithm (Brennan et al. 2007). This method was selected in this study because the complexities of vapor intrusion models make an analytical approach to Vol very difficult to conduct. 21 A generalized approach to conducting a Vol analysis using a Monte Carlo sampling algorithm is as follows. First, a decision model must be set up which includes a decision rule. This rule is used to evaluate the results of the Monte Carlo simulations. For example, in the case of vapor intrusion, this rule may be the equation for carcinogenic risk. Next, uncertain parameters must be identified and their probability distributions must be characterized. Commonly used distributions include normal, triangular, lognormal, and uniform, among others. Key characteristics for each distribution must be identified, which may include the mean, lognormal mean, mode, range, standard deviation, and lognormal standard deviation. Next, a specified number, L, of Monte Carlo sample sets of these uncertain parameter values must be simulated. Finally, for each simulation, the decision rule must be evaluated (Brennan et al. 2007). The decision rule can then be evaluated using "default" or "typical" values for the uncertain parameters. The default or typical result of the decision rule may then be compared to the L randomized results of the decision rule. In the case of risk analysis, one may then compare the default risk result and the randomized risk results to the target risk. This comparison is one method of quantifying if there is value in reducing parameter uncertainty. For example, if the default risk result exceeds the target risk, then it may be useful to quantify the percentage of randomized simulations in which the risk result does not exceed the target risk. A threshold percentage, 30% for example, may be chosen above which additional data may need to be collected to reduce parameter uncertainty. 22 2. EPA J&E Models: Governing Equations, Assumptions, and Limitations The models that were evaluated were the EPA J&E models for a groundwater source and for a soil gas sample. More advanced models were not considered in this study because they are less likely to be used in practice. Furthermore, Vol analyses using a Monte Carlo approach can only be applied to a relatively simple set of governing equations. A simple model is more appropriate for this first attempt at using a Vol analysis for vapor intrusion. The following sections discuss the governing equations of the two models that were evaluated, as well as the assumptions and limitations of these models. 2.1 Groundwater Source Model The User's Guide for the EPA-issued J&E model spreadsheet recommends using the groundwater source models (GW-ADV and GW-SCREEN) in cases where the source of the volatile contaminant is dissolved in the groundwater (EQM 2004). The GW-SCREEN model allows for only one soil layer in the subsurface. The GW-ADV model should be used if more than one soil layer is present. Additionally, the GW-ADV model allows the user to specify more parameters than the GW-SCREEN model, including pressure differential, the enclosed space dimensions, the indoor air exchange rate, etc. Both of these models may be used in either of two ways: " the user defines the source concentration and the model calculates an indoor air concentration and associated risk; or, " the user defines a risk and the model back-calculates the allowable source concentration. The GW-ADV and GW-SCREEN models are also similar in that both spreadsheet models are comprised of five worksheets: " DATENTER: the worksheet where the user defines the relevant parameter values; " CHEMPROPS: a table of important chemical properties for the contaminant identified in DATENTER; - INTERCALCS: where intermediate calculations are stored; 23 m RESULTS: the final risk-based groundwater concentration or carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic risk calculations (depending on which option the user selects in DATENTER); and, VLOOKUP: where a table of soil properties for all 12 Soil Conservation Service (SCS) - soil classes and a table of chemical properties for all possible contaminants are stored. Figure 3 provides the conceptual model for both of these versions of the groundwater model. Figure 3: Conceptual Model for Groundwater Source Contamination (EQM 2004) The top of the water table is separated from the bottom of the building by a distance LT. The capillary fringe exists above the water table. Chemicals dissolved in the groundwater volatilize, and the relationship between the groundwater concentration (C,) and the vapor concentration at the source of the contamination (Csource) is defined by Henry's law: source where I I (1) wsC is the dimensionless Henry's law constant (H) for the contaminant at the system (groundwater) temperature (Ts). If H at a reference temperature is known, H may be estimated at the system temperature using the Clapeyron equation: exp [Hs= vTs - RT 24 I HR (2) where AH,= Enthalpy of vaporization at the system temperature (cal/mol) TR= Henry's law constant reference temperature (K) HR= Henry's law constant at the reference temperature (atm-m 3/mol) Rc = Gas constant (1.9872 cal/mol-K) R = Gas constant (8.205 x 10-5 atm-m 3/mol-K) The enthalpy of vaporization can be calculated as follows (Lyman 1990): AH, I = AH IT(,(3) _1 - T /T( _ where AH, = Enthalpy of vaporization at the normal boiling point (cal/mol) Tc = Critical temperature (K) TB= Normal boiling point (K) n = Constant (unitless); value depends on value of TB/ Tc The user inputs the groundwater concentration of a contaminant of interest as well as the system temperature. The model, using the aforementioned equations and chemical properties stored in the VLOOKUP and CHEMPROPS worksheets, thereby calculates the vapor concentration at the source. Following volatilization, the vapor diffuses through the capillary zone and through the remaining soil strata. Diffusion through the capillary zone is affected by the following: water-filled porosity; total porosity; capillary zone thickness; and diffusivity of the contaminant in water and air. The water-filled porosity in the capillary zone, 0 ,,, can be determined using the van Genuchten equation (1980): + 0"C =0± where 0-0G 01 0-0 0 1 jmN [+(alh _+ __(4 2 0,. = Residual soil water content (cm 3 /cm 3) 0, = Saturated soil water content (cm 3/cm 3 a, = Point of inflection in the water retention curve where maximal (cm 1) h = Air-entry pressure head (cm) = 1/a, 25 d0G is N = van Genuchten curve shape parameter (dimensionless) M= 1 -(1/N) In the DATENTER worksheet, the user defines an SCS soil class for the soil stratum immediately above the water table. The model includes a database of default soil properties for each SCS soil class in the VLOOKUP worksheet. These values are based on the work of Hers (2002). Using the default values for each of the aforementioned properties for each soil class, the model generates a water-filled porosity for the capillary zone. The air-filled porosity in the capillary zone (0,,,) is then calculated as follows: (5) 1, = n., -Owac where n = Soil total porosity in the capillary zone (cm 3 /cm 3) Porosity values for each SCS textural class are stored in the soil properties table in the VLOOKUP worksheet. However, the user also has the option of defining the porosity of each soil strata in the DATENTER worksheet if that information is available. The effective diffusion coefficient across the capillary zone (DJ"f) is then calculated using the Millington and Quirk (1961) equation: D where - D,(3/n 2 /H7,X O/nf. ) )+(D (6) D, = Diffusivity in air (cm 2/s) D, = Diffusivity in air (cm 2 /s) Using Fick's law of diffusion, the mass transfer rate across the capillary zone can be calculated by the expression: W E =A(C.,.-C E A( where ource - gO /L AC cz Df IL sourc rC (7) cC E = Rate of mass transfer (g/s) A Cross-sectional area through which vapors pass (g/cm 3 _v) Cgo = A known vapor concentration at the top of the capillary zone (g/cm 3_ v); assumed to be 0 as diffusion proceeds upward Lz = Thickness of capillary zone (cm) The thickness of the capillary zone can be calculated using the following equation (Fetter 1994): Z 0.15 2a 2 cosA p~gR 26 R where U2 = Surface tension of water (g/s) = 73 k = Angle of the water meniscus with the capillary tube (degrees); assumed to be 0 Pw = Density of water (g/cm3 ) = 0.999 g Acceleration due to gravity (cm/s2) = 980 R Mean interparticle pore radius (cm) The mean interparticle pore radius can be calculated using the following relationship (Fetter 1994): R = 0.2D where (9) D = Mean particle diameter by weight (cm) The model stores a default mean particle diameter for each SCS soil class in the VLOOKUP worksheet. Values for the arithmetical mean particle diameter for each textural class were determined by Nielson and Rogers (1990) using the SCS classification triangle. The mathematical centroid of the area of each textural class was determined, as shown in Figure 4. 100 90 80 70 ~\ - 'lay ~ 4 60 50 40 4 Ca Clay Omay Lo Sily I aY, Percent Sand Figure 4: SCS Soil Triangle with Centroids for Each Textural Class (Nielson and Rogers 1990) An arithmetic mean diameter was determined for sand, silt, and clay from a geometric distribution with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.5. 27 A weighted average of the particle diameter was then computed for the centroid of each textural class using the percentage of sand, silt, and clay at that point (Nielson and Rogers 1990). Using the textural class of the soil stratum immediately above the water table, the model then calculates the thickness of the capillary zone and the mass transfer rate across the capillary zone. In the vadose zone, the effective diffusion coefficient (D, f) of a given soil stratum, i, is calculated similarly to Equation 6, except using parameter values for the vadose zone layer: D(33 3 /n 2)+(D' /HqO 3 /n ) (10) For each stratum defined by the user, the model calculates an effective diffusion coefficient. The total overall effective diffusion coefficient (D'f ) across the capillary zone and vadose zone can be calculated as a harmonic mean: LT f= (11) (Li,/ Def) I i=0 where Li = Thickness of soil layer i (cm) LT= Distance between the source of contamination and the bottom of the enclosed space floor (cm) Following diffusive transport across the subsurface from the groundwater source to the bottom of the slab, pressure-driven advective transport of the vapor across the slab is assumed to dominate. This assumption is tested by calculating the dimensionless Peclet (Pe) number for transport across the slab: Pe = where LcrackQoi, DcrackA crack (12) QO;1= Volumetric flow rate of soil gas into the enclosed space (cm 3 /s) Lcrack= Enclosed space foundation or slab thickness (cm) Derack =Df, the effective diffusion coefficient of the soil stratum immediately beneath the building (cm 2 /s) Acrack = Area of total cracks (cm) If the value of Pe calculated in Equation 12 is greater than 1, then advection dominates. It should be noted that a gap is assumed to exist at the junction between the floor and the foundation along the perimeter of the floor. Therefore, Acrack is considered a strip of floor-wall seam crack width, 28 w, and length equal to the perimeter of the floor. The value of w and the dimensions of the floor are user-defined in DATENTER worksheet. The volumetric flow rate of soil gas entering the building may be user-defined. If the user does not define the flow rate in the DATENTER worksheet, it is instead calculated using the following equation (Nazaroff 1988): _ 2TAPkvXcrack (13) "pln(2 Zracklrak) AP = Pressure differential between the soil surface and the enclosed space where (g/cm-s2) kv = Soil vapor permeability (cm 2) Xcrack= Floor-wall seam perimeter (cm) p = Viscosity of air (g/cm-s) Zcrack =Crack depth below grade (cm) rcrack Equivalent crack radius (cm) Equation 13 requires the following: " the pressure within the building is less than atmospheric; m the soil column properties within the zone of influence of the building are homogeneous; and, " the soil is isotropic with respect to soil vapor permeability. Per Nazaroff's (1988) model, Equation 13, advective vapor flow from the soil into the building is represented as an idealized cylinder buried below grade. This cylinder represents the total area of the structure below the soil surface through which vapors pass. Equation 13 was determined for this idealized cylinder buried some distance (Zcrack) below grade. The length of the cylinder is assumed be equal to the building floor-wall seam perimeter (Xcrack). The original J&E model determined the equivalent radius crack as follows (Johnson and Ettinger 1991): '.rack = where 7(A8 /X-rack) (14) (15) 71= A,,klAu (unitless) AB= Area of the enclosed space below grade (cm 2 29 In addition to these building-related parameters, the effective soil vapor permeability (ky) of the stratum immediately below the slab (stratum A) affects the value of Qsil. k, may be user-defined in the DATENTER worksheet, or it may be calculated based on the user-defined soil classification of the stratum immediately beneath the slab (stratum A). kv is calculated as follows: k, =k1 . k,, where (16) ki = Intrinsic soil permeability (cm2) krg = Relative air permeability (unitless) The intrinsic soil permeability is calculated using the equation: k,= (17) P.9 where K, = Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/s) pw = Dynamic viscosity of water (g/cm-s) The model assigns a value of K, based on the SCS classification of stratum A. Possible values of Ks are provided in the VLOOKUP worksheet. The relative air permeability is calculated as follows: krg = where ( - Ste) Effective total fluid saturation (unitless) = Ste (18) (1 - SteAI)2A 01 -or Or n -O,. (19) M = van Genuchten shape parameter (same as in Equation 4) Class-average values, provided in the VLOOKUP worksheet, for Ow, O,, and n are used based on the user-defined soil textural classification of stratum A provided in DATENTER. In addition to Qso 0 i, the building ventilation rate (Qbuilding) affects advective flow across the slab or foundation. This value can be calculated as follows: Qhuddn LWHBER W building= -3,600s/h where LB = Length of the building (cm) WB = Width of the building (cm) HB = Height of the building (cm) ER = Indoor air exchange rate (h-1) 30 (20) The values of LB, WB, HB, and ER are all user-defined in the worksheet DATENTER. Under the assumption of an infinite source and a steady-state mass transfer, the model computes the attenuation coefficient (a) as follows: Del/A B L QhdinIT L exp DelA1B Q+odLcrack DcracAcrack K Q, udingL exp Qr 1 Lcrack xDrackAcraAck L + DR7I A KQ exp I IL) (21) Q. ILcrack - D rackA crack However, as the value of Pe calculated in Equation 12 approaches infinity, i.e. advective transport is much more dominant than diffusive transport, then the attenuation coefficient is instead calculated as: D" AB a QuicinT (22) The indoor air concentration within the building can then be calculated using the attenuation coefficient from either Equation 21 or 22, depending on which is applicable, using the following equation: Cuding= aC,rc where Cbuilding = (23) Vapor concentration in the building (mg/m 3 per pg/L-water) The user has the option to either define a target risk and allow the model to back-calculate the allowable source concentration, or define the source concentration and allow the model to calculate an indoor air concentration and associated risk. If the user selects the first option in DATENTER, then the maximum allowable groundwater concentration (Cc) for a user-defined target incremental carcinogenic risk level is calculated as follows: C( - TR x AT x 365days/yr URF x EF x ED x Cuiig( where TR = Target risk level (unitless) ATc = Averaging time for carcinogens (yr) 31 (24) URF = Unit risk factor (m3/ptg) EF = Exposure frequency (days/yr) ED Exposure duration (yr) The model calculates a value of Cbuilding by using Equation 23 and calculating the attenuation coefficient exactly as discussed previously. The value of Csource in Equation 23 is determined by assuming an initial groundwater concentration of 1 pg/L-water. The values of TR, ATC, EF, and ED in Equation 24 are all user-defined in the DATENTER worksheet. Typical values for these parameters are provided in the User's Guide. In particular, the User's Guide suggests a typical value for the target risk as 10-6. The model provides a value of URF based on the contaminant of concern. A table of the URF value for each possible chemical is provided in the VLOOKUP worksheet. In the case of noncarcinogens, the risk-based source concentration (CNC) is calculated as follows: THQx AT,(. x 365days/yr EF x EDx RfC where X (25) C "uldn THQ = Target hazard quotient (unitless) ATNC= Averaging time for noncarcinogens (yr) RfC = Reference concentration (mg/m 3 ) The values of THQ, ATNC, EF, and ED are all user-defined in the DATENTER worksheet. The model provides a value of RfC based on the contaminant of concern. A table of the RfC value for each possible contaminant is provided in the VLOOKUP worksheet. Finally, the risk-based source concentration is then determined to be either Cc or CNC, whichever value is smaller. If the calculated risk-based source concentration exceeds the solubility of the contaminant, then the final model output will be the value of the solubility. Pure component water solubility values for all possible contaminants are stored in the VLOOKUP worksheet. If the user chooses the second option for model output, i.e. the risk associated with a given source concentration, the following calculation is instead used for carcinogens: 32 Risk (26) URF x EF x ED x Cbuiding "'"(6) = AT x 365dayslyr This value can then be compared to the value of TR defined in the DATENTER worksheet. In the case of noncarcinogens, the hazard quotient (HQ) can be calculated as: EF x ED x HQ= 1 R x Coudin RIC (27) ATN( x 365dayslyr This value can then be compared to the value of THQ defined in the DATENTER worksheet. It should be noted that the RfC and URF values were last updated in the model in December 2003 (EQM 2004). These values are updated periodically on the EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Database, and the User's Guide strongly encourages users to use the latest toxicity values when conducting a risk assessment (EQM 2004). 2.2 Soil Gas Model When the user of the EPA J&E models has measured contaminant concentrations in the soil gas, then the soil gas models (SG-SCREEN and SG-ADV) may be used. Similarly to the groundwater models, SG-SCREEN allows the user to classify only one soil stratum whereas SGADV allows the user to classify up to three soil strata. In either the advanced or screening models, the user defines a soil gas concentration at a specified depth in the DATENTER worksheet. This concentration replaces the value of that was previously calculated in the groundwater models. Csource Aside from this difference, the governing equations in the soil gas models are largely the same as those in the groundwater models. In the soil gas models, however, Equations 5, 6, 8, and 9 are no longer calculated. Soil gas samples should be collected above the capillary zone. Therefore, any calculations that characterize the diffusion of contaminants across the capillary zone are no longer necessary. As a result, the soil properties that are no longer included in the calculations are the mean grain diameter of stratum A, OwCZ, and 0 a,cz. Another difference between the soil gas and groundwater models is that the only model output option in SG-SCREEN and SG-ADV is the calculated risk, and the back-calculation option provided in the groundwater models is not available. 33 2.3 Model Assumptions and Limitations Several assumptions were made in the development of the J&E conceptual model that can impact the values of the calculated indoor air concentration and the carcinogenic/noncarcinogenic risk values. The EPA lists the following 11 assumptions and limitations of the J&E model (EQM 2004): " Mode of vapor entry: Contaminant vapors enter the structure primarily through cracks and openings in the walls and foundation. In particular, the model assumes that the total area of cracks may be approximated using the perimeter of the floor and a specified crack width. " Advection zone of influence: Advective transport occurs primarily within the building zone of influence. Vapor velocities decrease rapidly with increasing distance from the building. " Diffusion across the subsurface: The migration of contaminant vapors from the subsurface source of contamination to the bottom of the slab is diffusion-dominated. " Contaminantfate: All vapors originating from below the building will enter the building unless the floors and walls are perfect vapor barriers. Lateral migration of vapors is not considered. - Homogeneity within each soil stratum: All soil properties (e.g. porosity, permeability, etc.) in any horizontal plane are homogeneous. Horizontal spatial variability can only be accounted for by using numerical models that are not typically used outside of academia. Zones of higher or lower porosity, water content, and permeability are ignored in the EPA J&E models. In the User's Guide, the user is encouraged to be conservative in selecting an SCS soil type for each strata, i.e. the user is encouraged to select the coarsest possible soil type. Therefore, regions of differing porosities within soil strata are likely to be ignored. " Contaminant distribution: The contaminant is assumed to be homogeneously distributed within the zone of contamination and no spatial variability is considered. In the case of a heterogeneously distributed contaminant, the User's Guide recommends that the model user identify the average concentration within the zone of contamination in the 34 DATENTER worksheet. However, if descriptive statistics are not available to quantify the uncertainty in the average value, the User's Guide recommends using the maximum contaminant concentration as an upper bound estimate. This approach likely results in higher levels of predicted indoor air concentrations and higher associated risks. m Plume dimensions: The areal extent of contamination is assumed to be greater than that of the building. Sites where the extent of the contamination is smaller than the dimensions of the building footprint are not well represented by this model. " No moisture movement or mixing in the vadose zone: The conceptual model assumes an absence of convective water movement within the soil column (i.e., no infiltration or evaporation), and an absence of mechanical dispersion. A time-averaged constant moisture content is assumed to exist in each stratum of the subsurface, regardless of weather patterns. " No natural attenuation: The model does not account for abiotic or biotic transformation processes (e.g., hydrolysis, biodegradation, etc.). This omission may lead to conservative results, particularly when modeling vapor intrusion of petroleum hydrocarbons. - Soil isotropy: The soil layer in contact with the structure floor and walls is isotropic with respect to permeability. The calculated permeability is based on a horizontal air conductivity, which is assumed to be equal to the vertical air conductivity. m Constant airflow through the building: Both the building ventilation rate and the pressure differential across the foundation or slab are constant values. However, studies have shown that the following may influence the pressure differential over time: o short-term barometric pressure changes as a result of regular oscillations in atmospheric winds and pressure fields, often referred to as atmospheric tides (Hintenlang et al. 1992), or tidal-induced water table fluctuations in coastal areas (Li et al. 2002); o longer-term meteorologically-induced barometric pressure changes (Keskikuru et al. 2001, Patterson et al. 2006); o rainfall events (Li et al. 2002); " thermal differences between indoors and outdoors (Garbesi et al. 1989); 35 o wind loading on the structure (Garbesi et al. 1989, Keskikuru et al. 2001); and, o imbalanced building ventilation (Garbesi et al. 1989). Variations in these environmental and building conditions are not taken into effect in the EPA J&E spreadsheet models. In addition to these assumptions and limitations outlined by the EPA, the following have also been identified for the soil gas and groundwater source models as part of this study: - Limited number of soil strata: Only three strata of soil may be identified in either the groundwater source or soil gas advanced models (GW-ADV and SG-ADV). Sites with more complex stratigraphy may not be well characterized using these models. " Simplified van Genuchten moisture profile: In the groundwater source EPA J&E model, the soil moisture profile is not treated as a true van Genuchten profile. Each soil strata has its own constant water content and the capillary zone has its own constant water content. A comparison of the van Genuchten water retention curve to the conceptual model stepwise function is shown in Figure 5. A WATER RETENTION CURVE Point of inflection where dew/dh is maximal. 0 C,, L) CONCEPTUAL SIMPLIFICATION 0 1 c .0- -..._._._._._._ - 0 W.R eWFc 6 W.CZ eW.S Water-filled Porosity Figure 5: Conceptual Simplification in EPA J&E Model of van Genuchten Profile (Hers 2003) 36 The conceptual simplification identifies a constant water-filled porosity in the capillary zone, which is equal to the water-filled porosity at the point of inflection in the van Genuchten water retention curve. This simplification likely predicts a lower than actual water-filled porosity for the capillary zone because, as shown in the van Genuchten profile, the water-filled porosity must approach saturation at the base of the capillary zone. As a result, model predictions of the attenuation factor, indoor air concentration, and associated risk may be conservative (Hers 2003). * Capillary zone thickness calculations: The groundwater source model does not account for the possibility that the capillary zone may extend into more than one soil strata. As a result, the possibility exists that the calculated thickness of the capillary zone is too thin or too thick. In general, the finer the soil, the thicker the calculated capillary zone will be (see Equations 8 and 9). If the soil stratum immediately above the water table is classified as very fine, then the calculated capillary zone has the potential to be thicker than the stratum of soil itself. If the soil stratum above that stratum is coarser, then the calculated capillary zone will likely be too thick. In general, the diffusion coefficient across the capillary zone is smaller than the diffusion coefficient elsewhere in the subsurface due to the higher water content (Equation 6). Therefore, a thicker capillary zone will lead to a lower predicted indoor air contaminant concentration and associated risk (Equation 11). On the other hand, if the second stratum of soil above the water table is finer than the first, then the calculated capillary zone thickness may be too small, and the associated indoor air concentration may be larger. * Need for updated toxicity values: The VLOOKUP spreadsheet currently includes toxicity values that have not been updated since December 2003. Users conducting a risk assessment on the predicted indoor air concentration for either the groundwater source or soil gas model likely need to update these values. In order to do so, the user must unprotect the worksheets and change the values. m Use of typical/default values ofparameters: Default values of soil properties for all 12 SCS soil textural classes are used. These properties are: porosity; water content; residual water content; the three van Genuchten parameters; hydraulic conductivity; mean grain diameter; and bulk density. With regard to building-related parameters, the User's Guide 37 provides typical values for the following: soil-building pressure differential; floor-wall seam crack width; indoor air exchange rate; and the building mixing height (EQM 2004). The use of default and typical values for all of these parameters may greatly impact model results, depending on the sensitivity of the model to these parameter values. These final two simplifications will be investigated further as part of the value of information analysis discussed in the following sections of this study. 38 3. Value of Information Analysis The governing equations and assumptions in the original EPA J&E spreadsheet models were used as part of the Vol analysis. Despite the limitations of this approach, the Vol worksheets were developed in order for those already using the EPA J&E spreadsheets to determine if additional data in the face of uncertainty may change model results. The following sections discuss how Vol was applied in this study to the EPA J&E vapor intrusion models. First, the parameters that were selected as part of the analysis are discussed in detail in Section 3.1. Next, a discussion of how the user operates the Vol worksheets and can analyze the results is provided in Sections 3.2 and 3.3. 3.1 Parameter Selection and Relevant Values Uncertain parameters included as part of the Vol analysis were selected using the following method. First, the DATENTER and INTERCALCS worksheets in the EPA J&E spreadsheets were inspected to find what soil and building parameters are referenced in the calculations. Parameters were not selected that relied on the values of other parameters that were already being investigated. For example, the bulk density was not included in the analysis because it relies on the density of the solid particles (which is assumed to be a constant - 2.65 g/cm 3) and the porosity (which was already being investigated). Next, parameters were selected that could be measured either directly in the field or in the laboratory. Several building parameters were not included in the analysis, including: " indoor air exchange rate (ER); " vapor flow rate into the building (Qso 0 i); and, " mixing height. Though these parameters may be measured in the field using a tracer test, this test is costly and difficult and, therefore, unlikely to be conducted in the field for a typical vapor intrusion assessment. If these parameters have a large impact and are highly uncertain, however, Vol could still show it is worth conducting the test. For the purpose of this initial Vol analysis, these parameters were not included. The following list provides the seven parameters that were selected for investigation in the Vol spreadsheets. For each parameter, the relevant statistical data as well as the typical or default 39 value is discussed. These default values are either built into the model or are user-defined, and are used to calculate the baseline J&E model output prior to conducting the Monte Carlo simulations. Should the Vol analysis indicate that there is high model sensitivity to and uncertainty in any of the parameters, the user may choose to collect additional data. Methods of collecting data for each parameter are discussed below. Average Concentration of the Groundwater or Soil Gas Samples, Cw or Cg The average groundwater or soil gas concentration, depending on the model that is being used, was included in the analysis because it directly impacts the concentration of the indoor air via Equation 23. In the Vol worksheet, the user is required to define the contaminant of concern, the mean measured source concentration (which serves as the default value), and a standard deviation of the concentration. The method chosen to determine the mean or standard deviation is at the discretion of the model user, and a normal or lognormal distribution may be appropriate. Should the Vol analysis indicate that there is high model sensitivity to and uncertainty in the sample concentration, the user may choose to collect additional samples to refine the data. Pressure Differential Across the Slab, AP The pressure differential across the slab was included because of its effect on the value of QsOij. The user-defined value in the DATENTER worksheet is treated as the default value. The User's Guide recommends a typical value of 4 Pa and a practical range of values as 0 to 20 Pa (EQM 2004; Eaton and Scott 1984; Loureiro et al. 1990; Grimsrud et al. 1983). This range was used in the model, and the distribution was assumed to be triangular, with a peak value of 4 Pa. Should the Vol analysis indicate that there is high model sensitivity to and uncertainty in the pressure differential, the user may choose to use a manometer in the field to obtain a more accurate value of AP. However, this will only be possible if a structure or slab already exists on-site. Permeability of the Soil Stratum Immediately Below the Slab, kv The permeability of the soil stratum immediately below the slab was included in the analysis because the value of the permeability of this layer impacts the value of QsOij, as shown in Equation 17, and the advective transport of vapors across the slab. The user-defined value in the DATENTER worksheet is treated as the default value. The User's Guide provides practical 40 ranges of the soil vapor permeability depending on if the soil is classified as medium sand, fine sand, silty sand, or clayey silt. Should the user define a value of the permeability within one of these ranges, then that range would be used in the Vol worksheet. In all cases, the distribution of values was assumed to be uniform. Should the user decide to investigate this parameter further, the user may drill through the slab, collect an undisturbed sample of the soil below the slab, and have the sample analyzed for this parameter. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of the Soil Stratum Immediately Below the Slab, Ks Should the permeability not be user-defined, the value of K, impacts the value of kv, as shown in Equation 13. The typical value of Ks for the user-defined SCS textural classification provided in DATENTER is treated as the default value in the Vol analysis. These typical values can be found in the VLOOKUP worksheet as well as in the User's Guide. Schaap and Leij (1998) determined these values using a lognormal distribution. This same study also provided the lognormal standard deviations of K, for each textural class, which were included in the Vol worksheet. Should the user decide to investigate this parameter further, the user may choose to collect a sample and have it analyzed for this property. Another way of reducing the uncertainty in this parameter is to conduct a slug or pumping test. However, these tests could only be done to determine the value of Ks in the soil stratum immediately below the slab if this stratum extended to below the water table. Mean Particle Diameter of the Soil Stratum Above Water Table The mean particle diameter of the soil stratum immediately above the water table was included in the analysis because the value of this parameter impacts the thickness of the capillary zone. This value, in turn, impacts the diffusive transport of contaminant vapors across the subsurface, as shown in Equations 8 and 9. The typical value of the mean diameter for the user-defined SCS textural classification provided in DATENTER is treated as the default value in the Vol analysis. These typical values can be found in the VLOOKUP worksheet as well as in the User's Guide. Minimum and maximum values were calculated for each SCS textural class using the method described by Nielson and Rogers (1990) (see Section 2.1). Should the user decide to investigate this parameter further, the user may choose to collect a sample from this stratum and have a sieve analysis conducted. 41 Porosity, n The porosity of each soil stratum was included in the analysis because it affects the diffusion coefficient of each stratum, as shown in Equation 10, and therefore the overall diffusive transport of contaminant vapors across the subsurface. The typical value of the porosity for the userdefined SCS textural classification provided in DATENTER is treated as the default value in the Vol analysis. These typical values can be found in the VLOOKUP worksheet as well as in the User's Guide. Schaap and Leij (1998) determined these values and used a normal distribution. This same study was used to derive the standard deviations of the porosity for each SCS textural classification. Should the user decide to investigate this parameter further, the user may choose to collect a sample from this stratum and have it analyzed for porosity. Water-Filled Porosity, 0, The water-filled porosity of each soil stratum was included in the analysis because it affects the diffusion coefficient of each stratum, as shown in Equation 10, and therefore the overall diffusive transport of contaminant vapors across the subsurface. The typical value of the water-filled porosity for the user-defined SCS textural classification provided in DATENTER is treated as the default value in the Vol analysis, which is equal to the average of the residual water content (Or) for that SCS textural class and the field capacity at 1/3 bar (EQM 2004). In developing the Vol spreadsheet, the range of values of the water-filled porosity for each SCS textural class was, therefore, chosen to be between 0 , and the field capacity. Based on the manner in which the EPA J&E model calculates the water-filled porosity average, a uniform distribution was assumed to exist between the minimum and maximum values. Should the Vol analysis indicate that there is high model sensitivity to and uncertainty in the water-filled porosity of any particular soil stratum, the user may choose to collect a sample from this stratum and have it analyzed for this parameter. However, analysis results may be influenced by recent weather events and, therefore, not be representative for the entire year. The User's Guide recommends using the HYDRUS model, developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), to instead determine long-term average water-filled porosities (EQM 2004). This model uses actual daily precipitation data as well as soil hydraulic properties, including the van Genuchten properties, to estimate soil water content. 42 3.2 Spreadsheet Operation and Model Results - Groundwater Source Model Given the parameters listed above, the Vol worksheet was developed to analyze the effect of each individual or group of parameters on model output. The discussion below outlines the structure and operation of the Vol worksheet as well as methods of data presentation for the groundwater 'source model only. Equations imbedded in the worksheet are provided in more detail in Appendix A. Section 3.2.2 will discuss the Vol worksheet for the soil gas sample model. In the top left corner of the Vol worksheet (cells Al:F27), a table is provided that contains the parameters that are analyzed in the Vol worksheet, the default values for these parameters, minimum and maximum values, and the distribution of values. As discussed in Section 3.1, these distributions and ranges were determined from the EPA spreadsheet User's Guide and the supporting literature cited therein. Figure 6 provides an example of this table. Building properties default min AP 40 0 3 max 200 Distribution Triangular 4 Soil properties 10 ii Particle Diameter of 12 13 15 fs 0.04 0.038 0 048 Uniform avg 0375 0,054 min max 0.055 Distribution Normal Uniform N/A Log Normal N/A Stratum Above Water Table A 1 n o - 0.053 kv 2678 N/A no 0481 - 01 0.216 0,110 K, - N/A 20 21 2 8 B 23 0,320 Normal Uniform 24 2 2? C nc 039 oC 0.076 - 0.049 - Normal 0.1 Uniform Figure 6: Example Building and Soil Properties Investigated in Vol Spreadsheet Note that Ks and kv are not analyzed for soil strata B and C. These parameters are only analyzed for the top-most soil stratum, A, because they only affect the advective flow of vapor across the slab. 43 Next, the highlighted cells (cells Ki:K9) are values that must be user-defined within the Vol worksheet. These include the contaminant of interest, the arithmetic or geometric mean of the groundwater concentrations for that contaminant, the arithmetic or geometric standard deviation of the concentrations, whether the property is new or existing construction, and the updated URF and RfC values (if applicable). The user may choose to either provide the updated toxicity values from IRIS or use the values stored in the model. Figure 7 provides an example table. P 0 IAN L K Pj a R HighlIghted celf must be Ned In. 2 Chemical of Concern |I7KI1Trichloroethylene Arithmetic mean groundwater concentration, Cw (ug/L) 8 Arithmetic Standard Deviation of C. (ug/L) 5 Geometric mean groundwater concentration, Cw (ug/L) r Geometric Standard Deviation of Cw (ug/L) 7 Updated URF (ug/m3)l a Updated RfC (mg/m 3) s New Construction? (Y or N) 0.4 OR the geometric meatanndard deviation Leave K7 and K8 blank if values in VLOOKUP are up-to-date 00000041 0.002 N Figure 7: Example of User-Defined Cells in Vol Spreadsheet Next, a list of 5,000 simulations of random numbers between 0 and 1 (cells 112:S5014) is provided for each parameter. These random numbers are regenerated each time the model is operated. Differing numbers of simulations (500, 1,000, 2,500, and 5,000) were tested during the development of the worksheet. It was observed that, when 5,000 simulations are used, Vol analysis results were stable, i.e. not changing by more than 1%. Figure 8 provides an example of the random probability generator. I K __ 16 AP 17 Simulation Is Default 19 1 0187 20 0204 0,696 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 10 21 n 2 24 2s 26 Ks CW 0.678 0.064 0,748 0.489 0,391 0.728 0.751 0.764 0.885 0.212 0.786 S 0 N0P IA Random Number Generatlon .A nA Particle Diameter no 6, 8 nc oc 0.660 0.726 0.885 0-111 0 416 0.525 0.716 0.304 0.206 0.225 0 951 ---- 0.648 0.005 0.541 0.056 0.374 0.010 0,462 0.155 0.102 0.525 0 155 0.124 0.510 0.837 0.034 0.496 0.495 0.310 0288 0.210 0.583 0.945 0.659 0.849 0.497 0.931 0.747 0.520 0.376 0.889 0.200 0.638 0.640 0.529 0.298 0816 0.638 0.365 0.891 0.618 0.005 0.961 0.944 0.890 0.391 0.587 0412 0.621 0869 0 525 0.507 0.912 0.870 0 143 0.196 0.611 0 572 0,198 0.095 0.659 0.082 0.600 0,896 0,445 0,311 0.343 0 460 0.916 0.605 0,435 0 575 0.945 0.259 0,794 0.550 Figure 8: Example of Random Probability Generator in Vol Worksheet To the right of the 5,000 random numbers, a table (cells V12:AE5014) that provides either default values or random values for each parameter for each simulation was created using the 44 following method. The user has the ability to turn parameters "on" (i.e., allow the table to produce a random value for that parameter) or "off' (i.e., force the table to produce the default value for that parameter). This is achieved by entering a sequence of O's and l's in the toggle cell, A1l3. Parameters may not be included in the analysis at all, regardless of if they are assigned a 0 or 1, if certain parameters are user-defined in the DATENTER worksheet, as discussed in Table 1. The order of parameters for which either 0 or 1 is assigned is as follows: Table 1: Order of Parameters Included in Vol Analysis Worksheet for a Groundwater Source Position in Toggle Cell Value (From Left to Right) Parameter When is Parameter Included in Analysis? 1 AP Only included in the analysis in the case of an existing building because, in the case of new construction, there is no slab across which to measure the pressure differential. 2 kv (if this is user-defined in DATENTER) or Ks (if kv is calculated) of soil stratum A Only included in cases when Qsoil is not user-defined in the DATENTER worksheet because these parameters are only used when the model must calculate Qsoii. 3 CW 4 Always included. Mean particle diameter of the Always included. soil stratum immediately above the water table 5 nA Always included. 6 nW^ Always included. 7 n 8 6second 9 n 10 10 owOnly 6third Only included if the user defines a second soil layer in DATENTER. B Only included if the user defines a soil layer in DATENTER. B Only included if the user defines a third soil layer in DATENTER. c 45 included if the user defines a soil layer in DATENTER. Given this order of parameters, for example, a toggle cell value of "0110111111" generates random values for all parameters, with the exception of AP and the mean particle diameter. Each value of 1 in the toggle cell is referred to as an "experiment" in the spreadsheet. Therefore, in the example provided, there are a total of eight experiments. The random numbers between 0 and 1 in cells 119:S5018 provide the cumulative distribution probabilities of a value being obtained in the field for that parameter. The inverse of this cumulative probability and the statistical characteristics of that parameter then provide a random value for that given parameter, as shown in the example in Figure 9. .6 E 04 0 20 40 80 95 100 1o 140 160 IM 200 AP Figure 9: Cumulative Distribution Function of the Pressure Differential In the example of a cumulative probability of 0.65, the spreadsheet would calculate a pressure differential of 95 g/cm-s 2 or 9.5 Pa. For parameters that are normally or lognormally distributed, depending on the magnitude of the user-defined standard deviation, there may be negative concentration values generated. To account for this error, the worksheet ignores those simulations in the analysis. Figure 10 provides an example of the random parameter value generator based on the random probability generator in Figure 8. 46 V 13 X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 AP Ks C. owo nc owc 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 2.68E+01 8.0 8.5 7.7 83 8.0 76 75 8.0 8.4 7.3 8.0 0.076 0.098 14 is Thee columns are alway 16 17 1s 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5.02E+01 3.40E+00 6.64E+01 2.58E+01 1.84E+01 609E+01 6.72E+01 7.11E+01 6.74E+00 4.77E+00 Soccupied. Particle Olameter n^A eA no 0.04 0.040 0.375 0.054 0.054 0.054 0.055 0.054 0.053 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.054 0.054 0481 0.463 0.216 0.39 0.293 0.419 0506 0.482 0.504 0.496 0,413 0.376 0.514 0.582 0.470 0.220 0.151 0.432 0.474 0.305 0.375 0.394 0.127 0.430 0.236 0 175 0.182 0.354 0.332 0.040 0.374 0.348 0.040 0.344 0.040 0.040 0.331 0.387 0.463 0.398 0.432 0.375 0.456 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.302 0.293 0.140 0.337 0.072 0.096 0.080 0.071 0.078 0.097 0.062 0.090 0.077 Figure 10: Example of Random Parameter Value Generator for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in Vol Worksheet In Figure 10, the parameters that are turned "on" or "off' are controlled by the cells in row 13. For example, X13 has a value of 1 and, therefore, randomized C, values are generated for all 5,000 simulations. However, Y13 has a value of 0 and, therefore, the default model particle diameter is provided for all 5,000 simulations. From the 5,000 simulations of random or default values, the model provides values of the following: the attenuation factor (a); the concentration of the contaminant of interest in the indoor air of the building (Cbuilding); the carcinogenic risk; if the carcinogenic risk exceeds the target (value of 1 provided) or not (empty cell provided); the noncarcinogenic risk; and if the noncarcinogenic risk exceeds the target (value of 1 provided) or not (empty cell provided). The intermediate calculations that produce these results are provided in the VOICALCS worksheet. Figure 11 provides example results for the default parameter values (row 18) and ten of the 5,000 simulations (rows 19 through 28). 47 17 1s - 0.0004 21 0,0004 0.0002 0.0003 22 0,0003 23 27 0.0004 0.0006 0.0005 0.0006 0.0003 2s 0.0003 19 2c 24 2. 26 AM AK AHAJ 1 Cbudng Carcinogen Non-Carcinogen Incremental Risk Risk > Target? Hazard Quotient Quotient > Target? 0.67 0.62 0 30 0.57 051 0.64 0.95 0.82 0.95 0,43 0,46 1 13E-06 1,04E-06 5.06E-07 9.62E-07 8,60E-07 1 08E-06 1.60E-06 1 38E-06 160E-06 7,23E-07 771E-07 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.20E-01 297E-01 1.44E-01 2.74E-01 2.45E-01 3.09E-01 4.55E-01 3.93E-01 4.57E-01 2.06E-01 2-19E-01 Figure 11: Example Results for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in Vol Worksheet One way to assess the potential value of information is to consider the carcinogenic hazard classification, i.e. whether or not the calculated carcinogenic risk exceeds the target risk. If the default option result (cell AJ 18) exceeds the carcinogenic target risk, then the spreadsheet counts the number of simulations for which no exceedance is detected. If, however, the default option does not exceed the target risk, then the spreadsheet counts the number of simulations for which an exceedance of the target is detected. A percentage of the 5,000 simulations for which this is the case is provided in cell AP19, "% of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Hazard Classification", as shown in Figure 12. AO 18 19 20 21 22 AP Average Increase in Indoor Air Concentration % of Experiments with Change in Carc. Hazard Classification Average Difference in Carcinogenic Risk % of Experiments with Change in Noncarc Hazard Classification Average Difference in Noncarcinogenic Risk -0.10 53.9 -1 62E-07 0.0 -4.60E-02 Figure 12: Example Results Table for 5,000 Simulations for Toggle Cell "0110111111" in Vol Worksheet The table in cells A018:AP22 provides other methods of evaluating the value of information given a specific toggle cell value. For example, the average difference in carcinogenic risk is calculated using the following equation: J(Risk, -Risk laUl) Average difference in risk = 48 n (28) where Riski = Incremental carcinogenic risk for simulation, i RiskDefauft = Incremental carcinogenic risk for the default simulation n = total number of simulations for which there are no errors in Excel (< 5,000) A similar equation was used to determine the average difference in the noncarcinogenic HQ. A graphical representation of the distribution of the incremental carcinogenic risk values for a given toggle cell value is also provided in the worksheet. All possible toggle cell values are provided in cells BD14:BD145. There are 128 possible combinations provided for cases when all 10 parameters are relevant (see Table 1 for details as to when parameters are included in the analysis or not). Porosity and water-filled porosity for each stratum are considered one option, i.e. if values of the porosity of A are varied, then so are values of the water-filled porosity of A. Therefore, there are not 210 possible combinations, but 27 = 128 possible combinations instead. The number of possible combinations is decreased based on whether or not certain parameters are included in the Vol analysis. For each possible toggle cell value, the "% of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Hazard Classification" is listed in column BE. All possible combinations are then ranked based on this value, as shown in Figure 13. This ranking allows the user to determine which combinations of parameters have the most influence on model output and which require further data collection. Rank 17 % Change # Experiments 0110111111 1 53.9 8 19 0100111111 53.6 53.6 53.4 49.4 49.1 48.9 48.6 47.7 47.4 7 6 5 9 7 8 6 9 7 18 21 0110111100 0100111100 22 0111111111 23 24 0111111100 0101111111 25 0101111100 26 1110111111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 1110111100 10 20 Figure 13: Example of Ranking of Toggle Cell Values by Percent of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Hazard Classification in Vol Worksheet 49 The combinations of parameters are then grouped by the number of experiments. Combinations within each group are then ranked based on the percent change, as shown in Figure 14. SN 16 17 13 20 21 24 25 80 5P 1 Expenment Sequence % Change 0010000000 15 0001000000 0.0 1000000000 6.1 0100000000 33.2 Rank 3 4 2 1 s as ST 2 Expenments Sequence % Change Rank 0011000000 08 8 30.1 0101000000 2 34.3 1 0110000000 7 1001000000 4,6 0000110000 29.3 3 0.3 9 0000000011 4 1100000000 23.8 1010000000 70 6 0000001100 20.3 5 5R 27 28 29 30 BV 50 SW 3 Expenments Sequence % Change 0.2 0001000011 ex Rank 16 0111000000 0001001100 0001110000 0100000011 30.4 17,8 22.8 337 4 12 8 3 0010000011 0010110000 1110000000 1101000000 2.2 30.4 24.3 211 15 5 7 11 1011000000 1000110000 0100110000 1000001100 0100001100 0010001100 1000000011 5.4 267 46.0 21 7 44 6 224 64 14 6 1 10 2 9 13 Figure 14: Example of Ranking of Toggle Cell Values with the Same Number of Experiments 3.3 Spreadsheet Operation and Model Results - Soil Gas Model The Vol worksheet that was developed for the soil gas model is similar in structure to the Vol worksheet discussed in Section 3.2. However, the mean particle diameter is not considered in this analysis. The value of the particle diameter is used only to calculate the thickness of the capillary zone, which is only necessary for the groundwater source model. By not including one parameter, the cell locations of several of the model outputs are different from those provided in the Section 3.2. There are also only 26 = 64 possible toggle cell combinations, instead of 128. Another key difference is the calculation of the randomized concentration values. The user is allowed to define the concentration and the standard deviation in either of two units, pIg/M 3 or ppmv. 50 4. Case Study - Former Nike Battery PR-58 The following section discusses the case study that was investigated as part of this research. A site with vapor intrusion risks from CHC contamination only was selected because vapor intrusion of PHCs may be better evaluated using models that consider biodegradation, such as BioVapor. The Vol worksheet, however, was developed only for a model that did not consider biodegradation. The Former Nike Battery PR-58, or "Property," is located in North Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island. Figure 15 provides the site location. Figure 15: Former Nike Battery PR-58 Location For this case study, site history and sources of contamination are discussed. The relevant EPA J&E models and Vol worksheet were applied to the site data, and the results are described in the following sections. It should be noted that the primary source of information for this case study, the 2014 Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Report prepared by Stone Environmental, Inc. (Stone), is still in draft form. All information discussed in this case study was derived from the Stone RI/FS (2014), unless otherwise cited. 4.1 Site History and Operations Prior to 1942, the 44-acre Property was a mostly-wooded area surrounded by farmland. In 1942, the U.S. Navy established Camp Thomas, which occupied approximately 142 acres, including 51 the Property. Following World War II, Camp Thomas was demolished and the Property was not used again until 1954. Between 1954 and 1956, the U.S. Army constructed Nike Battery PR-58 on the Property. A large area on the western half was developed, but the eastern half remained wooded. The battery consisted of two geographically separated areas: a battery control area and a launch area, which included an adjacent assembly/service area. The Property consisted of the latter of these two areas. Operations at the site included assembling, servicing, maintaining, and preparing the missiles for the firing battery. Use of the battery by the Army ended in 1962. The Property was transferred from the Army to the Navy in 1964. From 1964 to 1974, the Navy used the Property for disaster recovery training. The Navy constructed five to six buildings for chemical, biological, and nuclear warfare training. In 1974, the Property was transferred to the U.S. General Services Agency (GSA) and, in 1978, the GSA transferred ownership to the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation (RIEDC). The Property was unused by RIEDC until 1980, when 2.2 acres of the Property were leased to Peabody Clean Industries (PCI) for two years. During that time, the area was used for oil-water separation (with an on-site leachfield for disposal of the water), hazardous waste storage, and as a transfer facility. Three areas in particular were used for PCI activity, including: an area with four 20,000-gallon aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) used for hazardous materials storage and a leachfield; an area with two buildings used to store non-hazardous equipment and supplies; and a temporary drum storage area. Starting in 1981, buildings associated with the former Nike Battery PR-58 were demolished. Currently, only one building associated with military activity remains on the Property. To the north and east of the Property, the Navy established the former Davisville Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) in February 1942. The NCBC provided assembly and storage space for materials shipped to the Navy's advance bases. From the end of World War II until 1951, the site was inactive, at which point the site became the Headquarters NCBC. In 1989, the NCBC facility was placed on the CERCLA National Priority List (NPL). Operational closure of the site was obtained in April 1994. 52 4.2 Potential Historic Releases and Source Area Investigations conducted at the site include the 2008 Remedial Investigations (RI) by the Johnson Company (JCO), the 2009 to 2010 RI by JCO, a 2010 and 2011 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) investigation of potential soil gas impacts at the downgradient Town Department of Public Works (DPW) facility, and the 2014 Draft Supplemental RI/FS by Stone Environmental (Stone 2014). According to the RI/FS, potential sources of contamination include: - Solvent usage; " Missile refueling and maintenance operations; - Navy disaster recovery training activities; - PCI hazardous waste storage and transfer; and, " Unsecured Property conditions leading to illegal dumping. Potential hazardous substances associated with these historical activities and operations include: VOCs, particularly CHCs; semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs); PHCs; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); and metals (Stone 2014). During the 2010 and 2011 soil vapor investigation, the primary contaminants of concern were CHCs. Previous site investigations had shown that dissolved concentrations of CHCs in groundwater had migrated from the source area on the Property to the Town of North Kingstown DPW facility (USACE 2012). The tables in Appendix B provide the analytical results of groundwater, sub-slab soil vapor, and indoor air sampling at the DPW facility. The remainder of this study will focus on the potential for vapor intrusion of CHCs at the DPW facility. Eight CHCs have been consistently detected above the applicable screening and regulatory levels in soil and groundwater samples collected at the Property, and in soil gas, groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples collected in its vicinity: TeCA, PCE, TCE, 1,1,2-TCA, 1,1-DCE, cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, and vinyl chloride (VC). Site operations that may have caused releases of these CHCs at the Property are discussed herein. During operation of the Nike Battery PR-58, chlorinated organic solvents, including carbon tetrachloride, PCE, and TCE, were reportedly used for cleaning of grease spills, parts cleaning, and general cleaning prior to painting. Waste solvents and cleaners were typically disposed of by pouring them into the ground or into a sump, though the location of the disposal area and sump (if one existed) is not known. However, the three missile magazines on the Property included a sump pit to collect 53 accumulating liquids. These sump pits were pumped and the contents were directly discharged into a ditch that ran along the eastern side of the magazines. The drainage ditch emptied into a catch basin that was then connected to the stormwater drainage system. During Navy occupancy of the Property, disaster recovery training included the use of tear gas, smoke pots, and biological agent simulants. The burial and disposal of used decontamination supplies and gear in an area east of the magazine area may have occurred. It is not known if actual chemicals were used in the training and decontamination, however, an empty 5-gallon can labeled as "DANC" was found on the Property. DANC (decontamination agent, non-corrosive) is a mixture of TeCA and 1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin. During PCI operations, four ASTs containing water, oil, and some solvent waste were located in one area of the Property. The liquids from at least one AST were dispensed to an oil-water separator and the water was then sent to a leachfield. The area surrounding the AST, oil-water separator, and leachfield was reportedly saturated to ground surface with water and oils from the tank. In 1983, RIEDM directed a cleanup of contaminated soil related to PCI activities. Based on the evidence to date, a CHC source area has been determined by Stone Environmental. The source area was delineated using the criteria of soil containing a total CHC concentration in excess of 10 mg/kg and groundwater concentrations in excess of 1% of their single constituent aqueous solubility. The approximately 15,039-ft2 source area extends from the upper 60 ft of competent bedrock through approximately 12 ft of the basal glacial till/weathered bedrock (STG) unit. In the STG unit, comparison of the fractions of the contaminants in the source area shows strong zonation vertically and horizontally with regard to TeCA versus PCE and TCE. In particular, soil samples from the upper portion of the source area contain 77 to 99% TeCA whereas soil samples from the deeper portion of the unconsolidated source area contain 16 to 44% TeCA. This vertical zonation reflects the historical operations in the source area. PCE and TCE were used primarily during Nike operations, whereas TeCA was used later during Navy operations and, therefore, appears above PCE and TCE. DNAPL has not been directly observed in the bedrock, nor has sampling and analysis of the rock matrix been conducted. Instead, delineation of the source area in the bedrock is based on groundwater analytical results from 13 wells screened in bedrock, five of which exhibit CHC 54 concentrations greater than 1% of their single-component aqueous solubilities. However, the presence of DNAPL in the bedrock in the source area is expected based on the groundwater analytical results, the increase in groundwater concentrations with depth, and the presence of DNAPL in the deeper portion of the STG unit. 4.3 Conceptual Model and the DPW Facility The current conceptual site model (CSM) interpretation, according to the Stone Environmental Draft Supplemental RL/FS, is that waste containing non-aqueous phase PCE, TCE, and TeCA was released to ground surface east of the Nike missile magazines. The waste percolated through the vadose zone until it reached the water table, at which point the DNAPL continued downward through groundwater. DNAPL continued to migrate through the STG unit into bedrock fractures beneath the center of the source area. A trail of residual DNAPL was initially left behind, but likely dissolved away over time, particularly in the more hydraulically conductive units. Some residual DNAPL exists as discontinuous droplets and blobs in the portion of the source area within the STG unit. Most of the contaminant mass in the source area in the STG unit is in the dissolved form in the lower permeability material. A significant fraction is also sorbed to the organic matter on the soil particles. A similar phase distribution is expected in the bedrock. The source area, including the DNAPL, dissolved, and sorbed contaminant mass, are assumed to be the source of groundwater CHC contamination hydraulically downgradient of the site. The DPW facility is located approximately 0.25 miles southeast and downgradient from the CHC source area on the Property. Figure 16 shows the location of the facility in relation to the Former Nike Battery PR-58. 55 Figure 16: Location of DPW Building (Yellow) and Former Nike Battery PR-58 (Red) The DPW building was constructed sometime prior to Spring 2002 and, according to the Director of Public Works and staff, no engineered vapor barrier was installed as part of the foundation (USACE 2012). The CHC groundwater plume, originating from the source area, extends to the area below the DPW facility. Two shallow wells (SEI-01 and SEI-02) were installed in 2013 directly upgradient and downgradient of the DPW facility. Additionally, a deeper well (OB-ED), located in the vicinity of the facility, has been routinely sampled, and concentrations of TeCA, PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE have been detected in exceedance of the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). For the purpose of this vapor intrusion modeling investigation, however, only data from the shallow groundwater zone will be investigated. Based on the data obtained during the Stone Environmental RI/FS, TeCA, PCE, TCE, cis- 1,2-DCE, and trans- 1,2-DCE have all been detected in the shallow groundwater in the vicinity of the DPW facility. Of these, only TCE was detected in excess of the EPA MCL of 5 [tg/L. 55.9 tg/L of TCE was detected at the northern well, SEI01, and 19.4 pg/L of TCE was detected at the southern well, SEI-02. Data tables for the one round of sampling at SEI-01 and SEI-02 are provided in Appendix B-1. To evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion as a result of the underlying groundwater contamination, the USACE completed a vapor intrusion investigation at the DPW facility. Nine sub-slab soil gas samples (eight locations and a duplicate) were collected in 2010 and 2011. In 56 2011, indoor air samples were also collected within the breathing zone at the same locations as the sub-slab samples, but at a different time. The samples were analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. The analytical results are provided in Appendix B-2. Indoor air sample analytical results detected 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, chloroform, BTEX, and TCE in all nine indoor air samples. PCE was detected in only five of the indoor air samples. It should be noted that indoor air samples were collected without all potential VOC-containing materials being removed due to the enormity of that effort as well as the disruption to DPW activities that would result. Prior to the investigations, findings indicated that the building has numerous products containing petroleum and non-chlorinated paint, ink, and cleaning solvents. Additionally, several spray cans of a TCE-containing brake cleaner were found in the garage bay in non-vented flammable storage cabinets. USACE requested that this product be removed and not used prior to the sampling event. Cans of spray cleaner containing PCE were also observed in the police repair bay storage room, however, these were not removed prior to the sampling event. To evaluate which contaminants were of concern in the indoor air data, the USACE used the Risk Based Concentrations (RBCs) from the Tri-Service Environmental Risk Assessment Workgroup (Tri-Service 2009). In the case of TCE, the RBC used was derived from the EPA IRIS 2011 Guidance Toxicity Criteria (EPA 2014). Several CHCs were detected in excess of the RBCs, including chloroform and TCE and, to a lesser extent, PCE. Both PCE and TCE concentrations tended to increase at downgradient locations. In the case of PCE at least, this trend may be the result of the DPW activities because the highest PCE concentration (6 pig/m 3), which is at least 10 times greater than the next highest PCE concentration, was detected in a sample collected in the aforementioned police bay storage room. In the case of TCE, indoor air concentrations ranged from 0.349 to 10.7 pig/m 3. Sub-slab soil gas analytical results detected CHCs, including PCE and TCE and, to a lesser extent, chloroform. Generally, concentrations of TCE in the sub-slab soil gas samples decreased from north to south, with a range of 198 to 366 pg/m 3 in the northern portion of the facility and a range of 9.8 to 39 [g/m3 in the southern portion of the facility. A less clear trend is noted for PCE, where concentrations across the facility range from 11.3 to 50.5 pg/m 3, with the exception of one non-detect sample. Using an attenuation factor of 0.1 and the aforementioned indoor air 57 RBCs, an estimated RBC for the sub-slab soil gas samples was calculated for each chemical. Using these RBCs, concentrations of PCE and TCE were detected in exceedance of the RBCs in eight of the sub-slab soil gas samples. The USACE conducted a risk evaluation of the chronic environmental exposures to the occupants of the DPW facility. Based on site reconnaissance, exposures were evaluated for an adult worker at the DPW facility, with an exposure duration and frequency of: * 8 hours per day; m 250 days per year; and, 25 years duration of exposure. 0 For non-cancer effects, the USACE calculated the hazard quotient for each contaminant detected using Equation 27 provided in Section 2.1. For cancer effects, the USACE calculated the excess lifetime cancer risk using Equation 26. According to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), threshold levels for the incremental carcinogenic risk ratio are between 1:10,000 and 1:1,000,000. The USACE used the lower bound incremental risk ratio of 1:10,000 for cancer effects and a hazard quotient value of one for noncarcinogenic effects as the limit above which remediation would be required. The USACE compared both the maximum measured indoor air concentration and the 95% Chebyshev upper confidence limit (UCL) for each contaminant to these remediation goals. Table 2 provides the results of this risk evaluation for CHCs that were detected in the indoor air samples. It should be noted that the EPA has not determined an RfC value for chloroform and, therefore, no HQ could be calculated. 58 Table 2: Noncarcinogenic Hazard Quotient and Incremental Cancer Risk Values for CHCs at DPW Facility Chemical Chloroform PCE TCE Indoor Air Concentration (tg/m 95% UCL 0.16 0.24 Maximum 2 95% UCL Maximum 6 3) Noncarcinogenic HQ N/A N/A 0.0018 0.0051 Cancer Risk* 3.0 x 10' 4.5 x 101.0 x 10-6 2.9 x 10-6 95% UCL 7 0.83 2.4 x 10-6 Maximum 11 1.2 3.6 x 10-6 *Note: The Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund states that the resulting cancer risk estimates should be expressed using one significant figure only (EPA 2009). However, the USACE report used two significant figures, which have been preserved in this table. All of the 95% UCL non-cancer HQ values were below one. The cancer risk values associated with the 95% UCL were also all below the target of 10-4. However, if one applies a cancer risk target of 10-6, which the EPA recommends in the J&E user's manual, the cancer risk of PCE and TCE exceed the target (EQM 2004). These HQ and risk values were derived using RfC and URF values that were current on IRIS as of 2012 (USACE 2012). The risk assessment calculations were revised using RfC and URF values that are current as of 2014 (EPA 2014). Table 3 provides a comparison of the updated RfC and URF values and the values that were current at the time of the vapor intrusion investigation. Table 3: Comparison of RfC and URF Values RfC (mg/in3) URF (m3/tg) 2012 2014 2012 2014 Chloroform 0.023 0.023 N/A N/A PCE 0.271 0.04 5.9 x 10-3 2.6 x 10-7 TCE 0.002 0.002 6.1 10-6 4.1 x 10-6 x Table 4 provides risk assessment results using the 2014 toxicity values. The URF value for chloroform has not changed; therefore, this chemical is not included in this table. 59 Table 4: Revised Noncarcinogenic Hazard Quotient and Cancer Risk Values for CHCs Using 2014 Toxicity Values Chemical PCE TCE Indoor Air Concentration (ptg/n 3) Non-Cancer HQ Cancer Risk 95% UCL 2 0.011 4 x 10-8 Maximum 6 0.034 1 95% UCL 7 0.8 2 x 10-6 Maximum 11 1.3 4 x 10-6 x 10-7 For this revised set of toxicity values, the carcinogenic risk for PCE is no longer in excess of either target risk value. The carcinogenic risk for inhalation of TCE, however, exceeds the more stringent target risk value of 10-6. Therefore, further investigation of the exposure pathway for this chemical is warranted. As discussed previously, on-site activities may have impacted indoor air concentrations and the associated cancer risks of PCE and TCE. The EPA J&E spreadsheet models may be used to help determine the potential contribution vapor intrusion has to the indoor air concentrations. The J&E spreadsheet models and the Vol worksheet were applied to the soil gas and groundwater data for PCE and TCE. The following sections discuss the results. 4.4 Soil Gas J&E and Vol Analysis First, site information, including the SCS soil type below the slab, average soil temperature, and the dimensions of the DPW facility, were defined in the DATENTER worksheet. The values of these and other parameters are provided in Appendix C. Next, geometric means of the sub-slab soil gas concentrations for PCE and TCE were calculated. Table 5 provides the EPA J&E spreadsheet model results for the geometric mean soil gas concentration for the two contaminants of concern. The HQ and carcinogenic risk values provided by the model are based on toxicity values that were current as of 2003. Therefore, a second set of HQ and risk values were calculated, as well, that used the current toxicity values. 60 Table 5: EPA J&E Spreadsheet Model Results for PCE and TCE for Soil Gas Geometric Mean of the Chemical Sub-slab Soil Gas Samples Predicted Predicted a Indoor Air Concentration carcnogeni HQ (2014) carcinogenic HQ (2003) Carcinogenic Risk (2003) 1.1 x 10 5 1 x 10-8 1.6 x 10~4 7 x 10-7 3 Carcinogenic Risk (2014) (pg/m 3 ) (tg/m) PCE TCE 23.7 69.1 0.00119 0.0012 0.0282 0.0827 4.7 x 10- 4 9.4 x 10 6 x 10 0 3 x 10- The predicted indoor air concentrations and associated HQ and risk values are at least one order The cause of this discrepancy is likely the of magnitude less than the measured values. contribution of DPW facility activities and materials to the indoor air concentrations. For both chemicals, the predicted noncarcinogenic HQ does not exceed the target of one and the carcinogenic risk does not exceed the EPA-recommended target of 10-6. As part of the Vol analysis, therefore, the potential for the predicted model output to exceed the EPA-recommended carcinogenic risk targets was investigated. This analysis would help determine if a human health risk still may exist due to model output variability. Furthermore, if the Vol analysis results in a high percentage of simulations for which the risk is still below the target, then the Vol results could potentially be used as another line of evidence for why mitigation may not be necessary at the facility. The noncarcinogenic HQ for PCE and TCE were both much less than one and, therefore, noncarcinogenic effects were not considered further in this analysis. However, carcinogenic effects were considered. The Vol worksheet, using the soil and building parameters defined in the DATENTER worksheet and the calculated geometric standard deviation of the concentrations, calculated which groups of parameters, when varied, produce the greatest percentage of simulations that exceed the target incremental carcinogenic risk. This criterion will be referred to henceforth as the "percent change." Both the 2003 and 2014 toxicity values were used in this analysis. Although the updated toxicity values are presumably more accurate, the original EPA J&E spreadsheet model only uses the 2003 values in its calculations. Therefore, a Vol analysis that considers the 2003 toxicity values is of interest. In the case of PCE, no group of parameters produced a percent change greater than 0% for either the 2003 or 2014 toxicity values; therefore, the detailed results of this analysis will 61 not be discussed further. In the case of TCE, however, percent changes greater than 0% were produced using both the 2003 and 2014 toxicity values. Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 provide the results of these analyses. 4.4.1 Soil Gas Vol Analysis, Using the 2003 Toxicity Values The Vol analysis for TCE produced combinations of parameters that yielded percent changes greater than 40% when the 2003 toxicity values were used. A total of 16, as opposed to 64, combinations were investigated because there is only one soil stratum between the sub-slab soil gas sampling depth and the bottom of the building slab. Table 6 and Figure 17 provide the results of the Vol analysis. Possible parameter combinations are ranked from greatest to lowest percent change. It should be noted that the percent change values adjust slightly (<1%) each time the Vol spreadsheet is operated, and the values provided in the following table may change. This variability in the results is due to the fact that the randomized cumulative probability for each parameter changes each time the worksheet is operated. However, the ranking of the combinations is assumed to be constant when the percent change values for different combinations are not within 1% of each other. This has been verified by comparing results produced each time the worksheet is operated. 62 Table 6: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10- and ModelProvided Toxicity Values Parameters in Combination* Rank AP 1 2 3 4 5 X X X X X 6 X 7 8 9 10 X X 11 n, 0, C9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 12 13 14 15 16 *X Ks X X X X Number of Percent Change in Experiments Risk Category** 1 3 2 4 2 65.5 64.9 55.3 55.1 54.6 4 54.1 3 5 2 4 52.3 52.2 45.5 45.5 1 41.4 3 1 3 2 0 41.3 40.4 40.2 0.0 0.0 Parameter is varied in the combination. **The default parameter values produce a model output that is below the target risk of 10-. Therefore, this column provides the percentage of simulations for which the model output exceeds the target risk of 10-6. 70 60 * 40 A 30 320 E 10 3 0 0 Exp.#lmt Figure 17: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results - Percentage of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Risk Classification versus the Number of Experiments for TCE for Target Risk of 10' and Model-Provided Toxicity Values 63 It should be noted that the top ranking combination is not the combination that includes all of the parameters. In fact, this combination is ranked 8 th in Table 6. One explanation for this observation is the difference in how each parameter is distributed and defined by the user or model. For all parameters, except for the pressure differential, the default model parameter value is the mean (either arithmetic or geometric). Therefore, when a parameter is not turned "on" for a given combination of parameters, the Vol analysis uses the mean value as the default. However, in the case of the pressure differential, the user must define the default value. Unless the user has evidence to the contrary, the user is likely to assign a value of 4 Pa based on the instructions provided in the User's Guide. This value has been determined to be the mode, not the mean value, of the pressure differential. As a result, the default model output that all 5,000 simulations is compared to is based on both mean and mode parameter values. If the default pressure differential had instead been chosen to be the mean, then the top ranking combination would be the one with all of the parameters turned "on." The mean of a triangular distribution is calculated as follows: Mean = Minimum + Mode + Maximum 3 (29) Although using the mean would produce the expected ranking of combinations, the user-defined pressure differential, whether it is the mode or mean, is more appropriate for this Vol analysis. When the mode is used as the default pressure differential, the most critical parameter appears to be the pressure differential across the slab, as shown in Table 6. The eight combinations that produce the highest percent change in carcinogenic risk classification all include the pressure differential. No information regarding the value of the pressure differential was provided in the 2014 Draft RI/FS (Stone 2014) or the 2012 vapor intrusion evaluation (USACE 2012). Therefore, the EPA-suggested value of 4 Pa was used. There is likely, however, great variability in this value across the DPW facility. As part of the 2012 vapor intrusion evaluation, the USACE reviewed the June 2002 Test, Adjust, and Balance Report, prepared by Votta Associates, to assess the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) at the DPW Facility. Based on this report, the office spaces appear to be maintained at a slight positive pressure, whereas the garages, bays, and shops may be maintained at a slight negative pressure. It is unknown, however, if the system adjusts for winter versus summer loads (USACE 2012). 64 Figure 18 provides a histogram of the estimated carcinogenic risk values for the 5,000 simulations in the Vol worksheet when only the pressure differential is varied. The model output for the default value of 4 Pa is provided in green and the target risk of 10.6 is provided in red. 140 120 100 >-80 S-Simulations ~60 a Target Risk a Default Value -- - - - 40 20 vvEstimated Incremental Carcinogenic Risk (Per Millon) Figure 18: Frequency of Incremental Carcinogenic Risk (x 10-6) for 5,000 Simulations, as Compared to Target Risk and Default Value, for Varying Pressure Differential Values and Model-Provided Toxicity Values As the histogram shows, the default value (7 x 10~7) is below the target risk. However, as was shown in the previous table, approximately 65.5% of simulations were found to produce a calculated carcinogenic risk exceeding the target. Based on these results, it may be useful to determine the pressure differential at the sample locations throughout the DPW facility. This parameter, which largely affects the advective transport of vapors across the slab, can be measured in the field using a manometer for little to no cost. With a more accurate value of this parameter, the EPA J&E model would predict the contribution that vapor intrusion has on the carcinogenic risk of TCE at the DPW facility with reduced uncertainty. The predicted risk associated with using a pressure differential of 4 Pa is almost one order of magnitude less than the actual risk associated with the indoor air concentration of TCE. However, as the previous figure shows, there is the potential for this 65 contribution to be larger. When the pressure differential is varied, the indoor air concentration of TCE for all 5,000 simulations ranged from approximately 0.0024 to 0.33 pg/m3. These values are less than the 95% UCL of the indoor air sample TCE concentrations. The second-ranked combination, which varies the pressure differential, porosity, and water-filled porosity, produces a percent change within 1% of the top-ranked combination. As has been discussed, the values provided in Table 6 may change slightly (<1%) between model runs. Therefore, any combinations that have results within 1% of each other should be considered as essentially equal. The distribution of possible carcinogenic risk values for the second-ranked combination is provided in Figure 19. 140 120 100 N Simulations 8 Target Risk a Default Value 40 20 Estimated Incremental Carcinogenic Risk (Per Million) Figure 19: Frequency of Carcinogenic Risk (x 10~6) for 5,000 Simulations, as Compared to Target Risk and Default Value, for Varying Pressure Differential, Porosity, and Waterfilled Porosity Values and Model-Provided Toxicity Values In order to obtain more accurate values of the porosity and water-filled porosity, one must drill through the slab at the facility, collect an undisturbed soil sample, and analyze the sample for these parameters. Mathematical simulations may also help predict the value of the water-filled porosity, as was discussed in Section 3.1. Even if the porosity and water-filled porosity values obtained are assumed to be accurate, there is less value in collecting these additional data. The 66 additional costs of labor, drilling, and soil testing in order to obtain these values do not produce a different result than obtaining an improved value by investigating the pressure differential only. The analysis described above was for a target risk of 10-6. If, however, a target risk of 10-4 is used, as the USACE used in the vapor intrusion investigation, the following Vol results are obtained. Table 7: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10-4 and ModelProvided Toxicity Values Number of Percent Change in AP Ks C9 n, O, Experiments Risk Category** X X X X 3 2.7 X 5 2 4 2.7 2.1 2.0 Parameters in Combination* Rank 1 2 3 4 X X X X X X X *X = Parameter is varied in the combination. **The default parameter values produce a model output that is below the target risk of 10-4. Therefore, this column provides the percentage of simulations for which 4 the model output exceeds the target risk of 10- . The remaining 12 possible combinations all yielded percent changes below 1%. The top ranking combinations when a target risk of 10-4 is used are different from the top ranking combinations when a target risk of 10-6 is used. Figure 20 illustrates this observation. 67 1OE-02 LOE403 1.OE.04 Target Risk LOE-05 Model Output .Default ---- Measured indoor Air Risk LOE-06 C -.. L E1 M axim um -- I 75th Percentile 25th Percentile iOE09 Mwnimumn LOE-10 AP AP, n, e AP, K, n, 0 AP, K, C AP, K K, C K, C, n, 0 All Parameters In Combination Top Ranking Combinations for Target Risk of W'% I Top Ranking Combinations for Target Risk of 10D Figure 20: Ranges of Estimated Carcinogenic Risk Values for Eight Combinations of Parameters - Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE Using Model-Provided Toxicity Values As expected, the figure demonstrates that when a different combination of parameters is used, different ranges of carcinogenic risk are produced. By comparing the top four ranking combinations for each target risk, one may observe the top ranking combinations for the less stringent target risk (10 -4) all include Cg. On the other hand, the top four ranking combinations for the more stringent target risk (10-6) do not include this parameter. The wider range of values produced by including this parameter is likely caused by the great variability in the sub-slab soil gas concentrations detected at the DPW facility. The smaller range of estimated risk values for the remaining four combinations do not include values in excess of 10~4. Therefore, no percent change in carcinogenic risk category would be observed for this target value. It should be noted that the top four combinations for a target risk of 1 0 -4 produce percent changes in excess of 40% when the more stringent target risk of 10-6 is used. In other words, Cg may be a valuable parameter to investigate further in the case of a target risk of 106 , as well. Even though combinations including this parameter do not rank in the top four for the more stringent risk, the actual percent change in risk category for the simulations is greater using a risk of 10~6 than when using a risk of 1 0 ~4. 68 The results for all eight combinations can be compared to the indoor air carcinogenic risk calculated by the USACE based on the indoor air concentrations of TCE, as represented by the orange line in the figure. For consistency, this value was adjusted using the 2003 toxicity values. The median value of the carcinogenic risk for each combination lies below the calculated indoor air risk. Moreover, for the top four combinations for a target risk of 10-6, the entire range of possible carcinogenic risk values lies below the calculated indoor air risk. The majority of the simulations, therefore, produced a carcinogenic risk below the calculated risk associated with the indoor air concentrations. This observation suggests that the J&E Vol worksheet for a soil gas sample largely produced results within an acceptable range of values. 4.4.2 Soil Gas Vol Analysis, Using the 2014 Toxicity Values If, instead, the updated URF value for TCE is used in the analysis, different results emerge. In the default scenario, the model predicts a carcinogenic risk below 10-6 . Therefore, the percent of simulations in which the model predicts a carcinogenic risk in excess of the target would be an appropriate value to investigate. When a target risk of 10- 4 is used, no combinations yield a percent change greater than 1%. When a target of 10-6 is used, however, the results in Table 8 are produced. Table 8: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 10~6 and Updated Toxicity Values Rank 1 2 3 4 AP X X Parameters in Combination* C9 Ks X X X X X X X X 5 X X 6 7 X X X 8 X n, 0W X X X X X Number of Experiments 3 5 2 4 Percent Change in Risk Category** 10.1 9.9 7.5 7.5 2 1.7 4 3 1.6 0.6 1 0.6 *X = Parameter is varied in the combination. **The default parameter values produce a model output that is below the target risk of 10- . Therefore, this column provides the percentage of simulations for which the model output exceeds the target risk of 10-'. The remaining eight possible combinations all yielded percent changes equal to 0%. It should be noted that these remaining eight combinations all excluded Cg. The user may decide, therefore, that this parameter is the most critical parameter. The greatest impact on the percent change in 69 risk category occurs when all the parameters, with the exception of the porosity and the waterfilled porosity, are varied. However, based on the percent change values in the table, the cost in collecting these data will likely not be offset by an improved understanding of the inhalation carcinogenic risk for TCE. A rigorous cost-benefit analysis was not included in the scope of this work, however, one could be included in future research on this topic. The rankings and percentages provided in Table 8 are different from those provided in Table 6. The only difference between the model inputs for each set of results was the URF value for TCE. As shown in Table 5, the default risk using the 2003 URF value was greater than the default risk using the 2014 URF value. This decrease in risk values that is observed using the updated URF value would cause all 5,000 simulations to have decreased risk values, as well. As a result, a smaller percentage of simulations with a calculated risk value that exceeds the target of 10-6 would be observed. It should also be noted that different parameters were determined to be critical depending on the URF value used. When the 2003 URF value is used, the critical parameter for a target risk of 10 6 was determined to be AP. When the 2014 URF value is used, the critical parameter for a target risk of 10-6 was determined to be Cg. The potential cause of this observation has not been determined. However, this observation illustrates the impact that the URF value has on determining what data to collect, and the importance of updating the URF value prior to operating the J&E model and Vol worksheet. In summary, the four toxicity/risk scenarios considered in the Vol analysis are as follows: 1. Target risk of 10-6, using the model-provided toxicity values; 2. Target risk of 10-4, using the model-provided toxicity values; 3. Target risk of 10-6, using the updated toxicity values; and, 4. Target risk of 10-4, using the updated toxicity values. A summary of these four scenarios is provided in Table 9. Results for 15 combinations are considered because the 16th combination is the case when no parameters are varied. 70 Table 9: Soil Gas Vol Analysis Results for TCE for Four Toxicity/Risk Scenarios URF Value Source ModelProvided (2003) Updated (2014) Calculated Indoor Air Risk 6 x 10 5 Model Default Risk 100 Default Risk is Above/ Below Target Below Simulations Considered if Above/ Below Target Above # of Combinations with Percent Change in Risk Category >1% 14 Approx. Range of Percent Change Values for all 15 Combinations 0-65.5 104 Below Above 4 0-2.6 10- B Below Below Above Above 6 0 0-10.1 All 0 Target Risk 7 x 10-7 1 2 x 10-6 3 x 10- 10 In all cases, as would be expected, the carcinogenic risk calculated using the indoor air analytical results is greater than the predicted contribution of risk due to vapor intrusion. This result is likely due to activities and materials at the DPW facility contributing to the indoor air concentrations in addition to the contributions from vapor intrusion. The closer the default risk prediction is to the target risk value, the greater the percent of simulations with a change in carcinogenic risk category. The difference between the default risk and the target risk depend largely on the user-defined URF value and the user-defined target risk. The parameters that are most critical change depending on the toxicity/risk scenario. For example, when the model- provided URF value and a target risk of 10~6 are used, the pressure differential is most critical. However, in other toxicity/risk scenarios, combinations including this parameter have less of an impact on the percent change. 4.5 Groundwater J&E and Vol Analysis A similar process to the one described above was used to predict the indoor air carcinogenic risk associated with vapor intrusion from a groundwater source. The same input parameters were defined in the DATENTER worksheet for the groundwater source J&E model as in the soil gas sample J&E model, as shown in Appendix C. A geometric mean of the groundwater concentrations for PCE and TCE at the two shallow wells, SEI-01 and SEI-02, were calculated. Table 10 provides the EPA J&E spreadsheet model results for the two contaminants of concern. 71 Table 10: EPA J&E Spreadsheet Model Results for PCE and TCE for a Groundwater Source Chemical Geometric Mean of the Grondte uwaer Samples Predicted Peitd Indoor Air a Concentration 3 (Pg/m Noncarcinon nogeni HQ (2003) Predicted Carcinogenic Noncarcinogenic Risk (2003) HQ (2014) Carcinogenic Risk (2014) (pg/L) * PCE 0.77 0.000486 0.126 4.8 x 10- 6 x 10-' TCE 32.9 0.000517 3.50 0.02 3 x 10- This value rounds to 1x 10-6, but is calculated as 1.2 x 7.2 x 10-4 0.398 3 x 10-9 1 x 10-6 * 10-6. The predicted HQ and carcinogenic risk values for PCE are at least one order of magnitude less than the values calculated using the indoor air concentrations (see Table 4 for comparison). The predictions for the HQ and carcinogenic risk for TCE, however, are less than, but within, one order of magnitude of the values calculated using the indoor air concentrations. This difference between PCE and TCE could potentially be due to a greater use of PCE than TCE at the facility. Similarly to the Vol analysis described in Section 4.4, the Vol worksheet for a groundwater source was used for both PCE and TCE for the four possible toxicity/risk scenarios. Screenshots of the Vol worksheet for PCE and TCE are provided in Appendix C. The default noncarcinogenic HQ for PCE and TCE (provided in Table 10) were both much less than one and, therefore, were not considered in this analysis. In the case of PCE, because the default carcinogenic risk was below the targets of 104 and 10-6, the Vol analysis was conducted to assess the potential for the model output to be greater than the targets. The Vol worksheet, using the soil and building parameters defined in the DATENTER worksheet and the calculated geometric standard deviation of the groundwater concentrations, calculated which groups of parameters, when varied, produce the greatest percentage of simulations that exceed the target risk. No group of parameters produced a percent change greater than 1% for any of the four scenarios listed above for PCE; therefore, the detailed results of these analyses will not be discussed further. In contrast to PCE, the Vol analysis results for TCE for two of the four toxicity/risk scenarios revealed combinations of parameters with percent changes in the carcinogenic risk category greater than 1%. The Vol analysis results for all four scenarios for TCE are provided in Table 11. In the case of the groundwater source model for the DPW facility, a total of 32 combinations (including the combination in which no parameters are varied) are possible. 72 Table 11: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE for Four Toxicity/Risk Scenarios URF Value Source Calculated Indoor Air Risk Model Default Risk Provided (2003) 6 x 10- Updated Updated) (2014) 2 x 10 -6 Default Risk is Above/ Below Target Simulations Considered if Above/ Below Target # of Combinations with Percent Change in Risk Category >1% Approximate Range of Percent Change Values for all 31 Combinations 10-6 Above Below 0 0-0.1 5 10-4 Below Above 16 0-4.7 -6 10-6 Above Below 30 0_All_ 0-50.1 Model5 Target Rgek Risk 3 x 10- 1 x 10A* i0 4 Below Above 0 All 0 * This value rounds to I x 10-6, but is calculated as 1.2 x 10-6. Therefore, it is greater than 10.6, and simulations that are below this target are considered in Vol analysis. As would be expected, the calculated indoor air risk is greater than the model default risk for all toxicity/risk scenarios. The greatest range of percent change values was calculated for the Vol analysis scenario in which the updated URF value and the more stringent target risk are used. This scenario will be discussed in more detail. This toxicity/risk scenario not only provides the greatest range of percent change values; it also includes the URF and target risk values that would most likely be used in a risk assessment. Table 12 and Figure 21 provide the detailed results of the Vol analysis for this toxicity/risk scenario. 73 Table 12: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE for a Target Risk of 106 and Updated Toxicity Values Number of Experiments Percent Change in Risk Category** X 4 2 5 3 3 50.1 48.1 47.8 45.7 44.8 X 5 42.2 X X 4 3 41.9 41.0 X 1 6 39.9 39.8 3 1 4 2 39.1 38.6 37.8 37.5 Parameters in Combination* Rank AP I 2 3 4 5 6 X K sP K C g X X X X X X X X X X X X 9 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 17 18 19 20 21 X X X X X 22 X 23 X X 24 X X X X X X 4 36.4 X X X 2 4 4 2 5 5 35.2 34.2 33.9 31.5 31.1 30.9 3 28.5 2 28.4 X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 26.8 X 2 21.7 X 3 18.9 X X 3 4 15.5 15.0 X 26 X 27 28 X X X 29 30 X X X 1 2 9.6 8.1 X 1 0 31 0 32 = X X X 25 * X X 12 13 14 15 n O '0 X X 7 8 11 Particle Diameter Parameter is varied in the combination. **The default parameter values produce a model output that is above the target risk of 10-. Therefore, this column provides the percentage of simulations for which the model output is below the target risk of 106. 74 60 150 + + + + 40 -+ 230 0 1 3 2 45 6 # Expeimofts Figure 21: Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results - Percentage of Simulations with Change in Carcinogenic Risk Classification versus the Number of Experiments for TCE for Target Risk of 10-6 and Updated Toxicity Values Figure 22 provides the possible ranges of the top 8 combinations along with the model default risk, the target risk, and the calculated risk associated with the indoor air concentrations. 75 :1-04 . Target Risk Default Model Output Measured Indoor Air Risk Maximum 11 :-06 75th Percentile Median 25th Percentile E - Minimum -- IE-CS K, C n, 0 K, CC, Diameter, n. e K, C Diameter AP,K C K, n, 0 n, e K, Diameter, n, 8 C n. 0 Parameters in Combination Figure 22: Ranges of Estimated Carcinogenic Risk Values for Eight Combinations of Parameters - Groundwater Source Vol Analysis Results for TCE Using Updated Toxicity Values For every combination in the figure, the measured indoor air risk is greater than the 7 5 '1 quartile of the estimated carcinogenic risk values. This observation suggests that, for each combination, more than half of the J&E Vol worksheet results are within what would be expected for this site. Furthermore, the median risk value for all of the combinations is approximately equal to the target risk, as would be expected from the results in Table 12. This observation indicates that, for the DPW facility, the contribution to the indoor air carcinogenic risk that can be associated with vapor intrusion from groundwater may be within an acceptable risk range. This finding may influence decisions regarding how to mitigate or remediate the site. As part of this decision-making, an engineer may choose to use the EPA J&E groundwater source default model results to determine if the risk associated with vapor intrusion exceeds the target risk of 10-6. If it does, as is the case for the DPW facility, the model user may decide to mitigate this risk. However, as the results for this case study suggest, the Vol analysis may yield simulation results that are largely below this target risk. Therefore, it may be cost-effective to refine the parameter values to determine if the risk associated with vapor intrusion from the 76 groundwater actually exceeds the target. If it does not, then mitigation and remediation costs may decrease. For this case study, the results indicate that the hydraulic conductivity of the soil stratum immediately below the slab is likely the most critical parameter. The top seven combinations in Table 12 and Figure 22 all include this parameter and, when only one experiment is conducted, it is this parameter that causes the greatest percent change in the carcinogenic risk category. The user can reduce the uncertainty in the hydraulic conductivity value by either collecting a sample and analyzing for this parameter, or conducting a slug or pumping test. The groundwater concentration, however, may also be useful to investigate further. The top four combinations all include this parameter. Furthermore, the percent change when only this parameter is varied is within 1% of the percent change when the hydraulic conductivity is varied. This result is expected in part because the geometric mean and standard deviation of the groundwater concentrations were calculated based on only two data points (one round of sampling at two wells). Therefore, the potential for high variability in the simulated groundwater concentrations would be expected. The uncertainty in the groundwater concentration could be reduced with additional rounds of sampling and/or the installation of additional shallow wells. Depending on the anticipated groundwater monitoring program at the facility, these additional data points may come at no extra cost. For example, if an additional well is scheduled to be installed and sampled, then reducing the uncertainty in the groundwater concentration will come at no additional cost. If that is the case, then combinations that only include the groundwater concentration may be of interest. Under the assumption that additional groundwater data will be collected, the decision tree in Figure 23 may aid an engineer in determining which other parameters may be of interest. 77 55 C,K^n0 50 C 0C,C,,n, CKD 3 45 C,KAP,n,6 .240 S C,K,D, C,KAnO C D AP,n,e cCK, 35 C n,O E CCAPCP, 30 C,DAP 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 # Experiments Figure 23: Decision Tree for Groundwater Vol Analysis of TCE C = groundwater concentration; K = hydraulic conductivity; D = mean particle diameter; n = porosity; 0 = water-filled porosity; AP = pressure differential Each node in the decision tree represents a combination of parameters that can be investigated. Starting with the first node, which only considers the groundwater concentration, an engineer can decide which single parameter to investigate next by considering nodes that contain two experiments. Based on the results in Figure 23, investigating the hydraulic conductivity yields the greatest percentage of simulated carcinogenic risks that are below the target. The decision tree can also be used at later starting points than just the node labeled as "C." For example, if a slug test has also already been scheduled at the site, then the starting point would be the node labeled as "C,K." From this node, additional parameters could be selected that would yield increased percentages of simulated carcinogenic risks that are below the target. In this scenario, additionally investigating the porosity and water-filled porosity would provide the greatest percentage of simulated carcinogenic risks that are below the target. When the cost of groundwater sampling is covered by other items in a project budget, this analysis can help an engineer determine other parameters to investigate. However, if there is a 78 cost associated with collecting and analyzing additional groundwater samples, then a cost-benefit analysis would be required to determine which parameters or combinations of parameters should be investigated further. Under the assumption that the default model output value for the carcinogenic risk is accurate, a cost estimate of the anticipated remediation or mitigation costs could be produced. Next, the cost to obtain the value of each parameter as well as the combined cost of the parameters in each combination would need to be calculated. Combinations that have costs less than the cost of the anticipated remedial or mitigation design could be analyzed in the Vol worksheet. The combination that produces the greatest percent change for the lowest cost would likely be selected as part of a future site investigation. 4.6 Comparison of the Groundwater and Soil Gas Model Results The results of the groundwater and soil gas J&E and Vol analyses differ. When the soil gas EPA J&E model was applied to the soil gas data from the site, the model predicted an incremental carcinogenic risk below the target of 10-6 for TCE. The Vol analysis, therefore, determined which combinations of parameters produced simulated risk values exceeding this target. When the groundwater EPA J&E model was applied to the groundwater data from the site, however, the model predicted an incremental carcinogenic risk above the target of 10-6 for TCE. The Vol analysis then determined which combinations of parameters produced simulated risk values exceeding this target. Both the soil gas and groundwater models rely on the calculation of an attenuation factor, which provides the ratio of the indoor air concentration of a contaminant to either: m the sub-slab soil gas concentration directly at the sample point, in the case of the soil gas model; or, " the sub-slab soil gas concentration immediately above the groundwater table, in the case of the groundwater model. Both models calculate the attenuation factor using Equation 21 in Section 2.1, which for reference is reproduced below: 79 SDqf7A exp B DcrackAcrack Qhu10dinglT , a- 'I A 8 exp QClLDracT Df A Q~~rc+ Dcrackcra ( Q6uilding Q1ollLcrack _ A QiiLcrac 3exp .+ Pf T \ si IT _ Dcrack Acrack D_, D (21) -1dcrc All of the quantities in this equation are the same in the groundwater and soil gas models, except for LT and Df. LT, which is the distance from the bottom of the slab to the sub-slab soil gas point of reference, would be larger in the groundwater model than in the soil gas model. In the soil gas model, D', which is the effective diffusion coefficient in the subsurface, would be calculated based on the diffusion coefficient in the portion of the sand layer below the DPW facility that is in the vadose zone. In the groundwater model, D 1 would be calculated based on the diffusion coefficients in the vadose zone and in the capillary zone. The attenuation factor in both models is multiplied by the source soil gas concentrations to predict the concentration in the indoor air. In the case of the soil gas model, the source concentration is the user-defined mean sub-slab soil gas concentration. In the case of the groundwater model, the source concentration is calculated using Henry's Law and the userdefined mean groundwater concentration. Despite these differences, the predicted indoor air concentration should be the same for both models. The cause of the discrepancy in the predicted values can be investigated by determining the soil gas concentration below the slab that is predicted by the groundwater model. This value can then be compared to the measured sub-slab concentrations. The EPA J&E groundwater model does not provide the sub-slab concentration directly; therefore, this value had to be calculated using the following equation: Csg where c"do"rair asg (30) Csg = predicted soil gas concentration of TCE at the depth that the soil gas measurements were collected Cindoor air = predicted indoor air concentration of TCE by using the groundwater model 80 asg = predicted ratio of the indoor air concentration to the soil gas concentration at the depth that the soil gas measurements were collected This equation was applied to the indoor air concentration predicted by the EPA J&E groundwater source spreadsheet using the default parameter values. The predicted sub-slab concentration was thereby calculated to be 4,160 ptg/m 3 , which is outside the range of the measured values (9.8 to 355 pg/m3 ). The geometric mean of the measured values, 69 tg/m 3, which was used as the source concentration in the soil gas model, is two orders of magnitude less than the predicted value in the groundwater model. Therefore, the EPA J&E groundwater model did not accurately predict the measured concentrations immediately below the slab at the DPW facility. This inaccuracy could be due to any number of the limitations discussed in Section 2.3. 81 5. Conclusions and Opportunities for Future Research The investigation described above as applied to the former Nike Battery PR-58 case study demonstrates how Vol analyses can be used to better predict the EPA J&E spreadsheet model results. The Vol analysis provides the user with a helpful tool in determining to what potential degree concentrations of contaminants of concern in the indoor air of a building can be attributed to vapor intrusion. Vol also allows the model user to better select which otherwise uncertain parameters to investigate further. When the default model output exceeds the target carcinogenic risk, the Vol analysis worksheet helps the model user select parameters that, with improved accuracy, could reduce remediation or mitigation costs. When the model output is below the target risk, the Vol analysis worksheet helps the model user determine if a human health risk still may exist due to model output variability. Furthermore, if the Vol analysis results in a high percentage of simulations for which the risk is still below the target, then practitioners could potentially use this as another line of evidence for why mitigation may not be necessary. The J&E spreadsheet model output values rely on the user-defined soil and building parameter values; the built-in chemical, toxicity, and soil parameter values; and the user-defined target carcinogenic risk and noncarcinogenic hazard quotient. The results of the case study demonstrate that variability in these parameters causes variability in the model-predicted indoor air concentrations of contaminants and the associated incremental carcinogenic risk. The Vol worksheets that have been developed for the EPA J&E groundwater source and soil gas sample models have several features that could be improved. The following list provides suggestions for future research: " Improved methods of representing cost and value: Section 4.5 closed with a general discussion of how the user can take the Vol worksheet results to make remedial investigation decisions. An improved version of the worksheet could include a built-in cost analysis. This analysis would require the user to provide an estimate of the mitigation or remediation costs for the site, based on the default model risk result, as well as the cost of investigating each parameter or group of parameters. Combinations of parameters that would cost less than the anticipated remedial cost would be identified. For these combinations only, a plot of the percent change in the carcinogenic risk 82 category for the 5,000 simulations versus the cost of the investigation would then be generated. - Additionalparameters to investigate: The building parameters that were not included in the worksheet (i.e. the building mixing height and the indoor air exchange rate) could be included in a future version of the Vol analysis worksheet. - Additional case studies: The Vol worksheets should be applied to other sites to identify other areas of improvement. Applying data from other sites to the worksheets would also help to identify trends in analysis results. * Expanding VoI to other vapor intrusion models: This study only considered the EPA J&E spreadsheet models for soil gas and groundwater sources. Other models, including BioVapor, should be considered in future research. - Improvements to the EPA J&E spreadsheet models: This study identified several of the key assumptions and limitations of the EPA J&E spreadsheet models for soil gas and groundwater sources. With these limitations in mind, an improved spreadsheet model could be developed. In conclusion, improved applications of Vol to vapor intrusion models, as identified above, can help engineers and scientists make better remedial investigation decisions and conclusions. 83 6. References Abreu, L.D.V. 2005. "A transient three-dimensional numerical model to simulate vapor intrusion into buildings." Ph.D. diss. Arizona State Univ., Tempe. Abreu, Lilian D. V., and Paul C. Johnson. 2006. "Simulating the Effect of Aerobic Biodegradation on Soil Vapor Intrusion into Buildings: Influence of Degradation Rate, Source Concentration, and Depth." Environmental Science & Technology 40 (7) (April): 2304-2315. doi:10.1021/es051335p. 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John Wiley & Sons, New York. 89 Appendix A: Detailed Equations and Structure of Vol Worksheets 90 Groundwater Vol Worksheet Structure and Governing Equations The VoL spreadsheet that was developed includes the following worksheets: " DATENTER: The user-defined worksheet that is included in the original J&E spreadsheet; - CHEMPROPS: The chemical properties worksheet that is included in the original J&E spreadsheet; " VLOOKUP: The soil and chemical properties worksheet that is included in the original J&E spreadsheet; * Vol: The worksheet that provides the results of the value of information analysis; and, " VOICALCS: The worksheet in which all intermediate calculations are made that lead to the results in the VOI worksheet. Figure A - 1 provides the table in the groundwater Vol worksheet that contains the user-defined values. It should be noted that the CAS Registry Number for the chemical of concern is selected in a drop-down menu, and the equation in cell L2 provides the name of the chemical of concern. K - L - - -- o P Higghted ceb must be Md In. 2 Chemical of Concern SArithmetic mean groundwater concentration, C. (ug/L) SArithmetic Standard Deviation of C, (ug/L) s Geometric mean groundwater concentration, Cw (ug/L) r Geometric Standard Deviation of Cw (ug/L) 7 Updated URF (ug/m 33) a Updated RfC (mg/M ) s New Construction? (Y or N) [ 8 =VLOOKUP(K2,VLOOKUPIA25:B132,2,FALSE) 0.4 Please provide EITHER the arithmetic OR the geometric mean/standard deviation. Leave K7 and K8 blank if values in VLOOKUP are up-to-date. 0-0000041 0002 N Figure A - 1: User-Defined Table in Groundwater Vol Worksheet From the user-defined values in the DATENTER worksheet, the Vol worksheet generates a table of building and soil parameter values, as demonstrated by the example in Figure A - 2. 91 B A 0 C Building properties default min AP 40 0 E F max 200 Distribution Triangular 0.048 Uniform 8 S 8 9 Soil properties 0.038 0,04 Particle Diameter of Stratum Above Water Table avg min max 0.375 - - oW^ 0.054 0 053 0.055 K5 kv 26.78 N/A - - Distribution Normal Uniform Log Normal N/A N/A N/A nB ows 0.481 0.216 - -- 0.110 0.320 Normal Uniform 0 049 0.1 n A B C nc 0.39 EAC 0,076 -- Normal Uniform Figure A - 2: Parameter Ranges and Distributions Table - Groundwater Vol Worksheet The values provided for the pressure differential in Figure A - 2 are calculated based on the equations in Figure A - 3. B 1I C Building properties default 0EF mm max Distribution =IF(ISBLANK( =IF(ISBLANK( =IF(ISBLANK( =lF(C3="N/A" DATENTERIM48),IF( DATENTER!M48), DATENTERIM48), "N/A", K9="Y" "N/A", IF(K9="Y",N/A". IF(K9="Y","N/A", "Triangular") DATENTER!F48) "N/A") 0),"N/A") 200),"N/A") Figure A - 3: Pressure Differential Range Equations 92 The values provided for the particle diameter are calculated based on the equations in Figure A 4. A F a Soil properties 10 =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI Particle Diameter of $L$28'VLOOKUP with $L$28'VLOOKUP with $L$28,'VLOOKUP with Stratum Above ranges'I$A$3:$U$14, 8, ranges'I$A$3:$U$14, 18, ranges'f$A$:$U$14, 19, Water Table FALSE) FALSE) FALSE) Uniform 11 Figure A - 4: Particle Diameter Range Equations The values provided for the soil stratum A parameters are calculated based on the equations in Figure A - 5 and Figure A - 6. A D C B E min A A~ 16 o A =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI $E$38,VLOOKUP with ranges'l$A$3:$U$14, 6, FALSE) Normal =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI $E$38,VLOOKUP with $E$38'VLOOKUP with =VLOOKUP(DATENTERI $E$38,VLOOKUP with Uniform ranges'!$A$3:$U$14, 10, ranges'I$A$3:$U$14, 20, ranges'I$A$3:$U$14, 21, FALSE) FALSE) 17 K, Distribution max FALSE) =IF(ISBLANK( DATENTERtM48),IF(C19 ="N/A" VLOOKUP( DATENTER!$E$38, VLOOKUP with ranges'! =IF(C18="N/A", "N/A,Log Normal") $A$3:$U$14, 2, FALSE), "N/A"),"N/A") 18 Figure A - 5: Soil Stratum A Parameter Range Equations a -t 0 f =lF(ISBLANK(DATENTERIM48), IF( =IF(ISBLANK(DATENTERIM48),IF( ISBLANK(DATENTERI$O$28),"NA",IF( ISBLANK(DATENTER$0$28),"N/A,IF( =lF(ISBLANK( DATENTERIM48), kv IF(ISBLANK( DATENTER $0$28),"NIA", DATENTERIO28), "N/A") DATENTERI$0$28>VLOOKUP with rangeslB21,IF(DATENTERf$0$28<= VLOOKUP with ranges'C21.VLOOKUP with ranges'lB21,IF(DATENTER1$0$28< -VLOOKUP with ranges'IC20VLOOKUP with ranges'lB20,F(DATENTERI$0$28< VLOOKUP with ranges'Cl9'VLOOKUP with ranges'B19,F(DATENTERI$0$28< -VLOOKUP with ranges'C18,VLOOKUP with ranges'1B18,"ERROR")))),IF( DATENTERI$0$28=VLOOKUP with ranges'B21,10^-11,"ERROR"))),"N/A") DATENTERI$0$28<VLOOKUP with ranges'C18,IF(DATENTERl$0$28>= VLOOKUP with ranges'1B18,VLOOKUP with ranges'1C18,IF(DATENTERI$0$28> -IF(C19="N/A", =VLOOKUP with ranges'B19,VLOOKUP "N/K, with ranges'!C19,1F(DATENTER!$0$28> 'UIfform") =VLOOKUP with ranges'lB20,VLOOKUP with ranges'1C20,lF(DATENTERl$0$28>= VLOOKUP with ranges'IB21 VLOOKUP with ranges'IC21,"ERROR")))),IF( DATENTERI$O$28=VLOOKUP with ranges'C18,10^-5,"ERROR"))),N/A") is Figure A - 6: Permeability Range Equations 93 The values provided for the soil strata B and C parameters are calculated based on the equations in Figure A - 7. A B c 8 -- C 0 n1 =lF(DATENTER!$I$28= 0,"N/A",VLOOKUP( DATENIERI$l$38, VLOOKUP with ranges'! $A$3:$U$14, 6, FALSE)) 68 =IF(DATENTERI$l$28=0, "N/A",VLOOKUP( DATENTERI$l$38, VLOOKUP with ranges'! $A$3:$U$14. 10, FALSE)) F =IF(DATENTERi$I$28= =lF(DATENTERI$l$28= =IF(C22="N/A" 0,"N/A",--") 0,"N/A","--") "N/A","Normal") =IF(DATENTER! $l$28=0,"N/A". VLOOKUP( DATENTER!$l$38, VLOOKUP with ranges'!$A$3:$U$14, 20, FALSE)) =IF(DATENTER! $l$28=0,"N/A" VLOOKUP( DATENTERI$$38, VLOOKUP with ranges'!$A$3:$U$14, 21, FALSE)) =IF(OR(DATENTER! $J$28=0,DATENTER! $l$28=0),"N/A","--") =IF(OR(DATENTERI $J$28=0,DATENTERI =lF(C23="N/A", "N/A","Uniform") 24 C =IF(OR(DATENTER!$J$28=0, DATENTER!$l$28=0),"N/A" nc VLOOKUP(DATENTER! n~ $M$38.'VLOOKUP with ranges'!$A$3:$U$14, 6, FALSE)) $l$28=0),"N/A","---") =IF(C26="N/A". "N/A" "Normal") =IF(OR(DATENTER! =IF(OR(DATENTER! =IF(OR(DATENTER!$J$28=0, $J$28=0,DATENTER! $J$28=0DATENTER! DATENTERi$l$28=0),"N/A", $l$28=0),"N/A". $l$28=0),"N/A", VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$M$38, VLOOKUP(DATENTER! VLOOKUP(DATENTER! =lF(C27="N/A". VLOOKUP with ranges'!$A$3. $M$38'VLOOKP with $M$38,'VLOOKUP with "N/A","Uniform") $U$14, 10, FALSE)) ranges'!$A$3:$U$14, ranges'!$A$3:$U$14. 20, FALSE)) 21, FALSE)) 6,c Figure A - 7: Soil Strata B and C Parameter Range Equations The 5,000 simulations of random cumulative probabilities for each parameter are created using the equations in Figure A - 8. It should be noted that the equations in row 19 are representative of the equations in rows 19 through 5018 in the Vol worksheet. N 1 Simulation 1s Default 19 1 AP Ks C', =RAND() =RAND() =RAND() 0 Random Number Generation Particle Diameter nA EA =RAND() =RAND() =RAND() a n oo ow =RAND() =RAND() =RAND() =RAND() Figure A - 8: Random Number Generator Equations 94 nc From these random probabilities, the default (row 18) and simulated parameter (row 19) values are calculated as shown in Figure A - 9. It should be noted that row 19 is representative of rows 19 through 5018 in the Vol worksheet. As~ V W AP =IF($C$18= "N/A",$B$19, $B$18) thesa columns are 16 17 =IF( $G$3= "N/A"," $C$3) 1s 19 CALCSI A15 C. Particle DIAMeter =IF(AND( =IF( $C$19="N/A", $C$18="N/A"), ISBLANK =$C$11 "",IF($W$17= (K3),K5, "kv"$C$19, K3) $C$18)) =Vol C C CALCSIB15 =Vo1l =Vo C 5S I CALCS! C15 D15 AC AD no (" nc =IF( $C$22= $C$22) =lF( $C$23= "N/A""", $C$23) =IF( $C$26= "N/A" $C$26) =Vol=Vol=VolCALCSI CALCSI CALCSI F15 G15 E15 =VolcALcS! H-15 =VolCALCSI 115 A always occupled. A =$C$16 =$C$17 "N/A", c =IF( $C$27= "N/A" , $C$27) =VoCALCS! J15 Figure A - 9: Default and Random Parameter Value Generator Equations The randomized parameter values are calculated in the VOICALCS worksheet as follows. First, the toggle cell value in the Vol worksheet is duplicated in the VOICALCS worksheet, as shown in Figure A - 10. 0 N a =VOI!A113 Toggle Figure A - 10: Toggle Cell Equations 95 Next, the parameter values are randomized. In Figure A - 11 through Figure A - 14, the cells in row 9 determine whether or not a parameter will be randomized based on the toggle cell value. Row 14 provides the default value of the parameter and row 15 provides the randomized or default value, depending on the value calculated in row 9. It should be noted that row 15 is representative of rows 15 through 5014. A =1*MID(N9,1,1) 9 10 11 12 AP 13 14 15 =VOI!V18 =IF(VOI!$C$3="N/A",",IF($A$9=0,VOI!$C$3,IF(VOI! J19<=(40-VO!$D$3)/(VOI!$E$3VOI!$D$3),VOI!$D$3+SQRT(VOI!J19*(VOI!$E$3VOI!$D$3)*(40-VOI!$D$3)),VOI!$E$3-SQRT((1 VOI!J19)*(VOI!$E$3-VOI!$D$3)*(VOI!$E$340))))) Figure A - 11: Simulated Pressure Differential Equations a 9 =1*MID(N9,2,1) 10 11 12 13 =IF(VOI!$C$18="N/A",VOi!$B$19,VOIi$B$18) =VOIIW18 =IF(AND(VOi!$C$19="N/A".VOII$C$18="N/A" ),"".IF(VOI!$W$17="kv" IF($B$9=O,VOII$C$1 9,VOl!$D$19+(VOlIK19*(VOI$E$19VOI'$D$19))),IF($B$9=0,VO!$C$18,LOGINV (VOlIK19,LN(VOI$C$18),((LN(10)/LOG(1Q))* VLOOKUP(DATENTERI$E$38,'VLOOKUP is with ranges'!$A$3$U$14,12,FALSE)))))) 14 Figure A - 12: Simulated Hydraulic Conductivity or Permeability Equations C0 9 =1MID(N9,3,1) EF =1*MID(N9,4,1) =1*MID(N9,5,1) =1*MD(N9,6 1) 10 These columns are always occupied. 12 1 1 Cw =VOIIX18 Particle Diameter =VOIIY18 nA =VOI!Z18 OwA =VOIIAA18 =IF($C$9=0,F(SBLANK(VO =IF($E$9=0,VOI!$C$16,N i$K$3),VOI!$K$5,VOII$K$3).l =IF($D$9=0,VOI!$C$ ORMINV(VOIIN19,VOI!$C =IF($F$9=0,VOI!$C$ F(ISBLANK(VOI!$K$3),LOGI 11,VOI!$D$1 1+(VOi! $16,VLOOKUP(DATENTE 17,VOlI$D$17+(VOli NV(VOIIL19,LN(VOII$K$5),L M19*(VOII$E$11RI$E$38YVLOOKUP with 019*(VOll$E$17N(VOI!$K$6)),NORMINV(VO! VOI!$D$1 1))) ranges'f$A$3:$U$14,15,F VOI!$D$17))) L19.VOI!$K$3,VOI!$K$4))) ALSE))) Figure A - 13: Simulated Groundwater Concentration, Particle Diameter, and Soil Stratum A Parameter Equations 96 J I 9 =1*MID(N9,,1) =1*M1D(N9,8,1) =1*M1D(N9,9,1) =1*MID(N9,10,1) nB =VOIIAB18 OwB =VOltAC18 nC =VOILAD18 =VOIIAE18 10 11 12 13 14 OwC =IF(VOI!$C$26=N/K,"'IF($1$9 =1F(VOI$C$27="N/A =IF(VO1I$c$23="WA 9=0,VOlt$C$22,NORMNV(VOl1 ","",IF($H$9=0,VOII$ =O,VO 1$C$26,NORMINV(VO1 R ,"IIF($J$9-0,VOII$C 19,VO11$C$26,VLOOKUP(DATE P19,VOI!$C$22,VLOOKUP(DAT $27,VOI!$D$27+(VOII C$23,VOI!$D$23+(V NTERI$M$38,'VLOOKUP with ENTERI$1$38,'VLOOKUP with S19-(VOII$E$27011019'(VOlt$E$23ranges1$A$3:$U$14,15,FALSE)) ranges'1$A$3:$U$14,15,FALSE) VOII$D$27)))) VOII$D$23)))) =IF(VO11$C$22="N/A","IF($G$ Is Figure A - 14: Simulated Strata B and C Parameter Equations Chemical properties for the chemical of concern are determined next, using the equations in Figure A - 15. V W Henry's Henrys U 3 Z Y X Enthalpy of AC AA Organic Pure law constant law constant vaporization at Normal carbon component Unit 5 Ditusivity Ddiusnivy at reference reference the normal boiling Cnircal partition water 6 in air tn water, temperature. temperature boiling point point temperature coeticient solubility, nsk factor. 7 D4 D H TR AHv TB TC Koc S URF 8 (.m1/) (cal/moll (("K) (NK (cm3/9) (mg/L) (pg/m)-l 4 (cm2/s) (atryn 3 /tmol) 0 ( QC AD Reference conc RIC Mm3, -VLOOKUP(VOK -VLOOKUP(VOIK -VLOOKUP(VOllK -VLOOKUP(VOliK -VLOOKUP(VOi!K -VLOOKUP(VOllK -VLOOKUP(VOlK -VLOOKUP(VO1iK -VLOOKUP(VOlIK -VLOOKUP(VOlIK -VLOOKUP(VOIlK ChemicalDataL ZChemicalData. 2ChemicalData Chemica Data ZChemicaLDaa 2ChemicalData 2.ChemicalData 2,ChemicalData 2.ChemicalData. 2.ChemicalData. 2.ChemicaData t4FALSE) 13,FALSE) 6,FALSE) IFALSE) 1 .FALSE) 10.FALSE) 12 FALSE) 9.FALSE) 8.FALSE) 5.FALSE) 4,FALSE) 10 Figure A - 15: Chemical Properties Equations Starting at column M in the VOICALCS worksheet, intermediate values are calculated. Figure A - 16 through Figure A - 25 provide the equations that determine these intermediate values. It should be noted that the equations in row 14 are representative of the equations in rows 14 through 5014. MS 13 Lt =IF(DATENTER!$G$28- DATENTER!$F$28<=O, 1,DATENTER!$G$2814 DATENTER!$F$28) Figure A - 16: Diffusion Path Length Equation 97 C , ea 13 8 A 14 p eaC =IF(OR(DATENTER!$F$3 =IF(OR(DATENTER!$J$ 8="",DATENTER!$G$38= 38="",DATENTER!$K$3 "",DATENTER!$H$38=""), 8=",DATENTER!$L$38 "ERROR",ABS(E14-F14)) =""),"ERROR",G14-H14) =IF(OR(DATENTER!$N $38="",DATENTER!$O$ 38="",DATENTER!$P$3 8=.""),"ERROR",114-J14) Figure A - 17: Air-Filled Porosity Equations a 13 S R S of A ki of A krg of A kv of A =(F14VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$M$2 8,SoilData,7,FALSE))/(E14VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$M$2 8,SoilData,7,FALSE)) =(IF($B$13="Ks",B14, "")*(1/3600)*(0.01307* ((DATENTER!$E$28+ 273.15)/(283.15))A0.5) )/(0.999*980.665) =(1-Q14)^0.5*(1Q14A(1NLOOKUP(DATENTE R!$M$28,SoilData,5,FALSE) ))A(2*VLOOKUP(DATENTER! $M$28,SoilData,5,FALSE)) =IF(AND(DATENTER!$ M$28>0,DATENTER!$ O$28>0),"ERROR",IF( DATENTER!$O$28>0, B14,S14*R14)) 14 Figure A - 18: Saturation and Permeability Equations L1 ncc, 8 acz (),CZ =IF(DATENTER!$ =0.15/ K$28="A"E14EF (=140.512)AEER (D14-=.2) DATENTER!K$2 =V14-X14 8="B",G14,114)) 14 =lF(DATENTER!$K$28="A" VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28,SoilData,7,FALSE)+((E14VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28,SoilData,7,FALSE))/(2^VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28. SoilData,5,FALSE))),IF(DATENTER!$K$28="B",VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28 SoilData, 7FALSE)+((G14-VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28,SoilData,7,FALSE)) /(2AVLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28,SoilData,5,FALSE))),VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28, SoilData,7,FALSE)+((114-VLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L$28,SoilData,7,FALSE))/ (2AVLOOKUP(DATENTER!$L28,Soil_Data,5,FALSE))))) Figure A - 19: Capillary Zone Equations AA 1 rack Qbuilding =IF(DATENTER!$F$28>DATEN =(2* =(DATENTER!$G$4 DATENTER! 8*DATENTER!$H$48 $G$48)+(2* *DATENTER!$l$48* DATENTER! DATENTER!$K$48)* $H$48) 1/(60*60) 14 AB AC Ab TER!$E$48,(DATENTER!$G$48 *DATENTER!$H$48)+(2*(DATE NTER!$F$28*DATENTER!$G$4 8))+(2*(DATENTER!$F$28*DAT ENTER!$H$48)),(DATENTER!$ G$48*DATENTER!$H$48)) =(2*(DATENTE R!$G$48*DATE NTER!$J$48)+2 =DATENTER! *(DATENTER!$ $F$28 H$48*DATENTE R'$J$48))/AA14 Figure A - 20: Building Parameter Equations 98 AD AHVTS 13 AE AG AT S H'TS HTS =IF($Y$10/$Z$10<0.57,$X$10*((1=IF(DATENTE ((DATENTER!$E$28+273.15)/$Z$10))/(1=EXP(=0.00018*(( ($Y$10/$Z$10)))AO.3,IF(AND($Y$10/$Z$10>=0.57 1*((AD14/1.9872)*( R!$E$28="",0/ DATENTER' (1/(DATENTER! 0,AE14/(0.000 ,$Y$10/$Z$10<=0.71),$X$10*((1$E$28+273.1 $E$28+273.15))- 08206*(DATE ((DATENTER!$E$28+273.15)/$Z$10))/(15)1298.15) ($Y$10/$Z$10)))A(0.74*($Y$10/$Z$10)(1/($W$10+273.15) NTER!$E$28+ A0.5 273.15))) 0.1 16),$X$10*((1-((DATENTER!$ES28 ))))*$V$10 +273.15)/$Z$10))/(l-($Y$10/$Z$10)))A0.41)) 14 Figure A - 21: Henry's Constant Equations 13 DeB =IF(DATENTER! =IF(DATENTER! =($T$10* $I$28=0,0,($T$10*( $J$28=0,0,($T$10* (N14A3.33/E14A2)) 014A3.33/G14A2))+ (P14A3.33/114A2))+ +(($U$10/AF14)* (F14A3.33/E14 A2)) AK A) Dec DA DOOA (($U$10/AF14)*( (($U$10/AF14)*( H14A3.33/G14A2))) J14A3.33/114A2))) Deffc =($T$10*(W14A 3.33N14A2))+ (($U$10/AF14)* (X14A3.33N14A2)) 14 Figure A - 22: Diffusion Coefficient Equations DeT 13 14 =IF(AND(AH14>0,AI14>0,AJ14>0),M14/(((IF(M14=1,1,DATENTER!$H$28DATENTER!$F$28))/AH14)+(DATENTER!$$28/A114)+((DATENTER!$J$28U14)/AJ14)+(U14/AK14)),IF(AND(AH14>0,AI14>0,AJ14=0),M14/(((IF(M14=1,1, DATENTER!$H$28-DATENTER!$F$28))/AH14)+((DATENTER!$1$28U14)/A114)+(U4/AK14)),F(AND(AH14>0,A14=0,AJ14=0),M14/(((IF(M14=11, DATENTER!$H$28-DATENTER!$F$28)-U14)/AH14)+(U14/AK14))))) Figure A - 23: Effective Diffusion Coefficient Equation AO 13 cme =IF(AND(DATENTER!$G$4>0,DATENTER! $G$8>0),"ERROR",IF(DATENTER!$G$4>0, AF14*1000,IF(AND(DATENTER!$G$8>0, OR(VOI!$K$3>0,VOI!$K$5>0)),MIN(C14, $AB$10*1000)*AF14*1000,"ERRORS-))) 14 Figure A - 24: Source Soil Gas Concentration Equation 99 13 14 AP AQ AR AS AT rcrack Osod Dorack Aclack exp(Pe =IF(ISBLANK(DATENTER! =IF(DATENTER! $M$48),(2*PI()*F(A14="'' =AB14* "ERROR", $E$48="" DATENTER!$F$48,A14)* AA14/ =AH14 =AA14* EXP((AQ14* AB14 T14*Y14)/(AG14*LN(2* Y14 DATENTER!$E$48)/ AC14/AP14)),DATENTER! (AR14*AS14))) $M$48*(1000/60)) Figure A - 25: Building Parameter and Peclet Number Equations Next, the toxicity values are either provided in the model or are user-defined. The equations in Figure A - 26 account for either possibility. 13 AU AV URF RfC =IF(ISBLANK(VOl!$K$7), =IF(ISBLANK(VOI!$K$8), IF($AC$10=0,"NA", IF($AD$10=0,"NA", $AC$10),VOI!$K$7) $AD$10),VOI!$K$8) 14 Figure A - 26: Toxicity Value Equations The equations for the attenuation factor and indoor air concentration are provided in Figure A 27. AW AX 13 14 Cbudng =IF(ISERROR(AT14),((AL14*AA14)/(Z14*M14))/(((AL14 *AA14)/(AQ14*M14))+1),(((AL14*AA14)/(Z14*M14))* EXP((AQ14*DATENTER!$E$48)/(AR14*AS14)))/(EXP(( AQ1 4*DATENTER!$E$48)/(AR14*AS14))+((AL14*AA14) /(Z14*M14))+((AL14*AA14)/(AQ14*M14))*(EXP((AQ14* DATENTER!$E$48)/(AR14*AS14))-1))) =AO14* AW14 Figure A - 27: Attenuation Factor and Indoor Air Concentration Equations 100 Based on the toxicity values and the predicted indoor air concentration, the equations in Figure A - 28 calculate the incremental carcinognic risk and the noncarcinogenic hazard quotient. Columns AZ and BB determine if the predicted risk and hazard quotient exceed the user-defined target values. AY 13 14 Target? Incremental Risk Be BA. AZ Quotient > Target? Risk > Hazard Quotient =IF(IF(ISERROR(MATCH(VOI!$K$2, =IF(IF(ISERROR(MATCH(VOI!$K$2, CASNo,0)),"ERROR",$AB$10*1000)=" =IF(AY14> CASNo,))"ERROR",$AB$10*1000)="ERRO =IF(BA14> ERROR","ERROR",IF(DATENTER! DATENTERI R","ERROR",IF(DATENTER!$G$8="","NA", DATENTER! IF(AV14="NA", NA",(DATENTER!$H$57* $G$8="","NA",IF(AU14="NA',"NA",(AU14 $A$57,1,"") $J$57,1,'"') ' '" DATENTER!$G$57*(1/AV14)*AX14*0.001 ) *DATENTER!$H$57*DATENTER!$G$57* (DATENTER!$F$57*365)))) AX14)/(DATENTER!$E$57*365)))) Figure A - 28: Risk Assessment Equations The randomized parameter values that are calculated in the cells in Figure A - 11 through Figure A - 14 typically produce risk values that are positive, as would be expected. However, there is the potential that the randomized parameter values for a given simulation produce an incremental risk that is either negative or infinite. These simulations should not be included in the Vol analysis. To account for these errors, the equations shown in Figure A - 29 determine if a simulation has an error in the calculations, and counts the number of errors for all simulations. Column BD reproduces the incremental risk calculation (per million) only if there is no error in the original calculation. BC 10 BU =COUNTI F(BCI14: BC5014, "ERROR") # ERRORS 11 12 13 14 Incremental Risk * 10A6 ERROR in alpha calc? =IF(ISNUMBER(AY14),IF(AY14>0,'"', "ERROR"),"ERROR") =lF(BC14='",AY14* 10A6,"") Figure A - 29: Quality Control Equations 101 The results of the simulations that do not contain errors are evaluated using the equations in Figure A - 30. BG 14 Average BH =(SUMIF(AW1 5:AW5014,">0",AX1 5:AX5014)/ Increase in Indoor Air Concentration COUNTIF(AX1 5:AX5014,">0"))-AX14 =100*IF(AZ14=1,(5000-BC1O-COUNTIF(AZ15: % of Experiments with Change in Carc. Hazard Classification 16 17 18 Average Difference AZ5014,"1'")),COUNTIF(AZ1 5:AZ5014,"1 "))/(5000-BC1 0) =(SUMIF(AW15:AW5014,">O",AY15:AY5014)/(5000BC10))-AY14 in Carcinogenic Risk % of Experiments with Change in Noncarc. Hazard Classification =100I*F(BB14=1,(5000-BC1O-COUNTIF(BB15:BB5014, "1")),COUNTIF(BB15:BB5014,"1"))/(5000-BC10) =(SUMIF(AW1 5:AW5014,">0",BA1 5:BA5014)/(5000- Average Difference inNoncarcinogenic Risk ABC10))-BA14 Figure A - 30: Vol Evaluation Equations In order to create a histogram of the simulated incremental carcinogenic risk values in the Vol worksheet, the equations in Figure A - 31 must be calculated in the VOICALCS worksheet. It should be noted that the histogram contains 100 risk ranges. 2E ii 12 BK 25th Percentile =QUARTILE(BD15:BD5014,1) 75th Percentile =QUARTILE(BD1 5:BD5014,3) =MEDIAN(BD15:BD5014) Min =(MIN(BD15:BD5014)) Max =(MAX(BD15:BD5014)) Avg =AVERAGE(BD14:BD5014) Bucket Size =(BK1 5-BK1 4)/100 13 Median 14 1s 16 17 Figure A - 31: Simulated Incremental Carcinogenic Risk Distribution Equations From the calculated bucket size, the values in the x- and y-axes in the histogram are calculated using the equations in Figure A - 32. 8J 22 BK Bucket Min 1 BL Max BM Bucket Name =CONCATENATE( =BK14 =BK23+ ROUND(BK23,2)." $BK$17 ROUND(BL23,2)) 23 2 =CONCATENATE( =BL23 $BK$17 ROUND(BK24,2)" - ROUND(BL24,2)) 24 BN Count =COUNTIF($BD$15: $BD$5014,">="&BK23)- COUNTIF($BD$15: $BD$5014,">="&BL23) BO Cumulative Density =BN23/BN123 =COUNTIF($BD$15: $BD$50142>="&BK24)COUNTIF($BD$15: $BD$5014,">="&BL24) Figure A - 32: Histogram Equations 102 =B023+(BN24/$BN$123) In order to represent the target and default values in the histogram, the equations in Figure A - 33 are calculated. 8P 80 Is Default in Bucket? Location of Target =IF(AND((DATENTER!$l$57* =IF(AND($BD$14>=$BK23 10^6)>=$BK23,(DATENTER! =IF(AND$BD$1)=$K23 )<$L23)D$14<$L23),MAX( $$57* 2 $BN$23:$BN$122)+20,")') 22 Figure A - 33: Target and Default Value Equations The worksheet also compares the "% of Simulations with Change in the Carcinogenic Hazard Classification" (cell BH15 in Figure A - 30) for all possible toggle cell values. The table that includes this comparison in the Vol worksheet pulls information from the VOICALCS worksheet. The following discussion provides information regarding the tables and equations that are used to create the comparison table in the Vol worksheet. A table of all possible toggle cell values and the number of experiments in each toggle cell is stored in the VOICALCS worksheet, a portion of which is shown in Figure A - 34. Bu BV # Expenmen ts Sequence 14 0000000000 0 1 1000000000 16 1100000000 2 1 17 0100000000 3 18 1110000000 2 19 0110000000 1 20 0010000000 2 21 1010000000 1 22 0001000000 2 23 1001000000 3 24 1101000000 2 0101000000 25 4 26 1111000000 13 Figure A - 34: Toggle Cell Values and Number of Experiments Table 103 An Excel data table then calculates the "% of Simulations with Change in the Carcinogenic Hazard Classification" in column BY for each possible toggle cell value, as shown in Figure A 35. BX 11 BY DATATABLE 12 13 14 1s 16 =BH15 0000000000 1000000000 1100000000 0 6.08 23.8 17 0100000000 33.24 1110000000 0110000000 0010000000 24.28 34.32 18 19 20 1.54 21 1010000000 6.98 0 4.62 24 0001000000 1001000000 1101000000 25 0101000000 30.1 26 1111000000 21.72 22 23 21.08 Figure A - 35: Toggle Cell and Percent Change Values Data Table 104 A different list of possible toggle cell values is generated, depending on the information provided in the DATENTER worksheet. For example, if the value of Q,0 jj is provided in DATENTER, then the analysis does not consider toggle cells that include the pressure differential or hydraulic conductivity/permeability. These lists are stored in the VOICALCS worksheet, and a portion of these lists is shown in Figure A - 36. OA 00 cc q calc. existing q caic, existing. no c IIONODO00o 1100000000 1110000000 1110000000 1010000000 1001000000 1101000000 1111000000 1011000000 1000110000 1100110000 1110110000 1010110000 1001110000 1101110000 1111110000 1011110000 0100000000 0110000000 0101000000 0111000000 0100110000 0110110000 1010000000 1001000000 1101000000 1111000000 1011000000 1000110000 1100110000 1110110000 1010110000 1001110000 1101110000 1111110000 1011110000 0100000000 0110000000 0101000000 0111000000 0100110000 0110110000 0101110000 0111110000 0000001100 1000001100 1100001100 0100001100 1110001100 0110001100 00 o oc q calc, oxating, no b or c or 1100000000 1110GmD0,0 1010000000 1001000000 1101000000 1111000DOm 1011000000 1000110000 1100110000 1110110000 1010110000 1001110000 1101110000 1111110000 1011110000 0100000000 0110000000 0101000000 0111000000 0100110000 0110110000 0101110000 0101110000 0111110000 0111110000 0000001100 1000001100 1100001100 0100001100 1110001100 0110001100 01 q caic, new construct 011GDDmOOO 0101000000 0111000000 0100110000 0110110000 001110000 0111110000 0000001100 0100001100 0110001100 0010001100 0001001100 0101001100 0111001100 0011001100 0000111100 0100111100 0110111100 0010111100 0001111100 0101111100 0111111100 0011111100 0000000011 0100000011 0110000011 0010000011 0001000011 0101000011 Figure A - 36: Possible Toggle Cell Values 105 The VOI worksheet, then, pulls the information in the VOICALCS worksheet to create a table that contains the percent change values for each possible toggle cell. The equations used to create this table are provided in Figure A - 37. It should be noted that cells BD18:BD25 provide toggle cells that are always included in the analysis, i.e. toggle cells that do not consider the pressure differential, hydraulic conductivity/permeability, soil stratum B parameters, and soil stratum C parameters. Starting with BD26, toggle cells are only provided if they are included in the applicable list (see Figure A - 36). 1 BC Bt =VLOOKUP(BD18, VOlCALGS! $BU$14$8V$141, -IF(8018='"7 VLOOKUP(8D18, VOl_CALCS1 # Experiments 000000000 $BX$14:$BY$141 2 FALSE)) 2,FALSE) =IF(AND(VOICALCS?$l$15=",VOICALCS$G$15="" VolCALCSI$A$15="",VOICALCS'$B$15="),",IF(AND( VOl_CALCSI$l$15="",VOICALCS!$A$15="",VO_CALCS $B$15=""),VOl_CALCSIC022,IF(AND(VOCALCS'$A$15 =IF(BD26=""., =lF(BD26="" = "",VoICALCS!$B$15=""),V01_CALCSICM22.IF(AND( VLOOKUP(BD26' VLOOKUP(BD26 VOICALCSI$l$15="",VOICALCS!$G$15=-VOCALCS VOl_CALCSI VOl_CALCS! $A$15=""),VOI CALCS'CK22,IF(AND(VOI CALCS'$l$15= $BU$14:$BV$141 $BX$14:$BY$141 2 "",VOlCALCS!$A$15=""),VoCALCSIC22 IF( 2,FALSE)) FALSE)) VOlCALCS!$A$15="",VOICALCSICG22,IF(AND( VOl_CALCS!$I$15="" VOlCALCSI$G$15="),VOlCALCS I CE22,IF(VOICALCS!$l$15="" V01_CALCS!CC22, VoiCALCSCA22)))))))) Figure A - 37: Possible Combinations in Vol Worksheet The possible toggle cell values are then ranked based on the percent change values, as shown in Figure A - 38. Bh 17 =OFFSET( $BD$17' MATCH(BJ18, $BE$18: $BE$145,O),O) 81 BJ BK Rank % Change # Experiments =LARGE( $BE$18: $BE$145 BI18) =IF(ISERROR(OFFSET( $BC$17,MATCH(BH18, $BD$18:$BD$145,0),0)),", OFFSET($BC$17,MATCH( BH18,$BD$18:$BD$145,0),O)) 1 Figure A - 38: Ranking of Toggle Cells Equations Finally, the toggle cells are grouped according to the number of experiments and then ranked based on the percent change values. Figure A - 39 provides the equations used to generate the ranking of toggle cells that include only one experiment. It should be noted that row 18 is 106 representative of rows 18 through 21 in the table that considers toggle cells that include only one experiment. 814 17 BP so I Experiment 16 Sequence % Change =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(BN18, 001000 18 0 $BD$18:$BE$145,2,FALSE)),--"' VLOOKUP(BN18,$BD$18:$BE$145, 2,FALSE)) Rank =tF(BO18="-" "-", RANK(BO18,$BO$18: $BO$21)) Figure A - 39: Ranking of Toggle Cells According to the Number of Experiments Tables that consider toggle cells with two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine experiments are also included in the Vol worksheet. These tables use similar equations to those shown in Figure A - 39. 107 Soil Gas Vol Worksheet The soil gas Vol analysis contains the same worksheets as the groundwater Vol analysis. The table in the soil gas Vol worksheet that contains the user-defined values is shown in Figure A 40. 2 a 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 I1 K M N 0 P Q . S Highlighted cells must be filed In. Chemical of Concern - =VLOOKUP(K2.VLOOKUP!A25 B132.2. FALSE) Initial soil gas concentration. C. (ug/m ppmv) Please provide mean/standard deviation in units of EITHER ug/m 3 OR ppmv Also. please provide Standard Deviation of C. (ug/m' ppmv) EITHER the arithmetic OR geometric mean/SD In Lognormal Mean of C. (ug/m ppmv) 43 K3 L6. only two cells should be occupied at any Geometric Standard Deviation of C. (ug /rn ppmv) 12 time New Construction? (Y or N) Updated URF (ug/m')-' 4 10E-06 Leave K8 and K9 blank if values Updated RIC (mg/im3) in VLOOKUP are up-to-date 0002 Target risk for carcinogens 0000001 Target risk for noncarcinogens [III] Figure A - 40: User-Defined Table in Soil Gas Vol Worksheet An example of the parameter ranges and distributions table is provided in Figure A - 41. Note that, unlike in the groundwater analysis, the particle diameter is not included in the soil gas analysis. B 2 AP C E 0 Building properties default min 40 0 ' max 200 Distribution Triangular max 0,485 0.055 4 12 17 Soil properties avg min 0,265 0375 0054 0053 15 nA 6. 16 K, 26,78 kV N/A N/A N/A Distribution Normal Uniform Log Normal N/A 0481 0216 0,321 0110 0641 0320 Normal Uniform 039 025 0 049 0,53 01 Normal Uniform 13 14 A - i0 20 C in- C nc 21 22 23 24 25 0076 Figure A - 41: Parameter Ranges and Distributions Table - Soil Gas Vol Worksheet 108 All of the randomized probabilities and parameter values are calculated in the same manner as they were in the groundwater analysis, with the exception of the source concentration. The equations used to determine the default and simulated soil gas concentrations are provided in Figure A - 42 and Figure A - 43. 14 15 16 These columns are always occupied. CI =IF(AND(ISBLANK(K3),ISBLANK(K5)), IF(ISBLANK(L3),L5,L3), IF(ISBLANK(K3),K5,K3)) Figure A - 42: Default Soil Gas Concentration Equation C 13 14 Cg =VOI!W16 1s =IF(OR(VOl!$K$3>0,VOI!$K$5>0),IF($C$9=0,IF(ISBLANK(VOI! $K$3),VOI!$K$5,VOI!$K$3),IF(ISBLANK(VOI!$K$5),NORMINV( VOl!LI7,VOI!$K$3,VOI!$K$4),LOGINV(VOI!K17,LN(VOI!$K$5), LN(VOI!$K$6)))),IF($C$9=0,IF(ISBLANK(VOI!$L$3),VOI!$L$5,VOI! $L$3),IF(ISBLANK(VOI!$L$5),NORMINV(VOI!L17,VOI!$L$3,VOI! $L$4),LOGINV(VOI!L17,LN(VOI!$L$5),LN(VOI!$L$6))))) Figure A - 43: Simulated Soil Gas Concentration Equations All of the intermediate calculations are largely the same in the groundwater and soil gas In the soil gas VOICALCS worksheet, however, the soil gas VOICALCS worksheet. concentration at the source is calculated using the equation in Figure A - 44. 13 Soil Gas Conc. =lF(OR(VOl!$K$3>0,VOI!$K$5>0), 14 C14,(C14*$Z$10)/(0.00008205* (DATENTER!$G$24+273.15))) Figure A - 44: Source Soil Gas Concentration Equation 109 Unlike in the groundwater analysis, the capillary zone is not considered in the soil gas analysis. The effective diffusion coefficient, therefore, is calculated using the equation in Figure A - 45, instead. AG 13 14 DeffT =IF(AND(AD14>0,AE14>0,AF14>0),Li4/(((IF(L14=1,1,DATENTER!$H$24DATENTER!$E$24))/AD14)+(DATENTER!$1$24/AE14)+(DATENTER!$J$24/AF14)), IF(AND(AD14>0,AE14>0,AF14=0),Li4/(((IF(L14=1,1,DATENTER!$H$24DATENTER!$E$24))/AD14)+(DATENTER!$1$24/AE14)),IF(AND(AD14>0,AE14=0, AF14=0),Li4/((IF(L14=1,1,DATENTER!$H$24-DATENTER!$E$24))/AD14), "ERROR"))) Figure A - 45: Effective Diffusion Coefficient Equation - Soil Gas VOICALCS Worksheet The final difference between the two analyses is the lists of possible toggle cell values. Because the particle diameter is not considered in the soil gas analysis, there is half the number of possible toggle cell values. Figure A - 46 provides a portion of the lists of possible toggle cell values that are stored in the VOlCALCS worksheet. 110 B xn t2 q caic existing 100110000 101110000 100000000 011000000 010110000 011110000 010000000 111000000 110110000 111110000 110000000 001001100 000111100 001111100 000001100 101001100 100111100 101111100 100001100 011001100 010111100 011111100 010001100 111001100 110111100 111111100 110001100 001000011 By q ca~c. existing, no c q caic, existing, no b or c 101000000 100110000 101110000 100000000 011000000 010110000 011110000 010000000 111000000 110110000 111110000 110000000 001001100 000111100 001111100 000001100 101001100 100111100 101111100 100001100 011001100 010111100 011111100 010001100 111001100 110111100 111111100 110001100 101000000 100110000 101110000 100000000 011000000 010110000 011110000 010000000 111000000 110110000 111110000 110000000 Oz q caic, new construct 011000000 010110000 011110000 010000000 001001100 000111100 001111100 000001100 011001100 010111100 011111100 010001100 001000011 000110011 001110011 000000011 011000011 010110011 011110011 010000011 001001111 000111111 001111111 000001111 011001111 010111111 011111111 010001111 Figure A - 46: Possible Toggle Cell Values - Soil Gas VOICALCS Worksheet 111 Appendix B: Nike Battery PR-58 Data 112 B-1: Data from the 2014 Draft Stone Environmental RI/FS 113 Table B - 1 - 1: Shallow Groundwater Analytical Results at DPW Facility Sample ID Sample Depth (feet bgs) CAS# Sample Date / Time RIDEM GA EPA MCL Standard (pg/L)Stnad (Ftg/L) SEI-0117-GW 17 1 9/11/2013 SEI-02-15_0GW 15 9/11/2013 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (pg/L) 1,1,1 ,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 NE NE 1U 1 U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 200 200 1U 1 U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 NE NE 9.3 3.8 1,1 ,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 5 5 0.6J 1U 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 NE NE 1U 1 U 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 7 7 1U 1 U 1,1-Dichloropropene 563-58-6 NE NE 2U 2U 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 NE NE 1U 1 U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 NE NE 1U 1U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 70 70 1U IU 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 NE NE 1U U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.2 0.2 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 NE 0.05 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 600 600 1U 1U 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 5 5 1U 1U 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 5 5 1U 1U 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 NE NE 1U 1U 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 NE NE 1U 1U 1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9 NE NE 1U 1U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 75 75 1U 1U 2,2-Dichloropropane 594-20-7 NE NE 1U 1U 2-Butanone 78-93-3 NE NE IOU IOU 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 NE NE 1U 1U 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 NE NE IOU IOU 4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 NE NE 1U 1U 4-Isopropyltoluene 99-87-6 NE NE 1U 1U 114 Sample ID Sample Depth (feet bgs) CAS# Sample Date / Time EPA RIDEM 1- MCL (ptg/L) Standard 17 15 (pg/L) 9/11/2013 9/11/2013 Sample ID VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (ptg/L) 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone 108-10-1 NE NE IOU IOU Acetone 67-64-1 NE NE IOU IOU Benzene 71-43-2 5 5 1U 1U Bromobenzene 108-86-1 NE NE 2U 2U Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 NE NE 1U 1U Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 NE NE 0.6U 0.6U Bromoform 75-25-2 NE NE 1U lU Bromomethane 74-83-9 NE NE 2UJ 2UJ Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 NE NE 1U 1U Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 5 5 1U 1U Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 100 100 1U lU Chloroethane 75-00-3 NE NE 2U 2U Chloroform 67-66-3 NE NE 1U 1U Chloromethane 74-87-3 NE NE 2U 2U Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 70 70 9.2 2 Cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 NE NE 0.4U 0.4U Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NE NE 1U 1U Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 NE NE 24.3 23.6 Dibromomethane 74-95-3 NE NE 1U 1U Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 NE NE 2U 2U Diethyl Ether 60-29-7 NE NE 1U 1U Di-Isopropyl Ether 108-20-3 NE NE 1U 1U Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 700 700 1U 1U Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 NE NE 0.6U 0.6U Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 NE NE 1U IU M,P-Xylenes 1330-20-7 10000 10000 2U 2U Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 40 40 1U 1U Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 5 5 2U 2U Naphthalene 91-20-3 NE 100 1U 1U 115 Sample ID Sample Depth (feet bgs) CAS# Sample Date / Time EPA EA RIDEM GA SEI 17-GW Sample D SapeI MCL Standard 17 15 (tgJL) (pg/L) 9/11/2013 9/11/2013 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (pg/L) N-Butylbenzene 104-51-8 NE NE 1U 1U N-Propylbenzene 103-65-1 NE NE 1U 1U O-Xylene 95-47-6 NE NE 1U 1U Sec-Butylbenzene 135-98-8 NE NE 1U 1U Styrene 100-42-5 100 100 1U 1U Tert-Butylbenzene 98-06-6 NE NE 1U 1U Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 5 5 1 0.6J Toluene 108-88-3 1000 1000 1U 1U Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 100 100 3.3 1.1 10061-02-6 NE NE 0.4U 0.4U Trichloroethene 79-01-6 5 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 NE NE 1 U 1 U Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 NE NE 5U 5U Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 2 2 1U 1 U Trans-1,3-Dichloropropene bgs - below ground surface pg/L - micrograms per liter (parts per billion) Bold results indicate detections of the analyte. Shaded results indicate an exceedance of the Rhode Island Groundwater GA EPA MCL - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Levels RIDEM GA Standard - Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management U - Analyte not detected, limit of quantitation listed. UJ - Analyte not detected; limit of quantitation estimated during data validation J - Results estimated during data validation. R - Result rejected during data validation. NE - Not Established. 116 B-2: Data from the 2012 USACE Vapor Intrusion Investigation 117 00 Ug/M3 ug/m 95-47-6 127-18-4 108-88-3 79-01-6 o-Xylene p/m-Xylene Tetrachloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene 95-63-6 71-43-2 67-66-3 100-41-4 95-47-6 127-18-4 108-88-3 79-01-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Benzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene o-Xylene p/m-Xylene Tetrachloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene 20-JAN-Il 2.46 3.11 - 19-JAN-Il 22.5 3.98 198 41 4.84 355 25.6 18.8 39 0.11 0.97 730 730 0.41 5200 0.59 - - 50.5 5.7 13.2 9.77 11.3 17.9 31.8 23.7 11.9 9.8 - - - - - 7.3 0.31 2.96 4.18 - - 20-JAN-11 8.62 20-JAN-Il - L1100909-08 CENAESSG-08-02 21-JAN-l 20.4 Li 100909-07 CENAE-SSG07-02 21-JAN-l 4.27 L 1100909-06 CENAESSG-06-02 8.21 47.5 11.7 207 3.38 2.81 8.47 24.8 21.8 222 Li 100909-03 CENAESSG-04-02 20-JAN-1I 3.82 2.53 Li 100909-02 CENAE-SSG03-02 20-JAN-l 2.21 1.7 2.91 Sample Locations - - - L 1100909-01 CENAESSG-02-02 Li 100820-12 CENAE-SSG01-02 L1100909-05 CENAE-SSG05-02 Indoor Air RBC' 730 0.41 5200 0.59 730 7.3 0.31 0.11 0.97 Indoor Air RBC 7.98 47.1 12 204 3.12 L 1100909-04 CENAE-SSG04-02 DUP 20-JAN-1I 3.79 2.49 'Risk Based Concentrations (RBCs) from Tri-Service Environmental Risk Assessment Workgroup - DoD Vapor Intrusion Handbook (January 2009) Table B-1. TCE RBC is from updated IRIS 2011 Guidance Toxicity Criteria. Highlighted cells indicate exceedance of RBC. U/m3 ug/m3 Ug/M3 ug/m3 In/3 ug/m Ug/M3 Ug/M3 Ug/M3 CAS No. VOCs of Concern Units ug/m3 ug/m3 Ug/M3 ug/mug/m3 ug/m ug/mn 95-63-6 71-43-2 67-66-3 100-41-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Benzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene Units CAS No. VOCs of Concern Sample Locations Table B - 2 - 1: Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Analytical Results of Detected Chemicals at DPW Facility ug/m 95-63-6 71-43-2 67-66-3 100-41-4 95-47-6 127-18-4 108-88-3 79-01-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Benzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene o-Xylene p/m-Xylene Tetrachloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene 127-18-4 108-88-3 79-01-6 p/m-Xylene Tetrachioroethene Toluene Trichloroethene 19 6 22 4.84 18.6 0.556 114 10.7 7.7 - 12.3 0.72 8.81 - 14.5 0.832 730 0.41 5200 0.59 7.3 0.31 0.11 0.97 730 Li 100820-09 CENAE-IA08-02 19-JAN-11 11.1 3.18 0.239 5.31 6.64 Li 100820-08 CENAE-IA07-02 19-JAN-1I 9.2 2.02 0.141 5.39 5.65 L 1100820-07 CENAE-IA06-02 19-JAN-1I 3.74 2.09 0.102 2.58 2.69 Highlighted cells indicate exceedance of RBC. B-1. TCE RBC is from updated IRIS 2011 Guidance Toxicity Criteria 1Risk Based Concentrations (RBCs) from Tri-Service Environmental Risk Assessment Workgroup - DoD Vapor Intrusion Handbook (January 2009) Table ug/m Ug/m3 Ug/M3 Ug/m ug/m3 Ug/M3 Ug/M3 Ug/M3 Ug/M3 95-63-6 71-43-2 67-66-3 100-41-4 95-47-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Benzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene o-Xylene Li 100820-06 CENAE-IA05-02 19-JAN-1I 4.7 2.55 0.146 2.94 3.11 Indoor Air RBC' Units CAS No. VOCs of Concern 0.72 0.94 Sample Locations 23.1 24.5 0.762 39.9 0.349 157 1.32 29.2 0.59 6.25 3.52 4.67 5.08 14.6 7.04 3.71 0.102 5.17 5.61 16 0.156 8 7.35 0.132 8.22 7.62 23 - 68.9 24 0.112 44 52.1 139 0.156 6.18 3.89 0.127 4.92 5.5 15.9 0.183 ug/m 19-JAN-II 19-JAN-1I 19-JAN-Il 19-JAN-1I 19-JAN-11 0.41 5200 7.3 0.31 0.11 0.97 730 730 Li 100820-05 CENAE-IA04-02-DUP Li 100820-04 CENAE-IA04-02 Li 100820-03 CENAE-IA03-02 L 1100820-02 CENAE-IA02-02 Li 100820-01 CENAE-IA01-02 Ug/M3 ug/m ug/m' Ug/M3 ug/m' Ug/M3 Ug/M3 Units CAS No. VOCs of Concern Indoor Air RBC' Sample Locations Table B - 2 - 2: Indoor Air Analytical Results of Detected Chemicals at DPW Facility k) 0.044 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Benzene Ethylbenzene 25 0.09 0.033 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL Xylene (m,p) Xylene (o) 9,125 9,125 9,125 9,125 9,125 250 250 250 250 250 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 0.0417 8 8 8 8 8 0.03 NA 1 0.271 5 0.002 0.1 0.1 Tetrachloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene Xylene (m,p) Xylene (o) 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 25,550 (days) 0% 0% 31% 8% 3% 100% 0.0018 0.0042 0.83 0.2 0.076 3 , 53% 5% NA 0% 1.4 0.12 NA 0.0065 Percent of Total HQ 0.013 10 , 12% 100% 0.0000024 0.00002 , 5% 52% 2% 29% Percent of Total ELCR 0.0041 1 0.000001 0.00001 0.0000003 0.0000058 Cancer Risk 0.0061 3 Mutagen ADAF IUR (mg/M 3)- for benzene based on high end of inhalation unit risks per USEPA IRIS database.IUR for ethylbenzene based on Tier III toxcity value from CalEPA, since there is none from USEPA IRIS. HQ = Hazard Quotient; ET = Exposure Time, hours/day; CF = Conversion Factor, day/24 hr; EF = Exposure Frequency, days/year; ED = Exposure Duration, years; APnc = Averaging Period for noncancer, days; ATc = Averaging Period for cancer, days; RfCinh = inhalation Reference Concentration; IUR = inhalation Unit Risk IUR 9,125 9,125 9,125 9,125 250 250 250 250 0.0417 8 8 8 8 0.007 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (mg/)(days) ATnc EF EF (Noncancer (days CF CFdy (day/24 Benzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene VOLATILESET DPW Worker (hr/day) 25 0.007 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL Trichloroethene RfCinh 25 0.092 25 25 0.002 95% KM (BCA) UCL 95% Approximate Gamma UCL Toluene Tetrachloroethene HQ 0.0059 25 0.028 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL Apca 0.023 0.0025 25 RT 0.0078 25 Mutagen 0.016 25 1 0.00016 3 Non 95% KM (BCA) UCL 10 Mutagen ADAF ED (yr) 95% Chebyshev (Mean, Sd) UCL 25 or Non Mutagen Cancer Non Chloroform (Mg/M USEPA Recommended Metric VOLATILES Exposure Point Concentration 3) DPW Worker Table B - 2 - 3: Chronic Human Health Risk Estimates Using January 11, 2011 PR-58 Indoor Air Samples at DPW Appendix C: Case Study J&E and Vol Analysis Input Data 121 Groundwater J&E and Vol Analysis Input First, the geometric means of the groundwater concentrations were calculated in Excel using the following equations: ConcentrationTE = GEOMEAN(55.9,19.4)= 32.9pg/L ConcentrationPCE= GEOMEAN(, 0.6)= 0.8pg/L These values were entered into the DATENTER worksheet of the J&E model. Figure C - 1 and Figure C - 2 provide screenshots of the DATENTER worksheet for TCE using the two target incremental carcinogenic risk values of interest (10-6 and 10-4, respectively). F E ENTER ENTER 12 chemt'ca 4ro04w0 1n CAS No 14 040rn0b0 Z no dash,"i 17 Son04 ENTER ENTER Depth SoN 24 25 ,op ENTER .r sp1 U ENTER 1 Stym4A Q 1 h5 S ENTER Eeclosod 44 45 441 50 54 52 52 54 55 07 thicknes. 42 presmur do"""ntal 10 00 1940 ENTER *VntK Wwt 4foe 0 4m0f0 non AT., 19S stam ENTER satoumA SCS C1 User-dened stratmA sod twe SCS *Wig b40" ONttaw. 40#011above [EweoAi,9 s e T Sed sod a0 watt, AB.ofCI sod vapo# to e0 )f Lis) 25 Exposr , d4ration, ED 0441 ENTER t_ table 00440A 1830 103"0 ENTER Exposre f0.q e.09 44 14a!0g040 25 d 43 bi4i ENTER SvahfomC po ( ENTER So*,,umC ENTER S0411ORI Sod10 4ieed ost. 4401t10 n 00m) Enor EnNr (I. 14n0444001 EoI Enot ENTER Aapgt Enhol Spave height ENTER | Eror04 Abf. p#1M S S Eff Floo-wad Mndoot "ame ak for #Khan"e With -le Avr4g0g t4 70 110,0, V. L. Awe"gog Ovoeogo o. AT, sod 10M] ENTER Sol 0 0054 fkos ENTER ENTER fom 0 1mI ENTER Ga2) Er 004onva4or) he h 0 230 ENTER ENTER Eofoo.d Eolooedl $PA.-# Sod-Mcidg Spc $Paco DIP L... 230 (cod StuattnC. Enr0.4 clm) 1" 10 0.375 ENTER floo 1 of Thicknes 0f ol ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER Stratm, SOafmb, Strao.m, Sonwtume StwOumC Strah^mC Shown A Str.humA SCS soil dry Sodtotal 1odWat40*0, SCS od" 5041"M4 soi4att4lod soi4two buden1044 44040104, p401Mose, so#t1pe b*4de it. 00OSAT. pOs So buik den g, n. -a ,* q.. 1,00n .11 0,01001' (em 10 10n0414411 (o.m0om' 10000m') 10004m' 20 os Sofol ruw . h. Li 24 43 table. C) ENTER StiatumA so4d d SCS 40 41 04nloe L, 20 Thickn0SS beogae .40m A Depth 2'; grodfe A"*4, to .0W0 ENTER ENTER The4metr T, 10 ENTER ad my to A0 Tou below wad* to oom Avetag" Z2 Chemica, 020E.01 7T01% 19 20 21 C. . m0L1 ) .... . P 0 N 10 Wue vapoe Aovwo40440b0dg Leav OR bWAnkto caculto ER. 1 0.1 025 1 ENTER Tugm list for *0r0ogoens, TP 1unit1ssl Tagothward q0004 042*4 1000 en0R 0 TH-4 1*0i10404 , 1 Figure C - 1: Groundwater DATENTER Worksheet - Target Risk of 10 6 122 (004m04' E F_ ENTER V 13 CAS No 14 U .0 H a Cnowooa4 7 00% 320E.01 9ENTER lhl0dgn ENTER ENTER t"ETR ElamR Ad Totalzmus Ao..ogo 23 VW04W~ 245 26 b.1o.. ade $O2 toW botto0. od..olos.d SOW00 *00. t00011100 32 Dophl Thkoo Wooogro. T, L, Lo. C1 1om EWTER So"wA U olsod a oer 4. 230 41. 230 1M 0.375 0054 ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER 41 42 Enclomd 09100 04.01 Enoloool 10100 Eooloo..1 19010 44 F.looro 100Ml 0.5 44 L-.. 46 im1 40 -- S 01lOo00o 44 Ocrsz, di~er" o o K K DIP (&-%I L.. Wf. 1001 10.1 -40 OR0 ENFTER ENTER Stra"M a StratunBa Em P1010-Idl 40ENTER Ao..ogmg 52 ENTER Ao..aging 01 ft .11 o ENTER Koor Epovxo 54 AT, AT. ED3 44 1wsI lool ps 1 57 70 1 24 1 24 Exposo (3 EF loloosl 4011 0.1 1 3 #EN Tugeth lot10 Eor B StlatonC I Enos gNt"R Sowurs.C I Erro ENTER Stratm C I StfaturnC Error Q 0 rd "900.A1110 TN 7040 lWIpl 0untless] 1 ENTER InnE" A-W.90191 P10o too W04114 ER Lym 11h4[ 344 ENTER Taget pett-alaft S 4.400. H. ENTER OR at" t10 1s1a. CIO(*b101411000104R 'a*' Levblnit ocalcuat# 40 A1 (tw"4 to 0 k. A ENTER k MA tgo "Yaw91 Stlaosm ErE 10*100. SOIdoVM 0" dr" ENTER 10m1 im3 0t . oE" ENTER 0100.19 Er Enc00104 spa" Wkk hdg. 0104 Userof41wo A 0125 S0400 S EN1TER lWngK1 ENROF Sol stram (Er1.MA).oCl ENTER 100, INTER 1 of SON Sod Po*an 9 Stgam. C. Str*AMM OCS A. St loWu.(Ent0et K0o) (Entet .oi I.. W&, * b0ow ENTER ENTER ENTER ENTER SouatuoA 5010*1.41 50*0*11 40 7 of L- l-4 s 0f0$04 K100xto CC) 10 2$l 30 31 P 0 94 C. 014 21 24 M L o11. l(owobeeso1 1nod41h0 I? K ENTER I l.OE-04 Figure C - 2: Groundwater DATENTER Worksheet - Target Risk of 104 Next, the geometric standard deviations of the groundwater concentrations were calculated. Because only two data points were available, the geometric standard deviations could not be calculated directly. Instead, it was assumed that each measured groundwater concentration was one geometric standard deviation away from the geometric mean. The geometric standard deviations were calculated, therefore, as follows: GSDT(E = (3) eXp(In(55.9)-In(GEOMEAN(55.9,19.4)))= 1 .7pg/L GSDCE = exp (ln(i) - ln(GEOMEAN(1,0.6)))= 1.3pg/L The values of the geometric mean and geometric standard deviations were entered into the Vol worksheet. Figure C - 3 and Figure C - 4 provide screenshots of the Vol worksheet for TCE using the toxicity values from 2003 and 2014, respectively. 123 (4) Building properties defaut 40 AP mm 0 max 200 Distribution Trianigular HIghlighted caob must be Ned In [ Ij |Trchlroethylome Chemical ot Concern Arithmeic mean groundwater concentration, C, (rg/L) Arithmetic Standard Deviation of C, (ug/L) Geometrc mean groundwater concentration C, (ug/L) Geometric Standard Deviation of C, (ug/L) Updated URF (ug/m) Updated RfC (mgWn( New Construction? (Y or N) Saril properties Particle Diameter of 0044 0046 Stratum Above Water Table A avg 0375 n' oj 0054 2678 WA K. k, B C no 6r NiA NA n8, NA NA min 0053 0003 Uniform max Distribution - Normal Uniform Log Normal N/A 0055 - WA NWA NIA N/A WA NIA N/A N/A N/A WA n 2 3 AP 0187 0204 069 N/A 4 0648 N/A 5 Simulation Default 1 N/A NiA 32,9 A7 6 7 8 0005 0541 0 05 0374 9 0010 Ks -0678 0064 0748 0489 0,391 0728 0751 0764 0155 C, 0880 0212 0786 0525 0155 0124 0510 0 &37 0034 Random No Particle Diameter -0114 0004 0431 0421 0328 0415 0298 0953 0116 Figure C - 3: Groundwater Vol Worksheet Input Using Model-Provided Toxicity Values Buildirg properties defaut AP 40 min 0 Highighted max 200 Distribution Triangular Chemical of Concern Arthmetic mean groundwater concentration. C, (ug/L) Arithmetic Standard Deiation of C (ug/L) Geometric mean groundwater concentration C, (ugao Geometrec Standard Deviaton Of C, (UL) Soil A 8 properties 0044 0 046 0053 Uniform awg 0,375 0054 2678 NiA mir 0053 N/A max 0055 N/A Distrbution Normal '3i9 N/A N/A N/A WA N/A N/A N/A N/A r :C 0, NA NJA NA N/A N/A NA N/A N/A n' 9,' K, k, n' 329 17 00000041 0002 r Updated URF (ug/m)" Updated RfC (mg/m') New Construction? (Y or N) i Particle Diameter (A q Stratum Above Water Table calve must to 1n6d in. I1YIZ Tric hlor eotylenm Uniform Simulaori Log Normal Default 1 2 3 4 WA 5 6 7 8 9 AP Ks C, Random N Particle Diameter 0187 0 204 0696 0 48 0005 0541 0056 0374 0010 0678 0064 0748 0489 0391 0728 0751 0764 0155 085 0,212 0786 0525 0155 0124 0510 0837 0034 0114 0564 0431 0421 0328 041S 0298 0953 0116 Figure C - 4: Groundwater Vol Worksheet Input Using Updated Toxicity Values 124 Soil Gas J&E and Vol Analysis Input First, the geometric means of the soil gas concentrations were calculated in Excel using the following equations: ConcentrationTCE = GEOMEAN(9.8,13.2, 31.8, 39,198, 207, 222, 355)= 69pg/m3 (5) ConcentrationPCE=GEOMEAN(6.78,11.3,22.5,23.7,24.8,41,47.5, 50.5)=24pjg/m3 (6) It should be noted that the PCE concentration of 6.78 pg/m 3 corresponds to the minimum detection limit (MDL). These concentration values were entered into the DATENTER worksheet of the J&E model. Figure C - 5 provides a screenshot of the DATENTER worksheet for TCE. 7 CUM477 a CASN7 10 - ash"L C. Chwifal pDWNI G.794 .E.0L Ewn * 18 18 S 216 27 28 28 OP (Mim 12 24 ENTE I EWTE" BNTE t8807to* 72 7W 747987$ $ 870 AM7&8$ cflw tu.777874 44 774rm ENTER of77 DuA t Sol 747$. E T, N747 hA strau TKkP; 4Of SCS $"*M74CI proVab778 hc 87 87 3$7 12 ; hkA Ws of73 (En'ter ak". 01 (Errtrv Strau A 7. L77. T Thio47u Sod rO (oxsed t e t7.w 7747 78 ENTE Stratum A s74*, ENft 87777.474 774,4474 bA drmf Poot NTIER ENTER S44t4e ENTER S7774747 ENTER |o 0.054 1 ENTER 22 E,.78~ ENTER; ENTER Enclosed 1 ENTER E87 8747 WWW"-3 74 45 4" 47 Eot" 47477974 7 A, 10 $2 TI 77 A82 78 WOK 40 ENTER 4777974 , AT. DITIER ENTER Straucsailtlal bult Ot PO$4447 ir Wao-o 1 0,43 0e40 I Mm1 7p 7 947774 1 1 135 I 1 WooR Flom" E M1hl famn 73WOMI 6400 ld3 ED | | atow. os EF 9d3ey 74777 28 e ENTER ENTrM . 7477 e Stau C tro t ETe 1d6 W I I fam) W. Stra L49 1 ENTER ENTER EINTER EnTER Sto B 87t7at778 wi74*, bulk dwwft 774777 974777$a" 42 778747 ENTER ENTER tratumA SCS stwo 36 A Z8 Figure C - 5: Soil Gas DATENTER Worksheet Next, the geometric standard deviations were calculated using the following equations in Excel: GSD TCE = exp (STDEV(1n(9.8),n(13.2),Jn(31.8), ln(39),n(198),ln(207)jn(222),ln(355)))= 4.1pg/ m3 (7) GSDCE = exp(STDEV(ln(6.78),ln(l 1.3)ln(23.7) ln(50.5)jln(47.5),ln(24.8),ln(22.5),ln(41)))= 2.Opg / m3 (8) 125 0.1 1 The values of the geometric mean and geometric standard deviations were entered into the Vol worksheet. Figure C - 6 through Figure C - 9 provide screenshots of the Vol worksheet for TCE for the following four risk/toxicity scenarios: 5. Target risk of 10-6, using the model-provided toxicity values; 6. Target risk of 10-4, using the model-provided toxicity values; 7. Target risk of 10-6, using the updated toxicity values; and, 8. Target risk of 10~4, using the updated toxicity values. Highlighted ceO. imet be ied In. Budding properties AP default 40 min 0 max 200 Distrnbution Trangular Chemical of Concern indial sod gas concentration C, Trichlorleylene pp nra) (ug/m, Standard Deviation of C, (ug/m, ppmv) Lognormal Mean of C, (ug/m 69 ppmv) Geometric Standard Deviation of Cr (ug/m New Construction? (Y or N) Updated URF (ug/rm Updated RfC (mg/m) Target risk for carcinogens Target risk for noncarcinogens 41 ppmv) n 0 000001 1 Soil properties A aug n K, k, B C no 'e nc 1, min max 0485 0 055 Distnibution Normal Uniform Simulation - -- Log Normal Default -- N/A N/A NIA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0375 0054 0265 0053 26,78 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A NIA NA Randofr N/A N/A 8 NWA N/A 9 AP Ks C' 0 173 0512 0341 0469 0212 0 786 0337 0670 0951 0292 0965 0456 0458 0280 0628 0 350 0 182 0 126 0254 0 783 0 583 0682 0 060 0337 0251 0409 0674 Figure C - 6: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 106 and Model-Provided Toxicity Values AP Building properties default mm 40 0 max 200 Distribution Triangular Highlighted cele nust be ied in. [ Z"7Trchkomethylene Chemical of Concem Initial soil gas concentration. C, (ugfm pp mv) Standard Deviation of C, (ug/m Lognormal Mean of C, (ug/m ppmv) ppmv) 69 Geometric Standard Deviation of C, (ugim ppmV) New Construction? (Y or N) Updated URF (ug/m)" Updated RfC (mg/m'/ Target risk for carcinogens Target risk for noncarcinogens 41 n 0 0001 I Soil properties A B n u,- avg 0375 0054 min 0265 0053 0.485 K, k, 2678 N/A 0055 - Distribution Normal Uniform Log Normal N/A N/A N/A no 0, max Rondom Simulation Default N/A N/A N/A NA 1 2 3 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 - 0212 0786 0126 0 254 0 337 0350 0182 0783 0583 0682 0 060 0337 0251 0409 0674 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 N/A N/A N/A NA 9 0628 7 B,: - Ks 0173 0512 0341 0469 0965 0456 0458 0280 6 C AP 0670 0,951 0,292 Figure C - 7: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 10- 4 and Model-Provided Toxicity Values 126 Building properties default min AP 4 A 40 Soil properties min avg 0265 0.375 0.054 0.053 26.78 N/A N/A n' 8,^ K, k, it 2 -t B 2 C 0 max Distribution 200 Trangular max Distribution Normal Uniform Log Nonnal N/A 0,485 0.055 N/A rtgigghted asts must he Oud in. Chemical of Concern Trchloroeflylne Iniial soil gas concentration. C, (ug/m ppnw) 3 Standard Deviation of C, (ug/m pprmv) Lognormal Mean of C, (Ug/mI ppmv) 69 Geometic Standard Deviation of C, (ug/m ppnw) 4A New Construdtion? (Y or N) n 3 Updated URF (ug/m y' 4 tOE-OS 3 Updaled RfC (mg/m ) 0.002 Target nsk for carcinogens 0000001 Target risk for noncarceogens, Randow Simulation AP Default Ks - 1 0.173 0212 2 3 0786 0.126 0,254 no ,' N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 0.512 0.341 0469 N/A N/A 5 0.965 0,350 nc N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 7 8 9 0456 0 458 0280 0628 0.182 0.783 0583 0.682 6 0.337 0,670 0951 0292 0,060 0 337 0-251 0409 0674 Figure C - 8: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 106 and Updated Toxicity Values AP A 1 6 Building properties min default 0 40 Soil properties min ag n^ 0375 0265 6" 0054 0053 K. 2678 kv N/A N/A Highighted max 200 Distribution Trangular max 0.485 0055 - Distiution Normal Uniform Log Nonnl N/A N/A of Concern Initial soil gas concentration C, (ug/M ppM) Standard Deviation of C, (ug/rm ppnw) Lognormal Mean of C,(ugm/n ppm) Geometric Standard Deviaion of C, (ug/m' ppnw) New Construction? (Y or N) 3 Updaled URF (ug/m y' Updated RfC (mg/m3) Target risk for carcinogens Target rsk for noncarcinogens 24 C nC O,, N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Trhiloroehyne 69 41 n 4 ItE-06 0002 00001 I ReOdom Simulation AP Default 1 18 no 05 as must be Md In, Chemical N/A N/A -- Ks C. - 2 3 4 5 0173 0512 0341 0469 0965 6 0.456 0.182 7 8 9 0.458 0.280 0.628 0.783 0.583 0.682 0.212 0.786 0.126 0254 0350 0337 0,670 0.951 0292 0060 0337 0251 0409 0,674 Figure C - 9: Soil Gas Vol Worksheet Using Target Risk of 104 and Updated Toxicity Values 127