Task Stream What’s in store?

What’s in store?
Advance Organizer
• Portfolio Concerns and TaskStream Solutions
• Author (Student) and Evaluator (Faculty)
• Employment Portfolio
• Utility for SPAs
• Questions and Answers
(Please write all questions on the notes
sheet and we will address them at the
conclusion of the presentation)
• Teacher Education Council tasks 2010-2011
• TaskStream as a platform to increase utility,
flexibility, and adaptability to concerns with
and and changes to our E-Portfolio
• Purpose: To present solutions to current EPortfolio concerns identified by TE and C&F
faculty and to demonstrate key features of the
TaskStream platform
The Associate
Dean’s Message
Program Coordinator or
Checkpoint Assessor
These are the programs
that the person is
associated with.
Each program will be associated
with a code. This is where the
student enters it to be part
of that program. We can also
manually assign them.
Not meaningful to students
• Ability to develop rubrics specific to
assessment, but reported by outcome.
• Ability to tailor portfolio to program
• Ability to create/publish
portfolio with own design
Submission Issues
• Students can see who they submitted
artifacts to and they can even cancel
the submission before it is graded
• Students upload and submit on the same screen
• Students can submit more than one file for a
requirement (useful for multi-part artifacts like the
Teacher Work Sample)
• Students would not need to submit portfolios for
checkpoint since the assessment manager can have
access to view the entire portfolio
• Ability to assess “no-submission” assignments, like
disposition or student teaching evaluations
Artifact Status
Directors and
Evaluation Method
Form; Text & Image; Slideshow;
Standards; Attachments; Videos; Links
Artifact Submission
Student Summary Sheet and My Files (All-in-One)
History of Artifact (where did it go; what did they say)
Instructor Assessment Issues
• Instructor can get an email when
items are submitted to them
• Log in screen provides a link to all
assessments that need to be
Accessibility of Information
• You can view all of the items that have been
submitted or graded in the student’s portfolio (they
just have to save the items) and you can view all
• Evaluation managers have access to view status of
all students artifacts and assessments
• Permission can be given to edit or override
You can either select the
individual’s artifact or
program you want to assess
View ALL Artifacts
Waiting to be Assessed
Provide the student with
either a sample artifact;
their artifact with changes;
or any other document
Grade artifact, but
do not release it to
the student for
Grade artifact and
submit it to student
for viewing
Release or Finalize
Grades All at Once
Usefulness and
Employment Portfolio
• Students can create as many portfolios as they want
to create no matter their past, present or future
• Allows students to create their own employment
portfolios, design them however they want, and
publish them to the web. This might be more
engaging for the students and allows for greater
Students who receive
• Submitting to anybody at any time can
be set up to allow students to submit to
any faculty at any time.
• Customer Service is available via phone
(instantly) and email (within 24 hours)
• Training will be available via in-person, website
video and on TaskStream
• Portfolio website has also been updated to
provide assistance
Rubric Issues
• Instructors or programs can make their own artifacts
(course or program specific), which will be helpful for
SPA Reporting especially since rubrics can be linked to
CEHS outcomes or SPA standards.
– Note: Any common course artifacts must use the same rubric.
• By creating artifact-specific rubrics, we can select
the specific domains that are utilized for each
outcome or artifact
• Rubrics will be more specific
to the artifacts
Create Your Own Rubric
Rubric Assignment
Other Issues to be Addressed
• Transfer students do not have assessed required
artifacts from prior courses
– They could see exactly what needs to be
uploaded to the template
• Timing of when artifacts are due
– This is a College issue, but the system allows
students to submit to anybody they want
• Reliance on narrative, qualitative rubrics makes
quantification and utility of data difficult
– Assignment specific rubrics will need to be
Other Issues to be Addressed
• Instructors not evaluating artifacts on time or at all
– Possible to link portfolio assessment with course grading,
making it more likely that instructors will grade artifacts.
– Evaluation manager can evaluate student work or edit
previous evaluations.
• Checkpoints
– Evaluation managers can be established to allow faculty to
complete checkpoint assessments
– DRF can be set-up to identify specific required artifacts at
different checkpoints
• Student Autonomy
– Space for optional artifacts
Utility for