Criterion 2. Maintenance of Productive Capacity of Forest Ecosystems National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010 Indicator 2.10. Area and Percent of Forest Land and Net Area of Forest Land Available for Wood Production Last Updated June 2011 Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Acres (millions) 150 200 100 150 50 100 200 150 250 100 200 50 150 0 100 50 0 0 South Rocky Pacific Alaska Mountain Coast Region Planted timber land Reserved and other forest 0 South Rocky Pacific Alaska North Natural/seminatural timber land Mountain Coast Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory Regionand Analysis North 50 90 Planted timber land Reserved and other forest 250 100 Percent timber land Figure 10-2.Natural/seminatural Timber land and nontimber land forest area by region, 1953, 1977, and 2007. Percent 250 200 200 150 80 100 70 90 60 80 50 70 40 60 30 50 20 40 10 30 0 20 10 150 100 0 North 250 2007 2007 1977 1953 Alaska 2007 1977 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 2007 Region Pacific Coast 1953 1977 1977 Timber land South 1953 Rocky Mountain 2007 1977 South 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 North 1953 0 2007 50 0 1977 100 50 1977 Planted forests are most common in the South where 45 million acres (72 percent) of all such forests in the United States occur. Planted forests are discussed in more detail in Indicator 2.12. The total area of timber land in the United States has been stable during the past 50 years with an overall loss of only 1 percent (fig. 10-2). 250 1953 Forest land in the United States, totaling 751 million acres, is nearly equally distributed between East and West, with 387 million acres in the East (North and South Regions) and 365 million acres in the West (Rocky Mountain, Pacific Coast, and Alaska Regions). Timber lands, including natural and seminatural stands and planted forests comprise the largest category of forest (fig. 10-1) with 514 million acres nationally; 368 million acres (72 percent) of this total is in the East and 146 million acres in the West. Planted forests currently comprise 12 percent (63 million acres) of all U.S. timber land and the area is increasing. 200 1953 What does the indicator show? 250 250 Acres (millions) Acres (millions) This indicator provides information fundamental to calculating the wood production capacity of existing forests and shows how much forest is potentially available for wood production, compared with total forest area. The availability and the capability of forest land to provide desired goods and services is a critical indicator of the balance of forest ecosystems relative to potential end uses. The multitemporal nature of the management objectives and planning guidelines for diverse U.S. owners, however, make it difficult to summarize the area of forest available for wood production in a single value at a single point in time, much less consistently over time. Within the context of this report, forest available for wood production will be defined as forest land not precluded by law or regulation from commercial harvesting of trees or timber land. In practice, the area available for wood production at any given time will always be a value less than total timber land. The amount of the area adjustment required to determine the actual availability of timber land will depend on the ownership mix and the management constraints in place at the time of analysis. This adjustment will affect all other indicators in Criterion 2 as well. Figure 10-1. Forest land by region and forest class, 2007. Nontimber land forest Rocky Pacific Alaska Mountain Coast Region Timber land Nontimber land forest Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 200 250 llions) Acres (millions) What is the indicator and why is it important? 150 200 100 150 1 P tim P tim North National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010 South Rocky Mountain Pacific Coast 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 0 Alaska Region Acres (millions) Acres (millions) The notion of sustainability of forest available for wood production is linked to the demand for these forests for other uses. Natural events, and competing societal forces can also affect availability. Fire, weather, and insect and disease outbreaks can 250 seriously affect supplies at any given time. Forest productivity can also 200 be altered by pollution and human-caused degradation. Consumer preferences, recycling, and investments in the for250 150 estry sector and availability of workers also play a significant role in wood production. Sound institutional frameworks that 200 100continuous monitoring of critical aspects of forests are provide invaluable. Simply put, wood production relies on the existence 150 50 of available forest land and all of the factors that influence the sustainability of that land. 100 0 South North Rocky Mountain What50has changed since Region 2003? Alaska Pacific Coast timber land Reserved and forest acres in Planted Timber land has increased byother 7 million the East (2 percent) Natural/seminatural timber land 0 and 3 millionNorth acres in the West (2 Rocky percent) since 2003. Much Pacific South Alaska of Coast Mountain of previously the increase came from the reclassification marginal Region timber250 lands or areas, particularly in the mid-section of the country, Planted timber land Reserved and other forest that were previously classified as nonforest. This reclassification Natural/seminatural timber land is more consistent with national standard definitions, and was 200to areas that tended to be privately owned. applied Acres (millions) 200 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 1977 South Alaska Figure 10-4. Timber land in the United States by major cover type, 1953 and 2007. 250 200 150 250 100 200 50 150 0 100 1953 2007 1953 1953 East West Region Conifer Broadleaf Mixed Source: 0 USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 1953 2007 1953 1953 100 East West 90 10-5. Percent of timber Region Figure land area and wood Conifer Mixed removals by ownership group.Broadleaf 80 50 100 70 60 90 50 80 40 70 30 60 20 50 10 40 10 0 Percent of timberland area Percent of wood removals Percent of timberland area Public ownership Percent of timberland area 1952 Percent of wood removals Percent of wood removals Private ownership 1976 2006 Percent of timberland area Public ownership 1952 Percent of wood removals Private ownership 1976 2006 2007 1977 1953 2007 Alaska Nontimber land forest 2007 1953 2007 2 1977 1953 1977 1977 2007 1977 Pacific Coast 1953 2007 1977 1953 2007 Timber land Region 1953 1953 2007 1977 1953 Rocky Mountain 2007 South Last Updated June 2011 0 1977 North 1977 1953 2007 1977 Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 1953 0 50 1953 2007 1977 1953 Rocky Pacific Mountain Coast Region Public Private Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 20 50 100 2007 North 0 30 100 150 1977 0 Percent Acres (millions) Acres (millions) 100 50 250 150 200 150 1953 Private timber lands currently account for 91 percent of U.S. wood production, compared to 86 percent in 1952 (fig. 10-5). Although public ownerships have the benefit of very long-term tenure, recent public land policy shifts toward reducing the amount of wood harvested from public lands have contributed to increased pressure on private forests in the United States and increased imports to meet U.S. wood needs. 250 Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Conifer forest types are fairly equally distributed between the East and West and broadleaf types are dominant in the East (fig. 10-4). Nontimber land forest Figure 10-3. Timber land area by ownership and region, 1953, 1977, and 2007. Percent Ownership also plays a key role in the area available for U.S. wood production. Timber land is generally concentrated on private lands in the East (fig. 10-3) and public lands in the West. Overall, private timber lands account for 356 million acres, about 69 percent of all forest available for wood production in the United States. Timber land