Criterion 1. Conservation of Biological Diversity National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010 Indicator 1.01. Area and Per­cent of Forest by Forest Ecosystem Type, Successional Stage, Age Class, and Forest Ownership or Tenure This indicator uses age-class distribution by broad forest type as a coarse measure of the landscape-scale structure of the Nation’s forests. Within forest types, this serves as a surrogate for stand development or successional stage. A diverse distribution of forest lands across forest types and age classes is an indicator of tree-size diversity and is important for determining timber growth and yield, the occurrence of specific wildlife and plant communities, the presence of other nontimber forest products, and the forest’s aesthetic and recreational values. What does the indicator show? Forest area in the United States stands at 751 million acres, or about one-third of the Nation’s land area. Forest area was about one billion acres at the time of European settlement in 1630. Of the total forest land loss of nearly 300 million acres, most occurred in the East (divided into North and South regions in the accompanying charts) between 1850 and 1900, when broadleaf forests were cleared for agriculture (fig. 1-1). For the past 100 years, the total forest area has been relatively stable, although the U.S. population has nearly tripled. Broadleaf forests. Broadleaf forests cover 290 million acres nationwide (fig. 1-3), predominantly in the North and South (239 million acres). With 139 million acres in the United States, oak-hickory is the largest single forest cover type. It constitutes more than 19 percent of all forest land in the United States and nearly one-half of all broadleaf forests. Covering 54 million acres, maple-beech-birch forests, are also dominant in the Eastern United States. Combined, these two upland forest types constitute nearly two-thirds of all broadleaf forests and have increased 25 and 39 percent, respectively, since 1977. Broadleaf types have a fairly normal age distribution, showing a bulge in the 40- to 79-year age-class, as second- and thirdgrowth forests in the East continue to mature (fig. 1-4). Conifer forests. Conifer forests cover 409 million acres in the United States and are found predominantly in the West (314 million acres) and South (69 million acres). Pines are the single-most dominant group of conifer forests. Loblollyshortleaf 400 pine and longleaf-slash pine types in the South and South ponderosa and lodgepole pine types in the West combine to 350 North cover300121 million acres, or more than one-fourth of all conifer forest types. 250 Acres (millions) What is the indicator and why is it important? 200 00 20 50 19 10 19 70 18 30 18 90 17 17 17 16 16 800 400 Acres (millions) South 350 Acres (millions) 50 Figure 1-2. Area of natural Years forest, planted forest, and nonforest land by geographic region, 1630 and 2007. 10 Figure 1-1. Historic forest area in the United States by geographic region, 1630–2007. 70 The 150 largest single conifer type, with 58 million acres in interior Rocky Mountain Alaska Alaska, is the spruce-birch type. Douglas-fir follows closely, 100 Pacific Coast with 39 million acres found predominantly in the Pacific Coast 50 Region. 0 Conifer forests are somewhat bimodal in age structure 30 Today, regional forest cover ranges from a low of 19 percent of the land area in the Rocky Mountain Region (fig. 1-2) to 45 percent in the Pacific Coast Region, 41 percent in the North, 40 percent in the South, and 34 percent in Alaska. North 300 250 200 150 Alaska 100 Rocky Mountain Pacific Coast 600 400 200 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 Years Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 19 5 19 1 0 0 18 7 0 18 3 17 9 0 0 17 5 0 17 1 16 7 16 3 0 0 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 North South Rocky Pacific Alaska Mountain Coast Region and year Natural forest Planted forest Nonforest Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis 800 lions) Last Updated June 2011 600 160 140 1977 2007 1 an d 0 20 150 20 100 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Mixed Conifer Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Conifer Mixed Mixed Braodleaf Braodleaf Conifer Braodleaf Mixed Braodleaf r de 9 19 9 14 99 59 39 79 Conifer 19 ol d an 0 0 15 10 0 to to 80 to 60 to 40 to 20 to 0 to 20 1977 2007 250 20 200 r ol de 9 an d to 0 15 0 Stand-age class (years) 19 9 0 to 14 99 80 to 79 60 to 59 to 40 50 to 100 39 1500 Private 250 250 Public 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 500 0 ol an d Private Public 1977 2007 llions) 0 0 1953 40 300 Nonstocked 0–4.9 5–9.9 10+ Average stand-diameter class (inches) Rocky Pacific Alaska Mountain Coast Region Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Private Public 250 20 15 0 10 80 60 40 20 Nonstocked 0–4.9 5–9.9 10+ Average stand-diameter class (inches) Stand-age class (years) Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Conifer Broadleaf Mixed 0 60 r de 9 to 19 9 to 14 99 to 79 to 59 to 39 to 19 50 0 300 200 Mixed Conifer Broadleaf Mixed Nonstocked 0–4.9 5–9.9 10+ Source: USDA Forest Average Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis stand-diameter class (inches) 2007 40 200 1953 Broadleaf Figure 1-6. Forest land ownership1953 in the United States 1977 2007 300 by geographic region, 2007. 250 Last 250 Updated June 2011 Conifer 0 AcresAcres (millions) (millions) 1977 Alaska 20 to 0 15 1953 300 60 to AcresAcres (millions) (millions) Figure 1-5. Trends in timber land area by average 80 stand-diameter class, 1953–2007. Stand-age class (years) 80 10 19 9 9 to 14 99 10 0 80 to 79 to 60 40 to 39 to 20 0 to 19 Rocky Pacific Alaska Mountain Coast Region and cover group Stand-age class (years) Source: USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Conifer Broadleaf Mixed Rocky Pacific Mountain Coast Region and cover group Figure 1-4. Forest area by stand-age class for conifer, broadleaf, and mixed forests, 2007 (excludes Alaska). 20 Conifer ol Braodleaf de r Mixed Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed 59 Braodleaf Conifer Braodleaf Mixed 40 20 South North 19 60 Conifer Acres (millions) Acres (millions) 100 60 80 20 0 2007 140 80 120 Nonforest Forest land area has remained essentially stable since 2003. The North Southof 8 million Rocky acresPacific Alaska data indicates an increase (about 1 percent), 2007 Mountain Coast 1977 160 of this increase came as result of changes in the classi­but much Region and cover group 140 of land cover types as either forest or nonforest. From fication 120 a regional standpoint, a general loss of forest has occurred in 100 the coastal regions of the East and West with offsetting gains 80 80 in forest area in the interior region. Much of the loss can be at60 tributed to urban sprawl, and much of the gain can be attributed 40 60 to forest encroachment following decades of fire suppression. 20 0 Generally the forest gained is of lower productivity than the 40 forest lost. Acres (millions) Acres (millions) 1977 160 0 Nonforest Coast Region and year What has changed 2003? Natural forestsince Planted forest South NorthNatural forest Figure 1-3. Area of major cover group, 1977 and 2007. Mountain 0 to Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed Braodleaf Conifer Mixed Braodleaf Rocky forest PacificNonforest Alaska Planted Mountain Coast forest in the United States by Regionland and cover group 20 0 00 20 50 19 10 19 70 18 30 18 90 17 50 17 10 17 70 16 30 16 Conifer Acres Acres (millions) (millions) Although trend data on forest age-class are sparse, historic data 1977 2007 160 800 are available for average tree size in forest stands (fig. 1-5). 140 Stands with trees averaging 0 to 5 inches in diameter increase 120 600 as older stands are harvested and regenerated. The recent trend 100 in this diameter class is slightly downward. Although intermediate 400 80 stands60in the 6 to 10 inch diameter range have been declining, 200 stands 40averaging more than 11 inches in diameter have been rising.20This later trend is indicative of shifts in management 0 0 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630West, 2007 that have decreased harvesting on public forests in the North South Rocky Pacific Alaska thus, increasing the acreage of larger diameter stands in that Mountain Coast region, particularly in coniferous forests Region and year types. South Planted forest Ownership patterns have a profound effect on forest 600 1977manage2007 160 ment policies and activities. Although 81 percent of forests of 140 400 the North and South are in private ownership, only 30 percent 120 of forests in the West are in private ownership (fig. 1-6). 100 200 Overall, 80 56 percent of U.S. forests are in private ownership. 0 Thus,60public land policies have a more significant affect on 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 40 forests and their use. western North South Rocky Pacific Alaska Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Acres (millions) Acres (millions) 200 200 forests. Virtually all of U.S. mixed forests are found Mixed Rocky Mountain 150 0 Alaska in the South, where oak-pine (30 million acres) and oak-gum1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 1630 2007 100 cypress (20North million acres) are theRocky major forest types. Although Pacific SouthCoast Pacific Alaska 50 Mountain Coast oak-gum-cypress is found in the wet lowlands, oak-pine is Region and year 0 usually found on the drier uplands of the South. The largest age Natural forest Planted forest Nonforest class for these forests is 40 to 59 years old. Years North Coast 800 with800 more acreage in younger age-classes because of more intensive management for wood production in the South and a 400 600 preponderance of olderSouth stands in the West where most of the 350 United States remaining old-growth forests occur and where 400 North 300 recent policy changes have reduced harvesting of mature stands. 250 0 1 1 Natural forest National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010 Years 0 20 Mountain Years Region and year 00 20 50 19 10 19 70 18 30 18 90 17 50 17 10 17 70 16 16 30 0 200 150 North South 2