Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 01/01/2016 to 03/31/2016 Tonto National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) APS 69kv Power Line Permit for - Special use management Childs-Irving Line In Progress: Scoping Start 08/12/2015 CE *UPDATED* EA Judy Adams 928-203-7506 UNIT - Payson Ranger District, Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Line that travels from Childs substation to Irving power plant area. Includes small sections of the Tonto NF where it crosses Fossil Creek. Tracy Kremer 03/2015 - Vegetation management Developing Proposal Expected:02/2015 505-842-3445 (other than forest products) Est. Notice of Initiation 12/2014 - Special use management Description: FS must decide if to allow APS and SRP to include using herbicides as a method to manage vegetation on existing APS and SRP transmission ROW within five National Forests in Arizona. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT 02/2017 Description: Issuance of a permit to replace the expired Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Hydropower License. Existing 69 kV line that was part of the Childs Irving Power operation and covered under the old license. Has been in continuous operation. Web Link: Location: AZ Public Service-Salt River Project ROW Vegetation Management with Herbicides Expected:01/2017 UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units, Prescott National Forest All Units, Coconino National Forest All Units, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests All Units, Tonto National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Arizona Public Service Company and Salt River Project Rights of Way across the Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto National Forests. See map on website. Page 1 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) CAMP TATIYEE LAND EXCHANGE - 0100 #5004 - Land acquisition EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 03/25/2010 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 04/2015 Expected:12/2015 12/2015 Randall Chavez 928-368-2106 Description: Exchange of private parcels in the A-S, Coronado, Prescott, & Tonto NFs for Federal lands in Pinetop-Lakeside (T9N, R22E). Would provide land for children's camps currently under spec. use permit & result in consolid. of isolated parcels on Forests. Web Link: Location: Fossil Creek Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan UNIT - Bradshaw Ranger District, Lakeside Ranger District, Mesa Ranger District, Sierra Vista Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Navajo. LEGAL - T9N, R22E, sec.16, G&SRBM. Along State Highway SR260 within existing Pinetop-Lakeside town limits. - Regulations, Directives, Orders EA In Progress: Scoping Start 03/29/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 04/2016 Expected:04/2017 05/2017 Charlotte Minor 928-635-8271 Description: Creation of a Comprehensive River Management Plan for Fossil Creek as described in the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The project is on both the Coconino National Forest and the Tonto National Forest. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Payson Ranger District, Red Rock Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Fossil Creek (Wild and Scenic River Portions) - Red Rock District of the Coconino National Forest and Payson Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest. Page 2 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Four Forest Restoration Initiative Rim Country Environmental Impact Statement EIS *NEW LISTING* Annette Fredette - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:01/2019 02/2019 928 226 4684 - Forest products Est. NOI in Federal Register - Vegetation management 03/2016 (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management - Road management Description: Landscape-scale restoration on the Coconino, Apache-Sitgreaves, and Tonto National Forests of ponderosa pine ecosystems, designed to maintain, improve, and restore ecosystem structure, pattern, function, and resiliency. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Mogollon Rim Ranger District, Coconino NF; Black Mesa and Lakeside Ranger Districts, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest; Payson and Pleasant Ranger Districts, Tonto National Forest. R3 - Southwestern Region Tonto National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Bighorn Sheep Population Management Project - Land management planning - Special use management On Hold EA N/A N/A Gregory Dunn 928-467-3218 Description: Authorize the use of helicopters by the Arizona Game and Fish Department to capture, release, translocate, monitor populations, and conduct research of bighorn sheep on the Tonto National FOrest, including wilderness areas. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Tonto National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Maricopa, Pinal, Yavapai. LEGAL Not Applicable. Tonto National Forest, including the Mazatzal, Hells Gate, Four Peaks, Salt River Canyon, and Superstition Wilderness Areas. Page 3 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Tonto National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) Tonto National Forest Motorized Travel Management - Recreation management - Road management EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 07/03/2014 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 01/2016 Project Contact Expected:05/2016 06/2016 Marianne Thomas 602-225-5213 Description: The Tonto National Forest is in the process of implementing the Travel Management Rule which calls for establishing a system of roads, trails, and areas designated for motorized vehicle use and determining suitable locations for dispersed camping. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Tonto National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Maricopa, Pinal, Yavapai. LEGAL Not Applicable. Tonto National Forest. R3 - Southwestern Region Tonto National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Resolution Baseline Hydrological & Geotechnical Data Gathering Activities EA *UPDATED* - Minerals and Geology 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Expected:05/2016 06/2016 Celeste Kinsey 602-225-5248 Description: Resolution Copper Mining, LLC proposes to collect hydrologic, geochemical and geotechnical data in order to provide baseline information on these aspects of the environment over an area being considered for a potential tailings storage site. Web Link: Location: Tonto National Forest In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 03/13/2015 UNIT - Globe Ranger District, Mesa Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Pinal. LEGAL - T1S,R11E in portions of Sections 13, 23-27 and 35-36; T1S,R12E in portions of Sections 19, 20 and 28-33; T2S,R11E in portions of Sections 1 and 2; and T2S, R12E in portions of Section 6. The project is proposed on the Mesa and Globe Ranger Districts in Pinal County, Arizona, approximately 6 miles north and west of the Town of Superior. Cave Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 4 of 15 R3 - Southwestern Region Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Cave Creek Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Red Creek, Six Bar, and Skeleton Ridge Grazing - Grazing management - Vegetation management (other than forest products) EA On Hold N/A Project Contact N/A Jeffrey Sturla 480-595-3331 Description: To improve ecological conditions within three grazing allotments using tools such as adaptive grazing and wildlife habitat improvement and by maintaining or replacing aging structural range improvements such as fences, water developmements. Web Link: Location: Tonto National Forest UNIT - Cave Creek Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Yavapai. LEGAL - The Verde River flows through approximately 30 miles of the allotments. Southern portion of allotments are approximately 20 miles north and northeast of Cave Creek, AZ. Cave Creek Ranger District along the Verde River. Activities Connected to the Pinto Valley Mine - Minerals and Geology EA *UPDATED* BCE Copper Springs Exploratory Drilling & Road Maintenance In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 08/27/2010 Expected:03/2016 Celeste Kinsey 602-225-5248 UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T1N, R13E, S 1, 2, 14, 23, 24, & 25. T1N, R14E, S 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, & 32. T1S, R14E, S 4 & 5. T2N, R13E, S 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 34, & 35. The Pinto Valley Mine is located approximately three miles north of US Highway 60 on Pinto Valley Road (Forest Road 287), and approximately six miles west of Miami, Gila County, Arizona. - Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A CE N/A Lee Ann Atkinson 906-932-1330-308 leeannatkinson@fs.fed. us Description: Short term use exploratory drilling. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT 04/2016 Description: The proposed action is a consolidated authorization to extend previously authorized and/or ongoing activities and uses on National Forest System lands, and limited expansion of existing surface uses for ancillary operations. Web Link: Location: *UPDATED* R3 - Southwestern Region Globe Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T. 1 S., R. 15 E., Sections 3,4,5,8,9 &10. south of Globe, Near Solitude Gulch and Deep Canyon. Page 5 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Globe Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Copper King Project - Minerals and Geology Completed Actual: 12/24/2015 Project Contact 01/2016 CE *UPDATED* Lee Ann Atkinson 928-402-6200 Description: Minerals exploration proposal which includes the use of existing roads for drill site access and some sites accessed by helicopter. Web Link: Location: Globe Ranger District/Pinals Abandoned Mine Lands Remediation Project UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Pinal. LEGAL - T1S, R12E, Sections 12, 13 and 18; T1S, R13E, Sections 8 and 17. Approximately two miles north of the Town of Superior, Arizona. - Minerals and Geology In Progress: Scoping Start 09/18/2015 Expected:01/2016 02/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Lee Ann Atkinson 928-402-6200 Description: There are numerous mines and associated features on the district that have been abandoned without safe closure and/or remediation. The purpose is to remediate features that may pose physical hazards. Web Link: Location: Pinaladera WUI Fuels Management EA UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila, Pinal. LEGAL - Not Applicable. In the vicinity of Superior, Pinal County, and in the foothills of the Pinal Mountains, south of Globe, Gila County, Arizona. - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management On Hold N/A N/A Louis Sandoval 928-402-6200 Description: Fuels reduction on approximately 83,558 acres south of Globe. Area includes the Pinal Mountain Recreation Area. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T. 1-2 S., R. 13-16 E., GSRM. Pinal Mountains south of Globe and east of Devil's Canyon. Page 6 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Globe Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Red Top Project - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 03/02/2015 Expected:02/2016 Project Contact 03/2016 *UPDATED* Lee Ann Atkinson 928-402-6200 Description: Minerals exploration proposal including use of existing roads to provide access for drilling. Web Link: Location: Tonto National Forest UNIT - Globe Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Pinal. LEGAL - T1S, R12E, Sections 2 and 3; T1N, R12E, Section 28 and 33. approximately four miles north of the Town of Superior, Arizona. R3 - Southwestern Region Mesa Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Fish Creek Mineral Material Borrow Source - Minerals and Geology In Progress: Scoping Start 01/07/2015 Expected:07/2016 08/2016 CE *UPDATED* Description: The Arizona Department of Transportation has proposed to reopen and expand the existing Fish Creek Mineral Material borrow pit to obtain mineral materials necessary for the maintenance of State Route 88. Web Link: Location: Sunflower Allotment Environmental Assessment Judd Sampson 6022255272 UNIT - Mesa Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Maricopa. LEGAL - Section 5, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Gila and Salt River Meridan. Located approximately 12 miles southwest of Roosevelt Lake along State Route 88. - Grazing management Completed EA *UPDATED* Actual: 10/09/2015 11/2015 Kelly Kessler 480-610-3305 Description: The Mesa Ranger District is preparing an environmental assessment to develop an adaptive management strategy to reauthorize livestock grazing in a manner which maintains or improves resource conditions on the allotment. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Mesa Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Maricopa. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The allotment is located northeast of Fountain Hills, AZ extending from the Salt River and Saguaro Lake up along Four Peaks, ending just south of Sunflower, AZ in Maricopa County. Page 7 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Payson Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Barnhardt Troughs & Storage - Grazing management Completed Actual: 11/23/2015 Project Contact 11/2015 CE *UPDATED* Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the Forest Service and the permittee to install a new 2,500 gallon storage tank and two new troughs along the route of an existing surface polypipe. Web Link: Location: Diamond Rim Grazing Analysis UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T9N, R9E, Sec. 24, 26 of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The Barnhardt Troughs & Storage project is on the Payson Ranger District. The project is located on the Rye Creek grazing allotment of the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. - Grazing management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 04/07/2015 Expected:09/2015 10/2015 Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: To develop and implement a single grazing strategy on the Little Green Valley Grazing Complex which is consistent with the Tonto National Forest Land Management Plan, as amended. Web Link: Location: New Delph Tank & Bear Tank Maintenance UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Townships 13-9; Ranges 13-9. Five grazing allotments consisting of Payson/Cross V, Green Valley/Indian Gardens and Star Valley located to the north and east of the town of Payson. - Grazing management On Hold CE *UPDATED* N/A N/A Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: The purpose of this project is to create new water developments that capture and store water for authorized livestock and wild ungulates. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T10.5; R15E; Sec 21, 28, 33 of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The New Delph Tank & Bear Tank Maintenance project is on the Pleasant Valley Ranger District. The project is located on the OW grazing allotment of the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. Page 8 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Payson Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Payson RD OHV Management Planning - Recreation management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 03/28/2014 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 03/2015 Expected:09/2015 Project Contact 10/2015 Brian Sweatland 928-474-7900 Description: This projects seek to do the following: Develop OHV staging areas across Payson, prohibit camping within 200' of streams unless designated, and designate an OHV specific campground. Web Link: Location: Pine Creek Well Pipeline & Drinker UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Payson Ranger District. - Grazing management Completed Actual: 11/23/2015 11/2015 CE *UPDATED* Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the Forest Service and the permittee to install a new water storage tank and associated drinkers, as well as approximately 1 mile of surface pipeline. Web Link: Location: Potato Butte New Tank UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T10N, R14E, Sec. 31 of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The Pine Creek Well Pipeline & Drinker project is on the Pleasant Valley Ranger District. The project is located on the Bar X grazing allotment of the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. - Grazing management Completed Actual: 11/23/2015 11/2016 CE *UPDATED* Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the Forest Service and the permittee to construct a new dirt tank. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T9N, R13E, Sec. 22 of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The Potato Butte New Tank project is on the Pleasant Valley Ranger District. The project is located on the Potato Butte grazing allotment of the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. Page 9 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Spring Creek New Tank Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Payson Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Grazing management Completed Actual: 11/23/2015 Project Contact 11/2016 CE *UPDATED* Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the Forest Service and the permittee to construct a new dirt tank. Web Link: Location: Tonto National Forest Bar X Tanks CE UNIT - Payson Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T8N, R13E, Sec. 22 of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The Spring Creek New Tank project is on the Pleasant Valley Ranger District. The project is located on the Spring Creek grazing allotment of the Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. R3 - Southwestern Region Pleasant Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Grazing management Completed *UPDATED* Actual: 07/09/2015 12/2015 Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the permittee to construct seven new tanks on the Bar X allotment. All the tanks will be adjacent to existing system roads and will collect run-off from the roadways. All tanks will be approximately 50 ft X 100ft and will be appro Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - T10N, R13E, Sec 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24. The project is located Bar X Allotment on the Pleasant Valley Ranger District, Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. North of Young, Arizona. Page 10 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Pleasant Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Board Tree Saddle Mineral Material Source - Minerals and Geology Completed Actual: 04/28/2015 07/2015 CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Township 7 North, Range 14 East, Section 7, Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The site is located approximately nine miles south of the community of Young, Arizona, along State Route 288. - Minerals and Geology Completed Actual: 05/01/2015 08/2016 CE *UPDATED* Judd Sampson 6022255272 Description: The Arizona Department of Transportation has proposed to expand the existing 2.3 acre pit to a depth of 30 feet. Material excavated would be used for maintenance of a portion of State Route 288. Web Link: Location: Connor Canyon Mineral Material Source Project Contact Judd Sampson 6022255272 Description: The Arizona Department of Transportation has proposed to resume use of the existing 4.5 acre mineral material pit, of which 2.5 acres has previously been excavated. Material would be used for maintenance of SR 288 between Reynolds Creek and Young. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Township 6 North, Range 13 East, Section 36, Gila and Salt River Meridian. The pit is located approximately 20 miles south of the community of Young along State Route 288, milepost 280.8. Flying V and Flying H Allotment - Grazing management Management Plans On Hold N/A EA N/A Angela Elam 928.474.7901 Description: Update and reauthorize two allotment management plans. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Not Applicable. North, East, and South of Young, AZ. Page 11 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Haigler Fuels Analysis EA Project Purpose CE Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region Pleasant Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Jason Cress - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants On Hold N/A N/A 928-467-3251 - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Fuels management Description: Manage timber and other woody vegetation to help maintain forest health, reduce forest fuels, and improve wildlife habitat and range conditions on approximately 43,435 acres of the Tonto National Forest. Web Link: Location: New Dutchman Well Planning Status UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Pleasant Valley Ranger District, Management Areas 5D, 5G, and 4F, including areas around Haigler Creek Estates. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Grazing management Completed *UPDATED* Actual: 07/09/2015 12/2015 Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: Ground disturbance would include use of a truck-mounted drill rig to drill the well, pipeline, and/or armature to link the new well with an existing windmill and water storage tanks. Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Sec. 33, T9N, R13E of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian. The project is located on the Potato Butte grazing allotment in the Pleasant Valley Ranger District, Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. Page 12 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Pleasant Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) New Soldier Camp Tanks CE - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Grazing management Completed Actual: 07/09/2015 Project Contact 12/2015 *UPDATED* Douglas Ruppel 928-474-7908 Description: It is proposed by the Forest Service and the permittee to construct four new roadside tanks. Tanks will be 50ft. X 100 ft. X 8-10 ft. deep. This project has been funded by the AZG&F Department as a habitat improvement for elk ,deer and small game. Web Link: Location: Pleasant Valley Community Burn Pit UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Sec. 19,T9N, R13E of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian Sec.3 and 4, T8N, R12E of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian Sec. 26, T9N, R12E of the Gila and Salt River Base Meridian . The project is located on the Soldier Camp grazing allotment of the Pleasant Valley Ranger District, Tonto National Forest in Gila County, Arizona. The project area is west of Young, AZ. - Fuels management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 01/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* 01/2016 Chris Welker 928-474-7920 Description: This action is an issuance of a Convenience Enclosure Special Use Permit (SUP) to the Pleasant Valley Volunteer Fire Department (PVVFD) for a community burn pit to service the residents of the Pleasant Valley area (Young, AZ). Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Expected:01/2016 UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - NW ¼ Section 1, T. 8 N., R. 13 E., Gila & Salt River Meridian, Gila County, AZ. The community burn pit area is located approximately 2.6 miles south of Young, AZ along Arizona State Highway 288, and has immediate site access to the pit area via an existing road (FR496). Page 13 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Tonto National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Pleasant Valley Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Pleasant Valley Northwest Grazing Allotments Analysis EA - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Grazing management - Vegetation management (other than forest products) - Watershed management In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 04/02/2013 Est. Objection Period Legal Notice 05/2015 Expected:09/2015 Project Contact 10/2015 Angela Elam 928.474.7901 Description: This analysis covers five grazing allotments and will address actions needed to formalize an adaptive management livestock grazing strategy to maintain or move resources toward desired conditions in the project area as in the Tonto NF Plan. Web Link: Location: Tonto National Forest UNIT - Pleasant Valley Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Bar X, Haigler Creek, Colcord Canyon, Young, and Marsh Creek grazing allotments located north and west of Young, AZ. The project area is bisected by FR200 between State Highway 260 and Young, AZ. R3 - Southwestern Region Tonto Basin Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Tonto Basin, 7/K, and Walnut Allotment Management Plans - Grazing management In Progress: Scoping Start 11/30/2015 Expected:01/2016 EA *UPDATED* 02/2016 Eric Hoskins 928-467-3236 Description: Update managment plans for three active grazing allotments Web Link: Location: 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT UNIT - Tonto Basin Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Gila. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Project area lies west, east, and south of Punkin Center, Arizona in the Mazatzal and Sierra Ancha Mts., Tonto Basin RD. Page 14 of 15 Tonto National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 01/01/2016 05:44 am MT Page 15 of 15 Tonto National Forest