Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2015 to 06/30/2015 Kaibab National Forest


Project Name

Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA)

04/01/2015 to 06/30/2015

Kaibab National Forest

This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.

Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide)

AZ Public Service-Salt River

Project ROW Vegetation

Management with Herbicides


- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

- Special use management

Developing Proposal

Est. Notice of Initiation 12/2014

Expected:02/2015 03/2015 Tracy Kremer


Description: FS must decide if to allow APS and SRP to include using herbicides as a method to manage vegetation on existing

APS and SRP transmission ROW within five National Forests in Arizona.

Web Link:

Four-Forest Restoration

Initiative EIS: Kaibab and



Location: UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units, Prescott National Forest All Units, Coconino National Forest All Units,

Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests All Units, Tonto National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY -

Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Arizona Public Service Company and Salt River Project Rights of Way across the Apache-Sitgreaves, Coconino, Kaibab, Prescott, and Tonto National Forests. See map on website.

- Forest products

- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

- Fuels management

- Watershed management

- Road management

In Progress:

Objection Period Legal Notice


Expected:04/2015 05/2015 Paula Cote


Description: Implementation of forest restoration activities including thinning of trees, prescribed fire treatments, and watershed and road restoration within 988,764 acres of the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests. See for information.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District, Tusayan Ranger District, Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona.

COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Too extensive to list - see project record. ponderosa pine habitat on the Kaibab and Coconino National Forests.

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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

R3 - Southwestern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide)

Rock Pit Development:

Coconino and Kaibab National



- Road management Expected:09/2015

10/2015 Mike Dechter



Development of up to 39 rock pits affecting a total of 434 acres on the Coconino and Kaibab national forests to provide materials for surfacing roads to maintain safe and sustainable road conditions.

Web Link:

In Progress:

Comment Period Public Notice


Location: UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units, Coconino National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY -

Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not Applicable. locations throughout the Coconino and Kaibab national forests (see map).

Kaibab National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) R3 - Southwestern Region

South Zone Travel Management

Revision Project


- Recreation management

- Road management

In Progress:

Notice of Initiation 05/01/2014

Est. Comment Period Public

Notice 04/2015

Expected:11/2015 11/2015 Lisa Jones



The Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts are proposing to provide increased opportunities for dispersed motorized camping.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Kaibab National Forest All Units. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai. LEGAL - Not

Applicable. The forest road systems on the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts.

Kaibab National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) R3 - Southwestern Region

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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

Kaibab National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide)

South Zone Grassland

Restoration Project


R3 - Southwestern Region

- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants

- Forest products

- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

- Fuels management

- Watershed management

In Progress:

Notice of Initiation 03/23/2015

Est. Comment Period Public

Notice 10/2015


05/2016 Roger Joos



Restore grasslands, savannas, and historically open pinyon-juniper woodlands to ecological conditions that existed prior to Euro-American settlement.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District, Tusayan Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino, Yavapai.

LEGAL - Not Applicable. Portions of the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts that lie outside of the boundary of the 4FRI and Sycamore Canyon Wilderness.

Kaibab National Forest North Kaibab Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

Burnt Corral Vegetation

Management Project


R3 - Southwestern Region

- Land management planning

- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants

- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

- Fuels management

- Watershed management

In Progress:

Notice of Initiation 03/09/2015

Est. Comment Period Public

Notice 11/2015

Expected:04/2016 06/2016 David Vincelette



The purposes of the Burnt Corral project is to improve forest health and vigor, while improving habitat conditions which are more resilient to change in the event of wildfire and/or other climatic condition changes. Project acreage is ~ 28,052 acres.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - North Kaibab Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Planning stage -

General Description: Townships 35 - 37 North, Ranges 1 West to 1 East, Gila and Salt River Baseline & Meridian,

(Coconino County, Arizona). The Burnt Corral project area lies in the southwest portion of the Kaibab Plateau (i.e., south-southwest of Lookout Canyon and FS Road 22) on the North Kaibab Ranger District, Kaibab National


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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

Kaibab National Forest North Kaibab Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

NKRD Eastside Wildlife Water

Development and

Redevelopment Project


R3 - Southwestern Region

- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants

- Watershed management

Completed Actual: 03/26/2015 04/2015 Angela Gatto


Description: The Proposed Action is to construct and/or improve up to ten (10) total water development sites located along the east-southeast boundary of the North Kaibab Ranger District (NKRD). Four (4) are redevelopments, and six (6) are new developments.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - North Kaibab Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The

Project is located generally on the east side of the Kaibab plateau, east of Forest Road 220.

Kaibab National Forest Tusayan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

Tusayan East Wireless

Communications Sites Project



R3 - Southwestern Region

- Special use management In Progress:

Scoping Start 01/29/2015

Expected:05/2015 08/2015 Liz Schuppert


Description: A proposal (Proposed Action) submitted by DW Tower LLC (Proponent), to establish wireless and microwave communications towers at the Grandview and Skinner Ridge communications sites on the Kaibab National Forest


Web Link:

Tusayan Lookout Tree Trail


Location: UNIT - Tusayan Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Skinner Ridge

Communications Tower: Section 7, T29N, R4E, Gila and Salt River Meridian. Grandview Communications Tower:

Section 28, T30N, R4E, Gila and Salt River Meridian. Skinner Ridge Communications Tower: The proposed site is on top of Skinner Ridge on the Tusayan Ranger District. Grandview Communications Tower: located approx.

1600' to the NW of Grandview Lookout.

- Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A Margaret Hangan



Construction of a new trail (150 to 200' in length) to access a display kiosk for the historic Tusayan Lookout Tree.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Tusayan Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - T30N, R2E, Sections 23 and 24 of the Gila and Salt River Meridian. 200' north of Forest Road 605 and an APS Transfer Station, southwest of the City of Tusayan.

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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision

Kaibab National Forest Tusayan Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

VANE Minerals Uranium

Exploratory Drilling Project


- Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A

Description: The project proposal would conduct exploratory drilling at 24 different sites




Project Contact

R3 - Southwestern Region

Deirdre McLaughlin


Location: UNIT - Tusayan Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Townships 27, 28, and 29

North; and Ranges 2, 3, and 4 East. Tusayan Ranger District.

Kaibab National Forest Williams Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

Bill Williams Mountain

Restoration Project


R3 - Southwestern Region

- Forest products

- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

- Fuels management

- Watershed management

In Progress:

DEIS NOA in Federal Register


Est. FEIS NOA in Federal

Register 04/2015

Expected:07/2015 08/2015 Mark Herron



The purpose of the project is to improve the health and sustainability of forested conditions on and surrounding Bill

Williams Mountain by reducing hazardous fuels and moving vegetative conditions in the project area toward desired conditions.

Web Link:

McDougal Flat Grassland

Restoration Project



Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - All or portions of Sections

1-3, 10-15, 22-27, & 34-36 T21N R1E; Sections 4-10, 15-22, & 27-31 T21N R2E; and Sections 31-33 T22N

R2E Gila & Salt River Meridian. The project area is located 4 miles south-southwest of the city southwest of

Williams, Arizona. It is approximately 18,000 acres and encompasses Bill Williams Mountain.

- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants

- Vegetation management

(other than forest products)

Developing Proposal

Est. Scoping Start 04/2015

Expected:06/2015 06/2015 Jonathan Word

928-635-8232 jonathanaword@fs.fed.


Description: The Williams Ranger District is proposing to improve wildlife habitat and reduce tree encroachment within the

McDougal Flat grassland area by cutting the majority of the trees and conducting follow-up prescribed burning where appropriate.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - T21N, R3E, Sec. 9, 10, 15

& 16. South of Interstate 40 and east of Williams, along the FS 141 road.

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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

Kaibab National Forest Williams Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District)

Railroad Tank Dam Safety



R3 - Southwestern Region

- Facility management Expected:11/2015

08/2016 Edwin Monin



Perform maintenance on the Railroad Tank Dam, including repairing the spillway, maintaining the crest of the structure, and creating a structure to allow low level flows to pass through the dam.

Web Link:

In Progress:

Notice of Initiation 09/24/2014

Est. Comment Period Public

Notice 08/2015

Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - Township 22N, Range 5E,

Section 32, Gila & Salt River Meridian. In the far eastern portion of the Williams Ranger District, just North of

Interstate 40 about 1 mile west of the Bellemont Rest Area.

Three Mile Lake and Horse Lake

Fencing Project


- Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants

- Grazing management

- Watershed management

On Hold N/A N/A Roger Joos


Description: Three Mile Lake would be fenced to protect rare/sensitive plant/animal species. The exclosure fence around Horse

Lake would be realigned to so the earthen tank is outside the fence.

Web Link:

Three Sisters and Nagiler

Resource Monitoring Sites

Special Use Authorization


Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - T22N, R2E, Sec. 9 (Three

Mile Lake); T21N, R4E, Sec. 16 (Horse Lake). Three Mile Lake is approximately three miles north of Williams.

Horse Lake is in the middle of Garland Prairie approximately 15 miles east-southeast of Williams.

- Special use management In Progress:

Scoping Start 09/03/2012

Expected:04/2015 04/2015 Deirdre McLaughlin


Description: The Kaibab National Forest¿s Williams Ranger District is considering a proposal to allow Northern Arizona

University School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability a Special Use Permit for two earthquake monitoring sites.

Web Link:

Location: UNIT - Williams Ranger District. STATE - Arizona. COUNTY - Coconino. LEGAL - T21N R1E NW1/4 Section

31 and T22N R1E SE1/4 Section 24. Southwest of the City of Williams and north of the City of Williams.

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Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision



Project Contact

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This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact.

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