Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2015 to 06/30/2015 Cibola National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Cibola National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Cibola National Forest Mountain Ranger Districts Revised Land and Resource Management Plan - Land management planning EIS *NEW LISTING* In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 02/09/2015 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 12/2015 Project Contact Expected:06/2017 07/2017 Champe Green 505-346-3889 champegreen@fs.fed.u s Description: Revision of the 1985 Cibola National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan to develop specific direction for the Sandia, Mountainair, Mount Taylor, and Magdalena Ranger Districts. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District, Magdalena Ranger District, Sandia Ranger District, Mountainair Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Bernalillo, Catron, Cibola, Lincoln, McKinley, Sandoval, Sierra, Socorro, Torrance, Valencia. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Sandia Ranger District is located directly east of Albuquerque; Mountainair RD is located 40-60 miles SE of Abq; Mt Taylor RD is 70 miles west of Abq; Magdalena is 80 miles SW of Abq. Mountainair and Sandia Ranger - Watershed management Districts Road Decommissioning EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 12/03/2013 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 07/2015 Expected:11/2015 12/2015 Richard Graves 505-346-3846 Description: A proposal to decommission 90 miles of roads/routes to reduce erosion, soil compaction and sedimentation, which would result in enhancing water quality and wildlife habitat. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Sandia Ranger District, Mountainair Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Bernalillo, Torrance. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Upper Tijeras watershed on Sandia RD and Tajique watershed on Mountainair RD. Page 1 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Cibola National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) USAF Training Area - Special use management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 07/21/2013 Project Contact Expected:08/2015 09/2015 Cheryl Prewitt 505-346-3820 Description: Military training area permit on Mountainair, Mount Taylor, Magdalena, and Sandia Ranger Districts Web Link: Location: Cibola National Forest UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District, Magdalena Ranger District, Sandia Ranger District, Mountainair Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Bernalillo, Cibola, Socorro, Torrance. LEGAL - Specific areas on each district. Mountainair, Magdalena, and Sandia Ranger Districts. R3 - Southwestern Region Black Kettle National Grassland (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Apache Corp Unit 7 Washita 2H Oil and Gas Well - Minerals and Geology In Progress: Scoping Start 07/10/2014 Expected:05/2015 06/2015 CE Tom Smeltzer 580-497-2143 Description: Proposal to develop an oil and gas well, including construction of a well pad, 66-foot long road to the well, and installation of a 1,600-foot long gas pipeline. Web Link: Location: Apache Unit 71 Triple Well UNIT - Black Kettle National Grassland. STATE - Oklahoma. COUNTY - Roger Mills. LEGAL - Not Applicable. T15N, R26W, section 15, IM. - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 08/14/2014 Expected:03/2015 04/2015 Tom Smeltzer 580-497-2143 Description: Proposal to drill 3 wells from one well location pad, 435 feet by 350 feet in size. The proposal also includes construction of 370-foot long road and 1048-foot long gas pipeline. Web Link: Location: Cibola National Forest District) 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Black Kettle National Grassland. STATE - Oklahoma. COUNTY - Roger Mills. LEGAL - T13N, R25W,section 14, NW 1/4. Grassland management unit 71, about 9 miles southwest of Cheyenne, OK. Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Page 2 of 9 R3 - Southwestern Region Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest District) Project Purpose EA Kiowa K-85 Thin and Prescribe Burn Project Contact R3 - Southwestern Region UNIT - Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Harding. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Kiowa National Grassland, Unit K-84, K-87, and K-91 East about 8 miles northwest of Roy, NM. Mike Atkinson 07/2015 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Expected:06/2015 575-347-9652 - Vegetation management Est. Scoping Start 05/2015 (other than forest products) - Fuels management - Watershed management Description: Mechanically thin and utilize prescribed fire to improve wildlife habitat and watershed and to reduce fuel loadings. Location: Baldy Allotment Grazing Authorization Expected Implementation Mike Atkinson 02/2016 - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:01/2016 575-374-9652 - Vegetation management Notice of Initiation 09/16/2006 (other than forest products) Est. Comment Period Public - Watershed management Notice 09/2015 Description: Mechanically cut juniper and conduct a prescribed burn to treat encroaching juniper and pinyon pine in the woodland ecosystem adjacent to the Canadian River canyon. Location: Cibola National Forest Decision Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands (excluding Projects occurring in more than one K-84, K-87, K-91E Woodland Prescribed Burn and Thinning Projects CE Planning Status UNIT - Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Harding. LEGAL - T 21 N, R 25 E, Sections 22, 26, 27, & 35. 3 Miles south of Mills, NM. R3 - Southwestern Region Magdalena Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Grazing management EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 10/25/2011 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 03/2015 Expected:09/2015 10/2015 Dennis Aldridge 505-854-2281 Description: Livestock grazing authorization and related management activities. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Socorro. LEGAL - T3S, R3W, S. 14-17, 19-36 and T4S, R3W, S.1-23, 25-35. 10 miles southeast of Magdalena, NM. Page 3 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Magdalena Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Chavez/Whitecap 2nd Entry Prescribe Burn - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/10/2006 Expected:05/2015 Project Contact 06/2015 CE Manuel Martinez 505-287-4924 Description: Proposal to prescribe burn previously treated area using higher intensity fire treatments. Location: Corn Canyon 2nd Entry Prescribe Burn UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron, Socorro. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/10/2006 Expected:05/2015 06/2015 CE Manuel Martinez 505-287-4924 Description: Proposal to prescribe burn previously treated area using higher intensity fire treatments. Location: Durfee/Bolander Restoration Project EA Dennis Aldridge - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:12/2015 01/2016 505-854-2281 - Vegetation management Notice of Initiation 10/27/2009 (other than forest products) Est. Comment Period Public - Watershed management Notice 09/2015 Description: Project on approximately 14,000 acres to restore more natural vegetative conditions and reintroduce fire into fire adapted ecosystem. Thin dense stands with hand and mechanical tools, construct small watershed structures, and prescribe burn. Web Link: Location: East Red/North Canyon 2nd Entry Prescribe Burn UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron, Socorro. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Socorro. LEGAL - T4S, R6W, Secs. 18,19, T4S, R7W, Secs. 8-11, 13-30, 32-36, T5S, R7W, Secs. 1-4, 10-12, T4S, R8W, Secs. 23-26. Approximately 20 miles southwest of Magdalena in northwest portion of San Mateo Mountains. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/10/2006 Expected:05/2015 06/2015 CE Manuel Martinez 505-287-4924 Description: Proposal to prescribe burn a previously treated area using higher intensity fire treatments. Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron, Socorro. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . Page 4 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Magdalena Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Magdalena Travel Management Project - Road management EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 11/22/2013 Expected:06/2015 Project Contact 07/2015 Clifford Nicoll 505-346-3833 Description: Proposal to designate the motorized transportation system on the district to comply with the Travel Management Rule. End product will be a Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) that shows roads and trails open to motorized use. Web Link: Location: Mineral Withdrawal of Zuni Fleabane Habitat UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron, Socorro. LEGAL - Not Applicable. District-wide where existing motorized use is not consistent with the Travel Management Rule. - Minerals and Geology EA In Progress: Notice of Initiation 01/10/2012 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 09/2015 Expected:02/2016 03/2016 Cheryl Prewitt 505-346-3820 Description: Withdraw from mineral entry about 1,000 acres of habitat in 4 areas to facilitate recovery of the federally threatened Zuni fleabane (Erigeron rhizomatous). Web Link: Location: San Juan/Long Spring 2nd Entry Prescribe Burn UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron. LEGAL - T1N, R11W, portions of sections 4, 9 and 10; T2N, R11W, portion of section 36; T1N, R10W, portions of sections 3 and 4. 4 areas in the Datil Mountains and Sawtooth Mountains. - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Fuels management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/10/2006 Expected:05/2015 06/2015 CE Manuel Martinez 505-287-4924 Description: Proposal to prescribe burn a previously treated area using higher intensity fire treatments. Location: Cibola National Forest 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Magdalena Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Catron, Socorro. LEGAL - Not Applicable. . Mount Taylor Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 5 of 9 R3 - Southwestern Region Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Mount Taylor Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Black Mesa Thinning and Prescribe Burning CE Consuelo Zamora - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants In Progress: Expected:06/2015 07/2015 505-287-8833 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 03/13/2013 (other than forest products) Description: Proposal to improve wildlife habitat within 40,000 acres of ponderosa pine, mountain meadow, and pinyon-juniper forest communities through thinning and prescribe burning. Web Link: Location: Eric #1 Project Project Contact UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - McKinley, Sandoval. LEGAL - T15N, R5W, sects. 20-36; T15N, R4W, sects. 19, 20, 31, & 32; T14N, R4W, sect. 6. About 35 miles northeast of Grants, NM. - Minerals and Geology CE In Progress: Scoping Start 01/09/2012 Expected:06/2015 06/2015 Matt Reidy 505-287-8833 Description: Mineral exploration consisting of drilling up to 2 drill holes from 2 drill pads (75 ft. X 150 ft.); accessing sites by existing roads and overland travel. Web Link: Location: Laramide Resources Mine Development - La Jara Mesa UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Cibola. LEGAL - T12N, R9W, section 10. North of Grants, NM off of Forest Road 450F. - Minerals and Geology EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/18/2012 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 07/2015 Expected:12/2015 01/2016 Diane Tafoya 505-346-3809 Description: Laramide Resourcess proposes to tunnel two inclined adits from under the west edge of La Jara Mesa to remove 40,000 tons of uranium ore for testing and to begin development of a production mine. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Cibola. LEGAL - T12N, R9W, Sections 11, 12, 14, and 15. La Jara Mesa north of Grants, NM. Page 6 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Mount Taylor Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Roca Honda LLC Project Exploration and Mine Development - Minerals and Geology EIS In Progress: DEIS NOA in Federal Register 03/15/2013 Est. FEIS NOA in Federal Register 10/2015 Expected:01/2016 Project Contact 01/2016 Diane Tafoya 505-346-3809 Description: Proposal to develop and conduct underground uranium mining operations on Roca Honda Resources LLC mining claims on and near Jesus Mesa with a surface disturbance area of 183 acres. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - McKinley. LEGAL - T. 13N., R 8W., Sections 9 and 10. Approximately 3 miles northwest of San Mateo, New Mexico. Stinking Springs Allotment Well - Grazing management CE *NEW LISTING* Expected:04/2015 05/2015 Orlando Cortez 505-287-8833 Description: Proposal to drill new well, which would include the construction of a well pad, and installation of a storage tank, drinker, and pipelines to tie the new well to 3 existing drinkers. Web Link: Location: Uranium Exploration Drilling In Progress: Scoping Start 02/17/2015 UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - McKinley. LEGAL - T13N, R17W, section 13. The Stinking Springs Grazing Allotment is located about 20 miles southeast of Gallup, New Mexico. - Minerals and Geology EIS In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 12/08/2011 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 07/2015 Expected:11/2015 12/2015 Diane Tafoya 505-346-3809 Description: Proposal to approve multiple Plans of Operations for exploratory drilling to determine the extent of uranium deposits in several areas on the mesas surrounding Mt. Taylor. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Cibola, McKinley. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Several locations including San Mateo Mesa and La Jara Mesa northeast of Grants, NM. Page 7 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Mount Taylor Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Zuni Mountain Trails Project EA - Recreation management - Watershed management - Road management In Progress: Notice of Initiation 12/12/2012 Est. Comment Period Public Notice 06/2015 Expected:12/2015 Project Contact 01/2016 Matt Reidy 505-287-8833 Description: Closure and decomissioning of eoads within the Zuni Mountains using various methods. Designation of mountain bike and hiking trails in the Zuni Mountains. Web Link: Location: Cibola National Forest UNIT - Mount Taylor Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Cibola, McKinley. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Several locations within the Zuni Mountains portion of the Mt. Taylor Ranger District. R3 - Southwestern Region Mountainair Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Largo Trick Tank Replacement - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants CE Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 05/2015 Expected:06/2015 07/2015 Zachary Parsons 505-281-3304 Description: Improve habitat for wildlife by replacing fiberglass trick tank with steel umbrella type. Location: Cibola National Forest Sandia Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Cedro Landscape Restoration Project EA R3 - Southwestern Region Aaron Johnson - Vegetation management In Progress: Expected:09/2015 10/2015 505-281-3304 ext. 127 (other than forest products) Notice of Initiation 04/09/2013 aaronjohnson@fs.fed.u - Fuels management Est. Comment Period Public s - Watershed management Notice 04/2015 Description: Proposal to improve forest health through thinning, mastication, prescribe burning, and treatment of non-native invasive plant species, well as trail relocation and limiting mountain biking and horse back riding to existing trails. Web Link: Location: 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT UNIT - Mountainair Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Torrance. LEGAL - T7N, R6E, section 8. New Mexico , Torrance County New Mexico, about 6 miles west of Chilili New Mexico. UNIT - Sandia Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Bernalillo. LEGAL - T9N, R5 & 6E, sections 6, 19, 24, 25, 36; T10N, R5 & 6E, sections 2,5-8, 11-13, 18-20, 23-26,29-32, 35 & 36 NMPM. 2 miles south and east of Tijeras, NM. Page 8 of 9 Cibola National Forest Project Name Cibola National Forest Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R3 - Southwestern Region Sandia Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Placitas & Piedra Lisa Trail Project - Recreation management - Watershed management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/17/2015 Expected:04/2015 05/2015 CE *NEW LISTING* EA Kerry Wood 505-281-3304 ext. 107 Description: Proposal to designate, construct, rehabilitate and close undesignated non-motorized trails near and within the Bernalillo Watershed Research Natural Area and Sandia Mountain Wilderness. Web Link: Location: Placitas Area Trails Project Project Contact UNIT - Sandia Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Sandoval. LEGAL - Not Applicable. 2 miles southwest of Placitas, NM. - Recreation management - Watershed management Cancelled N/A N/A Kerry Wood 505-281-3304 ext. 107 Description: Proposal to construct & reconstruct trails; rehabilitate some trails & roads; prohibit cross-country travel, camping, and campfires; and amend the Forest Plan to allow fence installation in Bernalillo NRA. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Sandia Ranger District. STATE - New Mexico. COUNTY - Sandoval. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Approximately 3 miles east of I-25 and south of NM-165. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/02/2015 08:56 pm MT Page 9 of 9 Cibola National Forest