Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) 04/01/2016 to 06/30/2016 Idaho Panhandle National Forest This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation Project Contact R1 - Northern Region, Occurring in more than one Forest (excluding Regionwide) Lookout Pass Ski Area Expansion EIS - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 04/04/2014 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 03/2016 EIS *UPDATED* Expected:11/2016 06/2017 Shoshana Cooper 208-765-7211 Description: Proposal by Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area to expand its special use permit to upgrade and develop new lifts, ski terrain, parking, access roads, and guest service facilities. Web Link: Location: Upper Lochsa Land Exchange UNIT - Fernan Ranger District, Lolo National Forest All Units. STATE - Idaho, Montana. COUNTY - Shoshone, Mineral. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area on Montana-Idaho Border, approximately 12 miles east of Wallace, Idaho. - Land ownership management On Hold N/A EIS N/A Teresa Trulock 208-935-4256 Description: The Forest Service (FS) is considering a land exchange with Western Pacific Timber. The FS would receive approx. 40,000 acres of WPT land in the upper Lochsa River drainage and WPT would recieve an equal value of Forest Service land in north Idaho. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Sandpoint Ranger District, Palouse Ranger District, North Fork Ranger District, Red River Ranger District, Powell Ranger District , Clearwater Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Benewah, Bonner, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah. The lands to acquire are in the upper Lochsa River drainage on the border of ID and MT. The federal lands to exchange out of are scattered on the Idaho Panhandle, Clearwater, and Nez Perce NF's. Idaho Panhandle National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Page 1 of 13 R1 - Northern Region Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Idaho Panhandle National Forest, Forestwide (excluding Projects occurring in more than one Forest) IPNF Noxious Weed Treatment Project - Vegetation management (other than forest products) EIS *UPDATED* In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 10/28/2011 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 09/2016 Expected:06/2017 Project Contact 06/2017 Karl Dekome 208-765-7479 Description: Management of non-native invasive plant species utilizing herbicides, biological control agents, cultural and mechanical methods for weed control. Web Link: Location: Interagency Natural Resource Center - Facility management EA *UPDATED* UNIT - Idaho Panhandle National Forest All Units. STATE - Idaho, Montana, Washington. COUNTY Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Kootenai, Latah, Shoshone, Lincoln, Sanders, Pend Oreille. LEGAL Not Applicable. Various locations across the forest. In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 10/18/2014 10/2016 James Gebhardt 208-765-7382 Description: Construction of a new interagency office for the IPNF Supervisor's Office, Bureau of Land Management Coeur d'Alene Field Office and US Fish and Wildlife Supervisor's Office on lands located within the Forest Service Coeur d'Alene Nursery Web Link: Location: UNIT - Idaho Panhandle National Forest All Units. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai. LEGAL - T51N, R4W, south 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of section 34, B.M. Located within the fenceline on the southeast corner of the Forest Service Coeur d'Alene Nursery. Idaho Panhandle National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Expected:08/2016 Page 2 of 13 R1 - Northern Region Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Idaho Panhandle National Forest, Occurring in more than one District (excluding Forestwide) Coeur d'Alene Basin Natural Resource Restoration Plan - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants - Watershed management EIS *UPDATED* In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 06/13/2013 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/2016 Project Contact Expected:11/2016 02/2017 Melissa Christensen 208-783-2115 melissajchristensen@fs. Description: Restore, rehabilitate, replace, and/or acquire the equivalent of the injured natural resources in the Coeur d'Alene Basin as a result of the release of hazardous mining wastes. Web Link: Location: Selkirk Mountain Range Winter Travel Plan UNIT - Wallace Ranger District, Avery Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Benewah, Kootenai, Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Coeur d'Alene Lake Basin - including the Coeur d'Alene River (North Fork, South Fork, and main stem), the St. Joe River, Lake Coeur d'Alene, and the Upper Spokane River. - Recreation management On Hold N/A N/A EIS David Cobb 208-443-6854 Description: Travel management plan for motorized winter recreation use within the Selkirk Mountain Range on the Bonners Ferry, Priest Lake Ranger District and Sandpoint Ranger District. Web Link: Location: Idaho Panhandle National Forest Bog Creek Road Project UNIT - Sandpoint Ranger District, Bonners Ferry Ranger District, Priest Lake Ranger District. STATE - Idaho, Washington. COUNTY - Bonner, Boundary, Pend Oreille. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Priest Lake, Sandpoint, and Bonners Ferry Ranger Districts. R1 - Northern Region Bonners Ferry Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Road management EIS *UPDATED* In Progress: NOI in Federal Register 02/06/2013 Est. DEIS NOA in Federal Register 05/2016 Expected:12/2016 06/2017 Shanda Dekome 208-765-7238 Description: Providing safe east-west access across the Selkirk Mtns for U.S. Border Patrol agents by repairing and maintaining portions of the Bog Creek Road (Forest Roads 1013 and 2450). Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - Bonners Ferry Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Boundary. LEGAL - T65N, R4W, Sections 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19 and T65N, R5W, Section 24, B.M. Selkirk Mountains of northern Idaho within 2 miles of the Canadian border. Page 3 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Boulder Creek *UPDATED* EA *UPDATED* Expected Implementation Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 Expected:06/2017 R1 - Northern Region 07/2017 Douglas Nishek 208-267-6765 UNIT - Bonners Ferry Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Boundary. LEGAL - Federal lands in all or portions of: T61N, R2E, Sections 1-2, 11-13, 20-36. T61N, R3E, Sections 5-9, 16-22, 27-34. T60N, R2E, Sect. 1-36. T60N, R3E, Sect. 3-9, 16-20, 29-30. T59N, R2E, Sect. 4,BM. The Boulder Creek project is located on federally managed lands in the Boulder Creek Watershed and includes the drainages east of Katka peak. Albert Helgenberg 09/2016 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:08/2016 208-265-6643 - Fuels management Comment Period Public Notice - Road management 01/22/2016 Description: The activities associated with this project include timber harvest, timber stand maintenance, fuels treatments, and road maintenance. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Bonners Ferry Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Boundary. LEGAL - Portions of T63N, R2E, Sections 12, 13, 14, 15,16 , 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 34 and 36; T62N, R2E, Sections 2, 4 and 6; T63N, R3E, Sections 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. The Deer Creek project is located north of Moyie Springs in multiple drainages that flow into the Moyie and Kootenai Rivers including Deer Creek, Curley Creek, Skin Creek, Meadow Creek and Fry Creek. Elk Mountain Farms Water Diversion and Transmission Special Use Permit - Special use management CE Description: Issue a Special Use Permit for maintenance and use of an existing water system. Location: Idaho Panhandle National Forest 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Project Contact Description: Ecosystem restoration in various forest types. Project purposes include reducing sediment to Boulder Creek and protecting emergency communication equipment on Black Mountain from wildfire. Location: Deer Creek Decision Bonners Ferry Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Forest products - Fuels management EA Planning Status On Hold N/A N/A Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 UNIT - Bonners Ferry Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Boundary. LEGAL - Section 22, T64N, R1W, B.M. Fisher Creek drainage. Coeur d'Alene Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Page 4 of 13 R1 - Northern Region Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest AT&T Daisy Gulch Fiber Optic Line Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Coeur d'Alene Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/30/2016 Expected:06/2016 07/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Installation of conduit and fiber optic facilities within FS Roads 6532 and 6532A to the existing ATC communication site on adjacent private lands to allow ATC to upgrade the site to better serve surrounding customers. Location: Elk Mountain Tungsten Project Contact UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - T48N, R6E, Sections 30 and 31. Daisy Gulch Road north of Shoshone Park. - Minerals and Geology On Hold N/A N/A CE Timothy Sadler 208-765-7206 Description: Brushing existing trenches and access roads, performing geophysical surveys and geochemical surveys. Location: Fernan Rod & Gun Club Permit Reissuance UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai. LEGAL - T49N, R2W, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18, B.M. Beauty Creek drainage, west of Elk Mountain, near Mineral Ridge. - Special use management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 01/11/2016 Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai. LEGAL - T50 N, R3W, NE1/4, NW1/4 Section 2, B.M. Fernan Hill/Smith Gulch. Frontier Telephone Line Special - Special use management Use Permit Reissuance Completed CE Actual: 01/28/2016 02/2016 Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Reissuance of the existing Frontier telephone lines throughout the Central Zone and portion of the South Zone of the IPNF. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT 09/2016 Description: To authorize the continued operation and maintenance of a target range. The target range has operated under the special use permit since 1990. Permit may be issued for up to a 20-year term. Web Link: Location: *UPDATED* Expected:08/2016 UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai, Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Throughout the Central Zone and portion of the South Zone of the IPNF. Page 5 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest GF&H Bear Gulch Special Use Permit Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Coeur d'Alene Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management Completed Actual: 03/09/2016 05/2016 CE *UPDATED* EA *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - NW1/4 Section 12, T49N, R5E, B.M. Bear Gulch. Kerry Arneson - Forest products In Progress: Expected:07/2016 07/2016 208-769-3021 - Vegetation management Comment Period Public Notice (other than forest products) 01/29/2016 Description: Provide a safe transportation system free of unstable fire-affected trees; re-establish forested conditions to increase the representation of early seral conifer species; and recover the economic value of forest products. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Wallace Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - T50N, R2E, Sec. 1, 2; T50N, R3E, Sec. 4-6; T51N, R2E, Sec. 1-4, 9-12, 25, 26, 34-36; T51N, R3E, Sec. 2-9, 16-17, 21-22, 28-32; T52N, R2E, Sec. 25, 35, 36; T52N, R3E, Sec. 26-35; Boise Meridian. National Forest System lands in the Grizzly Complex Fire perimeter, north of Enaville and west of Prichard, Idaho, in the North Fork Coeur d'Alene River drainage. ITD Magee Airstrip O&M Project - Special use management CE *NEW LISTING* In Progress: Scoping Start 03/10/2016 Expected:05/2016 09/2016 Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Amendment to the existing special use permit to include an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan. The O&M Plan would specify specific pre-approved maintenance activities authorized under the special use permit. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Construction of approximately 321 feet of road on NFS lands to accommodate access to private property. Location: Grizzly Fire Salvage and Restoration Project Contact UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Section 19, T52N, R2E, Boise Meridian. Adjacent to Magee. Page 6 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Last Rainbow Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Coeur d'Alene Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Minerals and Geology Cancelled N/A N/A CE *UPDATED* UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Lost Creek Drainage in Shoshone County off of Kings Pass Highway (aka FR605). - Land ownership management EA *UPDATED* In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 11/06/2015 - Recreation management Leann Maupin 208-765-7275 Completed Actual: 01/28/2016 05/2016 Barbara Hansen 208-769-3050 Description: Addresses issuance of a 10-year outfitter/guide permit to NW Outfitters, authorizing 150 priority use days to conduct "walk and wade" fishing activities on the North Fork Coeur d'Alene River. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT 08/2016 UNIT - Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai. LEGAL - E1/2NE1/4 and E1/2W1/2NE1/4 Section 27, T. 53 N., R. 4 W., Boise Meridian. Lone Mountain Seed Orchard. CE *UPDATED* Expected:07/2016 Description: The Idaho Panhandle National Forests proposes to subdivide and sell approximately 136.4 acres of the Lone Mountain Seed Orchard administrative site. The property proposed for subdivision and sale is surplus to the needs of seed orchard operations. Web Link: Location: NW Outfitters Walk & Wade Permit Justin Rice 208-765-7356 Description: Exploratory Placer Pit, 25 feet by 35 feet located on National Forest Lands up the Lost Creek Drainage. Excavation will be down to bedrock with the top 7 feet being overburden and 12 inches being pay gravel to be processed and returned. Web Link: Location: Lone Mountain Administrative Site Land Sale Project Contact UNIT - Wallace Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. North Fork Coeur d'Alene River from Devil's Elbow Campground to the headwaters of the North Fork including Tepee/Independence Creeks, and from Devil's Elbow CG downstream to the South Fork confluence. Page 7 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Precommercial Thinning and Pruning 2016-2018 Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Coeur d'Alene Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: Scoping Start 03/25/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* Recreation Events 5-Year Permits UNIT - Wallace Ranger District, Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai, Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Across the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District. - Recreation management Completed Actual: 01/28/2016 01/2016 CE Idaho Panhandle National Forest UNIT - Wallace Ranger District, Fernan Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Kootenai, Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Specific roads and trails on the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District. - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: Scoping Start 02/05/2016 Expected:09/2016 10/2016 Jennifer Anderson 208-267-6758 Description: Whitebark pine restoration project in the vicinity of Gisborne Mountain. The project area is approximately 60 acres; 11 acres occur on Idaho Department of Lands ownership and the remaining 49 acres occur within the Canyon Creek Research Natural Area. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT R1 - Northern Region Priest Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) CE *NEW LISTING* Barbara Hansen 208-769-3050 Description: Issuance of 5-year permits for recurring recreation events: North Idaho Trailblazers Cabin Fever Run, Back Country ATV Fun Run/Shootout, Jeep Jamboree USA Silver Valley Jeep Jamboree, Trail Maniacs 4th of July Ultra, and High Mountain ATV Jamboree. Web Link: Location: Gisborne Whitebark Pine Restoration Project John Wright 208-769-3074 Description: Initiate pre commercial thinning, daylighting, and pruning to manage stock density and resiliency of immature saplings and pole-sized stands. Location: *UPDATED* Project Contact UNIT - Priest Lake Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Bonner. LEGAL - T58N, R3W, Sections 28 and 29, B.M. The project area occur on Idaho Department of Lands ownership and the Canyon Creek Research Natural Area (RNA) on the Priest River Experimental Forest. Page 8 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Hughes Meadow Aquatic Restoration Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Priest Lake Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Watershed management Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:11/2016 07/2017 CE *NEW LISTING* Tower Fire Salvage and Reforestation Project UNIT - Priest Lake Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Bonner. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Hughes Fork is a tributary to the larger Upper Priest drainage and is northwest of Upper Priest Lake. - Forest products - Vegetation management (other than forest products) EA In Progress: Comment Period Public Notice 01/29/2016 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Jennie O'Connor Card 406-522-2537 jennieoconnorcard@fs.f R1 - Northern Region Sandpoint Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/14/2016 Expected:07/2016 07/2016 Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Burying portions of the existing Lakeview 343 overhead distribution line in the Cedar Creek and Lakeview areas. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT 06/2016 UNIT - Priest Lake Ranger District. STATE - Washington. COUNTY - Pend Oreille. LEGAL - T35N-R45E, T35N-R44E, T34N-R45E, and T34N-R44E, WM. Upper West Branch Priest River Drainage including Paqua Creek, Klhowya Creek, Galena Creek, Solo Creek, and North Fork Goose Creek. CE *NEW LISTING* Expected:06/2016 Description: Protect the health and safety of the public by removing hazardous trees, capture the economic value of the dead and dying timber, and reforest areas burned by the Tower Fire. Web Link: Location: Avista Lakeview 343 Overhead to Underground Project Jill Cobb 208-443-6835 Description: Restoring the meadow hydrology, enhancing wetland species and improving fish habitat are the primary goals for this project. Location: *UPDATED* Project Contact UNIT - Sandpoint Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Bonner. LEGAL - Section 26, T55N, R1W; Sections 3, 10 and 11, T54N, R1W, Boise Meridian. Cedar Creek and Lakeview area. Page 9 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Grouse BMU Compliance Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region Sandpoint Ranger District (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Wildlife, Fish, Rare plants Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 06/2016 Expected:02/2017 02/2017 EA *UPDATED* CE 06/2016 Sara Savage 208-443-6834 Location: UNIT - Sandpoint Ranger District. STATE - Idaho, Montana. COUNTY - Bonner, Lincoln. LEGAL - BM T56N, R2E, Sections 2 & 3; T56N, R3E, Sections 19,20,21,& 28; T57N, R2E, Sections 4,8,9,1720,22,23,26,27,34 & 35; T57N, R3E, Sections 3,4,9,10,16,17,18,20, PM - T29N, R35W, Sect. 26 & 3. Lightning Creek drainage north of Clark Fork, ID. R1 - Northern Region St. Joe Ranger DistricT (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Minerals and Geology Developing Proposal Est. Scoping Start 04/2016 Expected:05/2016 06/2016 Timothy Sadler 208-765-7206 Description: Exploratory drilling program that is being driven by results obtained from 2015 drilling program. Data is being used to further define and characterize mineral potential of the claim block. Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Expected:05/2016 Web Link: CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Sandpoint Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Bonner, Boundary. LEGAL - Not Applicable. The Grouse Bear Management Unit is located northeast of Sandpoint, Idaho. It is surrounded by the Kootenai River Valley to the north, US Highway 95 to the west, and the Cabinet Mountains to the east. - Vegetation management In Progress: (other than forest products) Scoping Start 12/17/2014 - Fuels management Description: Prescribed burning and thinning of small trees. Idaho Panhandle National Forest Big Elk Exploratory Drill Shanna Kleinsmith 208-267-6729 Description: This project will manage the road system to bring the Grouse Bear Management Unit into compliance with the Forest Plan and the 2011 Motorized Access Amendment. Location: Treasured Landscapes Prescribed Fire and Whitebark Pine Restoration Project Project Contact UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - T46N R6E Section 1, B.M. Project located on Forest Road 3472K near the ID/MT border. Project area is accessed via Taft Exit on I90 up the Rainy Creek Rd and across the FR1187 connector to the Stateline and FR3472 intersection. Page 10 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Emerald Creek Garnet Area Improvement Project Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region St. Joe Ranger DistricT (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Minerals and Geology In Progress: Expected:06/2016 06/2016 EA *UPDATED* EA *UPDATED* UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Latah. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Emerald Creek Garnet Area in 281 Gulch and Garnet Gulch, St. Joe Ranger District. Lynette Myhre - Forest products In Progress: Expected:10/2016 05/2017 208-245-6034 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 01/07/2015 (other than forest products) Est. Comment Period Public - Fuels management Notice 07/2016 - Watershed management - Road management Description: Vegetation management and watershed improvement including timber harvest, road construction, road storage & decommissioning, prescribed burning, culvert removal, log jam removal, tree planting, and travel management changes. Web Link: Location: Hamilton Creek Road Access for Molpus Lynette Myhre 208-245-6034 Description: This project will keep the public sluicing operations at the current location and build a road from 281 Gulch to Garnet Gulch, construct a parking area, improve Road 3781 and implement other improvements for operations. Web Link: Location: Halfway Malin Project Contact UNIT - Avery Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Sections 9-11, 15-17, 19-22 T45N, R7E, BM. Bottle Creek, Tin Can Creek, and Malin Creek Drainages north of the St. Joe River on the St. Joe Ranger District. - Land ownership management - Road management In Progress: Scoping Start 05/12/2015 Expected:02/2016 CE 05/2016 Lynette Myhre 208-245-6034 Description: Construct 0.3 mile of road across NFS to give access to Molpus lands. Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Section 2, T45N, R4E, BM. Hamilton Creek north of the Avery Ranger Station. Page 11 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest Marble Fire Salvage CE *UPDATED* Decision Expected Implementation Ben Timchak 06/2016 - Forest products In Progress: Expected:04/2016 208-245-6071 - Vegetation management Scoping Start 01/12/2016 (other than forest products) Description: Salvage/sanitation harvest on approximately 175 acres of forest that experienced low-, moderate-, and high-fire severity in the 2015 Marble Creek Fire. Approximately 0.5 miles of temporary road would be constructed to facilitate harvest operations. Web Link: UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Sections 6 & 7, T44N, R4E, BM. Ten miles southwest of Avery, Idaho near Daveggio Knob in the Boulder Creek and Daveggio Creek Drainages. - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 03/14/2016 Expected:06/2016 07/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - SW1/4SW1/4 Section 24, T45N, R3E, Boise Meridian. Approximately 1.75 miles south of the Marble Creek Historic Site. - Recreation management - Special use management In Progress: Scoping Start 02/02/2016 Expected:04/2016 04/2016 CE *NEW LISTING* CE *NEW LISTING* UNIT - Avery Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. East Portal to Pearson Trailhead, including shuttle services on Roads 326, 456, and 506. - Vegetation management (other than forest products) In Progress: Scoping Start 02/23/2016 Expected:07/2016 09/2016 Dawn Griffith 208-245-6025 Description: Improvement of vegetation conditions to increase resilience to insect and disease, provide better browse for ungulate species, and reduce fuel loading Web Link: Location: 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Tracy Gravelle (208)245-6207(A) Description: Issue a temporary, one-year permit the current permit holder for 2016 and a 20-year permit based on competitive proposals for the operation and maintenance of the Route of the Hiawatha Trail. Web Link: Location: St. Joe Divide Joseph Holzinger 208-765-7279 Description: Construction, use and maintenance of a 136' section of road on NFS lands to facilitate timber management activities on adjacent private lands. Location: Route of the Hiawatha SpecialUse Permit Reissue Project Contact R1 - Northern Region St. Joe Ranger DistricT (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) Location: Potlatch Corporation Marble Creek Access Planning Status UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. On the St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene River Ranger Districts in Shoshone County, Idaho. Page 12 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest Project Name Project Purpose Idaho Panhandle National Forest St. Joe Travel Management Plan Planning Status Decision Expected Implementation R1 - Northern Region St. Joe Ranger DistricT (excluding Projects occurring in more than one District) - Recreation management - Road management In Progress: Expected:04/2016 05/2016 EA *UPDATED* Project Contact Lynette Myhre 208-245-6034 Description: Designating roads and trails for public motorized vehicle use on the St. Joe Ranger District. Web Link: Location: UNIT - St. Maries Ranger District, Avery Ranger District. STATE - Idaho. COUNTY - Benewah, Clearwater, Latah, Shoshone. LEGAL - Not Applicable. St. Joe Ranger District including Avery RD & St. Maries RD. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This report contains the best available information at the time of publication. Questions may be directed to the Project Contact. 04/01/2016 04:07 am MT Page 13 of 13 Idaho Panhandle National Forest