Indicator 7.51.

Criterion 7. Legal, Institutional, and Economic Framework for Forest Conservation and
Sustainable Management
National Report on Sustainable Forests—2010
Indicator 7.51.
Extent to Which the Institutional Framework Supports the Conservation and Sustainable Man­age­ment of Forests, Including the Capacity To Undertake and Implement Periodic Forest-Related
Planning, Assessment, and Policy Review, Including Cross-Sectoral Planning Coordination
What is the indicator and why is it important?
The sustainability of forests depends on society’s institutional
ability to comprehensively evaluate trends and conditions in
diverse sectors and to subsequently make responses that will
ensure the sustained use, management, and protection of forest
resources and the communities that depend on them. Such
actions are typically predicated on institutional conditions that
foster well-focused and technically sound plans, assessments,
and policy reviews that are sensitive to a range of forest values
and that are coordinated with a variety of forest-related sectors.
What does the indicator show?
Indicator 7.51 is quite similar to Indicator 7.46 in that it is
related to forest planning and policy review, although perhaps
with a slightly narrower focus. As a result, the following
paraphrases the presentation given for Indicator 7.46. These
two indicators are apt to be consolidated in future revisions of
the MP C&I.
National, regional, State, and local governments perform periodic forest planning, assessment, and policy reviews. Planning
is required as a prescriptive for all Federal land agencies for
lands under their jurisdiction, and is similarly required in some
fashion for most State and county forest lands. Some regional
planning efforts also occur, voluntarily or not. These government planning efforts typically have a required process, usually
including some type of public input and appeals. Inter-sectoral
consultation and planning is frequently required as part of the
process. The Federal and State governments also write Federal
or State forest plans for private forest lands in the country or
State. These plans usually do not dictate or create mandatory
rules, regulations, incentives, or other government interventions
in markets. Instead, they generally summarize information
about forest resource conditions and trends; identify issues and
opportunities; and suggest possible policies that could enhance
sustainable forest management.
Educational, research, and analysis policy mechanisms are
usually an integral part of forest planning efforts, at all scales
from national to local. These policies provide education to
forest managers and policymakers on forest conditions, threats,
and management responses. Various incentives have been
provided for private or public forest landowners to meet the
recommendations contained in forest plans.
What has changed since 2003?
The changes in this planning indicator are similar to those for
Indicator 7.46.
Table 51-1. Policy and Governance Classification.
Market basede
National (N),
Regional (R),
State (S),
Local (L)
N, S, L
N, S
Process or
Systems Based
L, R, I, G
E, R, A
L, R, I
E, R, A
Performance or
Outcome Based
E, R, A
Laws (L), Regulations or Rules (R), International Agreements (I), Government Ownership or Production (G).
Education (E), Technical Assistance (T), Research (R), Protection (P), Analysis and Planning (A).
Best Management Practices (B), Self-regulation (S).
Incentives (I), Subsidies (S), Taxes (T), Payments for Environmental Service (P).
Free enterprise, private market allocation of forest resources (M), or market based instruments and payments, including forest certification (C) wetland banks (W), capand-trade (T), conservation easement or transfer of development rights (E).
Last Updated June 2011 1
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