PRESIDENT’S FACULTY BOOK AWARDS CRITERIA 1. The awards will be given for a book published in and copyrighted for a specified year. 2. The submission of an entry can be made by the author(s), a colleague, chair, dean, etc., without regard to affiliation. 3. The author must be a full-time tenured or tenure track faculty member at Texas Tech University. 4. Books by more than one author are eligible if all authors are full-time tenured or tenure track faculty members at Texas Tech University. 5. Entries must be accompanied by a completed Information Sheet (page 2) and two copies of the book, which become property of the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President. 6. The award will be announced at the annual Spring Faculty Honors Convocation. Attachment C, pg. 1 OP 32.24 7/24/15 PRESIDENT’S FACULTY BOOK AWARDS INFORMATION SHEET 1. Nominated by: __________________________ 2. Author(s): _______________________________ 3. Author’s academic rank: _____________________ 4. Department or Area: _______________________ 5. Mail Stop: _________________ 6. Telephone: _________________ 7. E-mail of author: ________________________ 8. Full title of entry: _______________________________________________ 9. Number of pages: __________ 10. Publisher: ______________________________________ 11. Date of publication: ________________ 12. Field/subfield of publication: ____________________________ 13. Fifty word abstract of the book: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Attachment C, pg. 2 OP 32.24 7/24/15