BARNIE E. RUSHING, Jr. FACULTY DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH AWARDS NOMINATION Texas Tech University Name of Nominee: _____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________ E-mail Address: _____________________________________ Date of Submission: _______________________Submitting Department: _________________________________ (Late submissions will not be considered.) Rank of Nominee: Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Other _________________________ Award Category: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Social Sciences, Humanities, Creative Arts Number of years at Texas Tech University: ________________ Nominee's Area of Specialization: _________________________________________________________________________ Nominated by: Nominating Committee: _________________________________ (chair) ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ Personal nomination by former recipient of this award: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Research awards checklist of enclosed items in order of presentation: Completed nomination form (this form) not to be counted in 20-page total Cover letter from a nominator or committee containing detailed highlights of the nature of the candidate's exceptional contribution to the criteria for this award (one letter, not to exceed 2 pages) Nominee's curriculum vitae Supporting letters on letterhead from colleagues focusing on the criteria for this award (not to exceed 3 letters) Optional support materials: To include pertinent documentation of excellence in research. This should be organized clearly and concisely and should include such information that demonstrates precisely why the nominee is outstanding, including, but not limited to, written verification such as highly cited research, patents and products, etc. (not to exceed 4 pages) In addition to the above, a 100-word introduction of the nominee submitted electronically to (not to be counted in 20-page total) Any support documentation exceeding the 20-page limit will not be considered. Attachment B OP 32.24 7/24/15