THE NEW CALACS Pixel-based CTE Correction of ACS/WFC: CTE Time And Temperature Dependency Leonardo UBEDA, Jay ANDERSON, and the ACS Team Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD In the presence of a high electric field, the dark current of a single pixel can be greatly enhanced. These hot pixels accumulate as a function of time on orbit; however, the reduction of the operating temperature of the WFC CCDs has dramatically reduced the dark current of the hot pixels. ACS devices undergo a monthly annealing process which greatly reduces the population of hot pixels and does not affect the normal pixels. Putting the electrons back where they belong INTRODUCTION The new Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) calibration pipeline (CALACS) contains the pixel-based charge transfer efficiency (CTE) correction developed according to the Anderson & Bedin (2010) code. We developed a comprehensive analysis based on the profiles of hot pixels in most of the dark frames produced by ACS/WFC between 2002 and 2011. RESULTS We identified most of the hot pixels in each anneal cycle by selecting only those pixels which comply with the following conditions: We studied the evolution of the pixel-based CTE correction by plotting the estimated average number of electrons in the first, second, and third upstream pixels of the hot pixels CTE trails found in dark frames obtained using the ACS/WFC. (1) pixel should have a dark current value greater than 0.08 electrons/ second. (2) pixel should appear consistently in at least 80% of the dark _FLT frames in each anneal cycle. (3) pixel should be isolated within a 4 pixel radius. (4) pixel must be at least 1500 pixels away from amplifier. This procedure allowed us to create a single hot pixel catalog for each anneal cycle by combining the results from individual dark frames. See Figure 3. −77°C −81°C Figure 6 presents the results : % of hot pixels We perform a comprehensive and detailed study of the evolution of the effect of charge transfer efficiency (CTE) of the Wide-Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). The study is based on the profiles of hot pixels in most of the dark frames ever produced by ACS between 2002 and 2011. We apply the pixelbased empirical approach by Anderson & Bedin (2010, PASP, 122, 1035) which restores flux, position and shape of sources in the original images. We demonstrate that this image-restoration process properly accounts for the time and temperature dependence for CTE in ACS, and that it works for all epochs: the original setting when the camera was operated at −77°C and also on the post-SM4 data obtained with the current temperature set at −81°C. We also demonstrate that the code has been successfully integrated in the ACS calibration and reduction pipeline CALACS. THE IDENTIFICATION OF HOT PIXELS 103 hot pixels ABSTRACT red symbols: _FLT data obtained when the detector was at temperature −77°C blue symbols: _FLT data obtained when the detector was at temperature −81°C green symbols: _FLC data Figure 3: Number of ACS/WFC hot pixels as a function of time. THE HOT PIXEL TRAIL STRUCTURE THE DARK CURRENT DATA SET For our analysis we used the _RAW dark-current observations obtained from 2002 to 2011. See Figure1. Figure 1: Number of dark frames used in each anneal cycle. During an anneal cycle, the CCDs and the thermal electric coolers are turned off and the heaters are turned on to warm the CCDs to 19°C. THE CALIBRATION PROCESS We calibrated all _RAW dark frames using the latest version of CALACS. The automated pipeline performs: a bias correction, the removal of bias stripes, the pixel-based CTE correction, and a transformation from counts (DN) to units of electrons using the appropriate gain for each of the four amplifiers. This process generates two calibrated FITS images with extensions _FLT and _FLC (Figure 2). We studied the hot pixel CTE trail structure as depicted in Figure 4. Figure 4: A detail of the WFC2 chip of an _FLT image from December 2010. The vertical trails extending upward from the hot pixels are indicative of imperfect CTE. The readout amplifiers are located towards the bottom of the figure. The color schematic zooms into one hot pixel to show the CTE trail structure and our notation. The distributions of the number of electrons in the first, second, and third upstream pixels show different averages for different anneal cycles. Figure 5 shows histograms of the P1 distributions for three anneal cycles. January 2004 October 2010 August 2011 Figure 6: Evolution of number of electrons in the first, second, and third upstream pixels in the CTE trail as a function of time. The black lines represent linear fits to the empirical data. We have scaled the _FLT data obtained at the operating temperature of −81°C to the data obtained at −77°C. We observe similar results for flux intensities in the following ranges: 100 ± 10 e−, 1000 ± 50 e−, and 10000 ± 1000 e−. We find that the expected flux restoration is achieved regardless of the operating temperature, electronics used and camera GAIN setting. The flux from the pixels in the trail (P1, P2, and P3) is being transferred back to the pixels where it originated and restoring the original values measured in late 2002 to within the expected 10% accuracy. As a bonus of our analysis, we have shown that the integration of the pixel-based CTE correction has been successfully implemented onto CALACS. REFERENCES Figure 2: (Left) A 1000 × 1000 pixel region of the top of the extension 1 chip in a processed _FLT image. The CTE vertical trails are clearly visible. (Right) The reconstructed _FLC" image after the execution of CALACS. Figure 5: Histogram distribution of the number of electrons in the first upstream pixel (P1) provided for three anneal cycles: January 2004 (left), October 2010 (centre), and August 2011 (right). The hot pixels considered for this example are those with 1000±50 electrons. The solid green line represents the calculated average and the dotted lines are the adopted errors around the average. Anderson, J. & Bedin, L. R. 2010, PASP, 122, 1035–1064