Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 1 User Guidelines for Application, Summary, and Interpretation of Westside Elk Nutrition and Habitat Use Models Draft Version 2.0 January 2013 Authors: Mary M. Rowland1 Jennifer M. Hafer1 Bridgett J. Naylor1 Priscilla K. Coe2 Michael J. Wisdom1 John G. Cook3 Rachel C. Cook3 Ryan M. Nielson4 Bruce K. Johnson2 1 USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station; 2 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; 3 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement; 4 Western EcoSystems Technology (WEST), Inc. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 2 Table of Contents Abstract .............................................................................................................................................4 A. Introduction to Westside Elk Models .............................................................................................4 B. Spatial and Temporal Extents for Summarizing Model Results ........................................................6 Defining an Analysis Area for Model Application ..................................................................................... 7 Regional Landscape............................................................................................................................... 7 Local Landscape .................................................................................................................................... 9 C. Westside Elk Nutrition Model ......................................................................................................10 Nutrition Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Input Data Needed and Preparation................................................................................................... 14 Using the Nutrition Tool: Do’s and Don’ts .......................................................................................... 15 Steps to Run the Nutrition Tool .......................................................................................................... 19 Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Update Vegetation Tool .......................................................................................................................... 22 Input Data Needed and Preparations ................................................................................................. 23 Using the Update Vegetation Tool: Do’s and Don’ts .......................................................................... 26 Steps to run the Update Vegetation Tool ........................................................................................... 28 Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 29 D. Westside Elk Habitat Use Model ..................................................................................................30 Habitat Covariates Tool........................................................................................................................... 30 Input Data Needed and Preparations ................................................................................................. 31 Using the Habitat Covariates Tool: Do’s and Don’ts ........................................................................... 32 Steps to Run the Habitat Covariates Tool ........................................................................................... 38 Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 39 Habitat Use Tool...................................................................................................................................... 41 Input Data Needed and Preparations ................................................................................................. 41 Using the Habitat Use Tool: Do’s and Don’ts ...................................................................................... 42 Steps to Run the Habitat Use Tool ...................................................................................................... 43 Tables .................................................................................................................................................. 44 E. Interpretation and Summaries of Model Results...........................................................................45 Summarizing Results from the Nutrition Model ..................................................................................... 45 Regional Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives ..................................... 46 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 3 Changes in Regional Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative ....... 47 Changes in Local Landscape Relative to each Management Alternative ........................................... 48 Summarizing Results from the Elk Habitat Use Model ........................................................................... 49 Regional Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives ..................................... 49 Changes in Regional Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative ....... 52 Local Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives .......................................... 56 Changes in Local Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative ............ 56 Appendix 1. Literature Cited ............................................................................................................57 Appendix 2. Beta Testers for Westside Elk Modeling ........................................................................58 Appendix 3. Commonly Used Data Sources for Elk Model Application...............................................60 Appendix 4. Selectivity of Elk Forage Species In Western Oregon and Washington ............................61 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations................................................................................................66 English Equivalents ..........................................................................................................................67 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 4 Abstract Scientists from state, federal, private, and tribal entities have developed two new models, elk (Cervus elaphus) nutrition and elk habitat use, for management application in western Oregon and western Washington. The models provide managers with contemporary tools to evaluate nutritional and habitat conditions for elk at landscape scales commensurate with all-lands management of the species among diverse partners. The models focus on summer range, because this period is considered most important to elk productivity in this region. Model users can not only evaluate current nutritional conditions and predicted use by elk but also evaluate effects of land management, such as thinning projects or road closures, on elk. The nutrition and habitat use models are combined in a single ArcGIS toolbox. These guidelines provide information about (1) the history of the elk nutrition and habitat use models, (2) selecting regional and local analysis areas, (3) incorporating the models in a spatial framework within ArcGIS, (4) preparing input data and caveats for usage, and (5) interpreting and summarizing model outputs. The guidelines describe each of the six tools created for the modeling project and the tool parameters and processes required to apply them. The guidelines conclude with detailed examples of data summaries for outputs from the nutrition and habitat use models. Suggested citation: Rowland, Mary M.; Hafer, Jennifer M.; Naylor, Bridgett J.; Coe, Priscilla K.; Wisdom, Michael J.; Cook, John G.; Cook, Rachel C.; Nielson, Ryan M.; Johnson, Bruce K. 2013. User guidelines for application, summary, and interpretation of Westside elk nutrition and habitat use models. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. A. Introduction to Westside Elk Models Scientists from state, federal, private, and tribal entities have developed and validated two new models elk nutrition and elk habitat use - for management application in western Oregon and western Washington (Westside region, fig. 1). The objective of this work was to provide managers with contemporary tools to evaluate nutrition and habitat conditions for elk at landscape scales commensurate with all-lands management of the species among state, federal, tribal, and private partners. The models focus on summer range, because this period is considered most important to elk productivity in the Westside region (Harper 1987, Hutchins 2006, Cook et al., in press). The nutrition model predicts dietary digestible energy (DDE; glossary terms are bolded at first use and defined in the Glossary at the end of this document) that elk can acquire from each plant community during summer. The predictions are based on diet data collected during elk grazing trials across the Westside region from 2000 -2002 (Cook et al., n.d. a). Digestible energy levels in elk diets in summer are affected by nutritional adequacy of the various vegetation communities used by elk while foraging and are related 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 5 to reproduction and survival in summer and subsequent seasons (Cook et al., n.d. a). The nutrition model predicts DDE for landscapes across the Westside region. Figure 1—Westside region of Oregon and Washington (shaded areas), where elk nutrition and habitat modeling work has been completed. Development of a nutrition model for elk in SW Oregon is underway. The summer nutrition model was integrated as one of several predictor variables (covariates) in the elk habitat use model, which predicts level of elk use based on the environmental conditions that most affect or account for landscape-level use by elk. The habitat modeling process consisted of two parts: model selection and model validation. The model selection process initially considered over 50 environmental covariates related to nutritional, human disturbance, and biophysical conditions. We then considered subsets of these covariates in various combinations in more than 10 unique models to identify which model was best supported by patterns of observed elk use, based on radio-telemetry locations of elk across Oregon and Washington. A combination of four covariates consistently explained patterns of elk habitat use based on radio-telemetry data collected over 5 years from three primary study areas (fig.2): (1) elk dietary digestible energy (higher DDE, higher predicted elk use); (2) distance to roads open to public access (farther from roads, higher use); (3) percent slope (flatter slopes, higher use); and (4) distance to cover/forage edge (closer to edge, higher use). Figure 2—Study areas used for model selection vs. model validation for elk habitat modeling in western Oregon and Washington. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 6 We used a model validation process to evaluate how well predictions of elk use based on this topranked, regional elk habitat use model matched actual elk use, as applied to five additional radiotelemetry data sets (fig. 2). The telemetry data sets used for validation were independent of data used in model selection. Validation tests produced correlation coefficients for predicted and observed use ranging from about 0.32 to 0.99 - with most values greater than 0.80 – across the five independent data sets. We then used a process of “beta testing” the models with biologists and GIS (Geographic Information System) staff from Region 6 of the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management (Oregon/Washington State Office), and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (app. 2). The team used feedback from the beta testers to refine the modeling algorithms and guidelines presented in this document. These guidelines instruct model users in application, summary, and interpretation of the nutrition and habitat use models. The basic steps are: • • • • • • • • • Define analysis area(s) for model application, including the regional and local landscape(s). Obtain necessary spatial layers for model inputs, e.g., vegetation, DEM (digital elevation model), and roads. See appendix 3 for suggested data sources or visit the Westside Elk Nutrition and Habitat Modeling Project website to download example layers (http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/research/elk/). Update existing vegetation layer if necessary to correct for changes in vegetation between the year of the vegetation layer and current conditions (Update Vegetation Tool). Run the Nutrition Tool. Run the Habitat Covariates Tool. Run the Habitat Use Tool. Update roads and/or vegetation layers if necessary to simulate changes under various management alternatives. Re-run the Nutrition, Habitat Covariates, and Habitat Use Tools as needed to produce outputs for each alternative of interest. Summarize results for existing condition and management alternatives. B. Spatial and Temporal Extents for Summarizing Model Results The habitat use model is applied across regional landscapes. However, summaries of model outputs can be completed at two spatial extents: (1) the regional landscape, which should be an area >10,000 ha on which the Nutrition and Habitat Use Tools are applied (analyzed); and (2) the local landscape, areas of 800 ha or larger and nested within the regional landscape, for which a subset of the results from the regional landscape analysis can be summarized. Users can summarize results for one time period (existing condition) as well as for different management alternatives (future conditions), under which potential effects of management may be 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 7 evaluated and results contrasted with the existing condition. These summaries can be completed for both the regional and local landscapes (see “Interpretation and Summaries of Model Results”). Defining an Analysis Area for Model Application Selection of an analysis area for running the nutrition model, elk habitat use model, or both will depend on the specific objectives of the user. However, general guidelines should be followed to ensure that the models are applied in a way that is consistent with their development and intended usage. We provide basic guidance below for defining analysis areas at both regional and local extents. Regional Landscape Regional analyses with the nutrition and elk habitat use models typically address management of elk distribution across large areas (e.g., 10,000 ha or more) and across multiple land ownerships. Model outputs can be used not only to inform management of elk distribution, but also to estimate some measures of animal performance (Cook et al., n.d. b). Elk will generally use areas that maximize animal performance; thus, effective management of elk distributions across large landscapes and multiple land ownerships may also benefit elk performance. We recommend using ecological boundaries that are based on collaboration and agreement with state wildlife agencies to select the analysis area over which the models will be applied. These boundaries, as defined in partnership with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, reflect landscape-scale patterns of elk distribution and use across multiple land ownerships on summer range. For example, a population of elk in a particular state wildlife management unit may be located disproportionally on private lands, where use is not desired, and less often on adjacent public lands, where use is desired. Identifying regional boundaries that encompass the entire landscape of potential summer range across these land ownerships is essential to comprehensively evaluate nutrition and habitat use with the models. Analysis within a well-selected study boundary allows different management options to be considered in relation to desired distributions of elk in time and space. By using an ecologically defined boundary the user will avoid imposing biologically meaningless boundaries, such as ownership or other land allocation, on the study area. However, elk movements are often impeded by features such as interstate highways, residential and commercial developments, and large river corridors; these barriers should be considered when defining an analysis area. In some instances, the user will be most interested in modeling elk use in administratively defined areas such as a game management unit, Forest Service District, or Bureau of Land Management (BLM) resource area. In these cases, the model can still be applied across an ecologically defined area, but results summarized by administrative unit. Regardless of the primary motivation in selecting a study area, model users should carefully consider knowledge of local elk distribution and movements in the evaluation area. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 8 When predicting elk nutritional conditions with the Westside nutrition model, the minimum-sized area for analysis will depend on the origins of the input data. If biologists have field data available (e.g., canopy cover, or abundance of elk forage species; app. 4), the analysis area can be a stand or site. The empirical data used to predict nutrition were collected in macroplots of at least 1.0 ha in size; thus, applying the nutrition model to smaller areas should be avoided. If using model inputs derived from remote sensing, such as canopy cover from the Gradient Nearest Neighbor (GNN) layer, users should select a larger area such as a subwatershed (e.g., 4,000 ha). If you are using remotely-sensed data but also have a more local data set for comparison, we suggest comparing the two products to better understand the quality of the remotely-sensed layer. Generally, GNN and similar products (e.g., LANDFIRE existing vegetation type; http://www.landfire.gov/NationalProductDescriptions21.php) are suitable for landscape to regional-scale analyses but are insufficiently accurate for local or stand-level applications. For predicting elk habitat use with the Westside elk habitat use model, we recommend that the minimum regional analysis area be ~10,000 ha or larger. This scale corresponds to elk landscape use for a regional (e.g., multiple local herds) population of elk. The elk habitat use model was developed and validated in a variety of study areas ranging from 2,400 to 53,000 ha. Even when evaluating the potential effects of management actions (e.g., road closures or silviculture treatments) in smaller, local areas (~2,000 ac or larger), it is important to retain the original regional scale used to develop the models when making predictions. One can always “zoom in” to isolate an area and summarize results within smaller local landscapes after predictions are made for the larger study area (see Local Landscape below). Before the elk habitat use model can be applied, a 4-km buffer should be drawn around the regional landscape (fig. 3). The model is run inside this larger area (i.e., regional landscape plus buffer) to capture potential effects of roads and vegetation conditions adjacent to the analysis area. This distance was based on modeling results demonstrating that elk respond to roads open to the public as far as 4 km away. Thus, an open road in the buffer area may affect predicted use by elk within the analysis area and must be accounted for when the elk habitat use model is applied. Likewise, the nearest cover/forage edge for pixels in the analysis area but close to the buffer could be in the buffer, rather than the study area, thus affecting predictions of elk use. However, when summarizing results of the elk habitat use model, only use the area within the regional landscape boundary; the buffer area should not be included in data summaries. An additional step before model application is to mask or set null values for any land cover types for which predictions of elk use are illogical (e.g., urban/developed landscapes, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies, scree and talus slopes). The habitat use model should be applied across all lands within the analysis area (other than the masked areas mentioned above), regardless of ownership or other status 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 9 Figure 3—A regional analysis area, its 4-km buffer, and two local landscapes with treatment units displayed for each. The elk nutrition and habitat use models are applied within the regional landscape and its buffered boundary; however, data are summarized only within the regional landscape boundary (that is, without the area of the 4-km buffer included). Local Landscape Analysis of large landscapes is focused on comprehensive management of elk distributions across large areas of summer range that encompass multiple land ownerships and associated landscape management issues. By contrast, analysis of local areas is more site specific and often relates to particular management activities on a given area and land ownership. Examples of local effects might be a set of commercial thinning units, paired with changes in access management, and evaluating how these local activities might affect an individual herd of elk on summer range in a small area typically used by 10-20 elk (e.g., areas as small as 800 ha). These local, smaller-scale summaries complement the regional-scale application of the nutrition and elk habitat use models, and model results can be compared among projects or to the regional landscape results (see “Interpretation and Summaries of Model Results” for guidance on specific data summaries of model outputs). Local landscapes within the larger regional area (including the buffer around the actual treatment units; see explanation below) should be >800 ha, due to the spatial resolution and accuracy of the vegetation layers used in developing the elk habitat use and nutrition models. Values for model covariates in areas smaller than 800 ha will likely be below the precision required by the models. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 10 In most cases, local landscape summaries will involve a collection of several small treatments, all of which should be summarized within one boundary. For example, if the proposed management involves 20 small thinning units, a polygon should be drawn around these units and model outputs summarized within this boundary (local landscape summary boundary; fig. 3). As described for the regional level, a buffer should also be applied around the project area. This buffer is required because benefits will extend to areas near but outside the actual treatment sites. For example, with decreased cover from thinning and the creation of additional cover/forage edges, distance to the nearest edge is decreased for many pixels near the treated sites. If a basic minimum convex polygon were drawn around the units (i.e., essentially “connecting the dots” of the outermost points of each unit), these benefits would not be completely accounted for in local landscape summaries of nutrition or predicted elk use. There is no hard and fast rule to guide the establishment of local landscape boundaries, within which the results of the prior regional landscape modeling results are summarized. However, the way in which the boundary is drawn around the local analysis area will affect subsequent comparisons of model results (e.g., percentage of area by nutritional class) among potential management alternatives. If the actual acreage treated is a very small percentage (e.g., <5%) of the local landscape, improvements in nutrition or predictions of elk habitat use will be difficult to detect. Again, there is no hard and fast guidance in this regard. The exact spatial arrangement and size of the treatment units within the boundary of the local analysis area will affect all summaries at this scale, so careful consideration is required in delineating this boundary to ensure that real benefits of management treatments will be detected. To reiterate, all model runs (analyses) occur at the regional landscape extent; that is, this is the spatial extent at which the models are applied. Once results are obtained for the regional landscape, we recommend that you summarize outputs from your regional landscape first, and then further summarize results for any local landscapes of interest. You can “zoom in” to these local boundaries for your calculations and compare summaries across local landscapes or to the larger, regional landscape. An exception is application of the nutrition model. If desired, the nutrition model can be applied in a local landscape independently of the elk habitat use model. That is, a local landscape can be input as the study area boundary for application of the nutrition model by itself, to estimate existing nutritional conditions, or to project nutritional conditions under several alternatives in which vegetation is altered across the local landscape. However, as stated above, the elk habitat use model should only be applied across the regional landscape, although model outputs can be summarized for the regional and local landscapes. C. Westside Elk Nutrition Model We developed two different primary models under the auspices of the Westside elk modeling project – an elk nutrition model and an elk habitat use model. In order to run these models in a GIS framework, these models were incorporated in an ESRI ArcGIS toolbox (Westside Elk Habitat Models Toolbox; fig. 4), 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 11 using ESRI ArcGIS 10.0 ModelBuilder. Figure 4 displays the relationship between the toolbox and the six supporting tools. Figure 4—The Westside Elk Habitat Models Toolbox contains six tools, including three Nutrition Tools (Nooksack, Springfield, Willapa Hills), the Habitat Covariates Tool, the Habitat Use Tool, and the Update Vegetation Tool. Nutrition Tool Introduction The elk habitat use model requires four covariates (Rowland et al., n.d.; fig. 4). One of these is mean dietary digestible energy (DDE). The following text and tables describe processes used to derive DDE and how to run the Nutrition Tool to obtain predictions of DDE in an example study area. The nutrition model is a stand-alone application that can be applied independently to assess nutritional conditions for elk. However, mean DDE within a 350-m radius circle (one of the model’s outputs) is also used as one of the four inputs to run the full Habitat Use Tool. Note: The Nutrition Tool produces both “raw” DDE 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 12 values for each pixel in the output grid and mean DDE. The raw values are used in mapping and for summaries of nutrition across regional or local landscapes (see “Summarizing Results from the Nutrition Model”), whereas the mean DDE output grid is the input used in the Habitat Use Tool, but can also be used in summaries. There are four inputs required to calculate DDE: • Potential natural vegetation (PNV) zone. • Modeling region (one of 3). • Overstory canopy cover (%) of all live trees. • Proportion of total live trees (>2.5 cm dbh) that are hardwoods (note that in the nutrition equations this is a proportion, from 0 to 1, whereas canopy cover is a percentage, ranging from 0 to 100). Predicting Elk Nutrition Elk nutrition in our model is represented by dietary digestible energy, the level of DE that elk can be expected to acquire in their diets in kilocalories per gram (kcal/g) of forage consumed. The final equations that predict DDE use abundance of “neutral” plant species (NB) and “selected” species (SB) in kilograms (kg) of forage per hectare (ha) as inputs (neutral and selected are two categories of plants reflecting elk preferences; see app. 4 for a list of elk forage species categorized by selectivity). Levels of DDE and elk forage preferences were determined using tame, trained elk in field studies in western Washington and Oregon, 2000-2002 (Cook et al., n.d., a). Values for plant abundance are in turn generated by another series of equations for three potential natural vegetation (PNV) series, or zones, in western Oregon and Washington: western hemlock series (Tsuga heterophylla), mountain hemlock series (Tsuga mertensiana), and Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis) series, as described by Franklin and Dyrness (1988). The mountain hemlock and Pacific silver fir series were combined for modeling elk nutrition. All additional PNV zones that occur in the Westside modeling region were cross-walked to one of these three zones for application of the appropriate set of prediction equations (see app. 3 for data sources used). For zones that could not be cross-walked, such as tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) in southern Oregon, the nutrition model cannot be applied; see Constraints and Notes, below. For higher elevation vegetation zones (i.e., the mountain hemlock/silver fir), there is only one equation for each type of forage and for DDE. That is, regardless of the locale within the Westside region for which you are predicting forage abundance or DDE, only one equation is used to predict abundance and DDE within the mountain hemlock/silver fir zone. However, for the western hemlock zone, there are separate equations for forage abundance in each of the three modeling regions in which the elk field work was conducted: Nooksack, Springfield, and Willapa Hills. Likewise, the DDE prediction equations in this zone differ for each of these three regions (fig. 5). For mapping, DDE can be displayed as a continuous variable or categorical. If categorical, six classes are recommended, which are generated when using the Nutrition Tool (see “Summarizing Results from the Nutrition Model”). These DDE levels relate to specific measures of elk productivity (Cook et al. 2004:55). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 13 Depending on the size and location of a particular study area, some Westside sites may have no or very little area in the highest nutrition classes. Figure 5—Three modeling regions used for assigning the correct Nutrition Tool to a study area. Using the Nutrition Equations The equations and appropriate tool parameters to predict forage abundance and, ultimately, DDE are embedded within the Nutrition Tool. For users who intend to predict elk nutritional conditions outside the modeling framework we created in ArcGIS (i.e., the Nutrition Tool created in ModelBuilder), the equations and explicit methods to quantify forage abundance and DDE are available upon request. The equations, however, can also be found by opening the Nutrition Tool in “Edit” mode. For model users interested in simply exploring the relation between different values of the input variables (e.g., tree canopy cover and hardwood proportion) and resulting DDE values in a non-spatial environment, the equations can be copied to a spreadsheet and used with multiple, plausible combinations of the input variables. We describe the Nutrition Tool in the following section of this document (“Using the Elk Nutrition Tool: Do’s and Don’ts”). In that section we also provide guidelines for data preparation if you are predicting nutrition with other tools in ArcGIS or other GIS software. Tool Constraints and Notes • • • • • • Some tool inputs are vector format and others are raster format. During tool execution all inputs are converted to raster format and the outputs from the Nutrition and Habitat Use Tools are raster format. Summary instructions are given for raster format outputs. The equations used in this tool were derived from plot data collected in western Oregon and Washington. Running this tool in other regions or in a study area with portions outside the Westside modeling boundary may not predict nutrition accurately. The tool is intended for application with 30-m resolution raster data, and is not recommended for use at other resolutions. The CC and HW100 variables (see “Input Data Needed and Preparation,” below) must be integer data types for the Lookup tool to work properly. Using decimal data will skew the values towards zero. Certain existing vegetation types (e.g., Ecological Systems in GNN) are unsuitable as potential elk habitat (e.g., water, ice, talus); we assigned these types a value of “M” (mask) and modeled them as “no data.” Similarly, some PNV types could not be cross-walked to one of the two PNV zones used in the nutrition equations; we also masked out these types as “no data.” The Nutrition Tool assigns any land cover types defined as agriculture a default values of 2.825 kcal/g for DDE; that is, DDE is not calculated for agricultural lands using the equations in the Nutrition Tool in ArcGIS. If agricultural lands are in your analysis area and you know the specific crops grown, adjust DDE values upward or downward as appropriate, based on standard crop quality information. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 14 Input Data Needed and Preparation 1. Existing Vegetation grid (e.g., GNN; app. 3) a. This layer must include canopy cover, stand height, and hardwood proportion attributes b. This layer is modified by adding new fields in the attribute table that are specific for all the tools. These fields are described below (Note: Stand height is included below, although it is not required for the Nutrition Tool, but is required for the Habitat Covariates Tool described later in this document): Field Name Elk_Hab_Ma CANCOV_I HW100_I STNDHGT_I Definition A text field that defines which vegetation values are elk habitat (modeled) and non-habitat (not modeled) Percent canopy cover as defined by the existing vegetation layer, then converted to an integer data type Hardwood proportion as defined by the existing vegetation layer, then multiplied by 100 and converted to an integer data type Stand height (meters) converted to an integer data type Values H=habitat (modeled) M=non-habitat (masked) A=agriculture land cover types 0-100 0-100 >=1 2. Potential Natural Vegetation grid (PNV; app. 3) a. This layer defines the potential vegetation zones b. This layer is modified by adding a new field to the attribute table that is specific to the tool. This field is described below: Field Name CROSSWALK_I Definition Values An integer field that 1=WHZ classifies each vegetation or zone type into either WHZ 2=MHSFZ or MHSFZ c. These two zone classifications are used in the tool to define which algorithms are used to calculate plant abundance and DDE. 3. Study Area Boundary feature layer a. This is a polygon layer that defines your study area plus a buffered distance around it (fig. 3). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 15 Using the Nutrition Tool: Do’s and Don’ts NOTE: There are three modeling regions in western Oregon and Washington: Nooksack (NK), Willapa Hills (WH), and Springfield (SP; fig. 5), and three corresponding nutrition tools. The nutrition equations vary by region specifically for the western hemlock zone. Be sure to use the correct regional Nutrition Tool for the area in which you are applying the model. To determine which regional model is appropriate, overlay your study area boundary with the “Model Region.shp” file and choose the appropriate region. The Nutrition Tool predicts plant abundance (biomass in kg/ha) as an intermediate step in the prediction of DDE. Calculating plant abundance requires three input variables: (1) canopy cover (percentage canopy cover of all live trees), (2) hardwood proportion (proportion of all live trees of dbh >2.5 cm that are hardwood species, such as alder (Alnus spp.), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera), and (3) potential natural vegetation series: mountain hemlock/silver fir (TSME/ABAM) and western hemlock (TSHE), or no data. You also need to know which modeling region your study area falls within to select the proper set of nutrition equations, addressed previously (fig. 5). Usage Tips • • • • Use ArcGIS 10.0 or newer with an ArcInfo license and Spatial Analyst Extension. Input grids should be 30-m resolution. We recommend that all input grid and feature layers have the same projection and that they match the *.mxd data frame coordinate system and projection to prevent any shifts or errors in calculations. The vegetation grid layer (e.g., GNN) contains the Canopy Cover variable (CANCOV_I field), Hardwood Proportion variable (HW100_I field), and a variable used to classify the GNN values as modeled and not modeled, the ELK_HAB_MA field. 1. The CANCOV_I and HW100_I fields must be integer values for the Lookup tool to work properly. If you are using your own existing vegetation layer, ensure that the canopy cover and hardwood proportion attribute values are formatted as integer type and range from 0-100. a. HW100_I is a proportion and then multiplied by 100 to maintain precision and convert this value to a percentage and an integer; final values range from 0-100. b. The plant abundance and digestible energy equations were adjusted accordingly. Any reference to HW is now HW100/100 in the equations in ModelBuilder. 2. The tool is not designed to use separate input layers for CC or HW. These variables are attributes of the GNN or other vegetation layer, and the tool uses the “Lookup” tool to create single value grids for each variable. If you are using your own existing vegetation layer ensure that it is one raster layer with both these attribute fields added. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 • • • • • • • • 16 The potential vegetation grid layer (e.g., PNV) contains vegetation zones re-classified into either the Western Hemlock (WHZ) or Silver Fir/Mountain Hemlock (SFMHZ) vegetation series (or zones). 1. The CROSSWALK_I field is where we re-classified each individual PNV zone occurring in western Oregon or Washington to one of these two classifications – 1=WHZ or 2=SFMHZ. 2. Any vegetation zone that is not cross-walked is given a No Data (-9) assignment and is not suitable for modeling with these equations. In-line variable substitution is used in this tool. Ex: %Study Area Code%, as seen in the file path name of many processes, will be replaced with the alpha/numeric code you chose. See the ArcGIS Desktop Help for further assistance. Output grids will have the same projection and resolution as the input Vegetation Grid Layer (e.g., GNN, 30-m) and will be clipped to the boundary of the Study Area Boundary polygon. The study area code parameter will be the prefix for all output file names. Some outputs (e.g., mean_dde) produced by this tool have been summarized within a 350-m radius circle surrounding the center pixel. This is the scale at which the models were developed and validated, and should not be changed. Certain settings are pre-set, located under the Environment Tab. These settings may need to be edited if errors occur when running the tool (table 1). Be sure to check all parameter fields in the tool to make sure the default settings are appropriate for your data and study area. Default parameter inputs or SQL expressions may be incorrect and need to be reset. Table 2 contains a list of outputs and their definition. The Elk Nutrition Tool Parameters Expression Explanation Study Area Code (4 char max) (Required) Choose up to a four character abbreviation (alpha/numeric) that represents the analysis area in which the tool is applied. The abbreviation cannot exceed four characters nor can it begin with a number, or the tool will not run. This code will precede the name of each output layer. Grids that are created cannot exceed 13 character naming conventions; hence this study area code cannot exceed four characters. Output Workspace Folder (Required) Select the folder location in which you want the outputs to be saved. Within this folder, a temporary "temp" folder is automatically created. Each output will be saved in the Output Workspace Folder if it's a permanent file or the temporary folder if it's an intermediate file. You should have overwrite processes activated (found in the Tools menu, Options, Geoprocessing Tab); if not, you will need to create a new folder each time the tool is run. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 17 Expression Explanation Study Area Boundary (Required) Select the polygon layer that represents the regional landscape study area. This layer should include a buffered area around the actual study area as described earlier. Existing Vegetation Grid (Required) Select the existing vegetation grid that contains canopy cover and hardwood proportion data as attributes to be used in the tool. Existing Vegetation Where Clause (Required) Create a SQL statement that defines which values in the existing vegetation grid layer are to be used for modeling (which is considered elk habitat, natural and agricultural lands). Here, non-habitat vegetation (such as barren lands, developed, rock/sand, water, etc.) should be excluded from analysis. Existing Vegetation Canopy Cover Lookup Column (Required) Select the field in the existing vegetation grid layer that contains the canopy cover data as an integer data type. Values will range from 0-100. This is a parameter of the "Lookup" tool. Existing Vegetation Hardwood Proportion Lookup Column (Required) Select the field in the existing vegetation grid layer that contains the hardwood proportion data as an integer data type. This is a parameter of the "Lookup" tool. Potential Vegetation Zone Grid (Required) Select the potential vegetation grid layer that contains the vegetation zone (or series) types. Potential Vegetation Crosswalk Classification Lookup Column (Required) Select the field in the potential vegetation grid layer that contains the crosswalk classification data as an integer data type. Values will include 1 and 2. This is a parameter of the "Lookup" tool. The Elk Nutrition Tool Processes Name Explanation Create Temp Folder This creates a temporary folder where intermediate data will be saved. Uses the "Create Folder" tool. Extract Ag Lands This creates a layer that contains only ag vegetation types from the existing vegetation grid. Uses the “Extract by Attributes” tool. Reclass Ag DDE This creates the DDE value for all agricultural (ag) types. That value is 2.825 kcal/g. Uses the “Raster Calculator” tool with expression: Con("%Ag Lands%" < 0, 2.825). Reclass Ag Biomass This creates the Biomass value for all ag types. That value is 640.7 kg/ha. Uses the “Raster Calculator” tool with expression: Con("%Ag Lands%" < 0, 640.7). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 18 Name Explanation Lookup PNV Crosswalk This creates a value grid of the classified vegetation zone types from the potential vegetation zone grid layer. Uses the "Lookup" tool. Remove NoData from PNV Grid This creates a grid layer that contains only the potential vegetation zones that are used in the tool by removing any PNV type that is not relevant, not modeled. Uses the “Raster Calculator” tool with expression: SetNull("%PNV Crosswalk Grid%" == -9, "%PNV Crosswalk Grid%"). Extract Existing Vegetation Mask This extracts the herbaceous habitat values from the existing vegetation grid layer. Uses the "Extract by Attributes" tool. Combine Veg Masks This combines the existing vegetation mask and potential vegetation zone mask grids. This creates the final mask for the tool, ensuring that only legitimate existing vegetation and potential zone types will be used. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: "%Veg Mask%" & "%PNV_INT%". Lookup CC This creates a value grid for the Canopy Cover variable. Uses the "Lookup" tool. Lookup HW100 This creates a value grid for the Hardwood Proportion variable. Uses the "Lookup" tool. Calc eq_ab This calculates the accepted biomass (kg/ha). Uses the " Raster Calculator " tool with expression: Con("%PNV_INT%" == 1, 707.3 - (13.93 * "%CC%") + (0.0731 * "%CC%" * "%CC%") + (383.17 *"%HW100%" / 100), Con("%PNV_INT%" == 2, 657.6 (11.28 * "%CC%") + (0.0458 * "%CC%" * "%CC%") + (553.06 * "%HW100%" / 100))). Stamp Ag Lands on AB This merges the ag lands with the accepted biomass grid. Uses the “Raster Calculator” tool with expression: Con(IsNull("%Ag Biomass%") == 0, "%Ag Biomass%", "%eq_ab%"). Truncate AB This adjusts the accepted biomass (kg/ha) in the event negative values were attained; changing any negative value to 0. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%ab1%" <0, 0, "%ab1%"). Calc eq_nb This calculates the neutral biomass (kg/ha). Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%PNV_INT%" == 1, 671.8- (16.91 * "%CC%") + (0.1092 * "%CC%" * "%CC%") + (268.13 *"%HW100%" / 100), Con("%PNV_INT%" == 2, 527.8 (6.09 * "%CC%") + (590.49 * "%HW100%" / 100))). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 19 Name Explanation Truncate NB This adjusts the neutral biomass (kg/ha) in the event negative values were attained; changing any negative value to 0. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%eq_nb%" <0, 0, "%eq_nb%"). Calc eq_sb This calculates the selected biomass (kg/ha). Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%PNV_INT%" == 1, 80.1 - (0.66 *"%CC%") + (99.83 * "%HW100%" / 100), Con("%PNV_INT%" == 2, 1 / (0.00833 + (0.00062 * "%CC%")))). Truncate SB This adjusts the selected biomass (kg/ha) in the event negative values were attained; changing any negative value to 0. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%eq_sb%" <0, 0, "%eq_sb%"). Calculate DE This calculates the digestible energy (kcal/g). Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%PNV_INT%" == 1, 2.362 + (0.00108 * "%NB%") + (0.000504 * "%SB%") (0.00000361 * "%SB%" * "%NB%"), Con("%PNV_INT%" == 2, 2.44 + (0.000889 * "%NB%") + (0.00308 * "%SB%") (0.00000546 * "%NB%" * "%SB%"))). Stamp Ag Lands on DE This step creates the final DDE (digestible energy) (kcal/g) layer by correcting DE values in ag lands. Uses the "Raster Calculator " tool with expression: Con(IsNull("%Ag DDE%") == 0, "%Ag DDE%", "%de%"). Classify DDE to Nutrition Classes This classifies the DDE into six categories; 1=Poor, 2=Lowmarginal, 3=High-marginal, 4=Low-good, 5=High-good, 6=Excellent. Uses the "Reclassify" tool. Create Integer DDE * 1000 This creates an integer grid that has an attribute table by multiplying the DDE grid by 1000. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Int(1000 * "%DDE%"). Focal Mean DDE This creates the mean dietary digestible energy using 350m radius circles. Creates a continuous grid of mean DDE values. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Apply Mask to Mean DDE This re-applies a mask to the final mean DDE grid. Uses the “Raster Calculator” too with expression: "%temp mean_dde%". Steps to Run the Nutrition Tool To add the Nutrition Tool to an ArcMap project file and run from ArcMap: 1. Open ArcMap. 2. Open/Show the ArcToolbox window if not already open. 3. Right click on ArcToolbox and choose “Add Toolbox”. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 20 4. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the “Westside Elk Habitat Models.tbx,” select the toolbox and then click Open. 5. Once the toolbox is added to ArcMap, expand the “Westside Elk Habitat Models” by clicking the plus sign next to the toolbox. Six separate tools will be listed. Double click on the regional nutrition tool appropriate for your study area. (You may also right click on the tool and choose Open). a. A window will open with several blank fields that need to be populated with the appropriate input data before running the tool; once you have selected these input layers, click OK. b. This screen shot shows the tool ready for inputs. Populate each box with your data. You can browse to the data by clicking the yellow browse button or if the data is already added to the ArcMap document, you can click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate layer. c. Be sure to check any parameters that fill in by default when data is added. The default value may or may not be correct for your data. If not correct, replace with an appropriate SQL expression or attribute field for your data. d. Be sure to set the three Lookup Column parameters correctly. (Canopy Cover Lookup Column to CANCOV_I, Hardwood Proportion Lookup Column to HW100_I, and Potential Vegetation Crosswalk to CROSSWALK_I.) If these parameters are left at the default setting (Value), the tool will not run correctly. e. Once all parameters are filled in with the correct data layers and SQL statements, click “OK” to run the tool. To run the Nutrition Tool from ArcCatalog: 1. Open ArcCatalog. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 21 2. Show the ArcToolbox window. 3. Add the Westside Elk Habitat Models Toolbox as you would in ArcMap. 4. Follow Step 5 from above to run the tools as you would in ArcMap. Tables Table 1—Tool Properties set under the Environment Tab (to be noted and changed (if needed) before the tool is run) Environment Setting Description Default Value Extent All new raster layers will be <Study Area Boundary> given this extent. Snap Raster To Shifts any new raster layers to Existing Vegetation Grid match the starting x/y of this raster. Cell Size Makes any new raster have Existing Vegetation Grid (30 m) this cell size. Table 2— Nutrition Tool Output File Definitions. All abbreviations will have your study area code prefix (****_) Layers in the Output Workspace Folder. These layers are in final format. Output Abbreviation Description ****_6class DDE classified into six nutrition categories; 1=poor, 2=low-marginal, 3=high-marginal, 4=low-good, 5=high-good, 6=excellent. ****_cc Canopy Cover; an integer value grid. ****_dde Dietary Digestible Energy (kcal/g). ****_dde1000 Dietary Digestible Energy multiplied by 1000, an integer value grid that can be used for analysis. ****_hw100 Hardwood proportion; an integer value grid. ****_mask All pixels used for modeling. Includes valid Vegetation types and Vegetation Zones only. ****_mean_dde Mean dietary digestible energy for a 350-m radius circle (kcal/g). Layers in the Temp Folder within Output Workspace Folder. These are intermediate or temporary layers. Output Abbreviation Description ****_ab Accepted biomass (kg/ha). ****_ab1 Accepted biomass layer prior to adjusting for Ag land (kg/ha). ****_agbiom Biomass value for ag lands as an integer grid. ****_agdde DDE value for ag lands as an integer grid. ****_aglands Agriculture land cover types as classified by the Vegetation Raster Layer. ****_de Dietary digestible energy layer before adjusting for Ag lands (kcal/g). ****_eq_ab Accepted biomass from raw equations (kg/ha). ****_eq_nb Neutral biomass from raw equations (kg/ha). ****_eq_sb Selected biomass from raw equations (kg/ha). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 ****_evt_mask ****_lkup_pnv ****_mean_dde ****_nb ****_pnv_int ****_sb 22 All Existing Vegetation grid values that are classified as habitat (types likely to be used by elk). Potential Vegetation Zone grid converted to a value grid. Mean dietary digestible energy for a 350-m radius circle (kcal/g) before the mask is re-applied. Neutral biomass after adjusting for negative values (kg/ha). All Potential Vegetation Zone grid values that are classified as WHZ or MHSFZ. Selected biomass after adjusting for negative values (kg/ha). Update Vegetation Tool Introduction The tool to update an existing vegetation grid can be used to meet two primary objectives: (1) to update a vegetation grid to account for canopy cover removal or growth between the date of the base vegetation layer (e.g., 2006 GNN) and current conditions, or (2) to simulate the removal or growth of canopy cover in designated polygons (e.g., harvest areas) within a planning unit for comparison of management alternatives with current conditions. Outputs from this tool can be used as inputs to rerun the Nutrition Tool or Habitat Covariates Tool (see section D for details) and compare results with the original, pre-modification conditions. (Both dietary digestible energy and distance to nearest cover/forage edge will change with updates in canopy cover and stand height values). To meet objective 1 we suggest using aerial photography (e.g., NAIP imagery) from the same (or similar) year for which you want to estimate nutritional conditions or habitat use and then digitize the polygons in which vegetation in the imagery differs significantly from vegetation in the grid. (We describe methods to meet the second objective in the “Habitat Use Tool” section). This tool is not designed to update a vegetation layer pixel-by-pixel. Rather, it is designed to update a grid at the stand level or larger, through the use of polygons. It also assumes that all treatments (i.e., areas where values will be updated) will be applied consistently throughout each defined polygon (i.e., in every pixel). Before running the Update Vegetation Tool, you must calculate three covariates: canopy cover (percentage total cover), hardwood proportion, and stand height (meters). When using GNN data, the fields used to calculate the three covariates are: Covariate name used in the models CANCOV_I HW100_I Original GNN field name of covariate CANCOV TPH_GE_3 and TPHH_GE_3 STNDHGT_I STNDHGT 1/30/13 Location of original GNN field Process used to create model covariate GNN grid vat GNN attribute table located in the GNN_2006_Attributes.mdb GNN grid vat Round value to nearest integer [TPHH_GE_3]/[TPH_GE_3]*100 ***DRAFT*** Round value to nearest integer Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 23 The Update Vegetation Tool incorporates changes in values of these three covariates from existing conditions to values that reflect harvest treatments, or to update a vegetation grid from a prior or later year to match the time period desired for modeling. In order to fulfill either objective, values from these thee covariates in the areas where the vegetation layer will be updated may need to be estimated before using the Update Vegetation Tool. If personal knowledge of the area is minimal or harvest plans for CC/HW/STNDHGT are unavailable, calculating the mean or majority value for CC/HW/STNDHGT within the Vegetation Update Polygon layer may help estimate those values. Some questions to ask before getting started: 1. Is the harvest a complete clear-cut? • If NO, proceed to questions 2 and 3. • If YES, then change CC/HW/STNDHGT values to 0. 2. If harvesting occurs, will hardwood removal be included in the treatment? • If NO, calculate mean or majority HW of current vegetation conditions. Use this value in the new layer. (Note: a hardwood value grid is an output of the nutrition tool and can be used to calculate the mean or majority value for current conditions). • If YES, calculate mean or majority HW value of current vegetation conditions and adjust the value appropriately for the estimated amount of hardwood removal. (Note: use the hardwood value grid mentioned previously to calculate the mean or majority value for current conditions). 3. If harvesting occurs, will the overall stand height change? (e.g., thinning an 80% CC stand down to a 60% CC may not change the stand height, whereas a thinning change from 50% CC down to 25% CC could likely change the stand height). • IF NO, calculate mean/majority STNDHGT of current vegetation conditions. Use this value in the new layer. • If YES, calculate mean/majority STNDGHT of current vegetation conditions and adjust the value appropriately for the estimated change in height. If you choose to estimate CC/HW/STNDHGT values by using the mean or majority of the values, use the “Zonal Statistic as Table” tool in ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to calculate an array of basic statistics (min, max, range, mean, majority, minority, standard dev, sum, etc.) Be sure that your input grid is not the GNN grid itself but rather the value grids created from the Nutrition Tool (output grids ****_cc and ****_hw100) or from the Habitat Covariates Tool (output grid ****_stndhgt) when those tools are applied using the existing vegetation conditions. This tool creates a .dbf file that contains the mean and majority value for each polygon. Those values can be used to help estimate appropriate CC/HW/STNDHGT values to edit the attribute table as described in step 4 below (“Attribute table from existing vegetation grid”). Input Data Needed and Preparations 1. Study Area Boundary layer a. This is a polygon that defines the entire study area you plan to analyze plus any buffered area. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 24 b. The new vegetation layer (e.g., output grid %SA%_veg) will be clipped to this boundary. 2. Existing Vegetation Grid a. This layer must include canopy cover, hardwood proportion, and stand height attributes in addition to a mask field. i. The mask field (Elk_Hab_Ma) is a field that defines each vegetation type as modeled or not modeled. b. This is the layer that will be updated. 3. Vegetation Update Polygon layer a. This is a polygon layer that defines the exact areas where vegetation (CC, HW, and STNDHGT) will be changed. i. This change can result from harvesting or can reflect planned improvements or changes in existing vegetation grid. b. This is a layer you create. It can be a single polygon or contain multiple polygons. c. You must add 1 required field, “Value,” as a long integer data type in the attribute table for this layer. i. This Value field is what the tool will look for when creating a grid from your polygon layer. ii. Each Value is unique to a particular CC, HW, and STNDHGT combination. Thus, polygons can be assigned the same value when their input values for CC, HW, and STNDHGT are exactly the same (e.g., two polygons can be assigned a Value of -400 when their CC values are 20, HWs are 10, and STNDHGT values are 8). iii. You decide what values (any whole number) to assign to each polygon in the Value field. Do not use a value already used in the Value field of the Base Vegetation Grid attribute table. iv. If using GNN as your base vegetation layer, we recommend using negative values less than -400 for the Value field. These values go beyond the range of the GNN values for this field and are easy to recognize as vegetation-adjusted areas. d. You can add three other fields to the attribute table of your polygon boundary layer “CC,” “HW,” and “STNDHGT,” all three as short integer data types. These are optional fields because the CC, HW, and STNDHGT values assigned here are not used to update the new vegetation grid. These fields will help you keep track of the changes if you choose to assign polygons to different CC/HW/STNDHGT values in the same run. e. See figure 6 for an example attribute table from the polygon layer. 4. Attribute table from existing vegetation grid (e.g., GNN) a. This table is provided for the GNN data in the GNN_2006_Attributes.mdb. b. It can be edited in ArcGIS or Microsoft Access. c. You will need to edit it (add new rows) to match your Vegetation Update Polygon layer attribute table. See figure 7 for an example. i. Fields from the attribute table to be edited: Field Name Value 1/30/13 Description The value assigned to each polygon in the Vegetation Update Polygon layer. This value is unique to each CC/HW/STNDHGT combination. Several polygons can be assigned the same value. NOTE: Do not use any VALUE that is already in use by the existing ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Elk_Hab_Ma ESLF_NAME (see Glossary) CANCOV_I HW100_I STNDHGT_I 25 vegetation grid (e.g. GNN). To avoid potential errors we recommend assigning a VALUE less than -400 (see figs. 6 and 7). Must be “H”; “H” = habitat type to be modeled. A short description of the changes that occurred (e.g., Clear cut area). The new CC value, 0-100. The new HW value, 0-100. The new STNDHGT value, >=1. d. This attribute table will be joined to the new vegetation grid that is created by the tool. This is how the CC, HW, and STNDHGT attributes are re-assigned to the grid so that it can be used in the Nutrition and Habitat Covariates Tools. Figure 6— Example study area in grey (A). Colored polygons are treatment areas to be updated. Figure 6B shows the attribute table associated with the layer in A. The highlighted column is the only required field that the user MUST ADD. The CC, HW100, and STNDHGT fields are optional here. The brown shaded polygons from figure 6A are assigned the same “Value” (-400) in the table from figure 6B. Those four polygons all have the same attributes. The remaining three polygons are each assigned a different “Value” because their combinations of attributes (e.g. , CC, HW100, and STNDHGT) are unique. A B Figure 7—Attribute table for the GNN data (used here as the existing vegetation grid). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 26 The first four rows have been added to this table via an edit session in ArcMap or Micro Soft Access. They are the new data that originated from the Vegetation Update Polygon layer. The required fields (columns) are already created in this table and the blue columns are the fields outlined in the list from bullet 3ci. These are the fields that MUST be filled in. Once in an edit session in ArcMap (or when open in Access), scroll to the bottom the table and begin adding new ROWS by filling in these five highlighted fields. The ESLF_NAME (see Glossary) field is an optional (but recommended) text field that allows the user to include a description of each value. This table contains numerous more fields that originate from the GNN data. They must remain included if the user would like that attribute information to remain associated with the GNN (existing vegetation). Using the Update Vegetation Tool: Do’s and Don’ts What GIS skills are needed? 1. Able to create and modify shapefiles and attribute tables in an edit session in ArcMap. 2. Able to re-project input data. Usage Tips • • • • • • • • • • Use ArcGIS 10.0 or newer with an ArcInfo license and Spatial Analyst extension. Input grids should be 30-m resolution. We recommended that all input grid and feature layers have the same projection and that they match the .mxd data frame coordinate system and projection to prevent any shifts or wrong calculations. The existing vegetation grid layer (e.g. GNN) contains the Canopy Cover variable (CANCOV_I field), Hardwood Proportion variable (HW100_I field), Stand Height variable (STNDHGT_I field), and a variable used to classify the GNN values as modeled and not modeled, ELK_HAB_MA field. 1. The CANCOV_I , HW100_I, and STNDHGT_I fields need to be integer values for the Lookup tool to work properly. 2. The tool is not designed to use separate input layers for CC or STNDHGT. These variables are attributes of the GNN layer, and the tool uses the Lookup tool to create single value grids for each variable. In-line variable substitution is used in this tool. Ex: %Study Area Code% as seen in the file path name of many processes will be replaced with the alpha/numeric code you chose. See the ArcGIS Desktop Help for further assistance. Output grids will have the same projection and resolution as the input Existing Vegetation Grid layer (e.g. GNN, 30-m) and will be clipped to the boundary of the Study Area Boundary polygon. The study area code parameter will be the prefix for all output layer names. Certain tool settings are pre-set, located under the Environment Tab. These settings may need to be edited if errors occur when running the tool. See table 3 for these settings. Be sure to check all parameter fields in the tool to make sure the default settings are appropriate to your data and study area. Default parameter inputs or SQL expressions may be incorrect and need to be reset. In the Vegetation Change Polygons shapefile, when assigning a VALUE to each polygon we suggest using numbers less than -400 if you are using GNN for your vegetation data. This range will not conflict with prior values already used in the GNN attribute table. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 • • • • 27 In the GNN_2006_Attribute.mdb\gnn2006att table, make sure the VALUE, ELK_HAB_MA, CANCOV_I, HW100_I, and STNDHGT_I fields are populated for all new rows you add that correspond to your Vegetation Change Polygons shapefile. These fields are needed in the Elk Nutrition Tool and Habitat Covariates Tool, but first need to be populated here in the Update Vegetation Tool. Only add each new VALUE once to the GNN_2006_Attribute.mdb\gnn2006att table; in other words, do not duplicate the data. The join process will accommodate adding the appropriate CC/HW/STNDHGT data to multiple polygons that have the same VALUE in your shapefile. Remember that the VALUE you assign in both the shapefile and the GNN_2006_Attribute.mdb\gnn2006att table is unique to every CC/HW/STNDHGT combination, not unique to each individual polygon. Polygons can have the same VALUE. Table 4 contains a list of Update Vegetation Tool outputs and their description. Update Vegetation Tool Par ameters Expression Explanation Study Area Code (4 char max) (Required) Select up to four characters (alpha/numeric) that represent the analysis area (or study area). It cannot exceed four characters nor can it begin with a number. This code will precede the name of each output layer. Output Workspace Folder (Required) Select the folder location in which you want the outputs to be saved. Study Area Boundary (Required) Select the polygon layer that represents the regional landscape study area. This layer should include a buffered area around the actual study area as described earlier. Vegetation Change Polygons (Required) Select the polygon layer that represents the areas within the regional landscape study area where vegetation will be changed; canopy cover, hardwood proportion, and stand height. This layer can be a single polygon or a multi-polygon layer. Convert Polygon to Raster Based On This Field (Required) Select the field in the Vegetation Change Polygons layer that contains the value ID that you assigned. Typically this is the Value field. This is the field that the attribute table will be joined to. This is an environment parameter of the "Polygon to Raster" tool. Existing Vegetation Grid (Required) Select the vegetation grid that represents your starting point (e.g. existing vegetation conditions). This grid should contain the canopy cover (CC), hardwood proportion (HW), and stand height (STNDHGT) attributes as integer values. This is the vegetation grid layer that will be updated with the new CC, HW, and STNDHGT values. Attribute Table With New Vegetation Values (Required) Select the attribute table that includes all attributes from the Existing Vegetation Grid along with additional attributes from the Vegetation Change Polygons layer. The "Value" column from this table is the joining field for the new vegetation grid created from this tool. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 28 Update Vegetation Tool Processes Name Explanation Polygon to Raster This converts the polygons to a raster grid. The conversion is based on the "Value" column in the attribute table. Uses the "Polygon to Raster" tool. Merge Veg Change Areas with Existing Veg Grid This merges the Existing Vegetation grid with the new Vegetation Updated Areas grid. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con(IsNull("%Vegetation Updated Areas%") == 0, "%Vegetation Updated Areas%", "%Existing Vegetation Grid%"). Build Raster Attribute Table This creates an attribute table for the Vegetation Merged grid. Uses the "Build Raster Attribute Table" tool. Join Field This joins the full attribute table to the vegetation grid. Uses the "Add Join" tool. Delete Field This deletes the extra or unwanted columns after the join is performed. Uses the "Delete Field" tool. Steps to run the Update Vegetation Tool To add the Update Vegetation Tool to an ArcMap document and run from ArcMap: 1. Open ArcMap. 2. Open/Show the ArcToolbox window if not already open. 3. Right click on ArcToolbox and choose Add Toolbox. 4. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the “Westside Elk Habitat Models.tbx,” select the toolbox, and then click Open. 5. Once the toolbox has been added to ArcMap, expand the "Westside Elk Habitat Models” by clicking the plus sign next to the toolbox. Double click on the “Update Vegetation” tool to open it. (You may also right click on the tool and choose Open). a. A window will open with several blank fields that need to be populated with the appropriate input data before running the tool; once you have selected these input layers, click OK. b. This is a screen shot shows the tool ready for inputs. Populate each box with your data. You can browse to the data by clicking the yellow browse button or if the data is already added to the ArcMap document, you can click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate layer. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 29 c. Be sure to check any parameters that fill in by default when data is added. The default value may or may not be correct for your data. If not correct, select the correct attribute field for your data. d. Once all parameters are filled in with the correct data layers, click OK to run the tool. To run the Habitat Covariates Tool from ArcCatalog: 1. Open ArcCatalog. 2. Show the ArcToolbox window. 3. Add the “Westside Elk Habitat Models” Toolbox as you would in ArcMap. 4. Follow Step 5 from above to run the tool as you would in ArcMap. Tables Table 3—Tool properties set under the Environment Tab of the Update Vegetation Tool (to be noted and changed, if needed, before the tool is run) Environment Setting Description Default Value Extent All new raster layers will be <Study Area Boundary> given this extent. Snap Raster To Shifts any new raster layers to <Existing Vegetation Grid> match the starting x/y of this raster. Cell Size Makes any new raster have 30 this cell size. Mask Creates NoData values for any <Study Area Boundary> cell that is outside of this mask. Table 4—Update Vegetation Tool output file definitions. Most abbreviations will have your study area code prefix (****_) Layer in the Output Workspace Folder. These layers are in final format. Output Abbreviation Description ****_change This is the grid equivalent of the polygon layer for the areas where vegetation will be updated. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 ****_veg 30 This is the final, updated vegetation grid that will be used in the subsequent tools such as the Nutrition and Habitat Covariates Tools. D. Westside Elk Habitat Use Model The elk habitat use model predicts levels of elk use across the landscape. The model incorporates outputs from two tools – the Nutrition Tool described previously, and the Habitat Covariates Tool described in this section – into a third tool, the Habitat Use Tool, to predict elk use (fig. 8). In addition, if the existing vegetation layer requires updating to reflect either changes in conditions from the year (vintage) of the layer to the year of interest, or to reflect effects of simulated management alternatives on elk nutritional conditions and subsequent predicted use, a third tool is used – the Update Vegetation Tool (described previously; see fig. 4). Figure 8—A minimum of three tools in ArcGIS is required to predict elk use across landscapes: the Nutrition Tool, the Habitat Covariates Tool, and the Habitat Use Tool. Habitat Covariates Tool Introduction This tool creates the three remaining habitat covariate inputs needed to run the complete, fourcovariate Habitat Use Tool. (Previously we provided instructions for creating mean dietary digestible energy (DDE), which is the 4th covariate, using the Nutrition Tool.) These covariates are: 1. Distance to cover/forage edge 2. Distance to nearest road open to public use 3. Mean slope. Distance to cover/forage edge is calculated with a set of geoprocesses that first classify the vegetation grid into cover/forage/nodata cells, and then nibble away the isolated (less than 2x2 cells) nodata cells into either cover or forage based on their surrounding cells. After that, the tool calculates cover that is part of a 3x3 cell minimum-sized block and converts the remaining cover (i.e., smaller patches) to 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 31 "forage." (In our modeling, cover is initially defined as canopy cover >40% and stand height >2 m.) Next, the tool calculates forage that is at least part of a 3x3 cell block and converts the remaining cells to "not classified." Finally, the tool delineates the edges between the blocked cover and forage cells only and calculates the distance (in meters) of each pixel from these lines. Distance to nearest road open to public use is simpler. All study area roads are classified into two groups: open to public use or not. The “open” roads are identified, and the tool calculates the distance (in meters) of each pixel to the nearest open road segment. When attributing roads care should be taken to identify as open only those roads where unregulated public use is permitted during the modeling period (that is, June through August). Mean slope is calculated for a 350-m radius circle around each pixel from a slope grid derived from a digital elevation layer (DEM). Input Data Needed and Preparations The inputs for this tool are similar to the Elk Nutrition Tool, but there are additional layers required. You will need the following layers to run the complete elk habitat use model: 1. Existing Vegetation grid (e.g., GNN) a. This layer must include canopy cover and stand height attributes b. This layer is edited by adding fields in the attribute table that are specific to the tool, described below: Field Name Definition Values Elk_Hab_Ma A text field that defines H=habitat types to model which existing vegetation M=non-habitat types values are elk habitat excluded from modeling (modeled) and nonA = agriculture land cover habitat (not modeled). types CANCOV_I Percent canopy cover 0-100 converted to an integer data type. STNDHGT_I Stand height (meters) >=1 converted to an integer data type. 2. Potential Natural Vegetation grid (PNV) a. This layer defines the potential vegetation zones b. This layer is edited by adding a new field in the attribute table that is specific to the tool. That field is described below: Field Name Definition Values CROSSWALK_I An integer field that re1=WHZ classifies each potential or vegetation zone type into 2=MHSFZ 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 32 either WHZ or MHSFZ. c. These two zone classifications are used in this tool to define a mask that tells the tool where to proceed, i.e., what areas can be modeled versus those that need to be masked. 3. Study Area Boundary feature layer a. This is a polygon layer that defines your study area plus a buffered distance around it. b. See fig. 3 in “Defining an area for model application.” 4. Roads feature layer a. This layer should contain a field in the attribute table that describes the open/closed status of each road segment. This field can contain alpha or numeric data. You will need to create an SQL statement when you run the tool that uses the attribute that defines the open roads. • Ex: “<Attribute Column Name>” = “open” or “<Attribute Column Name>” = 1, (if 1=open). 5. DEM grid a. The DEM is a standard elevation grid in meters. b. It is suggested that this grid be 30-m resolution. The tool has a linked set of geoprocesses for each of the three covariates. You can run the tool with all geoprocesses at once from the Open option (which will create all three covariates), or you can run each part independently using the Edit option (which creates any single covariate or all three covariates). The Edit option thus will allow you to focus on any single covariate of interest in this tool. • For example, if distance to open public roads is the only covariate of interest, you can choose to run only this process. You can then edit your roads feature layer (such as closing roads) and run the process again to compare outputs. You can do this without having to run the additional processes for the mean slope and distance to cover/forage edge covariates, therefore saving time. • Running this tool in “Edit” mode requires advanced understanding of ModelBuilder, i.e., being able to single out the parameters needed for the covariate of interest and then running only those processes. Using the Habitat Covariates Tool: Do’s and Don’ts Usage Tips • • • • Use ArcGIS 10.0 or newer with an ArcInfo license and Spatial Analyst Extension. Input grids should be 30-m resolution. We recommended that all input grid and feature layers have the same projection and that they match the .mxd data frame coordinate system and projection to prevent any shifts or wrong calculations. The existing vegetation grid layer (e.g., GNN) contains the Canopy Cover variable (CANCOV_I field), Stand Height variable (STNDHGT_I field), and a variable used to classify the GNN values as 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 • • • • • • • • 33 modeled and not modeled, ELK_HAB_MA field. If you are using your own existing vegetation grid layer ensure that it contains both fields in integer format. 1. The CANCOV_I and STNDHGT_I fields need to be integer values for the Lookup tool to work properly. 2. The tool is not designed to use separate input layers for CC or STNDHGT. These variables should be attributes of the GNN or other existing vegetation layers. The tool uses the Lookup tool to create single value grids for each variable. The potential vegetation grid layer (e.g. PNV) contains vegetation zones re-classified into either the Western Hemlock (WHZ) or Silver Fir/Mountain Hemlock (SFMHZ) vegetation series (or zones). 1. The CROSSWALK_I field is where we re-classified each individual PNV zone occurring in western Oregon or Washington to one of these two classifications, 1=WHZ or 2=SFMHZ, for which the nutrition equations were developed. 2. Any vegetation zone that is not cross-walked is given a No Data assignment (-9) and is not suitable for modeling with these equations. In-line variable substitution is used in this tool. Ex: %Study Area Code% as seen in the file path name of many processes will be replaced with the alpha/numeric code you chose. See the ArcGIS Desktop Help for further assistance. Output grids will have the same projection and resolution as the input Vegetation Grid Layer (e.g. GNN, 30-m) and will be clipped to the boundary of the Study Area Boundary polygon. The study area code parameter will be the prefix for all output file names. Some outputs (e.g., mean_slope) are summarized within a 350-m radius circle surrounding the center pixel. This is the scale at which the models were developed and validated, and should not be changed. Certain tool settings are pre-set, located under the Environment Tab. These settings may need to be edited if errors occur when running the tool. See table 5 for these settings. Be sure to check all parameter fields in the tool to make sure the default settings are appropriate for your data and study area. Default parameter inputs or SQL expressions may be incorrect and need to be reset. Table 6 contains a list of all Habitat Covariates Tool outputs and their description. Habitat Covariates Tool Parameters Expression Explanation Study Area Code (4 char max) (Required) Choose up to a four character abbreviation (alpha/numeric) that represents the analysis area for running the model. The abbreviation cannot exceed four characters nor can it begin with a number, or the tool will not run. This code will precede the name of each output layer. Grids that are created cannot exceed 13 character naming conventions; hence this study area code cannot exceed four characters. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 34 Expression Explanation Output Workspace Folder (Required) Select the folder location you want the outputs to be saved in. Within this folder, a temporary "temp" folder is automatically created. Each output will be saved in the Output Workspace Folder if it's a permanent file or the temporary folder if it's an intermediate file. If you do not have overwrite processes activated (found in the Tools menu, Options, Geoprocessing Tab) you will need to create a new folder each time the tool is run. Study Area Boundary (Required) Select the polygon layer that represents the regional landscape study area. This layer should include a buffered area around the actual study area as described earlier. Existing Vegetation Grid (Required) Select the vegetation grid that contains canopy cover data and stand height data to be used in the tool. Existing Vegetation Where Clause (Required) Create a SQL statement that defines which values in the Vegetation Raster Layer are to be used (which is habitat). Here, non-habitat vegetation (such as barren lands, developed, rock/sand, water, etc.) should be excluded from model analysis. Existing Vegetation Canopy Cover Lookup Column (Required) Select the field in the Vegetation Raster Layer that contains the canopy cover data as an integer data type. Values will range from 0-100. This is a parameter of the "Lookup" tool. Existing Vegetation Stand Height Lookup Column (Required) Select the field in the Vegetation Raster Layer that contains the stand height data as an integer data type. Values will range from 0-100. This is a parameter of the "Lookup" tool. Potential Vegetation Zone Grid (Required) Select the vegetation raster that contains the vegetation zone (or series) types. Potential Vegetation Zone Where Clause (Required) Create a SQL statement that defines which values in the Vegetation Zone Raster Layer are to be used. Here, vegetation zones (or series) not classified to Western Hemlock or Mountain Hemlock/Silver Fir zones (such as ponderosa pine, water, etc.) should be excluded from model analysis. For clarification on which vegetation zones (or series) are applicable please see other documentation. Road Feature Layer (Required) Select the line feature layer that represents the roads for your study area. The road segments should be attributed in a field as open and closed. These attributes can be alpha (O vs C; Open vs Closed; etc.) or numeric (1 vs 0, etc.) Select Open Roads Expression (Optional) Create a SQL statement that defines which values in the Road Feature Layer are to be used. This statement should define only the open to public roads. Ex: "Attribute Field Name" = "open" or "Attribute Field Name" = 1 (when 1=open). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 35 Expression Explanation DEM Grid (Required) Select the DEM grid (elevation raster) that will be used to create the mean slope covariate. Habitat Covariates Tool Processes Name Explanation Create Temp Folder This creates a temporary folder where intermediate data will be saved. Uses the "Create Folder" tool. Extract Potential Vegetation Zone Mask This extracts the classified vegetation zone types from the Vegetation Zone Raster Layer that will be used in the tool. Uses the "Extract by Attributes" tool. Extract Existing Vegetation Mask This extracts the habitat types from the Existing Vegetation Raster Layer that will be used in the tool. Uses the "Extract by Attributes" tool. Combine Potential & Existing Veg Mask This combines the Existing Vegetation Mask and Potential Vegetation Zone Mask rasters. This creates the final mask for the tool, ensuring that only legitimate vegetation and zone types will be used. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: "%Veg Mask%" & "%PNV_INT%" Lookup STNDHGT This creates a value grid for the Stand Height variable. Uses the "Lookup" tool. Lookup CANCOV This creates a value grid for the Canopy Cover variable. Uses the "Lookup" tool. Calc Cover Areas This calculates cover areas only. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: ("%Stand Height%" > 2) & ("%Canopy Cover%" >= 40). Extract No Data Cells This calculates the mask inverse; all pixels not in the mask are now called No Data. Some of these no data cells will be grouped into small patches that will either become cover or forage areas. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: SetNull(IsNull("%Final Mask%") ==0,1). Create No Data Region Groups This rejoins all the no data cells into connected region groups. Uses the "Region Group" tool. Lookup No Data Group Cell Count This creates a value grid based on the count field of the No Data Region Groups raster. Uses the "Lookup" tool. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 36 Name Explanation Extract Small No Data Patches This creates a patch raster of no data. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con("%No Data Cell Count%" <= 3,1, SetNull("%No Data Cell Count%" > 3,"%No Data Cell Count%")). Data from this process will be added back into the cover and forage patch rasters. Merge Cover Areas & Small No Data Patches This creates a merged raster of all cover areas and small no data patches. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con(IsNull("%Small No Data Patches%") == 1,"%Cover Areas%",9). Calc Focal Majority 3x3 For Small No Data This calculates the focal majority value for a 3x3 patch raster. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Calc Focal Majority 5x5 For Small No Data This calculates the focal majority value for a 5x5 patch raster. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Calc Focal Majority 7x7 For Small No Data This calculates the focal majority value for a 7x7 patch raster. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Calc Focal Majority 9x9 For Small No Data This calculates the focal majority value for a 9x9 patch raster. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Create Updated Cov-For-ND Layer This fills in the small no data cells with either a forage or cover value based on the previous focal majority girds. If the focal majority value for a small no data cell is either 0 or 1, it uses that value in the Cov-For-ND output and if not, it goes to the larger filter (i.e. 5x5) and uses that value but only if it is 0 or 1, and so on. Uses the "Single Output Map Algebra" tool with expression: merge(setnull(([Small No Data Patches]==1 AND [Small No Data Focal Majority 3x3] >1), [Small No Data Focal Majority 3x3]), setnull(([Small No Data Patches]==1 AND [Small No Data Focal Majority 5x5] >1), [Small No Data Focal Majority 5x5]), setnull(([Small No Data Patches]==1 AND [Small No Data Focal Majority 7x7] >1), [Small No Data Focal Majority 7x7]), setnull(([Small No Data Patches]==1 AND [Small No Data Focal Majority 9x9] >1), [Small No Data Focal Majority 9x9]), con(isnull([Cover Areas])==1, 99, [Cover Areas]),999). Create Cover Only This extracts only the cover areas from the updated cover/forage/no data raster (Cov-For-ND). Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: SetNull("%Cov-For-ND%" <> 1,1). Calc Focal Sum For Cov3 This calculates the focal sum of the Cover Only raster for a 3x3 rectangle. Uses the "Focal Statistic" tool. Create Cov3-Raw Patch This creates a patch raster of cover only areas that are at least 3x3 pixels. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Expand(SetNull("%Focal Sum Cov3-Raw%" < 9,1), 1, 1). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 37 Name Explanation Create Cov3-Raw-For-ND This merges the patch cover raster with the raw cover/raw forage/no data raster but also converts all the raw cover that was not in a 3x3 cell block to raw forage. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Over(IsNull("%Patch for Cov3Raw%") ==0, Con("%Cov-For-ND%" == 99, 99, 0)). Create Variety Grid This calculates the variety in values for a 3x3 pixel area. Uses the "Create Variety Grid" tool. Convert Isolated For to Cover This converts all 'isolated' forage (i.e. not part of a 3x3 pixel area of forage) to cover. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Con(("%Cov3-Raw-For Var%" > 1) & ("%Cov3-RawFor-ND%" == 0),1,"%Cov3-Raw-For-ND%"). Expand Forage This expands the forage by one cell to get it back to a 3x3 pixel area (was reduced by the "Create Variety Grid" process). Uses the "Expand" tool. Create Cov3-Raw Only This creates a grid with only 3x3 pixel cover and sets all other cells to no data. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: SetNull("%Raw-Cov3-For3%" <> 1,1). Re-Calc Focal Sum for Cov3 This calculates the focal sum for all the cover (value= 1) within a 3x3 pixel area. Uses "Focal Statistics" tool. Create Cov3-For3 Final This creates the final cover/forage gird with no data values. Uses the "Single Output Map Algebra" tool with expression: merge(expand(setnull([Focal Sum for Cov3-Raw] < 9, 1), 1, list, 1), con([Raw-Cov3-For3]==1, 999, [Raw-Cov3-For3])). Create Cov3 & For3 Only This creates the final cover/forage map by excluding all no data pixels. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: SetNull("%Cov3-For3%" > 1,"%Cov3-For3%"). Create Cov3-For3 Polygons This converts the cover/forage raster map to a polygon layer based on the Value field of the raster layer. Uses the "Raster to Polygon" tool. Convert Polygons to Lines This converts the polygon cover/forage layer into a line feature layer. Uses the "Polygon to Line" tool. Select Cov3-For3 Edge This selects specific line segments from the cover/forage line feature layer. Using the expression: "LEFT_FID" >=0 AND "RIGHT_FID" >=0, only line segments that border cover and forage areas are selected. Uses the "Select" tool. Shift Cov3-For3 15 m This process shifts the cover/forage edge by 15 m in both the X and Y directions. This will allow the distance to edge raster to be centered over the true cover/forage edge. Uses the "Shift" tool. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 38 Name Explanation Calc Distance to Cov3-For3 Edge This calculates a distance grid from the selected line segments that represent only cover/forage edges. Uses the "Euclidean Distance" tool. Also uses the output raster "Shifted Cov3-For3" as a snap to parameter so the distance grid begins in the exact center of the cover/forage edge. Select Open Roads This uses a SQL expression to select only the open to public use roads from the Road Feature Layer. Uses the "Select" tool. Calculate Distance to Open Roads This creates a 30-m distance raster from the Open Roads Feature Layer. Uses the "Euclidean Distance" tool. Calculate Slope This calculates slope in percent rise from a DEM input raster. Uses the "Slope" tool. Calc mean slope This calculates the mean slope from the slope derived input raster using 350m radius circles. Uses the "Focal Statistics" tool. Cap Distance to 4000m This caps all distances >4000 to a max of 4000. This cap was created because beyond 4000 m, effects of roads on elk dissipated or were confounded with other covariates. Steps to Run the Habitat Covariates Tool To add the Habitat Covariates Tool to an ArcMap document and run from ArcMap: 1. Open ArcMap. 2. Open/Show the ArcToolbox window if not already open. 3. Right click on ArcToolbox and choose Add Toolbox. 4. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the “Westside Elk Habitat Models.tbx,” select the toolbox and then click Open. 5. Once the toolbox is added to ArcMap, expand the “Westside Elk Habitat Models” by clicking the plus sign next to the toolbox. Double click on the toolbox to open it. (You may also right click on the toolbox and choose Open). a. A window will open with several blank fields that need to be populated with the appropriate input data before running the tool; once you have selected these input layers, click OK. b. This screen shot shows the tool ready for inputs. Populate each box with your data. You can browse to the data by clicking the yellow browse button or if the data is already added to the ArcMap document, you can click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate layer. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 39 c. Be sure to check any parameters that fill in by default when data is added. The default value may or may not be correct for your data. If not correct, replace with an appropriate SQL expression or attribute field for your data. d. Be sure to set the Canopy Cover Lookup Column to CANCOV_I and the Stand Height Lookup Column to STNDHGT_I. If these parameters are set to Value, the tool will not run correctly. e. Once all parameters are filled in with the correct data layers or SQL statements, click OK to run the tool. To run the Habitat Covariates Tool from ArcCatalog: 1. Open ArcCatalog. 2. Show the ArcToolbox window. 3. Add the “Westside Elk Habitat Models” toolbox as you would in ArcMap. 4. Follow Step 5 from above to run the tool as you would in ArcMap. Tables Table 5—Tool properties set under the Environment Tab of the Habitat Covariates Tool (to be noted and changed (if needed) before the tool is run) Environment Setting Description Default Value Extent All new raster layers will be <Study Area Boundary> given this extent. Snap Raster To Shifts any new raster layers to Existing Vegetation Grid match the starting x/y of this raster. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Cell Size Mask 40 Makes any new raster have Existing Vegetation Grid (30 m) this cell size. Creates NoData values for any <Study Area Boundary> cell that is outside of this mask. Table 6—Habitat Covariates Tool Output File Definitions. All abbreviations will have your study area code prefix (****_). Layers Within the Output Workspace Folder. These layers are in final format. Output Abbreviation Description ****_d_edge Distance to the nearest cover/forage edge ****_d_roads Distance to the nearest open to public road ****_mean_slp Mean Slope Layers in the Temp Folder within Output Workspace Folder. These are intermediate or temporary layers. They should not be used for analysis. Output Abbreviation Description ****_c3f3 Only final cover and forage patches. ****_c3rf_v23 All forage less than a 3x3 cell area are converted to cover and combined with cover patches and no data patches. ****_ca Raw (un-smoothed) cover areas = 1 and all other veg. = 0. ****_ca_temp Raw cover areas (****_ca; = 0 and 1)merged with small no data patches (****_nd_iso; = 9). ****_cancov Canopy cover values extracted from the vegetation grid. ****_cov Only cover extracted from (****_covfor). ****_cov3for3 Cover/Forage Grid; 0=Forage, 1=Cover, 99 and 999 = nodata. ****_Cov3For3_edge.shp The edges created from the cov3for3 grid. ****_Cov3For3_lines.shp Polylines of all cover and forage patches. ****_cov3for3_poly.shp Polygons of all cover and forage patches. ****_cov3r Raw cover patches. ****_cov3rf_v Variety of values within 3x3 cell area from ****_cov3rfor. ****_cov3rfor Cover patches combined with raw forage and no data; all other cover that was less than 3x3 cells was converted to forage. ****_covfor Cover = 1, forage = 0, and no data (greater than 3 cell region) = 99; all other no data have been assigned a cover or forage value from focal majority grids. ****_evtmask Only the values from the Existing Vegetation Grid that are used in the tool. ****_fs_c3r2 Second focal sum for all cover patches after isolated forage has been added. ****_fs_cov3r Focal sum for all cover within 3x3 cell neighborhood (ie. 9 = all nine neighboring cells were cover or 0 = no neighboring cells were cover). ****_mask All pixels used for modeling. Includes valid Existing Vegetation types and Potential Vegetation Zones only. ****_nd_cnt Grid with number of total cells in each region group. ****_nd_iso Only the no data cells that were part of a region group of three cells or less, essentially the isolated no data cells. ****_nd_maj3 Focal majority value for 3x3 cell area of temp cover area (****_ca_temp). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 ****_nd_maj5 ****_nd_maj7 ****_nd_maj9 ****_nd_rgp ****_nodata ****_open_roads.shp ****_p_cov3r ****_pnvmask ****_rawc3f3 ****_shift ****_slope ****_stndhgt ****_tmp_d_rd 41 Focal majority value for 5x5 cell area of temp cover area (****_ca_temp). Focal majority value for 7x7 cell area of temp cover area (****_ca_temp). Focal majority value for 9x9 cell area of temp cover area (****_ca_temp). Numbered region groups of no data cells (a region group is defined as all the cells that connect by touching in any of the eight directions (including diagonals) from the cell). All no data cells from final mask. Only the open to public use roads. All patches of cover 3x3 cells or greater. Only the values from the Potential Vegetation Zone Grid that are used in the tool. Raw cover and forage patches (areas at least 3x3 cells). Cover and forage patch grid, shifted 15 m to match distance to edge grid. True slope grid before the mean is calculated. Stand height values extracted from the existing vegetation grid Distance to roads before the 4km max is set. Habitat Use Tool Introduction This tool uses a collection of four inputs created from the Nutrition Tool and Habitat Covariates Tool. The inputs are: mean DDE (dietary digestible energy; created with the Nutrition Tool), and mean percent slope, distance (meters) to nearest road open to public use (capped at 4000 m), and distance (meters) to nearest cover/forage edge, all created with the Habitat Covariates Tool (fig. 4). By using a single algorithm and these four inputs, an output grid is created that represents the predicted level of use by elk - that is, the likelihood that an elk will occur in a given area. This output is an index, and the greater the value, the higher the predicted level of use. If comparisons are desired of predicted use from current conditions with predicted use under various alternatives that involve altering canopy cover (e.g., to enhance DDE levels or alter distance to cover/forage edge), the Update Vegetation Tool must be run prior to running the Nutrition and Habitat Covariates Tools for each alternative of interest. Input Data Needed and Preparations The inputs for this tool are outputs from prior tools (figs. 4, 8). Having run the prior tools, you should not have any data preparation needs. With that in mind, you will need the following layers to run the complete tool: 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 42 Mean DDE grid (****_mean_dde output from the Nutrition Tool) Distance to cover/forage edge grid (****_d_edge output from the Habitat Covariates Tool) Distance to open roads grid (****_d_roads output from the Habitat Covariates Tool) Mean slope grid (****_mean_slp output from the Habitat Covariates Tool) Study Area Boundary polygon feature layer a. This layer is the boundary of your landscape level study area, not including the buffered area. b. For analysis purposes, data within the actual study area boundary is what should be analyzed, not data within the buffered area. Using the Habitat Use Tool: Do’s and Don’ts Usage Tips • • • • • • • • • • Use ArcGIS 10.0 or newer with an ArcInfo license and Spatial Analyst Extension. Input grids should be 30-m resolution. We recommended that all input grid and feature layers have the same projection and that they match the *.mxd data frame coordinate system and projection to prevent any shifts or wrong calculations. In-line variable substitution is used in this tool. Ex: %Study Area Code% as seen in the file path name of many processes will be replaced with the alpha/numeric code you chose. See the ArcGIS Desktop Help for further assistance. Output grids will have the same projection and resolution as the input Existing Vegetation Grid Layer (e.g. GNN, 30-m) and will be clipped to the boundary of the Study Area Boundary polygon. The study area code parameter will be the prefix for all output layer names. Certain tool settings are pre-set, located under the Environment Tab. These settings may need to be edited if errors occur when running the tool. See table 7 for these settings. Be sure to check all parameter fields in the tool to make sure the default settings are appropriate to your data and study area. Default parameter inputs or SQL expressions may be incorrect and need to be reset. Be sure that this tool is applied to the regional analysis area excluding the buffer. Table 8 contains a list of all outputs and their description. Habitat Use Tool Parameters Expression Explanation Study Area Code (4 char max) (Required) Choose up to a four character abbreviation (alpha/numeric) that represents the analysis area the model is being calculated for. It cannot exceed four characters nor can it begin with a number, or the tool will not run. This code will precede the name of each output layer. Grids that are created cannot exceed 13 character naming conventions; hence this study area code cannot exceed four characters. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 43 Output Workspace Folder (Required) Select the folder location in which you want to save the outputs. Within this folder, a temporary "temp" folder is automatically created. Each output will be saved in the Output Workspace Folder if it's a permanent file or the temporary folder if it's an intermediate file. If you do not have overwrite processes activated (found in the Tools menu, Options, Geoprocessing Tab) you will need to create a new folder each time the tool is run. Study Area Boundary (Required) Select the polygon layer that represents the regional landscape study area. This layer should only be the regional landscape analysis area (no buffer included). Mean DDE (Required) Select the grid layer that is the mean DDE (dietary digestible energy). This grid was created using the Elk Nutrition Tool. Distance to Cover/Forage Edge (Required) Select the grid layer that is the distance to cover/forage edge. This grid was created using the Habitat Covariates Tool. Distance to Open Public Roads (Required) Select the grid layer that is the distance to open roads. This grid was created using the Habitat Covariates Tool. This grid should have a max value of <=4000. Mean Slope (Required) Select the grid layer that is the mean slope. This grid was created using the Habitat Covariates Tool. Habitat Use Tool Processes Name Explanation Predicted Level of Use Equation This uses a single algorithm equation using four input grids to create the raw grid for predicted level of use. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Exp(-27.75650 + (8.63746 * "%Mean DDE%") + (0.24788 / 1000 * "%Distance to Open Public Roads%") - (0.67417 / 1000 * "%Distance to Cover/Forage Edge%") - (0.04372 * "%Mean Slope%")) Mult Raw grid by million This creates a tangible raw grid by multiplying the raw grid by one million. Uses the "Raster Calculator" tool with expression: Float("%Raw grid%" * 1000000) Steps to Run the Habitat Use Tool To add the Habitat Use Tool to an ArcMap project and run from ArcMap: 1. Open ArcMap. 2. Open/Show the ArcToolbox window if not already open. 3. Right click on ArcToolbox and choose “Add Toolbox”. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 44 4. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the “Westside Elk Habitat Models.tbx,” select the toolbox and then click Open. 5. Once the toolbox is added to ArcMap, expand “Westside Elk Habitat Models” by clicking the plus sign next to the toolbox. Double click on the “Habitat Use” tool to open it. (You may also right click on the tool and choose Open). a. A window will open with several blank fields that need to be populated with the appropriate input data before running the tool; once you have selected these input layers, click OK. b. This screen shot shows the tool ready for inputs. Populate each box with your data. You can browse to the data by clicking the yellow browse button or if the data is already added to the ArcMap document, you can click on the drop down arrow and select the appropriate layer. c. Once all parameters are filled in with the correct data layers, click OK to run the tool. To run the Habitat Use Tool from ArcCatalog: 1. Open ArcCatalog. 2. Show the ArcToolbox window. 3. Add the “Westside Elk Habitat Models” toolbox as you would in ArcMap. 4. Follow Step 5 from above to run the tool as you would in ArcMap. Tables Table 7—Tool Properties set under the Environment Tab of the Habitat Use Tool (to be noted and changed (if needed) before the tool is run) Environment Setting Description Default Value Extent All new raster layers will be <Study Area Boundary> given this extent. Snap Raster To Shifts any new raster layers to Mean DDE Layer match the starting x/y of this raster. Cell Size Makes any new raster have Mean DDE Layer (30 m) this cell size. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Mask Creates NoData values for any cell that is outside this mask. 45 <Study Area Boundary> Table 8— Habitat Use Tool Output File Definitions. All abbreviations will have your study area code prefix (****_). Output Abbreviation Description ****_use These are the raw values created from the predicted level of use algorithm. The higher the number, the greater the predicted level of use. ****_use1x6 These are the raw values multiplied by 1,000,000. This creates a tangible output to use for analysis. E. Interpretation and Summaries of Model Results Model users can summarize results from the Westside elk nutrition and habitat use models in a variety of ways. Below we describe potential methods of summarizing results from the outputs of the Nutrition and Habitat Use Tools. As described previously (Section B, “Spatial and Temporal Extents for Summarizing Model Results”), summaries of model outputs can be made at two spatial extents: (1) the regional landscape, across which the models are applied; and (2) the local landscape. Summaries can also be completed for one time period (existing condition) as well as for different management alternatives under which potential effects of management are evaluated, and results contrasted with the existing condition. These summaries can be completed for both the regional and local landscapes. Summarizing Results from the Nutrition Model The Nutrition Tool predicts the dietary digestible energy of forage available to elk for any specified area within the Westside regional boundaries identified in figure 1. The predictions can be made for any landscape condition (e.g., existing condition or any proposed management alternatives). Results from the nutrition predictions have a direct relation to animal performance, based on the work by Cook et al. (2004). The authors grouped DDE values into four classes and described estimated levels of performance as a function of DDE for a variety of metrics, including calf mass, yearling cow mass, lactating adult cow fat percentage, pregnancy rates of yearling and adult cows, and breeding date for adult cows. For nearly all Westside landscapes, the majority of area will fall into nutritional classes below excellent or good, given that forage quality is inherently limiting to most Westside environments (Harper 1987; Cook et al., n.d. a). Accordingly, any increase in area within the good or excellent nutrition classes can potentially result in substantial benefits to elk nutrition and associated animal performance. Table 9 below is an expansion to six classes of the four original DDE classes described in Cook et al. (2004): poor, marginal, good, and excellent. We suggest that outputs from the Westside nutrition model be summarized using these six classes, expressed as the percentage of pixels in the landscape 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 46 that fall within each class (e.g., table 10). This more finely-divided set of classes allows the user to better quantify potential or real improvements in nutritional conditions in landscapes dominated by marginal or good classes. Users should not report the mean DDE value (that is, the sum of all DDE values divided by the total pixel count) for any analysis area, whether local or regional landscape, because of the high spatial variability in nutritional values. If summaries of DDE using the original four classes are desired, simply add the counts for the low-marginal and high-marginal for the “marginal class” and low-good and high-good for the “good” class. Table 9—Dietary digestible energy (DDE) for elk, assigned to six classes for better discrimination of intermediate quality habitats. Adapted from Cook et al. (2004). Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Poor Low-marginal High-marginal Low-good High-good Excellent DDE <2.40 >2.40 to <2.575 >2.575 to <2.75 >2.75 to <2.825 >2.825 to <2.90 >2.90 Regional Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives 1. Percent of the landscape (and acres, if desired) by DDE class (table 9) for existing condition and each management alternative. Note: use the raw DDE grid created by the Nutrition Tool for nutrition summaries and mapping. Table 10—Percentage area in each DDE class for the existing landscape (Existing) and based on predictions using two different management alternatives. DDE Class Existing Alternative 1 Alternative 2 1 29.8% 29.5% 28.2% 2 56.7% 54.9% 54.9% 3 7.8% 9.3% 7.6% 4 2.2% 2.1% 2.1% 5 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 6 1.6% 2.3% 5.4% 2. Map of DDE classes across landscape (fig. 9). 3. Map of “ramped” (non-classified) DDE values across the regional landscape. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 47 Figure 9—Maps of predicted dietary digestible energy (DDE) classes under alternative 1 (left) and alternative 2 (right). Classes are based on values in table 9. Changes in Regional Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative 4. Change in DDE classes from existing condition to various management alternatives, represented by the acres that have moved from each DDE class under the existing condition to other classes under alternatives; table 11). In addition to looking at DDE maps and the percentage of the landscape in each DDE class, we can calculate the total acreage in each class and how much of the landscape in Class 1 will be improved and moved to Class 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 under various alternatives (Alternative 1, table 11; Alternative 2, table 12). For example, under the existing condition there is a total of 20,536 ac in DDE Class 1 (poor), but under Alternative 1 275 ac would be improved to Class 6 (excellent; table 11). Alternatively, 1,138 ac originally in Class 1 would improve to Class 6 under Alternative 2 (table 12). This type of comparison shows that DDE values actually decrease for some locations under Alternative 1 (e.g., 63 ac originally in Class 2 pre-treatment get downgraded to Class 1 under Alternative 1; table 11). Table 11—Number of existing acres (Existing) in each DDE class (1 – 6) and the number of acres that move into other DDE classes under Alternative 1. Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total: 1/30/13 1 20261 63 1 0 1 6 20333 2 0 37758 0 0 0 0 37758 Alternative 1 3 4 0 0 1042 0 5316 0 48 1476 5 0 5 0 6416 1476 ***DRAFT*** 5 0 0 0 0 1293 0 1293 6 275 135 23 7 6 1111 1556 Total 20536 38998 5341 1532 1305 1122 68833 Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 48 Table 12—Number of existing acres (Existing) in each DDE class (1 – 6) and the number of acres that move into other DDE classes under Alternative 2. Existing 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total: 1 19398 0 0 0 0 0 19398 2 0 37758 0 0 0 0 37758 Alternative 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 5224 0 0 1476 0 0 0 0 5224 1476 5 0 0 0 0 1293 0 1293 6 1138 1240 117 56 11 1122 3683 Total 20536 38998 5341 1532 1305 1122 68833 5. Map of change in DDE classes from existing condition to classes under various management alternatives (change map; can use integer values to quantify class differences or designate as +, -, or no change; fig. 10). Figure 10—Changes in DDE class from existing conditions to Alternative 2. Numbers represent difference in class values between the 2 alternatives. Classes are based on values in table 9. You can also quantify changes in DDE class for individual pixels and map these differences (e.g., DDE class under existing conditions vs. Alternative 1). If using six DDE classes, the best possible change would be 5 (i.e., moving from DDE Class 1 to Class 6) (fig. 10). For DDE, you would not expect much negative change to occur with management treatments; however, in some situations, such as using dynamic vegetation simulation models to predict future conditions, negative changes in DDE class could occur. Local Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives Summaries and maps of nutrition for a local landscape will be the same as those at the regional level, but with data summarized and displayed within the boundary defined as the local analysis area (see “Defining an Analysis Area” above). No new analysis is required at this level; however, percentages and other summary statistics will be different when confined to the local landscape boundary. Changes in Local Landscape Relative to each Management Alternative Summaries and maps of changes in nutrition for a local landscape will be the same as those for the region, but with data summarized and displayed within the boundary defined as the local analysis area. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 49 Summarizing Results from the Elk Habitat Use Model Predictions from the Habitat Use Tool should be referred to as "Predicted Level of Use.” The higher the values, the higher the elk use predicted for a given set of pixels within a given landscape. These predictions of use are made for each pixel within a given landscape, but are not standardized. Summing these values across a landscape can result in numbers that can be quite large, and that can vary widely, depending on the size of the landscape and the associated values of the model covariates. Appropriate interpretation of these predictions requires standard methods of summary, allowing for easy interpretation at both regional and local extents, and across time. The Habitat Use Tool predicts the distribution of elk within a given area. Thus, predictions can be used to manage elk distributions across different land ownerships and across different areas, within a given analysis area in relation to management objectives. For example, actively managing open road systems will alter elk distributions because of the strong influence of this covariate on predicted elk use (Rowland et al., n.d.) Likewise, because elk distributions are predicted to be strongly influenced by DDE levels, areas of higher use by elk reflect landscape conditions that convey positive benefits to animal performance (Cook et al. 2004). That is, the areas where animals spend more time (higher levels of predicted use) reflect portions of a given area that provide greater benefits to animal performance. In the following text we present suggestions for summarizing predictions of elk habitat use for management and interpretation. To complete the following summaries, a prerequisite is to create an XY grid for the region analyzed, with every cell (pixel) attributed for each analysis. The grid should have a format resembling the table below, with each row representing a pixel in the regional landscape: X XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Y YYYYY YYYYY YYYYY Area 1 2 3 Pred. Use 1 xx xx xx Pred. Use 2 xx xx xx Pred. Use 3 Xx Xx Xx Landowner A B C In addition to the XY coordinates for each pixel, you may want to designate the area in which the pixel is located (e.g., if you are conducting a regional as well as local assessment, or have different treatment units), the output value from the Habitat Use Tool under different management alternatives, as well as landowner or other attributes by which you may want to summarize your data. Remember that no data from the buffer should be included in summaries of predicted use by elk. Regional Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives 1. Map of predicted levels of use, using raw use values placed into four to ten equal-area classes (“quantiles” in ArcMap) (fig. 11). Run the tool across the landscape for the existing condition and other management alternatives of interest, which yields “raw” values of predicted use for all pixels in the landscape. These 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 50 maps will demonstrate distribution of elk across the landscape. The number of prediction classes chosen is somewhat subjective and depends on the data at hand. With too few classes, changes in predicted use between alternatives can be difficult to depict in a map; however, with too many classes, it can be difficult to distinguish the different values on the map. If changes are not obvious when comparing between existing conditions and an alternative, try increasing the number of classes displayed. Figure 11—Predicted levels of use by elk for the existing regional landscape (Existing), and under three management alternatives. Predictions of levels of elk use are separated into five equal-area classes for each map. 2. Charts of predicted use by elk (fig. 12). Run the tool as above across the region (no. 1). Sum the raw predicted levels of use for the landscape under existing conditions as well as any other management alternatives of interest to compare differences across management alternatives. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 51 Sum of Predicted Level of Use 180 160 Sum of Use 140 120 Existing 100 80 Alternative 1 60 Alternative 2 40 Alternative 3 20 Figure 12—Summed raw values of predicted level of elk use for the regional landscape and two local landscapes under existing conditions and three treatment alternatives. 0 Regional Local Local Landscape Landscape 1Landscape 2 3. Maps of the input covariate grids for the Habitat Use Tool, i.e., distance to nearest edge, distance to nearest road open to public, mean slope, and mean DDE. Examination of the input grids can help in understanding predicted patterns of elk use. For example, if predicted use is relatively low in one portion of the landscape, but predicted DDE levels are high, looking at the mean slope, distance to edge, and roads grids can help explain the patterns of predicted use seen on the maps generated in process no. 1 above. 4. Summarize predicted level of elk use within the regional landscape by landowner or other categories of interest (fig. 13). Sum the raw predicted levels of elk use for the entire regional landscape and for other areas of interest in the landscape, for existing condition or other management alternatives of interest. For example, dividing the summed values for a particular local treatment area by the summed values for the entire regional landscape and multiplying by 100 reveals what percentage of total predicted use occurs within the local landscape. Similarly, one could partition the region by land ownership and sum the values for each landowner, divide these sums by the summed value for the entire landscape, and multiply by 100. This will demonstrate relative elk use among ownerships. You can also compare these percentages to the actual percentage of an area occupied by each landowner to see if elk use is occurring in proportion to the “available” land managed by each landowner. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 52 Figure 13—Percentage of predicted levels of use by landowner within an example regional landscape. Changes in Regional Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative 5. Map of predicted levels of use, using raw use values placed in four to 10 equal-area classes for Alternative 2 or multiple alternatives (as in no. 1 above), but making comparisons based on the classes for the existing condition. In some situations it can be difficult to see differences among maps displaying equal-area classes. In addition, habitat enhancement may result in a much higher level of use in some areas, which may not be evident when each map is broken down into five equal area classes (e.g., Existing vs. Alternative 2, fig. 11). A clearer picture may be obtained by creating maps and tables describing the landscape using the same class breakpoints as developed for the Existing map. For example, the breakpoints for the Existing map in figure 11 are presented in table 13, along with the percentage of the landscape in each class under the existing conditions and Alternatives 1 and 2. The associated maps are displayed in figure 14. Table 13—Five equal-area prediction classes for elk habitat use based on the existing regional landscape (Existing), and the percentage of the landscape in each class for the existing regional landscape and under three management alternatives. Prediction Predicted Level Percentage of Study Area Alternative Alternative Alternative Class of Use Existing 1 2 3 Low <0.0094 20.0% 20.7% 19.3% 18.7% Medium-low 0.0094 to 0.0165 20.0% 19.6% 18.5% 19.2% Medium 0.0166 to 0.0270 20.0% 19.6% 18.9% 19.3% Medium-high 0.0271 to 0.0501 20.0% 21.1% 20.7% 21.1% High >0.0501 20.0% 19.1% 22.6% 21.8% 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 53 Figure 14—Predicted levels of use by elk for the existing regional landscape (Existing), and under three management alternatives. In this map, the breakpoints created for the Existing condition were used to classify each of the subsequent management alternative maps. Predictions of levels of elk use are separated into five equal-area classes for each map. 6. Summarize the percentage of the landscape in each of the classes based on original breakpoints developed for existing condition (table 13); see previous explanation. 7. Map areas where predicted level of use increased, decreased, or showed no change (fig. 15). Similar to process no. 5 for DDE above, changes in predicted use from an existing condition to other management alternatives can be calculated on a pixel-by-pixel basis and mapped in simple categories of negative, positive, or no change. This is an intensive GIS process, requiring these steps: (1) Predicted Use Alternative 1 – Predicted Use Existing Condition; (2) reclass differences into three groups (<0, 0, >0); (3) extract values, e.g., Sample tool, by XY points into Access; and (4) summarize in Access and report back to Excel for bar charts (fig. 16). 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 54 Figure 15—Areas of negative, positive, or no change in predicted level of elk use for three treatments compared to the existing condition (not shown). % Change from Existing Conditions 110.2 115 100 85 % change Figure 16—Example of the percentage of an analysis area categorized by negative, no, or positive change in relation to existing conditions for a regional landscape and two local landscapes for Management Alternative 2. 70 55 25 -5 1/30/13 Alternative 2 31.9 26.0 26.0 40 10 Alternative 1 43.9 0.0 8.2 8.8 Regional Landscape Alternative 3 -1.5 Local Landscape 1 ***DRAFT*** Local Landscape 2 Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 55 8. Summarize % change in predicted elk use from existing condition to other treatments (fig. 17). For this analysis, divide the sum of the raw predicted level of use for the regional landscape under a certain management alternative by the sum of the raw predictions for the existing condition and multiply by 100. This analysis quantifies the benefits of various management alternatives for a landscape (or local area). % Area % Change due to Alternative 2 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 67 62 40 38 Negative Change 24 9 Region 45 16 0 No Change Figure 17—Percentage of change in predicted level of elk use under three management alternatives, compared to the existing conditions, for the regional landscape and two local landscapes. Positive Change Local Local Landscape 1 Landscape 2 Change from Existing Conditions 9. Table of acres moved, by class of predicted elk use, from existing conditions to other management alternatives (table 14). Similar to our calculations of DDE class and how many acres from each class experienced an improvement or decline in DDE predictions under Alternative 2 (table 12), we can calculate the total acres in Predicted Level of Use Class 1 (Low) (as an example) in the Existing map that improved to the Medium-low, Medium, Medium-high and High prediction classes under various alternatives. Table 14—Number of existing acres in each class of Predicted Elk Use and the number of acres that move into other prediction classes under Alternative 1. Existing Low Medium-low Medium Medium-high High Total: 1/30/13 Low 12967 814 372 63 0 14215 Mediumlow 618 11758 552 520 34 13483 Alternative 1 Medium 125 719 11466 628 535 13473 ***DRAFT*** Mediumhigh 40 284 1082 11856 1270 14531 High 17 192 295 700 11927 13131 Total 13767 13767 13766 13766 13767 68833 Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 56 Local Landscape: Existing Condition and any Management Alternatives Summaries of predicted level of use by elk for the local landscape can be created by clipping the outputs from the tool run for the region and displaying results in the local area, per instructions for the regional analyses. However, the Habitat Use Tool is not to be re-applied and run within this smaller boundary. Changes in Local Landscape: Existing Condition Relative to each Management Alternative As above, changes in predicted use by elk in the local landscape can be summarized within the local area boundary using methods described for regional analyses. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 57 Appendix 1. Literature Cited Chesson, J. 1978. Measuring preference in selective predation. Ecology. 59: 211-215. Cook, J.G.; Cook, R.C.; Davis, R.W.; Irwin, L.L. [N.d.]. a. Relations among habitat characteristics, plant succession, and nutrition of foraging elk during summer and autumn in temperate forests of the Pacific Northwest. [La Grande, OR]: [National Council for Air and Stream Improvement]; final report. Cook, J.G.; Cook, R.C.; Davis, R. [et al.]. [N.d.]. b. Development and description of nutrition mapping algorithm. In: Rowland, M. M.; Wisdom, M.J.; Cook, J.G. [et al.]. Nutrition and habitat use models for landscape-level research and management of elk in Western Oregon and Washington. Wildlife Monographs. Chapter 2. Cook, J.G.; Johnson, B.K.; Cook, R.C. [et al.]. 2004. Effects of summer-autumn nutrition and parturition date on reproduction and survival of elk. Wildlife Monographs. No. 155. Cook, R.C.; Cook, J.G.; Vales, D.J. [et al.]. [In press]. Regional and seasonal patterns of nutritional condition and reproduction in elk. Wildlife Monographs. Franklin, J.F.; Dyrness, T.C. 1988. Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington. Revised ed. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press. 452 p. Harper, J.A. 1987. Ecology and management of Roosevelt elk in Oregon. Report. Portland, OR: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Hutchins, N.R. 2006. Diet, nutrition, and reproductive success of Roosevelt elk in managed forests of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Arcata, CA: Humbolt State University. 104 p. M.S. thesis. Ivlev, V.S. 1961. Experimental ecology of the feeding of fishes. New Haven , CT: Yale University Press. 302 p. Manly, B.; McDonald, L.; Thomas, D. 1993. Resource selection by animals. New York: Chapman and Hall. 192 p. Rowland, M. M.; Wisdom, M.J.; Cook, J.G. [et al.]. [N.d.]. Nutrition and habitat use models for landscapelevel research and management of elk in Western Oregon and Washington. Wildlife Monographs. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 58 Appendix 2. Beta Testers for Westside Elk Modeling Name Agency Position Locale Kurt Aluzas USFSa wildlife biologist Olympic NF, Quilcene, WA Robert Alvarado USFS Regional wildlife biologist R6 Regional Office, Portland, OR Jon Belcher USFS GIS/Data Services Specialist Willamette NF, Springfield, OR Carol Chandler USFS wildlife program manager Gifford Pinchot NF, Vancouver, WA Josh Chapman USFS Forest wildlife biologist Umpqua NF, Roseburg, OR Ray Davis USFS wildlife biologist Umpqua NF, Roseburg, OR Joe Doerr USFS wildlife biologist Willamette NF, Springfield, OR Andy Duff WDFW Westside GIS and Data Support Analyst Wildlife Science Division, Olympia, WA Justin Hadwen USFS wildlife technician Umpqua NF, Roseburg, OR Jeremy Hobson USFS GIS Willamette NF, Springfield, OR Cindy Lou McDonald BLM GIS specialist BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, Portland, OR Bryant Mecklem BLM GIS specialist BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, Portland, OR Arthur Miller BLM GIS specialist BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, Portland, OR Lisa Renan BLM wildlife biologist Roseburg District, 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 59 Roseburg, OR Todd Thompson USFS wildlife biologist BLM Oregon/Washington State Office, Portland, OR Sonja Weber USFS wildlife biologist Willamette NF SO; Springfield, OR a USFS = U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; WDFW = Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; BLM = U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 60 Appendix 3. Commonly Used Data Sources for Elk Model Application Data Description source Download source GNN http://www.fsl.orst.edu/lem ma/splash.php DEM GTRN NAIP PNV Digital Elevation Model; a spatial grid of elevation used to derive the mean slope covariate in the regional Habitat Use Model. We used the 1/3 second (~30-m) National Elevation Dataset from USGS. “Gradient Nearest Neighbor;” a modeling method that incorporates multivariate statistics and imputation to produce a variety of vegetation maps, based on field data and mapped (explanatory) data. For elk nutrition and habitat use modeling, we used key fields from the March 2010 release of the GNN species-size model, developed for Northwest Forest Plan Effectiveness Monitoring. Roads and highways compiled by BLM for Oregon and Washington; includes both BLM inventoried and non-inventoried roads. Updated weekly. Spatial accuracy is undefined in the metadata, but we have found the layer to be very accurate when overlaid with aerial imagery. However, attributes are not well-populated for noninventoried roads. The user is advised to first merge the highways and roads layers, add missing roads using aerial imagery, and then create a new field. Populate this field with a code of 0 for roads closed to public access and 1 for roads open to public access. U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agriculture Imagery Program is a collection of aerial photographs. USDA web site for more information: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/apfoapp?area=home&subject=prog&t opic=nai Forest Service and BLM employees can access NAIP through the Image Server function in ArcGIS 9.3 and newer versions. NAIP is also available through the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway. Potential Natural Vegetation; potential vegetation zones are an input required to run the Elk Nutrition Model. We used the state-wide PNV grids developed by Region 6 of the Forest Service and crosswalked each zone to one of the two zones used in development of the nutrition equations (see text in “Predicting Elk Nutrition” for more detail). The PNV zone layer was produced through a modeling process incorporating field data and spatial data layers. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** http://ned.usgs.gov/ http://www.blm.gov/or/gis/ data.php http://datagateway.nrcs.usd a.gov/ http://ecoshare.info/categor y/gis-data-vegzones/ Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 61 Appendix 4. Selectivity of Elk Forage Species In Western Oregon and Washington Selectivity indices (Ivlev [1961] and Chesson [1978], as reported in Manly et al. 1993), percentage of diets, and selectivity category for plant species in western Oregon and Washington. Plants are arranged alphabetically within categories of decreasing order of selectivity. Data were collected using captive elk during summer and autumn, 2000-2002 (see Cook et al., n.d. a for details). Scientific Name Acer circinatum Acer macrophyllum Alnus incana Alnus rubra Anaphalis margaritacea c Bryoria spp. Buddleja davidii Calamagrostis canadensis Carex spp. Cinna latifolia Clintonia uniflora Corylus cornuta Galepsis tetrahit Hypericum perforatum Hypochaeris radicata Iris tenax Ligusticum apiifolium Linnaea borealis Lolium perenne Lonicera ciliosa Luzula spp. Maianthemum dilatatum c Mushroom Oplopanax horridum Oxalis oregana Pedicularis spp. Petasites fridigus Phalaris arundinacea Phleum pratense Pyrus communis Pyrus fusca Rhamnus purshiana Ribes sanguineum Rubus parviflorus Salix spp. Smilicina spp. Sorbus sitchensis Spiraea douglasii Symphoricarpos spp. 1/30/13 Plant a Group DS DS DS DS Fb NV DS Gr Gr Gr Fb DS Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb ES Gr DS Gr Fb NV DS Fb Fb Fb Gr Gr DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Plant Code ACCI ACMA ALIN ALRU ANMA BRYO BUDA CACA CARE CILA CLUN COCO GATE HYPE HYRA IRTE LIAP LIBO LOPE LOCI LUZU MADI MUSH OPHO OXOR PEDI PEFR PHAR PHPR PYCO PYFU RHPU RISA RUPA SALI SMIL SOSI SPDO SYMP b n Ivlev Chesson Diet (%) Selectivity 62 28 1 36 48 10 11 1 70 1 13 24 2 18 25 32 1 13 1 4 43 16 14 12 13 1 6 4 1 1 1 24 21 45 16 10 11 8 38 0.626 0.474 0.875 0.232 0.272 0.091 0.102 0.0757 0.033 0.025 0.435 0.966 0.237 0.936 0.800 0.571 0.550 0.222 0.340 0.540 0.974 0.506 0.954 0.565 0.192 0.499 0.079 0.2305 0.043 0.0527 0.109 0.074 0.008 0.015 0.057 0.038 0.1625 0.030 0.136 0.028 0.033 0.104 0.526 0.671 0.868 0.524 0.903 0.846 0.984 0.857 0.329 0.272 0.191 0.647 0.368 0.871 0.666 0.487 0.080 0.109 0.0212 0.059 0.104 0.0242 0.2476 0.0341 0.046 0.038 0.030 0.086 0.038 0.109 0.142 0.053 11.39 4.86 1.50 1.69 1.93 3.75 1.72 5.80 2.05 3.00 14.52 4.63 0.35 1.09 5.50 5.50 7.69 2.88 4.20 1.23 4.21 6.81 0.02 4.73 9.15 8.50 1.53 4.75 1.20 12.30 1.30 1.73 2.98 8.38 4.17 1.44 10.65 4.11 6.51 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Scientific Name Tolfieldia glutinosa Trifolium spp. Vaccinium parvifolium Valeriana sitchensis Achlys triflora Adenocaulon bicolor Adiantum pedatum Agrostis exarata Agrostis sp Alnus sinuata Amelanchier alnifolia Anemone deltoidea Angelica genuflexa Antennaria spp. Arctostaphylos columbiana Arenaria macrophylla Artemisia suksdorfii Aruncus sylvester Asarum caudatum Astragalus spp. c Attached leaf lichens Bromus vulgaris Campanula scouleri Castanopsis chrysophylla Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Cirsium spp. Cornus canadensis Cornus nuttallii Cornus stolonifera Crepis spp. Cytisus scoparius Dactylis glomerata Daucus carota Dianthus armeria Dicentra formosa Disporum spp. Dryopteris austriaca Elymus glaucus Elymus spp. Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum spp. Festuca occidentalis Festuca sublulata Fragaria vesca c Fungi Galium oreganum Galium triflorum Geum macrophyllum Glyceria elata Glyceria spp. Gymnocarpium dryopteris 1/30/13 Plant a Group Fb Fb DS Fb Fb Fb Fn Gr Gr DS DS Fb Fb Fb ES Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb NV Gr Fb ES Fb Fb DS DS Fb Fb DS Gr Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Gr Gr Fb Gr Gr Gr Fb NV Fb Fb Fb Gr Gr Fn 62 Plant Code TOGL TRIF VAPA VASI ACTR ADBI ADPE AGEX AGRO ALSI AMAL ANDE ANGE ANTE ARCO ARMA ARSU ARSY ASCA ASTR ALLI BRVU CASC CACH CHLE CIRS COCA CONU COST CREP CYSC DAGL DACA DIAR DIFO DISP DRAU ELGL ELYM EPAN EQUI FEOC FESU FRVE FUNG GAOR GATR GEMA GLEL GLYC GYDR b n Ivlev Chesson Diet (%) Selectivity 1 4 72 4 8 14 7 11 32 5 4 5 1 1 5 2 1 2 6 3 13 41 17 8 20 36 13 2 1 11 3 5 3 2 14 19 18 16 40 46 10 13 3 5 13 4 40 4 7 1 3 0.778 0.730 0.559 0.534 0.275 0.189 -0.197 -0.029 0.199 0.265 0.174 -0.190 0.000 0.000 -0.267 0.741 0.000 -0.200 -0.221 -0.444 0.016 0.152 0.138 0.064 0.014 0.013 0.038 0.008 0.060 0.021 0.021 0.005 0.0062 0.0038 0.006 0.132 0.0016 0.003 0.004 0.008 0.047 -0.175 0.024 -0.181 0.071 -0.018 0.778 0.333 -0.232 -0.333 0.541 0.489 -0.500 0.170 -0.008 -0.113 -0.179 -0.046 0.117 -0.106 -0.295 -0.115 -0.666 0.042 0.006 0.022 0.004 0.016 0.016 0.087 0.0109 0.004 0.005 0.125 0.047 0.001 0.027 0.010 0.014 0.017 0.047 0.028 0.013 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.257 0.048 -0.600 0.187 0.333 0.133 0.018 0.015 0.002 0.036 0.0041 0.006 0.80 8.95 10.35 2.25 1.18 0.86 0.70 1.49 3.55 5.34 1.13 0.18 0.30 0.10 0.14 1.00 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.67 0.40 2.32 0.20 0.79 0.56 4.00 2.02 2.40 0.20 0.33 0.07 6.34 0.63 0.05 0.74 0.38 0.38 1.06 2.68 9.34 2.04 0.14 0.83 1.02 0.64 0.55 2.21 0.10 3.49 0.20 0.27 S S S S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Scientific Name Hieracium albiflorum Holcus lanatus Holodiscus discolor Hydrophyllum fendleri Juncus spp. Lactuca muralis Lathyrus spp. Lilium columbianum Lupinus spp. Lysichitum americanum Melica bulbosa Mimulus moschatus Monotropa uniflora Montia sibirica Oemleria cerasiformis Penstemon spp. Phacelia hastata Plantago spp. Poa compressa Populus trichocarpa Prunus emarginata Ranunculus spp. Ribes bracteosum Ribes lacustre Ribes spp. Rosa gynmocarpa Rubus nivalis Rubus pedatus Rubus spectabilis Rumex occidentalis Rumex spp. Sambucus spp. Satureja douglasii Scutellaria galericulata Scutellaria lateriflora Senecio sylvaticus Senecio triangularis Solidago canadensis Sonchus asper Sorbus aucuparia Stachys cooleyae Stellaria spp. Streptopus roseus SyNthyris reniformis Taraxacum spp. Thalictrum occidentale Tiarella trifoliata Tolmiea menziesii Trisetum cernuum Typha latifolia Vaccinium alaskaense/ovalifolium 1/30/13 Plant a Group Fb Gr DS Fb Gf Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Gr Fb Fb Fb DS Fb Fb Fb Gr DS DS Fb DS DS DS DS DS DS DS Fb Fb DS Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb DS Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Gr Gr DS 63 Plant Code HIAL HOLA HODI HYFE JUNC LAMU LATH LICO LUPI LYAM MEBU MIMO MOUN MOSI OECE PENS PHHA PLAN POCO POTR PREM RANU RIBR RILA RIBE ROGY RUNI RUPE RUSP RUOC RUME SAMB SADO SCGA SCLA SESY SETR SOCA SOAS SOAU STCO STEL STRO SYRE TARA THOC TITR TOME TRCE TYLA VALOV b n Ivlev Chesson Diet (%) Selectivity 16 34 23 2 9 36 9 3 5 5 1 1 3 15 7 7 1 4 3 3 27 2 2 1 1 34 3 9 44 3 13 38 1 5 2 6 4 6 5 4 2 30 4 2 3 1 18 10 5 1 23 0.000 0.120 0.226 0.000 -0.369 0.029 0.254 0.167 -0.115 0.339 -0.739 0.000 0.367 -0.176 0.160 -0.105 -1.000 -0.017 0.059 -0.012 0.045 -0.030 -0.063 0.000 -1.000 0.044 -0.615 -0.445 -0.047 -0.556 -0.013 0.076 0.000 -0.033 -0.073 0.037 0.337 -0.056 0.110 0.054 0.614 -0.008 0.248 -0.333 -0.333 0.000 -0.168 -0.354 -0.250 0.857 0.290 0.042 0.026 0.035 0.004 0.007 0.032 0.015 0.038 0.004 0.010 0.0028 0.0021 0.010 0.012 0.022 0.014 0 0.007 0.009 0.080 0.013 0.032 0.003 0.0055 0 0.025 0.001 0.005 0.017 0.001 0.012 0.061 0.0051 0.059 0.002 0.011 0.021 0.004 0.010 0.012 0.033 0.010 0.021 0.005 0.003 0.0013 0.035 0.007 0.058 0.106 0.055 2.11 5.36 2.20 0.10 0.21 4.67 0.46 0.77 0.34 4.90 0.30 0.10 0.27 0.39 0.50 1.44 0.00 0.18 0.40 1.90 1.43 1.60 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.79 0.07 0.41 9.03 0.07 0.41 2.68 0.10 2.70 0.75 0.37 0.43 0.15 0.24 0.03 1.10 0.39 0.65 0.10 0.07 0.10 1.24 1.81 0.98 1.30 21.23 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Scientific Name Vaccinium membranaceum Vancouveria hexandra Veratrum viride Veronica officinalis Vicia spp. Viola spp. Xerophyllum tenax Abies amabilis Abies procera Arbutus menziesii Athyrium filix-femina Berberis nervosa Blechnum spicant Ceanothus velutinus Chimaphila menziesii Circaea alpine c Clubmoss, liverwort, moss Deschampsia elongata Digitalis purpurea Epilobium paniculatum Epilobium watsonii Erechtites minima Gaultheria ovatifolia Gaultheria shallon Ilex sp. Mentha arvensis Menziesia ferruginea Nothochelone nemorosa Osmorhiza chilensis Phododendron albiflorum Phyllodoce empetriformis Pinus monticola Poa pratensis Poa sp. Polystichum munitum Prunella vulgaris Pseudotsuga menziesii Pteridium aquilinium Pyrola spp. Rhododendron macrophyllum Ribes divaricatum Rubus discolor Rubus laciniatus Rubus leucodermis Rubus ursinus Solanum dulcamara Tanacetum vulgare Taxus brevifolia Tellima grandiflora Thuja plicata Trientalis latifolia 1/30/13 Plant a Group DS Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Fb Cn Cn ES Fn ES Fn ES ES Fb NV Gr Fb Fb Fb Fb ES ES ES Fb DS Fb Fb ES ES Cn Gr Gr Fn Fb Cn Fn Fb ES DS DS ES DS DS Fb Fb ES Fb Cn Fb 64 Plant Code VAME VAHE VEVI VEOF VICI VIOL XETE ABAM ABPR ARME ATFI BENE BLSP CEVE CHME CIAL MOSS DEEL DIPU EPPA EPWA ERMI GAOV GASH ILEX MIAR MEFE NONE OSCH RHAL PHEM PIMO POPR POAS POMU PRVU PSME PTAQ PYRO RHMA RIDI RUDI RULA RULE RUUR SODU TAVU TABR TEGR THPL TRLA b n Ivlev Chesson Diet (%) Selectivity 6 21 7 12 3 44 2 11 4 1 25 64 17 8 2 5 7 15 18 8 22 6 7 54 3 5 12 1 6 3 2 1 15 8 76 7 57 71 1 4 8 24 24 24 80 4 1 5 5 9 29 -0.963 0.059 0.035 0.011 -0.394 -0.165 -0.727 -1.000 -1.000 -0.412 -0.255 -0.678 -0.920 -0.500 -1.000 -0.800 0.000 0.017 0.007 0.023 0.015 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.0039 0.008 0.005 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 -0.448 -0.952 -0.521 -0.322 -0.448 -0.952 -0.247 -0.667 -0.600 -0.887 -0.909 -0.460 -0.867 -1.000 -1.000 -0.699 -0.640 -0.874 -0.643 -0.342 -0.122 -1.000 -0.883 -0.377 -0.305 -0.505 -0.563 -0.587 -1.000 -0.778 -1.000 -0.700 -1.000 -0.412 0.005 0.000 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.000 0.035 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.0002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0 0.003 0.006 0.004 0.001 0.031 0.037 0 0.000 0.008 0.011 0.005 0.002 0.003 0.000 0.0002 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.003 0.03 0.76 0.31 0.76 0.33 0.55 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.72 1.34 0.04 1.86 0.00 0.02 3.37 0.35 0.06 0.08 0.58 0.17 0.07 9.25 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.20 0.08 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.98 0.82 0.06 3.05 6.80 0.00 0.55 0.20 2.46 0.48 0.40 1.94 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.13 N N N N N N N A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 Scientific Name Trillium spp. Tsuga heterophylla Tsuga mertensiana Urtica dioica Veronica americana Whipplea modesta Plant a Group Fb Cn Cn Fb Fb Fb 65 Plant Code TRIL TSHE TSME URDI VEAM WHMO b n Ivlev Chesson Diet (%) Selectivity 6 31 5 2 2 3 -0.417 -0.800 -1.000 -1.000 -1.000 -0.897 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 A A A A A A a Plant codes are: Cn = conifer; DS = deciduous shrub; ES = evergreen shrub; Fb = forb; Fn = fern; Gr = graminoid; NV = nonvascular plant. b S = significantly selected, A = significantly avoided, and N = neither selected nor avoided. C Biomass availability was not measured and thus no estimates of selection could be calculated. Dietary percentages are based only on those elk pens where the species was present in elk diets. The selection category was based on the authors’ general observations of elk response to these species. 1/30/13 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 66 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Term AB ABAM CANCOV (CC) DDE ESLF GNN GTRN HW HW100 MHSFZ Tool Parameters NB Nooksack (NK) PNV SB Springfield (Sp) STNDHGT TSHE TSME WHZ Willapa Hills (WH) 1/30/13 Definition Accepted biomass (kg/ha), or abundance of selected and neutral plant species combined Abies amabilis (Pacific silver fir) Canopy cover (%) of all live trees; an attribute of GNN Dietary digestible energy (kcal/g) Ecological System Life Form; a method of classifying land cover types used in GNN Gradient nearest neighbor (method used to produce a suite of vegetation layers in OR and WA); http://www.fsl.orst.edu/lemma/main.php?project=nwfp&id=home) Ground transportation network (http://www.blm.gov/or/gis/data.php); roads layer used in modeling elk habitat use Proportion of stems in dominant canopy layer that are hardwood tree species (e.g., red and other alders, big leaf maple, and paper birch). “HW” multiplied by 100 Mountain Hemlock/Silver Fir Zone; See “PNV,” “TSME,” and ”ABAM” Input data needed for each tool Neutral biomass (kg/ha); biomass of elk forage species that elk neither significantly avoided or selected Region defined as northern Cascades near Mount Baker Potential natural vegetation; http://ecoshare.info/products/gis-data/ Selected biomass (kg/ha); biomass of those forage species that elk significantly selected Region defined as central Cascades west of Springfield, OR Stand height (meters); attribute of GNN Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) Tsuga mertensiana (Mountain Hemlock) Western Hemlock Zone; See “PNV” and “TSHE” Region defined as coastal foothills of OR and WA west of Centralia, WA; see fig. 5 ***DRAFT*** Version 2.0 Draft Westside Elk Model User Guidelines, v. 2.0 English Equivalents When you know: Centimeters (cm) Meters (m) Hectares (ha) Kilometers (km) Grams (g) Kilograms (kg) 1/30/13 67 Multiply by: .394 3.28 2.47 .621 .0352 2.205 ***DRAFT*** To find: Inches Feet Acres Miles Ounces Pounds Version 2.0