205 DETECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF FRACTURES FROM GENERATION OF TUBE WAVES by Ernest Hardin and M. Nafi ToksQZ Earth Resources Laboratory, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ABSTRACT Field testing has been conducted to evaluate a model which predicts the permeability and orientation of a permeable zone, in a deep water weil in crystalline rock. Tube waves are generated by seismic P-waves incident on a fracture intersecting the borehole, a process observed in vertical seismic profiling (VSP). The behavior is explained by fluid exchange between the fracture and borehole, and the observed efficiency of conversion is theoretically related to fracture permeability. Additionally, fracture orientation may be obtained from multiple-source-offset VSP surveys. Conventional temperature, caliper, resistivity and televiewer logs show the presence of fractures and their orientation, and provide indirect evidence of associated flow. Open fractures are simultaneously sampled over the full borehole depth by hydrophone VSP methods. The tUbe wave generation model produces results which compare favorably to independent estimates of fracture parameters. INTRODUCTION Increasing importance of natural and artificial fractures in resource recovery and in site characterization for waste storage has created the need for methods of identification and for quantifying fracture parameters: permeability and orientation. It has long been known that sonic and full waveform acoustic well logs exhibit effects of fractures (Paillet, 1983), and more recently VSP has been demonstrated to be useful. Huang and Hunter (1981) observed tube waves originating at distinct depths, when conducting checkshot VSP surveys using a hydrophone streamer. They attributed tube wave generation to the presence of open fractures intersecting the borehole. In a similar survey In Hamilton, Massachusetts we also observed the generation of tube waves (Figure 1). These and other field studies have shown that the tube wave generation response is commonly observed in hard rock geological settings, and is observable in fractured reservoirs of sedimentary origin. The motivation for this study is to demonstrate the application of the tube wave generation model of Beydoun, et al. (1985) for several fractures in a single well, and if possible to evaluate the model assumptions of laminar flow and the low frequency approximation. The setting for the field study is optimal since the relative homogeneity of the granite formation prevents scattering of the original P-wave 206 Hardin & Toksoz pulse (which can result in multiple phases in the VSP record and render interpretation difficult). Additionally the intrinsic attenuation of the formation can be presumed negligible for the VSP travel paths and frequency band used. For the purposes of this study formation permeability is considered solely due to structural features such as joints or shear zones which can be located by conventional well logs, borehole television, borehole televiewer images and driller's logs. TUBE WAVE DESCRIPTION Tube waves are low frequency Stoneley waves, a fundamental normal mode which propagates along the cylindrical borewall interface of a fluid filled borehole. In a hard rock formation where the formation shear velocity is significantly greater than the borehole fluid velocity, tube wave velocity and dispersion are minimally dependent on formation properties (Cheng and Toksoz, 1983). Tube wave phase velocity is always lower than that of the borehole fluid, and particle motion is elliptical at the borewall, grading to linear along the borehole axis (Biot, 1952). Displacement amplitude in the solid decays approximately exponentially away from the borehole. For a homogeneous formation, linear elasticity predicts some dispersion with the phase velocity asymptotic to the fluid velocity at high freqeuncy. (Cheng and Toksoz, 1981) The dispersion relationship for a given survey is dependent on the fluid and formation properties, and the hole diameter. Within the VSP frequency band (10 to 1000 Hz.) phase velocity is nearly constant and principally dependent on formation properties. At higher frequencies such as are encountered in acoustic logging the phase velocity becomes increasingly dependent on borehole radius. A guided wave effect may not exist if the formation shear velocity is much less than the borehole fluid velocity; this limit is determined exactly by the formation and fluid properties. (Schoenberg, et aI., 1981) In crystalline rock and many other rock types the shear velocity exceeds this limit and tube waves can propagate without geometric attenuation or spreading. At exploration seismic frequencies most of the total strain energy of the tube wave is trapped in the fluid. For this reason the amplitude of a tube wave excited by a periodic source In the fluid can be approximated by equating the source strength to the dilatancy associated with the induced tube wave. Neglecting phase response, body waves radiated into the solid, and strain energy in the solid which is associated with the tUbe wave, a correspondence can be developed between fluid flow and tUbe wave pressure amplitude. Since most of the energy associated with a tube wave propagates in the fluid, (Cheng, et aI., 1982) pressure response is more easily measured than borewall displacement. Borehole fluid pressure amplitude is effectively constant over the cross section of the borehole, (Biot, 1952) varying by only a few percent for any frequency in the VSP band, thus centralization of the pressure sensors is unnecessary. CONVENTIONAL LOGS Full waveform acoustic log data (Rgures 2 and 3) clearly show that the tUbe wave generating horizons (from VSP) strongly delay and attenuate the compressional 9-2 Tube Wave Generation and shear head waves, and the pseudo-Rayleigh packet. The tUbe wave is not excited efficiently in a borehole of this large radius in a "hard" formation, at the frequencies employed by the acoustic logging sonde. The various phases arriving after the compressional head wave are the fundamental and higher mode pseudoRayleigh waves. A suite of conventional logs was acquired including caliper, natural gamma, sonic (transit time for 0.305m. receiver-spacing, non-centralized), initial entry temperature log (downgoing recording on first entry into borehole after thermal equilibration), borehole acoustic televiewer, self potential and resistivity. There are clear indications of the tube wave generating horizons, except for the electrical logs, as shown in the comparison plots (Figure 4). The caliper opened fully at each horizon, indicating natural cavities or displacement of material from the borewall during drilling. Gamma anomalies at each horizon indicate constitutive differentiation. Apparent interval transit time increases uniformly from 55 to >100 j.1Sec/ft. at fractured horizons. The borehole temperature log (Figure 4) Is reduced by the subtraction of a linear geothermal gradient of 3.0 C 0/ 100m. Temperature anomalies- (app. 0.5 C 0 above background) indicate where warmer formation fluid flows into the well through open fractures. Images acquired with the borehole televiewer (Figure 10) unambiguously show tabular features intersecting the hole obliquely at each tube wave generating horizon. THEORETICAL MODEL FOR TUBE WAVE GENERATION IN VSP Intersecting fractures are modelled as idealized parallel-plate systems of arbitrary orientation which are fluid saturated and embedded in a homogeneous isotropic elastic medium. The borehole intersecting the fracture system is uncased and the entire fracture-borehole system is initially at hydrostatic equilibrium. The fracture width oscillates around the static aperture according to the incident P-wave displacement and with the same amplitude (Beydoun, et al., 1985). The fluid flow rate in the presence of a pressure gradient is related to the fracture permeability by Darcy's law. Elevation gradient terms appropriate to a mildly dipping «60 0 ) fracture are neglected since the fracture is symmetric with respect to the borehole (Bower, 1983). The permeability of the parallel plate fracture is taken from the well known "cubic law" (Snow, 1965). As is common in reservoir problems (Ziegler, 1976) the determination of flow requires the assumption of an effective fracture radius at which transient pressure effects are nii; contributions of fracture flow beyond this radius to tube wave generation are neglected. The dilatation of the borehole fluid associated with a tube wave is equated to the dilatation associated with fluid ejected from the fracture (Beydoun, et aI., 1985). Upgoing and downgoing tube waves of equal amplitude are predicted. Observed tube wave amplitude is normalized by the pressure amplitude of the direct compressional phase (White, 1983) at the same sensor. The ratio of tube wave to compressional wave amplitude can be determined from a single trace if necessary and does not require hydrophone calibration. The two phases must be represented by recognizable wavelets and be free of interference from extraneous phases, in order for the spectral ratio comparison to be meaningful. VSP SURVEY DESCRIPTION The test well is a deep water well drilled to app. 570m. in the Cape Ann 9-3 207 208 ( Hardin & Toksoz granite near Hamilton, Massachusetts. The hole was drilled percussively by a downhole hammer with a final gauge of app. 30cm., and is uncased except for the uppermost few meters which pass through a surface layer of loess and glacial debris. From gyroscopic deviation surveys it is evident that from about 200m. to 300m. the weil deviates increasingly up to 11 degrees from vertical and remains this way to total depth. Two VSP surveys were conducted; the first utilized surface explosive and weight drop sources, .and a single available shothole. The second survey was conducted some eight months later and used three shotholes exclusively. Signal strength from weight drop and surface explosive sources was adequate for generation of identifiable tube wave phases, but not for capture of the direct compressicnal wavelet necessary for data interpretation. Multiple shot trace stacking was not used. I The three shotholes penetrate well below the surface layer, as depicted In Figure 5. Muitiple offsets are used to exploit the dependence of the model on survey and fracture geometry. The three shotholes and the central well are filled naturally with water up to the bottom of the surface layer. Source strength varies up to 0.45 kg. charges of ammonium-nitrate based explosive, electrically detonated. In the exemplary field section, (Figure 1) the phases are well separated, with tube wave events generated at depths of 146m., 210m. and 290m. In apparent coincidence with the direct compressional arrivals. No direct shear arrival or reflected body wave arrival of any type is identifiable in the section. Numerous tube wave reflections and events possibly originating deeper in the well extend late into the acquisition window. Importantly, the receiver spacing Is much smaller than the separation of tube wave generating horizon.s, thus giving multi-sensor coverage of tube wave events close to their depth of 'Jelleration, where interference from other phases is least likely. . HYDROPHONE-VSP DATA ACQUISITION AND FILTERING Borehole fluid pressure Is recorded digitally from the output of a six-channel hydrophone streamer with receiver spacing of 3.0m. Hydrophone pressure amplitude response is uniform to better than 3db over the seismic source band. Each hydrophone (Benthos, Inc. AQD-1) contains an integral preamplifier; analog signals are conveyed to the surface by a seven-conductor wireline cable. Traces are acquired using a 12-bit digitizer with fixed gain, sampling rate 4 kHz., and total time window of 500 msec. The arrIVIng P-wavelet for each acquired trace is temporally windowed and transformed using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). The trace spectra are normalized and combined to produce a composite amplitude spectrum for each section which is equally weighted with respect to individual traces. (Figure 6) Based on evaluation of the source spectra the traces are digitally bandpass-filtered using a 3-pole Butterworth recursive filter and applying the filter twice to the data, in opposite directions to suppress phase shifts. The corner frequencies of the passband are 150 and 400 Hz. The traces are further filtered to suppress line noise (60 Hz. and harmonics) present during acquisition, using a predictive scheme based on nonlinear least 9-4 Tube Wave Generation squares inversion. The time window beginning at shot detonation and ending at the P-wave arrival is analyzed to determine the amplitude and phase of sinusoidal noise components which fit the data in a least squares sense. A solution is obtained via a Marquardt inversion algorithm (Marquardt, 1963), and subtracted from the data trace. Errors in predicted noise amplitude or phase caused by variability of these properties of the actual noise are not observed In the resulting traces (Figure 7). Stationarity and phase effects are thus limited to components of the noise whose amplitude is small compared to the useful components of the signal. EVALUATION OF FRACTURE PARAMETERS FROM TUBE WAVE GENERATION Each tube wave event is evaluated independently, using traces from the three filtered VSP sections. For each trace the arriving P-wavelet and the selected tube wave event are temporally windowed, and their tube-to-P amplitude ratio spectrum calculated as a simple spectral ratio. A spreading correction is made to each P-wavelet spectrum, based on the difference between source-receiver separation for the recording hydrophone and the direct path from the source to the generating fracture. These distances are known from orientation surveys obtained for the observation well and the shotholes. For each section composite P-amplitude and tube-to-P amplitude ratio spectra are prepared by stacking the results for all applicable traces (Figure 8). Since for each section many (>15) traces are used to produce the composite ratio spectra, a ratio standard deviation can be used as an estimator of the significance of the resulting amplitude ratio spectrum. For each section this estimator was substantially less than the calculated ratios except at the edges of the pass band (Figure 8). The tube wave pressure model is nonlinear in all three parameters: fracture strike, dip and permeability. The Marquardt algorithm is used to match theoretical tube-to-P amplitude ratio curves for the three sections with the curves of Figure 8. Each VSP section yields a set of residuals at discrete frequencies, which are weighted by the ratio of the normalized source amplitude to standard deviation of the tube-to-P amplitude ratio, for the appropriate frequency and VSP section. The results are shown in Figure 9 for the fracture at 290m., and the corresponding fracture parameters are summarized in Table 1. COMPARISON OF RESULTS TO INDEPENDENT OBSERVATIONS Acoustic borehole televiewer logs of the tube wave generating horizons show distinctly that these features are tabular and intersect the borehole obliquelY. (Figure 10) Reasonable agreement Is obtained between the orientation of these features determined from VSP model inversion, and the orientation from televiewer images corrected for well deviation and magnetic field orientation. (Table 1) The observation well was drilled pneumatically, with air as circulating medium, and thus water inflow during the drilling process could be crudely determined. Drill pipe was added to the string in 6m. stands; groundwater flow into the empty borehole was allowed during the drilling hiatus while each stand was installed. Before drilling resumed the hole was blown clear of water and the pressure required to do so was recorded. Time of day was also recorded at each juncture giving an indication of the rate of inflow over the entire length of the hole at different stages of drilling. The spatial resolution of the method was limited to the length of one stand, and inflow 9-5 209 ( 210 Hardin & Toksoz may at any time have been affected by hydraulic communication between fractures at some distance from the borehole. Some drawdown behavior was observed whereby the rate of inflow decayed gradually during a day of drilling, SO that it was necessary to use the change in inflow from each stand to the next. As each generating horizon was penetrated inflow increased by roughly 0.03 cubic meters per minute, which is taken as an order of magnitude flow estimate for calculational purposes. If the corresponding formation pressure is hydrostatic, then the feature permeability at each horizon from Darcy's Law (Ziegler, 1976) is app. 50 darcys without taking into account deviated hole and dipping hole geometry or elevation effects. This value is an order of magnitude greater than the permeability predicted from VSP interpretation. DISCUSSION Comparable frequency dependence of the model and the spectral ratios obtained using the data support the low frequency approximation. This assumption is used to calculate ejected fluid volume and for the normalizing pressure response due to the incident P-wave. Fracture-borehole system geometry conforms to the approximation, since the borehole radius and significant fracture features are much smaller than the incident wavelength. If the approximation were violated because of turbulent flow the theoretical and observed spectral ratios would probably have deviated markedly with increasing frequency. The premise that fracture parameters determined from inversion are unique, given that the low frequency approximation is valid, is supported by the agreement between predicted fracture orientations and independent observations at 210 and 290m. This agreement also suggests that the conversion mechanism is controlled by fracture closure. However, the actual amplitude of closure and whether closure is everywhere uniform on the fracture are not clarified by these results. In principle the model frequency dependence is sufficient to obtain fracture orientation data from fewer than three VSP offsets. The filter passband was selected to approximately coincide with the source spectrum. Observed tube wave amplitude was generally lower than predicted near the edges of this band, suggesting a more complicated tube wave generation mechanism. In practice, the applicabiiity of the model assumptions to the real earth is such that three or more offsets are needed to geometrically resolve fracture orientation. Survey instrumentation typically available for hydrophone VSP has known finite dynamic range. In this survey amplifier gain was set to just record the compressional wavelet, so that the smallest amplitude ratio which could be recorded with precision was app. unity, leaving most of the 12-bit range for tube wave recording without clipping. The range of measurable tube-to-P amplitude ratios is thus about 30 db, corresponding to a theoretical range of permeabiiity of app. 1 to 300 darcys. The presence of noise which cannot be removed from the source band tends to reduce this range. The range of measurable permeability is then constrained by the borehole radius, formation and fluid properties, and the source band, and may be extended somewhat through the use of field equipment with broader dynamic range. The choice of formation P-wave displacement amplitUde for the assumed 9-6 Tube Wave Generation amplitude of fracture closure yields a reduced value for predicted permeability. If the fracture stiffness (resistance to closure) was as high as that of the formation, closure would be small since the fracture width is much less than a wavelength. Converseiy, if the fracture offered very little resistance to closure it would behave similarly to a free surface: closure would be of the order of the P-wave displacement but there would be no transmitted P-wave. Inspection of Figure 7 shows that the compresional arrival is only slightly attenuated by transmission, thus the fracture closure assumption stated above is a compromise which is used in the absence of known fracture response characteristics and tends to underestimate permeability. Sounding by conventional wall-lock VSP could be used to image the fracture reflectivity/transmissibility, which in conjunction with an appropriate fracture model (White, 1983; Schoenberg, 1980) defines the fracture closure. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The spectral method for comparison of the incident P-wavelet and generated (VSP) tube waves is effective given sufficient signal strength, yielding values for fracture parameters which are in reasonable agreement with independent observations. 2. The dynamic range of the VSP survey equipment and the level of seismic and electrical noise place practical limits on the range of permeability of features which can be investigated. 3. Determination of meaningfui ratio spectra requires separation of interfering phases. In heterogeneous formations where body wave scattering is important, it is likely that the source signature and seismic structure of the formation will be needed for phase separation. Such measures as monitor phone deployment and conventional wall-lock VSP survey may be applicable. 4. The low frequency approximation is probably justified from the agreement obtained. However, divergence of the predicted and observed amplitude ratios near the edges of the passband suggests a need for additional data sets to evaluate model assumptions under a broad set of geologic conditions. 5. Discrepancies between the independently estimated permeability and values obtained from VSP interpretation should be investigated first by resorting to a more reliable independent method of permeability determination. If necessary the fracture closure assumption can be evaluated by examining body wave reflectiVity at the fracture interface, using a method such as wall-lock VSP. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Dr. F.L. Paillet of the USGS for valuable comments and for the acquisition of FWAL and borehole televiewer data. The hydrophone VSP data were obtained through the joint efforts of MIT/ERL and Weston Geophysical of Weston, Mass. Ths study benefitted greatly from the enthusiastic support of Mr. Peter Britton, Reiss Foundation, Hamilton, Mass. This work was 9-7 211 ( Hardin & Toksoz 212 sponsored In part by the National Science Foundation (Grant a Chevron Fellowship. # EAR-8311286) and by Table 1. Summary of Fracture Parameters DEPTH (m) 290 210 146 VSP Offsets 7 9 10 Model Inversion STRIKE DIP K (a) (a) ( darcv) 4.7 N5E ""20 1.7 N35W ""30 ",,20 5.8 N5W Televiewer STRIKE DIP (a) (a) N10E N40W ""30 ""40 ••• ••• not acnuired REFERENCES Beydoun, W.B., c.H.Cheng and M.N.Toks6z, Detection of open fractures with vertical seismic profiling: JGR, in press, 1 985. Biot, M.A., Propagation of elastic waves In a cylindrical bore containing a fluid: Journal of Applied Physics, 23, 997-1005. Bower, D.R., Bedrock fracture parameters from the Interrpetation of well tides: JGR, 88, n.B6, p.5025-5035, 1983. Cheng, C.H. and M.N.Toks6z, Elastic wave propagation in a fluid filled borehole and synthetic acoustic logs: Geophysics, 46, p.1042-1053, 1981. Cheng, C.H.; M.N.Toks6z and M.E.Wlllis, Determination of In situ attenuation from full waveform acoustic logs: JGR, 87, p.5477-5484, 1982. Cheng, C.H. and M.N.Toks6z, Determination of shear velocities in "slow" formations: Transactions, 24th Annual SPWLA Logging Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 27-30, 1983. Huang, C.F. and J.A.Hunter, The correlation of "tube wave" events with open fractures in fluid filled boreholes: Current Research, Part A, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-1 A, p.361-376, 1981. 9-8 Tube Wave Generation 213 Marquardt, D.W., An Algorithm for Least Squares Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters, SIAM: journal of applied mathematics, 11, (2), 1963. Paiilet, F.L, Acoustic propagation in the vicinity of fractures which intersect a fluid fiiled borehole: Transactions, 21 st Annual SPWLA Logging Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, July 8-11, 1980. Paillet, F.L, Frequency and scale effects in the optimization of acoustic waveform logs: Transactions, 24th Annual SPWLA Logging Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 27-30, 1983. Schoenberg, M., Elastic wave behavior across linear slip Acoustical Soc. Am., 68, n.5, p.1516, 1980. interfaces: Journal Schoenberg, M., T.Marzetta, J.Aron and R.P.Porter, Space-time dependence of acoustic waves in a borehole: Journal Acoustical Soc. Am., 70, n.5, p.1496, 1981. Snow, D.T., A Parallel Plate Model of Fractured Permeability Media, Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1965. White, J.E., Underground Sound, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983. Ziegler, T.W., Determination of Rock Mass Permeability, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Tech.Report S-76-2, January, 1976 (final report), Appendix B. 9-9 214 ( Hardin & Toksoz o ae· ~~$f ... .. , ,: ,. 4 t .,l .. "i -I**j .11 0 0 -If ,.' h t ..... Jf. t N ... t • . ... • . ... .. .... " 250~ ~ ,; ~\ './, t ~ ...w W ili:. 300=~E===== w Q Figure 1. Field record of unfiltered traces acquired using source offset/shothole 610. Tube wave events are generated at 210m., 290m. and 146m. (apparent from downgoing tube wave). Upgoing tube waves from below 41 Om. are probably caused by reflections from the hole bottom at ~490m. and a possible generating horizon at 450m. 9-10 350----'t-----....- 215 Tube Wave Generation TIME (lJsec) Q 400, . ! 800 , 1200 r 16,00 2000 200 205 -E ~ 210iiililillili Q 215111111_ 220 !3:EEEE§a Britton Well 2 Tx - Rx Spacing 2.1 m Figure 2. Full waveform acoustic log traces from an interval encompassing the tube wave generating horizon at 210m. Hardin & Toksoz 216 TIME (~sec) (,) -- 490 890 12pO 16pO 2000 E ~ a. w 290 c 295== 300 Britton Well 2 Tx - Ax Spacing 2.1 m Figure 3. Full waveform acoustic log traces from an interval encompassing the tube wave generating horizon at 290m. 9-12 217 Tube Wave Generation (kOhm-m) 3 , 1"-' I 1 , , [-'! ! I ' j . I ) 1fT ...r;-i \ I . i I ,, I I ! i i 1 I , ~ i .c::::::. ! ; I ! i : I 1 : : I ! " ! , . ; i, ' , I U i~ 1 I! I, • ...... , ! ! I I~ I ~ ! I i I ! i I I I I "'\ i I I i ! I ; ; I , I !e::; I I I i I i i I , ! ~I ~ 1..2! tol , '~ ~ i 1 ! , ~ -, , -( ! ; I , , ~ I i , ~ 1'~ii i n. 1 ,II I , i I ,i 1i ~i ! i i! I ! 1 1 I 1, I i 1 I : i I ,; " I I , ! ! j I i I, I i I i , , I , i ! ; ! i, ) , 1 300 , I, , , I i , i 1 ! I ! I ! i i I ; I I I I I I I 250 ; , I i ~ "I i I i 200 I ! I ! ,, ! \.1 150m 1 ! \ I ! ,i II , /: fPi j , ;I i I I ~! [1pi i ,! , I,.i , , : i , ! 1 [ I i II II i I ! i I , , .... 1 200 r"1 ~ ,, <I : ~i_! , I i ! ~ i ,i, , 1 - ~i I i '.31 ! ; ::::::-' ! ! I ! I I .~ l l : I ,~ I pi ,, , ,, i , i I <::: , I ' I I ; :~ i ! , I t , I ! I J1 I~' , I I I , , '\, I-.. ,i l?" I ; , S. ,, , ., : ! , ! , , i i' ! 1 "t..l '21 i i, ,, I , ~ ! ; ! , ! , '$ " I ! I ,~'. i I ! I , --...,' : \ l? I f "'--, : I I i-<! : i I - ,; ~i ! , I I tHt1 ! I ) Ie:; I I ! (c/.ac) 250 0 150 i : ! I 1 , j I~ -;- I, ; ! ... I ...... I-'!"! ~ ,.- 4 I I, I Natural GA....A SP (mY) " ••18TIVITY ; 1 ! 350 I I1 400 Figure 4(a). Natural gamma, self potential (SP) and resistivity logs from Britton well #2, Hamllton, Mass. 9-13 Hardin & Toksoz 218 (uaec/ft) SONIC 10 Reduced Temp. (C) 110 1-1 , i • ! , I , ' !, , l/f I, ,;1 4. 150m i) l/ - 1·· I i ' -,,.-+---L' , I i "+--- , I I :~ "-l..!. I ~ ~ 1\1 . i I , i._ , I ..1- ,i I 't -! !""' (em dlL) 1 28 0 i CAUPI!!R '1 ! ' ;/1 . , i ! 200 i 1 , ! . : I , 250 l"i lSi , : . ~ - 11i I'-( j. ~ I ,! , : ,I i / 300 , i .; , I i / - - - - i : f - - - - i f - f . - - - f - - - - f 350 1-'-----'--4H----1 f-..&:~;............-t_...;-;~ ( I I I ;~ i i i I I I,! jl r--.......:.LL.....:-.i...---II-..:.'.u'...!..~J....:.-'-.J....l-l400 I, 3~100m gradient aubtracted Figure 4(b). Sonic log (partial), caliper and reduced temperature logs from Britton well #2, Hamilton, Mass. Borehole temperature has been reduced by subtracting a least squares line which has a slope of 3.0 C ' /100 meters and a surface (intercept) temperature of RJ9 ' C. 9-14 Tube Wave Generation 810 HYDROPHONES FRACTURE ZONE Figure 5. Schematic of hydrophone VSP survey geometry, depicting observation well and peripheral shotholes. 9-15 219 Hardin & Toksoz 220 gCOMPOSITE P-WAVE SPECTRA: 3 OFFSETS ...::,---..,...,,.,..,,,-.,,,..,...---.,..-----,-----.., UJ o ... ::::l _l/'l ...I.... 0..0 X a: ( UJ >0 a:l/'l 3:0 I 0.. o UJl/'l .....'" ~Q ,. . '"' , ~ t ··· ~ ···· . · r . a: x a: 0 0 Zo 9:1.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 FREQUENCY ( HZ) '<10' 80.00 100.00 Figure 6. Composite amplitude spectra for arriving P-wavelets, for three different offsets. 9-16 Tube Wave Generation TIME em•• c) 221 500 225 250 ... 275 '"' E .... :t: 300 ....0- W 0 325 350 375· 400 Shotpoint Depth: S8.Sm. Offset B10 Range: 130.8m. Bearing: SSoE Figure 7. Filtered digital section, corresponding to Figure 1 but extending to 500 msec in duration (one of three sections acquired). 9-17 Hardin & Toksoz 222 g 'OBSERVED' T:P RATIO: FRAC AT 290M" 3 0 o co _In ..... ,.: 0: a: ......... ~ ,~ . ~ LJ.J 00 : ..... .,; ....................... :::1 0 - ~ . ; ~ " ..J 0. ::l: 0:0 In ..... 0.' ..... '" ., ~ . , ~ __________87 ; --+---1 o o ~+5-0-.0-0--2+-00-.-0-0--2-+5-0-.-00--3+-0-0.-0-0--135-0-.-0-0--l~00. 00 FREQUENCl ( HZ ) o o z .,;-r---....,----,...----.,..-----.-----. -..... c 0:0 -'" >",' ., ,- " .. .. ,- -, ,~ -, ,- .. - -, : ~ LJ.J :89 ~g • 87 " : ,-, . ~ l~;;;t~~E==f·;81~O~:E~~ °150.00200.00250.00300.00 FREQUENCY ( HZ ) 350.00 ~00.00 Figure 8. Composite tube-to-P amplitude ratio spectra with computed standard deviation, for the three offsets, and the tube wave event identified with the generating horizon at 290m. 9-18 223 Tube Wave Generation OBSERVED & FITTED T:P RATIO . Offsets B7, B9, B11 B10 2~---"""---""'---""'---""'---'" ~ . . r. ~ ~ ········t··············.. ·······r·············..···· ~ ::c .. . ~V~""",..:·J.;B~1~0;....·J.·I=.. ·.=. ·.=. ·.:. j OB~: -I <:t: . ; II'l ~. N . . i.. . . .:. .:. .:. ; : B7 : . ';-----+----+----j.---;-----i 200. 2 O. 300. 350. ~OO. ~ O. FREQUENCY (HZ) Figure 9. Comparison of theoret/al tube-to-P amplitude ratio curves from nonlinear inversion with the curves generated from the data, for the three offsets, and the tube wave event originating at 290m. 9-19 ( Hardin & Toksoz 224 -... o (I) ( I) E ~ t- a. W C 294 . :-:,.:~ ~; '. Figure 10. Borehole televiewer images of the generating horizons at 210 and 290m. depth. 9-20 Tube Wave Generation FLUID PAAA"ETERS FOft"ATION PAAA"ETERS VP IH/S! -5800. VP VS lH/S! -3300. AHO -2700. VISCo AHO lKG/H3! 225 IH/S! -1500. IKG/H3! -1000. IPLl I NCOHP. -0.0010 IGPA! -2.00 P-WAVE/FAACTUAE INCIDENT ANGLE -0.0 P-WAVE/80AEHOLE AXIS ANGLE -0.0 80AEHOLE AAD I US ICH) -15.20 CURVES. 80110H- TO- TOP. PEAHEA81 LI TY g 1.00 - 2.00 - 5.00 - IDAACrS) 10.00 - 20.00 0.,.--:--.:--:-_.....,.........,.........,....--:-.....,.........,.........,.........,.........,.........,.........,.........,.........,.........,....---:----, (I') o ~ ~ -~-:- ~:; """1 -~. ,- -f. - , - ==- 10 i! -;-.,. -i- --:-:- -!- r -!- ~ _·,!_·-t-r- -:-":--1J_l.. _:_.i- _:_ -:. _~ J _ ~ _!_l.. _~_.1 _!_J._.L..J_.L_i_ "4-. ~ - ~ ~ i -: - ; -; - ! i : t -~~ ;" - i-" i - ;- : _. t -f'- _....:. -:- -; -;- -:- -:- -:- -:- -<- -..;.-,,:- -;-. .;-.-;.- N . _.- ~ - . , . . . . . .! ,' ., ,! ~ ~ - ~'-;- -:- -!- .. -!-': -"~ ~'-":'-~- ' ~! I I- ,-----------.-~-.--------.- CI:o . . . a:o ~ LU~ a: , , : ., ' ~ ! ! : .. " .! .: .: .! .: I -:- ~ - ;- ~ - : - - : - '7 - : - '7 -:- ~ -!- ,, ~ -!-,~ -,~~ ,, -j-'~ " - ~ -:- -r-",'-r -;,.,. -~~-~~-~_:_--~~-~,-~- ;::l l (/') (/')0 i; l: -!-;- -;- t -;, , ~ -!"- ~- r- I -~- ",; _._--(---_._;-)-- LUo a:' a..~ 3: a.. ...... 3:0 1-0 <0 3--~..., -c-~--:--~'~ ~._;- -~ - ~ -,- -: - ~ ~ - ~ ~ -~~-~_._-- o -~-------i - -r -;;;:-: -~:: d' , ---,--"- -+- - i- --+ -:- -; - ;- -:- ~+o-•. Lo0--:......:..-1.;..3-0-.0:""0:-':'-2+-'1-=-0~.0:-:0'-'-:-2i:-~O::-.~0::O'---'--:i3'7: 0: -~-=O-: 0 --,-'~lj5 O. 00 FREQUENO' (HZ) Figure 11. Theoretical tube-to-P amplitude ratio vs. frequency, for the Britton well #2, Hamilton, Mass. (Borehole radius: 0.152m. Formation properties used are ex 5.8 kmjsec, (J 3.3 kmjsec, P 2.7 gmjcc. Fluid properties are txt 1.5 kmjsec, PI = 1.0 gmjcc.) = = = 9-21 = 226 (