EEC 687/787 Mobile Computing, Fall 2012 Time and location: TR 4 – 5:50 pm, Room SH 306 Instructor: Chansu Yu ( Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Room: SH 437, Phone: 2584 Instructor office hours: T 1‐3 pm, R 10‐12 am or by appointment EEC 687 Mobile Computing (4‐0‐4). Prerequisite: EEC 584. Mobile computing and wireless networks are new and dynamic areas of research and development. The rapid advances in miniaturization of computing devices and "untethered" communication technology, together with the increasing demands for ubiquitous access to information, have introduced new challenges as well as new opportunities in many traditional areas of computer science and engineering. In this course students will have a comprehensive overview of mobile computing and wireless networks. Topics covered: (i) Link‐, network‐ and transport‐layer protocols for wireless networks such as CSMA/CA and Mobile IP, (ii) industry standards including IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) and IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX), (iii) various mobile networking styles including wireless LAN (WLAN), wireless metropolitan networks (WMAN), mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), wireless mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks, and (iv) state‐of‐ the‐art tools and hands‐on experience with de facto standard ns‐2 network simulator, and software radio toolchain (Universal Software Radio Platform or USRP from Ettus and Gnu Radio software package from GNU). Textbook: Mobile Communications, 2nd Ed., J. Schiller, Addison Wesley, 2003 References: ‐ IEEE Std 802.11‐1999, Local and Metropolitan Area Network, Specific Requirements, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. (The 2007 version is available too but we’ll use an older, simpler version.) ‐ Wireless and Mobility Extensions to ns‐2 ( ‐ Principles of Wireless Networks, K. Pahlavan and P. Krishnamurthy, Prentice Hall, 2002 ‐ Wireless Communications and Networks, 2nd Ed., W. Stallings, Prentice Hall, Inc., 2005 ‐ Ad Hoc Networking, edited by C. E. Perkins, Addison‐Wesley, 2001. Requirements: This will be a fast‐paced course that covers both the theoretical background and the practical issues of mobile computing and wireless networks. The algorithmic and programming background required is C, C++ and script languages such as Tcl, Awk, perl, and python. A basic knowledge of computer networks and operating systems will be required. 20% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 25% Report (11 of them) 15% Project 10% Quizzes (pop quizzes) Project: Class project is an extension of any of the 11 labs conducted during the course and thus, should involve either ns‐2 or GNU Radio‐based experiments. A project team of two students is desired. Class homepage shows class projects from previous years. Here is the project schedule. Sep 29 (F) Send an email to the instructor about the project title and abstract Nov 4 (F): Project mid‐report Report is 3‐5 single‐spaced, single‐column pages with 11‐point font Report consists of title, author names, abstract, introduction, background, experiment setup and plan, expected results and comments, and references. Dec 6 (W): Project report and presentation (report is due Dec 8, Friday) Report is 3‐5 single‐spaced, single‐column pages with 11‐point font Report consists of title, author names, abstract, introduction, background, experiment setup and results, discussion and conclusions, and references (authors, title, and source). Presentation must be based on powerpoint slides (~20 slides) Presentation should be no more than 20 minutes excluding Q&A Collaboration: I strongly encourage you to discuss any topic with other students. However, when the time comes to write a report or program, such discussions are no longer appropriate‐ ‐‐the solution or program must be your own. Do not copy another person’s report or program under any circumstances. The CSU Student Handbook defines plagiarism as follows: “Stealing and/or using the ideas or writings of another in a paper or report and claiming them as your own. This includes but is not limited to the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment.” (Academic Regulations) The penalties for plagiarism are found in full in the Student Handbook under Policy on Academic Misconduct. Course Schedule (Tentative) Date Week 01 Aug 28 Aug 30 Week 02 Sep 4 Sep 6 Week 03 Sep 11 Sep 13 Week 04 Sep 18 Sep 20 Week 05 Sep 25 Sep 27 Topic and reading Lecture I: Mobile computing Lecture II: Wíreless propagation Lecture III: Physical layer issues Lab I: Mobile network simulation using ns‐2 Lecture IV: Spread spectrum and coding Lab II: Propagation model in ns‐2 Lecture V: Medium access control Lab III: GNU Radio/USRP software radio platform Lecture VI: IEEE 802.11 Lab IV: Benchmark test with GNU Radio/USRP Week 06 Oct 2 Oct 4 Week 07 Oct 9 Oct 11 Week 08 Oct 16 Oct 18 Week 09 Oct 23 Oct 25 Week 10 Oct 30 Nov 1 Lecture VII: IEEE 802.11 Lab V: Mobility and traffic scenario in ns‐2 Lecture VIII: IEEE 802.11 MAC Management Lab VI: MAC performance No class (self‐study) Midterm exam Lecture IX: IP Networking Lab VII: USRP Hardware (E100, ADC/DAC, RSSI) Lecture X : Mobile IP Lab VIII: OFDM with GNU Radio/USRP Week 11 Nov 6 Nov 8 Week 12 Nov 13 Nov 15 Week 13 Nov 20 Nov 22 Week 14 Nov 27 Nov 29 Week 15 Dec 4 Dec 6 Week 17 Dec 11 Lecture XI: Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) Lab IX: Mobile IP and variable tracing in ns‐2 No class (Veteran’s Day) Lab X: MANET simulation using ns‐2 Lecture XII: Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) No class (Thanksgiving Day) Lecture XIII: Transport control protocol (TCP) Lab XI: Mobile TCP in ns‐2 Lecture XIV: Mobile TCP Project presentation Final exam Assignments due Homework I Homework II Homework III Homework IV Project title/abstract Homework V Homework VI Homework VII Homework VIII Project mid‐report Homework IX Homework X Homework XI Project report