Cleveland State University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science EEC 512 Probability And Stochastic Processes Catalog Data: EEC 512 - Probability and Stochastic Processes(4 credits) Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing. General concepts of probability and random variables, including random experiments, inequalities, joint distributions, functions of random variables, expectations, and the law of large numbers. Basic concepts of random processes and their properties are introduced. Markov process, linear systems with stochastic inputs, and power spectra are presented. Textbook: Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, by Athanasios Papoulis, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2004. References: An Introduction to Probability and Stochastic Processes, by James L. Melsa and Andrew P. Sage, Prentice Hall, 1973. Introduction to Random Processes, by William A. Gardner, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 1990. Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering, by Alberto LeonGarcia, Addison-Wesley, 1989. Digital Modulation Techniques, by Fuqin Xiong, Artech House, 2000 Instructor: Dr. Murad Hizlan, Office: FH338, Tel: 216-687-4526 Email: Course Objectives: This course introduces students to probabilities, random variables, and stochastic processes. At the end of this course, the students should understand probabilistic space, events and their probabilities, random variables and their probability densities, functions of random variables, expectations, correlation functions and power spectral densities of stochastic processes, and their applications. The students also should be able to derive or compute probabilities, densities, expectations, correlations, and power spectral densities. This course provides the fundamental background for communications, computer communications networks, controls, and signal processing. Grading Policy: Midterm Test I: 30%,Midterm Test II: 30%, Final Exam: 30%, Homework 10%. Remarks: As graduate students you are required to read the text before the lecture and after the lecture.Homework will be assined and graded. Answers will be provided. Course Outline: Session Topics Reading (sections) 1-1 to 1-3, 2-1,2-2 25 The meaning of probability, set theory, probability space, probability axioms Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem, independence Labor Day (Sept.-1) Bernoulli trails, binomial distribution, Demoivre-Laplace Theorem The law of large numbers, Poisson theorem and random points Random variables, distribution and density functions, Important densities, conditional distributions Function of one random variable, fundamental theorem, examples Mean and variance, moments, characteristic function Review Midterm Test I Two random variables, joint distribution and density, probability mass One function of two random variables Two functions of two random variables, applications Continuing discussion of functions of two random variables: joint moments, correlation, independence, joint characteristic function Conditional distributions, Baye’s theorem, conditional expected values Sequences of random variables, independence, correlation matrix, conditional densities Stochastic convergence and limit theorems Stochastic processes and their statistics Correlation functions, stationary processes Review Midterm Test II Systems with stochastic inputs, ergodicity Spectra of stochastic processes, Output of a linear system Discrete-time processes 26 PSD of bandpass signals 27 PSD of baseband digital signals Appendix A (F. Xiong) Appendix A (F. Xiong) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2-3, Assignments 22,4,8,9,12,14,17 3-1 to 3-3 3-3, 3-4 3-4,5,8,11,12,13 4-1, 4-2 4-3,4-4 4-4,8,9,12,19,20 5-1 to 5-2 5-3 to 5-5 51,2,18,21,22,26 Chapters 1 to 5 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-2,4,6,7,8,9 7-1,7-2 7-3,7-4 7-1,3,4,7,8,16 8-1,8-2 8-4, 8-5 10-1 10-1 8-4,5,12,30,31 Chapters 6 to 8,10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 101,3,22,27,33,35, 41 28 PSD of digitally modulated carrier signals 29 PSD of digitally modulated carrier signals (continue) FINAL EXAM 30 Appendix A (F. Xiong) Appendix A (F. Xiong) Chapters 10 and PSD Note: Class starts at 8-25 and ends on 12-3 (Wed.). Final exam is on 12-8 (Mon.) There are total of 15 weeks for classes. September 1 (Mon.) is Labor day, a University holiday. So there are a total 29 class times.