AS/NZS 4801 OHSAS 18001 OHS20309 SAI Global CHEMICAL PRE-PURCHASE CHECKLIST September 2014 The following requirements must be checked prior to the purchase of new chemicals. Verify that the MSDS for the chemical is already present in the university ChemWatch MSDS database. If the MSDS is not already held, notify ChemWatch, so that the MSDS can be sourced and added to the database; Requirements for licenses, permits or notification to use the chemical; For any industrial chemicals that cannot be sourced from an Australian supplier, check the NICNAS website prior to importation of the chemical into Australia; Check MSDS to ensure controls are in place prior to work commencing; Requirements and availability of suitable storage for the class of chemical and the quantity to be ordered; Availability of appropriate handling conditions for the chemical process, e.g. fume cupboard, local ventilation, fume cupboards with wash down facilities (perchloric acid); Availability of appropriate emergency facilities and procedures required for the chemical process; Appropriate waste disposal and spill procedures required for the chemical or for any chemical products arising from the process to be used. Chemical pre-purchase checklist, v1 Date of first issue: September 2014 Responsible Officer: Manager, OH&S Date of last review: N/A For the latest version of this document please go to: Page 1 of 2 Date of next review: 2017 18/08/2014