Psychology Honors Program Information and Application Form

Psychology Honors Program
Information and Application Form
The Psychology Honors Program is for Psychology majors considering graduate-level education who
want in-depth exposure to research in Psychology. Completing the Psychology Honors Program reflects a
student’s independence, commitment to the field, and expertise in an area.
In the typical thesis-based track, a student in the Psychology Honors program registers for Psychology
495H (Honors Seminar) during the Spring semester of his or her junior year. In this course, each
student develops a proposal for research that, generally, will be conducted under faculty supervision
during the following academic year. While conducting this project, the student registers for PSY 497H
(Honors Project) and PSY 498H (Honors Project and Defense).
A student is expected to have completed PSY 312 (or PSY 412) and PSY 317 (or PSY 311 or MTH 347)
prior to beginning PSY 495H. With permission of the instructor, a student may enroll in these courses
concurrently with enrollment in PSY 495H.
Any psychology major in the University Honors Program or University Scholars Program is already a
Psychology Honors student.
If you are not in the University Honors or Scholars Programs, and anticipate graduating in May or
December, 2017, you may apply now to be in the Psychology Honors program (beginning in Spring,
2016). The application deadline is Friday, November 6, at 5 p.m. Applications will be reviewed, and
decisions and notifications made, by Monday, November 16, at 5 p.m.
To be eligible: Your cumulative GPA at the end of Summer, 2015, should be at least 3.3, and you should
expect that it will be at least 3.3 even after the end of the Fall, 2015, semester; by the end of Fall, 2015,
you should have completed PSY 317 (Behavioral Science Statistics: Inference) (or PSY 311 or MTH 347)
and PSY 312 (Research Methods) (or PSY 412).
To apply: Complete the attached form and the additional required statement and return them to the
Psychology Department office (CB 258) or email a pdf to
Note that satisfying the eligibility criteria does not guarantee admission to the program. If you are
admitted, you will be given permission to register for PSY 495H and will have to organize your spring
schedule to accommodate this course, which will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. to
3:15 p.m.
If you have questions, please email Dr. Smith on
Note: Applications to begin the program in Spring, 2017, will be solicited early in the Spring, 2016, semester.
Psychology Honors Program Application
1. Basic Information
CSU Student ID_____________________________________________
Overall GPA_________________________________________________
I have completed PSY 317 or PSY 311 or MTH 347, or will have done so by the end of the Fall, 2015,
semester (please circle) Yes
I have completed PSY 312 or PSY 412, or will have done so by the end of the Fall, 2015, semester
(please circle) Yes No
When do you plan to graduate? ______________________
2. Potential Research Mentor
If there is a faculty member under whose supervision you are likely to work, please identify him
or her.
3. Statement
Please attach a brief statement in which you explain your interest in the Honors Program in Psychology.
You should also describe your research interests; your previous research experience, if any; and your
career goals. The length of the statement should be at least one, but not more than three, doublespaced pages.