Office of Research Services 05/04/12 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Summary of Proposals, by Faculty Home Department 04/01/2012 to 04/30/2012 College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Ag & Applied Economics 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ag & Applied Economics Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Rahman, Shaikh M 12% $9,924.00 $17,990.76 Ag & Applied Economics Summary for: Number of proposals: .12 $9,924.00 First Year Request: $17,990.76 Total Request: Ag Ed & Communications 04/27/2012 106238 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Intl Ctr for Food Ind Excellence Addressing Challenges to Smallholders by Fostering Local Agricultural Sustainabi Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Irlbeck, Erica L 20% $7,879.80 $7,879.80 Brashears, Michel T 20% $7,879.80 $7,879.80 04/06/2012 106197 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ag Ed & Communications Impacting STEM Instructions in Agricultural Education through the Integration of Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Lawver, David E 50% $74,760.50 $149,988.00 Ulmer, Jonathan D 50% $74,760.50 $149,988.00 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ag Ed & Communications Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Ulmer, Jonathan D 23% $19,021.00 $34,482.29 Meyers, Courtney A 15% $12,405.00 $22,488.45 04/06/2012 106195 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ag Ed & Communications The Effects of Climate Change on Sustainable Natural Resources Management: Build Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Meyers, Courtney A 25% $18,119.25 $31,824.50 Page 1 of 5 Office of Research Services 05/04/12 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Summary of Proposals, by Faculty Home Department 04/01/2012 to 04/30/2012 College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Ag Ed & Communications Ag Ed & Communications Summary for: Number of proposals: 2.03 $214,825.85 First Year Request: $404,530.84 Total Request: Ag Sci & Nat Resources Dean's Ofc 04/27/2012 106238 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Intl Ctr for Food Ind Excellence Addressing Challenges to Smallholders by Fostering Local Agricultural Sustainabi Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Loneragan, Summer J 20% $7,879.80 $7,879.80 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ag Sci & Nat Resources Dean's Ofc Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Misra, Sukant K 1% $827.00 $1,499.23 Trojan, Sara J 15% $12,405.00 $22,488.45 04/26/2012 106229 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Coop Fish & Wildlife Research Unit TCU #370 Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy-owl Surveys, Nest Supplementation, Monitoring Title East Wildlife Foundation Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Boal, Clint W 100% $53,929.00 $138,075.00 Ag Sci & Nat Resources Dean's Ofc Summary for: Number of proposals: 1.36 $75,040.80 First Year Request: $169,942.48 Total Request: Animal and Food Sciences 04/27/2012 106238 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Intl Ctr for Food Ind Excellence Addressing Challenges to Smallholders by Fostering Local Agricultural Sustainabi Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Brashears, Mindy M 20% $7,879.80 $7,879.80 Page 2 of 5 Office of Research Services 05/04/12 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Summary of Proposals, by Faculty Home Department 04/01/2012 to 04/30/2012 College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Animal and Food Sciences 04/13/2012 106218 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Intl Ctr for Food Ind Excellence Pathogen Baselines in Beef, Pork and Poultry Processing Systems in the United St Title Intl Life Sciences Ins - North America Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Nightingale, Kendra K 15% $19,333.35 $29,561.25 Brashears, Mindy M 40% $51,555.60 $78,830.00 Miller, Markus F 15% $19,333.35 $29,561.25 Loneragan, Guy 15% $19,333.35 $29,561.25 Echeverry, Alejandro 15% $19,333.35 $29,561.25 Animal and Food Sciences Summary for: Number of proposals: 1.2 $136,768.80 First Year Request: $204,954.80 Total Request: Landscape Architecture 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Landscape Architecture Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Mills, Louis V 7% $5,789.00 $10,494.61 Landscape Architecture Summary for: Number of proposals: .07 $5,789.00 First Year Request: $10,494.61 Total Request: Natural Resources Management 04/20/2012 106228 DATE MAILED: LOG NUMBER Proposal Submitted Through Natural Resources Management Desert Wetlands and Wetland Dependent Organisms Title U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Griffis Kyle, Kerry L 100% $82,224.00 $82,224.00 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Natural Resources Management Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Griffis Kyle, Kerry L 12% $9,924.00 $17,990.76 Page 3 of 5 Office of Research Services 05/04/12 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Summary of Proposals, by Faculty Home Department 04/01/2012 to 04/30/2012 College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Natural Resources Management 04/06/2012 106195 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Natural Resources Management The Effects of Climate Change on Sustainable Natural Resources Management: Build Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Cox, Robert D 25% $18,119.25 $31,824.50 Wallace, Mark C 5% $3,623.85 $6,364.90 Perry, Gad 20% $14,495.40 $25,459.60 Griffis Kyle, Kerry L 25% $18,119.25 $31,824.50 Natural Resources Management Summary for: Number of proposals: 1.87 $146,505.75 First Year Request: $195,688.26 Total Request: Plant & Soil Sci 04/27/2012 106238 DATE MAILED: LOG NUMBER Proposal Submitted Through Plant & Soil Sci Addressing Challenges to Smallholders by Fostering Local Agricultural Sustainabi Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency TOTAL REQUESTED FIRST YEAR REQUES INVESTIGATOR CREDIT McKenney, Cynthia B 20% $7,879.80 $7,879.80 04/09/2012 106204 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Ctr for Biotechnology and Genomics Development of Bioinformatics Track in the Masters of Biotechnology Program Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Kottapalli, Kameswara R 17% $5,037.61 $25,462.09 04/26/2012 106235 DATE MAILED: LOG NUMBER Proposal Submitted Through Plant & Soil Sci Making Cotton Significantly more Drought-and Heat-tolerant Title Cotton Inc-TX State Support Committee Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Burke, John J 25% $11,000.00 $11,000.00 Auld, Dick L 25% $11,000.00 $11,000.00 04/12/2012 106214 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Plant & Soil Sci Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Enhancing Faculty Capacity to Facilita Title U.S. Dept of Agriculture Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Sharma, Jyotsna 15% $12,405.00 $22,488.45 Page 4 of 5 Office of Research Services 05/04/12 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Summary of Proposals, by Faculty Home Department 04/01/2012 to 04/30/2012 College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Plant & Soil Sci 04/17/2012 104469 LOG NUMBER DATE MAILED: Proposal Submitted Through Plant & Soil Sci SUPPLEMENT: Production and Field Testing of Transgenic Cotton that Expresses Tra Title Cotton Inc-TX State Support Committee Agency FIRST YEAR REQUES TOTAL REQUESTED INVESTIGATOR CREDIT Ritchie, Glen 15% $7,500.00 $7,500.00 Plant & Soil Sci Summary for: Number of proposals: 1.17 $54,822.41 First Year Request: $85,330.34 Total Request: Summary for: College of Ag Sci & Natural Resources Number of proposals: 7.82 First Year Request: $643,676.61 Total Request: $1,088,932.09 Total Number of Proposals: Total Amount of First Year Request: Total Amount Requested : 7.82 $643,676.61 $1,088,932.09 Page 5 of 5