United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region February 2010 Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act Pilot Project Report Preparation and Contact Information This document was prepared by the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Pilot Project Implementation Team for the Lassen, Plumas and Tahoe National Forests. This report will be made available online following finalization. Printed copies or CDs of the document will beavailable upon request by contacting the team. Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Implementation Team Team Leader - Dave Wood 530-283-7772 159 Lawrence St. P.O. Box 11500 Quincy, CA 95971 www.fs.fed.us/r5/hfqlg Cover Photos Clockwise from Top Center: Meadow Restoration on Sierraville Ranger District using pond and plug technique to restore eroded channel through meadow. Nelson Creek, Plumas National Forest. Public monitoring field trip on the Eagle Lake District, Lassen National Forest. A group selection unit on the Almanor Ranger District of the Lassen National Forest. Civil Rights Statement The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write toUSDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 IndependenceAvenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-94110, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Introduction and Background The fiscal year (FY) 2009 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group (HFQLG) pilot project Status Report to Congress is the tenth annual status report on the pilot project. This report is a concise summary of the information required by the HFQLG Forest Recovery Act. For more detailed information, the FY 2009 HFQLG Monitoring Reports will be available at www.fed.us/r5/ hfqlg . Printed copies of all documents are also available upon request. Implementation of the pilot project continues to be affected by appeals and litigation. Court decisions are pending on cases that have been in litigation for up to 5 years. Uncertainty because of the potential for litigation has also affected the process of project planning and preparation. These issues have resulted in reduced acreage accomplishments and less timber available from the Forests. The HFQLG pilot project area had only a moderate fire season in FY 2009. However, severe fire seasons in stakeholders in the planning of individual projects. Monitoring efforts continue to provide effective feedback to inform planning and implementation of current and future projects. Over the course of the pilot project, various modifications have been made to management techniques in response to issues identified through monitoring, such as soil compaction and smoke from prescribed burning. Socioeconomic monitoring continues to track the effects of the pilot project on local economies using a series of indicators. The contribution of the timber industry to local economies appears to be decreasing, while other industries, including tourism, contribute an increasing share. As directed by Congress, an independent scientific panel reviewed the pilot project monitoring program and made recommendations for changes in FY 2008. In response, in FY 2009 HFQLG pilot project monitoring teams made changes to various components of the monitoring program, ranging from minor adjustments to major overhauls. Background Congress enacted the HFQLG Forest Recovery Act 2007 and 2008 continued to affect the pilot project in and established the pilot project in October 1998. The pilot 2009, as the Forest Service allocated resources to plan project has been extended twice and is now scheduled to and implement fire recovery and roadside hazard removal conclude in September 2012. projects, in addition to the HFQLG work program, in order to complete these projects before the burned timber deteriorates. In December 2007, an amendment to the HFQLG Act directed the Forest Service to initiate a collaboration process to consider modifications to the pilot project with environmental group plaintiffs and the Quincy Library Group. The collaboration process began in FY 2008 with a neutral facilitator interviewing representatives of the parties to assess issues and potential for common ground. In FY 2009, the parties participated in a series of meetings, but were unable to reach agreement. The Forest Service Caboose Defensible Fuel Profile Zone (DFPZ) completed on Eagle Lake Ranger District will continue to collaborate with these parties and other Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 1 The pilot project area covers approximately 1.53 Implementation has been subject to a variety of million acres in the Lassen and Plumas National Forests challenges, including restrictions from previous land and and the Sierraville Ranger District of the Tahoe National resource management documents. The Sierra Nevada Forest. It is designed to implement and demonstrate Forest Plan Amendment (also known as the Sierra Nevada the effectiveness of fuels and vegetation management Framework) Record of Decision, signed in January 2004, activities to meet ecologic, economic and fuel reduction provides for full implementation of the act, but continues objectives. These activities include shaded fuel breaks or to be subject to litigation. Defensible Fuel Profile Zones (DFPZs), group selection (GS), individual tree selection (ITS) and riparian management. The Quincy Library Group Community Stability Proposal, the basis for the HFQLG Act, identifies a desired condition of an all-aged, multi-storied, fireresilient forest that will provide a continuous supply of forest products and promote community stability. The Record of Decision and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the pilot project were released in August 1999. Funding Group selection treatment, Pittville project on the Lassen NF Funding and expenditures for the HFQLG pilot project over the 11 years since inception are summarized below. Fiscal Year Allocation and Expenditures, 1999 through 2009 (millions) Unobligated Available Indirect Funding to Total Funding Cost Projects Expenditures Balance Not Returned to Project 1999 8.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 2000 12.2 0.8 6.4 7.2 5.0 5.0 2001 31.2 3.1 25.1 28.2 3.0 3.0 2002 26.2 3.1 18.4 21.5 4.7 1.3 2003 29.6 3.1 20.0 23.1 6.5 1.9 2004 30.8 3.1 27.0 30.1 0.7 0.7 2005 31.0 3.1 26.1 29.2 1.8 1.8 2006 26.2 3.4 22.4 25.8 0.4 0.4 2007 26.2 3.1 22.7 25.9 0.3 0.3 2008 25.3 2.6 21.6 24.2 1.1 0.9 2009 26.2 2.9 22.9 25.8 0.3 TBD Total 272.9 28.3 214.6 243.0 29.8 15.3 Note: Numbers have been rounded. 2 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Three primary fund codes are used to track project expenditures: FY 2009 project expenditures include: Administering and monitoring projects from prior years Wildland Fire Hazardous Fuels (WFHF) – Fuels reduction project (includes Defensible Fuel Profile Zone, DFPZ) planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring and administration. Implementing projects from prior-year planning Planning and implementing FY 2009 projects and planning projects for FY 2010 and beyond National Forest Timber Management (NFTM) – Timber sale planning, preparation and administration. Responding to appeals Responding to litigation National Forest Vegetation and Watershed (NFVW) – Forest health improvement, watershed and riparian restoration project planning, preparation and implementation. FY 2009 Pilot Project Expenditures (millions) Forest/Unit WFHF NFTM NFVW Lassen 4.450 1.369 2.070 Total 7.889 Plumas* 12.072 0.955 0.369 13.396 Tahoe 1.324 0.167 0.155 1.646 Total 17.846 2.491 2.594 22.931 12 Percent Indirect Cost 2.896 Unobligated Balance 0.343 Total FY 2009 Budget 26.170 *Plumas funds include HFQLG implementation team and monitoring program Indirect costs are expenses for general administration support, office space, rental agreements, communications and other expenses, which are not to exceed 12 percent of the annual HFQLG budget. Revenue and Resource Accomplishments To help monitor the effects of the pilot project and the level of accomplishment, the HFQLG act requires a report of the revenue, expenditures and timber management activities between 1992 and 1997 for the National Forests in the pilot project area. This information provides a valuable perspective on the activities and accomplishments of the pilot project, as well as an opportunity to compare historic and current figures. Volume of sawlogs and biomass is measured in hundred cubic feet (CCF). One load of either a standard log truck or a standard chip truck contains approximately 10 CCF. Historic Revenue, Expenditures and Timber Activity for the HFQLG Pilot Project Area Fiscal Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 (millions) Expenditure (millions) Regeneration (Acres) Site Prep (Acres) Timber Stand Improvement (Acres) Sawlog Vol. Offered (CCF) Sawlog Vol. Sold and Awarded (CCF) Total Area Harvested (Acres) $67.187 $34.408 $44.501 $52.873 $24.590 $24.465 $25.856 $18.194 $17.376 $22.596 $20.490 $22.207 8,634 7,853 8,206 7,531 9,063 15,591 6,176 5,264 4,667 2,363 3,321 3,321 10,045 10,600 8,740 13,866 15,062 22,646 426,000 424,000 375,000 555,200 374,200 383,000 329,400 535,200 332,600 316,400 242,600 353,400 55,689 70,885 57,922 47,317 38,917 32,223 Revenue Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 3 From FY 1999 through FY 2006, sawlog and biomass projects were reported as accomplished once they were offered for sale. During this period there were a few projects that were offered and reported as accomplished, but then subsequently litigated so that sale and on the ground implementation were suspended. In FY 2007 reporting methods changed and since then projects are not recorded as accomplished until they are actually sold. Appeals and litigation, including adjustments to project plans and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents due to court decisions, have affected revenue and accomplishments. Several projects continue to be tied up in litigation initiated in previous years. Market conditions also affect sawlog and biomass revenue and demand. Revenue, Expenditures and Timber Management for HFQLG Pilot Project Fiscal Year Revenue (Stumpage Receipts) (millions) Expenditures (millions) Number of Projects Sawlog Vol. Offered/Sold (CCF) Biomass Vol. Offered/Sold (CCF) Sawlog and Biomass Vol. Removed (CCF) 1999 0.000 1.943 1 4,785 4,278 0 2000 0.020 7.182 10 44,422 64,517 5,754 2001 0.140 28.267 34 88,802 143,117 33,151 2002 0.989 21.557 33 37,168 31,354 99,163 2003 0.960 23.100 28 41,418 44,402 61,810 2004 1.958 30.100 55 203,012 198,204 61,792 2005 2.914 29.200 37 143,373 129,814 222,770 2006 4.613 25.800 23 14,625 25,132 191,875 2007 2.048 25.866 33 57,904 68,818 82,368 2008 0.885 24.200 34 28,143 30,850 58,993 2009 2.610 25.827 35 75,459 52,792 49,282 Total 17.137 243.042 323 739,111 793,278 866,958 Average 1.558 22.095 29 67,192 72,116 78,814 In addition to tracking accomplishment through sawlog and biomass volume, the pilot project monitors the number of acres receiving fuels reduction treatments. The focus of timber management on the National Forest System lands in the pilot project area changed with passage of the Act. Instead of traditional elements like regeneration, site preparation and timber stand improvement, the pilot project reports on different treatments, including: Defensible Fuel Profile Zone (DFPZ) construction, Group Selection (GS), and Individual Tree Selection (ITS). Riparian restoration is also an important part of the HFQLG pilot project. It includes meadow restoration and enhancement, stream channel improvement, road relocation, road closure, slope stabilization and aspen enhancement. In FY 2009, there were five projects focused on restoring 680 acres. Approximately 1 mile of road and two road crossings were eliminated, while three road crossings were restored. 4 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Panner timber sale on Hat Creek Ranger District: Trees marked for individual tree selection Stream restoration on Sierraville Ranger District. Raised water table is causing sagebrush to die. Acres Accomplished Fiscal Year 1999 DPFZ (Mechanical) 640 DFPZ (Fire) 0 GS 0 ITS 172 Riparian Restoration 0 Total 812 2000 7,215 0 200 772 81 8,268 2001 37,158 4,039 1,836 528 945 44,506 2002 14,982 1,669 1,258 395 838 19,142 2003 17,369 7,073 0 44 537 25,023 2004 31,023 5,612 1,738 80 603 39,056 2005 17,592 3,481 1,792 2,327 836 26,028 2006 5,299 3,204 6 0 159 8,668 2007 10,920 3,507 405 1,235 306 16,373 2008 4,944 5,193 0 739 375 11,251 2009 8,487 1,724 284 2,022 680 13,197 Total 155,629 35,502 7,519 8,314 5,360 212,324 Most projects, though reported as accomplished, have contracts that extend for several years. Actual project work may not begin until the next operating season. Thus, the number of acres treated on the ground each year through the activities of harvest, prescribed fire and riparian restoration work varies and is not the same as the acres reported as accomplished annually. FY 2009 treated acres include 4500 acres within the Watdog planning area that burned at low to moderate severity in the 2008 lightning-ignited Canyon Complex fires. These acres met fuel treatment objectives following the fire and are reported in accordance with Forest Service guidelines. Acres Treated Fiscal Year DFPZ (Mechanical) DFPZ (Fire) GS ITS Total Acres Treated* 1999 0 0 0 0 0 2000 366 0 0 64 430 2001 5,109 1,453 17 256 6,835 2002 18,235 3,725 486 785 23,231 2003 4,244 9,816 498 762 15,320 2004 12,211 7,015 47 682 19,955 2005 14,722 7,325 1,379 0 23,426 2006 23,336 6,611 275 0 30,222 2007 10,160 2,653 978 0 13,791 2008 12,260 7,380 356 10 20,006 2009 6,204 10,309 38 97 16,648 Total 106,847 56,287 4,074 2,656 169,864 *does not include riparian restoration Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 5 FY 2010 Program of Work The FY 2010 enacted budget is estimated to be Socioeconomic Monitoring The HFQLG Act requires the Forest Service to approximately $ 26.2 million. This estimate includes provide annual status reports to Congress that describe a proportionate funding reduction in alignment with the “economic benefits to local communities achieved the Pacific Southwest Region reduction. The following by the implementation of the pilot project.” This report activities are planned in FY 2010: tracks socioeconomic changes since implementation of the Number of Projects: 45 pilot project in 1999 using the most recent available data. Sawlog Vol. (CCF): 117,000 In some cases, data for 2009 are not yet available. The Biomass Vol. (CCF): 71,000 following communities and their surrounding areas are DFPZ Acres: 16,000 monitored: GS Acres: 500 ITS Acres: 4000 Riparian Restoration Acres: 500 Total Planned Acres: 21,000 Activities planned for FY 2010 include: Administering current contracts Implementation of vegetation projects planned in previous years Implementation of riparian management projects Environmental analysis for proposed projects Out-year data collection and planning Implementation of Healthy Forest Restoration Act projects Bieber, Population (2000): 1,774 Burney, Population (2000): 8,863 Susanville, Population (2000): 19,055 (not including incarcerated persons) Westwood, Population (2000): 4,251 Chester, Population (2000): 2,747 Greenville, Population (2000): 2,831 Quincy, Population (2000): 6,475 Portola, Population (2000): 6,277 Loyalton, Population (2000): 2,828 The following highlights key study conclusions. Detailed methodology and analysis narratives for each indicator are available in the FY 2009 HFQLG Socioeconomic Monitoring Report. Pilot Project Area Employment Total Payroll Job Impacts: Analysis of the most recent U.S. Census data available shows that from the pilot project’s initiation in 1999 to 2007, the estimated number of total payroll jobs increased approximately 5 percent. This growth indicates a rebound from the closure of the Sierra Pacific Industries Susanville sawmill in 2004, which was the major cause of a 3.7 percent drop in payroll jobs Downtown Susanville in the pilot project area in 2005. Census data for 2008 will be released in 2010. Employment data releases in the next several years will reflect the impact of the recession and additional business closures, specifically the Sierra Pacific 6 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group small-log sawmill operation in Quincy, which occurred in accommodation establishments occurred in all project 2009. areas communities, except in Burney, Chester and Forest Products Industry Job Impacts: The pilot project has not offset the downturn in forest products industry employment within the project area. (However, the pilot project has not been implemented at the pace Loyalton. Growth is attributed to at least two new food service and accommodation establishments opening in each community. Job growth in the tourism sector has historically and scale originally envisioned, due in part to appeals outpaced the growth in the forest products industry sector. and litigation.) Sawmills, the area’s largest employers, Prior to 1999, the ratio of jobs between the two sectors have continued to shut down (Bieber and Loyalton in was approximately one to one. This means for each job in 2001, Susanville in 2004, and Quincy in 2009) and small the forest products sector there was at least one job in the businesses have had to search for work in other areas or tourism sector. In 2001, the balance began to tip toward the close. The following table shows that the estimated total tourism sector. In 2007, there were an estimated 2.28 jobs number of forest products industry jobs decreased 1.5 in the tourism sector for every job in the forest products percent in the pilot project area from 2006 to 2007. Since sector. implementation of the pilot project in 1999, total forest product industry jobs have decreased 35.5 percent. (Note that the sharp decrease in the Greenville area between 2005 and 2006 is likely the result of a 2005 Census data anomaly. Data for 2006 is more consistent with the historical trend.) Although the tourism industry has been relatively stable, the number of tourism jobs varies significantly among communities. For example, Bieber has little or no tourism business activity while Susanville has more than twice the number of tourism jobs of any other community in the pilot project area. Tourism Industry Job Impacts: The number of tourism industry jobs has grown steadily throughout the pilot project area. Since the implementation of pilot project in 1999, the number of tourism jobs grew by 32 percent. However, the pilot project area experienced a 1.8 percent contraction in tourism related jobs from 2006 to 2007. Closures of food service and Tourism jobs are highly seasonal and the wages are lower those in the forest products industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual wage for workers for in the tourism industry across the nation is approximately $21,350. This is significantly lower than the average annual wage of $35,010 earned by workers in the forest products industry. Delimber preparing logs from Eagle Lake Ranger District DFPZ project for haul to saw mill Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 7 8 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group 160 425 342 20 277 27 434 23 224 1,772 Bieber Burney Susanville Westwood Chester Greenville Quincy Portola Loyalton Total Pilot Project Area 126 409 267 54 197 50 426 36 216 1,655 1997 182 361 262 36 209 37 382 13 210 1,510 1998 5 216 562 68 99 47 226 112 28 1,363 Bieber Burney Susanville Westwood Chester Greenville Quincy Portola Loyalton Pilot Project Area Total 1,620 7 261 549 205 148 37 262 121 30 1997 1,638 2 199 613 215 142 46 267 134 20 1998 1,659 2 241 579 213 135 45 276 133 35 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ZIP Code Business Patterns 1996 Community 158 360 260 24 166 48 329 40 216 1,443 2000 158 361 245 27 169 19 347 54 105 1,327 2001 45 300 240 31 43 6 324 7 42 993 2002 34 266 257 49 146 16 296 16 41 1,087 2003 1,653 2 241 627 194 147 38 224 154 26 2000 1,634 2 264 526 207 142 59 261 157 16 2001 1,733 0 208 680 217 127 40 268 161 32 2002 2,052 0 263 818 211 102 35 281 306 36 2003 Tourism Industry Jobs (Estimated) 251 376 269 26 185 46 373 20 195 1,490 1999 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ZIP Code Business Patterns 1996 Community 2,121 0 314 811 251 109 38 265 297 36 2004 33 342 193 44 152 6 332 43 42 1,154 2004 Total Forest Products Industry Jobs (Estimated) 2,113 0 298 752 186 95 45 313 396 28 2005 56 317 205 28 150 85 321 39 27 1,228 2005 2,232 0 287 908 187 111 31 328 347 33 2006 34 344 31 13 143 24 329 23 35 976 2006 2,191 0 300 888 164 141 25 299 338 36 2007 36 344 34 12 143 41 323 10 18 961 2007 -1.8% Change ‘06 to ‘07 (%) 0.0% 4.5% -2.2% -12.3% 27.0% -19.4% -8.8% -2.6% 9.1% Change ‘06 to ‘07 (%) 5.9% 0.0% 9.7% -7.7% 0.0% 70.8% -1.8% -56.5% -48.6% -1.5% Non-employer Establishments: Non-employers are typically small family-owned and owner-operator businesses. Non-employer forest products and non-forest products industries suffered losses immediately after the pilot project’s implementation in 1999. However, U.S. Census data summarized in the table below shows that the number of all nonemployers and non-employers in the forest products industry began to rebound after 2001. The total number of nonemployer establishments in all sectors rose by over 27 percent from 2,810 in 1999 to 3,581 in 2007. The number of nonemployer establishments has consistently surpassed pre-project implementation levels. Non-employers in the forest products industry also experienced significant growth since the implementation of the pilot project. The number of forest products non-employers grew from 305 to 339 firms or over 11 percent from 1999 to 2007. Overall growth in the number of these firms indicates stability among family-owned, owner-operator, and other small businesses. New data will be available in mid-2010 to gauge effects in 2008. Non-employer Firms in the Pilot Project Area All Nonemployers Forest Products Industry 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2,786 2,740 2,810 2,823 2,924 3,134 3,304 3,370 3,438 3,397 3,581 290 302 305 290 290 331 353 353 340 329 339 Source: U.S. Census Non-employer Statistics 1997 through 2007 HFQLG Timber Sales and Service Contract Activity Timber Sales: Timber sales declined precipitously from Tahoe National Forest. Several timber sales were successfully sold without litigation. On one of these projects, the Forest Service redesigned the timber sale with in FY 2003, prior to approval of the Final Supplemental input from the plaintiffs, with the result that the plaintiffs Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision informally agreed not to challenge the redesigned project. for the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment (SNFPA) This timber sale represented the largest project in volume in January 2004. The 2004 SNFPA Record of Decision in the pilot project area in FY 2009. permitted removal of trees with larger diameters than allowed under the 2001 SNFPA Record of Decision. Timber sales recovered in FY 2004, surged in FY 2005, and then began a decline in FYs 2006 through 2008. In FY 2008, approximately 90 percent of all timber sales or service contracts across the HFQLG pilot project area were delayed due to SNFPA litigation. As a result, the volume of sawlogs sold declined more than 50 percent to its lowest level since 2003. From FY 2008 to FY 2009, the volume of sawlogs Sierra Pacific Industries log deck in Quincy sold increased over two-fold. The surge in FY 2009 is attributed in part to the abnormally low volume sold in FY 2008. Of the total volume of sawlogs sold, approximately 68 percent of sawlogs were from Lassen National Forest, 6 percent from Plumas National Forest, and 26 percent Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 9 Timber and Biomass Removal: From FY 2008 Biomass Electricity Generation: Electric power to FY 2009, the total volumes of sawlogs and biomass generation from biomass grew by 35.9 percent from 2007 removed in HFQLG projects declined 31 and 23 percent to 2008 in the pilot project area. This is a significant respectively. For the sawlogs removed from the pilot rebound from the over 30 percent decline witnessed from project area, approximately 77 percent were from Lassen 2006 to 2007. Growth is attributed to biomass power National Forest, 8 percent from Plumas National Forest plants in Quincy and Chester. Electric generation in and 16 percent from Tahoe National Forest. For biomass Chester has exceed its 1999 peak in 2008 even though the volume removed the percentages were Lassen: 85 percent, sawmill has produced less wood waste since its renovation Plumas: 10 percent, and Tahoe: 5 percent. The value of in 2003. The biomass power plant in Quincy operated by sawlogs and biomass removed in the pilot project area Sierra Pacific Industries, increased electricity generation also decreased in FY 2009. The total value for stumpage over 100 percent from 2007 to 2008. According to a receipts removed in HFQLG projects in FY 2009 was company representative, the power plant became fully $248,188 in sawlogs and $90,031 in biomass. The value operational and had been receiving fuel supplies from two of sawlogs removed in FY 2009 is allocated to national log sawmills operated by company.1 However, a decrease forests as follows: Lassen: 70 percent, Plumas: 16 percent, in electricity generation from this plant is expected to and Tahoe: 14 percent. materialize in next year’s CEC data release because Sierra The decline in removal volumes is attributed to a decreased demand and low timber prices caused by the recession. Timber purchasers typically have 3 years after contract award to remove the products and may be waiting Pacific’s small-log sawmill operation in Quincy, a key feedstock provider for the plant, closed in early 2009. California Energy Commission data for FY 2009 activity will be available in 2010. for improved market conditions before initiating harvest operations. Service Contracts: One of the goals of the HFQLG pilot project is to sustain the local economy and support community stability by placing an emphasis on awarding contracts to local bidders. The Forest Service defines “local” as those firms in the pilot project area and the remainder of the Sierra Cascade Province (defined as northeast California, east of Interstate 5 and north of Interstate 80). The percent share of total contract dollars awarded to local companies in FY 2009 was 70 percent Chipper feeding biomass into chip trailer for haul to electrical cogeneration facility near Susanville (pilot project area, 22.1 percent plus Sierra Cascade Province Contracting Area, 47.9 percent). Overall (FYs 2000 through 2009), 65.4 percent of contract value has been awarded to local contractors (pilot project area, 23.8 percent plus Sierra Cascade Province Contracting Area, 41.6 percent). These trends indicate the local economy captures the majority of HFQLG contract dollars. 1 Interview with Representative of Sierra Pacific Industries’ power plant. January 5th, 2010. 10 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Local Business Environment Jobs in Locally-owned Businesses: From 1998 to Retail Business Activity The most recent data published by the California 2008, the percentage of workers employed by locally- Board of Equalization shows that from 2006 to 2007 owned businesses in the manufacturing sector increased taxable sales transactions in the pilot project area declined in all communities within the pilot project area except greater than those of California. Measured in constant Susanville. This shift in jobs in the manufacturing sector to dollars, taxable sales at the state level decreased by 1.62 locally-owned businesses indicates growth and stability in percent compared to a 5.22 percent decline in the Project the local economy. This is also a positive sign since wages Area. in the manufacturing industry are higher than the retail and services industries. Establishments by Age: Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) data from 1998 through 2008 indicates significant growth in the number of business 0 to 5 and 6 to 15 years old age brackets in the pilot project area. However, changes in D&B data collection methodology implemented in 2006 may have artificially inflated these figures. In 2008, corresponding growth did not occur in the over 15 year old age bracket. This data anomaly limits the study team’s ability to determine a trend at this time. Therefore, trend analysis will be available after several years of more consistent data are collected through this monitoring effort. Lodging Revenue Lodging revenue is a measure of the degree to which Social Health: Family Poverty and Population Age Structure There is little statistical connection between implementation of the pilot project and change in the two social indicators (youth education and family poverty). In the 2007-2008 school year participation in the free and reduced lunch program increased to its highest point since the beginning of the pilot project. However, most of this increase is due to a handful of schools in the Burney and Westwood areas. Five communities experienced decreases in program participation in the past year. Data shows those communities that lost sawmills, Loyalton (2001) and Susanville (2004), exhibited an increase in program participation. For example, in the 2000-2001 school year 27 percent tourism is increasing or decreasing in a region. Most of Loyalton students participated in the free and reduced California jurisdictions impose a transient occupancy lunch program compared to 33.2 percent participation in tax (TOT) on lodging for up to 30 days. While lodging 2007-2008. Despite these spikes, region-wide free and revenue in the Project Area has remained relatively stable reduced lunch program participation is relatively stable since the implementation of the pilot project, revenue with fluctuations between 34 and 39 percent since 1999. decreased by 11.44 percent from FY 2007-2008 to FY 2008-2009. This decline is consistent with the reduced traveling trends associated with the recession. In fact, several vacation resorts and cabins rental complexes in the pilot project area have closed or been converted into condominiums. High school dropout rates have also remained relatively stable across all nine communities. Since the pilot project began in late 1999, four communities have had minor increases in dropout rates (Bieber, Burney, Quincy and Loyalton) and four have had minor decreases (Susanville, Westwood, Greenville and Portola). High school enrollment in these communities is small, ranging from 100 to 1,200 students. The addition or loss of one student significantly affects the dropout rate. Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 11 The 1931 photo on left is typical of historic conditions found within the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group pilot project area. Photo on right of the same forest shows the current dense conditions that often prevail before any treatment. Environmental Monitoring and Effects A key part of the HFQLG pilot project is monitoring Forest Habitat The HFQLG Record of Decision requires that suitable habitat for old forest-dependent and aquatic/ripariandependent species not be reduced by more than 10 percent of levels originally measured in 1999 within three specific old forest vegetation types, totaling 204,770 acres across the effects of the variety of treatments being implemented. the Pilot Project. Previous habitat evaluations, based on a The monitoring effort tracks adverse and beneficial less accurate vegetation layer, have recognized a different impacts to the range of ecosystems in the pilot project assessment of baseline acres. A more accurate assessment area and recommends mitigation actions. As directed by was completed in 2009 to amend the 1999 baseline. A Congress, in FY 2008 an independent scientific review cumulative total of panel organized by the Pinchot Institute reviewed and reductions in habitat are made recommendations on the monitoring program. tracked to monitor loss HFQLG pilot project monitoring teams met during FY of old forest habitat. To 2009 and made both minor changes and major overhauls date, 4,365 acres (2.1 to different components of the monitoring program to percent) have, or will respond to the Pinchot Institute’s recommendations for have, a reduction based change. The following are the monitoring results for FY on projects with a signed 2009. Record of Decision. For comparison, wildfire through 2009 reduced an additional 27,513 acres (13.4 percent). 12 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group 30+ inch diameter tree to remain uncut, HFQLG project on Hat Creek Ranger District Forest Structure focused primarily on the achievement of objectives for fire Treated Stand Structure Monitoring (TSSM) data collection continued in 2009, sampling a total of 7 units pre-treatment, 21 units 1 year post-treatment (“post-1 year”) and 4 units 5 years post-treatment (“ post-5 year”). Since data collection began in 2001, a total of 260 TSSM data sets have been collected, including 159 pre-treatment units, 91 post-1 year units, and 10 post-5 year units. Major strides were completed in consolidating monitoring results and data calculations into a comprehensive database. Additional work was done to include project objectives within the database, to serve as monitoring parameters. This year further in-depth analysis of the TSSM behavior, noxious weeds, and snag (dead tree) retention. The fire behavior and noxious weed analyses are presented under separate headings in this report. The analysis of snag retention to date indicates that snag objectives are not being met in most cases. Of 91 stands that were analyzed, roughly one third (34.7 percent) either met snag objectives or at minimum retained snags at pre-treatment levels. Overall, only 12 percent of the stands met snag objectives 1 year after treatment. These statistics indicate that (1) snag numbers are frequently below objectives prior to treatments and (2) in most cases snags are not being retained at desired levels as measured 1 year after treatment. Further ongoing analysis will be conducted to data collected thus far was conducted, in coordination determine causes and possible implications of these snag with the Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) and retention monitoring results. the University of California. TSSM analysis this year Summary Statistics for the Number of Snags per Acre by Zone and the Target Threshold for Snags per Acre (Transition and Westside zones have variable snag management thresholds depending upon site specific wildlife objectives) Zone Eastside Snags per acre Threshold 3 # of surveys Pre-treatment Mean 48 2.8 Pre-treatment Standard Deviation 4.0 0.8 Post-treatment Standard Deviation 1.6 Post-treatment Mean Transition 3 4 2 2 4.7 8.7 0.9 2.8 4.0 1.4 1.8 1.9 Westside 4 8 31 8 2.8 5.0 4.6 4.1 1.6 2.4 3.3 3.6 91 3.2 4.2 1.3 2.6 Total Further data collection and analysis of canopy cover, large logs, and spotted owl habitat attributes is planned for 2010. Feller buncher creating DFPZ by removing designated trees Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 13 Best Management Practices Best management practices (BMPs) are special techniques used with forest management activities to protect water quality and soils. The Forest Service uses BMPs associated with stream course protection, skid trails, landings, road drainage, stream crossings, prescribed fire, and road decommissioning. Best Management Practices were monitored using the Pacific Southwest Region protocols (BMPEP). This approach requires activity sites to have undergone at least one winter prior to evaluation. Therefore, all sites monitored were implemented in 2008 or earlier. The protocol involves a two-step process. The first step, implementation, determines whether measures to reduce risk to water quality were considered during project planning, design, and layout, and whether prescribed measures were implemented on the ground. The second step, practice effectiveness, involves field review of indicators of processes that affect water quality. These focus primarily on erosion, and include criteria such as rilling, sediment deposition and sediment transport. Results from both implementation and effectiveness are scored and weighted using several criteria, then summarized to yield a result of “implemented or not implemented” and “effective or not effective.” As indicated by this year’s monitoring results, BMPs continue to be an effective method for protecting and preserving water on National Forests. As shown in the following table, implementation and effectiveness of the various BMPs ranged from 90 to 100 percent. Aspen Restoration Project with stream course protection on Sierraville Ranger District Riparian Zone in Blakeless Project on Beckwourth Ranger District with underburn completed to reduce potential for stand replacing fire event while simultaneously retaining sufficient ground cover to prevent erosion 14 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Summary Results of 2009 BMP Implementation and Effectiveness, by Activity Type The target goal is to achieve 90 percent or better in effectiveness and 100 percent in implementation. While the target was exceeded for effectiveness, implementation fell short of the goal. Areas where improvement in effectiveness can be realized are focused on road drainage and crossings. General recommendations are listed below: Continue the prescription, application and monitoring of BMPs across the HFQLG pilot project area Strive to achieve 100 percent implementation Continue to achieve at least 90 percent effectiveness for all BMPs. Build upon 2009 success for BMPs associated with stream courses, skid trails, landings, road decommissioning and prescribed fire. Continue to designate Stream Management Zones (SMZs) for prescribed fire and all timber sale activities. Maintain proper drainage on all roads, which includes the maintenance of culverts and ditches. Stabilize erodible (unstable) areas, where roads are located. Identify unstable areas and drainage problems associated with roads during the NEPA process. Investigate reasons for failure to implement and find solutions to avoid failures in the future. Increase watershed funding allocation to implement road improvements identified in NEPA documents that are not economically feasible to include in particular timber sales. Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 15 Soils This year 2009 soil monitoring data (25 units) were added to the data set analyzed for previous annual monitoring reports, and the combined data were reanalyzed for overall synthesis of status and trend. Only units with pre- and post-treatment data were included in the analysis. A total of 77 units with pre- and posttreatment data sampled between 2001 and 2009 are represented in the data shown in this summary. units overall met the standard pre-activity (53 percent of thinning units and 71 percent of group selection units). Therefore, most of the detrimental compaction existed prior to HFQLG treatment. More pertinent to current activities, there were 9 units (5 thinning, 4 group selection, 12 percent) that met the standard pre-treatment and exceeded it post-treatment; the rest either exceeded the standard pre-treatment or met the standard post-treatment. The comparison of pre- and post-treatment sampling continues to indicate an overall trend that harvest operations can add some compaction to the treated area. The amount of compaction added is influenced by the silvicultural prescription, the location of trees to be removed, the soil type, the soil moisture at time of harvest and the kinds of logging equipment used. This year’s data indicates that thinning or group selection treatments have Soil moisture probes In response to the statistical analysis of previous soil an incremental increase in compaction. The treatments, unless taken cumulatively with past treatments, do not monitoring data conducted in 2007, all units monitored exceed the Forest Service standards and guidelines in one in 2008 and 2009 had 200 sample points, as opposed entry. to the 60 sample points in thinning units and 21 sample points in group selection units done previously, to increase precision of the data. Because the increase in sample plots was relatively small (8 units 2008 and 25 units 2009) and overall results are not appreciably different that previously reported, new statistical analyses were not completed. Soil Compaction Soil compaction (loss of soil porosity) has been viewed as a major factor affecting soil productivity. Compacted soil can have lower water infiltration rates, higher or lower water holding capacity (depending on soil texture), and increases in soil strength that can restrict root growth. Forest Plan soil quality standards generally require detrimental compaction to occupy less than 15 percent of a unit. Overall, 52 percent of the units meet this standard post-activity, including 45 percent of DFPZ commercial thinning units (hereafter thinning units) and 67 percent of group selection units. However, only 58 percent of 16 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Post-treatment compaction within units that were subsoiled (tilled or otherwise broken up to mitigate past compaction) versus not subsoiled show on average no beneficial difference of treatment at the unit scale. Because subsoiling usually only occurs on the current operation’s main skid trails and/or landings this could be due to legacy compaction between current skid trails. A further evaluation of subsoiling effectiveness is needed. Recent research findings (Powers and others 2005) indicate that the effect of increased compaction on total biomass productivity varies with soil type. Soil textures on units monitored in 2009 were classified as “loamy,” a soil type which does not show significant changes in productivity when compacted. Consequently, though some units do not meet the 15 percent standard for compaction, a decrease in soil productivity (total biomass productivity) is not expected. Soil Ground Cover Forest Plan soil quality standards generally require 50 percent effective soil cover to avoid soil erosion. Soil cover can be duff, litter, large wood, vegetation or rock, all of which prevent bare soil from eroding. Overall, 90 percent of the units meet this standard, with the problem areas being predominantly group selection units from a particular sale area. Thinning units on average have 80 percent effective soil cover post-activity; only 1 unit (2 percent) has less than 50 percent cover. Group selection units have on average about 60 percent effective cover; ground cover is much more reduced in group selection units. Seven group selection units (29 percent) have less than 50 percent cover. Districts will be asked to improve efforts to work with contractors to streamline activities in group selection units to reduce disturbance and leave more ground cover. The two mastication units both exceeded 85 percent cover. Large Woody Material Forest Plan soil quality standards generally require three or more logs per acre to be left on the ground posttreatment to help maintain long-term soil productivity, maintain soil moisture and for wildlife purposes. Thinning units as a group meet the standard with an average of four logs per acre post-activity. More specifically, 30 units (59 percent) have at least 3 logs per acre, 15 units (29 percent) have 1 to 2 logs per acre, and 6 units (12 percent) have no large wood. Group selection units as a group do not meet the standard with an average of 1.2 logs per acre post- topsoil (A horizon) is removed from an area 1 meter square or larger. Although Forest Plan soil quality standards and guidelines do not have a minimum area considered significant, or a permissible extent within units, minimizing soil displacement is a management objective. Soil displacement was compared from pre- to post-treatment. Thinning units generally have an average of 5 percent displacement, with only two units (4 percent) barely exceeding 15 percent. Group selection units average about 10 percent displacement, with six units (25 percent) exceeding 15 percent and two units just exceeding 20 percent. For the two mastication units, data shows large variation because the two units were very different; one unit increased from 0 to 8 percent pre- to post-treatment and the other unit increased from 23 to 35 percent pre- to post- treatment. Finding Summary Prior to treatment, legacy compaction (pre-HFQLG) is commonly above threshold levels in both group selection and thinning units. Each treatment in these units increases compaction a small amount, sometimes causing a unit to change from meeting the standard to not meeting the standard. Some units stay under the standard. Group selection units continue to show lower ground cover and higher disturbance than thinning units. Post-treatment large woody material standards were only met in 17 percent of group selection units and 59 percent of thinning units. Group selection units showed a trend of large wood loss. activity. More specifically, 4 units (17 percent) have at least 3 logs per acre, 4 units (17 percent) have 1 to 2 logs per acre, and 16 units (67 percent) have no large wood. It is worth noting that some units had no large wood prior to treatment. Of the two mastication units, one meets the standard both pre- and post-treatment, and one does not. Soil Displacement Soil is considered displaced when either 2 inches of duff or half of the depth of the humus-enriched Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 17 Botany Sensitive Plant Protection Out of the 15 threatened, endangered or sensitive number of Layne’s butterweed plant stems increased after the prescribed burn. Layne’s butterweed density was higher in areas with more exposed bare ground; prescribed burning increased the amount of bare ground exposed. (TES) plant protection/control areas monitored in 2009, Webber’s milk vetch density was higher in plots with 14 (93 percent) were protected as planned during HFQLG lower overstory canopy closure. Hand thinning reduced treatments. The minimum level of protection considered overstory canopy closure relative to the control plots. successful would be to have 90 percent of control areas protected as planned (though 100 percent would be optimum). Therefore, this objective was met in 2009. One Data collected to evaluate the effect of prescribed fire on Butte County fritillary was analyzed. There was site on the Feather River Ranger District on the Plumas NF was not protected. Miscommunication between project staff appears to be the cause of the failure. Achievement of the optimum protection level (100 percent of control areas protected during treatment) will require continuing improvements in communication between botanists and contract administrators, to ensure effective marking, awareness and avoidance of control areas. Sensitive Plant Response to Management Activities Cover of closed-lip penstemon, Penstemon personatus, Plant sampling, Webber’s milk vetch following hand-thinning, mechanical thinning and group no statistical difference in the number of basal leaves, or selection treatments, was analyzed. The analysis did in the number of flowering stems, before and after the not demonstrate any significant decreases in cover. In prescribed fire. Prescribed fires conducted in the fall, when fact a significant increase in closed-lip penstemon cover there is sufficient moisture in the fuel to maintain some was observed following treatments in some mechanical ground cover, can reduce fuel loading and enhance habitat thinning and group selection units. Increases in cover for the rare Butte County fritillary. occurring in the first year after treatment are unusual. A large amount of ground disturbance occurred during the harvest activities and yet the species seemed to do quite well. Both the control unit and another group selection unit had some apparent decrease in cover. However, these decreases were not significant. Monitoring also looks for new occurrences of TES plants species during and after HFQLG project implementation. No new occurrences were found this year in 91 monitored units. Data collected to evaluate the effect of hand thinning on Webber’s milk vetch and prescribed burning on Layne’s butterweed found that both species were positively affected by these treatments. Small Webber’s milk vetch plants increased in density after hand thinning, suggesting an increase in germination rates post-treatment. The 18 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Butte County fritillary Noxious Weeds Monitoring examines the effect of HFQLG activities and associated weed control and prevention measures of Agriculture (2003) noxious weed list; however cheat grass and bull thistle are not. Regardless, all of these species are highly invasive and potentially threatened on the establishment, eradication and spread of noxious ecosystem health and function. weeds. There were 11 sites with weeds evaluated in Wildfire, Fuels and Air Quality 2009 to determine if mitigation measures were properly implemented. All of the occurrences were either treated and/or avoided during HFQLG management activities. The Predicted Wildfire Effects To predict the effects of HFQLG treatments on HFQLG project area has done well in implementing the wildfire characteristics, field data from 79 DFPZs, both contract specifications of equipment cleaning to prevent pre- and post-treatment, were used in the Fire and Fuels the spread of noxious weeds. Seventeen projects were Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE) model reviewed in 2009 for equipment cleaning documentation. to predict fire behavior and effects, based on vegetation, All projects had equipment cleaning documentation in the 90th percentile weather conditions, and fuel loading. For project files. fire intensities, HFQLG treatments (Defensible Fuel There were 42 sites with weeds evaluated in 2009 to determine if existing weed populations were eliminated or contained. Aggressive action prior to and through project implementation has generally been successful in eradicating small populations of noxious weeds. Less success has been realized in larger populations or species more difficult to eradicate. There was a 95 percent success rate in eliminating or containing the weed populations in 2009. For example, careful annual hand-pulling treatment of the musk thistle (Carduus nutans) populations on the Sierraville Ranger District appears to eliminate small populations. One large occurrence over 30 acres, containing hundreds of individuals, appears to have been successfully eradicated. The key to successful musk thistle control is to prevent seed production, which is the only form of reproduction. High intensity of control appears to be warranted. These efforts appear to be limiting noxious weed spread on the Lassen, Plumas and Tahoe National Forests. Additional efforts are needed particularly with Medusahead, Dalmatian toadflax, musk thistle and yellow starthistle. Twenty-two (22) of 91 units monitored (24 percent) had substantial new populations of invasive species 1 to 5 Profile Zones or DFPZs) are intended to reduce intensities to a level at which fire suppression activities can be effective. One criterion for fuel treatment effectiveness is predicted surface flame lengths of less than 4 feet. The model predicted a reduction in mean flame lengths from 4.5 feet to 3.2 feet after DFPZ construction, indicating that this criterion would be met. When data are available, the effects of understory prescribed burn treatments will also be modeled. For tree mortality, the model predicted a decline in mortality rate from wildfire, from 91 percent to 77 percent after DFPZ treatment, thereby meeting an HFQLG silvicultural objective. Air Quality and Smoke The Forest Service monitors the effects of HFQLG prescribed burns related to air quality and smoke. In FY 2009 there were no reported violations of local Smoke Management Plans or air quality standards, no impacts to Class I airsheds, and no formal smoke complaints to local Air Quality Districts resulting from HFQLG prescribed burn activities. The absence of violations or complaints can be attributed in part to extensive coordination and communication of prescribed burn activities between the Forest Service, Air Quality Districts, and the public. years after treatment, and populations seem to expand once established. Klamath weed is on the California Department Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 19 Large Fire Frequency Trend To evaluate the trend in large fire frequency within the HFQLG pilot project area, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2007 fire atlas and the ARIMA time domain regression program were used. ARIMA analysis found a significant increasing linear trend in mean fire size since 1900. The number of acres burned also indicated a linear increase, although this trend was not significant at the 0.05 level (p=0.09). On the other hand, the number of fires per year since 1900 has not increased. These data agree with other larger scale analyses conducted for the entire Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade ranges (Miller et al. 2008, Miller and Safford 2008) showing a linear increase in fire size over the past century. Because the HFQLG pilot project has not yet been implemented in its entirety, it is difficult to determine the potential effect of HFQLG treatments on large fire frequency at this time. Effects of HFQLG Treatments on Fire Behavior and Suppression A number of fires have burned within fuel treatments in the pilot project area since 1999. The effects have been documented in various reports of individual fires, and a forthcoming report (Murphy et al., in review) compiles summaries of about ten fires. Fire behavior and effects within fuel treatments have varied somewhat from fire Large Fire Severity Trend To evaluate the trend in large fire severity, Forest Service fire severity mapping was used to calculate the percentage of fire acreage that burned Prescribed fire is used to remove ground fuels and reduce future wildfire intensity to fire, but may include reductions in flame length, fire intensity, tree mortality, and/or rate of spread. Two additional wildfires impacted fuel treatment areas in 2008, with high severity in fires greater than 100 acres within the HFQLG pilot project area. The ARIMA program was then used to evaluate the trend over time. ARIMA found a significant linear increase in the percent of area burning at high severity across the HFQLG pilot project area since 1984. A pattern of increasing fire severity has also been documented for the entire Sierra Nevada and the southern Cascade mountains (Miller et al. 2008, Miller and Safford 2008). Because the HFQLG pilot project has not been implemented in its entirety, it is difficult to determine the potential effect of HFQLG treatments on fire severity at this time. 20 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Moonlight Fire burning towards Antelope Lake the Peterson and Rich fires. Fuel treatment effectiveness (Plumas NF), within the pilot project area. Results studies were completed on both of these fires. Findings demonstrate substantial reduction in both fire size and area indicate that the defensible fuel profile zone (DFPZ) fuel burned at higher flame lengths (see the following table breaks slowed the fires, enabling firefighters to concentrate and figure). Across the Meadow Valley study area burning their efforts on higher priority areas closer to communities probability was reduced as a result of HFQLG treatments, and to defer suppression efforts within the fuel breaks. In particularly towards the northeast, or down-wind, portion addition, the intensity of the fires was lower in the treated of the study area (Moghaddas et al., in review). areas, and preliminary reconnaissance indicates greater tree survival in the treated versus untreated areas. In addition to the examples from actual fires, a Further analysis of HFQLG treatments is underway. It involves modeling the Meadow Valley landscape several decades into the future to assess HFQLG treatment computer simulation was used to model fire spread, fire longevity, estimate potential wildfire vulnerability across behavior, and fire occurrence before and after HFQLG the Meadow Valley study area before and after HFQLG treatments in a 45,000 acre study area in Meadow Valley treatments, and predict habitat alteration from fire. Characteristics of a Modeled “Problem Fire” for the Pre- and Post-treatment Meadow Valley Landscape (Area burned is summarized using two flame length break values. These flame length values are based on operational constraints for fire suppression activities.) Treatment Fire size Average flame Area burned > 8 ft flame length (ac) Area burned > 11 ft flame length (ac) phase (ac) (proportion of burned area) (proportion of burned area) length (ft) Pre 22,674 3.1 9321 (0.41) 7149 (0.31) Post 13,761 2.7 5127 (0.37) 3820 (0.28) Predicted Wildfire Size and Average Flame Length, Meadow Valley Area, Before and After HFQLG Treatments Before Treatment After Treatment Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 21 Marten Kirk and others (Kirk and Zielinski 2009, Kirk 2007) designed a marten habitat model. However, marten locations predicted by the model did not correspond well with the Lassen NF actual marten detections. A study investigating the seasonality of detection occurred between 2007 and 2008 which showed higher detections in the winter months despite a similar probability of detection (as described in MacKenzie et al. 2006). The final report prepared for the above study (Zielinski et al 2009) recommended several next steps, including radio telemetry (tracking marten with radio collars) and snow tracking, to understand the difference in detections between summer and winter seasons and to resolve the question of whether marten reside year-round in the HFQLG pilot project area outside of Lassen Volcanic National Park (LVNP). As directed by Congress, in 2008 an independent scientific review panel organized by the Pinchot Institute reviewed and made recommendations on the HFQLG monitoring program. For marten, the panel’s recommendations related to discerning marten occupancy within the pilot project area, refining the predictive model, defining suitable habitat, and being prepared to assess the effects of HFQLG implementation on martens, including on marten movement and habitat connectivity. The marten (Martes americana) is currently designated as a sensitive species for the Pacific Southwest Region of the Forest Service and is of concern due to historic trapping, loss of habitat, and subsequent declines in both population and distribution (USDA 2004). Marten Monitoring Marten were historically distributed throughout the Sierra Nevada, including the HFQLG pilot project area. Surveys since the 1990s have detected marten within the Lakes Basin area on the Plumas National Forest, throughout the west side of the Lassen National Forest above 5,500 feet, and in portions of the Sierraville ranger district. A series of events over the last 5 years has lead to current research on the Lassen National Forest (LNF) concerning seasonal variability of marten detection in field surveys: Zielinski, Kirk, and others (Redwood Sciences Lab, RSL) conducted carnivore surveys in Sierra Nevada forests, including the HFQLG pilot project area, between 1999 and 2002. The report on this work (Zielinski et al. 2005), which used historic museum and fur trapping records as well as field surveys, showed a lack of marten detections in locations where the Lassen National Forest had successfully detected martens. 22 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group In FY 2009, the Lassen National Forest, supported by the HFQLG project and the Pacific Southwest Research Station, worked with RSL and Oregon State University (OSU) to arrange a long-term study with three specific goals: 1. Determine the year-round occupancy of marten within the study area through radio telemetry and monitoring, 2. Determine which habitats (and habitat elements) marten prefer, for foraging as well as resting and reproduction, and develop a habitat predictive model, and 3. Assess and monitor the effects of HFQLG treatments on marten. kinglet, Nashville warbler, and hermit warbler decreased The study will begin in FY 2010 with trapping, radio-collaring, and snow tracking of marten in two in abundance. Prescribed fire had positive effects on the discrete study areas. In addition to this data, two separate greatest number of species while mastication and pre- observations of a marten den site and marten adult (both commercial thinning affected the most species negatively. in summer 2009), as well as prior studies (Ellis 1998), suggest that marten may occupy areas outside LVNP yearround. Subsequent work will investigate marten movement in and near HFQLG treatment areas as well as natural openings. Researchers will use snow tracking and radio telemetry to analyze whether and how martens use and/or travel across managed areas (DFPZs, group selections, etc). Long-term (since 2004) monitoring continued on aspen enhancement treatments on the Lassen National Forest. Comparison of treated and untreated aspen stands showed that treated aspen stands support greater total abundance of birds and abundance of key species such as mountain bluebird, chipping sparrow, and red-breasted sapsucker, but these initial benefits may be short-lived for some species. Total bird abundance was significantly Another objective of the HFQLG marten monitoring greater at treated sites than untreated sites: 5.98 versus program is to develop a more site-specific predictive 4.50 birds per station per visit respectively. Species model for marten. Understanding of seasonal variations richness at treated sites averaged 7.28 species per station in detection from the ongoing study, along with analysis compared to 6.33 at untreated sites. of winter detection locations, vegetation and other habitat elements, will be incorporated into a regional marten habitat suitability model. This model can then be used for future HFQLG project planning and impact assessment. Songbirds In 2009, monitoring of HFQLG fuel treatments was expanded to increase the sample of treated sites on the Lassen National Forest. Additionally, a new study began investigating avian communities in post-fire habitats in the Cub, Moonlight, and Storrie fires. The goal of this study Point Reyes Bird Observatory Conservation Science has been conducting songbird monitoring in the Northern Sierra since 1997. Monitoring included compilation of information on a suite of HFQLG treatments (defensible fuel profile zone (DFPZ), group selection, pre-commercial will be to better understand the importance of disturbance dependent habitats (e.g. snags, shrub habitats) as well as the differences in avian populations between habitats dominated by natural disturbance, HFQLG treatments (anthropogenic disturbance), and untreated forest. thinning, mastication, prescribed fire, aspen, oak and pine enhancement treatments) across the Plumas and Lassen National Forests, and analysis of the short-term response of the avian community. The response to the different treatments varied among species, with some showing positive effects (increased abundance and species diversity) and others negative effects from most treatments. For example, three species, olive-sided flycatcher, Audubon’s warbler, and chipping sparrow all increased in abundance following DFPZ treatment. Contrastingly, dusky flycatcher, golden-crowned Mountain Bluebird. Photo by Elaine R. Wilson Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 23 California Spotted Owl the study is positioned to monitor CSO response across Knowledge regarding the effects of fuels the gradient of landscape and vegetation management on California conditions that are at the core spotted owls (CSO) and their habitat is a of the CSO-wildfire-forest primary information need in addressing management monitoring conservation and management objectives questions (untreated, treated in Sierra Nevada forests. Specific research with fuels treatments, objectives of the CSO module are identified high severity wildfire, and and described in the Plumas-Lassen moderate-low severity wildfire Administrative Study (PLAS) Plan. landscapes). Current information on the distribution and density of CSOs across the HFQLG study area is required to provide the data necessary California spotted owl to build predictive habitat models and provide baseline population information against which to assess post-treatment changes in CSO populations and habitat. Continued monitoring in the Lassen Demographic Study Area is critical for estimating long-term CSO population trends and status. The focus in 2009 was to conduct landscape inventories of CSO distribution and abundance and continue banding to provide demographic data and baseline information. Efforts were made to monitor the pair and reproductive status of each owl, and to capture, uniquely color mark and collect blood samples from each individual owl. Capture and color marking are necessary to estimate survival and population trend, and to assess exposure to West Nile Virus. All barred and hybrid barredspotted owls encountered in the study area were also recorded and synthesized to all existing barred owl records for the northern Sierra Nevada. Of note, the 2009 work continued the second year of case studies within the PLAS to assess the distribution and abundance of CSOs across a landscape that had been fully treated under the HFQLG program (Meadow Valley CSO Numbers, Reproductive Success, Density and Population Trends A total of 73 territorial CSO sites were documented in 2009 across the study area. This total consisted of 63 confirmed pairs, 5 unconfirmed pairs and 5 territorial single CSOs. Thirty pairs successfully reproduced in 2009 (47.6 percent of confirmed/unconfirmed pairs). A total of 47 fledged young were documented in 2009 (1.57 young per successful nest). Across the 6 years of the study, CSO reproduction has varied annually in percentages of CSO pairs that successfully reproduced, and to lesser degrees in the number of young fledged per successful nest. Approximately 50 percent of CSO pairs successfully reproduced in 2004, 2007 and 2009 while only 14 to 18 percent were successful in 2005, 2006 and 2008. Annual CSO reproduction is known to vary with both spring weather and variation in prey numbers. California Spotted Owl Reproduction on the Plumas and Lassen National Forests 2004 to 2009 Project Area) and across a landscape that has experienced Year high severity wildfire (Moonlight-Antelope Complex 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Fire Area). Additionally, the first year of CSO surveys were conducted across a landscape that had experienced moderate-low severity wildfire (Cub-Onion Fire). Thus, 24 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Percent of confirmed/ unconfirmed pairs with successful nests 49.4 17.7 13.8 55.4 16.4 47.6 Young fledged per successful nest 1.68 1.47 1.50 1.81 1.70 1.57 The crude density of CSOs was estimated based on the numbers of territorial owls detected across nine survey areas during 2009 surveys. The estimated Barred and Sparred (spotted-barred hybrid) Distributional Records Barred owls have been linked to the continuing decline crude density across the overall study area in 2009 of the northern spotted owl and are considered a primary was 0.069 territorial owls per km². Overall study area threat. They are likely to present a similar threat to the crude densities are not directly comparable across years California spotted owl. Barred owls, a recent invader in because different total areas were surveyed in each year. the region, were first reported in 1989. Four barred owls However, crude density estimates within individual and three sparred owls were detected during 2009 surveys survey areas on the Plumas NF indicate similar densities within the study area. The synthesis and update of barred- and numbers of territorial sites (pair sites plus territorial sparred owl records through 2009 based on Forest Service single sites) between 2004 and 2008, with a slight drop and California Department of Fish and Game databases in numbers in 2009. In contrast, numbers appear to indicates that there are a minimum of 53 individual site have declined somewhat on the Lassen NF survey areas records across the Sierra Nevada. This includes 19 records between 2005 and 2008, and then increased slightly in that have been documented within the HFQLG intensively 2009. surveyed study area and 39 records across the broader Vegetation Sampling – Nest Plots Vegetation plot sampling was conducted at HFQLG Project Area. The pattern of records suggests that barred-sparred owls have been increasing in the northern Sierra Nevada between 1989 and 2008. approximately 100 CSO territories from 2005 through 2009. Approximately 230 Forest Inventory and Assessment (FIA) vegetation plots have been measured for development of CSO habitat models that can be used as adaptive management planning tools. Habitat models are currently being evaluated that can be used to assess projected changes in CSO nesting and foraging habitat suitability under varying fuels and vegetation treatment Meadow Valley Project Area, MoonlightAntelope Fire Area, and Cub-Onion Fire Area Case Studies The Meadow Valley project area is the first area within the PLAS where full implementation of HFQLG treatments has occurred. Annual monitoring of CSOs between 2003 and 2009 suggests that CSO numbers scenarios. have been fairly stable across the survey period with the Banding, Blood Sampling, West Nile Virus Monitoring years. However, seven to nine territorial CSO sites were Eighty-two (82) CSOs were captured and banded in number of pairs ranging between six and nine across documented each year between 2003 and 2007, whereas six territorial sites were located in each of the first 2 years 2009. Blood samples were collected from 17 individuals (2008 and 2009) following full implementation of the in 2009 and have not been analyzed to date. None of treatments across the MVPA landscape. Additionally, the 154 individual samples tested at the University of results suggest that treatments may be associated with the California, Davis for West Nile Virus antibodies tested movement of two territorial sites within the landscape. positive from 2004 to 2007. Detailed information on the spatial locations, timing, and effects on the post-treatment vegetation are needed to more fully explore the effects of treatments on CSOs. Further, continued monitoring is necessary to assess the longer-term responses of CSOs to treatments that may not be apparent Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 25 from the acute, short-term responses observed in 2008 six territorial pairs, one unconfirmed territorial pair, and through 2009. two territorial single CSOs within the fire perimeter The Moonlight Antelope fire area landscape encompassed approximately 88,000 acres that burned in 2007. These high-severity fires resulted in significant change to the vegetation, with the landscape experiencing about 60 percent high severity fire and 25 percent moderate intensity fire. Suitable CSO habitat decreased from 70.1 percent of the pre-fire landscape to 5.8 percent in the post-fire landscape. Twenty-three CSO Protected Activity Centers (PACs, 300 acre management areas) were located in the pre-fire landscape but it is unknown what proportion of these PACs was actually occupied by CSOs in 2007. In 2008 surveys we documented a single pair of territorial CSOs within the 88,000 acres, plus ten detections of single, apparently non-territorial, male CSOs spread out across the area. In 2009 surveys we detected the same single pair of territorial CSOs and no other CSOs. These results indicate that these high-severity fires have had negative effects on CSOs distribution, abundance, and habitat. The Cub Onion Fire landscape encompassed area. These results suggest that CSOs are able to persist within landscapes that experience predominantly low to moderate severity wildfire. Surveys to be conducted in 2010 are necessary to confirm these patterns. Additionally, information on the post-fire vegetation and habitat conditions are needed to fully assess the response of CSOs and their habitat to wildfire. Amphibians Monitoring was conducted to determine potential effects on amphibians within habitats that may be affected by projects implemented under the HFQLG pilot project. New methodology was developed in 2009 to establish base line data for habitat and species presence and abundance. In 2009 HFQLG amphibian monitoring accomplished both habitat and species surveys at five monitoring sites on the Tahoe and Plumas National Forests. The five sites selected for 2009 include Independence Creek (Tahoe), Potosi Creek (Plumas), South Fork Rock Creek (Plumas), Lone Rock Creek (Plumas), and Boulder Creek (Plumas). The five sites were selected based on two primary criteria; approximately 21,000 acres that burned in 2008. These (1) presence of existing sensitive amphibian populations or were largely low to moderate intensity fires, with the individuals, and (2) HFQLG projects that had treatments landscape experiencing about 10 percent high severity, located within or adjacent to the presence of sensitive 20 percent moderate severity, and 70 percent low severity amphibians and where treatments would occur within fire. In the initial year of CSO surveys, 2009, we detected the next 2 years. Habitat monitoring showed that all five sites contained suitable habitat for one or more of the following species: mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa), Pacific tree frog (Hyla regila), and long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum). Although data was collected on an extensive set of habitat attributes, three key attributes have been identified as having the highest probability of being affected by HFQLG treatments and have been selected for closer analysis: percent shade, sediment as measured by pool tail fines, and bank stability. Percent shade was variable, showing the lowest, 36.2 percent shade, at Boulder Creek, and the Antelope Fire burned area with smoke plume from Moonlight Fire burning in the distance 26 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group highest, 66.2 percent, at Potosi Creek. Percent stable banks was relatively consistent at 87 to 100 percent. Sediment larvae were found at three sites, Potosi Creek, Lone Rock data indicated that pool tail fines had the greatest range Creek and Boulder Creek. of variability with measurements ranging from 1 percent at Independence Creek to 100 percent at Boulder Creek. Though variability between reaches can be expected, it is a goal to compare the changes in key attributes before and after HFQLG implementation to determine if actions are affecting amphibian habitat. These results will be included in future monitoring reports. Species surveys were conducted at all five sites. Independence Creek species surveys found the most mountain yellow-legged frogs (MYLF) with 42 individuals, followed by Lone Rock Creek with 15 MYLF and 5 MYLF at South Fork Rock Creek. Of the MYLF found, a total of seven were large enough (SVL >45mm) for the mark and recapture technique to estimate abundance. Potosi Creek and Boulder Creek were the only two sites where MYLF were not found. However, Potosi and Boulder Creeks did have Pacific tree frogs present, and one western toad was found at Boulder Creek. Salamander After HFQLG project implementation, post-project surveys will be conducted to compare habitat components and amphibian population estimates to pre-project conditions. Additional monitoring was completed to determine how pond and plug watershed restoration treatments may affect bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) relative abundance. Bullfrogs are undesirable non-native frogs that compete with and prey on native species. Three transects were established on Last Chance Creek with a total of 54 stations to listen for singing adult bullfrogs in areas that had been either restored with pond and plug projects or were untreated. Stations were visited twice during the breeding season. The ponds created by the watershed restoration projects create suitable breeding habitat, which is otherwise less abundant in these eastside stream systems. Bullfrog relative abundance was significantly greater at treated sites than untreated sites. Female Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog found along the edge of Lone Rock Creek Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 27 Watershed Condition For watershed condition, the effect of HFQLG project activities is monitored using data compiled by hydrologists for their project level NEPA analyses. Only vegetation management projects that have had at least some on the ground implementation are included in the monitoring pool. In 2009, many recent NEPA decisions for HFQLG projects were encumbered by litigation. Consequently, very few projects were initiated on the ground in 2009 and watershed condition results are very similar to those reported in 2008. Summary of HFQLG Watershed Condition Monitoring Plan Results (2009) Watershed Condition Indicator Road Density Total acreage of subwatersheds reporting Unit of Measure miles per square mile miles per square mile 788,000 acres Near-stream Road Density 308,000 acres Equivalent Roaded Acres (ERA) 1,220,000 acres equivalent roaded acres Near-stream ERA 17,700 acres Number of Road / Stream Crossings equivalent roaded acres 571,000 acres number Published research consistently recognizes that Pre-project Post-project Condition 2.97 Condition Percent Change 2.88 - 3.0% 3.62 3.42 - 5.5% 62,100 (5.1% of basin area) 79,500 (6.5% of basin area) + 28% 472 489 + 3.6% 3,108 3,051 - 1.8% HFQLG project activities, as modeled by ERA analysis, do roads are typically the primary anthropogenic source not necessarily indicate that stream health and watershed of water quality impacts in forested watersheds. Road condition would be degraded by sediment delivery from obliterations account for the 3 percent decrease in road the project area. Results (described elsewhere in this density presented above. Results from another facet of the report) from monitoring of stream condition inventory and HFQLG Monitoring Plan, Stream Condition Inventory Best Management Practices (BMP) indicate that, despite (SCI) monitoring, indicate that one HFQLG project with modeled increases in ERAs for project watersheds, project a reduction in road density due to road obliterations likely BMPs and protective streamside management zones resulted in a measurable decrease of fine sediment delivery effectively prevent delivery of project-generated sediment. to a local stream. For the Panther Creek reach, pre- and post-project results for one of the three SCI protocol measures used to assess changes in fine sediment delivery demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in the mean percentage of pool tail fines (from 34.3 percent preproject to 11.7 percent post-project). Equivalent Roaded Acres (ERA) is a measurement In 2007 and 2008, the SCI protocol was applied to 15 streams where pre-project data had been measured. For all of these streams, none of the three fine sediment measures were significantly different when compared with the preproject data, indicating that project activities did not result in increased sediment delivery. From 2005 through 2009, 792 site-specific BMP effectiveness evaluations (focusing for quantifying the amount of land disturbance (which on stream sedimentation and bank disturbance impacts) can alter a watershed’s surface runoff patterns and timing) were conducted to assess practices associated with stream associated with different vegetation management activities. course protection, skid trails, landings and prescribed For example, one acre of tractor clearcut may count as 0.30 burns. Sixty-two (62) of these 792 evaluations were rated to 0.35 ERA. Fine sediment delivery to streams is typically as ineffective, resulting in a 92 percent BMP effectiveness the primary threat to water quality associated with timber rating. projects. Modest increases in land disturbance due to 28 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Stream Condition Inventory Stream condition inventory tracks the trend of selected channel attributes of streams before and after implementation of HFQLG project activities. Over 20 streams were monitored during the summer and fall of 2009. Monitored streams included pre-project, postproject, reference, and post-fire reaches. Monitoring crews used the Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region Stream Condition Inventory protocol Rock Creek (Lassen NF) In contrast, SCI monitoring results from a severely burned watershed on the Plumas NF verified an increase in the delivery of fine sediment to streams after severe fire. The Moonlight Fire burned over 46,000 acres of National Forest System lands in September 2007, with roughly three-fourths of the ground experiencing moderate or high soil burn severity. An SCI survey had been performed on Moonlight Creek in 2005, within a 5600-acre basin that experienced high burn severity in 2007 over more than 65 percent of the watershed. The wildfire resulted in an increase in ERA from 1.3 percent of the total watershed area before the fire to 13.3 percent afterward, just over the threshold of concern of 13 percent. (The threshold of concern, expressed as the ERA percentage for each subwatershed, serves as a “yellow flag” indicator of increased risk of detrimental watershed effects.) This nine fold increase far exceeds the average increase in ERA caused by HFQLG timber projects quoted above. SCI monitoring results for 2005 and 2008 also demonstrated a large and statistically significant increase in pool tail fines, from 4.2 percent to 15.7 percent, for Moonlight Creek. (Frazier et al. 2005). The protocol includes parameters important in classifying and assessing condition of channel morphology, fish habitat and water quality. Because a reduction in shade and increase in stream sediment are the primary concerns associated with HFQLG projects for aquatic systems, data evaluation focused on a measure of stream shading and three measures of channel sediment (percent pool tail fines, percent of particles less than 2 mm, and residual pool depth). Treatments located within streamside areas would be expected to reduce the amount of shade in the short term, while increased erosion and sediment delivery from projects would be expected to increase both pool tail fines and the percentage of particles less than 2mm. Increased sediment delivery might also increase deposition of sediment in pools, thereby reducing residual pool depth. All three changes are considered detrimental to fish habitat. A total of nine pre-post surveys were conducted in 2009. Of these, five assessed potential impacts resulting from recent HFQLG vegetation management activities, two assessed potential impacts resulting from large wildfires, and the remaining two are part of a longterm monitoring effort assessing HFQLG activities that happened more than 5 years ago. Additionally, six reference streams were monitored for long-term comparison purposes. Reference stream annual variation was relatively low for most attributes in the six streams where repeat measurements were taken in 2009. Status Report to Congress Fiscal Year 2009 29 In general, comparisons of reaches monitored before and after implementation of HFQLG projects indicate a lack of adverse impacts. Though some HFQLG projects resulted in a slight increase in sediment to aquatic habitats, this increase was not significant, nor detected within all three measurements of fine sediment included in the SCI survey. For those reaches where significant differences were detected (North Carman Creek, Negro Run Ravine), pool tail fines actually decreased compared to pre project conditions. The HFQLG projects associated with these two reaches were not designed with the goal of reducing fine sediment in stream channels. This decrease is likely due to healing of existing natural (wildfire, bank erosion, etc) or management-caused (past logging, roads, grazing) sediment sources within the watershed over time. The 2009 survey of North Carman Creek was completed to assess potential impacts of the Mabie Project where approximately 200 acres of treatment occurred within the riparian management zone. Results showed that even with extensive management within the riparian management zone, shade measurements were nearly identical to those collected prior to implementation. Aspen management in the Jones Creek stream management zone caused significant reductions in channel shade. Shade decreased from 80.2 percent before treatment Rice Creek SCI (Lassen NF) 30 Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group to 70.7 percent after treatment. Associated stream temperature data has not yet been analyzed. Cub Creek monitoring was conducted to examine the effects from the 2008 Cub Wildfire. Increases in pool tail fines and particles less than 2 mm, and reductions in residual pool depths and shade, were evident. Moonlight Creek was monitored to assess potential changes caused by the Moonlight Wildfire and subsequent salvage logging. In 2008, measurements indicated increased sediment and decreased shade attributable to the wildfire. In 2009, analysis revealed that sediment measurements had returned to levels similar to pre-fire conditions. A potential explanation for the reduction in channel sediment is the input of large woody debris to the channel, which may assist the channel with temporarily storing sediment. Shade continued to decline and large wood recruitment was high, nearly doubling the amount of large logs to 122 pieces in 2009. The loss of stream channel shade will have long-lasting effects to the burned reaches. However, it appears that this system is trending back towards pre-fire conditions in a relatively short time frame with regard to sediment, even with the implementation of salvage projects on both private and National Forest System lands. Herger - Feinstein Quincy Library Group FY99 Through FY09 Completed Vegetation Management Treatments ! Bieber C a l i f o r n i a ! ! Fall River Mills Burney N e v a d a McArthur ! Eagle Lake ! Viola La s se n Vo l c a ni c National P ark ! Susanville Chester Janesville Westwood ! ! ! Honey Lake Lake Almanor Milford ! Greenville ! Crescent Mills ! Taylorsville ! Quincy ! Beckwourth Portola ! ! Graeagle ! Loyalton ! Sierraville Sierra City Downieville Lake Orovi lle ! ! ! Oroville ! Challenge ! ! Camptonville HFQLG Extent Boundary Truckee HFQLG Completed Treatments - 2009 ! HFQLG Completed Treatments - 1999 to 2008 HFQLG SEIS DFPZ Network ! Nevada City HFQLG Deferred HFQLG OffBase ± National Forest National Forest Wilderness Lake Ta h o e Other Ownership Highways 0 10 20 30 Miles 1/29/2010 by Tuija Suihkonen Herger - Feinstein Quincy Library Group Herger - Feinstein Quincy Library Group FY99 Through FY09 Completed Riparian RestorationTreatments ! McArthur C a l i f o r n i a ! ! Fall River Mills Burney N e v a d a Bieber ! Eagle Lake ! Viola La s se n Vo l c a ni c National P ark ! Susanville Chester Janesville Westwood ! ! ! Honey Lake Lake Almanor Milford ! Greenville ! Crescent Mills ! Taylorsville ! Quincy ! Beckwourth Portola ! ! Graeagle ! Loyalton ! Downieville Lake Orovi lle ! Oroville ! Challenge ! ! ! ! Truckee ! HFQLG Completed Treatments - 2009 HFQLG Completed Treatments - 1999 to 2008 HFQLG Deferred HFQLG OffBase ! Nevada City ± National Forest National Forest Wilderness Lake Ta h o e Other Ownership Highways 10 Sierraville Camptonville HFQLG Extent Boundary 0 Sierra City 20 30 Miles 2/9/2010 by Tuija Suihkonen Herger - Feinstein Quincy Library Group Plumas & Lassen National Forests Sierraville Ranger District, Tahoe National Forest USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region — February 2010