Document 11289695


Session I .................................. July 17-21 Entering Grades 4


– 7


Sunday through Thursday

Session II................................... July 24-28 Entering Grades 8


Sunday through Thursday

– 12


S hake Hands With Your Future will take you on an extraordinary opportunities. This will help you develop your interests and focus your academic path.


All classes are taught by experienced university or public school faculty and emphasize hands-on activities.

Classes are interdisciplinary and allow campers to explore many aspects of STEM, Visual

Performing and Fine Arts through the lens of a scientific discipline. Campers are assigned to classes before camp starts .

You will request two classes and will receive 12 hours of instruction in the morning and 12 hours of instruction in the afternoon class.

For a complete list of classes please visit our website:

We want you to learn as much as possible in a stress free environment. You will be introduced to university life and live in a Texas Tech residence hall. When you are not in class, you will have fun, and meet new friends from throughout Texas, the United

States and beyond. Shake Hands With Your Future students come back year after year.


Students are housed on the Texas Tech campus. Housing is arranged by age and gender. Each student will have one roommate and may request a roommate (not guaranteed).Students are supervised at all times by trained camp counselors. Daily meals are served by University Hospitality Services.


Application deadline:

May 1, 2016

Refund deadline:

May 22, 2016

Camp Tuition: $600


A refund request should be made in writing and include the address of the refund recipient. No fees will be refunded after May 22, 2016 . The refundprocessing fee is $25.





What to Bring:

 Clothing for an entire week

 Clothing suitable for all weather conditions

 Clothes hangers

 Comfortable walking shoes

 Undergarments for an entire week

 Sweater or light jacket

 Camera

What NOT to Bring:

 Alcohol and alcohol paraphernalia

 Halogen Lamps

 Toasters/toaster ovens/hot plates/open coiled appliances

 Pets

 Weapons

 Pellet guns

 Class supplies (pen, pencils, notebook)

 Pillow and Blanket

 Bathroom towels &

 Candles/incense

 George Foreman Grills

 Air conditioners of any kind

 Extension cords washcloths

 Snacks

 Hair products (i.e. shampoo, conditioner, hairspray)

 Combustibles

 Large speakers, multiple speakers, amplifiers

 Wireless router - for more information, please visit the

 Toiletries (i.e. makeup, sunscreen, deodorant, body wash)

 Toothbrush/toothpaste

 Alarm clock

IT website (

 Television

 Video Games

 Money for incidentals

 Appropriate swim wear

(cotton not allowed in TTU leisure pool)

 Sheets, pillow covers, comforter

 Any necessary medications

(medications will be under the care of the camp supervisor)

T-shirt size:

Youth Small (6-8)

Youth Med (10-12)

Youth Large (14-16)

Adult Sizes: ❏




❏ X


❏ XX


❏ Other

“The Future Lies In Our Hands!”

Shake Hands With Your Future Student Application

Session I – Grades 4-7

Session II – Grades 8-12

❏ To save resources, may we send program paperwork via email?

Email address

■ Please print clearly.

Student’s Name (first) (last)

Gender: ❏ M ❏ F Birth Date / /

Grade in Fall 2016:

Mailing Address:


Name of Parent or Guardian (Mother)

Home Phone ( )

Work Phone ( )

Name of Parent or Guardian (Father)

State: Zip;

Cell Phone ( )

Home Phone ( )

Work Phone ( )

School Currently Attending

Cell Phone (



Do you have a roommate request? (Not guaranteed — both students must request to room together)

Have you participated in any of our programs before? ❏ Yes ❏ No

If yes, which program (s)?

Where did you hear about our program?

■ CLASS SELECTIONS – complete every line.

Pleaseindicateyourfirstandsecondclasschoiceforthesessionyouwillbeattending.If your first class choice is not available you will be registered for your second choice.


A.M. 1st Choice


P.M. 1st Choice

A.M. 2nd Choice P.M. 1st Choice

Morning Classes

A Toxic World


Animal Science & Food Technology

Acting Up




LEGO Robotics


Afternoon Classes

A Toxic World


Acting Up



In The Lab

LEGO Robotics


Business (Session II Only)

Law (Session II Only)

Shake Hands With Your Future Student Application

Session I – Grades 4-7

Session II – Grades 8-12

School/Teacher Recommendation

Required for all students applying, including past participants. Please have your school principal, counselor, or one of your teachers submit a letter of recommendation detailing your involvement in school.

Name of teacher or official nominating:

Nominator’s Title:

Nominator’s phone:

Nominator’s email:

Name of student you are nominating

First: Last:

Name of School:

City: State: Zip:

Title I School? ❏ Yes ❏ No

This student was eager to learn.

This student cared about other students.

This student was late to class.

This student skipped classes.

This student turned in homework and projects on time.

This student participated in class, group and hands-on activities.

This student worked independently and as a team member.

This student was an asset to the class.

Very Much Often Sometimes Rarely Never

This student participated in extracurricular activities (UIL, science fair, student council, etc.).

Circle the best answer to the following question: Would you like to teach this student in another class?

Yes, definitely Maybe Definitely not

Shake Hands With Your Future Medical History/Consent

Session I – Grades 4-7

Session II – Grades 8-12

SHWYF Travel Form

Airport Transportation Fee: $25

IDEAL Staff will pick up campers from the baggage claim area and accompany campers to and from campus. If camper is considered an unaccompanied minor; staff will meet them at the gate. IDEAL Staff will call parent/guardian once the student is picked up and once all have arrived at the residence hall.

IDEAL Staff will call parent/guardian once flight departs.


Arrival should be between 1:00-3:45 p.m. on Sunday of the camp.

Arrival Time

Flight Number



Departure should be between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Friday of the camp.

Departure Time

Flight Number


Parent Contact

Cell Phone

Student Cell (if applicable)

Would you be interested in receiving information on upcoming dates and events?

❏ Yes ❏ No


❏ $600 — Full Tuition

❏ $25 — Airport Transportation Fee (for those students travelling by air)

Make your check or money order payable to Texas Tech University.

Payment can be mailed or brought to Doak Hall, Suite 110



Texas Tech University

P.O. Box 41008

Lubbock, TX 79409-1008

FAX to (806) 742-2396 or email to


Completion of the following, a photocopy of proof of health insurance must be submitted with the application. If this poses a hardship, call 806-742-2420.

Insurance is encouraged but will not jeopardize participation.

Student’s Name:

Name of Family Physician:

Physician Phone Number:

❏ Copy of medical health insurance card is attached.

Directions: Check any medical conditions that apply and provide a description. All information will remain confidential. If necessary, attach a separate sheet of paper to explain your child’s medical condition or email additional information to:

❏ condition requiring medication

❏ allergies to food or medications

❏ current infections, viruses

❏ emotional or behavioral problem

❏ recent injuries, illness, operation

❏ impairment of sight, hearing, speech

Consent to Medical Treatment

I, Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian of

(Participant) hereby consent to any and all emergency medical treatment needed by said Minor Child as administered by a clinic or attending physician and accept responsibility for full payment of said treatment. I give my permission for this document to be photocopied for medical personnel.

■ Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian



Required for all students applying, including past participants. Using a separate sheet of paper, please introduce yourself. You might include such things as your interests outside school, how you have spent your summers, what you consider to be your strengths, how you feel you might contribute to Shake Hands, and what expectations you have for this summer.

Release and Hold Harmless Agreement

I, Parent/Managing Conservator/Guardian,

(circle one) understand that the minor child has the opportunity to participate in Shake Hands With Your Future , a program for students sponsored by Texas Tech University, Institute for the Development and Enrichment of

Advanced Learners, Lubbock, Texas, from July 17-21 or July 24-28, 2016 . I hereby affirm that I desire to have my minor child participate in said program. I give my permission for my minor child to ride in public transportation or in vehicles driven by Texas Tech employees or representatives to and from designated activities. I, the undersigned, am aware of the dangers associated with travel by motor vehicle or other conveyance and the possibility of injuries or death while in transit. I understand that my minor child will participate in general classroom, educational, and camp activities during this program. I am aware of the dangers associated with such activities and the possibility of injuries or even death in such participation. In consideration of allowing my minor child to attend the above mentioned activities, I, the undersigned, do hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Texas Tech University, its

Board of Regents, all the University’s officers, agents, and employees, and the Institute for the Development and Enrichment of Advanced Learners from any and all liability due to injuries, damage or death arising or resulting from any act or omission, express negligence or otherwise, of said Texas Tech University officers, advisors, agents, and employees and other officers or members of the Institute for the Development and

Enrichment of Advanced Learners, or any other person or participant in said activities while attending the activities or while in transit to and from activities.

The terms hereof shall also serve as a release and an assumption of risk for my minor child’s heirs, executor and administrator, and for all members of my child’s family and be pleaded as a bar to litigation.

Jurisdiction of this matter and venue shall lie in Lubbock, Lubbock County, Texas. I, the undersigned, on behalf of my minor child agree to indemnify and hold Texas Tech

University, its Board of Regents, and all the University’s officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any and all personal injury. I am above the age of eighteen (18) years and read this Release and Hold Harmless Agreement and voluntarily understand and accept its terms.

Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian


Print or type name of Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian


Media Coverage/Participation

I hereby give permission for the name of the minor listed above to be released to the media or for him/her to participate in any media coverage which might transpire during the course of the program and/or any future IDEAL related programs . I authorize the use of the minor’s name, biography, likeness, voice and performance in the production of the program(s) and for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the program(s).

I represent that I am a parent (guardian) of the minor whose name is listed above and I hereby agree to have my child participate in media coverage.


Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian


❏ MY CHILD MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN MEDIA COVERAGE, and I do not wish his/her name released to the news media.

Signature of Parent, Managing Conservator, or Guardian


A complete registration for SHWYF includes:

❏ Autobiographical Statement

❏ Part A

❏ Part B - Teacher Nomination

❏ Medical History & Consent to Treat Form

❏ Release & Hold Harmless Form

❏ Media Coverage Participation Form

❏ Photocopy of Health Insurance (if applicable)

❏ Travel Form (if applicable)

❏ Email address (if applicable

If you want to stay up to date with everything IDEAL CAMPS follow us on

Twitter and Instagram! Make sure you like us on Facebook too!

Twitter: @TTUIDEAL

Instagram: @TTUIDEAL


From here, it’s possible.



Texas Tech University

P.O. Box 41008

Lubbock, TX 79409-1008

FAX to (806) 742-2396, or email to
