Slide set 5 Stat402 (Spring 2016) Last update: February 3, 2016 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Randomized Complete Block Design • Model: yij = µ {z τ}i +βj + ij , i = 1, . . . , a; b = 1, . . . , b |+ µi τi : effect of the ith treatment; a = # of treatment i.i.d βj : effect of the j (th) block; b = # of blocks, ij ∼ N (0, σ 2) • Parameter Estimates: µ̂ = ȳ.. τ̂i = ȳi. − ȳ.. or µ̂i = ȳi. β̂j = ȳ.j − ȳ.. and σ̂ 2 = s2e 1 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Randomized Complete Block Design(Cont’d) • Predicted (or fitted) values: ŷij = µ̂ + τ̂i + β̂j = ȳ.. + (ȳi. − ȳ..) + (ȳ.j − ȳ..) • Residuals: = yij − ŷij = yij − [ȳ.. + (ȳi. − ȳ..) + (ȳ.j − ȳ..)] = yij − ȳi. − ȳ.j + ȳ.. rij • SSRes : Pa i=1 Pb 2 (y − ȳ − ȳ + ȳ ) ij i. .j .. j=1 2 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Algebraic Decomposition of the Total Variation) • Total SScorrected = SST = Pa i=1 Pb j=1 (yij • Between Treatment SS = SST rt = b • Pb • Between blocks SS = SSBlk = a Residual SS = SSRes = SSE = Pa 2 (ȳ − ȳ ) i. .. i=1 j=1 (ȳ.j Pa − ȳ..)2 i=1 − ȳ..)2 Pb 2 (y − ȳ − ȳ + ȳ ) ij i. .j .. j=1 SST = SST rt + SSBlk + SSE 3 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 • ANOVA Table SV Treatments Blocks Error Total • d.f. a−1 b−1 (a − 1)(b − 1) N − 1(= ab − 1) SS SST rt SSBlk SSE SST MS F SST rt/(a − 1) M ST rt/M SE SSBlk /(b − 1) M SE (= s2E ) Computational Formulae SSBlk 2 Pa Pb y.. 2 CF = ( i=1 j=1 yij ) /N = N Pa Pb 2 SST = i=1 j=1 yij − CF Pa SST rt = ( i=1 yi.2 )/b − CF Pb 2 = ( j=1 yij )/a − CF , SSE = (by substraction) 4 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Confidence Intervals and Pairwise Comparisions A 100(1 − α)% C.I. for τp − τq (or µp − µq ) is (ȳp. − ȳq.) ∓ t α2 ,ν · sE ν = (a − 1)(b − 1) q 2 b, Declare τp, τq significantly different at α level if using the • LSD Procedure p if |ȳp. − ȳq.| > t α2 ,ν · sE 2/b, where ν = (a − 1)(b − 1) | {z } LSDα • Tukey HSD Procedure if |ȳp. − ȳq.| > Tukeyα, where √ Tukeyα = qα,p,f · sE / b and f = (a − 1)(b − 1) 5 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 • Single Degree of Freedom Contrasts of Treatment Effects To test H0: use the t-statistic Pa i=1 ci τi = 0 vs Ha : i=1 ci τi 6= 0 Pa i=1 ci ȳi. t0 = q Pa 2 i=1 ci sE b or the F-statistic F0 = where Pa SSc/1 M Sc = M SE M SE a a X X SSc = ( ciȳi.)2/[ c2i /b] i=1 i=1 with a single d.f. 6 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Example 4.1 A resin (PFTE) is use to produce artificial vascular grafts by extruding into tubes. A study is performed to determine the cause of hard protrusions called flicks. The extrusion pressure is suspected to be a factor in the occurrence of flicks. Four levels of extrusion pressure (8500, 8700, 8900, 9100 psi) are the treatments and the response is the percentage of tubing produced in the run that did not contain any flicks. The experimenter also knows that there is batch-to-batch variation among the batches of resin delivered by the supplier and thus plans on using a RCBD wtith batches of resin as block. Six batches of resin are used in the experiment with the four levels of extrusion pressure used with resin samples from each batch, the order of runs within each block being randomly determined separatetely for each batch. Thus there are a total of 24 runs in the experiment 7 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Data ANOVA Table (extracted from the JMP output) SV Pressure Batch Error Total d.f. 3 5 15 23 SS 178.17125 192.25208 109.88625 480.30958 MS 59.3904 38.4504 7.3257 F 8.1071 p-value .0019 Since the p-value is < .05 reject H0 : µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 at α = .05. The treatment means suggest that the percentage of tubing with no flicks decreases with increasing level of extrusion pressure. 8 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Testing orthogonal polynomials using contrasts • • • • • In this experiment, the experimenter may be interested in determining whether the observed mean percentage is some function of the actual temperature levels. A test can be made to check if this is a linear a relationship i.e, mean percentage is a linear function of temperature. Orthogonal polynomials is a method of partitioning the treatment sum of squares into components that allows the experimenter to construct F -statistics with 1 degree of freedom each for the numerators. Each of these can then be used to test whether the relationship can be represented by a linear, quadratic, cubic, etc. function of the factor levels, in a sequential fashion. To make the computations easier, this partitioning of the treatment sum of squares can be performed using appropriate orthogonal contrasts. 9 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 • • • • A suggested procedure is to start with a test of a linear trend of the mean response on the factor levels, and then test to check if the remaining treatment sum of squares is significant (lack of fit) or noy. If there is lack of fit, proceed by successively increasing the order of the polynomial and performing lack of fit tests on the remaining part of the treatment Sum of squares. The required contrast coefficents can be obtained from a standard table of orthogonal polynomials. For an experiment with a = 4, the contrasts corresponding to the linear, quadratic, and cubic orthogonal polynomials have the coefficients given by C10 = [−3, −1, 1, 3] C20 = [1, −1, −1, 1] C30 = [−1, 3, −3, 1] 10 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 In the vascular grafts experiment let us test if there is a linear trend in the decrease of percentage of usable tubing as the temperature increases. Test the contrast −3 − 1 + 1 − 3 in JMP to obtain the part of the Pressure SS due to a linear trend ANOVA Table (extracted from the second JMP output) SV Pressure —Linear Trend —Lack of Fit Batch Error Total d.f. 3 1 2 5 15 23 SS 178.17125 171.6 6.57 192.25208 109.88625 480.30958 MS 59.3904 171.6 3.28 38.4504 7.3257 F 8.1071 23.4245 .45 p-value .0019 .0002 The p-value for this F-statistic is .0002; thus it is significant, so the mean percentage has a straight line relationship with the temperature levels. The part of the Pressure SS labeled Lack of Fit (LoF) is the what is left over when the SS due to linear trend is removed from the Pressure SS. The F-statistic for LoF is small and so not significant. Thus we know that there there is no LoF and thus the relationsship is linear. 11 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Additivity of the Model Model yij = µ + τi + βj + ij The expected response in the ij th cell is E(yij ) = µ + τi + βj . This model is called additive because the overall mean µ is incremented by adding quantities τi and βj to obtain the expected response in block j for treatment i. Blocks Treatments 1 2 3 ... 1 µ + τi + β1 µ + τ2 + β1 ... 2 µ + τ1 + β2 µ + τ2 + β2 ... ... ... ... This model implies that the difference in the expected response for any pair of treatments in the same block will contain no block effects i.e., that difference will depend only on treatment effects. 12 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Additivity of the Model (Cont’d) Example: Take the difference in the expected responses in block 1 for treatments 1 and 2. (µ + τ1 + β1) − (µ + τ2 + β1) = τ1 − τ2 The block effects cancel ot. This is true for any pair of treatments in any block. If the data or the experiment is such that the block effects and the treatment effects cannot be considered additive, then an interaction is said to occur between blocks and treatments. In this case the above model is not appropriate. 13 Stat 402 (Spring 2016): slide set 5 Discussion There are two ways in which interaction could occur. 1. The response to a treatment changes from block to block. e.g., comparing 4 chemical processes. Batches of raw material are considered as blocks. An impurity in batch 2 affects one of the processes adversely resulting in lower yields. 2. Additive model does apply but not in the scale of measurement of the response. Interactions of type 1 above are considered non-transformable but those of type 2 may be eliminated by transforming the data 14