!" #$% &#$ && '( AZ (Arizona) Incident:2010012101-Severe Winter Storm-AZ )' !*"& '( &*#' $#! 01/28/2010 16:24 3307EM-AZ: SEVERE WINTER STORM X &&$+! #&"$ , &! Amendment #1: Increase funding in the amount of $200,000.00 to provide for additional feeding requirements. USFS to provide basic emergency equipment, supplies and commodities in support of disaster operations in response to Winter Severe Storms EM-3307-AZ. %#- $&#" Arizona DEM, 5636 E McDowell Rd Phoenix, AZ 85008 "&"% "&% '( &*#' , #! Amendment of Task: 1509-126147 01/28/2010 "#&#&*, & ' ./ +" '( '#% !! & #& ' ./ +" '( '#% !! & Chuck McHugh (602) 464-6242 MOJICA, KAREN G (510) 627-7236 chuck.mchugh@azdem.gov karen.mojica@dhs.gov 01/28/2010 01/28/2010 0 && #") #$#% 1, #! "! 2 & !" ! " !!3 43 55555555555555555 X &+3 5555555555555555 &*#' 01/28/2010 16:21 # ! 67 ##") X .7 # &#"#") 87 #)+ /7 !# ' X &&$+! $ # %&%"" !'' " &&'"& 9 As directed by, and in coordination with FEMA and the State of Arizona, the USFS will provide basic emergency equipment, supplies and commodities in support of disaster operations in response to Winter Severe Storms EM-3307-AZ. )"$- # "#(% ('#&&#") ##" #)"'"& : &%- ) & & & #"$% ! $& !& +" ##" #)"'"& & ' &+" ;< !- & $'%&= #"$% !#") (#%%#")7 + ##" #)"'"& : &%- ) & $" ( $$! "! ('#&&! ">%#" & 7'7 )*')7 #)"! )"$- ?$&! && & ?$&! "! & USFS (U.S. FOREST SERVICE) 01/24/2010 &% & &#'& $200,000.00 +" 7 X '"!'"& & 43 3307EMAZUSFS0500 * $&#" #$ GINGER BRUDEVOLD BLACK (505) 842-3896 02/24/2010 '#% gbrudevold@fs.fed.us $ #$& !% #&"$ !'( X && & + 1<@= 6<@= .A@2 $+"#$% #&"$ && + 1<@2 !% &#" & && + 1<@2 25.0 && & + $"& @ && & + ' "&3 B 50,000.00 "! #&&#"3 #&#" $!3 C<DC<. 2010-06-3307EM-9094-XXXX-2508-D ##" #)"'"& ") 12 & DORSEY HUGHES 01/28/2010 00 ?$& ")*"$+ #$& 1)' %2 & KAREN MOJICA 01/28/2010 00 '&%%* "! "&% 1 "! #2 & ATWOOD, LAWRENCE E. 01/29/2010 $##$ & 0&& #") #$#% 1, #! "! 23 & 00!% #") #$#% 1, #! %%23 JACK INGRAHAM 01/28/2010 $) 3307EM-AZ-USFS-05 ##" #)"'"& '( 555555555555555555555 200,000.00 ' "& +# $&#" B 5555555555555555555555555 &*#' (%#)&! 01/29/2010 01 '"!'"& '( 555555555555555555555 400,000.00 ' %&# ' "& B 5555555555555555555555555 "#&#% IFMIS * %+,+ &'! "& "&"- " " %+,+ &'! Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126190 (IFMIS Closed), Amendment to MA#1509-126147 as of 01/29/2010 Print Time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The amount and type of resources to be determined by the State of Arizona and FEMA. The initial request is for MREs and water. Delivery locations to be determined by FEMA and the State of Arizona. Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126190 (IFMIS Closed), Amendment to MA#1509-126147 as of 01/29/2010 Print Time: 01/29/2010 17:56 RFA #1509-126190 Financial Program: 3307EM Additional Mission Statement Type and amounts of resources to be designated by the State of Arizona and FEMA. Region 9, State AZ, 3307EM, MA#1509-126190 (IFMIS Closed), Amendment to MA#1509-126147 as of 01/29/2010 Print Time: 01/29/2010 17:56