(052D) DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY MISSION ASSIGNMENT (MA) O.M.B. NO. 1660-0047 Expires January 31, 2011 See Reverse for Paperwork Burden Disclosure Notice TRACKING INFORMATION (FEMA Use Only) t. NEMIS Number State MP (Northern Mariana Islands) Incident:2011 0311 02-NP-Tsunami-03-11-2011 Program Code/Event Number Date/Time Received 7220SU-Pre-Declaration II. Disaster Surge Account 03/11/201117:47 ASSISTANCE REQUIRED 0 See Attached Assistance Requested Activate U.S. Department of Forest Service(USFS) to FEMA Region 9 RRCC to perform duties of ESF #4 in support of Pre-Declaration Activation disaster operations in response to Japan Earthquake Pacific Wide Tsunami. Delivery Location I Internal Control Number John Tarca, FEMA Region IX RRCC Oakland, CA 94607 I Datemme Required ARF #10 03/11/2011 Initiator/RequestorName Randy Brawley 24 Hour Phone Number (510) 627-7718 Ernail Address randy.brawley@dhs.gov Date Site POC Name TARCA, JOHN C 24 Hour Phone Number (510) 627-7206 Email Address john.tarca@dhs.gov Date 03/11/2011 03f11/2011 • StateApproving Official (Required for DFA and TA) III. I INITIAL FEDERAL COORDINATION (Operations Section) Action to: IV. Date I~ ESF#: Other. 4 I Datemme 03/1112011 17:35 Priority 0 0 IKl 0 1. Lifesaving 2. Life sustaining IXJ DESCRIPTION (Assigned Agency Action Officer) 3. High 4. Medium SeeAltached Statementof Work Pre-Declaration activation for appropriate DOT personnel to perform functions of ESF #4 in the RRCC or other teams and locations at the direction and coordination of FEMA to include but not limited to Emergency Response Teamllncident Management Assistance Team (ERTIIMAT), Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) Team, and Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) Team, beginning 3/11/11. This activation may include overtime and Your agency is responsible for submitting a Mission Assignment Quarterty Progress Report to FEMA to include cost data when Mission Assignment takes more than 60 days to complete, including billing. The Mission Assignment Quarterly Progress Report can be accessed andsubmilted on-line at www.fema. gov/maprogress. D [g] New or Projected End Date 03/31/2011 03/11/2011 Total Cost Estimate SI0,OOO.00 Phone No. Amendment to MA #: ESF/OFAAction Officer I Email (707) 562-9184 TRUDIE MAHONEY V. I Projected Start Date Assigned Agency USFS (U.S. FOREST SERVICE) COORDINATION (FEMA Use Only) Type ofMA: State Cost Share Percent D Direct Federal Assistance State Cost Share (0%, 10%, 25%) 0.0 D Federal Operations Support Technical Assistance State Share (0%) IX] State Share (0%) State Cost Share Amount: S 0.00 % Appropriation code: 70X702 Fund Citation: 2011-06-7220SU-9094-XXXX-2501-D Mission Assignment Manager (Preparer) Date KAREN MOJICA 03/11/2011 •• FEMA Project Manager/Branch Director (Program Approval) .JOHN •• Comptroller/Funds Control (Funds Review) VI. -: APPROVAL Date TARr:A >'<83d t7.- //Ll./7~~ I , Date 'State Approving Official (required for DFA and TA): Date "Federal Approving Official (required for all): DAVID KENNARD VII. ;'1 Datec;,.j( 03/11/2011 OBLIGATION (FEMA Use Only) MissionAssignment Number 7220SU-MP-USFS-05 Amount This Action S 10.000.00 DatelTime Obligated AmendmentNumber 00 Cumulative Amount S 10.000.00 Initials • Signature required for Direct Federal Assistance ** Slqnatura required for all MAs. and Technical Assistance -:::;;,/11 II: Yl: t'~-"" ~ r:: MAs. FEMA Fonn 91)..129,JAN 08 PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE Region 9, State MP, 7220SU, MA#1509-136381 (Closed) as of 03/11/2011 Print Time: 03111/201119:22 7-" RFA#1509-136381 Financial Program: 7220SU Additional Mission Statement administrative costs. Pre-Declaration MAs that exceed 7 to 10 days will require FEMA approval. A subsequent MA may be issued for Post-Declaration activation If necessary. Equipment purchases ara not authorized under this Mission Assignment. MA task orders will be Issued for specific personnel requirements, locatlon(s), dates, and duration of assignment(s). Region 9, State MP, 7220SU, MA#1509-136381 (Closed) as of 03/11/2011 Print Time: 03/1112011 19:22