.,m USDA Forest Service OMB 0596-0217 FS-1500-19 MODIFICATION OF GRANT OR AGREEMENT I. U.S. FOREST SERVICE GRANT/AGREEMENT 2. RECIPIENT/COOPERATOR GRANT or AGREEMENT NUMBER, IF ANY: NUMBER: 07-FI-l l 020000-00 I I PAGE I 1 OF PAGES I 4 3. MODIFICATION NUMBER: 004 4. NAMFJADDRESS OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE UNIT ADMINISTERING GRANT/AGREEMENT (unit name, street, city, state, and zip+ 4): S. NAMFJADDRESS OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE UNIT ADMINISTERING PROJECT/ACTIVITY (unit name, street, city, state, and zip+4): Rocky Mountain Region 740 Simms St. Golden, CO 8040 I Rocky Mountain Region 740 Simms St. Golden, CO 8040 I 6. NAMFJADDRESS OF RECIPIENT/COOPERATOR (street, city, state, and zip + 4, county): 7. RECIPIENT/COOPERATOR'S HHS SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER (For HHS payment use only): Various Cooperators see attached. 8. PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: x This modification is issued pursuant to the modification provision in the grant/agreement referenced in item no. l, above. CHANGE IN PERFORMANCE PERIOD: Extend agreement period to 02/16/2015 or until revised CHANGE IN FUNDING: ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES: OTHER (Specify type of modification): Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the Grant/Agreement referenced in 1, above, remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 9. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATION (add additional pages as needed): See additional page for changes 10. ATTACHED DOCUMENTATION (Check all that apply): Revised Scope of Work Revised Financial Plan Other: 11. SIGNATURES AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: BY SIGNATURE BELOW, THE SIGNING PARTIES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PARTIES AND AUTHORIZED TO ACT IN THEIR RESPECTIVE AREAS FOR MATTERS RELATED TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED GRANT/AGREEMENT. 111~• -----~ 12.A 7:•:il'~d}"j' CRISTIE B. LEE - r· "' U.S. Fon::st Scn·icc Gr.·uus & Asm:cmcnt.s SP<.~ialist 12. G&A REVIEW b"n mfowed and approved lo,slgnntun, by, 12.B.DATE SIGNED 11-1 ?-17 Im USDA Forest S<rnre OMB05%-0217: FS-1500-19 Burden Statement Accordif'IJ lo the Papeiwork Reduction Act. of 1995, an agency may not conduct. or sponsor, and aperson is not required lo respond to acollection of infonnalion unless it cflSj)lays avalid OMB control number. Toe valid OM3 control number for this inronnation collection is 0596-0217. Toe time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, includif'IJ the lime for reviewil'IJ instructions, searching exislif'IJ data souroos, gatherif'IJ and maintainil'IJ the data needed, and coll'4)!etil'IJ and reviewif'IJ the rollection or information. Toe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of rare, color, national origin, age, disability, and M1ere applicable, sex. marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistanre. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with cfisabRifies who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voire and TDD). To file a complaint of cflSCrimination, write USDA, Direct.or, Office or Civil Rights, 1400 lndependenre Avenue, SW, Washir1Jton, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (voire). TDD users can conlacl. USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voire). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. m USDA Forest Service OMB 0596-0217 FS-1500-19 MODIFICATION NO. 4 To INTERAGENCY COOPERATIVE FIRE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Between US FOREST SERVICE, ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION and NORTHERN REGION And the USDI, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, MONTANA DAKOTAS STATE OFFICE USDI, NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, MIDWEST REGION USDI, BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, GREAT PLAINS REGION AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION USDI, FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, MOUNTAIN PRAIRIE REGION And the STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF WILDLAND FIRE SUPPRESSION This MODIFICATION, is hereby entered into by and between the above listed parties, as specified under the provisions of the Interagency Cooperative Fire Management Agreement 07-FI-1I020000-001, executed February 16, 2007. The purpose of this Modification No. 4, is to extend the expiration date of Modification No. 3 to February 16, 2015 to allow for additional time to work through the new proposed Cooperative Fire Agreement. THE PARTIES HERETO, have executed this instrument as of the last date shown below. SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE b 7. ~ ~ ii4<:--;ry of Agriculture US FOREST SERVICE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION r ~~ /'J.·'-/-1) Date ¥n,.iiiorester USDI BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT MONTANA DAKOTAS STATE OFFICE 'I , . C..t,~V.J!.i1r.v.··-· 41•;1' ,.1.,;' t1/2S'/tAt.3 Date USDI NATIONAL PARK SERVICE -1N'FERM9UN!f.MN-REGION-· \Y\ ,<.h.u c' ~;;-t­ Dnte [ c:nt}·c.i'-1 USDI BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Dii§I (4t1') ;.}/-;/c:1 BLM Gont~ing-Offtcer (ft . ,/(1 11)/,;··... Date US FOREST SERVICE NORTHERN REGION ' / ~ / ) C. . . ,,{::nn...t..,,(/C~>"),.-it:1.~r-</1/t './'-:.:, Stntc [)ircotor l)nte ,.(, ·/, i_ ··, ):4 1~$3 /( Q~~~,4­ Datl ~r} Regional Director . ItB OMB 0596-0217, . USDA Forest SeMre FS-1500-19 USDI BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS GREAT PLAINS REGION Re ionnl Director ,.-, - t - / .--:-;£(,~ . /' Date 6/~ltt~·t/ // ~1/;,:Ji BIA Contractin~ Officer Date ·.