The Community Choice Between High and Low Technology Approaches to Resource Recovery by Stephen Andrew Hill B.A., University of California, Santa (1976) Cruz SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF CITY PLANNING at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1980 ®j Stephen Andrew Hill 1980 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to and to distribute copies of this thesis document or in part. reproduce in whole . A A Signature of Author fparment//of Urban Studies and n'ii Certified 23, Planning 1980 b Lawrence Susskind Thesis Supervisor Accepted by La119ley C. Keyes Chairman, MCP Committee MASSACHUSETTS INSTTUTE OF TECHNOLOY AUG 2 0 1980 uIBANES 2 The Community Choice Between High and Low Technology Approaches to Resource Recovery ABSTRACT Traditional methods for disposing of municipal solid waste, landfilling and incineration, have in many communities been unable to meet local disposal needs and various environIn recent years, resource recovery -mental regulations. the recovery of materials and/or energy from household waste There are two generic has offered an alternative. -the "low technology" approach approaches to resource recovery: involves household separation of recyclable materials and the "high technology" approach involves processing mixed wastes to recover energy and perhaps materials. The debate over the merits of each approach has focused on national issues of resource conservation, consumption habits, and disposal impacts. However, the decision to implement or participate in a resource recovery program is The thesis thus examines the appropriate usually municipal. Using a case technology issue from a community perspective. study approach, it observes how communities view the lowversus-high technology issue, and defines some elements of a choice process for communities considering resource recovery. The case studies suggest that municipalities typically do not face a binary choice between low and high technology Rather, they can select combinations of resource approaches. or sequence their choices so as to best options recovery A community's particular objectives needs. local address and circumstances with respect to solid waste management will have a major influence on its evaluation of resource recovery options. 3 Acknowledgements Many individuals offered useful suggestions formation during the course of I want to this study. In particular, thank the members of my thesis committee: Susskind for his timely comments suggestions Michael Bever and Fred Gross resource recovery. individuals I also want along the way. helpful to thank Professor for sharing their thoughts I am indebted to the many in my case studies: their assistance made the study possible. cooperation This thesis dedicated to the men of packer truck 37, Works Larry and valuable criticism, and Joseph Ferreira and Larry Bacow for their about and in- and is Cambridge Public Department, whose Friday morning pick-ups were a source. of inspiration to me at my writing desk. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS page I. Introduction II. Why III. The Issue of IV. Case Study 1: Marblehead, Massachusetts.... 28 V. Case Study 2: El Cerrito, 42 VI. Case Study 3: North Little VII. Case Study 4: Ames, VIII. Conclusions.. 97 The 97 .- -- -----. . Resource Recovery . - ---. ... . ,, . .. ..................... Iowa California 6 11 22 Appropriate Technology, ...... Rock, Arkansas.. 59 .................. 77 Community Perspective Suggestions f or Ix. --- a.Community Choice Process.. 101 Bibliography 126 Glossary and Acronyms....................... 130 5 TABLE AND FIGURES Table page 1. Material Composition of MSW................... 12 2. Marblehead MSW Generation Rates................ 31 3. Marblehead Program Costs 37 4. El Program Materials 5. El Cerrito Program Costs and Revenues ..........-- 53 6. North 70 7. Waste Tonnage Processed 8. Ames 9. Motivation Cerrito Little Rock Plant RDF Plant for Costs and and Costs by Revenues.----......... Markets .... --.--..-. 52 and Revenues -... Ames RDF Plant - Revenues................ Considering Resource Recovery-- 88 90 102 Figure Study Locations.......................... 9 1. Case 2. Location Map: Marblehead, Massachusetts....... 29 3. Location Map: El Cerrito, 43 4. Location Map: North Little Rock, Arkansas -... 60 5. Location Map: Ames, 78 California......... Iowa..................... 6 1. INTRODUCTION United The cipal (MSW) solid waste -- have been hard of muni- quantities about 140 million -- tons annually. sanitary landfilling and Traditional disposal methods -incineration large States generates pressed what keep pace, to with rising disposal costs and environmental and health regulations of Cost disposal practices. and capacity problems with traditional disposal have led many communities to recovery -from the There nology" generic two are approaches option is or energy (or materials recovery of resource attractive both) stream. waste the one alternatives; consider -- and to resource recovery. approach is fundamentally different -- The so-called "low tech- labor-intensive, and separating involves household solid wastes into recyclable and non-recyclable components.* transported Recyclable separately wastes are then collected The to material markets. "high technology" approach is and so-called capital intensive; mixed MSW is processed at a centralized facility, and energy is usually recovered between high and recovery * is from the low the basis Or, rather, generation. combustible technology of the portion. approaches appropriate not mixing wastes at their to The choice resource technology point of issue. 7 Arguments primarily around disposal impacts and natural resource national issues of policy. These include: and impacts, their the net energy requirements of implications for MSW disposal needs each approach, their ploitation, and revolve the other for one or effect on rates of natural resource ex- their effect of patterns of consumption and waste generation. The appropriate technology in previous issue has been addressed studies and papers, but in each case from There either a national or non-site-specific perspective. apparently have been no or studies of community perspective. since the decision to this issue from a local Such an approach would be useful, implement or participate in a resource At recovery program is usually made by local government. this level, most of debate the issues are external to the central to resource recovery choice (for example, a community should not expect fluence the size of habits). the national its choice secondary material markets to in- or consumption Also, a community may find that key variables, as MSW composition or current disposal ficantly from the national of appropriate costs, differ signi- averages, on which most technology are analyses based. For these reasons, an analysis of technology resource recovery such the low-versus-high issue from a community pera case spective would be helpful. The analysis is based on study approach, considering four cases in which communities 8 implemented resource recovery selected and successfully choice process is examined -- In each case, the systems. circumstances leading to a decision, options considered, participants, choice criteria used, and results of the project project implementation, to date. From the case studies, the thesis communities view the low-versus-high recovery issue and process technology resource some elements the appropriate technology issue. are not intended options or all to describe project of a choice considering resource recovery, in for communities light of They (ii) defines observes how (i) selection all possible and The four cases recovery resource implementation issues. illustrate four very different choice processes and provide mostly site-specific allow me 1 locates Nonetheless, some general comment-s about to make technology results. the Figure the four cases. low-versus-high technology choice is not approaches binary. to resource recovery are not really and communities tend not First, The the two substitutes, to view them as competing options. a community's particular objectives and circumstancees with regard fluence appropriate issue and a process for community. choice. Several conclusions are worth highlighting. Second, they to solid waste management will have a major on its evaluation of resource recovery options. the resource recovery choice is very mentation issues. closely tied to Given the high degree of inThird, imple- interdependence 9 Figure 1 Case Study Locations Marblehead Ames0 El Cerrito North Little Rock of various elements of a resource recovery strategy, munity must usually address specific implementation (such as materials and/or-e:nergy buyers) prior to a comissues selecting a particul-ar option. The following two sections provide background mation on solid waste management practices and covery options, and debate case studies; approach, approach. in the first Sections IV - technology VII contain the four two are examples of the low-technology and the second two illustrate the high-technology Section VIII discusses the re-examining a process resource re- describe the low-versus-high in more detail. infor- the appropriate resulting conclusions, technology question and defining for communities wishing to compare the their context. two approaches 10 Notes 1. Marchant Wentworth, Resource Recovery: See, for example: Environmental Truth & Consequences (Washington, D.C.: Action Foundation), 1977; Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Materials and Energy from Municipal Waste, U.S. GPO), July 1979; Volume and Association, Recycling: Barbara: Comm. Envir. I (Washington, D.C.: California Resource Recovery The State Council), of the Art 1978. (Santa 11 WHY RESOURCE RECOVERY? II. some back- The purpose of th-is section is to provide for ground therefore their the reviews solid waste disposal familiar with Readers systems. and problems, associated and case studies subsequent practices in the U.S., resource recovery various to wish issued may these It discussion. skip this section. Solid Municipal (MSW), which we concentrate upon, solid institutions and offices. It specifically excludes and schools such as lishments, gene- includes wastes commercial and business rated by households, sma l cate- two into divided be conveniently municipal and non-municipal. gories: waste can waste estab- government solid waste produced by MSW industrial, farming, mining, and demolition activities. products and materials; is composed of a remarkable variety of indicates 1 Table households U.S. generate its a composition commercial and considerable amount terms. general in sources of MSW -- currently over 140 million 2 annually, tons generation has Waste and or nearly 3.5 is future. expected to grown steadily continue EPA predicts pounds 225 to per in increase million tons capita per the last somewhat day. two decades, in the annually by the year 3 1990. Table 1 also provides data on MSW generation in 1975. 12 TABLE 1 MATERIAL COMPOSITION OF MSW* Net waste disposed of after recycling Waste content as discarded Million tons 44.1 Paper 13.7 Glass 11.3 Ferrous 1.0 Aluminum 0.4 Other nonferrous 4.4 Plastics 2.8 Rubber 0.7 Leather 2.1 Textiles 4.8 Wood 0.1 Other Total nonfood 85.4 product waste 22.8 Food waste 26.0 Yard waste Miscellaneous 1.9 inorganic wastes 136.1 TOTAL Million tons 37.2 13.3 10.8 0.9 0.4 4.4 2.6 0.7 2.1 4.8 0.1 % of total 29.0 10.4 8.4 0.7 0.3 3.4 2.0 0.5 1.6 3.7 0.1 62.7 16.8 19.1 77.5 22.8 26.0 60.4 17.8 20.3 1.4 100.0 1.9 128.2 1.5 100.0 Material % of total 32.4 10.1 8.3 0.7 0.3 3.2 2.1 0.5 1.5 3.5 0.1 Agency, Fourth Report U.S. Environmental Protection Source: Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction, SW-600 to Congress: U.S. GPO), 1977, p. 1 8 . (Washington, D.C.: The composition reflects 1975 data for the United States. considerable geographic and seasonal variation. * MSW disposal the 1960s, The 1972 when the have improved open dumping and most to sanitary the landfills in were closure open dumps were 1976 Resource Conservation landfilling is in response prevalent. of most either to state and Recovery Act. an engineered method of MSW since significantly and incinerators Clean Air Act resulted MSW incinerators, converted practices large closed or laws Sanitary and 13 waste is spread in layers, 4 with a layer of soil. burial -- While vastly superior compacted, and covered to open dumps, sanitary landfills nonetheless pose a variety of environmental and Landfills can cause problems. economic surface and groundwater tamination, due to surface runoff and underground movement. In recent years, -- currently, about half of by groundwater. each year, land leachate groundwater contamination has environmental and public emerged as a serious con- health issue the U.S. population is served Landfills consume considerable amounts of into effectively pre-empting other uses well the future. Landfilling, once a cheap d-isposal method, becoming a very costly one. is fast EPA estimated the average cost disposal in 1976 to be about $30/ton, 5 About 20% of this $4 billion per year nation-wide. of MSW collection and -- or amount, and or $6/ton, represents disposal costs. federal regulations reduce the impacts of landfilling, the will be more apparent. of "full" As state environmental and health economic cost of landfilling In addition to inflation and growth stream itself, disposal costs are expected the waste to to rising land values and longer 6 Opposition sites. haul distance to new outlying disposal increase in the future due by landowners resents and nearby residents a serious landfilling obstacle to the in many areas. to landfill siting replong-term viability of 14 There are three generic approaches to the problems of excessive MSW generation and conventional disposal: reduction, source separation (with materials centralized processing waste recycling), (with energy recovery). and Waste re- to the prevention of waste at its source by duction refers redesigning products or changing patterns of production and comsumption. It can be achieved in several ways: by developing products that require less material per unit (eg. smaller by developing products with longer automobiles), average lifetimes, by substituting reusable products for "disposable" ones, and by reducing household comsumption EPA estimates of products. of that 20 million tons (or 10%) the 1985 annual waste stream could be eliminated by a waste reduction scenario that includes more durable automobile tires, containers, beverage refillable and a 10% re- 7 duction in other packaging wastes. made in this direction so deposit laws ("bottle bills") far; . Little progress has been mandatory beverage container are the most visible achievement to date. Together, source separation and centralized MSW processing constitute resource recovery materials because or energy it (or both) from MSW. is simple and requires little is considered a "low Conversely, -- the recovery of Source separation, capital investment, technology" approach to resource recovery. centralized MSW processing, using complex proces- sing equipment and being capital intensive, a "high technology". Both approaches have is often called the effect of 15 reducing our on landfills for MSW disposal and reliance of primary mater'ials supplementing our use low technology resource recovery) the setting aside of recyclable waste materials is defined as at (or separation Source and/or energy. segregated collection and 8 Transportation may secondary material markets. their point of generation for to transport be provided by the waste generator, by by private haulers, vehicles, There organizations. city collection or by voluntary recycling are two principal types of source separation programs of concern to municipalities: curbside * collection and separate Under materials a curbside separate collection program, recyclable are collected at curbside on a regular basis, the resident A recent the community recycling center. or business from having to transport the materials. EPA survey found 218 such programs in the U.S. tually all programs collect paper paper); saving only 16% In most cases and 14% (57%), municipality -izations operate Vir- (newsprint or mixed waste collect glass and metal, respectively. separate collection is performed by the and community organ9 of the programs, respectively. private collection firms 29% and 12% With a community recycling center, the participant is required to deliver recyclable materials to a central col- Other separate collection programs are more specialized: industry-sponsored recycling (such as aluminum can re-purchase programs), office paper recycling, and commercial and industrial source separation (eg. supermarkets segragating such products as corrugated paper). * 16 lection point. Following Earth Day in 1970, recycling centers sprang up cycling center will accept (either mixed of in the U.S. Typically, a re- several materials -- color-sorted), be municipally-operated, or, paper, glass, aluminum "tin' cans, and perhaps other waste products as well. private contractor or thousands of cans, The center may more likely, operated by a community organization. Until recently, recycling centers did not pay for waste material; recent years have seen the establishment of a few "buy-back" programs that pay participants a per-pound price for cified materials, such as paper Several approach to communities in off California use an perhaps others. include curbside separate center, or aluminum. "integrated" source separation, which combines these principal programs and two Such a program might collection, a drop-off recycling a buy-back program, and a facilities. spe- system of satellite drop- This approach allows participants the program that they prefer, to select and may enhance community par- ticipation. All of the above low-technology approaches markets for recovered materials. on an irregular basis a few cases do buyers. as require Often, materials are sold storage bins fill -- in only recycling programs have contracts with material Recycling programs currently divert about 9 million or 6% of total of MSW annually from the waste stream -10 Over 90% of this tonnage is comprised MSW tonnage in 1975. tons 17 ation has of estimates EPA of various paper wastes. the potential to source that separ- as much as 50 million tons divert MSW per year by 1985. summarize, recycling diverts a relatively small To percentage of a community's MSW It has weight). tunity cost, cost and low initial can be quickly planned and developed. being flexible and composition. It (in the range of operating costs, and It has a low oppor- adaptible to changing MSW requires considerable public volume or support and participation to be effective. has 1-25% by a low financial risk, due to Finally, it its low initial cost and flexibility. High-technology resource recovery involves the central- ized processing of mixed MSW, in order to separate recyclable materials product -- and convert the remaining fraction into an energy dry fuel, steam, or electricity. wide variety of centralized MSW processing with varying degrees of complexity, cost, feasibility. have been widely used thus (mostly in Europe), and magnetic other technologies, and demonstrated Energy and materials recovery technologies can be combined in a variety of ways. tion There are a far, however: composting separation of Only three processes ferrous waterwall combus- (mostly in Europe), scrap. In the U.S., processes have been proven commercially to extent derived -- modular fuel two a lesser incineration with heat recovery, and refuse- (RDF) processing. 18 In waterwall large waterwall combustion, MSW is furnaces, generally without any pre-processing. The primary product is (for industrial first shredded ferrous metals can incineration. after Europe steam, which can be used directly processes) or converted .to electricity. some cases, MSW is recovery; and burned directly in Japan; in to facilitate materials be recovered either before or Waterwall units are widely used 1975 In there were seven units ranged in completed from 300 to 1,600 in the U.S. Plant capacity has tons per day recently proposed plants have been still 11 to 3,000 TPD. larger -- up (TPD); Small-scal.e modular incinerators recover heat in the form of usually without any materials steam or hot water, A modular recovery. identical furnaces. the stage first plant a series of small MSW is incinerated in two stages: is a starved-air ducing a combustible gas. auxiliary fuel consists of combustion process, pro- The gas is (oil of gas) then burned with an in a secondary combustion The two-stage process reduces particulate emissions 12 This technology and provided more complete combustion. chamber. was developed for hospitals, and was schools, and other institutions, recently adapted to mixed MSW. communities in the U.S. with heat recovery; In 1975, only three had developed modular incinerators these units had capacities of 20-50 TPD. More recent plants have a wider range of capacity -200 TPD. up to 19 Refuse-derived fuel systems produce RDF by MSW and mechanically removing the organic fraction -product using a "wet" or is termed "fluff" "densified" depending on subsequent processing. fuel supplement refuse is first and heavy - 20% RDF mixture. shredded, and fraction, using an air boilers -At an RDF plant, classifier. fraction is RDF. There were plants the .U.S. in 1975, with another 20 Ferrous either being from a 200:TPD facility to a 6,000 TPD plant in St. Plant Louis, Missouri. commercially unproven or lack markets U.S. -- situation. composting of MSW to yield tion is a good Several technologies demonstration phase: scale in Ames, Iowa, Other centralized processing technologies are in the (and four operating RDF or at the advanced planning stage. has varied greatly -- a light from the heavy fraction; the light constructed used as a then separated into perhaps other) metals are recovered in or "powdered" RDF is in conventional coal-fired in an 80% coal The fuel RDF, RDF, usually (combustible) "dry" process. RDF, separating pyrolysis either for their products example of the latter are in an experimental or (the partial decomposition a gas and/or liquid fuel), anaerobic diges- (the biological degradation of MSW by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen), processes to isolate glass, and various materials-recovery aluminum, and non-ferrous metals. Including all centralized processing technologies, there were 21 operational resource recovery plants in 1975; another 20 10 were under and construction, 33 were in advanced planning, 13 Centralized MSW processing has 54 were under study. $15-32 per ton depending on been estimated to cost the energy and material revenues range from 14 per ton, leaving net costs of $3-21 per ton. technology used; $17 $5 to Given very limited commercial experience with a range different of technologies, these cost and revenue estimates are necessarily rough. High-technology resource recovery differs strikingly in many percentage more as of MSW (in the range of 50-90% by weight), It has high initial costs partly as a consequence, requires time -- acting a substitute for conventional disposal than as a way of reducing disposal needs. and, It diverts a much larger respects from recycling. on the order of 3-8 years. opportunity 20-30 years) a much longer lead It has a much higher cost, due to the long financing period and lack of operating flexibility. it has a much higher. financial risk, due of net operating costs, (typically Finally, to the volatility high initial costs, and limited experience with the various recovery technologies. 21 Notes 1. Michael Greenberg, "Suggestions for Evaluating Resource Recovery Proposals", AIP Journal, January 1977, p. 25. 2. Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Materials and Energy from Municipal Waste, Volume I (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO), July 1975, p. 24. 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Fourth Report to Congress: Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO), 1977, p. 20. 4. Marchant Wentworth, Resource Recovery: Truth & Consequences (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Action Foundation), 1977, p. 75. 5. U.S. EPA, op.cit., p.4. 6. U.S. EPA, op.cit., p.4. 7. U.S. EPA, op.cit., p.7. 8. U.S. EPA, op.cit., p.32. 9. U.S. Environmental Protection' Agency, A National Survey of Separate Collection Programs, by David Cohen, SW-778 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO), 1979, p. 2. 10. U.S. EPA, Fourth Report, op.cit., p. 32. 11. U.S. EPA, Fourth Report, op.cit., p. 47. 12. Congress of 13. U.S. 14. Congress of the United the United States, EPA, Fourth Report, op.cit., op.cit., States, p. 255. pp. 47-49. op.cit., p. 130. 22 THE III. Given ISSUE OF APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY the II, what in section described approaches two generic debate revolves zation and consumption of Advocates The low-versus-high to a way extraction and and see as at waste nothing amiss see proponents consumption habits, consumption excessive efforts serious to of problems the to United (and recycling) separation a prelude as and High-technology reduction. U.S. source the approach find of resource sensitize citizens consumption, with see They untenable. MSW disposal. it does as as much tech- resource utili- of patterns low-technology the prolific rate States' aroung recovery is the appropriate technology issue and why is it important? nology to resource centralized MSW pro- cessing as a reasonable way to cope with the resulting waste. focused mainly on national issues of The debate has the relative energy efficiency of low- resource policy: versus-high technology approaches, their implications resource exploitation levels of effect on MSW generation effect on The the size rates and and consumption, their and their patterns, secondary materials markets appropriate of and technology degree recovery program. of local issue and Low-technology flows. also concerns control for over advocates a scale: resource argue that large, 23 multi-community energy recovery plants are deleterious to to manage its own affairs and problems. a community's right it was Until recently, high-technology meant large-scale; generally assumed that centralized MSW processing plants required large volumes of solid waste to be economically The modular viable. incinerator technology now makes scale plants possible. small- But centralized MSW processing is a capital-intensive approach, requiring communities still to make long-term commitments and hence reducing local control over MSW issues in the future. Proponents of each persuasion use a variety of arguments support their position. to including Low-technology advocates, environmental organizations and community the high-technology approach perpetuates argue that even encourages -plant economics high levels groups, -- and of waste generation, since favor the full utilization of plant capacity. Resource recovery plants are portrayed as being inflexible, unable to cope with changes in MSW composition, and pre- cluding low-technology efforts at materials recovery. Large processing plants often require communities contributing MSW to sign long-term contracts, and virtually all highsystems involve technology commitments control nology to dramatically reduce local over a hitherto local responsibility. systems produce significant including water are thought These long-term financing. amounts of High-techair pollutants, potentially hazardous materials, as well as waste- (from ash quenching) and residues that must be properly 24 Centralized treated. be processing plants are considered to financially risky and unreliable, having high initial costs and utilizing new and often commercially-unproven technologies. Low-technology advocates point out that source separation do a better job of separating recyclable materials, strategies producing a higher-quality product with higher resale value. Low technology systems require modest capital investment and can be implemented relatively quickly. separation is Finally, feasible in communities too source small to consider centralized MSW processing. High-technology advocates -- the resource recovery * * industry , the beverage container and regional agencies -- industry, and some state paint a different picture. systems argue that low-technology recover a relatively fraction of MSW, and thus do not address fill capacity and cost. depending on "free" dized labor. It shift the issues small of land- Recycling is considered uneconomical, household separation and is thought volatile material markets major They to recycling). (often) subsi- to be unreliable, depending on (which would be saturated by any The argue that recycling will not work in dense urban areas, being viable only in affluent, Recent developments in modular this argument somewhat. * incinerator systems dilute Firms with experience in energy/materials recovery and chemical engineering, boiler design, and related fields -pollution control, for example. ** 25 well-educated, white-collar is thought to reduce recovery less suburbs. Finally, recycling the energy value of MSW, making energy attractive. Proponents of high-technology systems see them as a more direct approach to the problems of diminishing disposal capacity and reduce rising energy prices. High-technology approaches the amount of MSW requiring disposal dramatically, minimizing landfill needs and impacts. They point to the commercially-proven resource recovery industry in Europe. Finally, centralized MSW processing is expected economical -- to be more especially in the future, with rising landfill costs and energy prices. Implicit in the appropriate assumption that compatible. Several In technology debate is the low and high technology approaches are intheory, at least, recent studies argue that this is not necessarily so. low and high technology approaches may be quite compatible, and that bination may in arguments are theor- etical and fact be are based on desirable. The their com- averaged data for various parameters, such as MSW composition, since the authors can cite no actual examples of combined resource recovery systems. EPA scientist John Skinner has separation (i.e. low-technology) and high-technology) are compatible, at With a MSW composition similar to predicts demonstrated that energy recovery source (i.e. least conceptually. the national average, he that a source separation program removing 60% of 26 all paper of MSW by value energy from the waste stream would reduce the less than 9%. low tech- In determining the compatibility of high and approaches, likely if high-technology resource recovery is after a low-technology recovery plant without jeopardizing its feasibility. (for a given increases the per-ton material revenues; is worth more as fiber than as a fuel, and paper Effective a city to plan for a smaller This reduces the capital cost of the plant service area) and more developed source separation program. source separation enables resource is compatibility sequencing matters; nology source separation produces a cleaner, more valuable product in Conversely, developing a source separation program general. may reduce the revenues and profitability of an existing resource recovery plant. This is especially true if the plant is designed to receive MSW with a high energy value or incorporates expensive materials processing equip- if it ment. Combining high and low technology Source separation removes abrasive glass yield advantages. and metal systems may in fact from the waste stream, thereby increasing life of resource recovery plant equipment. removes much of the non-combustible the energy value of Source the separation fraction, increasing the incoming MSW. An intensive source separation program could obviate the need for processing at a central plant, reducing the capital and operating costs of 27 Perhaps some resource recovery technologies, especially RDF. importantly, a combination most approaches is more flexible. of high and low technology It can adapt more easily to changing MSW volumes and composition due to a lower level of capitalization and fewer long-term commitments. The prospect of the two approaches being compatible appropriate is of mixed value. to resource recovery It does not technology question, since the utilization and consumption are resolve the issues of resource largely unaffected. Energy recovery, with or without recycling, still requires a steady flow of MSW, reinforcing present consumption and waste generation habits. richer set of recovery. It does, options for however, provide a somewhat communities considering resource Some ccmbination of the two approaches may better meet a municipality's needs and objectives than either approach alone. Notes 1. Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Materials and Energy from Municipal W-aste,. GPO), July 1979, pp. 83-85. Volume I (Washington, D.C.: Truth & Consequ2. Marchant Wentworth, Resource Recovery: ences (Washington, D.C. : Environmental Action Foundation), 1977, pp. 57-58. 28 IV. CASE In STUDY 1: 1972, town of Marblehead, Massachusetts, the started curbside collection program a newsprint, metal 1975, after hauling and cans, for four materials: glass, and colored glass. incinerator and arranging for clear closing its In private landfilling, the town applied for and received grant federal to its upgrade collection program. separate then, the program has enjoyed a very high participation Since 25% rate, consistently diverting MSW took a recycling program from a local community group and over a MARBLEHEAD, MASSACHUSETTS generating a stream, and the waste from (by weight) of the town's small fiscal surplus. The case illustrates several facets of high technology resource recovery choice. importance of community support program, and are high, costs. suggests recycling that, can different be low-versus- It reinforces the for a successful recycling where marginal disposal costs reduce net The case also suggests approaches may the compatible, ksolid waste management that low and high technology and that criteria to evaluate each. is an affluent suburban a community will use Background Marblehead community in the 29 Figure 2 Marblehead, Massachusetts Location Map: NEW HAMPSHIRE A Amesbury Glou MASSACHUSETTS Marbleh Saugus Boston 0 30 Boston metropolitan The town had a 1970 population population growth in the future: a 1990 population projects 17 and expects a lower growth since 1950, moderate miles north of Boston. 2 It has experienced of 21,300. region about rate of the town Comprehensive Plan of 28,400. The median income in 1970 was $12,184, considerably above the Massachusetts 3 Seventy percent of all households live in singleaverage. family homes. Marblehead is governed by a Board of legislative decisions are made at limited commercial and has declined in Marblehead the community. Summer tourism the service industry 5 important and growing sector. is an (1979) generates about 9,150 tons (TPY) of residential MSW, including recyclables, 2,250 TPY of commercial MSW -6 This generation 31 tons per day. and another TPY, of only in economic importance, but The town currently per year The town has industrial activity, with most employed outside residents major an annual Town Meeting. 4 employees are unionized. Municipal Selectmen; relatively stable over fluctuations, additional a total of 11,400 rate has been time, with only minor seasonal being slightly higher summer residents. for Marblehead over several in the summer due to Table 2 estimated MSW generation years. 31 TABLE 2 MARBLEHEAD MSW GENERATION RATES 1970 1975 1980 21,300 23,500 25,000 7,800 1,900 9,700 8,600 2,100 10,700 9,150 2,250 11,400 1 Population 2 MSW (tons per year) Residential Commercial Total 1. 1970 and 1975 data from Community Profile; 1980 data projection from town's Comprehensive Plan. 2. 1980 data based on personal communication with Raymond Other data derived Reed, Health Department Director. basis. proportional a by author on Residential Department, collection is performed by the town Health under the Board of Health, a nearly autonomous in charge of all public health matters, 7 Private firms refuse collection and disposal. agency refuse including collect for commercial businesses and multiple-unit residences. The Health Department used to operate the town landfill, later the town incinerator, and now runs the recycling transfer station. program and MSW collection and disposal costs are paid from the town general fund and are included in the 8 rate. town's tax Chronology Marblehead acquired a small landfill in 1955. Due to its in the early 1960s built an capital cost was about (16 acre) site for its limited capacity, the town incinerator at the site. Its $275,000, spread over ten years. 32 residuals Incineration -- about 10% by weight -- were land- filled on the site. In the early 1970s, the high school Ecology Club started a drop-off recycling center where residents could bring newsglass, print, popular and cans and gained on weekends. The program was quite In 1972, community attention. a group of environmental-minded citizens, led by Carl King, a local attorney, proposed that the town sponsor an intensive re9 At the May 1972 Town Meeting, their proposal cycling program. for mandatory of 10 introduced by King and passed as a by-law. source recyclables was Town officials separation and took no separate collection The strong position on. the issue. Health Board, while sympathetic to the program's resource conservation goals, was skeptical about implementation; by-law provided no additional funds or instructions 11 Department implementation. the for Health The separate collection program commenced operations Due to limited publicity and a confusing later in 1972. collection schedule (the Department collected a different material each week) participation was only moderate, but program nonetheless recycled about 14-18% (by weight) the of residential MSW. In 1974, EPA tested stack emissions at the incinerator and informed local have officials that town's they would to either reduce emissions significantly or phase out 33 the plant. would The Health Board decided that upgrading be too costly, and began investigating other options. The Health Department looked at several regional recovery projects, all in the planning stages in still Saugus, NESWC in Haverhill, and doubted that the plant resource SESWC in Peabody they would be developed in time. Board members visited Consumat's modular -- RESCO -- but Two Health incinerator at Wellesley, Massachusetts, and were not impressed with facility 12 reliability and safety. The Department considered a baling process to reduce MSW volume prior existing landfill; except in the very short to act, the Board station and 1975, limited to disposal at capacity ruled out this option, term. After eventually decided pay to have-its further EPA pressure to develop a transfer MSW hauled the Health Board signed Service Company of America the town's elsewhere. In April a five-year contract with (SCA), (at no whereby SCA would cost to the to a private landfill in Amesbury, Massachusetts, for a tipping fee town) of build the transfer station, and haul MSW $18.95 per ton. The station was built and the incinerator closed in August 1975. The new disposal fee represented nearly a doubling of the town's per-ton disposal cost, and the Board was eager to 13 reduce costs. With a niew incentive to reduce MSW tonnage, the Board met with a consultant Associates grading (RPA) -- -- Resource Planning and applied to EPA for support their separate collection program. EPA awarded an $80,000 grant to the In June town as part of in up1975, a 34 demonstration project Massachusetts). (also including the city of the Department spent With the funds, on two multi-material $40,000 collection vehicles, reserving the for project monitoring other half Somerville, studies by RPA. and Resource recovery system and results The 1972 five program required residents to separate MSW into categories: metal cans, clear glass, colored and non-recyclable refuse. Department would addition to newsprint, collect a different Each week, its twice-weekly refuse collection. trucks). the Health recyclable material, in ment used existing staff and equipment packer glass, The Depart- (i.e. conventional Recycled materials were stored at the land- fill site and sold on a non-contract basis directly to material buyers in the region with no intermediate processing. The alternating collection schedule was necessary because buyers needed a "clean" product, not and the packer trucks could separate materials. After 2 1/2 years of operation, program results were The program was recycling between 1,200 and 1,600 mixed. TPY of materials, an'impressive 14-18% of total residential 14 solid waste, in contrast to the U.S. average of 2% for all 15 Program participation was consistently recycling programs. 16 regularly. participated 30-40% of all households good -These and results were obtained despite minimal program publicity the Health Board's decision not mandatory separation provisions to actively of the 1972 enforce the by-law. However, 35 17 the program had a net cost of $43,000 in 1973 that probably applies to other years. management costs in a figure -- solid waste Total (collection, recycling, and disposal) 1973 were approximately per ton. or about $32 $265,000, recycling, disposal costs would have been unchanged, 18 betwee $27 and $32. and slightly lower -- Without The revised recycling program started in January 1976, Recyclable differed in many ways from the previous system. materials were divided and cans, clear glass into only three groups: and colored glass and compartmentalized trucks allowed simultaneously collect Department newsprint, cans. Two to the Health Department several materials. Initially, the provided twice-weekly refuse collection and once- weekly collection of all*eparated materials. In mid-1977, the Department reduced refuse collection to once per week. High participation rates had the change offered ficantly; savings; and substantial residents agreed to Marblehead entered Inc. reduced refuse tonnage signicollection cost less frequent service. into a one-year contract with Recor, (later Matcon, Inc.) of Salem, Massachusetts, an inter- mediate processor willing to purchase mixed materials. contract to specified "floor" prices for Salem by the Health Department. newed in all materials, delivered The contract was not re- 1977 when the two parties could not agree *Only mixed glass The and cans required processing. on a price 36 continued to purchase all of the town's but Matcon 19 Matcon complained at times about the recovered materials. schedule, contamination of the paper and glass/metal level of -- with other MSW -- but on products residents the whole Marblehead's good job of separating recyclable materials. did a In the first the program has ing 175 2 1/2 years recycled consistently (or 2,100 TPY). TPM (January 1976 to June 1978), This solid waste generated residential averag- 150 TPM, over of tonnage represents 25% in Marblehead. The fraction of households participating has ranged between 60% 20 The program has resulted in a net savings of and 74% . its first $45,000 over 2 1/2 management costs in 1977 were about collection, recycling, Total solid waste years. (including $294,000 and disposal) -- $34 per ton. or the separate collection program, this total would 21 Thus, separate ton. per $36 or have been about $311,900, Without saved collection the town about $17,000 per year, or" $2 per ** ton. 3 gives Table This net sensitive centage of economic results savings, while slight, to changes Net and 1977. terribly is not in participation rates residential MSW recycled). is much more for 1976 (i.e. the per- savings (or cost) a function of market prices for recovered Matcon, Inc. has since gone out of business, and Marblehead now sells mixed glass and cans to Recycle Enterprises in Oxford, Massachusetts, and newsprint to a firm in Salem. * **Separate collection program costs were more than by material revenues plus disposal credits. offset 37 materials. Between 1976 were fairly cullet fluctuations and 1978, market prices for stable($10-12/ton), for secondary materials, prices were quite volatile 22 respectively). TABLE 3 but due glass to market newsprint and can ($12-28/ton and $10-30/ton, MARBLEHEAD PROGRAM COSTS AND REVENUES 1976 Recycled Materials Revenues Material sales Disposal credits Subtotal $35,600 40,100 75,700 $25,500 41,100 66,600 47 , 900 49,800 $27,800 $16,800 149,600 124,600 $274,200 146,700 123,900 $270,600 Cost Net Revenue (Cost) Remaining MSW Collection Costs Disposal Costs Total 1977 Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Multi-material Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts: Collection and Marketing, SW-822 (Washington, D.C. - U.S. GPO), December 1979, pp. 47-48 Resource Recovery Choice The town in fact made three separate choices concerning resource recovery -- existing recycling program, an a a 1972 decision to get transfer station and pay decision to early-1975 involved in an decision to build for private disposal, and a 1975 upgrade the materials recovery program. Each responded to a different situation and employed different criteria; they are discussed in turn. 38 The 1972 decision to at start separate collection was made Town Meeting with the backing of a group of the new by-law was passed to address a national officials felt spirit of taking local action Town resource conservation issue. was unprepared government in the "do-gooders", for such an endeavor, and been "slipped through" at 23 Health Board sufficient discussion. the proposal has Town Meeting without chairman Bruce Humphrey notes that the Board had no to initiate funds program; nobody had thought a separate collection of the by-law. through the actual implementation Despite lack of preparation, the new program held some promise this Incinerator for the Health Department. a source of stack emissions were local concern and a program that reduced MSW tonnage would also reduce the level of and some residuals requiring disposal at incinerator emissions the town's hard-pressed landfill. Clearly, the 1972 decision was elective.was not yet under pressure to modify its incinerator, and disposal at Marblehead $10.90 per ton. to provide the Recycling efforts were not town cost savings, either; costs were fairly In 1975, the Under Annual operating costs 24 or $85,000 in the early 1970s, excessive. incinerator averaged the about costs were not annual incinerator insensitive to minor changes town faced intended a much different in tonnage. situation. pressure from EPA, the Health Board had to either upgrade its incinerator or find a new disposal option. The 39 the Health Board with no need and was made by 25 The Board approval. town for investigated a broad range of options, including upgrading essentially a short-term one, ch-oice was the incinerator, a small "package" incinerator, MSW baling (and on-site landfilling), participation in a regional resource recovery project, vinced that no new landfill town Some grading past the officials -- sites within the town remained. ex-Board members -- incinerator, given come close to meeting federal air up- favored its good performance in and existing staff commitments. the But the plant did not quality standards, and agreed that this option was too the Board con- The Board was station. and a transfer costly. Board chairman Humphrey was also reluctant to improve the facility with no guarantee that standards. paid it would subsequently meet emissions Another Massachusetts community had recently for extensive incinerator modifications and still ex- ceeded federal standards. Humphrey, and possibly other Board members, felt hemmed in by EPA, and doubted local disposal strategy -would meet that any incineration or landfilling -- EPA standards. Needing a short-term solution, the Board could not wait for regional resource recovery to become a reality. Most of the then-proposed projects were not struction, expected and Health Department director RESCO (in Saugus) close to con- Raymond Reed to be too expensive, distance from Marblehead and given its anticipated tipping fees. 40 regional Also, seen as a "political resource recovery was town officials expected facility siting to be a 26 Overall, the Board found the transfer station major obstacle. football"; option preferable on solution to the several grounds: their acute disposal problem; opportunity cost. investments); The last thought to be infeasible, a should prove successful in the The town's existing materials tivQly itself a disposal option. was not, however, an any of future. recovery program was not The program was diverting a rela- choice. small fraction of total MSW regional plants. the Board wanted in a regional resource recovery program to be able to join in this had a very low in any case, and transfer station was needed a factor and it factor was particularly important; given that local disposal was one SCA would build (other options required to the town facility at no cost considerable front-end if it provided an immediate tonnage, and was not in Marblehead's recycling program impediment to participation in planned to Although the town made no commitment several regional proposals, its MSW composition the (and the recycling program's effect on composition) was 27 not an issue during discussions. Having selected an option which substantially increased per-ton disposal costs, the town in 1975 had a strong in- centive to reduce MSW tonnage via its separate collection program. Unlike significant cost the 1972 choice, savings for the town now stood each ton of MSW recycled to gain (and 41 hence diverted the cost marginal station). from the transfer of disposal was high -- In economic terms, $19 provided economic incentives to generate less of disposal costs, Regardless quite popular remained per ton -- and solid waste. the recycling program had since it inception, and Marblehead's resource conservation efforts were a source of pride to both residents and Therefore, when Humphrey of EPA's demonstration grant program for materials learned recovery, the Board readily The Board's result town officials. of earlier such a grant. agreed to apply for choice to upgrade its program was a fairly direct the incentives created by its disposal decision that year. Notes 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Multi-material Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Collection and Marketing, by Resources Massachusetts: Planning Associates, Inc., SW-822, December 1979, p. 2 . 2. Massachusetts Department of Commerce and Development, Massachusetts Profile of Marblehead, 1970. 3. Massachusetts, op.cit. 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Source Separation: The Community Awareness Program in Somerville and Marblehead, Massachusetts, SW-551 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO), November 1976, p. 4 . 5. Town of Marblehead, Marblehead Comprehensive Plan, 1970. 6. Personal communication: Raymond Reed, Director, Marblehead Health Department. 7. U.S. 8. Personal EPA, Community Awareness communication: Program, op. Raymond Reed. cit., p. 4. 42 9. Personal communication: Marblehead Health Board. 10. Town of Marblehead, Ch. 11. Personal 12. Ibid. 13. U.S. 14. Town of Marblehead, Health Department, Recycling: Marblehead, Massachusetts, undated brochure. 15. U.S. EPA, Collection and Marketing, op.cit., 16. U.S. EPA, Community Awareness 17. U.S. EPA, Collection and Marketing, op.cit., 18. Author's estimate, assuming collection and disposal costs unchanged by recycling program. 19. U.S. communication: Bruce Humphrey, Chairman, 39 of By-Laws and Amendments. Bruce Humphrey. EPA, Community Awareness Program, op.cit., 25. p.l. Program, op.cit., EPA, Collection and Marketing, op.cit., p. p. p.26. 15. p.15. 20. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Multi-material Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Citizen Attitudes Toward Source Separation, Massachusetts: by Resources Planning, Inc., SW-825, December 1979, p.5, Raymond Reed. and personal communication: estimate, based on EPA data. 21. Author's 22. U..S*. EPA, Collection and Marketing, t., 23. Bruce Humphrey, Chairman of Personal communication: Marblehead Health Board, and Alan Robbins, Chairman of Marblehead Planning Board. 24. Personal 25. Ibid. 26. 27. Communication: Raymond Reed. Personal communication: Bruce Humphrey. Personal communication: Raymond Reed. pp. 3 6 -3 8 . 42 _ El EL CERRITO, CALIFORNIA STUDY 2: CASE V. Cerrito has a fairly long history of recycling, The beginning with a volunteer-run recycling center in 1972. city control of assumed recycling within community plan receives about predicts 500 of 18% Also leadership. of a tonnage by 25%, the (TPM) of were good program get El elective; disposal costs or a and Cerrito's it was serious importance the of and secondary material and the availability of various was recyclables, able program administration markets recovery center now The program currently underscores and important started. long-range Cerrito' s MSW. El support community part future. in'.the near it in multi-material As per month tons 350 expanding 1977, project community. Cerrito's experience El strong small to reduce MSW TPM about diverts a in program a demonstration as significantly the not grants to help the choice about of forced shortage of resource hastened by landfill high capacity. Background El north of Cerrito Oakland, urbanized East and is Richmond, Bay and a suburban California, area. It Kensington, community and is borders an about part the of eight miles the heavily cities unincorporated of Albany community. 43 Figure 3 Location Map: El Cerrito, California Richmond El Cerrito o Kensington o Albany Berkeley 44 El a 1975 population of 23,000, slightly less 1 The 1975 median income was $15,056; 1970 level. Cerrito had than the both this and the average level of education are above the U.S. average. Refuse collection East in El Cerrito is performed by the Bay Sanitary Service under ment, which permits a long-term franchise agree- annual rate adjustment. Albany have similar franchise arrangements. residents currently pay $5.00 service and Kensington and Cerrito El per month for one-can-per-week $2.00 per month for an additional can. East Bay Sanitary Service hauls refuse directly to a regional landfill in Richmond -- the West Contra Costa county landfill, privately owned and operated, and located about Commercial haulers are charged Cerrito. tipping five miles fee. in a wetland a $4.00 per The West Contra Costa county area, and has up capacity, despite from El ton landfill is located to 40-50 years of remaining frequent violations of state environmental and a running legal battle with the State Lands 2 site. the of part to Commission over title standards El Cerrito generates an average of 690 TPM of residential and 110 TPM of commercial refuse, a total of 800 TPM of MSW -3 The recycling program also serves or 9,600 tons per year. the towns of Kensington (population of 14,700), MSW respectively. (1975 population of 5,300) and Albany each generating 100 and 650 TPM of 45 Chronology El Cerrito's recycling program began in Little, a city and Ernie Del It was a weekend drop-off Simone. by Albany and Kensington. and -- facility, by volunteers, accepting a variety of materials. The program was well-received and metal cans -- attracted users from near- A glass crusher was added, received a small but center recycling center with the support of city councilmen Gregg Cook E.C.ology -- staffed employee, started a small 1972 when Ken about 15 to establish a Board of coordinate its 5 The local environmental programs. Directors to administer volunteer the steady supply of glass, paper, 4 Local environmentalists in TPM. 1974 persuaded the center's founders activities with other and the program and to :create more visible links Board was intended with the El Cerrito community. At this time, El positions, Cerrito had several unfilled CETA and Charles Papke, a local resident and activist, proposed to the city's Parks and Recreation Department that he be hired to develop -plans for an expanded recycling program. City officials were interested because of the state legislature's 1972 Solid Waste Management among other and things mandated local proposed a 25% disposal by and Resource Recovery Act, which 1980. but reluctantly. recycling center such a project. solid waste management plans reduction in the amount of MSW requiring The city council approved Papke's hiring, Council members but were not supported the small private ready to commit city funds to 46 Working under Parks and Recreation Department director Joel Witherell, Papke established a Citizen's Solid Waste The Advisory Committee. leaders and develop community awareness of and support Papke studied other intensive the recycling program. recycling programs -- composed of community and was intended to oversee and city officials, planning efforts for Committee was in Modesto largest programs in California. Recreation Department showed and Davis, then the two Surveys by the Parks and a large majority of households Cerrito willing to participate-in a curbside collection 6 Papke proposed an "integrated" program for recyclables. in El recycling program having off facilities, program. including drop- several components, a buy-back program, and a curbside collection In this way, Papke hoped to combine the profitability of the buy-back approach with the high participation rates of the curbside collection approach. Papke and the Committee also examined material markets and grant sources. Kaiser Aluminum at that wide system of aluminum buy-back centers time had a nation- to promote aluminum Kaiser was willing to consider an arrangement whereby the E.C.ology program would perform this function in can recycling; the East Bay state area. The 1972 Solid Waste Management responsible program for allocating Board the in 1976 established a (SWMB) and made the Board funds' from a demonstration grant for resource recovery projects. reation Department finance state Act also The Parks and Rec- applied for a SWMB capital improvements grant to recommended by Papke. 47 The Department also state Employment applied for grants Development from CETA and Department to staff the the proposed expansion. A central feature of Papke's long-range plan was that the city would assume control of the recycling program. There were several reasons for this proposal. Committee was convinced that The Advisory program administration would be the volunteer Board of Directors 7 The Board, lacking lacked both organization and resources. crucial and time consuming; non-profit corporate status, was also unable to secure grants from various state Aluminum made their participation on city involvement. tingent of Directors Parks and order and federal programs. to as a materials buyer con- In May agreed with Papke, In addition, Kaiser 1977 the E.C.ology Board recommending that the city's take over the program in 8 spur more rapid expansion. Recreation Department The full city council Chief proposal. collector's was less enthusiastic about the among their concerns was the city refuse opposition to the plan. East Bay Sanitary Service, while unfamiliar with the plan's details, was sure that a major and in the opposed risky, ongoing recycling effort would hurt its business long run. The city's Public Works Department the plan, noting that also the proposed expansion was and that the program shouldn't be directed by the 9 The council Parks and Recreation Department in any case. also worried about financing the program; they had no assurance 48 of from the SWMB and were unwilling to a grant amount of city unspecified Events in the funds success. to the program's following months lessened the council's Papke and others were able to concerns. commit an not all) -of the city refuse allay some (but collectors' fears so that franchisee offered to provide separate collection the service. The city concluded a one-year contract with Kaiser Aluminum, under which Kaiser would for aluminum scrap. and a per-ton price point to a ready could pay the E.C.ology program $12,000 source of financing, held several joint workshops to the proposal and gauge public for Committee inform community residents response. The workshops to the council broad were well attended, and demonstrated support at least in the Finally, the council and the Advisory short-term. of Program proponents the recycling proposal. With a favorable recommendation from director Witherell, the city council in July 1977 voted 3-2 to have the city's Parks and Recreation Department assume responsibility for the E.C..ology program in accordance with the plan prepared by Papke for the Department. a majority of council members were persuaded on the issue, of the program's viability, financial year end soundness. trial period; city While clearly still divided community support, financially unsound. short-term The council's approval was. for a one- the council members wanted involvement and after a year if to be able to the program proved The council also decided to let 49 collection of curbside E.C.ology do Sanitary Service had offered, per participating household, East Bay recyclables. per month for an extra dollar to collect recyclables, but cover any only on a trial basis, and with city guarantees to extra costs. to expect, the costs council declined the firm's offer. in 1977, Later the Not knowing what additional state SWMB, the city received a $45,000 grant from and the Parks and Recreation Department began administering the E.C.ology program with 12 CETA staff, the the Kaiser contract, and a modest advance of funds 10 Program expansion was preceded by an extensive from the city. SWMB grant, promotional program, including paid advertisement Monthly tonnage rose dramatically in to-door canvassing. and has late 1977, and door- increased steadily as the program has expanded. El Cerrito received a second in May 1979 state SWMB grant of $92,200 to reach a stated goal of 500 TPM, which the city thought would enable the program to be self-supporting. The program also received additional CETA staff, and the state Department of Rehabilitation awarded a special grant to a non-profit community health program to provide staff assistance to E.C.ology. volume and in response in the neighborhood of soon move road to complaints the to a new site in and rail access, To accomodate its increasing about excessive traffic current location, the center will El Cerrito -- one with improved 50 Resource recovery system and results The 1972 at recycling program consisted of the city's corporation yard. open one Saturday per month, it materials: Staffed by volunteers and accepted a variety of aluminum and tin cans, and color-sorted glass. a drop-off center newsprint, magazines, Materials were sold to local buyers on a highest-bidder basis when a sufficient volume had accumulated. Over the course of upgraded somewhat -- several years, a glass crusher was added and volunteers were paid for their work. During its program received a fairly steady 15 TPM -- or 180 the center was tons per first four years the flow of materials, averaging year. The 1977 program expansion area and provided new staff and increased the center's work equipment. The drop-off program hours were expanded to every weekday, and four new programs were added. available month to all A curbside collection program was made El Cerrito residents for a fee of (in addition to refuse collection dropped several months later to fees) -- $1.00 per this -fee was increase participation. Six household-separated materials were collected each week: mixed glass, newsprint, magazines, aluminum cans, tin cans, and reusable wine bottles. The program was expanded to Kensington in June 1978 and to Albany A buy-back program, also different corrugated in September 1979. open on weekdays, consumer-sorted materials: cardboard, color-sorted accepted ten bundled newsprint, glass, tin cans, aluminum 51 pure aluminum scrap, mixed cans, wine aluminum scrap, The program paid an advertised bottles. and reusable per-pound price for each material, usually making a 25-50% mark-up on its 11 a Two other activities were added: subsequent sale. commercial program, which collected materials from commercial businesses in 2 cubic yard bins, similar bins which placed and a satellite program, in smaller outlying communities and multi-unit apartment complexes. increased the service area Program expansion also the drop-off and buy-back programs Contra serve residents of west Costa county and north Alameda county, with a combined population of 150,000. materials volume April 1979, From a pre-1977 level of 10-15 TPM, and 44% TPM by July 1978, 250 TPM by 12 The curbside and October 1979. grew to 100 and 350 TPM by buy-back programs account 45% -- for the majority of this calculating the reduction in MSW requiring disposal is not straightforward. reduction in El -- Given different service areas for respectively. different programs, tonnage Cerrito's tonnage; Witherell estimates an 18% alternatively, assuming that all recyclables originate in the three-town area, this 13 Witherell estimates that area has achieved a 23% reduction. 50% of El program; Cerrito's households participate in the curbside this figure is 60% The 1977 equipment -- in Kensington. expansion also provided additional processing a paper baler and aluminum shredder reduced transportation costs and enabled -- which the program to get 52 higher prices for its materials. E.C.ology has had Consequently, basis to access to good the program has the highest bidder. Over its lifetime, secondary material markets. sold materials on a non-contract lists firms that Table 4 regularly purchase recycled materials. TABLE 4 EL CERRITO PROGRAM MATERIALS MARKETS Material Location Buyer Paper fiber Ferrous metal Aluminum Consolidated Fiber Engineered Waste Sonoco Bay Area M&T BHR Levin Bay Reynolds Aluminum Simon & Sons Custom Alloy Bay Area Tacoma,, WA Bay Area If B i Area it to BHR Glass Oil (used) Area Owens Illinois Brockway Bay Circo Encore Madera, CA Bay Area Ecotek Bay Area to It Liquid Gold Source: City of El Cerrito, State Grant Application, California Solid Waste Management Board (for E.C.ology Recycling Center), December 1979, page 3. E.C.ology usually of ships materials the paper fiber is Bay Area's for buyers. export, Much which explains the strong secondary paper market. Describing complicated sold to the economics of by several factors: the E.C.ology program is a lack of comparable data 53 since its 1977 capital costs, intermittent expansion, relatively large and and a rapidly growing volume of materials processed by the facility. Accurate information is not available for the program's first fiscal year shows actual economic data for Table 5 (1977-78); 1978-79 and the program's 1979-80 budget. TABLE EL CERRITO PROGRAM COSTS AND REVENUES 5 1978-79 Costs 1 Labor City funded CETA and Phoenix Subtotal 2 Operating expenses Administrative services Capital improvements Purchase expenses A Total $46,000 A A & 46,000 57,000 30,000 0 110,000 $122,000 90,000 212,000 57,000 30,000 92,000 240,000 & $243,000 $631,000 $219,000 A 0 $469,000 90,000 92,000 & $219,000 $651,000 ($24,000) $ 20,000 Revenues Sale of materials CETA and Phoenix grants State SWMB grant A Total Net 1979-80 Revenue (Cost) Source: City of El Cerrito, State Grant Application, California Solid Waste Management Board(for E.C.ology Recycling Center), December 1979, page 9 and City of El Cerrito E.C.ology Recycling, Income Statement for FY 1978-79, July 18, 1979. 1. Information on the CETA/Phoenix contribution in 1978-79 is Labeled "A", it is in the range not readily available. $50,000 to $100,000. 2. "In-kind" of 3. the Cash services provided by site, outlays fleet from insurance the the city including free use rates, buy-back and management program. services. 54 the table As of program expects net revenues indicates, the $20,000 in 1979-80, which will be used loan from the city. standing deficit. a small Clearly, In 1978-79, the program is labor intensive; CETA and Phoenix In 1979-80, labor development grants. subsidies The Department plans represent 20% of the basic budget. reduce the program produced to the availability of this is largely due employment to reduce the out- to increase its use of processing 14 This strategy, coupled with grants end. this labor component and equipment when these increases in per-month tonnage processed, is expected to make the program self-supporting by 1982. Material prices are ton $25/ton for sidered an "aluminum rich" Jersey, and some ferrous metals southern as a result, glass and mixed paper; and 15 California is con("tin"cans). state -- along with Arizona, New states -- due to increased of total 5% strongly affected by material prices, to the aluminum fraction At E.C.ology, range represents a 40% *Author's estimate, based total which But revenues are recycled tonnage which is aluminum per-ton price. this be expected, As might significantly since 1977. also very sensitive its large soft- aluminum constitutes a larger than average fraction of MSW tonnage. project revenue is and used oil; $30/ton for for newsprint; drink market; per $113 $900/ton for $80/ton for cardboard, wine bottles, $65/ton have they average The center receives about in 1979-80. aluminum; quite high; the percentage --- due to its high the aluminum fraction is 5-10%; change in average on E.C.ology records. per-ton revenue. 55 Resource Recovery Choice El Cerrito's city faced no pressures The one. resource recovery choice was conditions dramatically in did not enter into the alternatives state landfilling standards at county landfill Contra Costa the West to change its solid waste to consider disposal it no cause future enforcement of While elective low disposal costs and ample landfill management practices; capacity gave an could change both the future, this possibility city's decision. The state's goal of reducing the amount of MSW requiring disposal was not binding on communities, relying instead on goodwill by cities and counties choice was El Cerrito's not to governments have (in fact many local made no or minimal effort to meet this goal). fairly uncomplicated: assume control of an existing recycling city council made its formal decision in July whether or program. 1977, for the new center. a site Recreation Department on its behalf. the city council was considering considerable energy That climatic. is not The to The Parks and study expansion options and applying state and federal grants volvement, many city but devoted increasing attention to the program, hiring Papke to for The when the city involvement in the program goes back to 1972, city provided efforts By the the proposal for time that city in- staff and officials had already devoted to the project. say that council had city council approval was anti- several serious reservations 56 about involving with satisfied more-or-less approval. the E.C.ology program, and were their before giving each issue A major concern was opposition to this the city in the city refuse collector's the recycling proposal. Over several months, opposition subsided, following a lengthy interchange between East Bay Department staff. Papke's prior Sanitary Service and Parks and Recreation Community participation was another concern. surveys of citizens' willingness to participate were reassuring in this respect, of workshops enjoyed convinced the the early 1977 council that series the recycling proposal wide community support. In addition, support and the proposal received the endorsement and of several key officials. had helped start enthusiastic. Two the recycling center city council members in 1972 and remained Ex-councilman Ray Cook, who had the respect of the council in general and was a popular public 16 El Cerrito, also supported city involvement. figure in Project viability was another concern of the council: would the project work, and istered by the for city? be successfully admin- The city council found Papke's plans expanding the recycling accurate, could it center reasonably complete and and the contract with Kaiser Aluminum assured the city of an aluminum market in the short term. Witherell assured council members that his Department would have no council's approval trouble administering the program; the was in part an expression of their confidence in him. 57 Finally, council members were concerned about the of the effect city's issue a blank check for Although the not they did not want financial commitment; SWMB grant grant. to in the recycling program. and additional CETA allocations had yet been awarded, the council was reassured Kaiser extent Their use of a one-year trial by the period $12,000 further limited potential city expenditures. Notes 1. City of El Cerrito, California, State Grant Application, E.C.ology Recycling Center, to State Solid Waste Management Board, December 1979, p. 2 (henceforth "Grant Application"). 2. Personal communication: Charles Papke, Resources Management Associates, El Cerrito(and former city employee). 3. Grant Application, op.cit., 4. Joel Witherell, Director of Personal communication: Community Services Department (formerly Parks and Recreation Department),City of El Cerrito. 5. Personal communication: 6. Ibid. 7. Personal communication: 8. City of El Cerrito, Community Services Department, E.C.ology Recycling, undated brochure (ca. 1979), p. 9. Personal communication: p. 2. Charles Papke. Joel Witherell. Charles Papke. Joel Witherell; 10. Personal communication: 2. p. Recycling, op.cit., communication: 2. and E.C.ology Joel Witherell. 11. Personal 12. E.C.ology Recycling, op.cit., 13. Author's p. 3. estimate, assuming 350 TPM throughput. 58 Joel Witherell. 14. Personal communication: 15. Grant Application, op.cit., 16. Personal communication: p. 9. Charles Papke.. 59 VI. CASE STUDY 3: In 1976 NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS the city of North Little Rock signed contracts with an energy-recovery equipment vendor and a wood products manufacturer a small-scale modular with heat to develop recovery. incinerate all the manufacturer, The 100 TPD facility was designed to city's refuse and ment commenced city's for with landfill costs in two years, City officials saw the energy more as a way of promoting facing a natural disposal. lead gas support for interest for several recovery system economic development in a region shortage, and less as The equipment vendor, a method and not the city, in proposing and assessing the recovery. at a cost the area. North Little Rock's decision is of reasons. despite manage- a smaller-than-expected market for operated successfully competitive to serve industrial expansion area. operations in 1977 and, difficulties and steam, has supply steam to the with the possibility of expanding new industries in the The plant incinerator feasibility of Several key individuals were crucial in the proposal and between the city and resolving obstacles of waste took the energy gaining to negotiations the energy buyer. Background North Little Rock is located in the middle of the state, 60 Figure 4 Location Map: North Little Rock, Arkansas 61 in the largest city 2,000 people per of 1970 was center the is and $8,467, The city per about -- of the Missouri-Pacific facilities. generated a total of about 200 tons 70 TPD of residential MSW 2 Resiremainder commercial and industrial waste. and the solid waste -- city's Sanitation Depart- dential waste was the and commercial and industrial waste the Department In the early 1970's, by private haulers. hauled MSW to a private landfill several miles north of town. This landfill clos.ed after reaching capacity, and the city was forced a more distant to utilize Jacksonville, about 12 miles landfill in the city. north of The Jacksonville landfill, privately the Arkansas Waste Disposal Company, 3 a tipping fee of $3.00 per ton. and operated by owned charged City collection was financed residents budget to the city. The ofabout $600,000; in order city by user study showed the Depart4 In December 1975, $42,000. a 1975 to make the Sanitation Department raised fees, paid by Sanitation Department had a ment with an annual deficit of the Median income significantly below the national average. in 1975 (TPD) of day ment, 1975 population The city supports a diversity repair and maintenance Railroad's in square mile. industries, small low are relatively densities Residential North Little Rock's state. capitol and eleven percent above the 1960 level. -- 64,400 was from Little Rock, the the Arkansas River across the fees to self-supporting, $2.00 per month per household. 62 Chronology In 1971 North Little modular incinerators Systems, Inc., ment. Rock purchased two (without heat a major vendor City officials hoped 12.5 TPD recovery) from Consumat of modular incinerator equip- to reduce hauling distances (and thereby reduce collection costs) by establishing "satellite" 5 incinerators at different locations. North Little Rock's area and low population large attractive. The density made this proposal city undertook no extensive analysis prior to their purchase. The two units were never to siting problems; city officials that was acceptable and residents-feared In mid-1974, U.S. Recycle dealer for Consumat several "smoke belching" 6 -another. Corp. in Arkansas, of Commerce, learned that Koppers of industrial steam for (USR), the franchise through the city Chamber Company was a major user processing. Division of Koppers manufactured products at failed to find a site to various neighborhood organizations. North Little Rock already had industries, installed due The Forest Products creosote-treated wood USR proposed an its North Little Rock plant. energy recovery plant burning municipal refuse give Koppers a dependable steam supply. officials expressed considerable of an impending natural gas wished to avoid Later natural gas could Koppers company interest; shortage in the 7 curtailments. in 1974, USR approached that they were aware Southeast, and then-mayor Eddie Powell 63 USR argued with its energy recovery proposal. cost system offered significant form of reduced MSW hauling costs. the developed successfully steam to city in for the USR had already small-scale other two recovery systems which sold -- savings that the modular small manufacturing firms City officials, Siloam Springs and Blytheville, Arkansas. in the especially council, city they knew nothing of were energy skeptical of the proposal; the technology and doubted that the But proposal could compete economically with landfilling. city officials were nonetheless willing to consider the proposal; they wanted to do something about the purchased in they realized providing was 1971 two units (which the city had been storing), and that Koppers jobs and optimistic that Company was important to the city, 8 Mayor Powell substantial tax revenues. the plant would produce excess steam which could be used to attract new industrial development, 9 a high priority for the economically depressed town. Initial discussions between the encouraging; and persuaded meet their Koppers re-af firmed its city officials that steam requirements. city and Koppers were support the plant for th-e prQject could reliably During this period (1974-75), fees at the private landfill in Jacksonville rose 10 This increase in from $3 to $11 per ton. dramatically -tipping disposal costs did not cause city officials future landfill shortages, but more economically attractive. it to worry about did make USR's proposal 64 In early 1975, USR became concerned about MSW collection not provide system,- fearing that a the city's haphazard system would a reliable stream of MSW to the energy recovery facility. At the firm's urging, North Little Rock sponsored a study of the city's solid waste management activities, using The funds from a HUD-funded Management Assistance Program. city's planning consultant work to USR, citing in turn subcontracted the latter's familiarity with the the city's solid waste situation. USR made mending 26 its report to actions to improve the producing ability of mended that practical, cover the city in August 1975, efficiency and the Sanitation Department. the city discontinue landfilling as and that MSW collection fees the Department's costs. recom- revenueUSR recomsoon as be increased to The report posed a choice between landfilling and energy recovery, suggesting that 11 the latter was economically competitive, if not cheaper. Local newspapers questioned noting that USR was recovery report equipment. favorably and the impartiality of also in the business of selling energy But city administrators received the implemented most including a higher MSW collection council, without a specific the energy * the report, recovery proposal of the reforms fee. commitment, The mayor and agreed suggested, city to pursue further. The city planning department had already planned a modest study of the sanitary division under the MAP program, then in its third year. 65 The proposal was much more appealing officials and city a site to both city residents after Koppers offered to adjacent to provide the its plant location (and the city's City expansion area) for the recovery plant. industrial officials recalled their siting difficulties in 1971, and thought the economic development the plant might spur. of The Koppers plant already caused severe odor problems, and city residents doubted that a resource recovery plant make matters worse at worked at Koppers and that location. supported the of 1975. from the company executive focused on represented assurances produced by pay" an Many nearby residents 12 proposal. city and Koppers continued Negotiations between the through the fall plant manager Koppers' by Mayor Powell and or pay The city, the city's attorney, wanted either purchase all steam that Koppers would arrangement). and a firm's Pittsburgh headquarters the need for reliable steam delivery. the plant could for unused steam (a "take Negotiations also centered on acceptable way to determine steam price. in the negotiations, even offering or finding USR participated legal services in drawing up agreements, and worked with the state Department of Control and Ecology (DPCE) to facilitate permit 13 By late 1975, it was clear that all parties applications. Pollution would reach a satisfactory agreement. In what marked the city council the city's first formal commitment, in November 1975 voted to solicit bids 66 for a proposal to design, build, and equip the modular * incinerator plant. Bids were but only two were judged bid included Company received in January next year, to meet the qualifications. Consumat equipment (a local firm), and the Baldwin Construction plus an offer of a full refund the two previously-purchased and lower -- Consumat units. Koppers informed the city council that Sunbeam proposal technically unacceptable. the council to the instead, the council signed with USR for effort USR, into At the this point, it a memorandum of understanding equipment purchase, deferring arrangements design and selecting it found rejected both bids and 15 turnkey-procurement process. bypassed the competitive-bid, plant Custom Sheet could have rejected the low bid for not responding bid qualifications; In April, for The other -- bid was made by another local firm, 14 Sunbeam equipment. Metal, using USR's construction. felt that the project, for The mayor and council, in the f irm had already and had put considerable a commercially-proven product. Negotiations between the city and Koppers continued. major area of disagreement remained; guarantee * whether Koppers would to purchase a specific amount of being uncertain One steam. of its own future steam needs Koppers, and future This is the so-called "turn-key" procurement approach; the bid solicitation also listed qualifications which eligible bidders had to meet -previous experience with modular systems, and so forth. 67 to do energy prices, was reluctant that all of its it would meet city's plant, The city declined to press to rely on underwriter argued the firm's goodwill. from the The the matter, and city's bond that the marketability of the necessary revenue bonds would not guarantee, steam requirements refused to guarantee to purchase any but specific amount. decided firm promised The so. be affected by lack of a specific and city officials wanted to hasten project im- plementation. In June 1976, city issued year the capital September $1.3 million of revenue bonds initial testing and 1977, Later that to finance contractor began construction in The project costs. late 1976; months the long-term purchase of steam. and for leasing signed a contract for site the two parties the plant took place in of the plant was fully operational three later. Resource recovery system and results The North Little Rock facility is a small-scale modular combustion system with a capacity of 100 TPD. It with four controlled-air modular combustion units, a 25 TPD capacity. per hour at 150 pounds per and square 10,000 pounds of inch is equipped with an automatic combustion unit wet ash conveyor system, The if necessary. in the number of each with These units are paired with two boiler heat exchangers, each capable of producing steam is equipped (psig). Each ash removal but ash may be removed manually, facility is designed to permit combustion units and a doubling boiler heat exchangers 68 if future expansion is designed desired. Inc., and manufactured the equipment. operation requires a staff of nine. Full plant refuse is dumped on the pair Consumat Systems, of units,. where it the plant floor of The is loaded. Incoming in front of each combustion process is a combination of pyrolysis, volatization, and gasification of hydrocarbons; the second natural gas is used as an auxiliary fuel in stage of combustion. odors and very low 16 stack emissions of particulates and other pollutants. 17 After Incineration reduces MSW weight by about 70%. This process results in minimal to a disposal site. quenching, residual ash is hauled city does not or after recover any materials incineration. nature, the ash need not Because of from MSW -- The either before its largely inorganic be dumped at a sanitary landfill. North Little Rock, for at least the first two years of operation, dumped residual ash at a state-certified, privatelyowned site by the Arkansas River. The plant hours per day, is intended to supply steam to Koppers five days per week. 24 The 1976 contract with Koppers requires the city to deliver a minimum of 15,000 pounds per hour of (psig), saturated. minimum amount of The plant had steam, at 110-150 pounds per square inch Koppers is not obligated to purchase a steam, however. capital costs of $1,530,000 (1978 dollars). 69 The for the two city received a refund the remaining $1,350,.OO by purchased earlier, and raised issuing at interest revenue bonds, 18 to 6.75%. 20-year from 5.75 1979, rates ranging Rock plant only hegan regular Because the North Little operations in incinerator units available for late 1977, and data are not yet operating results are only available for 1978. The facility processed an estimated 15,125 tons of refuse in 1978, 19 Most of this tonnage was residential or an average of 58 TPD. MSW delivered by the Sanitation Department. were charged a tipping fee of $0.90 (or about Initially, the daily throughput was only 40 TPD, landfills. but cubic yard a price thought to be competitive with nearby ton), $8.00 per per Private haulers this had risen to 80 TPD by October 1978, to equipment modifications increased hourly response in and operational changes throughput of that MSW at the plant. The energy recovery facility has complied with state for air quality standards levels in chloride thus far. Sulfur and nitrogen oxide stack emissions have been negligible, although 20 The incineremissions have been recorded. ator units are not subject to federal air quality standards, being below the size threshold that would qualify them as new sources. Table 6 Estimates ience presents annual of operating costs in 1978, and include cost and revenue data for 1978. are based on several months exper- annual debt Project revenues are derived service of from two sources: $44,000. steam sales 70 and dump fees the latter from great who used haulers minor a relatively are not as commercial the -- facility Revenues were fraction. as originally anticipated by USR, due to lower than expected steam demand by Koppers. Under optimal operating conditions, an independent research group predicted a net per ton -- $10.53 result $2.73 21 in 1978. facility runs at near-capacity and processing TABLE cost of significantly below the the The calculation assumed that steam produced. sells all NORTH LITTLE ROCK PLANT COSTS AND REVENUES 2 per-ton Annual(1978) 6 1 Costs Revenues $365,000 17.7,000 $20.45 9.92 Net costs $188,000 $10.53 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Small Modular Source: A Technical, EnvironIncinerator Systems with Heat Recovery: Technology Corp., by Systems Evaluation, and Economic mental, 11 7 12 0 . SW-177c, November 1979, pp. 1. 2. Includes operation and maintenance costs, costs. Assumes 17,850 tons per year (or 69 TPD). Initially, USR proposed operate plant the facility at North Little and debt service it be allowed to manage and that for the first two years. Rock was important A successful marketing to the firm's USR doubted that the city had qualified staff to 22 The city adjministration, however, their equipment. efforts, and operate facing an employee surplus, avoid layoffs. that city necessary declined USR's offer in In retrospect, city officials operation was unwise. training, and Plant workers management changed too order to and USR agreed lacked the often to 71 develop any experience. was As a result, inadequate, and najor equipment late 1979, plant facility was council spent breakdowns occured. operation deteriorated seriously, forced to close. agreed to At and reopened the plant the first year of plant peak demands accommodate -reduced hour for steam by Koppers that caused Koppers landfill But surge problems the plant could not from 15,000 pounds per -- - interested in resource recovery, and specifically in USR's proposal, While the 23 in May 1980. hour. Resource Recovery Choice North Little Rock was Consumat to re-activate one boiler, and steam purchases accordingly to 10-12,000 pounds per the city operation, Koppers relied entirely on steam from the recovery plant. -- In and the Consumat's request let Consumat operate the plant. $200,000 on repairs During equipment maintainence for several reasons. city was not worried about the availability of facilities, disposal costs had and were expected to keep rising. increased recently, USR pointed out the long- term economic advantage of energy recovery in this respect. The city, way by especially Mayor Powell, saw USR's proposal as a to improve reducing reli4ahility. the efficiency of hauling distances and the Sanitation Department, improving collection vehicle North Little Rock also suffered from a depressed *Includes new rolling equipment, replacement of refractory walls, and extensive interior cleaning. Sanitation Department trucks often became mired or suffered tire damage at the Jacksonville landfill, increasing vehicle operation costs and reducing collection efficiency. ** 72 local economy, and Mayor Powell saw the energy recovery plant as a way to promote much-needed economic development. pending natural gas shortages, Given the proposed facility would make the city more attractive to new industry seeking a location with dual energy sources. to recover its 1971 The city's was Finally, investment in modular the city wanted incinerators. resource recovery choice was elective, and based mainly on long-term considerations. While Sanitation Department's collection program was efficient, there was no pressing need practices. Jacksonville landfill collection and disposal costs, in- to change collection for some plus were the main factors motivating ested when USR presented time. Future MSW future economic development, the city's choice. For the reasons noted above, the perhaps Similarly, the city expected to continue hauling MSW to the Full the city officials were its energy recovery proposal interin 1974. city support of and participation in the project awaited resolution of several issues, however. City officials were unsure of how reliable the system would be. They doubted that the plant would have a lower net disposal cost than landfilling. siting, Both city officials and and strating its All 1975, the city needed commitment but the however. last of residents worried about some promises from Koppers demon- to the project. these concerns were resolved by late Koppers assured the city that steam proposed plant would meet its requirements. from the The city was 73 reassured by a concurrent EPA study of incinerators, which feasibility and to visit or small-scale modular supported USR's claims about economics. Also, technical city councilmen were able three similar USR plants already under construction 24 in operation elsewhere in Arkansas. USR predicted a low initial per-ton tipping fee and rising steam revenues, in contrast to increasing landfill and hauling costs. As noted earlier, Koppers offered a site which satisfied city officials and residents. the city had successfully negotiated most agreement with Koppers, with the for the Dlant By late 1975, aspects of an important exception of a Koppers' guarantee to purchase minimum amounts of steam. mayor and city council were thus willing to commit themselves to the proposal and solicited bids City officials faced their The decision. What conflict of interest, but Koppers' site the prospect of a dulled these is community opposition to Earlier, local newspapers were concerned about USR's apparent offer and little or no for plant development. serious natural gas shortage objections. somewhat surprising about the city's is that so few options were examined. tigated only one the modular particular. alternative to the incinerator City officials status quo technology, and Other options -- such as inves- in detail: USR's propos-al in incineration without heat recovery, MSW compaction .and hauling, recovery technologies -- choice and other energy and alternative steam buyers or 74 arrangements were apparently not Rock's was size precluded investigated. North Little large-scale energy recovery, and USR the main equipment vendor in Arkansas for modular incin- erators. Nonetheless, limit options so its Perhaps it is not clear that the city had to severely. the most interesting feature of North Little Rock's resource recovery choice is. the fairly passive taken by the city itself. ticipants, The city was one of initiated the idea of energy a potential steam buyer, made the various technical and economic Koppers in USR, and recovery. parin later Koppers USR located initial proposal, conducted studies, assisted subsequent negotiations, necessary state permits. and cleared the city and the way for Koppers verified technical feasibility, advocated strongly for USR's a site for several rather than the instigator and lead party, considering resource recovery options. Company, role proposal, and offered the city the plant. City involvement increased, however, during negotiAtions with Koppers, and the mayor took a personal interest in the 25 project's success. The city's less prominent role can be partly attributed to served two the fact that the energy recovery project functions, being both an energy disposal facility. As such, supplier and a MSW the plant had to meet the needs of both users. Several project's key individuals were largely responsible for the consideration and eventual implementation. 75 Mayor Powell of used his the city council. the efficiency of political strength to gain the -Powell felt city services proposal as a way to do waste management. took the lead this, it was important in general, and at least in saw the USR Radcliffe, steam requirements and certifying that the USR proposal would meet His improve the area of solid Koppers' plant manager, Mr. in defining Koppers' to support those requirements. support for the modular incinerator proposal gave credi- bility to the project. R. Michael Butner, president of USR, had a key role in suggesting the proposal originally, ducting the necessary studies, and Koppers of con- and persuading both the city the proposal's merits. Notes 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Resource Recovery Case Studies of Five Processes, Project Implementation: by Development Sciences, Inc.,(Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO), 1977, p. 1 (henceforth "Case Studies"). 2. R. Michael Butner, president Personal communication: of U.S. Recycle, Little Rock, Arkansas; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Small Modular Incinerator A Technical, Environmental, Systems with Heat Recovery: and Economic Evaluation, by Systems Technology Corp., SW-177c, November 1979, p. 4 5 . 3. U.S. 4. Ibid., 5. Robert Seay, former director Personal communication: of North Little Rock Public Works Department. 6. Personal communication: Inc., Boston. 7. U.S. EPA, 8. Ibid., EPA, p. p. Case Studies, op.cit., p. 16. 16. Case Studies, 15. John Culp, op.cit., p. DSI-Resource 7. Systems, 76 John Culp. 9. Personal communication: 10. Ray Hagar, Director of North Personal communication: Department. Sanitation Little Rock 11. U.S. 12. Personal communication: 13. U.S. EPA, Case Studies, op.cit., 14. Personal communication: Robert 15. Ibid. 16. U.S. 17. Ibid., 18. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Small Modular IncinA Technical, Environerator Systems with Heat Recovery: mental, and Economic Evaluation, by Systems Technology Corp., SW-177c, November 1979, pp.112-113, (henceforth "Small Systems"). 19. U.S. EPA, Small day year). 20. Ibid., p. 21. Ibid., pp. 22. U.S. 23. Personal communication: R. Michael Butner, president of U.S. Recycle, Little Rock, Arkansas. 24. U.S. 25. Personal communication: p. EPA, Case Studies, op.cit., EPA, Case p. Studies, 16. John Culp. p.17. Seay. op.cit., p. A-l. A-3. Systems, op.cit., p. 45 (assuming a 260- 4. 175-176. EPA, Case EPA, Case Studies, op.cit., Studies, op.cit., p. pp. John Culp. 25. 9-10. 77 STUDY 4: CASE VII. day (TPD) refuse processing plant, facilities The in the U.S. the rest of (RDF), which the county, is one of the first such plant receives MSW from Ames and and produces a refuse derived fuel the city's fired as a supplementary fuel at Despite persistent electric utility plant. culties IOWA the city of Ames has operated a 200 ton Since 1975, per AMES, and net operating costs of those projected, the plant has met technical diffi- $13-16 per ton, over twice the county's disposal needs since it began operation. Ames' resource recovery decision was motivated in part by an impending shortage of landfill capacity and strict new state regulations affecting MSW disposal. But the city council took a broad view of the disposal problem, and sought provide a long-term, environmentally sound city's disposal needs. to solution to the The city's choice was motivated by non-economic criteria, both environmental and political, although technical and economic feasibility were both issues influencing the council's decision. portant that Probably the most factor leading to the .city's ch-oice was the city owned its own utility, which made technology attractive attention on this early the im- fact the RDF in the planning process, focused option, and guaranteed a market for a then- 78 Figure 5 Location Map: Ames, Iowa 3 Story City McCallsburg 0 Roland Zear Lng 0 Gilbert Nevada 0 Colo 0 STORY COUNTY Kell y Cambridge H ixley 0 0 'u Sl1atk ________ Maxwell _________________________ POLK COUNTY Colli 'Is a 79 fuel product. untested Background Moines, Iowa about 32 miles north of Des in central Located inter- Ames developed as a farming center at the section of railroad lines two in western is now the principal city in Story Ames Story County. the of County, with 63% The 1970 population of Ames was 39,000 1 Growth during the 1970s was equally 1960 level. county's population. above the 46% the brisk, but future rate of increase is expected to be slower. Iowa State University a major part of the (ISU) is located in Ames, and many other residents have residents are students at-ISU, some affiliation with the university. and the city supports ISU, In addition to federal agencies are headquartered several state and is town's About half of the community. and in -Ames, a range of manufacturing and agricul- Median incone in 1970 was $10,126, slightly 2 Ames has a weak mayor above the state and county average. tural industries. form of mayor government, with a six member city council being the -- seventh siderable responsibility the city manager and his a haulers member). Con- staff. throughout solid waste is collected Story County. franchise arrangement with one hauler; haulers and allow open -- for city administration rests with Traditionally, municipal by private non-voting and (the competition. Some others Ames has no towns have merely license franchise 80 requirement, and residents pay a monthly refuse collection. for the hauler $3.00 per month per household; In two) widely practiced. 1956, to periodic earth cover. existent in other 4 practiced. (and Open burning was but the dump MSW state: No accurate records of waste the city Public Works Department esti- that disposal costs were about $2.50 per 3 $5.50. had one the better-run facilities in the tonnage were kept, fee was risen to A city operated facility, dump its MSW. received (or this Ames was using a former farm, acquired in one of year it has since open refuse dumps. was then mated In 1970, Iowa communities the early 1970s, most some cases in fee directly to ton). $2.00 per capita per Disposal costs were almost non- towns where open dumping and burning were Chronology A 1970 for act of the state legislature provided the impetus a local review of MSW disposal practices. The act pro- required communities 5 The act to have approved disposal plans by late 1972. hibited open dumping and burning and created a Department Solid Waste Disposal Commission within the state of Health to quired communities implement the legislation, and re- to obtain disposal permits by July 1975. The Commission in 1971 promulgated rules and regulations -- for both landfill operation and new landfill siting -- * Author's estimate, assuming 0.8 TPY per capita. plus 81 virtually ended disposal early enforcement activities Its plan guidelines. local turn aggravated open burning, which in problems for many communities. In 1970, J. City Manager the new legislation, Ames' in response to R. Castner conducted a study of the city's site sould reach capacity 6 and a new landfill would be needed. landfill, discovering that in only 3-5 years Castner realized that Ames' the situation was not unique and initiated discussion with Story County officials and representatives county-wide of 14 other towns in the Because landfill. county participation was county, proposing a of its broader jurisdiction, considered The proposal crucial. to pursue the matter 7 advice of the County Engineer). died after county officials declined (on the the same time, At Castner's staff was investigating possible sites for a new city results of (or county) landfill. their 1971 survey were pessimistic. The New state standards for landfill siting ruled out marginal lands because of infiltration and leachate problems. was prime agricultural at $3,000 per acre. land, The which was considered too The new site would have city, and Castner and others anticipated 8 from nearby landowners and residents. the a consequence, the As a task costly to be outside serious opposition city council in late 1971 force to consider other options the need only alternative created that might obviate for acquiring a new landfill site. The task force 82 was an informal group, members -Arnold group Joe Maxwell and Chantland, and ments of consisting Dean Huston, city council Public Works Director three professors from the civil engineering and mechanical ISU depart- engineering. The investigated a variety of options, including more efficient methods of landfilling alternatives. in of two the U.S., as well as Task force members visited including a MSW energy recovery several facilities shredding and landfilling operation in Madison, Wisconsin, a materials recovery plant and a refuse derived fuel plant in St. Franklin, Ohio, in Louis, Missouri. facility -- The group was impressed with the St. Louis a joint EPA-city demonstration project that used the burnable portion of the city's MSW to generate electricity. A preliminary check showed that the utility could be adapted In late 1972, the to burn city's own coal-burning a mixture of RDF task force concluded and coal. its research and they authorize a more 9 Other city council detailed study of the promising RDF idea. recommended to the city members agreed that council that the proposal merited further study; they too expected great difficulties in siting a new landfill and were anxious to find an alternative. In October, council hired the firm of Gibbs, Hill, Durham, (GHDR) of Omaha, Nebraska, to feasibility of engineering firm, city's electric a RDF plant. and Richardson study the technical and economic Primarily an architectural and GHDR had designed utility. the recent additions to the 83 In February 1973, council, concluding -- its report to the city that the RDF proposal was indeed feasible the city generated a sufficient amount of MSW, a waste processing could be plant would work, and the resulting RDF product 10 city's utility plant. successfully burned at the The report if GHDR submitted suggested that disposal costs could be reduced the facility received waste from the entire county 55,000 TPY), due to economics of scale. and others were apprehensive about (about Councilman Huston the proposal; they realized that the then-unproven technology represented a financial risk. in its accept- ance Nonetheless, the council was unanimous of GHDR's report and support of the RDF concept. woman Koerber and others considered objectionable and favored,. in landfilling environmentally principle, an approach recovered energy and materials from MSW. to pursue transferred In early 1973 regulatory functions were from the Health Department of Environmental Quality of consolidation area-wide landfills. forcing council resolved state's disposal regulation program was gathering momentum. policy The that the proposal further. Meanwhile, the Department Council- Story City -- closing to the newly-created (DEQ). DEQ pursued a small dumps DEQ closed the Story and encouraging City dump in 1973, to use Ames' need for a landfill and dramatizing the 11 county-wide facility. Comiunities in Story County had few options; upgrading prohibitively expensive and a common landfill. the each small dump would be county was not City Manager Castner thus interested found town in 84 them to discuss officials entuhsiastic when he met with Castner participation in the city's RDF project. their already convinced of the Ames' city council was bility and desirability of hired GHDR to design the woman Koerber opposed With the project. from these communities, mitments than a be less costly them that the facility would 12 regional landfill. assured the council feasi- informal comin May 1973, refuse-processing plant. Council- feeling that the firm GHDR's selection, but Castner assured the council lacked the necessary ability, that no other firms were available and interested in the project. In April 1974, signed 25-year plant and Maxwell, Rowland, 13 The contracts and Cambridge. Story City, each town to have required towns -- contracts with six Gilbert, Kelley, costs.' GHDR's designs were completed and Ames its MSW delivered to the Ames RDF provided for a per-capita sharing of net operating Ames promised to receive MSW even if the plant completely, but made no promises about net operating predicted at the time to be about $5 per Also in April, the Due to most construction costs. the bonds did nQt sell. on municipal cost, capita per year. the city council unanimously approved issuance of general obligation state legislature failed Ames to raise bonds -- (G.O.) bonds to finance an unfavorable bond market, successfully petitioned the the maximum interest rate payable from 5% to 6%. In February 1975, the 85 council again approved the issuance of G.O. amount of $5.3 million. RDF plant in August 1975. funds, and the contractor Concom- construction and utility-boiler modification The Public Works Department down operations at late the These were sold successfully. struction began, using city pleted bonds in the plant and started shake- it was fully operational by 1975. Resource recovery system and results Ames' refuse processing plant is designed to produce a fuel supplement materials -woodchips. ferrous metals, Louis, (hence 52,000 is modeled after an earlier RDF plant in of a similar scale, and the city. mixture It and capacity, serves all of and operates five days per week TPY capacity). Municipal aluminum, paper products, The plant has a 200 TPD Story County, St. (RDF) and to recover various processed and operated jointly The Ames plant supplies by EPA RDF to the Ames Power Plant, a city-run utility which burns a of 20% RDF and 80% coal. Refuse entering the plant goes through a processing subsystems: into six-inch chunks), magnets, a secondary chunks), an air a primary shredder (breaks refuse a ferrous recovery unit with electro- shredder classifier (reduces refuse to two-inch (separates light and heavy, non- combustible items), system also includes a wood chipper Packer sequence of and an aluminum recovery unit. The and paper baler. trucks and private vehicles dump refuse on the 86 tipping $.50 floor, per load, and pay a nominal respectively. this point. by pneumatic tubes to a storage continuous basis. is bin, and the bin allows At ified The non-combustible moving grate); inorganic to be covered daily, and supplement. the third is Two boilers are on a continuously suspension-fired (coal and into the boiler and burn in suspension). firing of fraction all three boilers have been mod- to burn RDF as a fuel special (or "heavy") simple matter. the utility plant, shot sent from the bin to the Because of its stoker-fired (coal and RDF are burned are items are the utility to use RDF on a this waste does not need disposal is a $1.00 and After processing, the RDF is hauled to the Ames landfill. nature, of Bulky and hazardous set aside at utility boilers; tipping fee RDF did not work well, grate in this boiler. RDF Suspension- and the city later added a The utility uses all of the RDF that the processing plant can produce, and pays a perton price equivalent to its the value of varies as a the conventional fuel it and natural gas 14 per ton in 1976. used by of the market price averaged ferrous metals price of highgrade $20 per ton. This price the RDF the utility; Ames contracted with Vulcan Materials Co. which buys recoyered that is, -- displaced. function of the heat content of cost of coal $10 fuel-offset value of and the it averaged Indiana, for a fixed percentage steel scrap. In 1976, Ames also contracted the with Alcoa 87 Aluminum to purchase shredded aluminum at a price of $300 15 400 per ton, depending on the quality of the material. The city has no contracts for paper Total capital costs $6,310,000 or woodchips. for the refuse processing plant were (1975 dollars), including $4.12 million for the plant itself and land, rolling equipment, architectural and engineering costs, $1.6 million for the RDF storage bin and 16 utility modifications. Other capital cost items included and of start-up costs. G.O. issued by duration at an The project was the city in 1975; interest rate of financed by the bonds have a 20-year 5.3% per year. $1 million came from city funds reserved disposal $5.3 million The remaining for solid waste activities. Ames' plant city utility has provided a (meeting 10% of steady supply of RDF to the the utility's fuel-energy needs), and has reduced MSW tonnage requiring disposal by over 90%. At the same time, financial the plant difficulties. has The city and technical problems, given the production and was designed lack of firing at that time. Still, it was hoped resolved after the air considerable GHDR expected some experience with RDF Much of the equipment classifier down-time that most problems a brief shake-down period. But many problems persisted. ially in technical and for different uses and had to be adapted to meet plant needs. would be faced serious -- Equipment failures and RDF conveyor units) over 20% in the last half (espec- caused of 17 1976. 88 "Bridging", frequently ing or the piling up of RDF material upon itself, caused pneumatic lines to become the whole system to be shut down until cleared. Plant design did not city was screen dust to forced systems primary shredder in order including broken magnets and -- -- installing a disc- and to isolate The aluminum recovery unit was plagued with and grit. problems the line was include dust control, and the take remedial steps, separator after the clogged, requir- inefficient cooling has not produced a saleable product since 18 start-up. Despite technical difficulties, Table 7 away very little MSW tonnage. received during TABLE 7 the plant's the plant has first year(TPY) three years of operation. Tons per day(TPD) 79% 93% 73% The Ames Experience, Financial Source: Resource Recovery: Summary (Update) 1. 2. Assumes 260 operating days per year. Plant has 200 TPD capacity. Of the as ferrous metals, and incoming MSW tonnage, 84% Recovered becomes RDF, 7% is recovered 9% is rejected and hauled to the land- paper, aluminum, and woodchips are gible fraction of the Percent of capacity 157 186 145 40,900 48,300 37,700 1976 1977 1978 TPY of shows MSW tonnage WASTE TONNAGE PROCESSED BY AMES RDF PLANT Tons per fill. turned total. ferrous metals over The plant a negli- recovered about the three-year period, 3,000 at a price 89 of per ton. $30-35 paper TPY during Because of very poor market this period, the for prices plant recovered only about 120 of paper. The city utility encountered no major problems using RDF as a fuel supplement. burned during the An average of 36,000 TPY of RDF was 1976-78 utility's fuel needs -- coal, the city supplying in terms of BTU. but a low sulfur content. content sulfur period, it decreases sulfur about 10% of the RDF has a high ash When burned with high (di)oxide emissions, allowing to use a greater percentage of cheaper, high-sulfur local coal But RDF (rather than Wyoming or Eastern coal). firing also increases particulate emissions significantly; when the state DEQ re-tested stack emissions plant exceeded particulate standards in 1978, the 19 (with and without RDF). Even after modification, the utility does not consistently meet to these resolve standards; the state still trying this issue. Net operating costs have been more than twice estimated by GHDR in the 1972 as DEQ and Ames are Table 8 shows. feasibility study those ($5.68 per ton), 90 TABLE 8 AMES RDF PLANT COSTS AND REVENUES 1976 319,500 97,900 4,400 32,200 10,500 1977 353,300 102,300 10,200 49,600 7,400 1978 322,300 89,300 3,200 61,400 84,600 $464,500 $522,800 $560,800 626,700 482,800 12,500 690,900 465,400 12,500 689,500 463,600 12,500 Revenue RDF revenue Ferrous metals revenue1 Other material revenue Tipping fees 2 Other 3 Total Costs O&M Debt service Equipment reserve $1,122,000 1,168,800 1,165,600 Total Net 646,000 657,300 cost 604,900 $16.06/ton 13.38/ton 16.04/ton Source: Resource Recovery: Summary (Update) The Ames Experience, Financial 1. Woodchips and paper, mainly. 2. At RDF plant and sanitary landfill. 3. 1978 figure included $75,000 EPA grant modification. There are several reasons for GHDR, in in its 1972 these unexpectedly tonnage has been much less; prices assumed that RDF. yearly In fact, has operated well costs have been allocated Second, of refuse. low per-ton revenues for TPY. the plant below capacity, and major fixed tons high costs. study, overestimated MSW generation rates Story County, predicting 55,000 among fewer for equipment the RDF plant received GHDR estimates of RDF would be fired with fuel-offset 100% coal, cheaper natural gas an unexpected availability of the utility's per-BTU fuel cost. tially no revenue from recovered The lowered plant received aluminum or paper but essen- (due to 91 equipment Third, failure and low market prices, rapid inflation 1972 estimate rate on in 1974 of capital costs. G.O. bonds these Unaccustomed extra costs, in Story usually towns were quite distressed -- break their respective Huxley 1977. Both Ames grants in 1977, and interest County have had to from city tax revenues. the participating by the high per-ton costs. Gilbert -- tried Two unsuccessfully to 25-year contracts with Ames in early and the other arguing that towns sought the state and RDF plant was Ames received a multi-year federal of national importance and a valuable demonstration project. year, GHDR's service dramatically. to sizeable disposal fees, communities doubled cost-sharing plan, Ames and -the participating communities finance 1975 almost This plus a higher increased debt Because of the plant's other and respectively). Later that $600,000 demonstration grant from EPA. Resource Recovery Choice Several characteristics are noteworthy. was not The city's choice, elective. Ames would The conscious of Ames' resource recovery choice The city unlike those in other cases, council knew need a new disposal site that within five years, (or technology). council's decision. to develop and and positive act; the cQuncil RDF plant was a regarded the city's These communities were concerned over predicted $5 per capita By way of comparison per year costs, never mind $10-12 costs. nearby counties pay $4-8 per ton for landfilling (or $3-6 per capita per year). 2 92 MSW disposal essentially landfill situation as an opportunity. short-term disposal problem, capacity), a solution the council Faced with an (i.e. how to expand took a longer view and sought that would be beneficial to the city in the long- term. The city council made no single, identifiable decision. Rather, council members were initially attracted option, and subsequent attraction. ing -- The most obvious considered and political thought only to reinforce that There are several reasons for this of options. was studies served alternative -- undesirable on environmental, grounds. City manager the new state landfill Castner and in the process of siting limited in examples the user St. to evaluate or the council Des Moines lawsuits opposing siting from nearby the 1971 task force had very few observe. Louis RDF plant and city economic, resource recovery options were very the early 1970s; in Ames to the Other landfilling a new landfill and faced from landowners and resolutions communities. early narrow- standards would make landfill siting both expensive and politically difficult. was to one The successful operation of the availability of a willing RDF (the utility) made this technology very attractive council. * Qther local and state officials discount landfill siting difficulties, howeyer, citing an abundance of open space and 0 little history of citizen opposition.23 Public works costs. ** director Chantland predicted $6 per ton disposal 93 The nature of Ames and influenced was made have ties and city council the criteria used by the to is a college Ames RDF proposal. to evaluate the residents the time at which the decision to unique Residents are receptive ISU. many town: support creative or exper22 This attitude is approaches to municipal problems. innovative solutions, and often imental reflected in the city council. is atypical; In this sense, the Ames case is unlikely that other Iowa communities would it supported an essentially untested technology. have decision came at Ames' movement, at the height of the environmental a time when Americans were becoming acutely aware of natural resource and pollution problems. This choice -- both among city council members and in the munity at large. agricultural land, impacts of another landfill, recovery would The city environmental and conserving natural resources. council thought the council's that resource engender less public opposition They were convinced that landfill. work and avoiding the other criteria entered into decision as well. com- The RDF proposal was seen as a way of preserving Certainly city's in the philosophy or attitude was very much a factor that it would be cheaper in than a new the RDF plant would the long run. The 1972 GHDR report predicted a 10-year "payback" period; landfilling would be more costly in present24 The city also had lots of willing technical terms. this point, value after assistance -- from GIIDR and the university. GHDR was 94 anxious to become established growth industry, and. many in what faculty at it saw as a future ISU were willing to assist in developing such a major new technology. The council's choice engendered very little -- among council members or the public. Despite controversy early skep- ticism by some council members over the new technology, 25 "nobody dragged their feet", and the council was unanimous in supporting plained This consensus can be ex- the RDF proposal. by both the prevailing innovative and politics, which supported solutions, and environmentally-sound the the proposed RDF project. merits of The public at large had a minimal role in the resource No community organizations were recovery choice. involved Because suggesting or promoting resource recovery. in either solid waste disposal was considered an "essential public the council did not need to obtain voter approval 26 on the G.O. bonds which financed the plant. More importantly, service", the that RDF -proposal was time. compatible with community Although the city newspaper was sentiment at critical of the feasibility, most citizens apparently 27 In retrospect, some favored or were unaware of the project. questioning its project, residents wish city officials had education prior are to spent more their decision. efforts a broader to involve consensus, and citizens operating costs. the public might have could have on citizen Now, many Ames' unhappy with the RDF plant's high Earlier time sensitized produced citizens to 95 the possibility of higher-than-predicted costs. Project financing and siting, two common pitfalls in energy recovery plant development, in Ames. had set The city had aside funds facility. plant, Land ample debt caused no capacity at the since 1970 to near for the project was available near of excessive the site did time, and finance a new disposal in a primarily commercial area. residents serious problems object the power Some of the few to the project on grounds noise, but the city was able to purchase the necessary parcels without resorting to condemnation. Notes 1. City of Ames, Community Development Profile, June 1978, p.2. 2. Ibid., 3. Personal communication: City Clerk, 4. Personal communication: of Environmental Quality George Welch, Iowa Department. (Air and Land Division). 5. Code of 6. Barbara Koerber, member of Personal communication: Ames City Council; and City of Ames, Energy from a The Ames Experience, by David Doran, Wasted Resource: 1978, p. 3. 7. Personal communication: Manager, City of Ames. 8. Barbara Koerber, Joseph Maxwell, Personal communication: and Dean Huston, members (or ex-members) of Ames City Council. 9. The Ames City of Ames, Energy from a Wasted Resource: Experience, by David Doran, 1978, p. 3 (henceforth "Ames Experience"). p. Department, Community 3. Iowa, Ch. 455B, Dir. J. 4, R. City of Ames. Part 1. Castner, former City 96 p. 4. 10. Ames Experience, op.cit., 11. Personal communication: 12. Ibid. 13. Personal communication: City Clerk, City of Ames. 14. Ames Daily Tribune, "The p. 12. Garbage Plant," 15. Ibid., 16. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Evaluation of the Ames Solid Waste Recovery System, Part I, by J. C. Even, Iowa State University, and D. E. Fiscus and C. A. Romine, Midwest Research Institute (Cincinnati: Muni. Env. Research Lab.), November 1977, pp. 196-198. 17. Ibid., 18. Ames Experience, op.cit., 19. Arnold Chantland, Director Personal communication: of Public Works Department, City of Ames. 20. Ames Daily Tribune, February 1, 1977. 21. Personal 22. Charles Miller, Director of Personal communication: Department of Environmental Iowa Division, Land Air and of Ames City Council. member Quality; and John Parks, 23. Personal communication: Arnold 25. Personal communication: Ames City Council. Barbara Koerber, member of 26. Personal communication: Arnold Chantland. 27. Personal communication: sity, Ames. Keith Adams, p. p. J. R. Castner. March 23, 1976, 12. 31. p. "County communication: 25. towns Arnold start search for funds," Chantland. Chantland. Iowa State Univer- 97 VIII. CONCLUSIONS This paper set out to how communities view the recovery issue, and to should use specific The in choose resource empirical; both to the terms Community In none low-versus-high recovery the the two to observe technology prescriptive. fours approaches options). resource The first This (and among matter section is addresses case studies. Perspective of the four -cases did compare high and low technology covery. Rather, one approach was present tasks: suggest a process municipalities between second of accomplish two waste disposal method. communities approaches compared In the directly to resource re- to the case of El community's Cerrito and Marblehead, recycling was evaluated in the context of continued landfilling or incineration. North Little Rock and Ames saw energy recovery as an alternative to landfilling. These no cases communities approaches * are In at as least probably not unique; that have viewed competing low the and author knows high of technology options. two metropolitan regions -- Portland, Oregon, and Washington, D.C, -high-technology proposals have been rejected in favor of further study of both low and hightechnology options. two approaches seen as In neither case, however, were comparable substitutes. the 98 is Why this As the case? and high-technology They also tend community objectives and criteria for to address different solid waste management. it appears that communities considering case studies, From the attributes and approaches have different different problems. solve low section III pointed out, low-technology approaches have been primarily concerned with environmental issues and energy, (conserving natural resources and reducing landfilling (reducing disposal extent with economic issues extending impacts) and to a lesser costs and the community's landfill). the useful life of Communities considering high-technology approaches have been primarily concerned with economic and fiscal (pro- issues reducing disposal costs, and viding new disposal capacity, attracting new industry) -and to a lesser extent with environmental issues (conserving materials and energy, as in the Ames case). Aside from these differences, though, communities to view the choice between the than two approaches differently those engaged in the appropriate technology As section III noted, In considering resource recovery options, many municipalities costs, system reliability, recovery, specific are more concerned with net and compliance with environmental than they are with resource policy. national debate focuses on two While the generic approaches to communities must consider specific sites, debate. the debate has focused on national issues of resource policy. regulations tend each with associated resource options -- costs, risks, and at 99 time The municipality's benefits. frame is usually shorter, with priority on meeting short-term disposal needs. governments can view local "open" system. A local regional landfill solid naste Finally, management as an option, such as hauling MSW to a (as Marblehead decided to do in 1975), might not be considered a valid long-term disposal solution from a regional or national perspective. Municipalities are usually motivated source to consider re- (or reasons). recovery for a specific reason These reasons may imply a lot about the opticns available to community and how they are valued, as we will see. motivations include: high disposal costs, little demand stringent state (or other) regulations support limited by a landfill near its capacity, as was the case in Ames, time, as for resource recovery, for alternative energy. Disposal capacity may be (or dump) that is scheduled to be in the case of Marblehead facilities can be easily acquired, or by an incinerator closed at in 1975. some future If new disposal the municipality may feel no need to consider resource recovery. More often, however, developing a new disposal facility means cant initial costs, siting. to Common remaining disposal capacity, affecting MSW ,disposal, public and the Communfities consider resource and political in this recovery. signifi- opposition to facility situation have strong incentives 100 -- High disposal costs increase rapidly or costs in the future an attractive option, in art refer or to all post- economic sense. collection costs, important Marblehead, than present costs. A community costs such (as well as average) even small reductions in MSW disposal costs overall. (and other) state Disposal including any transfer facing a high marginal tonnage can yield lower to Expected future costs are cost of disposal, may find that Stringent are expected also make resource recovery -- long-distance hauling costs. often more as that regulations may reduce remaining capacity at a disposal facility (for example, by restricting a landfill area or requiring an incinerator to close if it cannot meet air Marblehead). They may also quality increase disposal requiring remedial work (such as existing standards, as. in costs, by leachate barriers landfills) or restricting new landfill sites increasing haul distances or acquisition costs). state regulations hastened which was to expected to $6.00 per Public the need in In Ames, for a new landfill, increase disposal costs from $2.50 ton. support for resource recovery -- citizen proposals, support for conservation, or opposition to in the form of resource and/or energy existing disposal practices is often a primary reason for municipal involvement. El (and Cerrito, Marblehead, and citizen support was a major (to a lesser extent), factor -- In Ames in those cities decisions 101 and eventually proceed with resource recovery. to study Public support is given their Either be critical for low-technology approaches, greater reliance on resident participation. the municipality interested in alternative itself or local industry may sources of energy, and a high- technology system for energy recovery may be attractive in this context. Alternative counter sources may be needed to expected shortages or supply curtailments Rock) or to obtain less expensive energy. (as in North Little If local industry is the energy user, a community may be presented with a specific resource recovery proposal prior to any municipal study. Communities may have to one or Those consider resource recovery. studies are summarized several reasons found for wishing in the four case in Table 9. Suggestions for a Community Choice Process At the community level, the appropriate technology issue is more complex than its national counterpart. order to facilitate further discussion, let the original question, which posed the two sense approaches, to read: for a given community? is most appropriate?" process is difficult, of the Trying us first In restate a simple choice between "Does resource recovery make combination If so, which type or to construct a useful choice however, since many important aspects resource recovery choice are specific to a community 102 TABLE 9 MOTIVATION FOR Reason CONSIDERING RESQURCE RECOVERY Marblehead 1972 Face high or increasing disposal costs 3. Stringent state (or other) regulations 4. Local support for resource recovery 5. Demand for alternative energy * 1975 (a) 1975 (b) North El Cerrito Little Rock o o o o o o Ames o o 1. Need new disposal capacity 2. High Technology Low Technology o 0 o 0 Three columns refer to Marblehead's three different (i) a voluntary decision in 1972 to start choices: separate collection, (ii) consideration of energy recovery just prior to having its incinerator closed in 1975, and (iii) a late 1975 decision to upgrade its separate collection program after arranging for regional landfilling. 103 or resource combined in various ways (e.g. The case studies and the separate collection - immediately illustrate a choice between low and high-technology options. Nonetheless, lessons which are applicable recovery choice. in section III). their results are not since they do not contain certain options can be combination noted centralized MSW processing relevant, Particular recovery proposal. the cases do to the resource In each case, a community was motivated to consider resource recovery, examined specific options, and selected its preferred The remainder of choice. section offers specific suggestions choice Without issue. defining suggestions can help a community a concerning the local choice to (i) "process", ment and (ii) see if these determine the feas- ibility of low and high-technology approaches recovery this to resource that community's solid waste manage- circumstances and objectives favor one approach over another. Feasibility of Resource Recovery Clearly, a municipality must have an interest in resource recovery before examining the feasibility of different Assuming that this for technologies. one or more of the reasons noted feasibility must be addressed. At the case, above, the matter of this stage, we are concerned with the feasibility of the specific is two approaches, not resource recovery options or projects. Below 104 are listed ibility of discussed The low and in criteria for high-technology evaluating the approaches; feas- each is approach to turn. recovery the low-technology depends, on: MSW Composition A MSW sets. of feasibility of resource (l) two community to composition present in considering be sure sufficient recovery. On a constitute the recycling that should materials recyclable quantities to nation-wide basis, analyze its are justify materials recyclable materials 2 sition varies basis. In contains majority of considerably Marblehead a and (2) on a regional Somerville, greater-than-average 3 and less ferrous metals. of MSW by weight, aluminum helps Availability make In El to quite regions of country markets materials MSW Massachusetts, of paper and glass, profitable. have carefully, a should locating potential better Some secondary notably California -- pre- specifications. significantly than others is Communities checking product prices and the seasonal secondary material markets investigate materials markets and compo- markets requisite for any recycling program. buyers and this Cerrito, a high percentage recycling of materials Ready access amount but and 4 the mid-Atlantic Scrap paper, often sold share of states. a principal for export, this market. so This is due to source of that port several factors. recycling revenues, regions Other materials support buyers tend is a large to locate 105 near their markets important A is in major metropolitan the strength and diversity of recycling program, such its areas.. as El Cerrito's, products to several buyers will tend Als.o those markets. that can sell to receive higher, more consistent material revenues than a single-buyer program. for mixed recyclables was critical In Marblehead, a market to the feasibility of that community's minimum- separation recycling program. (3) Community support Recycling materials and, and participation depends on household separation of in some cases, their transportation to drop- off or buy-back center. citizens is As such, to conduct source separation of household wastes incentives for recycling -- collection costs even so, community can such as lower refuse a successful recycling program relies heavily and El Cerrito, interest A or free use of the town's landfill, but on citizen cooperation and the the willingness of fundamental to recycling success. create recyclable interest. a clear majority of residents expressed in source separation, and local recycling program. difficult. In both Marblehead There appears in fact participate in Predicting participation is to be only a minor correlation between the rate of community participation in recycling and socio-economic factors, such as age, income, and 5 education. Communities should conduct surveys to determine residents' willingness to participate in source separation, 106 and under what These are approaches. terms. the factors most relevant to The feasibility of high-technology resource set of factors: recovery depends on a somewhat different (1) low-technology MSW Energy Value While the relative abundance is again of important of recoverable materials interest, the energy value of MSW is factor for high-technology Energy value, measured on the mix of in BTU per the most resource recovery. pound of MSW, depends organic and inorganic wastes; EPA estimates * the national average to be 5,000 BTU/lb. energy value can vary greatly and between seasons energy recovery plant; unpredictable, the from community to in agiven community. range of MSW energy value if Like MSW composition, community A predictable is necessary to a successful this value is too low or too impractical. In energy recovery may be Ames, energy value at 3,000-6,000 6 In Marblehead and indicating wide fluctuations. consulting engineers estimated BTU/lb., Somerville, EPA found an average energy value of 4,340 BTU/lb., 7 In neither but this varied between 4,000 and 5,300 BTU/lb. Ames nor North Little Rock was energy value an obstacle to energy recovery. * For com arison, coal has an average energy value of 12,600 BTU/lbD. 107 (2) Availability of energy markets The high-technology approach focuses mainly on energy recovery. but Many centralized plants also recover materials, energy recovery is usually the main feature of and provides the bulk of plant revenues. metal recovery represents only 22% the plant In Ames, of MSW-derived ferrous revenues; at North Little Rock's modular plant, no materials are recovered. Once again, the crucial to the success of presence of.such markets is an energy recovery plant. is often a wide range of markets for recovered energy, depending in part on the energy product. are an important potential market the right circumstances the fact industry or steam -- and under In the Ames case, its own utility created a ready market for RDF, a hitherto unproven Local Electric utilities for electricity, steam or RDF. that the city operated There fuel supplement. the city itself may provide a market for for industrial processes or heating purposes. Typically, an energy recovery plant must provide a product that meets the needs of the energy buyer. Rock plant, while providing steam, buyer. The North Little a sufficient daily supply of could not meet the peak steam demands of its energy A community should investigate potential energy markets, identifying potential buyers and checking product specifications and needs. (3) Sufficient MSW tonnage Until quantities recently, it was of MSW -- on the generally agreed order of 1,500 that large tons per day -- 108 were required for economically But modular incinerators North Little feasible energy recovery. (with heat recovery), Rock plant, make such as the the high-technology approach possible for communities producing more than 30 equivalent of a population of about 15,000. TPD the -- Smaller towns would probably have to participate in a regional project. The minimum size of an energy on the particular technology and RDF plants are 2,000 TPD range. recovery plant chosen: waterwall considerably larger, Ames' depends largely incinerators usually in the 600 - proposed RDF plant required more MSW tonnage than the municipality produced, leading it to contract with other towns to deliver their wastes to the facility. (.4) Air quality regulations MSW is by definition a highly variable and heterogenous fuel; its combustion at an energy recovery plant yields a more unpredictable mix of air pollutants than fossil fuel combustion. that from In particular, MSW combustion produces high levels of particulate emissions, as well as lesser amounts of hazardous materials, such as lead and 9 cadmium. The feasibility of energy recovery may depend on the lations stringency of state and their plant has supplement, control enforcement. had considerable quality standards (and federal) air quality regu- since it coal-fired utility difficulty meeting federal air started using RDF as and was obliged to equipment. Ames' Smaller, a fuel install remedial emissions- modular-incinerator facilities 109 may pose less of a problem; process reduces emissions times too (as was (5) small the their starved-air considerably, and to be subject to incineration they are some- "new source" regulations case in North Little Rock). Institutional factors Under this heading, the community should legal and organizational factors which affect consider the its ability to plan, procure, finance, and (if relevant) energy recovery system. series of reports EPA's operate an on resource recovery plant implementation provides guidance in this respect: Questions to be raised here include: what are the laws affecting the process by which the city can procure a recovery' system; can the city efficiently operate a recovery plant and market the product itself; can the city assure that wastes will be delivered to the plant; what financing options are available to the city; and what arrangements must be made tolbeet the requirements of the financial community. Institutional factors were important cases. In Ames, to assure the contracts with other on municipal to raise the allowable bonds before North Little Rock case, which assured contributed meet state towns were necessary sufficient MSW tonnage, and the city had to persuade state legislature to reform in both energy recovery it could obtain financing. In the a key state utility commission ruling the modular incinerator to the project's of auxiliary feasibility. its MSE collection financing requirements interest rate fuel The city also had system in order to for issuing special revenue bonds. 110 Some of these cipated; (6) factors are predictable and others arise unexpectedly. Access to capital Energy recovery plants are large-scale ones. Amortized range between $10 and 30 per Iowa, plant serves (1975 dollars), or $14,000 or capital intensive, especially capital costs ton a population Little Rock's modular dollars), should be anti- per (1980 dollars). of 65,000 and The Ames, cost $5.5 million ton of capacity. incinerator cost $13,000 per ton for proposed plants North $1.3 million of capacity. plant procurement, a community must have (1976 For many types of (and be willing to devote) sufficient resources Private equity has not been attracted to energy recovery projects, due their to to finance plant development. the newness of perceived risk. the technology and to Revenue bonds backed by the project being financed may not attract buyers for the same reason. As was the case in North Little Rock, states may authorize the city to improve issue special revenue bonds, or otherwise capital. the city's access to Factors Affecting Any of stacle to a the Choice the items noted above may pose a serious low or high-technology both approaches are basically approach. Given that feasible, a community's Author's estimate, based on EPA and Steel Institute published data. 1 1 * ob- American Iron and 111 preference for one or the other will depend on its cumstances and on Jts solid The following factors, to it cir- waste management objectives. should be stressed, the choice between approaches, and less to refer primarily specific resource recovery options. Several circumstances affect technology choice. for the low-versus-high They include the community's motives considering resource recovery and various external conditions, such as state policy for resource recovery. Each may cause a community to prefer one approach over the other. (1) Remaining disposal capacity Remaining capacity refers both to the remaining lifetime of a community's prospects existing disposal facility and for replacing that facility in the community with little remaining capacity at future. the A its present facility will be forced to make a choice between energy recovery and traditional disposal methods; approach alone will not head (in 1975) faced solve its problems. this situation; municipalities decided that a low-technology in both Ames and Marblecases, the siting a new landfill was either too costly or politically unworkable, and considered recovery options. It may be desirable to select an energy interim solution in order to provide adequate time to examine resource recovery options; this is what Marblehead did in its 1975 contract with a private hauler. While energy recovery is 112 a better response to limited disposal capacity, recycling may be a useful part of the community's resource recovery strategy. Conversely, a community with considerable disposal capacity can utilize low-technology strategies life of For example, a recycling program that extend the community's head nor have diverted El Cerrito, however, of MSW In neither Marble- the low-technology approach did Marblehead's landfill was virtually full this effect; when it began recycling, and El many users 20% landfill capacity by 25%; about if 12 years of capacity remained. 3 years extend its landfill and reduce annual disposal costs. the would to Cerrito is only one of of a private landfill in Richmond. (2) MSW disposal costs In general, high disposal costs favor the use of both high and low-technology approaches. anticipated increases motivated High tipping fees or Ames, North Little Rock, and Marblehead to consider resource recovery strategies. There may be no incentive for recycling, however, unless the marginal cost of disposal a $19 is also high. per ton marginal cost was recycling efforts. factor quite sufficient Unfortunately, definition of "high" cost; net In Marblehead, there is no disposal cost is to encourage convenient only one in the resource recovery decision. (3) State regulations affecting MSW disposal State regulations and their enforcement tend to result 113 in increased disposal with consequences (4) costs in as described Citizen attitudes toward approaches may be an (1) low-technology approaches, resident participation, as This is particularly which depend heavily on the El Cerrito and Marblehead illustrate. Demand for alternative A demand itself energy for alternative energy -- or a local industry -- options. by U.S. In North Little Rock, the Recycle and Koppers Co. low and by the municipality clearly favors energy recovery eration of resource recovery. of above. important motivation for local officials investigate one or both approaches. cases (2) resource recovery true for (5) and capacity, support for low or high-technology Active community to and reduced disposal energy recovery proposal dominated the city's considNonetheless, some combination high-technologies may be appropriate, to reduce the non-combustible fraction of incoming MSW. (6) Other resource recovery projects A community may already be host to a privately-operated recycling program (as in Marblehead may have access to high-technology region -- either planned or El Cerrito), recovery systems already in operation. istence of a low or high-technology reasons, make and project will, or it in the The exfor several that approach more attractive to a community. An existing recycling program enhances the prospects technology strategies, serving for low- the function of a pilot 114 project by checking material markets and resident pation, and partici- The early identifying operational problems. recycling program in El Cerrito was valuable in this respect. Similarly, a nearby energy recovery plant may represent participation option to the community: another Marblehead, or planned resource recovery project. considered contracting with (RESCO, in of minimizing the community's as northeast Massachusetts, palities suits terms. too, such for MSW from essentially Such a situation is favorable to munici- the region, who can select the project that them, and perhaps bargain for more favorable Participation in a regional project has disadvantages usually forcing a community such as (7) in In regions, several private and/or regional recovery proposals compete the same area. best planning and implementation the financing issue. and avoiding energy of the planned regional This option had the advantage resource recovery projects. costs for example, an existing energy recovery plant or joining one Saugus) in an existing to meet various obligations, contributing a minimum annual volume of MSW. Role of state and federal policy While external to a community's specific circumstances, state and federal policy on resource recovery can nonetheless create and important incentives and disincentives high-technology approaches. By providing assistance and planning grants for government agencies can to options and for both low technical resource recovery projects, a degree define resource recovery determine their relative feasibility. EPA's 115 demonstration grant program has assisted both low and hightechnology systems; its 1975 grant to Marblehead improved implementation prospects significantly. grant program enabled El Cerrito equipment necessary its California's SWMB to purchase most of the to the expansion and later success of recycling program. The E.C.ology program brochure emphasizes this point: Without CETA grants and State Solid Waste Grants, the chances for most (California) communities to start and retain a recycling program are minimal. Other state policies and actions have incentive effects too. In Arkansas, a state utility commission ruling assured modular incinerator plants of a continuous supply of auxiliary fuel. State legislation bond financing of North authorizing special revenue solid waste disposal facilities enabled Little Rock to finance its energy recovery plant for a relatively low rate of interest. state policy to promoting centralized the formation of In Massachusetts, a resource recovery led several regional resource recovery pro- posals, which Marblehead was able to choose from. policies in Iowa, on the other hand, source recovery. State law set an upper bound on rates Ames in * for municipal could bonds; impede reinterest the limit had to be raised successfully finance fact recommended against served to State its RDF plant. the Ames proposal, Although the town chose instead and utilize a regional landfill. before Iowa's DEQ citing its to build a transfer station 116 high cost and Just as risk. a community's circumstances between resource recovery options, objectives with respect to each community will have and hence different options. Nonetheless, criteria, and so can affect its choice can the community's solid waste management. a somewhat criteria we can for different set evaluating identify Clearly, of resource several objectives, recovery commonly used assume that a given community will weight each criterion appropriately (and may add others). Five criteria for evaluating resource recovery options are most relevant: net opportunity (1) Net cost, reliability, cost, environmental impact, and time constraints. cost The net cost of a resource recovery option refers to the net per-ton cost to the community of MSW processing and disposal. trends, It An estimate of net cost perhaps expressing cost may be necessary to Marblehead's separate collection costs should also * for future in terms of net present value. incorporate changes in collection cost; collection program reduced refuse to the community. A measure of account for risk and uncertainty, the measure's affect should account accuracy and events which could net cost indicating significantly cost estimates. Several criteria are derived from a recent study of solid 13 waste disposal options in Rockport, Massachusetts. 117 The net cost of energy recovery, generally speaking, is more volatile than coupled are with, say, that of a low-technology approach landfilling. Energy recovery plant the result of large revenues and changes in gross costs; costs small either can have large effects on net cost. In both North Little Rock and Ames, net costs of disposal have been twice (or more) those predicted at the community's choice was made. However, time when the in some circumstances, landfill costs may be equally or more volatile, depending on the availability of new sites or regulations. rapidly state regulations, prices and landfill seen likely to do, decline faster than (2) recovery system -operator the net the net as could well happen. If costs increase rapidly, as cost of energy they recovery will cost of a low-technology strategy. refers to the dependability of a resource its design, equipment manufacturer, (as relevant). back-up procedures. and Especially in energy recovery plants, a community is concerned about system flexibility, In general, approach is far more reliable, due and its disposal costs rising Reliability Reliability and of state in the future if the Amesbury landfill is closed or modified by energy Marblehead may find the enforcement lack of inter-dependent or redundancy, the recycling-landfill to its relative simplicity sequential elements. For ex- ample, a paper-baler breakdown at El Cerrito's recycling center would only cause a slight decline in project revenues, since unbaled paper brings a lower per-ton price. At the 118 Anes plant, however, clogged pneumatic tubes the RDF product the tubes are cleared. centralized cause the entire plant recovery plant incinerator approach) may (3) (a more to shut down until Careful design can assure also means higher cost. or transporting is that a reasonably reliable, but this In practice, siting a new landfill frequent occurence with a low-technology also pose a "reliability" problem. Environmental impact A resource recovery option should comply with state (and federal) regulations concerning air quality, water and should consistent with any local or landfilling. It also be community policies promoting materials conservation, and so quality, recovery, energy forth. Both low and high-technology approaches have unavoidable impacts which can be largely mitigated, although often at Recycling implies continued substantial cost. traditional disposal. of the unavoidable For-both approaches, impacts is health effects of MSW emissions (4) Opportunity cost ity the option? are largely unknown. local control How many future The preemptive implied by a resource actions are effect may affect narrow range of future choices, duration. for example, is usually concerned with both the opportun- cost and the degree of recovery option. the seriousness somewhat uncertain; the A community impacts from and may be of foreclosed by a broad or short or long Both North Little Rock and Ames issued debt that 119 will be repaid over a 20 year period. Clearly, a flexible resource recovery system has a lower opportunity cost. The high-technology approach usually has much higher opportunity costs. Plant financing payments over 20-30 years, of requires debt service and usually necessitates contracts equal duration with MSW contributors and/or energy buyers. Energy recovery plants are usually cannot easily adapt to changes in MSW volume or composition. Participation in a regional energy recovery project usually means relinquishing waste management separation, inflexible, in that they considerable decisions local control over solid (such as whether to conduct source where to dispose of MSW, and how much disposal will cost). Low technology approaches, a community, can have a de facto while less binding on opportunity cost if the community must make a long-term commitment for a new disposal facility. Communities wishing to minimize opportunity costs consider various options. should combinations of MSW disposal and recovery For example, in 1975 Marblehead chose to develop a transfer station and haul its MSW to a regional landfill. This meant a 5-year contract with a private hauler, a much shorter commitment than would have been required had the town participated ed in a regional resource recovery project its own disposal facility. It can be argued that or developany com- bination of low-technology resource recovery and conventional disposal which defers a high-technology considering. By deferring energy approach is worth recovery, a community can 120 the benefits of reap operating experience technological energy in the costs will presumably reduce net advances and greater recovery field, and which improve system relia- bility. (5) constraints Time Communities often face time constraints new solid waste disposal capacity; be should in developing a resource recovery option implementable within the necessary time frame. Options with uncertain implementation schedules time to be - between High-technology approaches serious implemented, 3 and and 9 years. take considerable the lead time can vary considerably In Ames, the intervial between consideration of the RDF proposal and up was nearly four years; was slightly more plants appear depend the community's control pose a problem in on events beyond this respect. that project start- in North Little Rock, this interval than three years. Not surprisingly,. smaller to take less time to procure and develop. The practicality of energy recovery options may depend on interim disposal options Choice Process to tide a community over. Suggestions The previous material is relevant mainly to a community's general order evaluation of to proceed low and high-technology further, resource recovery options a community must approaches. define specific (such as municipally-run separate small-scale modular incineration with heat collection or recovery), specifying potential energy or materials buyers, In 121 sites, service area, and so and choice will many of which found than ial forth. The community's invariably hinge on implementation defy generalization; throughout examples of the four case studies. describing a formal choice process, reviews the case studies and evaluation factors, these can be Consequently, rather the remaining mater- identifies various lessons which apply to the resource recovery decision. A point often overlooked the status quo is the "status quo" recovery that present is not options -- practices, in evaluating alternatives to conditions tend to change; static. In comparing resource with each other and with present disposal a community should look for future filling costs, forth. Future trends are most relevant state regulations, trends in land- energy prices, and so to resource recovery options that require long-term commitments. Ames' decision to develop an energy recovery plant was based largely on city officials' expectation of much higher landfill costs in the A net present value analysis may be helpful in future. this respect. Information is an important commodity in the resource recovery choice process. Good planning information is crucial to an informed decision, especially for high-technology projects which are more sensitive to systems effects. In the Ames case, project consultants over-estimated MSW generation ton in the RDF plant's service area; operating costs were as a result, considerably higher per- (and total 122 revenues were less) composition and tant in El than predicted, to early analysis of MSW potential community participation was Cerrito's decision impor- to develop its own separate While information gathering should be collection program. geared An actual data needs, a community should develop necessary information early in the choice process. In a similar sense, a thoughtful municipal process demands officials ongoing staff attention -- informed and to be community reflects Ames' (versus sure private to keep function; so local that the evaluation process or plant investor) special task force, composed of city staff served this choice too did the El interests. and officials, Cerrito solid waste advisory committee. There is a tendency in defining and evaluating resource recovery options for a community to seize the that comes along. tation this tendency, with the result that other, possibly better, This happens in terms available sites, material and/or their forth. energy buyers, In North Little Rock, for the city compared only one proposal -- Koppers modular option. options are never explored. of defining resource recovery tech- equipment vendors, and so example, project The necessary preoccupation with implemen- issues. reinforces nologies, first incinerator proposal Communities should, if -- to the USR- the landfilling at all possible, define options more broadly and not foreclose choices too soon. 123 Similarly, of resource to communities should be recovery options are local needs and objectives. a lesser extent, Ames, impartial, and feasibility to studies of the preferred firms with a direct interest seeing the option implemented. present: sensitive In North Little Rock and, option were performed by private in sure that analyses The usual paradox is often, only firms with experience in the design and operation of resource recovery projects are competent to evaluate the proposed option(s). apparent for not demand A This problem is less low-technology systems, whose assessment does sophisticated technical skills. community should promote public participation in the resource recovery choice process. This is important for both low and high-technology approaches, but for different reasons. Source separation and recycling require extensive household involvement, and early step in publicizing public input is the and promoting a low-technology approach. High-technology systems are, of course, capital intensive (and/or require long-term commitments), mitments of sort. this first size often require Formal voter approval was and resource com- public approval of some not necessary in either Ames or North Little Rock, but in both cases there was little or no community opposition. Finally, communities should bear in mind resource recovery strategy must be existing solid waste management that any integrated with the system already in place. In 124 El Cerrito, the cooperation of the city's lector was considered relevant separate collection program. necessary to the development North Little Rock to reform city collection practices energy recovery plant with a dependable its In franchised col- of its found it to provide supply of MSW. evaluating resource recovery options, municipalities examine their vities In -- compatibility with other MSW management should acti- M4SW storage, collection, and disposal. the years ahead, resource recovery will assume importance as the costs of traditional increasing waste disposal methods increase and as become more apparent. Federal and thus hasten their various impacts and state government can develop policies which create various incentives, solid the trend, incentives and disbut decisions to implement resource recovery will be made at the local level -- by initiating projects or by participation in either regional or private projects. specific resource recovery options, not generic approaches. with The Municipalities will be faced local policy, decision, while responsive to state and should be based on local conditions and federal criteria. Notes 1. 2. Neil Seldman, Garbage in America: Approaches to Recycling (Washington, D.C,; Institute for Local Self-Reliance), pp. 16,27. 1977, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Fourth Report to Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction, SW-600 Congress U.S. GPO), 1977, p. 18. (Washington, D.C.: 125 3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Multi-Material Source Separation in Marblehead and Somerville, Massachusetts: Composition or Source-Separated Materials, by Resources Planning Associates, Inc. (Washington, D.C.: GPO), December 1979. U.S. 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, A National Survey of Separate Collection Programs, by David Cohen, SW-778 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO) 1979, p.36. 5. Ibid., 6. City of Ames, Iowa, Solid Waste Incineration Study, by Gibbs, Hill, Durham, and Richardson, Inc. (GHDR), February 6, 1973. 7. U.S. 8.. A Blueprint New England Energy Congress, Final Report: for Energy Action (Boston: NEEC), May 1979, p. 134. 9. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Small Modular A Technical, Incinerator Systems with Heat Recovery: Environmental, and Economic Evaluation, by Systems U.S. GPO), Technology Corp., SW-177c (Washington, D.C.: November 1979, p. 110. 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Resource Recovery Plant Implementation, Guide for Municipal Officials: GPO), Planning and Overview, SW-157.1 (Washington, D.C.: 1976, p. 6. 11. Solid Waste See, for example, Am. Iron and Steel Inst., Processing Facilities, by Resource Technology Corp., August 1979, or U.S. EPA, A Nationwide Survey of Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction Activities, by Bradford Max, SW-142, 1979. 12. City of El Cerrito, Community Services Department, E.C.ology Recycling, undated brochure (ca. 1979). 13. Harvard University, Department of City and Regional Planning, An Evaluation of Solid Waste Disposal Options for Rockport, Massachusetts, Planning Workshop 401, February 1977, p. 16. pp. EPA, 30-31. Composition of Materials, op. cit., p. 27. 126 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Iron and Steel Institute, Solid Waste Processing Facilities, by Resource Technology Corp., Washington, D.C.: AISI, August 1979. Ames, Iowa, City of, Energy From a Wasted Resource: Ames Experience, by Daniel Doran, 1978. The Ames, Iowa, City of, Solid Waste Incineration Study, by Gibbs, Hill, Durham, and Richardson, Inc., February 6, 1973. California, State of, Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, Energy Analysis of Secondary Material Use in Product Manufacture, by Regis Kunz and Mark Emmerson, State Solid Waste Management Board (contract 400-006), November 1979. California Resource Recovery Association, Recycling: The the Second California of the Art, Proceedings of State Community Environmental Recycling Conference, Santa Barbara: Council, Inc., 1978. California, State of, State Solid Waste Management Board, Current Status of Small Resource Recovery Systems and Processes, Technical Information Service, Bulletin No. -8 (Revised), November 1979. Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, Materials and Energy from Municipal Waste, Volume .1, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, July 1979. Conn, W. David, "Waste Reduction: Resources Policy, March 1977. Issues and Policies," Devine, K.C., "Market Incentives for Recycling - The Tax Credit and Productive Charge Compared", Environmental Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (1976) El Cerrito, California, City of, State Grant Application, E.C.ology Recycling Center, to State Solid Waste Management Board, December 1979. Greenberg, Michael, "Suggestions for Evaluating Resource Recovery Proposals", American Institute of Planners Journal, January 1977. 127 Harvard University, Department of City and Regional Planning, An Evaluation of Solid Waste Disposal Options for Rockport, Massachusetts, Planning Workshop 401, February 1977. A CommunJackson, David, "The Other End of the Telescope: ity Approach to Resource Recovery", Resources Policy, September 1977. Kagan, David,, Solid Waste Management Options for the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Environmental Impact Assessment Project, Laboratory of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 1978. Love, Peter, "Energy Savings from Solid Waste Management Options", Resources Policy, March 1978. MITRE Corporation, Metreck Division, Resource Recovery Model (and Model Overview), by Richard Telago and Paul Stoller, Technical Report MTR-79W00437, September 1979. Mulligan, Kevin, "Project SORT - Source Separation in Seattle", Compost Science, January-February 1979. Page, Talbot, Conservation and Economic Efficiency: An Approach to Materials Policy,. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. Pavoni, Joseph L.,, Handbook of Solid Waste Disposal: Materials and Energy Recovery, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1975. Petrovic, W. and B. Jaffe, "Measuring the Generation and Collection of Household Solid Waste in Cities", Urban Affairs Quarterly, December 1978. Quimby, Thomas, Recycling: The Alternative to Disposal, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. Baltimore: Seldman, Neil, "Community Participation in Resource Conservation and Recovery", Report to American Society of Civil Engineers Convention and Exposition (Reprint 3787A), October 1979. Garbage in America: Approaches to Recycling, Washington, D.C.: Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 1977. The Sonoma County Recycling Center, Garbage to Energy: False Panacea (2nd Edition), Santa Rosa, California, September 1979. 128 Could", Conservation Town that Mark, "The Little Sullivan, News, Washington, D.C.: National Wildlife Federation, January 15, 1977 (Reprint). Susskind, Lawrence and Richard Newcome, The Obstacles to Regional Resource Recovery: A Massachusetts Case Study, Environmental Impact Assessment Project, Laboratory of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 1977. U.S. Department of Energy, Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Solid Waste Utilization as an Energy Source, by Gordian Associates, Inc., Report HCP/L-50172-02, November 1977. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, A Nationwide Survey of Resource Recovery and Waste Reduction Activities, by Bradford Max, SW-142, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1979. * A by David , National Cohen, Survey of Separate Collection Programs, SW-778, Washington, D.C.: Evaluation of the Ames Solid Waste U.S. GPO, 1979 Recovery System - Part I, by J. C. Ever, et. al, Iowa State University, and Dez. E. Fiscus and C. A. Romine, Midwest Research Institute, Cincinnati: Muni. Env. Research Lab., November 1977. Resource Recovery , Fourth Report to Congress: and Waste Reduction, SW-600, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1977. , Multi-material Source Separation in Marblehead Collection and Marketing, and Somerville, Massachusetts: U.S. GPO, December 1977. SW-872, Washington, D.C.: , Multi-material Source Separation in Marblehead Citizen Attitudes Toward and Somerville, Massachusetts: Source Separation, SW-825, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, December 1979. Guide Resource Recovery Plant Implementation: SW-157.1, Overview, and Planning for Municipal Officials: GPO, 1976 (Others in this series U.S. Washington, D.C.: include: Technologies SW-157.2, Markets SW-157.3, Financing SW-157.4, Procurement SW 157.5, and Risks and Contracts SW-157.7). Case Resource Recovery Project Implementation: Studies of Five Processes, by Development Sciences, Inc., Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1977. , 129 __, Small Modular Incinerator Systems with Heat Recovery: A Technical, Environmental, and Economic Evaluatian, by Systems Technology Corp., SW-177c, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, November 1979. , Source Separation: The Community Awareness Program in Somerville and Marblehead, Massachusetts, SW-551, Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, November 1976. Vesilind, P., "Low Technology Materials Separation", Compost Science, April 1979. Wentworth, Marchant, Resource Recovery: Truth and Consequences,, Washington, D.C.: Environmental Action Foundation, 1977. 130 GLOSSARY AND ACRONYMS BTU: British thermal unit, a measure of energy centralized separation and Centralized MS14W processing: recovery for use or recycling of materials and/or energy contained in mixed MSW. DEQ: DPCE: Iowa Department Arkansas of Environmental Quality. Department of Pollution Control and Ecology, A resource recovery process in which part Energy recovery: or all of MSW is recovered as a fuel, or burned to produce steam for heating or electricity. EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Gibbs, Hill, GHDR: Nebraska. Durham, and Richardson, Inc., of Omaha, In the context of resource recovery, any High-technology: processing mixed MSW to recover energy facility centralized materials. and/or ISU: Iowa State University. In the context of resource recovery, a process Low-technology: for materials recovery which relies on the source separation of MSW. The recovery of various materials Materials recovery: MSW -- using either a high or low-technology approach. from regularly collected solid Municipal solid waste -MSW: waste from households, institutions, and commercial establishments. .Recycling: Reprocessing of used products into new basic materials, in which the identity and utility of the original Usually refers to low-technology systems. product is lost. Processes for recovering useful energy Resource recovery: and/or recyclable materials from mixed or separated MSW; includes both high and low-technology approaches. RPA: Resources Planning Associates, SCA: Service Corporation of America. Boston, Massachusetts. 131 Separate collection: Regular collection of waste products that are segregated according to material type. Household separation of recyclab.le Source spearation: materials from other MSW prior to recycling. SWMB: California State Solid Waste Management Board. Tons per day TPD: tons per year). is USR: U.S. Recycle, (similarly, TPM is tons per month and TPY a franchised vendor of Consumat equipment.