N. Benjamin Murphy nbmurphy@math.uci.edu (949) 824-5503 (department) (801) 688-1767 (mobile) (949) 824-7993 (fax) www.math.uci.edu/~nbmurphy/ University of California, Irvine Department of Mathematics 340 Rowland Hall Irvine, CA 92697-3875 USA Education 2004 2005 2006 2012 University of Utah, B.S., Mathematics University of Utah, B.S., Physics University of Utah, M.S., Mathematics University of Utah, Ph.D., Mathematics Thesis: “Phase Transitions in Random Media” Research Interests Homogenization for multiscale composite materials. Effective diffusivity for advection enhanced diffusion by time-dependent chaotic flows. Transport of electrical current, heat, and electromagnetic waves in composite materials. Methods include: scientific computing, statistical mechanics, percolation theory, inverse problems, functional analysis, random matrix theory, complex analysis, dynamical systems theory, and stochastic processes. Professional Experience 2006—2009 2009—2012 2012—2013 2013—2015 Spring 2015 Summer 2015—present Research in Mathematical Biology, University of Utah Department of Mathematics Mentor: Paul Bressloff Doctoral Dissertation Research, University of Utah Department of Mathematics Mentor: Ken Golden Postdoctoral Research, University of Utah Department of Mathematics Mentors: Jingyi Zhu and Ken Golden Postdoctoral Research, University of California, Irvine Department of Mathematics Mentor: Jack Xin Postdoctoral Research, University of Utah Department of Mathematics Mentors: Elena Cherkaev and Ken Golden Postdoctoral Research, University of California at Irvine Department of Mathematics Mentor: Jack Xin Publications 1. K. M. Golden, N. B. Murphy, and E. Cherkaev. Spectral Analysis and Connectivity of Porous Microstructures in Bone. J. Biomech., 44:337-344, 2011. 2. N. B. Murphy and K. M. Golden. The Ising Model and Critical Behavior of Transport in Binary Composite Media. J. Math. Phys., 53, 063506, 25 pp., 2012. 3. N. B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, C. Hohenegger, and K. M. Golden. Spectral Measure Computations for Composite Materials. Comm. Math. Sci., 13(4):825-862, 2015. 4. N. B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, and K. M. Golden. Random Matrix Universality for Classical Transport in Composite Materials. 6 pp. Submitted, 2016. 5. N. B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, J. Zhu, J. Xin, and K. M. Golden. Spectral Analysis and Computation of Effective Diffusivities for Steady Random Flows. 40 pp. Submitted, 2016. 6. N. B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, J. Xin, J. Zhu, and K. M. Golden. Spectral Analysis and Computation of Effective Diffusivities in Space-Time Periodic Incompressible Flows. 50 pp. Submitted, 2016. 7. N. B. Murphy, E. Cherkaev, and K. M. Golden. Analytic Continuation and Integral Representations for the Effective Transport Properties of Polycrystalline Media. In revision before submission, 2016. 8. N. B. Murphy, P. Sheng, and K. M. Golden. Statistical Mechanics of Homogenization for Composite Materials. In revision before submission, 2016. 9. N. B. Murphy, J. Lin, P. Sheng, and K. M. Golden. On the Existence of a Phase Transition in Electrorheological Fluids. In preparation, 2016. Teaching Experience University of Utah, Department of Mathematics 2004 Assistant for Math 2250, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Fall 2005 Assistant for Math 2250, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Spring 2007 Teacher for Math 1030, Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning, Fall 2009 Assistant for Math 1210, Calculus I, Fall 2010 Assistant for Math 2250, Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Spring 2010 Assistant for Math 6710, Linear Operators and Spectral Theory, Fall 2011 Assistant for Math 1220, Calculus II, Spring University of California, Department of Mathematics 2014 Teacher and Undergraduate Mentor for the Interdisciplinary Computational and Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP), Stochastic Time Series Group, Summer Awards 2012 Conference Presentation Prize for “Random Matrix Theory for Composites”, Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media 9 (ETOPIM 9), Marseille, France Grants 2012—2013 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Grant N00014-12-10861 “Spectral Theory of Advective Diffusion in the Ocean,” PI: K. M. Golden, Co-PI’s: N. B. Murphy and J. Zhu, $50,000 Departmental Scholarships and Research Grants University of Utah, Department of Physics 2001—2002 Departmental Full Tuition Scholarship, Department of Physics 2003—2004 Departmental Full Tuition Scholarship, Department of Physics University of Utah, Department of Mathematics 2002—2003 National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Grant, Department of Mathematics 2005—2007 NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Grant, Department of Mathematics 2008 NSF-VIGRE Undergraduate Research Grant, Department of Mathematics, Spring 2008 NSF-DMS Undergraduate Research Grant, Department of Mathematics, Fall 2009 NSF-VIGRE Undergraduate Research Grant, Department of Mathematics, Spring 2010 NSF-VIGRE Undergraduate Research Grant, Department of Mathematics, Fall 2011—2012 NSF-DMS Graduate Research Grant, Department of Mathematics Computer Languages Matlab, C, Maple, Mathematica Conferences Attended 2005 2006 2006 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media (ETOPIM 6), Snowbird, Utah Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah Gordon Research Conference on Theoretical Biology and Biomathematics, Tilton, New Hampshire American Mathematical Society (AMS) Sectional Meeting, Session on Random Matrix Theory and Applications, Albuquerque, New Mexico AMS Western Sectional Meeting, Session on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Complex and Random Environments, Salt Lake City, Utah ETOPIM 9, Marseille, France Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (CMDS 13), Salt Lake City, UT American Mathematical Society (AMS) Mathematics Research Communities (MRC), Session on Differential Equations, Probability, and Sea Ice, Snowbird, Utah, Session leader for the Spectral Measure Group Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Mathematics of Sea Ice, Vancouver, Canada. Scientific Lectures and Presentations University of Utah, Department of Mathematics 2003 REU Presentation Seminar, “Percolation Properties of Binary Composite Media” 2004 Undergraduate Research Symposium, “Phase Transitions in Binary Composites” 2005 Neuroscience Group Research Symposium, “The Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem and Dynamic Equilibrium” 2006 Mathematical Biology Journal Club Presentation, “The Integrate and Fire Model of Neurophysics” 2007 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 IGERT Fellowship Laboratory Rotation Presentation, In collaboration with R. Rabbitt, University of Utah, Department of Biomedical Engineering, “Fractional Differential Equations and the Responses of Toadfish Vestibular Semicircular Canals” Electromagnetics Group Presentation, “The Ising Model and Phase Transitions in Binary Composite Media” Electromagnetics Group Presentation, “Statistical Mechanics Characterization of Phase Transitions in Binary Composites” Graduate Seminar, “Mathematics of Phase Transitions” Applied Math Seminar, “Random Matrix Theory and Statistical Mechanics Characterizations of Phase Transitions in Binary Composite Media” Applied Math Seminar, “Critical Theory of Two-Phase Random Media” Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Physics 2009 Graduate Research Symposium, “Energy Representations of the Analytic Continuation Method” ETOPIM 9, Marseille, France 2012 Session Presentation, “Random Matrix Theory for Composites” 2012 Session Presentation, “Statistical Mechanics of Homogenization for Composites” Invited Lectures 2012 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media 9 (ETOPIM 9), Marseille, France, “Random Matrix Theory for Composites” University of California, Irvine, Interdisciplinary Computational and Applied Mathematics Program (iCAMP) Presentation, “Disordered Media and Computation of Effective Properties” Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (CMDS 13), Salt Lake City, “Random Matrix Universality, Spectral Measures, and Composite Media” Duke University, Applied Math/Analysis Seminar, “Random Matrices, Spectral Measures, and Transport in Composite Media” Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Mathematics of Sea Ice, Vancouver, Canada, “Random Matrix Theory for Transport in Sea Ice” Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) Special Session on Differential Equations, Probability, and Sea Ice, Seattle, Washington, “Spectral Analysis of Transport in Sea Ice” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Spectral Analysis and Computation of Effective Diffusivities for Steady Random Flows”