Math1210 Midterm 3 Review Problems Spring, 2007 Kelly MacArthur

Math1210 Midterm 3 Review Problems
Spring, 2007
Kelly MacArthur
Chapter 3 Review (Concepts Test) pg 209-210
#17, 19, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46
Chapter 3 Review (Sample Test Problems) pg 210-213
#23-33 odd, 45-73 odd, 50
Chapter 4 Review (Concepts Test) pg 270-271
#1-3 all, 8, 9, 10-13 all, 16, 19, 20
Chapter 4 Review (Sample Test) pg 271-273
#1-29 odd, 16, 22
The test covers sections 3.5-3.9 and 4.1-4.5. You can use your calculator,
which may be especially useful for the numerical estimation problems
from 3.7.
You can also bring a 4x6 inch note card of notes (on both sides, if you
want) to use as a reference. Make sure it's truly a 4x6 card and not
something that closely resembles a 4x6 card. If you need one, I can
provide one for you.
Mathematical Topics Covered on this exam:
● Graphing functions using Calculus (3.5)
○ Min/max points
○ Asymptotes
○ Inflection points
○ Sketch graph
● Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives (3.6)
● Solving Equations Numerically (3.7)
○ Bisection Method
○ Newton's Method
○ Fixed Point Algorithm
● Solving Differential Equations (3.9)
● Integrals
○ Indefinite (aka anti-derivatives) (3.8)
○ Definite Integrals (area under a curve)
■ Tedious way (by summation definition) (4.1-4.2)
■ Fast way (by Second Fundamental Thm of Calc) (4.4)
(Make sure you can integrate using (1) power rule, (2) sin/cosine
rules, and (3) u-substitution.)
● First Fundamental Thm of Calc (4.3)
● Mean Value Theorem for Integrals (4.5)