Math 2250-1 Tues Oct 30 5.6, EP3.7: Forced mechanical (and electrical) oscillations. , Work through the difference cases of forced mechanical systems, as summarized in Monday's notes. Yesterday we used our knowledge of the method of undetermined coefficients to understand the form of particular and therefore also general solutions to these non-homogeneous differential equations, and today we'll work through the various cases in more detail. For undamped forced oscillations, the discussion is in Monday's notes. For damped forced oscillations, the details are in today's notes. , After doing Exercise 5 (the resonance example) in Monday's notes, we will re-find a particular solution using variation of parameters, for practice. (Exercise 1, below). , After we finish Monday's notes for undamped forced oscillations, we'll use today's notes as an outline to discuss damped forced oscillations. , We are discussing resonance and practical resonance phenomena in the simplest possible settings. Here are some links which address how these phenomena arise, also in more complicated real-world applications in which the dynamical systems are more complex and have more components. Our baseline cases are the starting points for understanding these more complicated systems. We'll also address some of these more complicated applications when we move on to systems of differential equations. (wikipedia page with links) (shake tables for earthquake modeling) (an engineering class demo shake table) (Tacoma narrows bridge) (wikipedia page with links) (crystal oscillators) Exercise 1) Use the variation of parameters method to find a particular solution related to yesterday's notes Exercise 5 - in that example we used a general solution in which a particular solution was found using the method of undetermined coefficients. For computational simplicity consider the specific differential equation x##C 9 x = 80 cos 3 t rather than the more general case F0 2 x##C w0 x = cos w0 t . m Damped forced oscillations c O 0 for x t : m x##C c x#C k x = F0 cos w t Undetermined coefficients for xP t : k xP = A cos w t C B sin w t C c xP #=KA w sin w t C B w cos w t 2 2 C m xP ##=KA w cos w t K B w sin w t . _________________________________________ 2 L xP = cos w t k ACc B wKm A w 2 C sin w t k BKc A wKm B w . Collecting and equating coefficients yields the matrix system kKm w 2 Kc w cw A kKm w B 2 F0 = , 0 which has solution A B = kKm w 1 kKm w 2 2 C c2w 2 2 cw Kc w F0 kKm w 2 F0 = 0 kKm w kKm w 2 2 C c2w 2 2 cw In phase-amplitude form this reads xP = A cos w t C B sin w t = C cos w t K a with F0 C= . (Check!) kKm w cos a = 2 2 C c2w 2 kKm w kKm w sin a = 2 2 2 C c2w 2 cw kKm w 2 2 . C c2w 2 And the general solution x t = xP t C xH t is given by x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C eKp t C1 cos w1 t . , underdamped: , critically-damped: x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C eKp t c1 t C c2 . , over-damped: Important to note: Kr t x = xsp C xtr = C cos w t K a C c1 e F0 1 Kr t C c2 e 2 . if w z w0 and c z 0 , because the m denominator will then be close to zero. This phenomenon is practical resonance. , The phase angle a is always in the first or second quadrant. , The amplitude C in xsp can be quite large relative to Exercise 2) Solve the IVP for x t : x##C 2 x#C 26 x = 82 cos 4 t x 0 =6 x# 0 = 0 . Solution: x t = 41 cos 4 t K a C 10 eKt cos 5 t K b a = arctan 0.8 , b = arctan K3 . > with DEtools : > dsolve x## t C 2$x# t C 26$x t = 82$cos 4$t , x 0 = 6, x# 0 = 0 ; x t = K3 eKt sin 5 t C eKt cos 5 t C 5 cos 4 t C 4 sin 4 t (1) Practical resonance: The steady periodic amplitude C for damped forced oscillations (page 2) is F0 C w = . kKm w Notice that as w/0, C w / F0 k 2 2 C c2w 2 and that as w/N, C w /0. The precise definition of practical resonance occuring is that C w have a global maximum greater than F0 k , on the interval 0 ! w !N . Exercise 3a) Compute C w for the damped forced oscillator equation related to the previous exercise, except with varying damping coefficient c: x##C c x#C 26 x = 82 cos w t . 3b) Investigate practical resonance graphically, for c = 2 and for some other values as well. How would you check practical resonance analytically? > with plots : 82 > C d w, c / 2 2 : 2 2 26 K w C c $w > plot C w, 2 , w = 0 ..20, color = black, title = `practical resonance when c=2` ; practical resonance when c=2 8 5 3 1 0 > 5 10 w 15 20 The mechanical-electrical analogy, continued: Practical resonance is usually bad in mechanical systems, but good in electrical circuits when signal amplification is a goal....recall from earlier in the course: Kirchoff's Law: The sum of the voltage drops around any closed circuit loop equals the applied voltage V t (volts). 1 For Q t : L Q ## t C R Q # t C Q t = V t = E0 sin w t C 1 For I t : L I## t C R I# t C I t = V# t = E0 w cos w t . C Transcribe the work on steady periodic solutions from the preceding pages! The general solution for I t is I t = Isp t C Itr t . Isp t = I0 cos w t K a = I0 sin w t K g , g = a K F0 C w = kKm w 2 2 C c2w 0 I0 w = The denominator 1 KL w Cw 2 2 E0 w 0 I0 w = 1 2 KL w C E0 1 KL w Cw p . 2 2 C R2 w 2 . 2 C R2 C R2 of I0 w is called the impedance Z w of the circuit (because the larger the impedance, the smaller the amplitude of the steady-periodic current that flows through the circuit). Notice that for fixed resistance, the impedance is minimized and the steady periodic current 1 amplitude is maximized when = L w , i.e. Cw 1 C= if L is fixed and C is adjustable (old radios). 2 Lw 1 L= if C is fixed and L is adjustable 2 Cw Both L and C are adjusted in this M.I.T. lab demonstration: ZYgFuUl9_Vs