Andrew Norris, Static and dynamic elastic homogenization of periodic structures The talk considers (i) static homogenization of lattice structures modeled by thin beam members and (ii) a procedure for dynamic homogenization of general periodic elastic media. The seemingly disparate topics are motivated by a need to understand the static and dynamic behavior of lattice structures which have been proposed as candidates for pentamode materials. Our main result for static properties of a lattice Pstructure with coordination number Z is that the effective moduli can be expressed in Kelvin-like form C = N i,j=1 Pij Ui ⊗ Uj where N = 12 Z(Z + 1), Ui are second order tensors, and Pij are elements of a N × N projection matrix P of rank N − d, in d = 2 or 3 dimensions. The N second order tensors {Ui } split into Z stretch dominated and N − Z bending dominated elements. The latter contribute little to the stiffness in the limit of very thin members, in which case the elastic stiffness is, at most, of rank Z − d. C is rank one if Z = d + 1, corresponding to pentamode materials. Part (ii) describes a general procedure for defining and calculating dynamic effective properties of periodic media. The dynamic homogenization yields constitutive relations for the effective medium of the so-called Willis type which couples stress with velocity, and momentum to strain. It turns out that there is then a unique system of equations governing the effective field variables defined according to heff (x, t) = hhi ei(k·x−ωt) for each field variable (displacement, stress, etc.) where hhi is the spatial average of the periodic part of h. This homogenization scheme clearly reduces to the static procedure for ω = 0, k = 0, while the effective dynamic parameters (stiffness, density, etc.) which are functions of ω and k, have the important property that they yield the exact dispersion relation for Bloch waves. Implications of the dynamic homogenization scheme for lattice networks will be discussed and compared with the static effective moduli. Static and dynamic elastic homogenization of periodic structures Andrew N. Norris Rutgers University Continuum Models Discrete Systems Salt Lake City, Utah, July 21-25 2014 • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory Kelvin (1856) Positive definite strain energy : Kelvin (1856) Positive definite strain energy : Necessary and sufficient conditions for truss to be rigid Maxwell (1864) Condition for rigidity of frameworks is Z > 5 in 2D Z > 11 in 3D respectively Deshpande et al. JMPS (2001). Kelvin (1856) Positive definite strain energy : Necessary and sufficient conditions for truss to be rigid Necessary and sufficient condition for rigidity of 2D and 3D frameworks is Z > 5 and Z > 11, respectively Deshpande et al. JMPS (2001) Maxwell(1864) Bell (1907) Octet truss 1903 Octet truss 1903 Octet truss 2014 1903 Ultra-light, Ultra-stiff Mechanical Metamaterials MIT/LLNL science.1252291 stiffest lattice structure Gurtner & Du a d, “tiffest elastic et o ks , P‘“A 4 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2013.0611 soft modes 2D lattices in shear soft/easy modes Gurtner & Durand, PRSA 2014 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2013.0611 soft modes are bending dominated i.e. effective static moduli, are stretch dominated soft/easy modes Gurtner & Durand, PRSA 2014 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2013.0611 Kelvin Milton and Cherkaev (1995) Unimode Bimode …… ……. Pentamode (PM) PM: five zero eigen-stiffnesses diamond-like structure five easy/soft modes pentamode lattice structures Kadic et al., APL 2012 Mejica and Lantada Smart Mat. Struct. 2013 Kadic et al., NJP 2013 Schnitty et al., APL 2013 mechanical behavior of pentamode materials (PM) a single type of stress (and strain) - like hydrostatic stress and volumetric strain of a liquid g “microstructure” static equilibrium ... under gravity PM = li iti g ase of a isot opi solids ith ze o shea igidit water as a pentamode material elastodynamics acoustics transformation acoustics: isotropic PM Norris (2008, 2009) pentamode form of stiffness: anisotropic PM Metal Water generic structure for transformation acoustics in water Norris, Nagy (2011) islands struts - for stiffness mainly - inertial role mainly cell size bulk modulus = 2.25 GPa density = 1000 kg/m^3 shear modulus = 0.065 Gpa (i.e. small) transparent to sound in water Pentamode material and transformation acoustics same amount of total empty (cloaked) space heavy metal preferred oids i isi le volume of empty space remains constant conservation of empty/cloaked space = conservation of mass • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory lattice unit cells 3 ways to deform members 3 ways to deform members Stretching Beam bending Node bending Strain energy 3 ways to deform members Z = coordination number Stretching Beam bending Node bending compliances Strain energy (compliance = inverse of stiffness) Ingredients: Z = coordination # length, direction V = unit cell volume axial compliance bending compliance node compliance Ingredients: Z = coordination # length, direction V = unit cell volume axial compliance bending compliance node compliance Effective elastic moduli Elasti moduli of lattice networks, from stiffest to pentamode ANN (submitted) equilibrium stress strain equilibrium stress strain affine deformation macro deformation (strain, rotation) nonlinear local rotation local displacement equilibrium stress strain affine deformation macro deformation nonlinear local rotation linearize local displacement solve for equilibrium stress strain affine deformation macro deformation local rotation local displacement Ingredients: Z = coordination # length, direction V = unit cell volume axial compliance bending compliance node compliance Effective elastic moduli Elasti moduli of lattice networks, from stiffest to pentamode ANN (submitted) bulk modulus diamond FCC R R R R BCC octet truss a E = You g s odulus 5 lattices (all cubic symmetry) bulk modulus: diamond FCC E = You g s shear moduli: R R R R BCC octet truss a tetrakaidecahedral - can be made isotropic 14 = 6+8 odulus Ingredients: Z = coordination # length, direction V = unit cell volume axial compliance bending compliance node compliance Effective elastic moduli stretch P is a projector flex node stretch dominated effective elastic moduli Z=14, d=3 fully stiff Z > 11, d=3 Z > 5, d=2 pentamodal Z=d+1 Z=6, d=2 Z=4, d=3 Z=3, d=2 stretch dominated lattices Z = coordination # length, direction axial compliance V = unit cell volume effective elastic moduli P is a projector stretch dominated lattices Z = coordination # length, direction axial compliance V = unit cell volume effective elastic moduli P is a projector pentamode: Z=d+1 Explicit moduli for PM lattices (Z=d+1) Z=3, d=2 2D PM lattices (all isotropic) pentamode: Z=4, d=3 length, direction, axial compliance, V = cell volume PM lattices + 5 more, small PM lattices + 5 more, small Poisso s atio m n depends entirely on the 5 small eigenvalues because PM lattices + 5 more, small Poisso s atio m n depends entirely on the 5 small eigenvalues because e.g. PM lattices Poisso s ratio depends only on the geometry • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory Example: cubic lattice Lattice dynamics: for each rod node i node j 1) Longitudinal wave equation 2) Flexural wave equation bending in orthogonal directions longitudinal node i node j Total force at point i from rod ij: Equilibrium: Floquet conditions = set of nodes connected to node i dispersion relation bending Honeycomb: 2D pentamode beam theory Aluminum beams length : thickness = 12.5 : 1 COMSOL torsional mode beam theory Aluminum beams length : thickness = 20 : 1 COMSOL Diamond lattice : 3D pentamode steel rods beam theory length : thickness = 20 : 1 COMSOL • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory « METALindex WATER » STRUCTURE metal water as negative material (NIM) discovery of Anne-Christine Hladky-Hennion (IEMN / Lille) 0.04 sonic lines FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.03 X 0.02 0.01 Aluminium structure 0.00 X J G X negative group velocity at sonic speed NIM with matched - index (speed) - impedance (transmission) - not quite! density of water equi-frequency contour circle e.g. NIM acoustic lens S I Metal water as negative index material image Source source F = 80 kHz Image APL, 102, 144103, 2013 50 S I focusing with MW flat lens lens with 7 rows simulation source imperfect focusing related to effective impedance at finite frequency - not well understood need for dynamic effective medium theory 0.04 sonic lines - has density of water - sonic phase speed FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 X G J X impedance mismatch at finite frequency for some wave numbers reduces focusing potential spectral curves + static properties not enough to describe finite frequency effects need a dynamic effective medium theory (what does it even mean?) e.g. f e ue cy depe de t effective i peda ce • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory exact dynamic effective medium theory periodically layered, 2D & 3D periodic media Static: effective moduli well defined Dynamic: what do we mean by d a i effe ti e ediu ? exact dynamic effective medium theory periodically layered, 2D & 3D periodic media Static: effective moduli well defined Dynamic: what do we mean by d a i effe ti e ediu ? no small parameter exact dynamic effective medium theory periodically layered, 2D & 3D periodic media Static: effective moduli well defined Dynamic: what do we mean by d a i effe ti e ediu ? consider fixed wavenumber and frequency acoustic equations / SH wave motion velocity potential dilatation canonical form divergence form SH: d is o e tu v is st ess φ is “H displa e e t • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory 1D - periodically layered medium Monodromy matrix: = matricant (propagator) over unit period 1D - periodically layered medium Monodromy matrix: uniform medium: = matricant (propagator) over unit period 1D - periodically layered medium Monodromy matrix: uniform medium: = matricant (propagator) over unit period One definition: dynamic homogenization of layered medium x (effective parameters) • cannot be identified as the system matrix for elasticity. • uniquely defines a material with Willis constitutive behavior. (= generalized elasticity that couples stress with momentum) • Homogenized parameters depend on the start point (y=0) in the unit cell. In that sense it is not a unique dynamic effective theory. • Effective medium gives exact results for reflection/transmission from half-space y>0 • 1D only ANN, A. L. Shuvalov, A. A. Kutsenko, and O. Poncelet, Effective Willis constitutive equations for periodically stratified anisotropic elastic media, Proc. R. Soc. A, 467, 1749-1769 (2011) • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory Another definition of dynamic effective medium equations Bloch wave / Floquet theory : h = pressure, displacement, etc. h(x) periodic with average over dynamic effective medium equations Bloch wave / Floquet theory : h = pressure, displacement, etc. h(x) is periodic with average over dynamic homogenization: for any ω and k find the equations governing • Natural generalisation of static homogenisation • 1D, 2D, 3D • Unique effective material method • write equations in divergence form with general forcing on RHS • use Plane Wave Expansion (Fourier series) for clarity/simplicity dynamic effective medium equations Problem: find the equations governing • effective equations are of Willis form • Bloch wave dispersion ωn = ωn(k) relation drops out Results: • ω, k → gi es sta da d stati ho oge izatio • Unique dynamic effective medium • 1D, 2D, 3D periodic ANN, A. L. Shuvalov and A. A. Kutsenko, Analytical formulation of 3D dynamic homogenization for periodic elastic systems, Proc. R. Soc. A, 468 1629-165 (2012) acoustic equations in canonical form velocity potential dilatation canonical divergence form: Results in a nutshell: originally periodic Effective equations are of Willis form: matrix is Hermitian, all are functions of material parameters independent of x is real, (but not of x) is complex Bloch waves effective equations: = Bloch wave equation dynamic effective medium equations: elasticity momentum balance: stress and momentum in terms of strain and particle velocity Willis equations Explicit expressions for effective properties using plane wave expansion (PWE) . E.g. effective density is anisotropic Norris et al. (Proc. R. Soc. A 2012) d a i G ee s at i i PWE dynamic effective medium equations: elasticity closure of Willis eqs under DEMT inhomogeneous Willis material + dynamic homogenization effective Willis material Willis equations Explicit expressions for effective properties using plane wave expansion (PWE) . E.g. effective density is anisotropic Norris et al. (Proc. R. Soc. A 2012) d a i G ee s at i i PWE dynamic effective medium equations: elasticity closure of Willis eqs under DEMT inhomogeneous Willis material + dynamic homogenization effective Willis material like transformation acoustics (Milton, Briane, Willis 2006) Willis equations Explicit expressions for effective properties in terms of (infinite) vectors/matrices using plane wave expansion (PWE) . E.g. effective density is anisotropic Norris et al. (Proc. R. Soc. A 2012) d a i G ee s at i i PWE Dynamic effective medium : 1D example (for shear waves: density , shear stiffness ) example: 1D periodic medium layer thickness density stiffness 1 0.37 1 1 2 0.313 2 7 3 0.317 0.5 0.33 effective properties vs. wavenumber Floquet branches second branch first branch (fundamental) static values 0 1 Dynamic effective medium: 1D example Bloch wave phase seed: reflection / transmission Floquet branches uniform medium effective medium where is complex properties on 2nd branch even if cannot impedance match with a uniform medium • Discrete lattices - static effective properties -- stiffest to pentamode - dynamics • Continuous periodic media - dynamic effective medium theories -- 1D theory -- 1,2,3D theory Summary static effective moduli of periodic lattices: • includes stretch, flex and node bending •stretch dominated drops out • explicit pentamode dynamic effective medium theories for periodic systems: • 1D based homogenisation special case • • • • use <h(x) > gives natural extension of static homogenization rigorous at all frequencies, wavenumbers effective equations of Willis type, parameters computable by PWE framework for solving BVPs, e.g. scattering/reflection Summary static effective moduli of periodic lattices •explicit pentamode dynamic effective medium theories for periodic systems • using <h(x) > gives natural extension of static homogenization -- at all frequencies, wavenumbers • effective equations of Willis type, parameters computable by PWE • framework for solving BVPs, e.g. scattering/reflection Need to broaden how we think of periodic materials dynamically thanks: A. Nagy, X. Su A. Shuvalov, A. Kutsenko A.C. Hladky-Hennion J. Cipolla, N. Gokhale Rutgers U. Bordeaux 1 IEMN Lille Weidlinger ONR , NSF, U. Bordeaux, Fulbright & thanks to CMDS 13 organizers for the hard work & you for listening!