Name Partial Differential Equations 3150 Midterm Exam 2 Exam Date: Wednesday, 9 April 2014 Instructions: This exam is timed for 50 mnimites. Up to 60 minutes is possible. No calculators, notes, tables or books. No answer check is expected. Details count 3/4, answers count 1/4. Fourier Series Problem 1. (a) [20%] State the Fourier Convergence Theorem for a function 1(x) defined on—L<x<L. / Graded Details: (1) Hypoth, (2) Conclu, (3) Serinula, (4) Cot formulas. A- / (b) [20%] True or False. Each part earns 5/20 if answered correctly and 2/20 if answered incorrectly. 7- True or False. Assume f(x) is periodic of period 5 and continuously differ entiable on —cc < x < cc. Let F(x) be the formal Fourier series of 1(x) on lxi L, L = 5/2. Then f(11.2) = F(1.2). • True or False. Gibb’s overshoot could fail to happen at a jump discontinuity, but when it happens the overshoot is about 9%. —r • True or False. The function 1(x) of any period. sin(2x) + sin(irx) is odd but not periodic • True or False. The even periodic extension of f(x) 2 equals jx 6j on the interval 5 x 7. = x on 0 < x < 1 of period — .,t.ç( (c) [60%] Let 1(x) be the even extension to xi < ir of the function sin(2x) on has a formal Fourier cosine series F(x) on 0 <x < it, which 0 <x <it. Then f is an even 2ir-periodic extension of 1(x) to —cc <x <cc. L/ Make a graph of 1(x) on —it x it. Make a graph of F(x) over three periods. • VVrite the series formula for F(x) and the Fourier cosine coefficient formula. • Find an integral formula, or the exact value, of the first nonzero term in the Fourier cosine series expansion F(x). Use this page to start your solution. Attach extra pages as needed, then staple. I 3 (N >( , S ‘.4 () 0 ti-i 9-i 0 CA Ii I—. lx I’ c-N .3 \— 4 -h 0 1’ -h -, —D J zJ U x fTh / 3150 Exam 2 S2014 Name. Wave Equation: The Finite String Problem 2. A(a) [50%] Display the series formula, complete with derivation details, for the separation of variables solution u(:r, t.) of the finite string problem u(x,t) = = / I u(1,t) v(x,0) ut(x,0) = = d(x,), 0< x < 1, 0, 0, f(x), g(x), t >0, t>0, t>0, 0< x <1, 0<x<1. Expected in the formula for u(x, t) are constants times product solutions (the normal modes). Graded Details: (1) Separation of variables, (2) Product solution boundary value problem, (3) Product solution formulas,(4) Superposition details, (5) Series formula. . (b) [20%] Display Fourier coefficient formulas for the solution of part (a). A- (c) [30%] Evaluate the Fourier coefficient formulas when 1 g(x) = 50 on 0 ) x , g(x) = = 0 on 0 <x < 1 and ‘) — XT f(x) 0 otherwise. x 1 1 . tYo’ - ft) o ( 0 I i4 C L 4 r / () L= I Use this page to start your solution. Attach extra pages as needed, then staple. T: i; L. 51± 0 I J UI C Th II - S (I / / / // I / I 0 ‘-,--——--- I ‘I 9 N ‘—:-;- — 0 0 V \V/ - 1 N -V 1p\ _).‘ (__: - ) 1\ ._—V, -, S2014 3150 Exam 2 Name. Fourier Transform Problem 3. to k (a) [10%] Define Haherman’s Fourier transform pair. (b) [30%] Assume f(r) Fourier transform F(w) 2 on —1 of f(x). = < x 0 < and f(x) = 0 otherwise. Compute the Graded Details: (1) Transform formula, (2) Integration details, (3) Answer. ,/ç(c) [60%] The heat kernel g(x) and the error function erf(x) are defined by the equations g(x) Solve the (4) = ve dkt, erf(x)= 2 f..2 e dz. infinite rod heat conduction problem u(,t) = ‘u(x,t), —oo<x<oo, u(r,0) = f(x), —cx <x <oo, f(x) = Graded Details: use, I2 t>0, 150 0<:v<1, 0 otherwise (1) Fourier Transform method, Error function methods, (5) Final (2) Convolution, (3) Heat kernel answer, expressed in terms of the function. / ( f’ CvI)e ( \) (‘ - lO 2ri I e_— L )) u_ \ c : : error N -—-C Th -h i— . — - S. 0 __\ Lj N Ii - —1 (4 ‘—S I c) — ‘0 ) .—1- N3 / c. 0 ‘j’. _S) - - H, c c) H — 0 / _< / / 0 c4 ç) > 5 JHj Ji -