Some arithmetic groups that do not act on the circle Question ¿ ∃ (faithful) action of Γ on X ? University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Question ¿ ∃ (faithful) action of Γ on R ? Example SL(2, Z) does not act on R. Proof. � 1 / 16 −1 0 2 = I. So SL(2, Z) has elt’s of finite order. 0 −1 Example Γ � SL(2, Z) finite-index subgrp can be a free group. Has many actions on R. Park City, July 2012 4 / 16 � left-inv’t order on Γ � SL(3, Z). 1 1 0 1 0, 1 y= 1 0 0 1 1, 1 Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Conjecture Large arithmetic groups or Homeo+ (S )? Park City, July 2012 z= [“lexicographic order"]) 7 / 16 � � irreducible, R-rank > 1 Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Wolog x, y, z � e. 1 0 1 1 0 1 Park City, July 2012 (because Γ̇ 1 0 0 Z 1 0 2 / 16 � Z) (⊂ SO(1, n)?) cannot act on R Park City, July 2012 Γ acts on S 1 − (fixed pt) ≈ R. Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 Algebraic translation of conjecture Definition Assume Γ acts (faithfully) on R. a≺b ⇐⇒ a(0) < b(0) or . . . Note: a, b � e �⇒ ab � a � e and e � a−1 . Exercise (assume Γ countable) Γ acts faithfully on R ⇐⇒ ∃ left-inv’t order on Γ . Conjecture 5 / 16 � left-inv’t order for Γ = large arith grp � SL(3, Z), etc. Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 ∗ Spse ∃ left-inv’t order on SL(3, Z) = � 4 � � � 5 � 1 ,� 2 ,� 3 = Heisenberg group. i.e., zn ≺ s, ∀n ∈ Z. 6 / 16 � 1 � 2 ∗ � 3 . � 6 ∗ There are actually 6 Heisenberg groups in Γ : � 1 ,� 2 ,� 3 , � 2 ,� 3 ,� 4 , � 3 ,� 4 ,� 5 � 4 ,� 5 ,� 6 , � 5 ,� 6 ,� 1 , � 6 ,� 1 ,� 2 . � � Replace x, y, z with inverse.) −1 Interchange x and y: [y, x] = z . Park City, July 2012 (break ties) Exercise ≺ is a total order on Γ that is left-invariant. (a ≺ b �⇒ ca ≺ cb) Hint: orient-pres: s x < y �⇒ c(x) < c(y). z = x −1 y −1 xy ⇒ xy = yxz 2 ⇒ x n y n = y n x n zn (Recall z ∈ Z(H)) 2 n n −n −n ⇒x y x y = z−n . (quadratic) Suppose zp � x and zq � y. Therefore e ≺ x −1 zp , y −1 zq , x, y ⇒ e ≺ x n y n (x −1 zp )n (y −1 zq )n = x n y n x −n y −n zpn+qn 2 = z−n z(p+q)n = znegative . →← 3 / 16 Hint: (Γ , ≺) � (Q, <) �⇒ Dedekind completion of Γ is R. Z Z 1 Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) (if Γ �⊂ SL(2, R)) Proof of Fact (⇐). � � Γ � SL(3, Z) or Γ � SL 2, Z[α] or . . . α = real, irrat alg’ic integer. Γ � SO(1, n), SU(1, n), Sp(1, n), F4,1 . Proof. H has left-inv’t order. (N, G/N left ord’ble ⇒ G left ord’ble Γ ⊂ SO(1, 3) �⇒ Γ̇ acts on R ∃s ∈ {x ±1 , y ±1 }, z � s, Exercise z = [x, y] = x −1 y −1 xy ∈ Z(H). (optional) Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) ∀ left-ordering of H = Notation x= homo φ : Γ → Homeo+ (R) ? Lemma Proposition (Witte, 1994) Γ acts on S 1 �⇒ ∃ finite orbit �⇒ Γ̇ has a fixed point. 1 Arith grps known to act on R are “small.” But Homeo+ (R) has no elt’s of finite order: ϕ(0) > 0 �⇒ ϕ2 (0) > ϕ(0) > 0 �⇒ ϕ3 (0) > 0 �⇒ . . . �⇒ ϕn (0) > 0. (if Γ �⊂ SL(2, R)) Theorem (Ghys, Burger-Monod, Bader-Furman) � SL(n, Z) or . . . Example (Agol, Boyer-Rolfsen-Wiest) � 1 Z Z H = Heisenberg grp = 1 Z. 1 (faithful) ( Γ = arith grp � SL(n, Z) ) Γ acts on one-pt compactification of R ≈ S 1 . Example Γ � SL(2, Z) finite-index subgrp can be a free group. Has many actions on R. ( Γ = arith grp ) Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Proof (⇒). X = simplest possible space = connected manifold of dim’n 1 = circle or line ¿∃ action of Γ on R or S 1 ? Γ̇ acts on R ⇐⇒ Γ̈ acts on S 1 (faithful: no kernel) Γ = arithmetic group almost (faithful) Fact In these lectures: Abstract. The group SL(3, Z) cannot act (nontrivially) on the circle (by homeomorphisms). We will see that many other arithmetic groups also cannot act on the circle. The discussion will involve several important topics in group theory, such as amenability, Kazhdan’s property (T ), ordered groups, bounded generation, and bounded cohomology. Park City, July 2012 ¿∃ In Geometric Group Theory (and elsewhere): Study group Γ by looking at spaces it can act on. X = Hn , CAT(0) cube cplx, Euclidean bldg, etc. Dave Witte Morris Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Question Lecture 1: Introduction 8 / 16 � 1 ,� 2 ,� 3 = Heis grp ⇒ � 2 �� 1 or � 2 �� 3 . Wolog � 2 �� 3 . � 2 ,� 3 ,� 4 = Heis grp ⇒ � 3 �� 2 or � 3 �� 4 . Must have � 3 �� 4 . etc. � 2 �� 3 �� 4 �� 5 �� 6 �� 1 �� 2 ⇒� 2 �� 2 . Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 9 / 16 Conjecture Γ does not act on R if Γ = large arithmetic group. Conjecture Γ does not act on R (or S 1 ) if Γ = large arith group. Proposition (Witte, 1994) Γ does not act on R if Γ � SL(3, Z) or Sp(4, Z) or contains either. I.e., rankQ (Γ ) ≥ 2. Remark Large arithmetic groups usually have Kazhdan’s Property (T ). Remark � � Proposition does not apply to SL 2, Z[α] . Open problem ¿ Groups with Kazhdan’s Property (T ) have ˙ actions on R or S 1 ? no Open problem Find arith group Γ , such that G/Γ is compact, and finite-index subgroups of Γ does not act on R. Theorem (Navas) Groups with Kazhdan’s Property (T ) have ˙ C 2 actions on S 1 . no G/Γ compact �⇒ proposition never applies. Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 10 / 16 Exercises (faithfully) on R iff Γ is left-orderable. (For ⇒, need to show that ties can be broken in a consistent way.) 2) In the Heisenberg group H, show: a) z = [x, y] ∈ Z(H). b) x k y � = y � x k z k� for k, � ∈ Z. used in proof of Ghys 3) The proof that Γ = SL(3, Z) is not left-orderable: � � � � a) Verify: � 1 ,� 2 ,� 3 , � 2 ,� 3 ,� 4 , etc are all isomorphic to the Heisenberg grp H. b) Generalize proof to finite-index subgroups. free group has a faithful Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) action on R. Park City, July 2012 13 / 16 Further reading V. M. Kopytov and N. Ya. Medvedev: Right-Ordered Groups. Consultants Bureau, New York, 1996. É. Ghys: Groups acting on the circle. L’Enseignement Mathématique 47 (2001) 329–407.; ?type=pdf&rid=ensmat-001:2001:47::210 A. Navas: Groups of Circle Diffeomorphisms, Univ. of Chicago Press, 2011. D. Morris: Introduction to Arithmetic Groups (preprint). morris/books/IntroArithGroups.html Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 16 / 16 (quasimorphisms) (∃ finite orbit) All lectures are essentially independent. 11 / 16 Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 12 / 16 Related reading 6) Torsion-free, nilpotent groups are left-ord’ble. Some torsion-free, solvable groups are not left-orderable! (harder) (Assumption: every finitely generated subgrp of Γ is left-ord’ble.) 9) Residually left-ord’ble �⇒ left-ord’ble. (Assumption: ∀g ∈ Γ , ∃ homo ϕ : Γ → H, such that ϕ(g) ≠ e and H is left-orderable.) 10) Locally indicable �⇒ left-orderable. (Assumption: the abelianization of every nontrivial, finitely generated subgroup is infinite.) � � 11) SL(3, Z) not isomorphic to subgrp of SL 2, Z[α] Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) (∃ finite orbit) used in proof of Burger-Monod 5) Torsion-free, abelian groups are left-orderable. 7) Coming up: Fri: Intro to bounded cohomology 8) Locally left-orderable �⇒ left-orderable. c) H is left-orderable. fin gen Park City, July 2012 Γ does not act on R (or S 1 ) if Γ = large arith group. � � Tues: proof for SL 2, Z[α] (and others) bounded generation Thurs: What is an amenable group? Optional exercises 1) Show Γ acts 4) Every Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Conjecture Park City, July 2012 14 / 16 D. W. Morris: Can lattices in SL(n, R) act on the circle?, in Geometry, Rigidity, and Group Actions, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011. D. Witte: Arithmetic groups of higher Q-rank cannot act on 1-manifolds, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1994) 333–340. S. Boyer, D. Rolfsen, and B. Wiest: Orderable 3-manifold groups, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 55 (2005), no. 1, 243–288. Dave Witte Morris (Univ. of Lethbridge) Arithmetic grps do not act on S 1 (1/4) Park City, July 2012 15 / 16