THE SECONDARY FLOW IN RECTANGULAR DUCTS by RAPHAEL MOISSIS B. Sc. Tech., The Victoria University of Manchester (1956) SU3MITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1957 Author Department ptf Signature redacted Certified by.... dby. dhairman, Dor 1 . Engineering, May 20, 1957 . nature nf . Ri ec i.a-n Signature redacted A1 /1/ Thesis Suoervisor Signature redacted ental Committee on G duate Students Ttc OCT 25 1957 L IBRA Graduate House M. I. T. Camoridge 39, Mass. May 20, 1957 ,Mr. Leicester F. Hamilton Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts Dear Sir: I hereby submit in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science this thesis entitled "The Secondary Flow in Rectangular Ducts." Very truly yours, Signature redacted Raphael Moissis ABSTRACT The Secondary Flow in Rectangular Ducts by Raphael Moissis Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 20, 1957 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. 14 An analysis is presented by which it is shown that secondary flows cannot exist in fully developed laminar flow through a straight tube of any cross-sectional shape. The proof is derived for the case of a rectangular duct, but it can also be applied to a duct of any cross-sectional shape. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Warren M. Rohsenow Professor of Mechanical Engineering TALE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement Introduction and Summary A. INTRODUCTION TO SECONDARY FLOW 1. Definition of Secondary Flow 2. Kinds of Secondary Flow (M) The Secondary Flow about an Oscillating Cylinder (ii) The Secondary Flow in a 3end (iii) Secondary Flows in Straight Ducts of Non-Circular Section 3. SECONDARY FLOWS IN NON-CIRCULAR DUCTS 1. Evidence Suggesting the Existence of these Flows 2. Explanation of Secondary Flows 3. Conclusion Page 4 5 7 7 7 8 9 12 15 15 24 26 C. SECONDARY FLOWS IN LAMINAR FLOW THROUGH A DUCT 29 1. Solution Using the Perturbation Theory 29 34 2. More Exact Proof D. CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS 40 APPENDIX Measurements of the Velocity Distribution in a Square Duct 46 Nomenclature References 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This note is the last part of my thesis that I have to write. It is the easiest part, yet perhaps the most essential. Essential, because the help and encouragement that I have received from the members of the M.I.T. staff, and my class and work mates, has contributed so much to my work, that it must be mentioned in the presentation. Professors Warren M. Rohsenow and Ascher H. Shapiro have obliged me with their valuable advice and criticism. But I feei particularly obliged to Mr. Lawrence C. Hoagland who suggested the problem, and listened patiently to many rambling monologues while this work was taking shape. This research project is under the sponsorship of the John B. Pierce Foundation of New Haven, Connecticut, and I wish to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the Foundation for their financial support. The material presented in the Appendix has been taken from Mr. Deane Kihara's 3achelor's thesis. Miss Harriet Nicholson, who did the typing, and Miss Marguerite Derosier, who wrote the equations, share between them the credit for the presentability of this work. This note of acknowledgement would be incomplete without mention of my parents and of Dido, whose interest and encouragement contributed greatly toward the completion of this work. R. M. -5- Introduction and Summary The material presented in this work is part of a general investigation of forced convection heat transfer in odd shaped cylindrical tuoes. The ultimate aim of this investigation is to develop a generalized solution for heat transfer and friction in the turbulent flow regime. The solution sought would provide a means for correlating all the data on such surfaces and would make it unnecessary to conduct experimental work to determine the characteristics of each new surface geometry. A thorough understanding of the flow conditions in odd shaped tubes is essential for the development of any further analyses. A study of the literature on these flow conditions revealed the fact that many writers oelieve that there exist in fully developed turbulent flow in non-circular conduits, secondary flows which act in a plane normal to the through-flow direction and are superimposed on the primary flow. These secondary flows are considered to have a negligiole effect on the main flow velocity distribution and hence on the heat transfer conditions, in the interior of the flow sections. In the corner regions, however, where the primary flow velocities are low, the secondary flow effect on the heat transfer conditions may be appreciable. It was therefore considered of particular importance to investigate these secondary flows. A review of the literature which is presented here indicated that there is sufficient evidence that such flows do exist in fully develooed turoulent flow through odd shaped tubes. How- ever, no adequate explanation for the ultimate cause of these flows has been found. Furthermore, there was no sufficient evidence showing whether these flows are essentially a result of turbulence, or whether they can also exist in laminar flow. For this reason an analysis was developed in order to determine whether secondary flows can exist in fully developed laminar flow through a rectangular duct. different solutions are presented. Two The first is approx- imate, but the second, which is a little more mathematically involved, is exact. The conclusion drawn from these analyses is that secondary flows cannot exist in fully developed laminar flow through a rectangular duct, or through a closed duct of any odd shape. Therefore, the solutions found in the literature for the velocity distribution in laminar flow through non-circular ducts (which are based on the assumption that secondary flows do not come into play) are exact and can be used with confidence as asymptotic cases in the remaining investigations on the turbulent flow. A. INTRODUCTION TO SECONDARY FLOW 1. Definition of Secondary Flow. Many basic fluid-motion studies are made with the primary assumption that the motion is irrotational. In practice, however, it often hapoens that the stagnation pressure is not the same along all streamlines of the flow oattern, out varies slightly from one streamline to another. It is therefore concluded that the flow is not completely irrotational but only approximately so. The difference between the potential flow and this approximately potential flow in the normal plane is called secondary flow. Consequently, the secondary flow must contain vorticity. This vorticity, in turn, constitutes a motion of the fluid particles, which for reasons of continuity, is not necessarily restricted to involve motion of the fluid particles along the streamlines of the ootential flow, but can define other streamlines. Eaving thus defined secondary flow, we examine the types of such flow that have been observed. 2. Kinds of Secondary Flow. The types of secondary flow that have been observed are usually classed in three categories: (i) Secondary Flow about an Oscillating Cylinder (ii) Secondary Flow in a Bend (iii) Secondary Flow in Straight Ducts 6f NonCircular Cross-Section (i) The Secondary Flow about an Oscillating Cylinder Calculations of the boundary layer on a body which performs a reciprocating harmonic oscillation of small amplitude in a fluid at rest were carried out by Tollmien and Schlichting (ref 10). The solution for the velocity distribution contained a steady-state velocity component which does not vanish at a large distance from the body, i.e. outside the boundary.layer. It was therefore con- cluded that a steady, secondary motion is induced at a large distance from the wall as a result of viscous forces. Photographs of the flow pattern about a circular cylinder which performs an oscillatory motion in a tank filled with water were published by Schlichting and by Andrade, and the conclusions drawn therefrom are in good agreement with the theoretical pattern of streamlines, which are shown in Figure 1. The calculations together with the experiments mentioned above and others which were carried out by the 3ureau of Standards group several years later, give a good explanation of the flow around bodies which are placed in a field of standing accoustic waves and also of Rundt's "dust figures". This kind of secondary flow, which belongs to a completely different field of interest than the other two has thus been analyzed adequately, and needs no further mention in the present work. (ii) The Secondary Flow in a Bend We consider a fluid flow moving in a curved path. Each particle of the fluid, as it moves in the curved path, is acted upon by a centrifugal force. Also, since the fluid particles are touching each other, the motion of one will influence the motion of the others within the fluid region. Under the action of this centrifugal force each of the fluid particles is forced toward the outside of the curved iath in the direction of a line drawn through the path from the centre of the path. Under the condition of non-uniform axial velocity distribution in the flow in a curved pipe (for example), the centrifugal forces acting on the fluid particles within the cross-section of the pipe are clearly of different magnitude. These centrifugal forces acting in the plane of the pipe perpendicular to its longitudinal axis then create a motion of the fluid particles in this plane. The fluid particles with the higher axial velocity are acted upon by a larger centrifugal force than the slower moving particles. The resulting motion will then have a non- uniform velocity distribution within the cross-section of -10the pipe, giving rise to a vorticity in this plane and thus satisfying the definition of a secondary flow. Thus, the main flow parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe has superposed on it a secondary flow at right angles to it, outwards at the centre of the pipe, and inwards in the neighbourhood of the walls. (See figure 2.) The flow at the bottom of a flat-bottomed circular vessel when the fluid in the vessel is given a circular motion is a second example of secondary flow due to "centrifugal forces". The flow in the layer next to the bottom is directed inwards owing to its smaller centrifugal force. It is a matter of everyday observation that small particles on the bottom of a vessel are carried to the centre and piled up there. The bottom flow which has just been mentioned is the explanation of this phenomenon. (See figure 3.) An interesting analogy between the secondary flow in bends and the motion of a gyroscope is given by Squire and Winter (ref 12). If a disc which is rotating about its axis of symmetry, is turned about an axis in its plane, it develops an angular velocity aoout a third axis perpendicular to the first two. The analogy with the flow through a bend is obtained by supposing the disc to lie originally in the plane containing the stream direction. -11- I \\\ \ \\\ \\ \~\\ ~ K K "' Fig. 1 / ~' / Fig. 2 , I Fig. 3 EXAMPLES OF SECONDARY FLOWS Fig. 1 : Pattern of streamlines of the steady secondary motion in the neighbourhood of an oscillating circular cylinder (after Schlichting) Fig. 2 : Secondary flow in a bent pipe of circular cross-section (after Prandtl) Fig. 3 : Secondary flow at the bottom of a flat-bottomed circular vessel (after Prandtl) -t12The disc and the stream are then turned about an axis normal to the stream direction. The rotation of the disc about its third axis corresponds to the secondary flow. There have been a number of theoretical and experimental investigations on the flow through curved circular A summary of these may be found and non-circular pipes. in reference 2. The first theoretical study on the flow through a curved circular pipe was carried out by W. R. Dean and that was followed by experiments and analyses by various other men. Extensive tests on the flow through bent pipes of non-circular cross-section were carried out by Nippert, Richter, Eichenberger, and others. It may therefore be concluded that this kind of secondary flow has also been extensively treated, and that its cause--unequal centrifugal forces--is well understood. (1ii) Secondary Flows in Straight Ducts of Non-Circular Section The existence of secondary flows in straight ducts of non-circular section was first suggested by Nikuradse in his two classical papers (refs 7, E). Nikuradse meas- ured the velocity distribution in what he assumed to be "fully developed" turbulent flow through various non-circular ducts. He attributed some peculiarities which he found in the velocity profiles, to the existence of secondary flows in a plane normal to the through-flow direction. -13The same peculiarities in the velocity profiles-which will be described in detail later--were observed by Mayer, Eichenberger and very recently by Eckert and Irvine at the University of Minnesota. None of the investigators could find other possible explanations to these peculiarities than Nikuradse's explanation, namely, the existence of secondary flows. These flow velocity profiles have thus come to be considered as "evidence" for the existence of secondary flows. Some authors have tried to reason the origin and cause of this type of secondary flow, but the ultimate cause of the flows is not yet established. The effects of these flows on the velocities and subsequently on the losses in the main flow, were always considered to be correspondingly small. This assumption, together with the fact that the equations of motion become very complicated unless secondary flows are neglected, has led all investigators to disregard secondary flows in their analyses of the velocity or temperature distribution in non-circular passages. With the increasing industrial use of non-circular ducts in heat exchangers and with the advent of nuclear engineering and the resulting unconventional heat transfer design problems, the problem of the exact understanding of the nature of flow through non-circular passages becomes more than just an academic question. -14For example, in some applications, like gas turbines or nuclear power plants, heat exchangers are needed which ooerate at extremely high temperature levels. Usually, the limiting factor in the design of such exchangers is the temperature which the exchanger-walls can safely withstand. It is to be expected that the heat transfer from a fluid flowing through a non-circular passage and cooling the duct walls will be lowest near the corners of the passage. Therefore, it is of very special interest to know the velocity and heat transfer conditions in the corner regions. Since in such corner regions the through flow velocities are low, the corresponding secondary flow effects-if secondary flows do exist--may not be negligible. It is therefore concluded that It is both of practical and of academic importance to investigate more thoroughly the problem.of secondary flows in straight non-circular passages. It seems necessary that the literature on the subject suggesting the existence of these flows should be critically examined. The explanations found in the liter- ature for the ultimate cause of these flows should also be reviewed. Finally, the material gathered from that review should serve to point out the path toward a better understanding of this kind of secondary flow. -15- 3. SECONDARY FLOWS IN NON-CIRCULAR DUCTS 1. Evidence Su gesting the Existence of these Flows. This section presents a review of the existing experimental data which support the theory that secondary flows exist in fully developed flow through non-circular ducts. It has already oeen mentioned that this theory emerges as an explanation of some peculiarities in the velooity These peculiarities and their explanation are profiles. now reviewed. The first extensive investigations of the velocity distribution in non-circular ducts were carried out by Nikuradse at the University of GOttingen. Velocity dis- tributions were measured for flow of water in ducts of triangular, and rectangular cross-sections. The flow considered was well in the turbulent region, and the velocity field was measured in the exit plane of the ducts. The length of the ducts was 60 to 120 hydraulic diameters, a length which was then considered to be quite sufficient for the complete developing of the flow. The Reynolds number of the flow was varied between 20,000 and 30,000. The results of Nikuradse's experiments were very surprising. Instead of a distribution with ever more rounded isotachen (lines of equal velocity), he obtained for triangular and rectangular channels the lines shown in figures 4 and 5. It is seen that in both cases the velocities at the corners are comparatively very large, the velocity near the corner being in fact larger than near the central part of the wall. No explanation for these results was given in Nikuradse's original paper, but some time later L. Prandtl was the first to explain the peculiar velocity profiles (ref 9). Prandtl suggested that the water flowing in all channels of uniform but non-circular section, develops "secondary motions" in such a manner that in a corner the fluid along the middle of the angle flows into the corner, and on both sides of the middle it flows out of the corner. These flows enable the explanation of the observed velocity profiles. Momentum is ever communicated to the corners, thus producing the great velocities there. The form of the secondary flows as suggested by Prandtl for the triangular and the rectangular channels,is shown schematically in figure 6. The diagram for the rectangle shows how the inward flow from the wall develops regions of subnormal velocity at the ends of the long sides and also in the middle of the short sides. For the confirmation of these views, Nikuradse carried out further experiments with three pipes of triangular section, two circular pipes with notches and one ,, / -17- '' / /; N. / 7/ \ / \ 7N. ,r ~ /1 4.,) 27'nin - - S Fic,. 4 8. As A A. B t 89 8 Be j @MAN& 4 ~~~4 Aj I 79/ef fro Fi 0. 5 d ,~ I I, j- ~ ~ ,~ Fig, 6 Figures 4 & 5 : Figure 6 "Isotachen" for ducts of equilateral triangular, and rectangular sections. (after Nikuradse) : Secondary flows in the above ducts. (Schematic) -18nine of trapezoidal cross-section. In all cases, the velocity profiles were analogous to those shown in figures 4 and 5, thus confirming Nikuradse's previous observations and Prandtl's explanation. In addition, ex- periments carried out by Nikuradse in open channels of rectangular section indicated that secondary flows come into play in such channels. The maximum velocity does not occur near the free surface but at about one fifth of the depth down, and the flow in the free surface is not at all two-dimensional as miqht well be expected. As a further and direct confirmation of the existence of secondary flows, Nikuradse carried out a set of flow visualization experiments. A milky fluid was injected at various points in the cross-section of an equilaterally triangular and of a circular duct in which water was flowing in turbulent motion (Reynolds number of 12,000 to 15,000). Intensities of illumination in the section were photographed by means of a Hartmannschen Mikrophotometer, and from the photometric measurements light profiles were constructed in a manner similar to the construction of velocity profiles from oressure measurements. These light profiles were employed for drawing lines of equal illumination (isophoten) in the same way as velocity profiles are used to determine lines of equal velocity (isotachen). The isophoten obtained for the two sections considered are shown In figures 7 and 8. The conclusion drawn -'9-. ( ~ 4 1~ a 1:A~ Pig. 7 Fig. 8 "Isophoten" for ducts of equilateral triangular and circular cross-sections (after Nikuradse) -20therefrom is that secondary flows of the nature previously suggested do exist in the triangular duct but do not exist in the circular pipe. These visualization experi- ments are, in the author's knowledge, the only attempts ever to illustrate directly the existence of secondary flows. The next experiments of interest were carried out by Edwin Mayer (ref 6). Mayer's experiments considered the velocity and pressure relations over a number of entire cross-sections in a duct of constant area but with a transition in cross-sectional shape from a circle into a rectangle. Measurements were made at sections along the circular part of the section, along the transition, and along the rectangular part. It was observed that at the cross-section at the end of the transition (i.e. at the "entrance" to the rectangular duct), there was a sufficiently uniform velocity distribution over the entire cross-section with a rapid drop toward the wall in a manner analogous to the distribution in the circular section. At the' next section, however, a short distance downstream in the rectangular duct, it was found that at some positions, particles farther removed from the wall had smaller velocities than those close to the wall. This is clearly the same observation that Nikuradse made, and the explanation given is again the existence of secondary flows. In the section near the entrance to the rectangle, -21the ohenomenon was only found in the direct vicinity of the edges, but at subsequent sections downstream the ohenomenon was observed in greater and greater regions, and finally at the section where fully developed velocity distribution was first found there were superimposed over the entire primary flow, secondary flows that included a very large region of the cross-section. It may be noted that the fluid in Mayer's experiments was air, and the calming length was 80 and 90 hydraulic diameters. Some mention of the existence of this type of secondary flows was also made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by H. P. Eichenberger in 1952 (ref 4). Eichenberger carried out a theoretical and experimental investigation of the flow in bent pipes of rectangular cross-section. In addition to measuring velocity profiles along and after the bend, he also measured stagnation pressures in "fully developed" turbulent flow 28 inches before the bend. The profiles obtained were similar to Nikuradse's and the conclusion dravn was that secondary flows exist in the straight duct. The measurements were taken at a section after a calming length of 30 hydraulic diameters. The subsequent results of Eckert and Irvine indicate that for some Reynolds numbers, the flow is still developing at a much greater distance from the entrance. It is therefore very doubtful whether Eichenberger's results can be considered -22as evidence for the existence of secondary flows in fully developed duct flows. Perhaps the most thorough experimental and theoretical investigation on the flow characteristics of triangular shaped passages was conducted by Eckert and Irvine at the University of Minnesota (ref 3). In this investigation, flow visualization techniques, longitudinal pressure drop measurements, and probing of the velocity field have all been used to investigate the flow for two ducts over a Reynolds number range from completely laminar to completely turbulent flow. A number of intereating conclusions are drawn from Eckert's and Irvine's experiments. Firstly, measurements of the velocity profile along a plane parallel to the triangle-base and very close to the base indicated that in that plane the velocities near the corner are larger than in the centre. This observation is clearly the same as Nikuradse's and the explanation given for the phenomenon is, once again, secondary flow. Secondly, in Eckert's and Irvine's experiments, profiles which indicate such a secondary flow were found only at the highest Reynolds number. This appears to indicate that such sec- ondary flow exists only for well developed turbulent flow. Thirdly, flow visualization measurements using smoke indicated that over a large Reynolds number range both laminar and turbulent flow exist side by side within the duct. The -W23flow near the corners remains laminar for Reynolds numbers much higher than the Reynolds number at which the flow through the middle of the cross-section becomes turbulent. This remarkable fact may possibly serve as a basis for the explanation of the cause of secondary flows. Finally, pressure gradient measurements indicated that at some Reynolds numbers the flow is not completely developed at a distance of 70 hydraulic diameters from the inlet. This makes it doubtful whether fully developed conditions were always obtained in the previously published measurements of friction factors in non-circular ducts. Finally, measurements of the velocity distribution for air flowing through a two inch square duct are being carried out presently in the Heat Transfer Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as another part of the general investigation of forced convection heat transfer in non-circular tubes. At the time of writing this thesis, the above-mentioned experimental work was at its initial stages. Measurements were made only for a few Reynolds numbers in the region of 40,000 to 50,000. The calming length of the tube is apnroximately 75 hydraulic diameters. The need was felt for a number of minor improvements in the measuring device used, before proceeding further with the experiment. As far as the present thesis is concerned, velocity profiles obtained were of Value as they constituted one further piece of -24evidence that secondary flows do exist in turbulent flow through a straight square duct. Unfortunately, the meas- uring devices available at present were not sufficiently sensitive to measure, with any accuracy, velocities in the laminar regime. Having reviewed the evidence suggesting the existence of secondary flows, it is of interest to examine the explanation that has been given to this type of flow. This is given in the following article. 2. Explanation of Secondary Flows. The previous article shows that a number of investigators have encountered secondary flows in their experiments with non-circular tubes. It is therefore somewhat surprising to find that no explanation has been attempted for these flows (on the ground of today's better understanding of turbulence) other than L. Frandtl's original explanation. The original explanation can be summarized as follows: Prandtl concluded from Nikuradse's velocity profiles that there exists, in the case of turbulent fully developed flow in non-circular sections, in addition to the to-andfro motion in the direction of maximum velocity drop, a still stronger to-and-fro motion at right angles to it, that is, in the direction of the isotachen (lines of constant velocity). If this is the case, then it follows that centrifugal forces thereby arise on the particles -25which move up and down along the curvature of the isotachen. These forces always point toward one direction, namely, the convex sides of the isotachen and are stronger the greater the curvature of the latter. The result is that the particles move outward along the line bisectors of the corners of the cross section whereby the particles located at the corners are forced, for reasons of continuity, to deviate first laterally and then inwardly. Since the particles flowing toward the corners possess a relatively large axial velocity, whereas, conversely, the outward flowing particles as a result of the friction at the wall have a smaller axial velocity, the unexpected appearance of the velocity profiles and hence, the isotachen is thus explained. The question as to the reason for the mixing to-andfro motion being of this nature is not answered by Prandtl's consideration. The question leads to the more comprehensive question of the origin and inner mechanism of turbulence in three dimensional flow about which little was known at the time of Prandtl's explanation. In spite of the considerable step toward a better understanding of the structure of turbulent shear flow which has been taken since the time of the above explanation, no attemot has been made to complete Prandtl's argument. -26Conclus on. The experimental data which has been reviewed in article 1 of this section provides a sufficient evidence that secondary flows do exist in turbulent fluid flow through non-circular channels and ducts. Even though a few of the flows considered had probably not been completely developed, it can be stated with fair confidence that at least some of the ducts considered--in particular, the longer ones in Nikuradse's and in Eckert's experiments--were sufficiently long to satisfy the condition of fully developed flow. The photometric measurements and the isophoten shown in figures 7 and 8 provide the most direct and conclusive evidence. With regard to the existence of secondary flows in the laminar regime, the evidence is by no means conclusive. The experimental methods which were employed to illustrate the secondary flows in the high Reynolds number region, cannot produce conclusive results in the case of laminar flow. Velocity measurements are difficult to make because extremely accurate measuring devices are needed. This is especially true for the regions near the edges of the tube, as in those regions the velocities are particularly low. The only experiment that had available a measuring device of good accuracy was that of Eckert and Irvine who developed a micromanometer having sufficient sensitivity to measure air velocities below two feet per second. Even that in- 27strument, however, may not be sufficiently sensitive to detect secondary flow effects, which, if existent in the case of laminar flow, would be of extremely low absolute magnitude. The theoretical considerations of Prandtl provide no answer to the question whether secondary flows exist in the laminar region. Prandtl's explanation of the sec- ondary flow associates this flow with the phenomenon of turbulence, but the explanation is incomplete, and the ultimate cause of the flows is by no means established. A possible explanation of the origin of secondary flows is obtained by consideration of shearing stress at the boundary. Shearing stress is greater along the middle of the boundary, while it is less at the corners. This may cause fluid to flow toward the centre of the tube from the middle of the boundary, and from the inside of the tube toward the wall at the corners. If this is the cause of secondary flows, then it is natural to expect that these flows will exist also if the flow is laminar, since the shearing stress consideration is true for laminar as well as for turbulent flow. It is clear from the above considerations that the question whether secondary flows exist in the laminar reLion has not been answered. It is by no means clear whether secondary flow is a phenomenon associated with turbulence only, or whether it exists in laminar as well as in turbulent fully developed duct flows. All previous analyses of velocity distribution for laminar flow have assumed that secondary flows are not present. These analyses are to serve as asymptotic cases in the general analysis of forced convection heat transfer in non-circular tubes. given above, it In view of the considerations becomes an essential part of the general investigation to examine the possibility of secondary flows in the laminar case. The analytical velocity dis- tributions will be exact and suitable for use as asymptotic cases, only if secondary flows are proved to be non-existent. For this reason, an analytical investigation has been carried out in order to establish or dismiss the possibility of existence of secondary flows in the laminar region. This analysis constitutes the essential part of this thesis and is presented in the following sections. r_ C. SECONDARY FLOWS IN LAMINAR FLOW THROUGH A DUCT. 1. Solution Using the Perturbation Theory. Consider a fluid flowing through a rectangular duct. Let a and b be the duct dimensions and let U, V, W be the components of velocity in the mutually perpendicular x, y, z The direction of fluid motion directions. is considered to be -the z-direction. The equations describing the general motion are: X _2U __X. Dt e . 39 + va) /3 P (3 +V I V) + pv=Y_ _P . a7L Dt pS3z eU 4.i 4- + VaW) W We will consider an incompressible (G = 0) laminar flow in the z-direction, and for the analysis the body forces will be neglected, i.e. X z Y = Z 1 0. The assumption is also made that the flow is fully developed, and that consequently all derivatives of vel- -30ocities in the z-direction are zero. With these assump- tions, the equations of laminar motion become: U _ I - + { 2U +')U +V %P ys 10D(.70x + v)W=- ?U1 and dP + VP = - )dV I K7 i_ Pz 497% t + U I0 (1) 2 \/v + _LV I (2) Assuming that secondary flows do not exist, then U = V = 0, and the first two equations in.(l) as well as the equation of continuity (2), vanish. The third equation in (1) becomes: e dr 2 3k I where has replaced TA ' Y. 4idP 3 (3) since P varies with z only. Also for fully developed flow d is constant. A solution for the velocity distrioution presented by Claiborne for a rectangular duct of section axbis: (ref 1) X Wz B[ where IA - .Cn (2n+1) IT. -1n+ a. cos h a n b . cos(2n'L01V (4) 4- eJ:"+'YCS LX24 1 I = Constant dP -31We now consider the possibility that secondary flows We may expect, do exist in the laminar flow. then, a vel- ocity distribution of the form xa- u Va , + ,and c sha 2 . c S? (5 ) U 2e where u, v and w are of small order compared with W. In line with the above assumptions we also write: P2 Cr . (6) where p is small compared with P, and is a function of x, y only. Substituting (5) and (6) into the equations (1), and in the case of the third equation of (1) if we subtract (3) from it, we obtain: (, . -. FJ( + 0(10) 48(n -Fn 2. (7) 92.t)r+ + 2~ J--Tm io( a. 0 UY-C, + ".dur L (9) -- in -32If we now comoare such terms as .44 - with terms as we see that the first one is of the order and the second of the order of of M? -- r * Thus the first is negligible in comparison to the second, prois small compared to unity. vided that a reasonable assumption since order. U, This seems is by definition of small With this assumption, equations (7), (E) and (9) can be linearized. In particular, equations (7), (8) and (10) can be re-written as: c b* /0*a x i (11) g' (10) + and Differentiating the first of (11) with respect to the second with respect to x: 33 + % Subtracting: 3C z + V(12) 0) y and -33Nowto ascertain that the equation of continuity is always satisfied, define a streamfunction # from: (13) - Substituting (13) into (12), Or, the problem to be solved is now defined from the equationt 4(14) With the following boundary conditions derived from the u - v a 0 fact that at the walls 90 0o at = at X =4 4Land at 2 jC (15) and at It is interesting to note that the problem is now identical to the so-called fundamental biharmonic boundaryvalue problem of the theory of elasticity. Equation (14) and the necessary boundary conditions (15) are identical to the equations describing the state of deflection 0 a thin rectangular plate, clamped at its four edges and with no lateral loading on the plane of the plate. It can then be reasoned physically that the only possible of ...34.. state of deflection that such a plate could take is 4 (x, y) = 0. It is clear that 0 satisfies equation (x, y) w 0 (14) and all the boundary conditions. 3ut because of the linearity of (14), the uniqueness theorem applies and 0 (x, y) a 0 (See for is the only possible solution. examDle pp. 86 and 272 in ref 11.) Thus, subject to the linearizing assumption being correct, it has been shown that secondary flow cannot exist in laminar fully developed flow through a rectangle. 2. More Exact Proof. The analysis developed in the previous section involves the assumption that the Navier-Stokes equations may be linearized with no appreciable errors. This assumption is very probably acceptable for almost the entire non-circular section, but it may not be true for the regions very near the corners. Since these regions are of particular interest, a more general and slightly more involved analysis has been developed. This analysis treats the Navier-Stokes equations in their non-linear form, and consequently the results of the analysis are exact for fully developed laminar flow and are applicable to the entire cross-section. -35Consider again equations (7) and (6) of the previous analysis: U.dLL u Multiply (7) by L) +. 7 + and (&) by +( Un 2V--I Consider now the term v L Vi., LLV . -= UL. This can also be written as Now from equation 6.74a in reference 5 we see that V.4 and if we let 07.ii + i.V u a f and VLt~ K , we can then use the above relation and write: .uLVt=LLV. \ + W.. VA. Comparing this with (18), we see that we can write: (16) -36Then using (19) and a similar expression for equations (16) and (17) can be written as follows: V-a + lfv.a ax CII P( LV& ( )2] e which are the same as u.9ta) 4 v.(*Vu.)-(Vu)] ..... _a -"' __. /)). . + U va) = + Now, using the equation of continuity we see that such terms as +-L-4ivv aj ?5at.+ pl -L.9,&+ O =0 (20ab, c) are all zero, and therefore can be added to any part of the equations without affecting their validity. Thus we may write: U a"+ ,ax ax (t)a CU 37- 4 Va a"h (..A).g. * 2 2 Ud+ ax3 UV(L) - (Var -37Or 4v(LVLw) -(wJ'] U{v{)29)) 9 _+ Addinz, and also using (20c) we obtain: ;- It +(+4 - + - (21) can be seen that 13 9E 12 is a divergence, since it is equal to V.F =_ +__ +_ a where and also F:( -) where V Similarly, is the velocity vector. J.(ag+.2..- ) V-1k where So equation (21) can be written as V.U "1,I ]. 9 and' in- If we then multiply by an element of area tegrate between the limits of the boundary of the rec- 6Atwe tangle have: ~ + [~v~uvj4~ I~v(Vu)1d~d~. (22) 3ut we have the divergence theorem, which, in a two dimensional case states that: V.AdS S f.i S C In our oroblem, we know that along the boundary the velocity vector is zero, i.e. the boundary. V: O Thus, the line integrals of along the boundary are zero. P LO so that R and on F Then, using the divergence theorem, equation (22) reduces to 0: O+ O - 9 (Ve)'(V o) The integral is taken over constant limits and is the integral over an area of a positive quantity. The only possible way that this integral can be zero is that the quantity itself is zero. -39Therefore (VuA)t -(va), And as complex numbers are not acceptable, the only possibility is that u a v a 0. It has thus been shown that in laminar fully developed flow through a rectangle, secondary flows cannot exist. This croof is general and is based on no other assumpotion that the assumption that fully developed flow exists. The analysis was carried out for a rectangle. It is clear, however, that it also applies to any crosssectional shace. It can thus be concluded that secondary flows cannot exist in fully developed laminar flows through closed conduits. D. CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS The conclusions that are drawn from the present work can be summarized as follows. There exist, in fully developed turbulent flow through odd shaped tubes, secondary flows in a plane normal to the through-flow direction. On the other hand, when the flow is fully developed and laminar, no secondary flows can possibly exist. There- fore, turbulence is the cause of the secondary flows, and secondary flows cannot exist in the absence of turbulence. Two points seem to require some consideration. The exactness of the proof that secondary flows cannot exist in the laminar regime, and the usefulness of this result in practical considerations. With regard to the exactness of the solution, the assumptions that have been made must be critically examined. It should be ascertained that after the assumptions are made, the analysis still aoplies to a definite flow pattern, and also that this flow pattern exists and is of practical importance. The following assumptions are made in the derivation of the exact solution: ~41The Navier-Stokes equations are assumed to des- (i) cribe the fluid motion. (ii) The fluid flow is assumed to be laminar. (iii) The fluid is assumed to be incompressible. (iv) The flow is assumed to be fully developed. Under ordinary circumstances, there is no reason to doubt that the details of the laminar or turbulent motion of ordinary fluids are described by the Navier-Stokes equations. This assumption has been queried for the case of turbulent flow, but even in that case no inconsistencies have been found so far. ture is well understood, it In gases, whose struc- is easy to show that depar- tures can only occur at scales of fluid velocities outside ordinary experience. Therefore, the first assump- tion is perfectly reasonable and allowable, at least for all points in the cross-section apart from the corner points. The corner points are "peculiar" and the author believes that one should be cautious in drawing decisive conclusions from application of mathematical equations to corner points. The second assumption is clearly permissible, as flows with low Reynolds number occur in many practical applications. The assumption that the fluid is incompressible is always permissible for liquids and for ideal gases when the Mach number of the flow is small and the rate of heat -42W transfer from sources outside the fluid is low. This assumption then puts only a small restriction to the applicability of the analysis. The last assumption, namely that the flow under consideration is fully developed, is one that is found in all analytical work on -flow through non--ircular sections. It This assumption is made for reasons of simplicity. has always been assumed, by analogy to flows through circular sections, that fully developed flow in non-circular tubes does exist and is found at some distance downstream of the entrance to the straight tube. A fully developed flow in a tube is defined as a flow such that the pressure drop is constant along the length of the tube, and the velocity profiles are identical at all sections. This means that all derivatives of velocities with respect to the flow direction must be zero. If the assumption of fully developed flow is made, and the equations of motion are examined carefully, some peculiar results seem to be deduced. It appears that by assuming the flow to be fully developed, one immediately "drops" some of the boundary conditions and the mathematics may no more describe the problem exactly. Also, it is seen in section C that by assuming the flow to be fully developed, the first two equations in equation (1) become independent of W. This is rather surprising since W is the forcing factor in the flow and one expects it to have an effect on all the other variables. Furthermore, if one applies the Navier-Stokes equations to a point at a corner, the results obtained are again most unusual and-suggest that fully developed flow cannot exist in non-circular passages. This last con- sideration is indeed remarkable, but as it has been pointed out earlier, one should be very cautious in accepting results which are obtained by application of mathematical equations to a "peculiar" point. However, much more work is needed in order to confirm or disprove the above consideration. Another interesting consideration with regard to the existence of fully developed flows is the following which is derived by analogy with the theory of elasticity. It is known that problems of fluid flow in non-circular sections are described in a manner identical to the torsion problems for plates of the corresponding section. It can be reasoned that deflections in a particular direction correspond to velocity gradients in that direction. Similarly then, the usual assumption in the theory of torsion that "plane sections remain plane after twisting" corresponds to the assumption of fully developed flow in fluid dynamics. Sokolnikoff has shown in a very elegant manner that the assumption that "plane sections remain plane after twisting" is only acceptable and true for the -44case of circular sections. (See page 109 in ref 13) If the author was permitted to extend the elasticdty--fluid dynamics analogy, he might deduce that the "fully develoved flow" assumption is also only acceptable and true for the case of flow through circular sections. All the above remarks may be promising but are still at the stage of early consideration. In spite of these remarks which suggest that fully developed flows never exist in non-circular tubes, the bulk of the experimental data indicates that flow in non-circular tubes develops just as does the flow in circular tubes. Experimental data which include such work as measurement of pressure drop at different sections along the length, flow visualization methods, comparison of velocity profiles at different sections, etc. indicate that fully developed flows do exist in non-circular tubes, even though a larger calming length is necessary. It therefore ap- pears that the assumption of fully developed flow is reasonable, as the fully developed flow pattern is a pattern that actually exists. It is thus concluded that all the assumptions that have been made are reasonable, and the result can be considered as general. The usefulness of the results of the present work to future investigations on forced convection heat transfer is quite evident. The results put a solid ground -45under the existing analyses for the velocity distribution in laminar flow, which had hitherto assumed, without proof, that secondary flows are non-existent. These analyses can now be used with confidence as asymptotic cases in the treatment of the turbulent flow problem. Finally, it has been shown that the secondary flow phenomenon is one associated with turbulence only, and its complete explanation must wait until a better understanding is acquired of the general structure of turbulence. - -46 APPENDIX Measurements of the Velocity Distribution in a Square Duct It has been mentioned on page 23 of the text that measurements of the velocity distribution for air flowing through a square duct are being carried out presently in the Heat Transfer Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This experimental investigation has not yet been completed. Some measurements of veloc- ity distribution were obtained for a limited range of Reynolds numbers. The results of these measurements were of interest to the present work in that they indicated the existence of secondary flows in the case of turbulent flow through the square duct. For this reason, a brief description of the apparatus and the experimental procedure, together with a typical plot of velocity contours, is presented in the following few paragraphs. Under the influence of a blower located downstream, air from the room was drawn through a smooth entrance into the square duct. The duct was fabricated of alum- inum and its important dimensions were 1.75 inch wide and 12 feet long. The test section was located one foot from the blower-end of the duct. A 4.50 inch-long piece of the upper plane of the duct was removed and replaced by -47a block of plexiglass. This block was held tightly on the sides of the duct, so that the inner flow section remained identical to the square section. A hole was drilled through the plexiglass and a total pressure probe 3y sliding the plexiglass was inserted into the section. block across the tube, movement of the probe across the section was obtained. The vertical and horizontal posi- tion of the probe could be measured with good accuracy. Measurements were recorded only for one quadrant of the section. However, a few measurements were taken on corresponding points in the other quadrants to assure that readings were symmetrical. Measurements were taken at fourteen traverses in one quadrant, the spacing between the traverses close to the wall being 0.025 inches and away from the wall 0.100 inches. Velocity profiles were plotted for each traverse, and these profiles were employed to determine lines of equal velocity. A typical plot of the velocity contours is presented in Figure 9. The contours are seen to be quite analogous to those obtained by Nikuradse for the rectangular duct which are shown in Figure 5. It may therefore be con- cluded that the contours presented in Figure 9 constitute one further piece of evidence that secondary flows exist in turbulent flow through a straight square duct. VELOCITY CONTOUR IN A SQUARE DUCT /75.' . X .760.875S+ V1.o"~ ..-. Sgure 0.7 V-4 0.6- 43 1h - 0.5 - 40 0.3 - 0 0.1 - . (A/, - 0.8 465 - N 47,900 in. -49--. NOMENCLATURE x coordinate distance y coordinate distance z coordinate distance - flow direction U component of velocity V component of velocity W velocity in flow direction X body force Y body force Z body force P pressure p0 density viscosity 6 compressioility Q substantial time derivative V the vector ooerator del : V the scalar operator 9 kinematic viscosity u component of secondary flow v comoonent of secondary flow w component of secondary flow p secondary pressure 0 streamfunction V i4. . V.V -50- LIST OF REFERENCES 1. CLAIBORNE, H. C. "Heat Transfer in Non-Circular Ducts - Part I" O.R.N.L.-985-1951. 2. DETRA, R. W. "The Secondary Flow in Curved Pipes" Dissertations from the E.T.H. Zurich, 1953. 3. ECERT, E.R.G. and IRVINE, T.F. "Flow in Corners of Passages with Non-Circular Cross-sections" Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Los Angeles June 1955. 4. "Shear Flow in Bends" M.I.T. EICHEN3ERGER, F. P. D.S. Thesis in M.E. 1952. 5. FILDE3RAND, F. 3. "Advanced Calculus for Engineers" Sixth Printing Prentice-Fall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 6. MAYER, E. "Efffect of Transition in Cross-Sectional Shape on the Development of the Velocity and Pressure Distribution of Turbulent Flow in Pipes" V.D.I. Forschungsheft 389, (1927) Translated as N.A.C.A, T.M. 903. 7. NIKURADSE, J. "Untersuchung uber die GeschwindigKeitsverteilun6 in turbulenten Str'xMungen" Thesis, Gottingen (1926) VDI-Forschungsheft 381, Berlin (1926). 8. NIKURADSE, J. "Turbulente Stromung in nicht Kreisformigen Rohren" Ing-Arch, 1.306 (1930). 9. PRANDTL, L. "Turbulent Flow" Proc. 2nd International Congress Appl. Mech. (1926), Zurich, 1927. Also translated as N.A.C.A. T.M. 435. 10. SCHLICHTING, H. "3oundary Layer Theory" McGraw-Bill Book Co., Inc. New York. 11. SOKOLNIKOFF, I. S. "Mathematical Theory of Elasticity" McGraw-Hill 3ook Co., Inc., New York 1956. 12. SQUIRE and WINTER "The Secondary Flow in a Cascade of Airfoils in a non-uniform stream" J. of the Aeron. Sciences Vol. 18 No. 4 (1951) p.271.