Chapter SERIES D OF FUNCTIONS already run into series developments of functions several times : exponential, sine, cosine functions were expanded into power series; Taylor's theorem provides a way to develop series expansions for suitable functions; the exponential of a matrix gives us the only sure way to solve" We shall see in this chapter a system of constant coefficient linear equations. that a general technique for solving a differential equation involves approxi mation of the solution by series expansions. We shall begin by formulating the definition of convergence of a series of continuous functions and verifying the general criteria guaranteeing conver One of the most important of series expansions is that of power series. gence. We shall say that a function is analytic if it can be locally developed into a power series. We shall finally verify the fundamental theorem of algebra and complete the discussion of constant coefficient equations. We have delayed this until now because the kind of analytic techniques involved in the fundamental theorem are those which are most appropriately developed for the class of analytic functions. Further techniques for operating with power series will be explored, as well as the question of estimation of the error in replacing the power series by a partial sum. We have the " 400 5.7 5.1 Convergence 401 Convergence Definition 1. Let {/J be a sequence of continuous functions defined on a The series formed of the {fk} is the sequence of partial sums We say that the series converges if the sequence of these partial subset X of R". (Zfc=i /*} sum converges (in the sense of Definition 19 of Chapter 2), and denote the limitbyi?=iA. Precisely then, /= Xfc=iA if. corresponding to every e > 0, there is an JV such that /(x) ZA(x) - < e for all n > N and xe X k=l Since the limit of a (Theorem 2.14), we can uniformly convergent tinuous functions is continuous. sequences, obtain we a sequence of functions is continuous convergent series of con assert that the sum of a Likewise, from the Cauchy criterion for corresponding criterion for the convergence of series. Proposition 1. (Cauchy Criterion) Let {fk} be a sequence of continuous functions. The series /k converges if and only if, to each e > 0 there cor respond an N such that X Proof. criterion. m > n h < for all n, m > N We must show that the sequence gn=^l=i fk satisfies the Cauchy For a given e > 0, let N be as in the proposition. Then, for any x, :> N \gm(x) Thus \\gm - g\\ g(x)\ < e, so the I /*(x) 2 /. < proposition < is proven. guaranteed if the series of real numbers X*=i ||/J converges (for !!?=+ 1 /J !*=,,+ 1 ll/J). This gives us a powerful technique for verifying convergence of series. Notice that the Cauchy criterion is Let {fk} be a sequence of continuous functions defined The series is said to converge absolutely if ^f=1 ||/J < oo. Definition 2. set X. on a 402 5 Series of Functions Of course, as remarked above, an absolutely convergent series is conver gent. In the case of absolute convergence we can pose a comparison test, just as for series of numbers. Theorem 5.1. (Comparison Test) Let {fk} be a set X. functions defined Suppose there is a a on numbers and integer N an (0 \\fk\\<Pn > of continuous {pk} of positive sequence sequence 0 such that fork>N 00 Z Pk k (ii) = Then /fc Proof. < l absolutely. converges The verification is the same as that for number series (Theorem 2.3). Examples zk 1. r < 1. Zr" \\zk\\ < rk in For = Tzr series is not \fk in {|z| < 1}. < r} for any that domain, and < oo zk does 2. z) uniformly and absolutely VU = a not converge Cauchy L,fk = Z uniformly in {\z\ In fact, the sequence of functions, because for every n, = 1 k=l Thus, for \, say, there is no JV such that || "=,,/& II in n + 1 N, fact, not even for m = m > n > 3. e7 < i for all = . = R finite. Rk *T\ X^=1 zk/k\ converges Again, by comparison R" and zr!<0 uniformly in any disk {|z| < R} with 5.1 Convergence 403 cos nx , 4-n^ converges uniformly on the whole real line. For any x, cos nx ^n2 1/rc2 Since 5. If f(z) = {ak} =1 < oo the comparison test easily applies. is any sequence of numbers such that \ak\ < oo, then on the closed unit disk. function is a continuous zk ak The series converges uniformly since \\akzk\\ < \ak\. Finally, for the purpose of availability, we record the obvious extensions to series of the concerning integration and differentiation of propositions sequences of functions. Proposition 2. (i) Let {/} be a sequence of continuous functions on the Let gn(x) \xafn- V tne series offunctions / converges, so = interval if/.=r(/.) n=l (ii) Let 'a Ja {/} interval [a, b~\. for some c, \n=l <"> I be a sequence Let gn =fc. of continuously differ entiable functions on the If the series of functions # converges, and converges, then the series /(c) [_a,b~]. does the series / converges. The limit is continuously differentiable and (5-2) (Z/,y =z/; Examples 6. CO y ln(l-x)=Z-r K k = l -1<*<1 404 5 Series of Functions This follows by integrating the geometric series (Example 1) term by term 1 !* CO .* j0T^~t=S'oLt tk jfc+1 co in(i-x)= y oo - = " cos nx ,. = - n\ k=i is infinitely differentiable. " sin For the differentiated series nx is also convergent. the series S fk - k^k k=ok + l fix) y (5.3) can By Proposition 2(ii) the sum is/'(x). Similarly, by term, and gives be differentiated term n cos nx " n = 1 (fi which is 1)! - again convergent. 8. We can following 1 develop a observations. series expansion for arc tan x From the geometric series ",* r~x=^xk i- we x k obtain 1 + x o = by substituting -x2 for t=o Integrate: v2[+l arctanx= (-1)' n=o zk + 1 x according to the 5.1 405 Convergence EXERCISES 1. For what values of (a) do these series of functions converge absolutely: x 22V | (d) n=0 (jr+18)" n=0 cos nx N 2 (b) n= | (c) n n=0 n 2. In which domains of the | hz- (a) n = (b) 0 | n = 0 | x<"2> (f ) e "" 2 (e> X 1 0 = 3. Which of these series = 0 complex plane do these series converge? -il | -V (c) (Z)! n = 0 be differentiated can or integrated domain of convergence ? (a) Exercise 1(a) (c) (b) Exercise (d) Exercise 1(d) cos nx 1(b) 2 n 4. Find the power series = 0 expansion 1 (a) (c) (l+x2) nm (b) < fl for these functions f e'1 : dt Jo y- PROBLEMS expansion for sin 2x.) Find power series expansions for sin2 2. Prove Proposition 2. 1. (a) (Hint : (b) Find 2 sin a power series x cos x 3. Show that lim -.-l 2 = log 2 n=l Can you conclude 2 L_ii=i0g2? = x cos x. sin x and cos2 x. on their 406 5 5.2 Series of Functions The Fundamental Theorem of For the remainder of this complex-valued functions the are P(z) functions of (where the at chapter complex restrict attention we variable. The exclusively to simplest class of such polynomial functions ; that is, functions of the form az" = a Algebra a^iz"'1 + + + axz + a0 , complex numbers). We shall always assume a # 0; in degree of P. It is a basic fact of mathematics that every polynomial has a root; that is, there is a number c e C such that P(c) 0. The proof of this fact consists in a systematic investigation of the analytic properties of polynomials. First, we recall de Moivre's theorem. this are is called the case n = Lemma. Every Let Proof. ce C, most convenient. em* ei8. tnat jSj _ c n^ <*2 . (co)n a>i 1 = then expO'aj), = These . (pe'*)n = distinct, and Now, we reie are = . . are . . a* , . w = , . . . , a> exp(z'a) = The numbers c. all nth roots of such that = re'" is = r and Let 1) = a_! a , n , pe'* 2tt(u = = 2n n are called the nth roots of need two polynomials. . n c p" polar representation 2nk = , distinct nth roots. integral multiple of 2tt. an 47T = n For this purpose, the c is a number q js _ n Then ^ 0. number has An nth root of 277 i complex nonzero all distinct pe^ioi, and Now, if unity. ..., pe'^cu,, , p have the property 8 In, (r)1'" and <f> pe'*co are then all = ..., = c. deeper facts depending on the continuity properties intuitively clear: that \P(z)\ gets arbitrarily large The first is of as The second is the crucial fact for the fundamental theorem: the where a polynomial has a minimum modulus must be a root. z-*co. place Lemma. lim (i) Let P(z) \P(z)\ = = anz" + oo, that + axz + a0 be a polynomial is, given any M > 0 there is a of degree n>0. K>0 such that |z|->CO |P(z)| (ii) are z > M whenever \z\ > K. # 0, then z0 cannot be a minimum point for close to z0 such that \P(z)\ < |P(z0)|. If P(z0) \P\; that is, there 5.2 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 407 Proof. (i) The point here is that the highest-degree term of P is regards the behavior of P as z^ oo. For z ^ 0, the dominating term as 1^)1 |z|"-k>A: also for If |z|>ii:>l, then Let M > 0 be Z = so !a|-i("j>l) > tf k <n, given, and choose max(l,2M|a|-1,2|fl|-1 (2 Mj\ Then, for \z\>K, _l ak "v >\a\[l )>-2M Thus \P(z)\^\z\"-i\an\>.K-i\a\>M (ii) Suppose now that Let P(z0) ^0. Q(z) =(P(z0)Y1P(z + z0) Then G is also a polynomial, point for Q. Let Q(z) = 1 + 2 * z* = G(0) ! + = 1, and we must show that 0 is not a minimum zm(am + z#(z^ # 0, and g(z) thus continuous (and that is all we is and a is polynomial 2s=m+i a*z"-(",+1). ^ to use the fact that for small z, zm need to know about g). Here again we want +* the to close polynomial 1 + zmam which has no minimum so Q is very dominates zm with r < 1). zm that z so -rjam 0 modulus at (choose choose an mth root of -a1 ; call it z, and consider the function where m is chosen as the least positive integer , = In our case, we k for which ak = 408 5 Series of Functions Q(rz0) of a real variable Q(rz0) where h(r) = We have r. l+rm(-l+rh(r)) = a^girzo) is a continuous complex-valued function. Thus \Q(rzo)\<\l-n+r+1\h(r)\ Now limrrt(r) =0, so choose we can 1 small enough r0 < r-.0 so that \r0h(r0)\ <i. Then I Q(rz0) I <, 1 which proves part Theorem 5.2. r0m + - i-o-G) < 1 - ir0m < 1 (ii). (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra) There is positive degree. a e z0 C such that P(z0) Let P be = a polynomial of 0. Proof. Let P(0) c0 By part (i) of the lemma, there is a K > 0 such that for \z\>K, \P(z)\>\c0\. Now A={zeC; |z| <K} is compact, so \P\ attains a minimum value on A, say at z0 But then z0 is a minimum point for all of C. For, since OeA, \P(z0)\ < |P(0)| and for z A, |P(z)| > c0 > |P(z0)|. Thus, even c0 for z A, we have |P(z0) | :< IP(z) | But then, by part (ii), there is no alternative : we must have P(z0) 0. = . . = , . = Factorization Theory We should recall that if (this is degree zero c is a zero of the proven below in Theorem 5.3). 1 less than that of P. If deg Q of P. Further, Q(z) order to find = exactly deg P (z - zeros > c')2'(z) of P. polynomial P, then z c factors P P(z) (z c)Q(z) and Q has 0, Q has a zero c', which is also a - Thus and = we can - repeat this argument in This is the factorization theorem of algebra. Theorem 5.3. n > There 0. P(z) Proof. a(z = The P(z) = (Factorization Theorem) complex numbers a #0, are - zi) (z + a0 = ai Iz z1; . . . , a polynomial of degree z such that z) - proof is by induction OiZ Let P be I on n. 1) If n =1 the situation is simple: The Fundamental Theorem 5.2 409 of Algebra (since ai ^ 0). Now we consider the case of general degree n, assuming the corollary for polynomials of degree n 1. By the theorem, there is a point c such that P(c) 0. Then = P(z) = P(z) P(c) - = 2 *(z" c*) - n-l/ 2 *(* = <o - ( zW-1 ) "J \ n on the right is a polynomial of degree n 1, so the induction assumption z-i. z_i) for suitable a^O, zu (z applies: it can be written as a(z Zi) we obtain z Thus, writing c The factor ..., = , (5-4) P(z)=a(z-zi)---(z-z) clearly unique, except for the order of the z;'s: a is the P and {zu of coefficient z} are the roots of P. Of course, leading If let not be need distinct; rs be the set of distinct roots. ru z Zjl, the list {zu zj, we let m,. be the number of occurrences of the root r{ in We can rewrite (5.4) as is called the multiplicity of the root r{ This factorization is . . . , . . . . . . , , ..., . mt P(z) = a(z (z rt)mi - (5.5) rs)m - + ms n, the degree of P. clearly mt + Before concluding this section we should remark and real = = Real polynomials. polynomials 0), but their complex roots + axz + a0 be P(f) so r is also (z - = a a real come polynomial. ani?)n +---+a1r root of P. r)(z -r) = on the factorization of (viz., z2 + 1 need not have real roots conjugate pairs. If P(r) 0, then in Let P(z) az" = -\ = + a0=(anr"+--- + a1z + a0)~ = PirY = 0 Since z2-(r + r)z + rr = z2-2 Re(r)z + \r\2 has real coefficients. Thus, if we rearrange the roots of P r, r, we into the real roots ru ...,rk and the conjugate pairs rk + l, rk+u and linear of a into quadratic product can rewrite the factorization (5.5) the polynomial . real . . , , polynomials. P(z) = a(z - rj"1 (z - rk)m\z2 - 2 k+il2) (z2-2Re(rt)z Rfi(rt+1)z + ' ' + |rr|2) 410 5 Series of Functions PROBLEMS 4. Let w i, ...,co be the n nth roots of unity. Show that they are arranged at n equidistant points around the unit circle. Show that the sets {cui, oi}, {a>i, oil2, oj'c1} are the same, if u>, is the nearest such point to 1. 2 is 5. Let a>u Choose k so that kn w be the nth roots of unity. divisible by 4. Show that ikoju ikwn are the nth roots of 1. 6. Show that : (a) deg PQ deg P + deg Q. max(deg P, deg Q) if deg P # deg Q. (b) deg(P + Q) (c) When is the equation in (b) not true? 7. Given two polynomials P, Q show that there is a polynomial R which factors both P, Q and is factored by any polynomial which factors both P, Q. R is called the greatest common divisor of P and Q. 8. Show that a real polynomial of odd degree has a real root. 9. Prove that the polynomial 1 + zma (m > 0) has no minimum modulus . . .., . . . . ., , ..., = = at z = 0. 10. For P'(z)= P(z) = 2S'=o az" a polynomial, let Znanz"'1 1 n= (a) Verify that the transformation P^P' is linear and satisfies (PQY=PQ' + P'Q (by induction (P -*P' is a on deg P). complex analog of differentiation) (b) Prove that P'(r) = (c) r is multiple a root of P if and Define P" =(P')', m P" = if and (P")', and so on. Then only if P(r) P'(r) = 5.3 Constant Coefficient Linear Differential Now that we complete the Let L be tion. L is a mapping L(f) = = 0 and 0. of at least multiplicity to only if P(r) = r = is a Pfm" root of P *>(r) = 0. Equations know the factorization theorem for study a of constant coefficient polynomials we can return equations in one unknown func constant coefficient differential operator of order k ; that is, from functions to functions defined fm + '. f{i) i = 0 ^C by (5-6) 5.3 Corresponding PLiX) Constant to L is the Xk = Linear Coefficient polynomial kZaiXi + = > o called the characteristic polynomial of L. know about such differential operators. Let L be Theorem 5.4. the equation functions. Lf=0 If r is a 411 Differential Equations is root ofPL(X) = 0, we already The collection given by (5.6). n-dimensional an We recall the facts that space of then erx e S(L). vector S(L) of solutions of infinitely differ entiable Now if all the roots of the characteristic solutions of Lf = S(L). To examine the case of multiple roots, closely the relationship between the given differential operator and its characteristic polynomial. If P is a polynomial, we will let LP represent the corresponding operator; that is, for P(X) j=0 a,-*', FP is defined by pendent. Thus polynomial are distinct, we have n 0, and it is easily verified (Problem 1 1) that they are inde they span must examine more we = i = Now, from what 0 we already know about these differential equations we can guess that the factorization of P will tell us all we want to know about LP In fact, we can factor the corresponding operator accordingly as the next . lemma shows. Lemma 1. Proof. LP(LQ(f)). Lp+q = LP + Lq\ LPq = LpLq Of course, LPLQ is defined as the The first equation is obvious. . composition of operators : (LPLQ)(f) We a little work. = The second takes a0 then 0, that is, P(x) will prove it by induction on the degree of P. If deg P differentiable for sufficiently and any =LP(LQ(f)\ a0LQ(f) LPQ(f) PQ=a0Q function / Now suppose the lemma is true for all polynomials of degree n. Let P of degree n+ 1. If a is a root of P, we can write P(X) be a = = , = polynomial (X-a)S(X), where = is of degree Thus, by hypothesis, polynomial LsLq. We have left only to verify the lemma for polynomials of degree 1. That is, we must show that if R is a polynomial of degree 1 and T is any polynomial, X a, so that For once this is verified, we take R(X) then Lrt=LrLt. Lsq S a n. = = P = RS. Then Lpq =LRSq =LrLSq =LrLsLq =LrsLq =LpLq 412 5 Series So, let R(X) = RT(x) X-a, T(X) = 2?U b, X'. =f(b,- abl+1)X,+1 ( Now of Functions = - Then abo 0 compute LRLT : we \ (m ( in m IW" =2(w,0)'-^i,r = o ( / = o i = o m tibi-abi+l)f'^-ab0f = 1 = 0 The lemma is proven. It follows from the lemma that if of LPQ(f) We can, factors. 0 is = solution of LP(f) the factorization by P(X) a = in Now let P be write P S(LP). equation LP(f) we as a given polynomial. product of first-order with mt + (X- aj"' ---(X- as)m Thus factor of P, then any solution a 0. theorem, Because of Lemma 1 the solutions are Q is = a + ms = to the factors corresponding deg P (X aj)1"1 need to discover the solutions of the differential 0, where P(X) (X c)m. Consider, for example, the differential operator corresponding to (X c)2. We know one solution: ecx; we find another by the technique of variation of parameters. iX c)2 X2 2cX + c2. Test the operator on y zecx. = = = - y' = - = z'ecx + zcecx y" = z"ecx + 2z'cee* + zc2ecx Then /' Thus z general = - 2cy' + c2y = z"e" = 0 or z" = 0 x, and the second solution is xecx. We can guess then that the situation is this. Lemma 2. The solutions of LiX_c)m(f) = 0 are spanned by e", xecx, ..., xm~V*. Proof. We by induction. have to show that the named functions The case m = 1 is are solutions. already known (by Lemma 1). We do that Thus we may 5.3 assume Constant the lemma for need only verify that a Linear Coefficient given value of m, and prove it for is Llx_c)m+i(xme") L(x-c->"<Lix-c,(xmeC') 413 Differential Equations m + 1 By Lemma 2, . we But this is zero. cxme" = La.c)m(mxm-'e" + = La_c)m(mxm-1e")=0 - cxme") by induction. Theorem 5.5. Let p(X) = j=o fl<-^f X" + coefficients. Let au ...,asbe the roots Then the space S(Lp) ms, respectively. polynomial with complex multiplicities mt of the differential equation oe a 0 with ofp(X) of solutions = n-l lp(/)=/ + i Ei/(0 < = = o 0 of the functions xJea,x, is the linear span 0 <j < m{ . EXERCISES 5. Solve these differential (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f ) equations: 1 0, y"(0) 0, y'(0) 0, y(0) 4y 1 1 y'(0) 2, v"(0) 0, y(0) 5/ 3y y y" 1. 1, /(0) 0, y"(0) y- 6y" + 12/ ~Sy=0, y(0) 1 2, y"(0) 0, y(0) 3, /(0) y y~- 3y" + 3/ 2. 2, y '(0) 2, v"(0) 2, y'(0) yw + 2y" + ^ 0, v(0) "> 1, I2y' + 9y 0, y(0) /(0) y"(0) /4) + 4y('"> 2y< y- 5y" + 8/ (g) = = = = - . - - - = = - = = - . , = - ^"(0)=0. 3/ "' + 2y y^ = = 0, y(0) = - . = 0, y'(0) = = = - - = = = = = = = = = y"(0) = = = y "(0) = 1 . PROBLEMS 11. (a) Show that if ru . . . , r are n distinct numbers, the matrix 1 r r2 'It is nonsingular. (Hint: If the rows are dependent, we obtain a poly 1 with n distinct roots.) nomial of degree n functions The exp(/x) are independent. (Hint: exp(rix), (b) If these functions were dependent, we would be able to prove that the .. columns of the above matrix are ., dependent.) 414 5.4 5 Series of Functions Solutions in Series If now given a linear differential equation which is not homogeneous, we are has variable coefficients, we have a problem of a much different magnitude. In general, such problems cannot be solved explicitly. Thus, we must seek or approximate solutions. This is one of the places where representations of functions are usable. The procedure of series approximation has two aspects. First, we must establish the theoretical validity of such a technique and, secondly (and this is essential from the practical point of view), we need a technique for effectively computing the In this section we shall describe this procedure, deferring these two error. essential points (which turn out to be the same!) until Section 5.7. ways to obtain series First, an example. we want Suppose f"(x)+gl(x)f'(x)+g0(x)f(x) = 0 the function / such that /(0) = a0 f'(0) = a, are defined in a neighborhood of 0. We shall assume sufficiently differentiable. Now our initial conditions first two terms of the Taylor expansion of/ at 0 : where g0 and gx that they give us f(x) = are the a0 + atx + higher-order will be based (5.7) terms " the tacit assumption that the higherorder terms" are computable, and knowing enough of them will give a usable approximation to the solution. Now, evaluating the differ ential equation itself at 0 gives us the second-order term : Our technique on f"i0)+g1(0)f'(Q)+go(0)fi0) = 0 or f"(0) = -(g1(0)a1 + go(0)ao) so f(x) = a0 + atx i(aog0(0) Differentiating the + fli#i(0))x2 differential equation + higher-order terms will give an identity (5.8) express- in terms of lower ing/'" Fix) + derivatives, g[ix)f'(x) + <h(x)/"(x) -(^(0) g0(0))ai + 415 Solutions in Series 5.4 so we continue, may g'0ix)f(x) + g0ix)f'(x) 0 = so /'"(0) = (gi(0)2 = and a0 + ajx = 9'M ~ g'0i0)ao - 9oiO))at ~ + have the third term of the so we /(x) + i(ao0o(O) - + iCGhW2 + higher-order ^1(O)(01(O)a1 (0o(O)fif!(O) 5o(0)ao) + g'oi0))a0 - Taylor series of/: 0i0i(O))x2 + 3i(0) - + fif0(0))ai+ 0o(O)<h(O) - - 3o(0))a]x3 terms Example Perhaps an explicit calculation approximate solution of: 9. /' (x2 + X0) = 1)/ - 0 + xy y\0) = The solution thus by substituting f(x) = = + We shall find an (5.9) x2 2 begins fix) = 2x + f (0) is easy Equation (5.9): . the initial conditions into to calculate 2x + x2 + Differentiating (5.9), y" is in order. 2x/ + (x2 1)/ - we obtain + y + xy' - (5.10) 2x Evaluating at 0 we find /""(O) =/"(0) -/(0) 2. Differentiating (5.10) and evaluating at 0, we obtain /(4,(0) 2; once again gives 10. Thus, to five terms the Taylor expansion of the /(5>(0) = = = - desired solution is fix) = Admittedly 2x + x2 + \x3 + this is not very h x4 - A x5 + higher-order glamorous, but it is terms computable! The phrase 416 5 Series of Functions terms" "higher-order represents the between the error nomial exhibited above and the actual solution. fifth-degree poly polynomial is com That pletely meaningless without some estimate on the error incurred. But our method gives no hint as how to estimate. So, in the hope of being able to give more form to the "higher-order terms," we will try a more brazen approach : we begin by assuming that the desired solution is the sum of a convergent power series (its full Taylor expansion") and we try to find the coefficients. If /(x) =0 ax", then differentiating term by term we " = obtain fn^x"-1 /'(x)= n=l n(-lK'x""2 /"(x)= n /w(x) = 2 n(n = n = 1) - (n \)anx"-k k + - k We make these substitutions into the solve for the {a} by equating Let us solution. n(n reconsider lKx"-2 + (x2 - = ax"-x 0 ay = ax" + + Thus 2)(k we z2 = 0 (5.11) 2 l)ak+2 + - n=0 The coefficient of xk in the left-hand side of ik be the desired "=0 ax" becomes n=l = a0 f(x) problem 1) = n1=2 2 + ik- 1K_! have to solve these - (k + (5.11) l)ak+1 is + ak_x equations a0 =0 ay = 2 2a2~a1=2 3.2a3 + a0 2a2 4.3a4 + 2! 3a3 - - n(n - l)a + (n - (initial conditions) ik 0) (k 1) (k 2) = = = 0 = 0 2)a_3 -in- l)a_! and offm. Let (5.9). The statement of the - given differential equations the coefficients = =0 (k - n - 2) 5.4 We a solve, because each equation can in- lK-i -(n-2K_3 1) nin = Solutions in Series can 417 be written in the form n>2 (5.12) - However, at we have an added advantage estimate for the general term a an . in that In fact, we can we make a guess assert 2" [n/3]! ([x] n (5.13) < k, = largest integer less than or equal to x). This 0, 1, 2; we verify it in general by induction. = (fi-l)|aM-1|+(n-2)|fl.-3| nin 1) Kl< - <-(|an_!| + |a_3|) n W 2P_ < n \l(n + l)/3]! - [(n-3)/3]! Now, since in - 3) in n - 3)' t = 3 3 so (?) in 3)" - ! > _ [513 I Similarly, my ~ 3 Thus, 1 \a\< 3[n/3]!( 2" ;_W3]! r?i ? 3 is in fact true for 418 5 Series This of Functions now tells us a lot. For, the solution to the problem in (5.9) differs from ZX + + ^"X by at most X dominated T2~X T^X >6 ax", where the an Thus the satisfy (5.13). error is by < (1 LnL+ fe! + 2|x| Hence in the interval 0 + ~)lk + 2\ v|3Ji+2 <-)3k+l|v|3k+l ^3k\v\3k ^ Flrn W"= ^ a6[n/3]! [, k! ka2 1 - far so our as to discard the - (2|x|)3) given by the above (which is about 52) ! 1 the solution is polynomial except for our error of at most 7e2 The reader is forgiven if he is unimpressed with should not go the paucity of *! ^ 4|x|2) (exp(2|x|)3 < x < I + our estimate, but he for this technique reason. For results is due to laziness rather than the uselessness If we pushed this procedure up to 1000 a task for (an easy computer), then the error would be at most which is less than (50)"90; a good estimate indeed. 2looo/l000! of the Taylor development. terms le2 Let us . recapitulate ym + i the basic ideas. iW*)/0 = = m, yiO) We = c0 are , given y'iO) = initial value an Cl, . . . , y*-x>(0) problem : = ck_, 0 " the #'s and h by power series expansions and test the solution" f(x) jj= 0 a x". The first k terms are found from the initial conditions, and the rest are found by equating the coefficient of x" on both sides of the We replace = equation. This leaves us with these problems to resolve: (i) Can we represent the given #'s and /; by power series? (ii) Can we differentiate a power series term by term ? (iii) How do we multiply power series? (In the above illustration, the g's were polynomials, so there was not much difficulty.) (iv) Can the system of relations between the aks really be solved uniquely? (v) Can we effectively estimate the error between the solution and a finite part of its (supposed) Taylor expansion ? Little answer by little, we will resolve these problems. Suffice it to say that the (i) in general is No (see Section 5.8). However, in problems that to 419 Solutions in Series 5.4 do arise naturally, the given functions usually are sums of convergent power If this is the case, all other questions can be satisfactorily answered; that is, the solution also is the sum of a convergent power series whose co efficients can be determined by the above technique and the estimate on the series. remainder be can Let effectively computed. us look at another illustration. Examples 10. x3y'" y(0) x2y" + = 1 xy' + y'iO) + y = (5.14) ex = 1 y"i0) Let the solution be f(x) = 1/6 ^=0ax". Substituting = in (5.14), we obtain n(n l)(n - 2)anxn - n(n + n=0 n = CO CO OO QO - l)ax" naxn + anx" =0 n=0 0 + CO = y" - t-0! which ain(n gives these l)(n - equations 2) - + n(n - for the coefficients : 1) + 1) for all = n or a. " (5.15) = n!(n3-2n2-n l) have not used the initial conditions and fortunately conform to the requirements (5.15). That is, for this particular there is a unique solution independent of any initial con Notice, that they + we equation, ditions. This does not Picard's theorems do not contradict any apply (since the previous results because leading coefficient is not invertible). 11. y _ yiO) xy' = 1 + 2y = (5-16) 0 y'iO) = 0 420 5 Series of Functions Here Picard's theorem does with the apply, initial conditions. given (5.16) becomes date. nin l)flx"-2 - nanxn - n=0 so we should get Let/(x) 2ax" + n=0 = = "=0 unique solution ax" be the candi a 0 n=0 or a0 (n = + 1 fli = 0 2)(n+l)an+2-nan 2an + 0 = n>0 or 2)a 2)(n+l) (n fl"+2 (n - + Thus a2 1, a3 zero. The solution = In the next is most = section, we 0, aA is/(x) shall advantageous (as we = = 0 and thus all further coefficients are x2. 1 fully develop the theory of power series. It already seen) to do so in the complex have domain. EXERCISES 6. Find y" -xy with = an 0 y(0) with = = 0 y'(0) 1 = of at most 10"* in the interval an error 7. Do the y-x2y approximate solution for same \ y(0)=0 an error [ 1, 1]. for /(0)=0 /'(0)=0 of \0~* in [i, J]. recursive formula for the coefficients of the solution, and reasonable estimate: 8. Find (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) a 2/ + v 1 /(0) 0. 0, v(0) /' 1 1 + /(0) y" 2/ xy e\ y(0) 1, arbitrary initial conditions. y(k) + v /'-/c2v=0. 0. / x2 + xy, y(0) = - = = , = = = - , = = = . a 5.5 Power Series 421 PROBLEMS 12. Why doesn't Picard's theorem apply to Equation (5.14)? equation xy" + y'=0 seems to have only one solution by the series method, but two independent solutions by the method of separation of variables. Explain that. 13. The second-order 5.5 Power Series We have already discussed at length the power series expansion of the and trigonometric functions, the geometric series and some others. We have also seen that the Taylor formula produces a power series expansion exponential for suitable functions. We have observed that there is a certain disk corre to each power series, called the disk of convergence. The series We shall recollect all this converges inside that disk and diverges outside. information as the starting point of our discussion of complex power series. sponding Let cn be Theorem 5.6. a numbers. of complex sequence negative number R (called the radius of convergence with these properties: nM= 0 cn z" diverges if\z\>R. "=0 cz" converges absolutely (a) (b) \z\ < a non- uniformly in any disk c z") {zeC: with r<R. r) R has these two (i) (ii) and There is of the power series R = P = descriptions: l.u.b. {t: \c\t" is bounded}. (limsup(|c|)1/")"1. Proof. For at least part of the proof we could refer proposition we consider the set [t >0 : there is an If this set is unbounded, to " M such that M > | c 1 1 for all we can take R = <x>, Proposition 9. As in that n) otherwise, let R be the least upper bound of this set. (a) Suppose \z\ bounded. >R. Then there is Since |c| |z"| > |c| t" for all a t, \z\>t>R such that {\c\t"} is n, we cannot have lim cz" un =0sojrz" diverges. (b) Let r<R, A = (ze C:\z\ <r). Then there is a t,r<t<R such that 422 5 Series of Functions {|c|/"} is bounded, If \z\ < r, M. by say ' \cz"\ \c\t" = r ' t Thus, letting || || be the uniform norm for C(A), we have ||cz"|| < M(r/t)". Since rjt < 1, 2 (r/t)" < , so by comparison 2 c z" converges absolutely and uniformly in C(A).~ Further, by definition, R is given by (i); the shall leave as more esoteric formulation (ii) we Problem 14. Examples If 12. is cnz" a power series with radius given R, the question may arise: what happens is that answer (a) If the comparison 2 (z"/n2) practically anything can on of convergence P? The \z\ = happen. is summable, that is, converges uniformly in {\z\ < {c} sequence 2 cz" has radius of convergence 1 and {|z|<l}. (z"/n) (b) the circle \c\ < oo, then by 1}. Thus the series converges uniformly in also has radius of convergence 1, but [( 1)"/"] does converge. 2 (l"/w) does not converge, whereas (c) z = general assertion does not converge 21 z" = 1 !). the circle of convergence is possible, needn't be concerned with the behavior of the series there (except we in z" has radius of convergence 1 but with \z\ 1 at all (lim z" # 0 if \z\ , for any Since no on particular cases). The 13. geometric series =0 z" is a power series with radius of This series converges to (1 z)_1 uniformly and Thus any disk {z e C: \z\ < r} with r < 1. convergence 1. absolutely y~ 1 f0 Now let a e C, a 1 1 \z\ ^ 0. = a < 1 = [1 - 1 Then 1 ' _ a~^~z for z" = z - on (z/a)] a lz\" h \a~) z" = This convergence is assured in the disk 14. The series =0 (z"/0 io ^ {z 6 C: |z| < |a|}. has infinite radius of convergence. 5.5 Thus the is Power Series 423 continuous function on the whole plane, denoted does converge to the exponential function for real values of z. We have seen that, for real x, eix cos x + i sin x. We can use this (or to obtain series for the sine and Taylor's theorem) cosine: sum ez since this a sum = , + cos x i sin x (ix)n > = = n! o x ^; i k%(4k)l (4k (-l^x2" = ~ 4^o + (2k)! + 1)! (4/c lio -2k (2k We also have the elz cosz = for all numbers z We iz) cos(j'z) + i + i can use them to z2k+1 (for the series will ez iz) 3)! (5-17) (5.18) iz and e~z plane. to-(-*c2FM)i Replacing z by interesting equations : cos( + 1)! + i sinz complex (4k equation 15. = + oo ""-R-tm 2)! (-l)fcx2t+1 These series also converge on the entire define the complex cosine and sine : co + sin( = sum iz, alternately, cos(i'z) i we again that way). obtain these other sin(z'z) sin(z'z) Thus ez + e" = 2~ cos(iz) (5.19) -isin(iz) (5.20) ez -e~ = For real values of z, the left-hand sides of Equations (5.19), (5.20) are 424 Series 5 of Functions We hyperbolic cosine and hyperbolic sine, respectively. these expressions to define the complex cosh and sinh : the ez + e~z cosh z . ez-e~z , sinh = z = (5.19) and (5.20), the complex trigonometric imaginary axis, the hyperbolic functions : Because of on the cosh sinh cos(zz) = z z = We should also note that the bolic Since ones. cosh2 sinh2 z z cos2(/z) = can use + -i functions are, (5.21) sin(z'z) trigonometric sin2(/z) = identities imply the hyper (5.21) that 1, it follows from (5-22) 1 (see Exercise 10). So does the series has radius of convergence 1. that the sums of see later k. We shall "=1nk (z"/n!), for any integer z" closed all these series can be given by expressions (such as "=1 (z"/!) 16. = (1-z)-1). given by a power series. In "=0 anz" is the same as giving its power series expansion. What is more interesting is that any point in C can be chosen as the center of a power series expansion for A 17. polynomial function in C is fact, writing the polynomial p(z) p. = Let z0e C and write N KZ) aniZ = = n Using Z0 + Z0)" the binomial theorem this becomes P(z)= (nW-z0)'zS-'' = n All ~ 0 i 0 = 0 being finite, we may arrange (5.23) as a sum of powers of z sums rewrite Kz)= n = 0 (\ /kr"(z-z0)" m = (5.23) V / n which is the desired expansion. terms at will. z0 : Thus we can 5.5 generally, any series of the form =0 series Can we expansion centered at z0 power centered at a point other than the origin? The More . 15), and the is like the proof one convergence intervenes after the above for analog Power Series 425 c(z z0)" will be called a expand ez in a power series - is yes (cf., Problem polynomials, but the question of of answer Equation (5.23) above. It is a general fact that for any function given by a power series, we may move the center of the expansion to any other point in the disk of convergence. The truly courageous student should try to prove this now; it can be done. We will give a proof later which is simple and avoids convergence problems but requires more sophisticated information about functions defined by power series expansions. Addition and Multiplication of Power Series Suppose /, g are complex-valued functions defined by power series Then we can find series expansions for pansions centered at a point z0 functions /+ g and/# also. Addition is easy: if, say . f(z) = an(z - giz) z0Y bn(z = - ex the z0)" then (f+g)iz) = yj(a But to find the series + b)(z-z0y expansion for the product requires a little more care. 0 (this involves no loss of generality). To say that Suppose that z0 that in a certain disk A, /is the limit of the polynomials is to z" say /(z) 2 a Thus, g is the limit of the polynomials ?=0 bnz". Similarly, az". = = 2^=o fg is the limit of the sequence of we can polynomials easily, polynomials multiply / \n N \ I N = = 0 If we collect terms in this = n = Now, N N \ nz" / 0 /)(lKz" \n ("=0 z")(^=0 bz"). 0 afcmz"+'" m expression = 0 to form a series of powers of z we do not the next few get a very aesthetic expression, but if we take some terms from we obtain a reasonable expression. the in sequence polynomials g( k=0 \n+m=k anbm)zk (5.24) I hope that fg is the limit of this sequence of polynomials. This is a reasonable hope; for even though we have modified the original sequence We could 426 of 5 Series polynomials of Functions have neither added we by that sequence. In fact, by that fg is the limit of (5.21). 3. Proposition nor making deleted from the series careful Let f(z) =0 az", g(z) of convergence of both series. = less than the radii use = of this fact, =0 bz" represented verify we can and suppose r is Then (0 (/+ 9)iz) "=o ian + b)z* uniformly and absolutely in {zeC: \z\ <r), (ii) ifd)iz) f=o(.+m=jt anbm)zk uniformly and absolutely = A = = in A. Proof. Let pn(z) '2}=0akzk, q(z) =^l=0bkzk. By hypothesis p-+f, q -^g uniformly in A. Thus p + q ->/+ g, pq -+fg uniformly in A (Problem 2.55). = Since Pn(z) q(z) + 2 ia- + b*)z" = k=l (i) is proven. (ii) Let rJLz) = k we = 0\t + J = k want to show that r seem worth Pnq J -+fg uniformly while to compute pq our I rn k = ( = t>n Now, each computing term on the norms on \\pnq,~ A r. We know that pqn ->fg so it would But that is easy, "'bX 2 0\l + J in A. k / right is of the form aibjz'+J with i>n {z e C: \z\ <r}, or j>n. = r\\<y+\\aiz'\\\{ Ijl^^llj +(,i0iia'z'ii)r_ifin^^ii) <tl+Mr'\(f\bj\A (J>k')( _|+ \bj\A + Thus, 5.5 Now, we know that than both. Given 2?=o \a,\r', Jj=0 > e 0, there \bj\ r> are finite. 427 Power Series Let M be a number larger are (1) iVi>0 such that 2<=-.+ i \a,\r' < e if n > Nu (2) N2 > 0 such that 2j=+i \bj\ ri<eifn>N2, (3) N3 > 0 such that \\pq-fg\\ <e if n>N2. These assertions follow from the known convergence of each n > max(7V~i, N2 Ns), case. Thus, if , ll'-n-/^ll< llpn?n-/^ll+ II.P4,.-rJ| the proposition 2 |a,|r' < + < + e-M+M- (21^1^ = 2 \bj +21^1'-' (2M+ l)e is concluded. EXERCISES 9. Verify, in the way suggested in the text that cos2 z + sin2 z =1 is true 1 is always true. sinh2 z for all complex numbers z, and thus cosh2 z 10. Find a power series expansion for these functions: = exp(z2) (e) e~' (b) ez sin (f) cosh (g) sinhz z cos z (c) 1 -dt t z . z f (d) 11. J" ^Z (a) exp(Z2)<fr Jo Verify by multiplying the power series that ez+w 12. From the addition formula for the exponential the addition formulas for cos, sin, sinh, cosh. = ezew- (Exercise 11), deduce PROBLEMS 14. If {c} is neighborhood Show that maximum any bounded sequence, then the of which has the radius (limsupflcl)1'")-1. of infinitely many convergence number, every members, is denoted lim sup c . of the series 2CZ" is R = 5 428 of Functions Series 15. Expand ez Assuming 16. in a point z0 represented by power series about any (1 +X2)"1'2 that be can . power series a centered at 0, find it. Find the power series for 17. Assuming that tan x can be represented by a power series centered sin x, find the power series ex at 0 and using the equation tan x cos x arc cos x. = pansion of 5.6 tan x. Complex Differentiation An easy property of the exponential function is (5-25) =1 lim z i-+0 For n=o n\ so e'-l _n-l oo 7n-2\ oo / -V-1+'(^r) parenthesis is a convergent Thus, writing the parenthesis as g(z) : Now the term in at 0. ez - 1 lim 2->0 From (5.25) = zg(z) = so is continuous 1 z->0 and the exp(z0 lim -^-2 z-0 1 + lim z series, power + properties z) - - of the exp(z0) ^-^ z exponential . = N , . exp(z0) lim z->0 ez - it follows that I = exp(z0) z recognize the limit on the left as a difference real ex quotient and the entire equation as a replica of the behavior of the more to consider idea a be It generally such good might ponential function. turns out to be a This the on a process of differentiation complex plane. The student of calculus will 5.6 very significant idea, because there represent functions which Definition 3. ofz0inC. ,. lim Let/be complex-valued function defined in a neighborhood /(z)-/(zo) Z In this Zq write the limit case we set U and differentiable at every on many beautiful and useful ways to are differentiable. are so differentiable at z0 if /is z-zo exists. a 429 Complex Differentiation as point /'(z0). of U, we If/ is defined in an open say that / is differentiable U. The usual facts algebraic on differentiation hold true in the complex domain. Proposition 4. (i) Suppose fi g are the derivatives given differentiable at z0 Then . so are and fg with f+g by if+g)'izo)=f'izo)+9'izo) ifg)'izo) = f'izoMzo) +fiz0)9'iz0) differentiable at z0 and /(z0) # 0. Then 1// is differ (l/f)'(z0) -f'(z0)/fiz0)2. (hi) Suppose f is differentiable at z0 and g is differentiable at f(z0). Then of is differentiable at z0 andig f)'(z0) g'(f(zQ))f'(z0). (ii) Suppose f is entiable at z0 and g = = These Proof. propositions are so much like the corresponding propositions proofs will be left to the reader. in calculus that their Examples 18. The function z0 any z polynomial operations as z = 1 for all zero. and constant functions by described in Proposition 4(i), all Since a suc polynomials differentiable. 19. The function as z takes on z is nowhere differentiable. For the difference z^)/(z z0), for zj= z0, is a point on the unit circle ranges through a neighborhood of z0 this difference quotient all values on the unit circle, so it could hardly converge. quotient (z and clearly differentiable, and z'(z0) is obtained from cession of are is A constant function is differentiable with derivative . - - 430 5 Sum of a Series of Functions Power Series is Infinitely Differentiable Our introduction to this section where differentiable. was essentially It is in fact true that the differentiable in its disk of convergence. Theorem 5.7. f is Let differentiable f'(z)= /(z) at every = j=0 anz" We proof of a that ez is every power series is verify this basic fact. now have radius in the disk point a sum of convergence R. Then of radius R and Y,nanz"-1 (5.26) n=l has the same radius lim Proof, of convergence sup(|a|)1/n "=0 az". as lim()1/n lim supGa,,!)1'" = = lim sup(|a|)1/n, so the series radius of convergence as the given series. We must show 2 that it represents the derivative off. Fix a z0 \z0\<R and choose r > |z0|. The series 2"la"l'"""1 converges absolutely, so given e>0 there is an N such that nanz"'1 has the same , 2">n " lank""1 Now consider the difference <e. /z"-z"\ f(z)-f(z0)= z z0 11 = quotient defining f'(z0) : = 0 \ z z0 / fai^z"-kzoA \k=l J n=l If \z\ < r as well as |z0| < r, 2aitz"-kzk0A \fc= J n>N Similarly, 1 then <2 Mj4r'-''rk-1<2 nMr'-'Ke |2> nanz0~ 1\<e. /(z)-/(z) lt>N k = l Thus, - b-i < 2e + Zo 2 \Cn z z0 Now, by continuity, as z -> z0 the last term tends to zero. Thus, there is a 8 > 0 such that if | z z0 1 < 8, the last term is less than e. Thus, for \z\ <rand |z z0| < 8 we have m-fco) Z0 -2anzo"1 <3e which proves that the limit of the difference quotient exists and is given by (5.26). 5.6 431 Complex Differentiation In particular, since /' is given by a convergent power series, it also is differentiable, with derivative f"(z) ( \)az"~2, and so forth. We thus obtain these results, which form the complex version of Taylor's theorem = for - of convergent power series. sums Let Corollary 1. f(z) Y^azn have radius of convergence R. infinitely differentiable in {z: \z\ <R). Furthermore, for every derivative, fm is given by a convergent power series, /<(z) n(n = Then = 1) - (n - k + f is k the kth l)az"-" n>k coefficients {an} a f(z) j=0 az" be convergent uniquely determined by f: Let Corollary 2. are Notice that the definition of complex derivative is laries hold for functions of Corollary 3. If f(x) = infinitely differentiable an a disk about 0. The /<>(0) = of the differentiation of functions of is in = = a a real variable "=0 at x0 a(x - a real variable. genuine generalization Thus the represented by in x0)" a same corol power series : neighborhood of x0 , then f and /(n)(*o) : /(x) <n = 1) - in - k)an(x - x0f-k n>k from the theorem and their proofs are implication of Corollary 2 is that the coefficients of a power series representation of a function are uniquely and directly determined by the function. In particular, a function cannot be These corollaries are written as the tion allows cos 2 us z sum to + easily derived Notice that the left to the student. of a power series in more than the identity one way. This observa easily verify sin2 z = 1 (5-27) sums For the function cos2 z + sin2 z is a polynomial in functions which are can of power series and thus is the sum of a power series. Its coefficients 432 be 5 Series of Functions computed according right-hand side But the for real z, thus it must always The Corollary 3 just by letting z take on real values. (5.27) is the Taylor expansion of cos2 z + sin2 z, be the Taylor expansion for all z. Hence (5.27) is to of true. Cauchy-Riemann Equation It is of value to compare the notion of complex differentiation with that R2, since R2 C. Suppose that is a function defined in a / complex-valued neighborhood of z0 x0 + iy0 is differentiable as a function of two real variables, then the differential If/ is defined and is a valued linear function on R2. Iff dfix0,y0) complexis also complex differentiable, then of differentiation of functions defined on = = ru \ f'(z0) fiz)fizo) r- lim = Z z->zo exists. Let z fft(z0)\ ->-z0 /e /,0-. (5.28) Zq along the horizontal i;fix>yo)-fixo>yo) hm X Xq = line. we let z along -+z0 fft(z0)\ v hm = a vertical, Sf (5.28) specializes (x0 v0) , OX to (5.29) also have fixo,y)-fixo,y0) Cv J'o) ~ y-j-o we Then = x-*xo If . ldf = T (x0 y0) , Sy (5.30) Thus the right-hand sides of (5.29) and (5.30) are the same. In conclusion, complex differentiable function must satisfy (when considered as a function of two real variables) this relation a (DM!) (5.31) This is called the Cauchy-Riemann equation. More precisely, the Cauchyequations are found by writing /= u + iv and splitting into real and imaginary parts. Let us record this important fact. Riemann Theorem 5.8. Split f Let into real and f be a complex differentiable function in a domain D. a function of two real imaginary parts and consider f as 5.6 variables (z = x Then these iy). + 433 Complex Differentiation partial differential equations hold in D: dyji dx i du dv (5.32) dy du dv (5.33) = dx d~y dy dx Proof. Equation (5.32) (5.32) and the identities du .dv d~x~~8~x ~dx df , + is)) ,8v ' ^ (z0)r = = Thus the differential of f'(z0)r f'izo)ir a follows from Equation (5.33) Hy is complex differentiable, its differential = complex-valued 8u Bf ~d~y~~d~y Notice that when /is dfizo ir observed above. was + + + given by -jt (z0> if'iz0)s is) complex differentiable function is a complex linear function. We shall show, via the techniques of the next few chapters, that a complex differentiable function can be written as the sum of a convergent power series. Thus, just by virtue of the differential being complex linear, the function has derivatives orders and is the of all sum of its power series. PROBLEMS 18. Prove Proposition 4. 19. Prove Corollaries 1 and 2 of Theorem 5.7. 20. Show that if / is an infinitely differentiable function ( , e), and there is an M > 0 such that |/w(x)| then <M /is the sum all of 21. Suppose /is plane. Show that: (a) (b) n a a allx interval -s<x<e the unit disk. power series which converges in complex differentiable function in a domain in the if /is real-valued it is constant. |/| is constant, then /is constant. if on an 434 J Series of Functions 22. Write the Cauchy-Riemann equations in polar coordinates. Differentiate along the ray and circle through a point.) 23. Suppose / ,...,/, are given by convergent power series in If F is a a (5.34) F(Mz),...,fk(z))=0 for real z, then (5.34) is true for all z in A. 24. Compute the limits of these quotients arc tan (d) -> 0: r sin hz sin as z 1 cos z z z (b) disk A. in k variables such that polynomial (a) (Hint: cos z (e) TT72 z sin 1 cos z z tanz n=0, 1,2, 3, 4 (f) (c) complex- valued function of two real that/is a complex differentiable if and only if the differential df(z0) is complex linear for all z0 e D. 26. Suppose that / is twice differentiable in D, and is complex differ entiable. Show also that /' is complex differentiable. Supposing that that /is a quadratic polynomial in z. show 0, (/')' 27. If f=u+iv is complex differentiable in D and twice differentiable, Suppose / is 25. variables in a differentiable a Show domain D. = then 5.7 82u d2u d2v 82v dx2 dy2 dx2 dy2 Differential Equations A function which be Analytic Coefficients represented as the sum of C will be said to be analytic at of linear differential equations in order to answer series at study posed can with and to a point a. a e in Section 5.5. provide following fact. the We can use sought-for convergent power a We now return to some of the the questions the information in Section 5.6 to do this estimates. In particular, we shall verify the 5.7 5. Proposition Suppose h, g0, differential equation solution of the ym g,yw + i is also Differential Equations 0 = #fc_l5 gk y(0) = 435 Analytic Coefficients are analytic a0,..., Then the at 0. ^""(O) = ak^ 0 = analytic h(x) + ..., with at 0; that is, in some disk centered at 0, it is the sum of a con can be recursively calculated from the vergent power series whose coefficients differential equation. We already know, of the solution; our from Section 5.5, how to compute the Taylor coefficients business here is to show that the resulting series does in fact converge. This, of course, involves required by Theorem 5.7. Suppose then that h,g0,...,gk-i 2 = the kind of estimate analytic in the interval |x| Then < R. oo oo h(x) are producing g,(x) " x" 2 = a* x" n=0 n=0 We some positive number M, \a\ <MR~", |a'| <MR'n for all ;' and n. shall obtain the desired estimate in terms of M, R and the initial conditions. For 0), leaving the general case simplicity, we shall do the homogeneous case only (h and for = for the reader If (Problem 27). CO fix) 2 = n = ^ X" 0 is the desired solution, we have ak-i Co = Oo , , ck - 1 = . . . . ( and the rest of the coefficients are found from these equations : 2(n-l)---(n-k)cx"-" n = k + ( l(f "n'x")/ (fn(n-l)---(ni)cx-)/ \n=l = 0\n = = 0 (5.35) 0 now has a pain in his stomach similar to that of the author as this he wrote equation. Patience, dear readerthe fun has just begun ! Equating of equations for the coefficients of xm to zero, we obtain this recursive system Surely, the reader 436 5 Series of Functions coefficients : m(m (m \) k)cm k-l m-k 2 2 aa'(m + + 1 = 0 a = i (k+a)) (m (/c + a))cm +,_,*+) =0 0 or 1 k-l m-k (m m 2 2 ( + '-(* + )) k) i=o a=o (m By the restraints on i and the highest subscript of c solve assume C max = M> We on C is written (CM\J for all an c0 , . . . , = m 1, so ck-i we can estimate. For this assure that fory =0,..., k-l m, (5.37) by induction. Thus we use (5.36), assuming k-l m-k <tn 2 2 \'\ km+l-(k + )l i=o <z=o -/Ml = 0fb^ 1 ATC"-1 J}=o try to find 1 k (5.36) n < m: 1 I Cm I (k + a)<m + k 1. Thus, given now to so as inequality for all this now prove a))a'cm+i-(t+1,) 1, and let \cj\<iJ Now m + ^,P(i?-l)-1(Pt-l),^,^y/J,0<y</c-l) The last condition (5.37) have + i the right is m we on Equations (5.36) successively. purpose We a (k R-' = (R-" - \~r) "^ 1XP-1 m-k+\ Mm m (/n-k+l) Rm - I)"' = R(Rh R R(R 1) - 1 - l)-'(Rk - \)R-". Thus (~r by definition of C. By this estimate we see that f(x) 2k*Lo c *" converges in the interval {x: |x| < R(CM)''}, and in that interval is the solution to our problem. = 5.7 We might perhaps our above estimates we could usually Differential Equations with Analytic Coefficients 437 have made a better estimate by more clever substitutions ; but sufficient for the results desired. In any particular case be clever and obtain even better estimates. were Examples 20. y' exy' + We will find on tion. n(n = 0, /(0) 1 = . a l)cx"-2 - lt-Ml "^x""1)/ \n n\] + 2 = give cx"+1 + \=i 0 c0 = 0, q = 1. = - m(m 1) | = 0 (5. 38) o Equation (5.38) lm-2 1 -1 = = the interval The initial conditions cm 0, y(0) = polynomial which approximates the solution to within [0.01, 0.01]. Let 2 cx" be the supposed solu By substituting the series we obtain 10~5 n + xy becomes \ -(m-l-i>m-i-i + cm_3 I Thus c2 = c3 = c4 = Cs = -\cx = -\ c0) 0 \Qc2 -J1ji3c3 + 2c2 + Iq + cx) 5L -2Xo(4c4 + 3c3 + c2 + iq + C2) + ct + = = = TJo so forth. The question is not really what the coefficients are (that is to be left to a machine) but how many coefficients need to be computed. The coefficients appear to be bounded (we could in fact show that they must be, cf. Problem 29). Let's try to prove that |cj < K for all n by induction. We have and m_2 1 |cJ ^ ^73T) fS 7T('" m so 1 long - X ~ 0|Cm-1-il + |Cm-31 my as m > 4. four terms, that is, k Thus = we 1/2. may take for K a bound for the first Then the difference between the solution 438 of Functions Series 5 and the kth partial |c||x|"<^|xr for |x| bound on the 10" Taylor expansion is dominated by i|x|kl 1 L The interval 1. < i.i_.l 2 = Z >k n>k of its sum |X| we are concerned with is |x| < 10_1 so our is error iio = 18 9 This is less than 10" 5 if k 6, thus (computing also c6) the solution = differs from lv2 2X v X by -L "T 1 V4 34X i_ V5 JT 1 y6 60A _ JJ0A 3 10-5 for all values of x in [-0.01, 0.01]. at most good an estimate in the interval just knowing that the coefficients are easy to see bounded is not good enough. We have to know that \c\ < Kr" for Let's try r some r < 1 and some K. \. That is, we attempt to < n. 2~" for all that Now, using the equation \c\ verify by induction defining {c}, 21. Suppose [1, 1]. It is needed that we that = 1 1 \< S |Cml m(m 1) - K 1 e2 + 4 (m (my I ik 1 ~ K K \ 2m-i-i^2n,-3J ~ 1 i\ /m-22; \ K < 7 z m This is less than 2~mK as soon asm> the induction step proceeds K so that the inequality holds for all 2(e2 as soon as m > ' \cn\ < 1/2"" for [ 1, 1] from its all ^ n. kth-order lc*l ^ 26 ; 26 4), we (K = 26. Thus only do). choose orm> need 2 will Thus The desired solution differs in the interval Taylor polynomials by 1 c(D" n>k m < + ~fc-i 1 y - on ok-2 2"-1t'o2"^2'' 5.7 5 This is less than 10 of the with Differential Equations if k is 19. Thus we need to compute 19 terms to find the desired Taylor expansion 439 Analytic Coefficients approximation. 22. Compute the solution of (l^y' / + to an exy + Let f(x) y(0) 1 = y'(0) = 0 3 in the interval [ i, ]. cnx" be the solution. We have these accuracy of 10" = 0 = =0 equations for the solution : 1, c0= Ci = 0 n-2 -1 c (n-2 (n- l-i)c-i-i+ i=o = n(n 1) \i= - We will show Ic.l by inductions K for all < X(-i-0K+ . 1) \i=o m(m /""- x K < m(m -1)1 1 j = m(m / 1 >=o X \ . Suppose that bounded. - \ t,k) '! / |"m(m - 1) + e 1) e <K K 2 1). m(m as soon as w > terms. are m-2 1 lm-2 i < {c} (5.39) Then n <m. 1 |cm that the \ J =oi! 3. Thus We have from we can (5.39) take A" c2= as a bound for the first four -\,c3= 0, so we may take K=\. Then the estimate of the remainder after k terms in the interval [-i, H is klW<^ ^ = n>k^ >k This is less than 10" Z. 3 when k = 10, so we compute c4 = h c$ =20 c6 T20 etc. need 11 coefficients. We 440 Series 5 Up of Functions to six terms (giving at most an error of 1/64), our solution is x^ + x^ + x^ 13x6 L2 20+720+'" ~T EXERCISES 13. Find power series a expansion equation, hood of 0 for this (1 x2) /' - 2x/ - 14. Find yh - a + k(k + power series Ixy' + 2k v = 1) v = for the general solution in neighbor 0 expansion for the general solution of 0 15. Find the power series for the function y l, v(0) y + e-y x2, v, y(0)=0 (/)2 y(0)=0, (y')2=yy", / + 2x^2=0 (a) (b) (c) (d) a = = =/(x) such that v'(0)=0 = y'(0) = 1 16. How many terms of the power series for the solution y do we need: 3 (a) for an accuracy of 10" in the interval ( i, ) in Exercise 3(a)? 5 in the interval ( 10, 10) in Exercise 3(a) ? of 10" for an accuracy (b) (c) 3(b)? for accuracy of 10"a in the interval an 17. For what k are the solution of (0.1, 0.1) in Exercise Equations (5.1), (5.2) polynomials? PROBLEMS Generalizing the argument 28. Theorem. origin, then /k> + be = = are analytic in an interval (R,R) about the of the differential equation ...,gk-i any solution k2Zglyi" r can Ifh,g0, in the text prove this theorem: h 0 expressed as the sum of a convergent power series in neighborhood a of the origin. 29. Suppose that with R>\. y" + gy' + hy g, h are convergent power series in some disk (|z| < R) Show that the solution of the linear differential = 0 equation (5.40) 5.8 441 Flat Functions Infinitely sum of a convergent power series with bounded coefficients. 30. If the power series g(x) ~2,ax", h(x)=^bx" both have infinite radius of convergence, then so does the series expansion of the solution is the = of (5.40). 5.8 Infinitely Flat Functions Not all functions which susceptible to the kind doing. A first requirement are have been we Taylor series analysis of is that the function have derivatives of all order; even that however is insufficient. Another glance at Theorem 5.6 will remind the reader that there is a behavior requirement on these successive derivatives in order that the given function be the sum of its We shall show Taylor expansion. by example that there differentiable functions which are not sums of power series. make the notion of analyticity precise. Let /be Definition 4. Let a e U. /is analytic such that /is the in U if /is complex- valued at a if there is a function defined in ball {z: \z - a\ < an r} convergent power series in this ball. at every point of U. sum analytic a are First, of a infinitely we shall open set U. centered at a / is analytic We have deliberately stated this definition without reference to the domain of definition of the function; it applies equally well to functions of a real or are complex variable. The only functions which we know to be analytic For example, if/ is the sum of a convergent power the polynomials and ez. know that we can expand / in a series of we do not series at the yet origin, a) with a any other point in the disk of convergence. We powers of (z shall see in the next chapter that this is the case. We have already seen that and now we will an analytic function has derivatives of all orders (is C) The clue to this function is a C function which is not analytic. - produce given by the following fact, Proposition 6. lim which follows from P(t)e~ ' = l'Hospital's rule. 0, for any polynomial P t.-0O Proof. Problem 31. The function we have in mind - !exp( V 0 - 1 (Figure 5.1) x > is defined by 0 */ (5.41) x^O 442 5 Series of Functions Figure 5.1 a is differentiable at any certainly infinitely consider its behavior at 0. (7(n)(x) = 0 derivatives from the a 0 all 0, so we need only n from the left exist at 0. exist and right x0 # Now, x < Thus all derivatives of point are zero. We have to show that all More precisely we must prove that for all n, <7<">(x) hm ffM(Q) - = 0 (5.42) x->0 x>0 by induction. We do this lim = To do the x > 0. lim - x->0 X x>0 X X-+0 x>0 general The expl \ case we case n ) X/ = = 0 is easy : lim te~' = 0 (->oo must have some idea what <7(n)(x) looks like for Now ? (x) A pattern - - seems i exp( i) to be - (J, i) exp( i) ^-yy)yi) developing. 'W - + - 5.8 For each n ff(n)(x) This can there is = a polynomial P P (- exp ( j be verified - ^j Functions 443 such that for by induction. Infinitely Flat x > 0 (5.43) Assuming (5.43), we compute '""<yyyy(yM-i) 'p-yi) where Pn+1(X) -Z2(P'(Z) + Pn(X)). follows immediately from Proposition 6 : = ,. lim <T(n)(x) (T(n)(0) - X x->0 x>0 1 ,. = lim - x-o X x>0 P Now that /1\ - 1\ / exp \X/ - \ - X] we ,. = lim have this, (5.42) , /N rP(r)*T' = 0 f-oo Thus a is also infinitely differentiable at 0. But it is certainly not analytic. Taylor expansion is "=0 0 x" which converges to o(x) only for x <, 0 and provides a poor means for approximating the value of <r(x) for x > 0. However, the fact that infinitely differentiable functions exist with this property has its bright side. The following construction will prove to be Its ' useful. Lemma. 0 (i) (ii) (iii) Given xab(x) xah(x) > 0 < t^x) Proof. = a < <b, there 1 0 (See Figure 5.2.) is a C00 for all x, if a<x<b, if x > b or ct(x(1 x)) function xab such that x < a. has the required properties then define Toli(x) = T0 (H) "((K)('-r3) of t0i. We 444 5 Series of Functions Figure 5.2 Theorem 5.9. tion (i) (ii) (iii) 0 [a, b~] be a given interval and Uu Un a finite collec There exist C [a, b~\. functions pt such that . .., for all xeR, all i, ifx$Ut, for all x e [a, U]. pix) < l Pi(x) 0 l, pt(x) < = = Proof. (a, b). x e Let of open intervals covering Let [/, = (at bi), and take , rt = Tib{ . Then t(x) = 2 Tt(x) > 0 if Let (ti(x) Pix) x 6 <*) { = 0 x (a, bi) , ^ (a, bi) The pi then have the desired , properties. PROBLEMS 31. Prove that for any polynomial P, lim P(t)e~' = 0. 1-.QO 32. Let a be denned by (5.31). Define \\t(\-t))dt <d(x) \\t(\-t))dt Jo Show that (a) w is C, (b) 0 ^ o(x) < 1, for all x, (c) to(x) 0, if x < 0, l,ifx>l. 33. Using Theorem 5.9 it can be shown that any continuous function is the limit of C" functions. Let/e C([0, 1]) and e > 0. Find a C function e. such that < # ||/ g\\ Here's how to do it. First pick an integer N>0 such that |/(x) f(y)\ < e/2 if \x y\<ljN. Now cover the interval [0,1] by the intervals (d)a>(x) = = 5.9 U0, ..., 445 Summary UN, where /i-l /+1\ u'-(n- n) and let px,...,pN be the corresponding functions of Theorem 5.9. Let ^-l/^H For any x, is in x only l/(*)-*(*)l=M*) 5.9 two of the intervals **>-'() + Pr+1 {U,}, say Then UT, U,+1. e /-,(^) <2 e + 2 Summary Let {/J be a sequence of continuous functions. The series formed from the/k is the sequence of sums Q=1/J. If this sequence converges, we The series say that the series converges and denote the limit by = t fk . converges absolutely if "=1||/t|| criterion for series The Cauchy only if the sums ||=ll+1 /til n sufficiently large. < oo. asserts that the series converges if and made arbitrarily small comparison test. integer (0 () then by choosing If there is a m, sequence {pk} of positive can be numbers and an N > 0 such that fork>iV IIAII<P* YjPk < /k converges absolutely. integration. If / converges, so does Jj/ and j;(z/.)-i({ fundamental theorem of algebra. P(z) = anz', + --- + a1z + a0 If P is a polynomial : (5.44) 446 5 Series of Functions with a # 0. Then P(z) has a complex root. If r1; rk are all the roots of P, then corresponding to each root there is a positive integer m( (called . the mt + Piz) + mk (z = iz rk)m* - (5.45) polynomial P given by (5.44) differential operator LP: = afM + --- P is called the characteristic Lp+Q If = LP + Lq a1f' + + = associate the constant of LP These formulas . xmi~1erix r2x xm2-ler2X -ritx mji-lgi-kjc {cn} be a (called these properties : sequence of cz" diverges for \z\ (c) P=[limsup(|C|)1/"]-1. If/(z) f(z) converges anz", g(z) = + g(z)= n fiz)giz)= k=0 in that same disk. valid : LpLq complex numbers. of the the radius of convergence (a) (b) cnz" are of LP the collection of , = erix number R coefficient a0f polynomial LPq we (5.45) is the factorization of P, then the kernel 0, is spanned by the functions solutions of LP(f) Let , n = r^"' - To the LP(f) . such that multiplicity) (i) (ii) . > YJbnzn in ( 0 \n+m=k {|z| < in the disk t(an + bn)z" = a nonnegative power series c z") with R. absolutely = There is abm)zk 1 /} for {\z\ < r < r}, R. then 5.9 If/ is a complex- valued complex differentiable at z0 fiz)-fizo) ,. hm z exists. The - function defined C, we say that / is V ,,, =/(z0) z0 of sum a convergent power series is complex differentiable GO Furthermore, the derivative is the at sum 00 /(z)=az" n=0 of sum z0 in if every z0 in its disk of convergence. of the derived series : Thus the near 447 Summary /'(z)= az"-1 n=l convergent power series is infinitely differentiable. a A differentiable complex-valued function of two real variables is complex differentiable if and only if it satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations : f--4f) \dy! dx If h, g0 gk can be represented as sums of convergent power series a disk centered at zero, then the same is true for all solutions of the differ , in ential . . . , equation ym + kZgiyw + h = o i=0 Furthermore, y(0) = once given the initial conditions ao,...,/k-i\0) = ak-1 the coefficients of the power series can be recursively calculated using the differential equation. Given any finite covering of the interval [a, b~] by open intervals Uu ..., U we can find C00 functions pt, (a) (b) (c) p such that 0<p,<l 0, outside Ut pt = Piix) Uu ..., 1 for all = These functions cover ..., are U. x e called a [a, U] partition of unity on [a, 6] subordinate to the 448 5 Series of Functions FURTHER READING I. I. Hirshman, Infinite Series, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1962. H. Cartan, Elementary Theory of Analytic Functions of One or Complex Variables, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1963. This text develops the subject of complex analysis from the point Several of view of power series. It also contains a complete discussion of the theorem existence of solutions of analytic differential equations. Further material can T. A. Bak and J. Lichtenberg, Inc., New on be found in Mathematics for Scientists, W. A. Benjamin, York, 1966. Kreider, Kuller, Ostberg, Perkins, An Introduction to Linear Analysis, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1966. W. Fulks, Advanced Calculus, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1961. M. R. Spiegel, Applied Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1958. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS 34. Find defined x e sequence {/} of continuous nonnegative real-valued functions the interval (0,1) such that f(x) =2=i /(*) exists for all a on [0, 1], but /is not continuous. |z| < 1, define 35. For 7k oo lnz=2r k k=l Show that for all such z, z 36. Show that the series = 1 exp(ln(l z)). i(z-n)2 converges to C-{1,2, a complex differentiable function in the domain ...,, ...}. 37. Show that exp(z) = lim (1 + z/m)m. (Hint: Compute the power m-^oo series expansion of (1 + zjm)m.) 38. Show that a real polynomial of odd degree always has 39. Let oj exp(277f'//j). Show that = 1 - z" = (1 - ojz)(\ - a>2z) (!- wnz) a real root. 5.9 Summary 449 40. Let P be a polynomial. Show that P is the square of another poly only if every root of P occurs with even multiplicity. 41 If P, Q are two polynomials, P divides Q if and only if every root of P is a root of Q with no larger multiplicity. 42. Suppose P is a polynomial of degree at least two. Show that there is a c such that P(z) c 0 has at least one multiple root. (Hint: Con sider P' as defined in Problem 10. If P'(d) 0, take c P(a).) 43. Let /i, / be functions in C(X). Show that these functions are independent if and only if there are points x,,...,x such that the matrix (f(xj)) is nonsingular. 44. Show that the functions e'x, xe", x"e'x are independent. 45. Show that if P, Q are polynomials, S(LP) c S(LQ) if and only if P divides Q. 46. If P is a polynomial of degree at least two, there is a c e C such that the equation LPf= c/has a solution of the form xe'x. 47. If a linear differential equation has polynomial coefficients, it has global solutions on all of R. 48. Let {c} be a sequence of complex numbers such that 2 knl < o. Let f(z) =2=o cz". Prove that |c0| is not a relative maximum of |/|, nomial if and . - = = . . . = , . .., unless all other coefficients vanish. 49. Suppose the function f(x, y) = x2 - y2 + iv(x, y) is complex differentiable. Find v. 50. If / is a polynomial in x, y which is complex differentiable, then /(x, v) has the form Q(x + iy), where Q is a polynomial. (Hint: Substi tute (z + z)/2, y (z z)/2, and use the Cauchy-Riemann equation.) Suppose /is a C2 complex-valued function defined on a domain D Show that if / and fz are both harmonic, then / is complex differ x = 51. in C. = entiable. 52. /, g If/ are g are complex differentiable and |/|2 + \g\2 is constant, then both constant. Suppose that / is 53. a one-to-one mapping of a domain D <= C onto /. Show that if / is complex Let g : A -*- Z> be the inverse of differentiable, so is g. A <= C. 54. We may consider the function ez x + iy, u Re ez, v plane. Let z the u = e" cos v y (a) Show origin, mapping mapping from the plane maps the lines the lines y Show that in any interval every value a to \mez; that is e* sin y that this centered at the origin. (b) = as = = = precisely once. = x = const, on const, go onto the rays {a <y < a + 2-n-} this the circles through the mapping takes 450 5 Series of Functions (c) particular, In ez maps the horizontal strip { tt <y < it) one-toplane negative real axis. Call this domain D. Define the complex logarithm log z: Z) - { tt <y <tt} as the inverse of this mapping. Show that log z is complex differentiable onto the entire one except for the and (log)' z = - z Show also that log be z can represented by a power series centered at 1 in the disk {|z 1| < 1}. (Recall Miscellaneous Problem 35.) that this provides a way for extending real functions to the Notice complex domain besides that of power series. For example, the power series about 1 of log x extends it only to the unit disk centered at 1 expansion . The above extension of negative real axis. 55. Consider z2 maps the open Let V a z log is defined in the entire plane except the This process is called analytic continuation. mapping of the plane into the plane. Show that it as a right half plane one-to-one onto the domain D of Problem 54. be the inverse, and show that Vz is complex differentiable. similar discussion for the mapping z". 56. Discuss the mapping properties of cos z, sin Provide z. 57. Show that the power series expansion of the solution of Exercise 8(d) with initial values y(0) 0 does not converge outside the unit disk. 1, y'(0) = 58. I. Suppose that/ g = are complex-valued functions defined on the interval Show that /(r) f j dt hz-g(t) is complex differentiable and can be represented by a power series at any point of the image of g. 59. If /is C'inCx Xand for each fixed x,f(z, x) is differentiable in z, then F(t)=jf(z,x)dx is also complex differentiable. 60. The equation of Exercise 6 is called Legendre's equation and the solutions {/*} for integral k are called the Legendre polynomials. They have this interesting property: fm(x)f(x) dx = 0 if m # n 5.9 To prove this ((l-x2)/)' we must observe that Legendre's equation may be written k(k+l)v + 451 Summary = as 0 Thus \\ f-f- /. = ^TT) [(1 ~ by integration by parts. Now do the 61. Let P be a polynomial of degree d. differentiable. is that/(n)(z)e"',<z) Show 62. Show that the dx *'>/<*>]'/<*> i same, interchanging Show that /(z) a polynomial of m and n. ep(2' is complex = degree n(d 1). polynomial d" exp(x2) (exp(-x2)) solves the differential (a) Find properties : 63. a equation y" 2/ + 2ny C real-valued function 0. / defined R" with these on (i) 0</(x)<l (ii) f(x)>0if \\x-x0\\<R (iii) /(x)=0if ||x-Xo!l>P (By C" we tinuous.) (b) Let mean A' be R" such that X Bi, . . . , B is a all a closed set in R", and suppose Bt, (iii) = 0 if 2;=i/< Find such a . . . , B are are con balls in A partition of unity on X subordinate u B Bi u collection {/,...,/} of C" functions such that <= . (i)0</<l (ii) /,(x) exist and higher-order partial derivatives x = $ Bi lif*e* partition of unity. to