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` EH D JLYHQ 7KLV VHTXHQFH LV 7KH VHULHV IRUPHG RI WKLV VHTXHQFH LV WKH VHTXHQFH VHTXHQFH RI VXPV Q =8 =; = =\ ] ] L 7KH VHULHV FRQYHUJHV LI WKH VHTXHQFH RI WKH OLPLW LV GHQRWHG E\ <M L ]L O L VXPV ] FRQYHUJHV LQ WKLV FDVH ([DPSOH 7KH JHRPHWULF VHULHV ] /HW 61 --/ ] 7KHQ 61O ] ] ] 6 ]1 1RWLFH DOVR WKDW 61 ]O ] ] ]61 7KHVH WZR HTXDWLRQV JLYH XV WKH JHQHUDO O]61 61 WHUP RI WKH VHTXHQFH H[SOLFLWO\ ]1 RU 61 L/B 1RZ LI ?]? WKHQ OLP 61 1 R 6 ] ] /B B] B a I LB] ] BL _=_ _=__=_ IRU 1RWLRQV DQG OLP _]_Z _]_ _ RI &DOFXOXV ([DPSOH 6R JLYHQ ]?H IRU QA1 DQG WKXV IRU 1 ] ! H ! ZH ILQG 1 VR WKDW 1% 1RWLFH WKDW ZH FDQQRW LPPHGLDWHO\ GHWHUPLQH ZKHWKHU RU QRW WKH JHRPHWULF VHULHV FRQYHUJHV IRU ?]? ! RI FRXUVH IRU ] 61 1 VR WKH VHULHV GLYHUJHV ,Q IDFW WKH JHRPHWULF VHULHV GRHV QRW FRQYHUJH IRU ?]? ! E\ DSSOLFDWLRQ RI WKH IROORZLQJ SURSRVLWLRQ 3URSRVLWLRQ ]HUR WKDW LV OLP ] H H[LVWV WKHQ WKH JHQHUDO WHUP PXVW FRQYHUJH WR /HW 3URRI /HW ] EH ! Qa1 _]_ ^V` EH WKH VHTXHQFH RI SDUWLDO VXPV %\ K\SRWKHVLV OLP V H[LVWV JLYHQ 7KHUH LV DQ 1 VXFK WKDW IRU QP!1 ?V VP _ H 7KXV IRU _MZ L_ H 7KXV IRU _]_ B IRU _]_ ! GLYHUJHV )RU LI _]_!O WKH JHQHUDO ^_]_` JHWV DUELWUDULO\ ODUJH VHTXHQFH ^` GRHV %\ WKH ] WHUP LV _]_ %\ ([DPSOH OLPO_]_ VR ,I _]_ _]_ DQG WKH DQG GRHV QRW FRQYHUJH QRW FRQYHUJH WR ]HUR LV QRI VXIILFLHQW IRU WKH ZD\ WKH FRQGLWLRQ OLP ] FRQYHUJHQFH ] DV WKH IROORZLQJ H[DPSOHV VKRZ RI WKH VHULHV ([DPSOHV &HUWDLQO\ WKH UHZULWH WKLV VHULHV WIOOO +HUH WKH O Q GLYHUJHV DV JHQHUDO Q WHUP WHQGV WR ]HUR L QQ %XW ZH FDQ 2.2 Let sn E?=i l/ diverges. 16- 1 ?=i 1/n. 1 S2N~Sn~N+~1 Thus, {SN} is = not + a '" + 1 Series 139 Then 1 2N~N2N "2 Cauchy sequence. positive numbers is particularly easy to work with. sequence of positive numbers, then the series {Yj=i ck) {cn} is an increasing sequence, so by Theorem 2.1 (as rewritten in Problem 1) this sequence converges if and only if it is bounded. The sum of a is For if series of a Proposition 4. Let {c} be a following assertions are equivalent. (i) (ii) (iii) of nonnegative sequence numbers. The ck converges. is bounded. i {Yj= ck} e>0, there For each k is an N such that for all m>N, Zcfc< N = proof of the equivalence of (i) and (ii) is essentially given in the preced ing paragraph. Part (iii) is just the Cauchy criterion restated for positive series (see Problem 11). The Examples 17. =i l/! converges. 1 1 < 2"_1 n! and thus for all N, N y 1 < by (2.5). N-1 1 y <2 For n! > 2""1 for all n, so 140 2. Notions of Calculus 18. i ta AVn ) cos(l/n)/ + n For converges. 11 1 1 < cos(l/n) + n n + 1 n n Thus, for all N V /I 1 /1 \ 1_\ _ cos(l/n)j ,Mn ~ M\n n + n + 1 ) 1 1 1 _ 2+2 '" + _ 3 1 + There is complex putation no such simple criterion as Proposition 4 for 1 ]v-]v+-T<1 series of arbitrary (or real) numbers, and the question of convergence as well of a limit can become extremely subtle. However, if for as com a given series the series formed of the absolute values converges, the situation is considerably clarified. Ordinarily we shall discuss the convergence of a series only in the happy circumstance that the values converges. Lef Proposition 5. converges, Yjck be {ck} a sequence of complex numbers. If \c\ also converges. Proof. Let t be the sequence of partial Notice, for m > n 2 ft corresponding series of absolute sums of 2 I ft I and s the partial sums of . \Sn I S Thus, if {t} is a Definition 3. Cauchy Let ft sequence, {ck} absolutely convergent, if converges, we say c is There are such 2 <, things be lC*l =tm~t so a also is {s}. sequence of complex numbers. c is converges. If |c| diverges, but c |c| conditionally convergent. as conditionally convergent sequences. In fact, Z"=i (-!)"/ converges. But as we have seen in Example 16 the series Yj?m ! 1/n of absolute values is divergent. It is easy to see that L t (- l)"/n 2.2 Series 141 converges. Let {s} be the sequence of partial sums. Then the subsequence {s2n} is decreasing, and bounded below by su and the subsequence {s2n+1} is increasing, and bounded above by s2 Thus, both these subsequences . Since converge. l^n + l s2n\ ~ they have the < + 1 n same limit. It is easy to deduce that the full sequence also Here is the proof in a more general case converges to that common limit. (known as Leibniz's theorem). 6. Proposition that lim c = Let Then 0. {cn} be a decreasing sequence of positive (- l)"c converges. Proof. Let j=2*=i ( l)*ft. We consider the sequences partial sums separately. The sequence {s2} is decreasing, since *2(n + l) S2 Similarly, C2n+1 are <S2 + i partial bounded, for, given =S2 C2 + i of even and odd ^0 the sequence of odd these sequences Sl C2n + 1 numbers such sums {s2+i} is increasing. Furthermore any n, <s2<,s2 so {s2} is bounded below by Si and above by s2 The same is true for the sequence s' both exist. Furthermore, fen+i}. Thus, by Theorem 2.1 lim s2 s, lim s2+i . = s' lim s2 + 1 sequences, of odd s = limit, the lim s2n partial = s2) lim(c2n +0=0, so .$' .$. Since both and even partial sums converge and have the same \\m(s2n sums = n-.oo n-eo +1 = = whole sequence also converges to that limit. Notice that this argument does not give any hint as to the value of ( l)"/n. Outside of the case of Proposition 4, there is no positive asser - tion that can be made about tend to behave very badly, as conditionally convergent series. following illustrative example the Example 19. The sequence 111111 2+2+4+4+4+4+- In fact, shows. they 142 2. of Calculus Notions is the same and thus + 1-1 1 + 1 H as general term is decreasing conditionally convergent: i 1 -,0,-,0,-,0, ...,, 2n 4 4 2 partial sums ' " 2n 2n 2n 4 n The sequence of V h I----H 44 4 2 2 1 11 111111 c Since the diverges. to zero, by Leibniz's theorem this series is times is 0, However, we may now converges to zero. it that no so longer converges ! Consider rearrange terms of the series we first add the positive terms in each the same series where group and thus obviously and then the negative terms : (2.7) The sequence of corresponding n-1 1111 > 2 0, , 4 , 2 , 4 partial u, Thus, there is . a . . , , 2n . . . 1_ , 2n , n u, sums . . is . subsequence: {$, \, ...} and another: {0,0, ...} so We leave to the student we cannot have convergence of (2.7). it to show that can be further (Exercise 9) rearranged so that it once again converges, but this time to one ! absolutely convergent series. We may please. If we arrive at a limit, it is attempt an the sum. In fact, if is absolutely convergent series we may sum first c the positive terms, and then the negative terms; and c is the sum of these two sums. We conclude this section with the proof of these facts. No such foolishness holds for to sum the series in any way we 2.2 7. Let Proposition c be absolutely convergent series 143 of real numbers. Let (i) \ck + k \0 Then the sums if ck if c,<0 ck > 0 _ _ k f-c if c j if c,>0 0 ck~ converge and YJck , Let g be (ii) (Rearrangement.) onto an Series a one-to-one Then the positive integers. (iii) (Regrouping.) = cg(n) Let h be any = YJck < 0 Z CH mapping of the positive integers c ~ . strictly increasing function from P into P. Let Hn) Z d= k= Then </ = c Proof. (i) Since the 2 > Iftl *=i {2*=i Iftl) is bounded by absolute convergence, and 2ft+.2ft" the sequences *=i 2*=i say s, t . . sequence *=i verge to, Let e > 0 ck h(n-l) ft+, 2*=i c*~ respectively, by Then there 2ft+-* *=i are are also increasing and bounded. Thus they con s t. We have to show that 2 ft Theorem 2.1. M, N2 such that for = n > M, < 2' and for n>N2, n 2ft"Then for n > <- max(7v*i, N2), 2ft-(j-0 (ii) Let ^ be P onto P into a a 2ft+- 2 ft" -fr-0 < Then g-- is defined and also maps one-to-one map of P onto P. For each n, let JV =max(^(l), ...,g(n)). one-to-one fashion. 144 2. Notions of Calculus Then n 2ift(i^ 2 *=i for all n, iftl *=i the series so ^2 2 ft iftl is absolutely convergent. Nn n 2 ftV> < 2 Similarly, it c*+ ^ 2 c*+ and 2 ft-<*> ^ 2 c*- for all , so we have 2 ft+c*> ^ 2 c*+> 2 c<*> ^ 2 ft"- Applying the same reasoning but reversing the roles of the two series, we obtain the reverse inequalities so that in fact, 2ft+(*)=2ft+ and 2ft-(*)=2ft"- Thus, by part (i) we obtained the desired equality; that is, 2 ft<*> 2 ft Part (iii) is actually true for any convergent series. increasing function h be given. Notice that h(ri) ;> = is an N such that for all n 2ft- c > N. Thus, for n>N, < 24.= 2 2 *=1 and h(n) > N, so cj= *=lj=h(*-l) that ll<n) 2dn-c < *=i 2CJ~C < J=l EXERCISES 7. Show that n+lf =i\n converges. 8. What is f "=i (-D" a where a2 = 2", 2+i =3"? 2 y=i cj Let n 2 ft for all = n. c, and the For e > strictly 0, there 2.3 Tests for 145 Convergence 9. Rearrange the series i_i+i-i+i-1+...+i-i+...-i+ so 4 2 2 it has the 4 4 4 2 2 2 sum one. 10. Can the series ( 1)"/ be rearranged 2 so as to have sum 10,000? PROBLEMS 2 z- 9. Suppose 10. = z Suppose (a) 2 z and lim (b) 2 z and w w exist. exist- 2w 2 z converges and 11. Prove that 2 = Snow tnat w- 2 (z + w) = z + w. 2 z w exist ? 2 z" w" ex'st ? Does Does if and only if for all s >0, there exists an N > 0 such that 2 * < Deduce that 2.3 Tests for for all e n >N Proposition 4(iii) is true. Convergence Since the theory of series is so unwieldy, there has developed convergence which have already given are more or some important and the definition of convergence a large collection of tests (or criteria) for less easy to apply in the relevant cases. We criteria for convergence. > 0, if for every c converges if and only (1) Cauchy criterion: > > N. n for all m + cm\ < is an integer N such that |c+1 + then to (-D"cn converges. decreases zero, If the sequence {c} (2) if and only converges is c If the nonnegative, sequence {c} (3) is bounded. sequence {Yj=i ck} of partial sums there if the for absolute The last condition, which can be considered as a condition the basic one. is criterion which convergence, gives rise to the following one (if we The idea is to compare a given series with a known convergent we one (if suspect that it suspect that it converges) or to a known divergent diverges). 146 2. Notions of Calculus Z I/"' converges, Examples 20. noticed that 1/n! 1 / have seen and since <2~n+1, in Example 17. There, is convergent, Z2_B+1 we so is For Zl/!. JV as we N \ 1 a> 1 Z^I ^r<Zr n=\l =l\n!/ forallN n=lZ. 21. > sin -I For if diverges. is small x enough, sin x > x/2. Thus, there is an N such that if n>N, sin(-) \nj >: 2n and thus for m>N, fi \n/ But we can enough. 2jv+in \n/ =i make the last Thus, sum as Z=i sin(5/n) large as we please by taking is not bounded, and so m it is not large con vergent. 22. z *b (1 + 0" is absolutely convergent. m V ,tb|i 1 = + i|" Y1 1 r=- nh(^2y The idea behind these For |1 + i\ = J2, so for any m, i- < oo examples since J v 2 > 1 is contained in the following theorem. 2.3 Theorem 2.3. If there is a (Comparison Test) Let {c} positive number K and Tests for be a sequence of complex numbers. N, and an 147 Convergence a sequence {p} of positive numbers such that forn>N, (i)\cn\<KPn, CO (ii) Z Pn < > n=l then Zc converges If instead, we absolutely. have forn>N, W \c\>KPn, oo Z Pn 11=1 (ii)' then Z k| > = diverges. In the first Proof. 2 iftl = 2 case k = 2 iftl = 2 2 iftl iftl + ^ t=w + i s=i which is unbounded as n -> + K=l W+l In the second case, the sequence of kti partial 2 ifti<2ifti iftl + k=l k=l the sequence of partial 2 iftl t=i sums *2/><co sums + is bounded. I is unbounded. p- t=w + i oo. Examples 23. V^=0z7n! an integer so that \z\N+" (N + Since a N so z. converges absolutely for any complex all + for n)\ n, (N that JV> 2|z|. Then, Choose > (2|z|)n, Jz\N 2" n)\~ converges, so does result we obtain lim 1/2" corollary have been derived directly). |z|7" ! by the comparison test. As z7n! 0 for all z (this however could = 148 2. of Calculus Notions 24. Z nkz" converges absolutely for all z, and otherwise diverges. If |z| > 1, then |z| < 1 and all limn*z#0, integers k; so the series hardly converge. Now suppose |z| < 1. We want to prove the convergence by comparison with the geometric series, so we must can account for the effect of the coefficients as n -> oo, thus also greater than 1 (n 1)* < + r-^- - (n . (n n + ,.t if < 1 -> Then there is . or s l)/nk + an nk. Note that (Exercise 13). Let N such that for all s (n + l)/n -> 1 be any number n>N, k snk Thus, by induction we can conclude that, for all n > 0, (N + ri)k < s"Nk. Thus, (N + n)k\z\N+n <(s\z\)"Nk\z\N. We should choose J<l/|z|, Z (s\ z I)" < - With the choice then apply the comparison test to obtain the that so we can series Z 25. of s: 1 < s < l/\z\, convergence of our nkz". Zw'z" diverges for all z#0. We have seen in Example 2 c, lim c7n! 0, or, replacing c by z~l, complex number that for any = n->oo lim l/n!z" This 0. = precludes the possibility that limn!z" = 0, B-*00 the so 26. given series cannot converge. Z 1/n2 converges. proof of this, at .i\n 1/ n + present \n n + 1/ converges to 1 1 n But . 1 n 1 + 1 n(n thus 00 I 1 A n(n + 1) = In 1 + 1) a rely N + 1 Thus, the series ^ we later section on a tricky we shall observation. give another 2.3 Now, 2n2 1 n2 > + n = n(n + Tests for Convergence 149 1), thus 1 s< n2 n(n + 1) by comparison so Z llnil+l) 27. that ke large 1 m(l > 2. Z l/2 converges for any e > 0. Let k be Then, for any n ; if m ^ nk, 1 + : e) n*(l+<0 Between nk and there is an an integer so 1 < - m'" also converges. < = (n nk+2 + If there (n + if ,(n + If are - nk integers. Since 1 n0 such that for n > n0 <, 2nk, or (n + if - nk < nk. Thus, n* 1 (BV)k 1 m=ii+im<1+-nk+2~n2 Well, now we can show that the sequence of partial sums Ui 7^] is bounded, for Nk Z n=l nok J (l+e) n ^ 11 Z1 = N" 1 7(1+7) " JV + J h _ =nofc+l (B+l)k n=no m=n+ 1 " (1+e) 1 * *o' + Z r2^o'I + Z^2<00 n=no " " Now a special kind of a series is a power series: the geometric series, and the series in Examples 24 and 25 are such series. A power series is a series 150 Notions 2. of Calculus of the form 00 Zfl-z* B=0 series has the property that if it converges for some z0 then it con it diverges for some zu then it verges for all z such that |z| < |z0|, and if diverges for all z such that \z\ > IzJ. Thus, the geometric series diverges for |z| < 1 ; the series > 1 and z"/n! converges for all z, for Such a \z\ and , Z converges This general property of power series is converges for no z. deduced from the comparison test. We make the following somewhat Z!z" easily stronger statement. Proposition 8. Let {c} be a sequence of complex numbers. (i) If {\c \t"} is bounded for some positive number t, then Z cz" converges absolutely for all z, \z\ < t. (ii) If{\c \t"} is unbounded, then Z cnz" diverges for all z, \z\ > t. Proof. (i) Suppose M> |c| t " for all n. Let |ftz"l<:|ft|f"(Y<m(^\" z be such that |z| < for all t. Then n |z|/f<l, 2(lzl/0"<> so by the comparison test the series 2CZ" converges absolutely. (ii) If {|c| ?"} is unbounded so is {cz"} for all z, |z| > t. Thus, we cannot have and since lim cnz" 0, = so 2 Definition 4. ft z" cannot converge. Let series associated to {c} be a sequence of complex numbers. {c} is the series Zb*=o anz"- The radius of The power convergence of the power series is the least upper bound R of all real numbers f such that the sequence {| c |f"} is bounded. According to Proposition 8 the series Zb=o anz" converges for z inside jR(|z| < R), and diverges for z outside that disk (see the disk of radius Problem 12). Examples has radius of convergence one. For if t > 1, then is unbounded, and if t < 1, t"/n -* 0. Notice that we can make clear assertion for z on the unit circle, since Zb=o 0)7W diverges, 28. Zb=o z7n {f7n} no but Zb=o ( 1)7" converges. 2.3 29. If {c} Tests for Convergence 151 is bounded, but does not tend to zero, Zb*=o cbz" nas For clearly {cf"} is bounded for f < 1, radius of convergence one. and unbounded for t > 1 . There are two final tests of cn I)1'" fr < r SOme r < Z cb converges absolutely. then (| then c |)1/n > for R If there is < r < Z cb are as follows : some 1 If there R > are infinitely many n such that 1 R > an r < 1 such that eventually 1 absolutely. converges > then These Z cn diverges. Ratio test. then importance. If eventually Root test. (I some for 1 If infinitely many n Z c diverges. by comparison with the geometric series. We leave it to the student to derive these tests (Problem 13). Let us here indicate why the convergence assertions are true. Suppose (| c |)1/n < r < 1, for n large enough (say n > N). Then \cH\ < r" eventually, so the partial sums Z kl These are are both derived bounded by 1 n Z0 Kl = + 7 t by comparison with the geometric series. < r for n > N As for the ratio test, suppose 152 Then 2. we Notions of Calculus have kjy+il <r\cN\ |Cjv+2l<r|cN+1|<r2|cN| \cN+3\<r3\cN\ \cN+k\ r"\cN\ < by induction. Tj=0 Id Thus, < Z"=o k.1 + \cM\ Z rk < since oo r < 1. EXERCISES following series converge? 11. Which of the ns + 8 v (a) 2sin(i). (e) (b) 2sin(i). (f) v (0 2^(1). (g) 2-^2" (d) 2 (h) 27^r,x,,,x>0. (2n)\ (i) 2 (j) 2(-D"sini. tenf-) sin(^ \n} n) - . ^4n6 + n*' ^ n3 + n2 + n+l n* + n5 + n6 + 7 ' n* x"' k a positive integer, 0 < (1) 2(-i)n ^ + 1 1 . + -LJ\. + z(L (n+1)2 (+2)2/ \n2 ^ (n) 2(-\ " (-l>- n < (m) n (k) x n ^-7 + -Ul + 2/ + 1 n - (+l)2 12. Verify directly that 13. Suppose lim c = c. lim z"\n\ = 0 for every Then for any z. integer k, lim c* = c*. 2.4 14. Find the disk of convergence of the 2Z- 00 <b> .? following (f) = Convergence 153 power series. 2>!z". n - in R" = 0 (g) 2 (h) 2d+n)z". (2n)2 z" (C) Jo^- (d) .S,^ n\ / 00 z 2 z" \" ?o(2nj- (e) (j> 2(1+*)" PROBLEMS 12. Let {c} be a sequence of complex numbers, and let R be the radius of convergence of the power series 2 ft*"- Show that 2 ft*" converges absolutely for |z| < R, 2 ftz" diverges for |z| > R. 13. Derive the convergence and divergence assertions of the root and ratio tests. 2.4 Convergence in R" The notion of convergence of a sequence of vectors is easy to conceive, a vector in R" is just an n-tuple of real numbers. Thus, a sequence of vectors is an n-tuple of real sequences, and the question of convergence of since the vector sequence is just that of the simultaneous convergence of those n real sequences. We might also directly paraphrase Definition 2 of conver gence, using the possible notions Definition 5. notion of distance in R" discussed in are in fact the Let {yk} be Chapter 1. These two same. a sequence of vectors in R". The sequence converges if there is a vector v e R" such that to every positive number > 0 there corresponds an integer K such that || yk v|| < e for k > K. We write lim yk v if {yk} converges to v. - = ft-* oo 154 Thus, lim general in Section 2.1 = \ck c\ - yk can ;' 1, = we . when = said that 0, -> Now, if 2. we precisely that lim || yk term yk and way it sounds like put this n v means = yk between the when of Calculus Notions 2. . vkJ , v - zero as || = 0 ; that is, the distance When k becomes infinite. just the notion we have in mind. Recalling that a complex sequence {ck} converges to c precisely that this coincides with the above definition when write out the sequence yk of vectors in R" as an n-tuple (2.8) (vk\...,vk-) We n. -> tends to we see we view the . v vJ for given sequence as the n real sequences {vkJ}, where v precisely now verify the fact mentioned above, that yk in fact the case is that 2 that Notice all j. Proposition -> ofR2. Proposition 9. The if and only if lim vkJ = k-* If Proof. w sequence (2.8) converges to the vector v] for allj. v = (v1, ...,v") oo = (w1, . . . , vc") is a vector in R", then by definition I|W||=(2(H'')2)1'2 Then, in particular |ftJ-tfJl<l|v*-v|| j (2.9) \,...,n that v -> v. Then, given e > 0, there is a vJ\ Thus, by Equation (2.9) for each j, \vkJ precisely that lim vkJ v1. Suppose now for k 5: K. means = - K such that ||v* < e for k ^ K. v || < e But this = k->oo v')2 ->0 for ally, Conversely, if vkJ -+vJ for ally, then (vkJ But then, by Definition 5, v*-^v. v ||-^-0 as k -*oo. llv* so [2 OV 02]"2 = precisely the same way we can verify that if the sequence of vectors (2.8) a Cauchy criterion so do each of the real sequences {vkJ}, and thus are convergent. Hence, by Proposition 9 the sequence of vectors {yk} also so we have a Cauchy criterion for vector sequences also. This converges, fact, as well as some basic algebraic properties of convergence of vectors is easily verifiable. Accordingly, we make these assertions, leaving the proofs In satisfies to the reader. Proposition 10. (Cauchy Criterion) Let {yk} be a sequence of vectors in R". whenever Suppose to every e > 0 there corresponds a K such that \\ vr vs || < both r,s>K. Then the sequence {yk} is convergent. 2.4 Proposition 11. Suppose lim yk {wj are sequences of vectors in R", y, lim wk = and {Ck} Convergence w, lim ck = is a sequence = in R" c, where 155 {vj, of real numbers. Then (i) (ii) (iii) lim(vfc + yyk) lim<vt,wfc> lim ckyk = = + w, v <v, w>, cv. Example 30. Let find point of a given plane in R3 which is closest to plane is given by the equation <x, a> c for fixed Let m =g.l.b. {||x||; <x, a> a, c. c). Choose a sequence {x} on the plane such that ||x|| ->m. We shall show that {x} actually the us origin. a A = = converges. ||x We xj|2 - Now, = ||x||2 + ||xj|2 2 - (2.10) <x, xm> estimate the last term by using the fact that the midpoint + xm) between x and xm must also be on the given plane. can i(x 2(xb + 0 + 4 ^^ 4 + ^ 2 <x xm> , Thus, -2<x,xm>< ||x||2+ ||xj|2-4m2 and Combining (2.10) l|x - xm||2 < 2(||x||2 Now, since ||x|| n,m>n0, then ||x - we + ->m, have (2.11), we ||xj|2 if > ||x|| (2.11) find that 2m2) - 0 is (2.12) given, there is an n0 such that for ||xj| <m + e. Inequality (2.12) < m + s, gives xj|2 < 2((m + )2 + (m + b)2 - 2m2) < 4ms + 2e2 = fi(4w + 2e) please by choosing e small. Thus if n,m large enough, ||x-xj| is small, so the sequence {x} is lim x,then ||x|| m, lim||x|| and thus convergent. Ifx Cauchy, so x is the closest point on the plane to the origin. This can be made as small as we are = = = 156 2. Let above Notions pause for example, for us of Calculus a moment to consider the reasons, studying lem of calculus is to find an as illustrated by the the convergence of vectors. The central object, usually considered as a point in a prob given specified properties (i.e., the maximum given function, or a zero of a function). At least, the theoretical aspect of the problem is to prove the existence of a point with such and such properties. Our technique for doing this is to use the desired properties to develop a sequence of approximations; our hope is that the approximations will converge; and that the limit will have the desired properties. It is thus essential to be able to discuss the question of convergence without already knowing the limit. Hence, for example, we have- the Cauchy criterion. Further, we will need techniques, or criteria, to apply to the given properties in order to be able to extract the desired Cauchy sequence of approximation. For example, we will want to know : (a) If we have a convergent sequence of points having a property, does the limit have that property ? (b) If we have a sequence of points having a property, does the sequence converge? These questions lead or, at least does it have a convergent subsequence? collection of points, which has certain of a us to the reconsideration of the closed sets introduced in Section 1.11. Recall that precisely, a closed set in R" is S is closed if and a set whose complement only if corresponding to every v is open. More $ S, there is an 0 such that any vector within e of v is also not in S. In particular, if S closed set, and v ^ S, then v cannot be the limit of a sequence of vectors in S. To put it positively, a closed set contains the limits of all convergent > is a sequences it contains. Proposition 12. equivalent: This is in fact Let S be a a Suppose v e = v. This is is a v contained in S, then lim yk nonsense such that ||v since Then there is vector in S which is within l//j there assertions e are S. Let {yk} be a sequence contained in S and suppose $ S, since S is closed, there is an e > 0 such that no vector Thus, we must have v e S. Suppose now S is not closed. a following S is closed. it converges to v. If in S gets within e of there is criterion for closedness: The in R". set (i) S is closed. (ii) If {yk} is a convergent sequence Proof. defining - e of v is the limit of a v v. v|| <, l/ and in v a sequence in S. S such that for every e >0 particular, for each n, taking e S. Thus, v ->v so (ii) does not hold for S. We are now in a position to state our last basic consequence of the funda mental existence axiom for the real number system. This is that every bounded sequence in R" has a convergent subsequence. It is easy to derive 2.4 Convergence in R" 157 this from the Cauchy criterion, itself an assertion of existence. Let us illustrate the situation in R2 Suppose {ck} is a sequence of complex numbers which is bounded ; that is, it remains in some fixed square S0 of side length K. Cut that square into four equal squares. At least one of these new squares . has equal pieces of the {ck} ; way many of the {ck} ; let St be one such square. Cut St into four and let S2 be one of these new squares which has infinitely many now do the same with S2 and so on (see Figure 2.4). In this infinitely obtain we a sequence of squares {S} with the properties: Sm=>S+u (i) (ii) (iii) length of S is K/2n, S has infinitely many of the {ck}. side Now that this is done, we can, for each integer n, select a k(n) such that and {ckW} forms a subsequence of {ck}. (For this we need to ck(n)eS, know that than any For let have S contains infinitely many {ck}, so that we can choose k(n) greater previously chosen index.) Now, {ct(B)} is a Cauchy sequence. e > 0, and choose N cm,cHm)eSN, IC*(b) C*(Bl)l < so that > Kyj2/2N. Then, if n, m > N, we so (K\2 \2NJ (K\2 Kj2 < 2N \2N) ~ Since the sequence {ct(B)} is a Cauchy sequence, by Proposition 10 it con idea of the verges, and the argument for R2 is concluded. This is the basic verification of Figure 2.4 158 2. of Calculus Notions Theorem 2.4. subsequence Every sequence in which converges to a closed and bounded set S in R" has a a point ofS. Suppose that S is closed and bounded and {yk} is a sequence in S. We Cauchy subsequence. Since the sequence is bounded, it is contained in some ball B(0, R). This ball can be covered by finitely many balls of radius 1. Since the {yk} are infinite, there is one such ball which contains infinitely many. Call it Bi, and let ykil) e Bi. Bi can be covered by finitely many balls of radius i. Let B2 be one such which contains infinitely many of the {vj and let v*(2) e B2 with k(2) > k(l). Continuing in this way we obtain a sequence {B} of balls, a subsequence {vt<)} of {yk} such that (i) B has radius 1/n, (ii) vJ(n) e B, (iii) B => B+i. Then {vMn)} is a Cauchy sequence, for if n, m> N, yk{n) and vt(m) e BN which has radius 1/N, so Proof. shall find a 2 \\ykw vt(m)|| for all n, < m >N N By Proposition 10 there is a v such that vt() - v as n -^ oo. Since S is and {v*()} 6 S, we also have v e S, so the theorem is proven. closed set, a Example unit 31. The sphere S = {xeRn: \\x\\ = 1} is closed. For if Now suppose x, then certainly ||x|| -> ||x||, so if x e S, so is x. x T is a linear transformation of R" to R". We want to know if there -> is an xeS at which ||rx|| is a maximum. First of all, ||7x|| with x e S is bounded. Let A representing T, and M max \a/\. Then numbers of the form the matrix Tx = T(x\ the set of = (a/) be = . . . , x") = (Z a/xJ, . . . , Z af-x*) so II Tx|| = < Thus, [(Z *y V)2 \nM2 \\x\2 + + + + (Z flyV)2]1'2 nM2 nM is the desired bound. ||x||2]1/2 < (2.13) nM ||x|| By the least upper bound axiom then, sup{||7x|| : xeS} exists, and there is a sequence {x} c S such that ||7x|| ->w. According to the above theorem there is a sub Since ||7x|| ->w, we also sequence {y} which converges, say to y. have ||7y|| ->m, and by (2.13), in fact ||7y|| m. lim||Ty|| m = = = 2.5 Continuity 159 PROBLEMS 14. Prove Proposition 10. Proposition 11. 16. Let n be a plane in R3, and suppose x0 is the point on n which is closest to the origin. Show that if x e Tl, then x0 is orthogonal to x x0 (Hint : If not, then one of x x0 x + x0 is closer to the origin than x0.) 17. Find the point on the plane given by the equation <x, (1, 1, 1)> 3 which is closest to the origin. 18. Find the point on the plane <x, (1,0, 1)>=2 which is closest to -0, 1, 1). 15. Prove - . , = 19. Let L be range of L are a linear function from R" to Rm 20. Let L: RP-+ R be also lim Show that the kernel and both closed. linear function. a Show that if lim x = x, then L(x) =L(x). 21. Let v0 be a vector in R", and n the set of x such that <x, v0> = c. Show that IT is closed. 22. Show that for any v0 e R" and r > 0, {vefl": ||v-v0||<r} is closed. 23. Show that yk max v'\ \vk -> v in R" if and only if ->0 lslsn 2.5 Continuity We turn now to the consideration of functions from subsets of R" to Rm. The basic notion of analysis being that of convergence, the fundamental class of functions will consist of those which respect convergence ; that is, those which take convergent sequences into convergent sequences. are continuous functions. Definition 6. values in Rm. Let S be /is a set continuous on These in R", and /a function defined on S, taking S if whenever yk -> v with vk e S, all k,veS, then/(v,)-/(v). We shall be concerned most a given point. usually For this purpose we with the local study of a function make this additional definition. near 2. 160 of Calculus Notions said to be continuous at v0 v->v0 will be / from a set in R", taking values in Rm, of v0 and e R" if /is defined in a neighborhood A function Definition 7. implies /(v) ->/(v0). Examples || v v|| - -+0 so that ||v|| For continuous. is f:R"-*R,f(y)= \\y\\ 32. if v->-v, then ||v|| since -> | ||v||-||v|| |<||v-v|| f:C-*C, f(z) 0, so that z| |z 33. = 34. A linear function also z on continuous: is z = -> - -> z^z implies |z-z| z. R" is continuous. Let i=l Then, if yk ' Z"= i ;f V have v we -? since the limit of -> a u1, sum . . . , vk" is the -> v", sum so that Z?=i a' of the limits. -" Thus, /(VftWWthe idea of continuity of a function /is this: as a moving point to close p0 the value /(p) off at p gets close to/(p0). That is, we can p gets ensure that /(p) is as close as we please to /(p0) by choosing p sufficiently criterion for continuity, s 8 This leads to the so-called close to p0 Roughly, , " " - . which we now give. Let S be Proposition 13. defined on S. a subset ofR", and let f be an Rm valued function Let x0 e X. f is continuous at x0 if and only if, to every e > 0, there corresponds a5>0 such that \\x x0 1| < 8 implies ||/(x) -/(x0) || < . (ii) If S is open, f is continuous on S if and only if f is continuous at every (i) - point of S. Proof, there is a 8 > x0 . Let x ^ N, ||/(x) x0 . 0 such that whenever Since x-*x0, there is n -> /(xo)|| an N such < e, as S criterion is true, we shall show that / /(x) -*/(x0). Given e > 0, x is within 8 of x0 we have ||/(x) /(x0)|| < e. that n>N implies ||x x0|| <8. Thus, for (i) Supposing first that the is continuous at e We have to show desired. 2.5 Conversely, if the 8 > 0 there is 8 1 an e xd 8 criterion is false, then there is x II < 8 but ||/(x) - for which ||x ! l 1 2 3 n Continuity an e0 - - 161 such that for every /(x0) || > e0 Selecting . obtain the corresponding sequence Xi, Xi/2, ..., Xi,, which converges to x0. But/(xi/n)+>/(x0) since the/(xi/n) are always outside the ball of radius e0 centered we at x0. Part (ii) is left as an exercise. Examples /: R2 35. /(*>') -+ R defined by = FT? is continuous at For (0, 0). 5x 1 + <5|x|<5||(x,^)|| y2 Thus, if is given we can choose <5 = e/5. Then ||(x, y) \\ < 8 implies 5x < v2 1 + 58 = 36. f(x, y, z) y3z = 1 + x2 + z2 is continuous at (0, 0, 0). |/(x, y, z) - f(0, 0, 0)| Thus for each |/(x, y, > z)\ <84 We have y3z 1 + 0 choose 8 = e. < = x2 = + e4 z2 = e. \y3z\ Then < \\(x, ||(x, y, y, z) z)\\<8 implies 162 Notions 2. of Calculus 37. /(*>y) (4^4- = /(0,0) (x,y)*(0,0) = 0 This function is not continuous, since 4x2 f(x,x) If we = 2 = redefine 2^0 /(0, 0) = 2, this new function is still not continuous, since /(0,y) ^=1^2 = 38. We by the can easily verify 8 criterion. s l/(v) -/(w) | = | the of the linear function continuity Z (' ~w')\< ||(a\ by Schwarz's inequality. Thus, 8 IKa1, ...,a") || h. Then || v if . . . - > application concerning convergence study of continuity, to the v0 1| < a") || || v , 8 might w|| given, we can take implies |/(v) -/(v0)| < . discussed in as - 0 is " = The facts (2.14) For be previous sections have expected. In particular, the assertion that every sequence in a closed bounded set has a convergent subsequence has profound significance for the behavior of continuous func tions. Here is an important illustration. Proposition 14. (Intermediate Value Theorem) Let f be a function on the interval {x e R: a < x < b}, and suppose that f (a) Then there is a c in the interval such thatf(c) = continuous < y <f(b). y. We seek (as in Figure 2.5) not just a point at which the value of /is y, precisely the first such point c. We must find a way to describe this point which permits us to use the existence theorem. If x < c we must have f(x) < y, otherwise the graph of /crosses the line y y between a and c. Thus, c is a lower bound for the set of x such that f(x) > y. Since c is in that set, it must be the greatest such lower bound. So if there exists a first c at which /(c) y, it is the greatest lower bound of {x e R : a <, x <, b, f(x) ^ y}. We now show that this point (which exists by the least upper bound property) is the desired c. Proof. but more = = 2.5 Let Continuity 163 c g.l.b.{x :a<x<b, f(x) > y}. Then c is a limit of a sequence {*} in this Since y </(*) we must also have y < lim/( jc) =/(c) since /is continuous. Now, if /(c) # y, we must have f(c) > y. Again, by continuity, there is a 8 such = set. that if \x c\ < 8, then l/W-/(c)|<^^ from which it follows that for all x between c f(c 8) > y, contradicting the definition of c as a with/(x) > y. Hence /(c) > y is impossible, so we Now, the that they most important bounded are and c 8, f(x) > y. Thus, lower bound for the set of must have /(c) = x y. fact about continuous real-valued functions is closed and bounded sets. This follows easily on the / set S, then, for every positive integer n, there is an x e S such that/(x) > n. If S is closed and bounded, {x} has a convergent sequence {x(t)}. Let lim xn{k) Since / is continuous, /(x0) x0 lim/(xw) > lim n(k). But from Theorem 2.4. = If, on is continuous and not bounded above say, = . fc-*00 n(k) -> oo as k -* oo, so this is impossible. Thus/is fc->00 bounded on S. What is it attains its least upper bound. For if m is this least upper bound, but is not a value of/ then g(x) (/(x) m)'1 is an unbounded function more = on S, again function on a a contradiction. To conclude: such that /(x1) /(x2) = = if/ is a continuous real-valued closed and bounded set S in i?", then there sup{/(x):xeS} inf{/(x):x6S} Figure 2.5 are xux2e S 2. 164 Here are Notions the of Calculus proofs in = more general context. continuous Rm -valued function a Then the set bounded set S in R". f(S) f be Let Theorem 2.5. slightly a of values off on the closed and on S, {f(x):xeS} is closed and bounded. Suppose ye/(S) and y^yeRm. We must show that y ef(S). But this is easy. Since y ef(S), there is for each n,xeS Since S is closed and bounded there is a subsequence {zk} of such that /(x) y Since / is continuous, f(zk) ->/(z). On the other which zk^-zeS. converges, {*} lim/(z4) y and hand, [f(zk)} is a subsequence of {y}, so f(zk) -> y. Thus /(z) First, f(S) is closed. Proof. = . = = ye/(S). If f(S) is not bounded, there is for each n an x e S such that ||/(x) || ^ n. But {x} has a convergent subsequence {z}. Let lim zk z. Then lim/(zt) =/(z). But {f(zk)} is a subsequence of {/(x)}, so ||/(zt)ll -+ o, which is impossible since {/(z*)} is convergent. Thus, /(S) must be bounded. = In particular, suppose /is a real-valued function defined on the closed and Then/(S) is bounded, so M= sup{f: tef(S)} exists, closed, M e/(S). Thus there is an xt e S such that bounded set S. since /(S) is /(Xl) Similarly, we state = sup{/(x):xS} there is x2 such an that/(x2) = inf{/(x) : x e S}. This basic fact as Theorem 2.6. on a and A continuous function attains its maximum and minimum closed bounded set. PROBLEMS 24. Let x0 e Rn. 25. Show that 26. Prove part a Show that/(x) = <x, x0> is continuous linear function L : R" (ii) of 27. Show that if / is -* on R". Rm is continuous. Proposition 13. a continuous real-valued function on a closed and bounded set S, there is an x2 such that/(x2) g.l.b.{/(x): x e S}. 28. Suppose that /, g are J?m-valued functions continuous at p0 6 R". If c e R, then also Show that /+ g and </, gy are also continuous at p0 = . cf is continuous at p0 . 2.6 2.6 Calculus of One Variable 165 Calculus of One Variable Theorem 2.6, which asserts that a continuous function attains its maximum on a closed and bounded set, is the fundamental theoretical and minimum tool of the calculus. of We shall now give a brief review of the fundamentals to the student's memory. calculus, leaving the recollection of techniques We shall give brief justifications of some of the more basic or special facts. First of all, we studied in the calculus a limit concept which was more general than the sequential limit we have been studying. We recall the definition. Definition 8. Suppose / is {x:0 <\x We say lim f(x) x0\ <8 implies - First of all, the one: lim/(x) L = a set x0\ <80} - L if and only if, for all > 0, there is <5 > 0 such that \f(x) L\ < e. relationship between the two concepts of limit is an easy if and only if for every sequence x converging to x0 we = \x real-valued function defined in a - , x-*xo have lim/(x) = L. We can thus rephrase the notion of continuity using B~*00 Definition 8. /is continuous at x0 if and only if lim/(x) =f(x0). x-*xo Proposition 15. (i) Suppose f is defined in I {x: = 0 < |x x0 Then \ <8}. lim/(x) = L x-*xq if and only if, for limf(x) (ii) /// is every sequence = also in I such that x {xn} -* x0 we have L defined at x0,f is if and only if continuous at x0 \imf(x) =f(x0) X-*Xo Proof. We will prove only (i). The proof of (ii) is the same and is left as a problem. Suppose first that \im f(x)=L. Let {*} be a sequence such that X-*XQ x-+x0. Given e that |jc-x0|<8. \x x0 - \< 8. > 0, there is a 8 > 0 Now since x-*x0, Thus if n > such that \f(x) there is N, \f(x) -L\<e. an - L\ < e for any N such that for Thus, f(xn) ^L. x such n>N, 166 2. Notions Now suppose of Calculus lim/(x) =L is false. Then there is such that for every 8 an e0 x-*xo we can such that |x,-x0| <8but \f(x)-L\ ^e. Consider the sequence Then |c xl < l/, so certainly c ->x0 1, J, , 1/n, is always outside the interval of width e and center L, so it cannot converge find an x of x's for 8 {c} But/(c) - = ... . .... toL. Definition 9. e x0 R. /is Let /be a real-valued function defined in an interval about differentiable at x0 if the limit lim/(X + " /(Xo) f r->0 If it does the limit is called the derivative of /at x0 and is denoted exists. en ^ / C*o) ^ / ^ ~ (*o) 01" If/is differentiable in an interval J and the derivative/' is also differentiable there, then / is said to be twice differentiable on / and (/')' is the second derivative off and is denoted by /" The or dx2 higher derivatives/'", manner. . . . ,/(n), ... are defined successively A function which has derivatives of all orders on in the obvious the interval will infinitely differentiable there. If/ g are n-times differentiable I, are/+ g,fg, and cfTor c a real number. If/ is differentiable in an interval I it is continuous there. If/ is differentiable at a point x0 where it 0. This, together attains a local maximum (or minimum), then f'(x0) with Theorem 2.6 gives this basic existence theorem. be said to be on so = Theorem 2.7. interval [a, b~]. (Mean Value Theorem) Let f be differentiable a point t; e (a, b) such that on the closed There is mJ{b)-f(a) b (215) a Proof. This theorem has a nice geometric interpretation (Figure 2.6). There is a point (|, /(f)) on the graph y =f(x) at which the tangent line is parallel to the line through (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)). Clearly (see Problem 30), we need only verify this when the latter line is horizontal, that is, f(b) =f(a). In this case, let f0 e [a, b], 2.6 Figure Calculus of One Variable 167 2.6 [a, b] be the points at which / attains its maximum and minimum respectively (Figure 2.7). If either f 0 or f i is interior, then/has a local maximum so there, /'(f) 0 for the appropriate f. If this is false, then {f0 f 1} are the points {a, b), so /(a) =f(b) is at once the maximum and minimum of/. Thus, /is constant on [a, b], so /' is identically zero and we can choose any point for our f fi e on the interval = , . Now suppose that / is a differentiable function defined on the interval [a, b], and g is a function defined on the range of/ and differentiable there. Then the composed function h g f, defined by = h(x)=g(f(x)) is also differentiable h(x)-h(x0) X ~ ~ Xn on a, b. For if x0 e \a, b], then g(f(x))-g(f(x0)) f(x)-f(x0) f(x)-f(x0) (W(*,.)) :2_ (.)) Figure 2.7 (2.16) 168 2. Taking the limit Notions Hm X at/(x0), g(f(x))-g(f(x0)) f(x) f(x0) Hm f(x)-f(x0) ~ X0 the limit implies /(x) ->f(x0)), have (since x->x0 we Hm = f(x)->f(xo) the right exist on so both sides, h(x)-h(x0) x->x0 The limits on of Calculus since/is differentiable at x0 , X X0 and g is differentiable Thus h is differentiable and the left exists. on x-+x0 we obtain the chain rule: h'(x0) that (Notice (g of)'(x0) = if/(x) =f(x0), However, that If /is exists a f(x) fg(y) g we say us a case can g'(f(x0))f'(x0) (2.16) is invalid and the proof breaks down. separately.) interval [a, b] to the interval [a, j8] and there [a, b~] such that then be treated function from the function g: a = [a, /?] -> = x for all = y for all y x e e that/is invertible and g is condition under which a [a, b] [a, 0] its inverse. The mean value theorem differentiable function is invertible. /has an inverse, it must be this will be guaranteed if/' is never for the invertibility of/ function one-to-one. zero. From (2.14) we see gives If a that This is the sufficient condition Theorem 2.8. Suppose thatf is a continuously differentiable function defined [a, b], andfi is never zero. Letf(a) a andf(b) p\ There is a continuously differentiable function g defined on the interval between a and ft such that on the interval 3(f(x)) = = x and g'(f(x)) = - f(x) Proof, f is one-to-one. For if a < ai a f between ai and bi such that < for all = x bi ^ b, there is, by the mean value theorem f(bi)-f(ai)=f'()(bi-ai)*0 Thus by hypothesis. between a and j8 f(bi) ^/(ai). By the intermediate value theorem every v by /. Now we can define g as follows : let g(y) be that is attained 2.6 x such that f(x)=y. Clearly, g(f(x)) = Calculus of One Variable and x f(g(y))=y. 169 Now g is differ entiable: g(y)-g(yo) .. hm x-x0 .. = y-yo -ro lim n-yo - f(x0) l hm = - f(x) x-.xo [f(x) - A further fundamental fact to be drawn from the determined, this: A function is Theorem 2.9. and that f'(x) = Let h by =/ g. h(c) - By hypothesis h'(x) [a, b], there is a f a = c e , 0 for all < f<c This for all on 0, h(c) so a x e [a, b]. By the mean h(a) Now, given any real-valued function / defined = value theorem is such that so '(f ) differs from g by f'(x0) its derivative. [a, b], But mean X0 + C value theorem, for any = constant, - Suppose that f, g are differentiable on the interval [a, b] g'(x) for all x e [a, b]. Then there is a constant C such that f(x)=g(x) Proof. up to a 1 f(Xo)]lx = h(a). constant, as c e is constant and thus / desired. interval J, we consider =/. By Theorem 2.9, any two such functions differ by a constant; thus by specifying the value of such an/at any point it is completely determined. We denote by Jj / F(x) that function (if it exists) such that F(a) 0 and F'(x) =f(x) for all x e fa, b]. j* /is called the indefinite integral of/. Every continuous function has an indefinite integral, which is given by the process of Riemann integration which we now describe. Let /be a bounded function defined on the interval J. A partition P of I those differentiable functions F defined on I such that F' = = < a such that sequence of points a0 < ay < the approxi to / [a0 a]. We now construct two sums, corresponding 2.8 : in mations to the area under the graph off given Figure consists of an increasing = , S(P,/)= a(P,f)= J>(fl|-f-i) Zwi(fli-ai-i) i=l 170 2. Notions of Calculus Figure where Mt,mf [fl,-!, a,]. / is the maximum and minimum values are Definition 10. interval. Let = be off on the interval bounded real-valued function defined a on the integrable if (2.17) suPff(F,/) p p (i.e., if we we / Riemann infE(P,/) 2.8 can please). the interval find partitions for which the two sums 2 and o are as close as In this case the common value is called the definite integral of/ over /, and denoted j"7/. If/ g are integrable on the interval J, then so is/ + g and cf, ceR. Further lif+li9> \icf=c\if- If/is integrable on the interval J, then/is integrable on every interval J c I. If/ is integrable on the intervals [a, i] and [b, c] with a <b < c, then/is integrable on [a, c] and liW+9) = f he c] /= f '[a, 6] /+ f J[b, c] / Furthermore, if f>g and both functions Finally, if/is integrable on [a, b], then F(x) is a = f Jin / vi continuous function of x. are integrable, then J//^J/^. 2.6 Calculus of One Variable 171 The fundamental theorem of calculus says more: if/ is continuous on that the definite and the is, indefinite integrals of j [a,6]/= \baf; The proof of this is actually quite easy to describe. Define [a, b], then / coincide. these functions on the interval [a, b], corresponding to the two sides of Equation (2.17); F(x) F(x) = = inf {KP, /) : P a partition of [a, x] }. sup{(j(P,/) : P a partition of [a, *]} that/is Riemann integrable on [a, U] is to prove F(b) F(b). We show, using Theorem 2.9, that in factF(x) F(x) for all x e [a, b~\. First of all F is differentiable in [a, b~\. Let x e [a, ft] and h > 0, then To prove = = F(x + n) < F(x) + Mh (2.18) F(x + h) > F(x) + mh (2.19) where M, m are the maximum and minimum of/ in the interval [x, x + ]. These inequalities can be routinely verified (see Problem 32); Figure 2.9 is + h) is just F(x) plus the infimum of all 2 (P,f) over parti [x, x + h]. Any such sum lies between Mh and mh. Now Equations (2.18) and (2.19) give convincing: F(x tions of J(x + m < h) - F(x) ; n ^ < M r * Figure 2.9 x + h 172 2. Notions of Calculus Letting h 0, since / F'(x) exists and is/(x). -* and has the F(a) = is the value. F differ Thus, F and 0 is obvious, we have that F(x) defined for all x, is differentiable and has F(a) J [a>x]/is same is continuous, M and m both tend to f(x). Thus Similarly, one verifies that F'(x) also exists for all x by a constant. Since F(x) for all x. Thus derivative/. This, then, = = proof of (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) Suppose f is contin Then the integral J*/ exists for all x e [a, b]. uous on the interval [_a, b}. This is a differentiable function off, and Theorem 2.10. d r* -r\f dx Ja f(x) = PROBLEMS 29. Prove Proposition 15(ii). mean value theorem is proven in the case where The way to do the general case is to compare the graph of/ with the line through f(b) and f(a). More precisely, let g be the function 30. In the text the f(p) =f(a). whose graph is that line, (a) Show that h(x) =/(*) -f(a) and consider h -f(bl ~f(a) b (x - =/ g. (2.20) a) a (b) Show that h(a) h(b) 0. (c) Now from the text there is a f between a and b such that h'(0 Differentiating (2.20), deduce that = = = 0. m=m-m Suppose that /is differentiable on the interval [a, b], and/'(x)>0 x. Show that /is strictly increasing, that is, f(x) </( y) if x <y. 32. Verify inequalities (2.18) and (2.19). 33. Give an example of a continuous function of a real variable which is not differentiable. Give an example of an integrable function which is not 31. for all continuous. 34. Find the real-valued function /, such that f f(t ) dt = j f(t) dt for all x e [0, 1 ] continuous on the interval [0, 1] 2.7 Multiple Integration 35. Suppose /is k times differentiable on R, and fw(x) 1. Verify that /is a polynomial of degree at most k 173 =0 for all x. Multiple Integration 2.7 The calculus of many variables results from the attempt to study functions of several variable quantities by generalizing to that context the calculus of a Some notions variable. single of linear algebra to closer to that of be properly generalize easily, The understood. require some ideas integration theory is much others variable than is differentiation, hence one we shall describe it first. A closed rectangle in R" is a set of the form {(x1,...,xn)eR":ai<xi<bi} for some case fixed points of intervals, in the same we a = = (a1, ...,an), denote the l(a1,...,d>>,(b1,...,b't)-\ b = (b1, ...,bn) corresponding open and As in the way: (a,V) lsL,b) (*,K] = = = {xeRn:ai<xi<bi} {xeRn:ai<xi<bi} {xeR":ai<xi<bi} rectangle will refer to any of these possibilities. is rectangle R determined by the vectors a and b The term the in Rn. half-open rectangles Vol(K) = The volume of (b1 -a1) (b"-dr) or halfNotice that the volume of R is the same whether R is closed, open it should be since the faces contribute no volume. open. Of course, this is as The characteristic function of S, denoted by Xs set. Now let S be any on S and identically zero off S. We should want one is the function which is with the integral of Xsso that the volume of S coincides to define integral have J Xr Vol(R). The notion particular, for a rectangle R we shall turn out that way. of integral will be built up piece by piece so that things of characteristic functions Now suppose that /is a finite linear combination called of rectangles: /= Z/=i *(*) Such a function is and identically of collection rectangles, finite some It is constant on each of = In simPle/u"ctl0,n: zero off their union. 174 2. Notions Definition 11. [/= > of Calculus Let/be a simple function. If/= Z*=i ailRi-> Z^Vol(R;) we define (2.21) ;=i We immediately have a problem. It may be possible to also write the function in another way, / Zy= i c,- Xsj fr some other collection of rectangles. For Definition 1 1 to make sense, we must be assured that the same sum = Zy=i and the Vol(Sj) coincides with (2.21). In case the at and c; are all and {Sj} are nonoverlapping (intersect only in faces), cj {Rt} amounts to the assertion that the volume of a set is the sum one this of the volumes of its rectangular pieces, no matter how it is so partitioned. The verification that (2.21) is the same for all expressions of the function /as a combination of characteristic functions is a long verification which is omitted. We now make this general definition of the integral. Definition 12. zero outside Let/be a bounded real-valued function which is identically rectangle R. The upper integral off is some J /= inf{| The lower simple o: a a function on R such that a >/} integral off is j /= sup{| /is integrable a: a a simple function on R such that a </} if j /= j /; the common value is the integral f / This is the direct given to generalization of the definition of the Riemann integral On the plane and in space it bears the same relation volume as does the Riemann integral to length. in Section 2.6. area and Definition 13. Let S be a set in R". If Xs is integrable, we define the volume of S to be Vol(S)=J**s Now there are sets for which /s is not and shall not occur in this text. logical overlapping rectangles contained in the integrable; these are highly patho Notice that if Ru ...,Rn are nonset S, then the sum of the volumes 2.7 Multiple Integration 175 J (Z Xr) is less than J Xs since /s > Z X*, Thus the volume of S is greater than the sum of the volumes of any collection of nonoverlapping rectangles contained in S. Similarly, if now Ru Rn are nonZ Vol (Rt) = , . . . , overlapping rectangles containing S, J *s Z Vol(i?;). S is trapped between the volume of any union of rectangles containing S and the volume of any union of rectangles contained in S. If we can make these < two volumes as close as we J Xs is integrable (for Theorem 2.11. then J please by = Xs Let R be proper choices of the then rectangles, ]Xs), and its integral is the volume of S. closed a Thus, the volume of rectangle in R". Iff is continuous on R and zero offR, then f is integrable. J Proof. Given e > 0, we must find simple functions < J t + e Vol(.R); for then it will follow that a, such that r a >/> t and <j f /< f <j for any >0. (" < t + e Vol(7?) Thus, lf<~lf. < f/+ e Vol(R) In any case, since the inequality, J/<J/is obvious, /is integrable. Such functions a, t are easily found using the basic property of uniform con tinuity (discussed in miscellaneous Problem 80). According to that theorem, given >0, there is a 8>0 such that, if |x-y|<8 then |/(x) -/(y)| < e. Now partition R into a finite set S of rectangles each of which has the property that any two points are within 8 of each other. Thus, if for each such rectangle p, mp and m<e. M are respectively the maximum and minimum of/on p, we must have M , Let a T=2mX<>0 pes 2 MPXe = peS where p0 is the open L = J 2 Mp Vol(p) peS < f J since S is These rectangle corresponding a t + e Then a >/> t certainly, and 2 (rne+ e) Vol(/>) peS 2 Vol(p) peS partition following < to p. <{t+e Vol(R) J of R into rectangles. basic properties of the integral are easily derived. 176 2. Notions of Calculus Proposition 16. The collection of integrable functions the integral is a linear function. That is: is a vector (i) Iff is integrable and c e R, then cfis integrable and \cf=c (ii) Iff, g are integrable, so isf+g and \(f+g) J/+ J g(iii) Furthermore, iff< g then [f<\g. space and J/. = (ii) is certainly true for simple where R,, Sj are rectangles, then 2*jXs,> /=2'Xi> + 2ZbJXsj is also simple, and thus integrable. By Definition 1, We leave the Proof. f+g=2a>Xi |(/+ 9) More proof of For if functions. = generally, simple functions (i) 0 to the reader, = 2 ", Vol(R,) + 2 bj Vol(Sj) now let /, g be any cti, a2, ru t2, CTi>/^(72 = J>+ \g integrable functions. If > 0, there are such that ti;>0>t2 and J <^i <, I (T2 J Ti <, > a2 + T2 + J T2 + Thus CTl + Ti >/+ g so { (f+g) ji + jri <|((72 + t2) + < Since > 0 was e arbitrary, we obtain 2e ^ J(/+^) J (/+ g) <, J (/+ g), Finally, j(f+g)^jcr2 + jr2 + 2e<jf+jg+2e so letting e->-0, + 2e so /+ # is integrable. 2.7 Multiple Integration 111 Similarly, j(f+g) 2e>jai + jr2>jf+jg + so again letting e ->0, j(f+g)>jf+jg (iii) Finally iff<g, then gf>0. But certainly the function which is identically is a simple function. Thus J (g -/) > J (# -/) > 0. By (ii) it follows that zero Sg-Sf^0,or!g>jf. We shall give the basic tool for computing integrals: Fubini's theorem. integrate by integrating one variable at a time. For the purpose of showing this, write the variable (x1, ...,x") of R" as (x, y) where x e R"'1 and y e R: x (x1, x"'1), y x". Let / be a function defined on a rectangle R in R", and suppose for each y fixed, f(x, y) is an integrable function of x. Define F(y) J/(x, y) dx. If F is an integrable function of y, its integral According now to that result we can = = ..., = JF(y)dy j\jf(x,y)dx = dy off. We shall now show that iff is integrable generally (after applying this principle n times) J/ functions appearing in the following formula are integrable, then the is called the iterated integral this is the if all More same as formula is valid. jfix1 x") dx1 = dx" J J"'" jf(x1,...,xm)dxl dx2 dx" (2.22) This follows from Fubini's theorem. Theorem 2.12. refer to (i) (ii) Let f be the coordinates These functions an ofR" ofy, These functions ofx, integrable function on a rectangle (x, y), where xeRk,ye R"~k R in R". as |/(x, y) dx, |/(x, y) dx are integrable. j/(x, y) dy, |/(x, y) dy are integrable. We 178 2. Notions of Calculus (iii) If is given by any iterated integral off; for example, J7(x, y) dx dy j \]f(x, y) dx] dy j \jf(x, y) dy = Proof. It is = dx easily verified that the collection of functions for which the asser tions (i), (ii), and (iii) are true is a vector space. Furthermore, these assertions are obvious for the characteristic function of a rectangle. Thus, Fubini's theorem holds for simple functions. Now, suppose /is a bounded, real-valued function on the given rectangle R, and suppose that or is a simple function, and /> a. By definition of the lower integral with respect to the x coordinate, jf(x,y)dx>jo(x,y)dx Now this inequality is maintained after taking the lower integrals with respect to y, thus J" J*/(x,y)rfxpy>j[ja(x,y)rfx dy = j o(x, y) dx dy (2.23) since Theorem 2.12 is true for simple functions. Equation (2.23) being true for any o <;/, we can take the least upper bound on the right, obtaining j jf(x,y)dx dy> \f(x,y)dxdy Now, by considering simple functions kind of reasoning we a such that o >:f and applying the same obtain this inequality j J7(x,y)rfx dy^jf(x,y)dxdy As a result, we obtain this string of real-valued function KlM on inequalities, which is valid for any bounded, R: V J'l W\fU> (2.24) (The second and third inequalities follow immediately from the fact that the upper integral always dominates the lower integral.) Now, if /is indeed integrable, the 2.7 first and last terms of (2.24) are the same, so all are Multiple Integration the 179 That the second and same. top third are equal implies that J /(x, y) dx is integrable. That the bottom third and fourth are equal says that J/(x, y) dx is integrable. The equation jf(x,y)dxdy j jf(x,y)dx dy = now just Now we states the equality of the end shall illustrate the we should remark that defined only rectangle; more often such given measurable domain D. Definition 14. Let D be function / defined R on / will of a be domain contained in a we function is defined We make the say /is integrable a or rectangle if this is considered following definition. so Given R. a function/ for the by = a but rather D, a Before doing that, integrate functions xe 0 D xeR,x$ D JD/=J/ We define If D is on =/(x) /(*) graph have the occasion to on a on a defined of Fubini's theorem. use rarely we terms with the interior terms. subdomain of function, or has a rectangle some integrable if / is. tacitly assume our other R bounded by surface which is the a redeeming property, then the function We shall not pursue this theoretical domains inquiry, redeemable. are Example 39. Define {D (x, y): y) x2 0 = f(x, = + < y2 y if < x2, f(x, y) x2 + y2. 0 otherwise. D, and f(x, y) 0<x<l}, (x, y) e = = Then \j-\j- uj>-Hjx-n.c"<x2+/)* since, for fixed x, f(x, y) is We thus obtain x2 + y2 It-? x2y zero r1/ + if y-^ dx=L\x a x < 0 x6\ or J y > 1 dx x2 and otherwise is 1 26 +yr*=5+2T= 105 180 2. of Calculus Notions y = g(x) Figure 2.10 Let J7 = us do the example, iterating this time f_ [f_ /(x, y) dx\ dy j^ [f_(x2 = + 1 ~ 3 2 1 + ~~ or dy _ ~~ 15 3 Ibl 7 general technique can be described (Figure 2.10). as follows : = {(*, y) : a < x < b, g(x) < y <f(x)} (Figure 2.11) D dx\ 26 2 ~ in either of these forms D y2) in the other order. t _ The same = {(x, y):a<y^b, <b(y) Then, given the function/defined on rbf rg<-x> r f=\ f(x,y)dy dx in the first case; and in the second rf C c*W j/ j J = <x< f(x,y)dx dy D, xjj(y)} we can write Try to write the domain 2.7 Multiple Integration 181 Of course, if neither case can be obtained, then D might have to be broken up into pieces in each of which either representation is possible. The computation of integrals in more than two dimensions is done in pretty much way, but with a certain amount of additional care. For example, should try to pick out one of the coordinates, say z, so that the given domain takes the form g(y) < x </(y), where y represents all the other the same one coordinates and ranges through some domain D0 break down D0 in the same way. Now . one proceeds to Examples D={(x,y, z): x2 z) xyz. 40. f(x, y, Now z ranges between 0 and D y2 + z2 < 1, (x2 + y2))1'2, + x > 0, = {(x, y, z): x2 + y2 < (1 D 0, z > 0}, 1, 0 0 < x, < y, 0 so < z < Thus, continuing the analysis of A> > y = {(x, y): x2 = = {(x, y, z): 0 < z < [1 0 - + y2 < < x < (x2 + 1, 0 1, 0 < x, < y 0 < < (1 y} - x2)1/2, y2)]1/2} p x = Hy)J x J \ a L,y 1 Figure 2.11 = <l>(y) [1 - (x2 + y2)]1/2} 182 2. Notions of Calculus and " .1 . J f= D J0 2 V y2))rfy dx y(l-(x2 J0 L (1 X y, 0 y2 + z2 + z > ^^0 dx J 4 z): x2 1 x2)2] - 2 {(x, + < ~24 1, (x 0} y, z): 0 i)2 y, We may rewrite this domain {(x,y, z):(x-i)2 {(x, - f(x, + < x < + 1, 0 < y < [i - (x 0 z) r r[i(x-i)2]'/2 = < i 1 as - < z < [1 Jl-(x7 + < z < [1 y2)11/2 dx L^o Figure 2.12 - (x2 + y2)]1/2} iff12, Thus ri y2 y2<i,x>0,y> 0, 0 = dx Jl-X2)'/2 (see Figure 2.12). = dy So firx(l-x-2)2 D= dz z \_J0 x > D .[l-(x2+y2)ll/2 y 2J/[Jo 1 41. x\ .1 1 = r.(i-xJ)'/2 rfy az - (x2 + y2)]1/2} 2.7 Integration is clearly of value study of mass. Suppose in Multiple Integration 183 computing volumes; it also plays a role domain in R3 filled with a certain fluid. shall let (>) be the mass of the fluid contained in the is a If D is any subdomain in E, we in D. What information do we need in order to compute mass (D), and how do we compute it ? The answer is suggested by comparison of the properties fact, it is clear that the intuitive properties of mass are the same as the properties of volume ; so we should also expect to be able to compute masses by integration. In fact, we introduce the notion of density: for x0 e E, the density o(x0) of the fluid at x0 is the limit of mass with those of volume. In mass(i?) r where Vol(R) we mean by R -> the sides of R tend to density and , that x0 is in the rectangle R, and the lengths of (we might call mass (R)/'Vo\ (R) the relative zero of the fluid in the domain is such x0 rectangle R). in terms of this computable {R J is a almost filling D. Then a domain and collection Now, the mass of the fluid in any D is density function a. Suppose of pairwise disjoint rectangles in D approximation to mass (D) and as the size of the rectangles gets smaller smaller, the approximation gets better. On the other hand, this sum is the integral of a simple function approximating a, and thus approximates JB a. Taking the limit we obtain mass (>) JD a. is an and = EXERCISES 15. Compute the volume of these domains: (a) {(x,y)eR2:x2 + y2<\). (b) {(x,y)eR2:x2<y<\}. (c) {(x,y, z)eR3:0<x<l,0<y<l,0<z<x2 + y2}. (d) {(x, y, z)eR3: -1 <x < 1, 0 <y<2, y<z< y + x2}. 16. Verify that the volume of a right circular cylinder of radius r and height h is inr2h. 17. Integrate the function/on the unit rectangle [(0, 0), (1, 1)] in R2 x cos 2-ny. (a) f(x, y) (b) f(x,y)=\(x-\)(y-\)\. (c) f(x, y)=xe*y + ye~x. = 184 2. Notions ,a\ of Calculus tt x ^ (a) f(x, y)= i n \ f(x,y)= \ (e) tfx^y . .c if fx + y x v < + ifx + j 1 y>l. f(x,y) (i+x2 + y2Y'2. Integrate the function /on the domain D in R2. (a) 7J {(x, y):0<x,0<y,x + y< l},f(x, y)=x2 + y2. (b) D {(*, y): 0 < y <x < l},f(x, y) xy2 {(x, y):0<y<x< \},f(x, y)=x2y. (c) D (d) D {(x, y): x2 + y2 < l},/(x, y) (x2 y2)2. 19. Integrate the function /on the domain D in .R3. (a) D is the intersection of the unit ball with the octant {x > 0, y > 0, x + v + z. z > 0} and f(x, y, z) (b) Z> is as above and f(x, y, z) xyz. (c) Z> is the unit cube in the first octant and/(x, v, z)=x2 + y2 + z2. (A) D is the domain in the first octant bounded by the coordinate z. \ and f(x, y, z) axes and the plane x + y + z (f) = 18. = = = = = = - = = = = PROBLEMS Verify that the integral on R" as defined in this section coincides, 1, with the Riemann integral defined in the previous section. 37. Let /be a bounded, nonnegative, real-valued function defined on the interval /, and let D {(x,y) e R2; x el, 0 < v </(*)}. Verify this assertion: /is integrable if and only if D is measurable, and U f= Vol(Z>). Let D be a domain in R2 and suppose 38. Use Problem 37 to verify this. 36. when n = = that D is of the form {(x, y)eR2:a<x<b,g(x)^y <f(x)} Then, if D is measurable, Vol (D) JS [f(x) g(x)] dx. 39. Complete the proof of Fubini's theorem by verifying the second and = third - inequalities of Equation (2.24). 40. State and prove Fubini's theorem in three dimensions. 41 Suppose the unit ball is filled with a fluid whose density is . proportional to the distance to the boundary. Find the radius of the ball centered at the origin which has precisely half the mass. 42. Suppose a cone of base radius r and height h is filled with mud (Figure 2.13). Suppose the density of the mud is equal to the distance from the base. What is the 43. A beach B is B = {(x,y): 1 <x2 + and the human mass of the mud? shaped in the form of a crescent (see Figure 2.14) y2;(x- i)2 + v2<l} density a increases with the distance from the water. More precisely, a(x, y) (x2 + v2)"1. What is the mass of humanity on that = beach ? 2.8 2.8 2.13 Figure 2.14 Differentiation 185 Partial Differentiation the Although it is Figure Partial integral computed by in R" is defined without reference to the succession of integrations, a one coordinate at coordinates, a time. The notion of differentiation is, to begin with, generalized to R" one coordinate at a time. Later we shall see how to build out of this generalization an invariant notion of derivation. Let x0 e R", and suppose that / is neighborhood x' given by J (X0 , . of x0 . . , X , . a real-valued function defined in For each i consider the function of the x0 ) single a variable 186 2. of Calculus Notions If this function is differentiable, we denote the derivative by df/dx1, and call More precisely, it the partial derivative of/in the x' direction. Let /be Definition 15. of x0 in R". df OX The v , i (x0) = real-valued function defined in partial derivative of/ with respect xp' /(V ,. hm + f, Another way of This restriction is partial function a as the on are partial one computed merely by considering constant. 42. = xy f(x,y) = dx y dy (x, y) = x 43. = (x2y) f dy 2xy = x2 1 44. /(*, y) = cos[x(l f(x,y)= -(l dx dy (x, y) = 45. /(*, y) = x> -x + + y)] y)sin[x(l sin[x(l Consider the through Examples fix, y) derivative is this. x0 and in the E; direction. variable and df/dx' is its derivative. the line function of derivatives relevant variable neighborhood * describing as a a to x! at x0 is the limit ,x0")-/(xo1, ...,Xo") (-.0 function / only These a + y)] + y)] all but the 2.8 x~(x, y) ' yxy = dx dy (x, y) = Partial x In Differentiation 187 x Of course, if the functions dx1'"" are dx" also defined in neighborhood a of x0 , partial differentiation, and keep going in this we may way as subject them as possible. far to further We shall refer to any such operation as a partial differentiation and call its order the number of individual partial derivatives involved. Thus, the order of \dxJJ dx' is 2; the order of dx2 \dy is 6. \dz3JJ We introduce dx2 notational convention which deletes \dxj dx d2f a d /df\ dx \dyj _ dx dy *2 l2f d ldf\ dx1 \dxJj _ 1 dx dxj d3f dx1 dxj dxk d6f dx2 dy dz and so forth. ((K\\ dx' \dxJ d 3 dx \dxkjf d5f \dx dy dz3) / parentheses. 188 2. Notions Suppose df/dx1, that now ..., df/dx" of Calculus /is open set N in R" and that set all the variables constant except function defined in a all exist in N. If we an just the derivative off along this line. Thus, if df/dx' 0, / is constant along the line on which only x' varies. In such circumstances we say that /is independent of x', since /does not vary as x' alone varies. If, moreover, df/dx' is zero at all points of N for all i, then/ depends on none of the variables, so is constant. As this is an important one, say x' then , df/dx' is = observation, make it. we Proposition 17. Suppose that f is a real-valued function defined in a neigh of x0 in R". f is constant near x0 if and only if all the derivatives df/dx" exist and are zero near x0 df/dx1, borhood . .. Proof. . , If /is constant, it is obvious that df/dx' = suppose that these conditions are valid in a ball y (y1, ...,y")e B(x0 r). We will show that/(>0 = , the proof. 0 for all i. On the other hand, Let B(x0 r) centered at x0 =/(x0). Figure 2.15 illustrates . , Consider the function of x" : f(x0 . , . . , Xo-1, x") This function has derivative /(xo1, . . . , zero by hypothesis, XV1, xo") =f(xo' so is constant. xl~\ y") Now, the function of xn_x, f(x0\...,x"0-2,x-\y) (y'.y2,/) / (y',-to2,jto (xn\xir, Jfi>:! ) Figure 2.15 Thus, 2.8 Partial also has derivative zero, and thus must be constant, f(x0\ ..., Differentiation 189 so xTl, v") =f(x0\ ...,y-\ y") This together with the preceding equation gives f(x0\ xTl, x0") =f(x0\ , ..., xl'1, y-\ y") Continuing in this way, we can replace each x0J by the corresponding y] time, ending up with the desired equation f(x0) f(y). As far fact only on the as should we on higher order verify. they dy dz basic performed. For example, d5f d5f dz dx dy dx dz dy dx dz dz dx equation; it being clear that all others follow applications of the first one. The verification of (2.25) interesting application of Fubini's theorem. verify only the first succession of amounts to an Theorem 2.13. Let f be a function defined in a neighborhood that all first- and second-order partial deriva real-valued of(x0 y0) in R2 and suppose off exist and are continuous , tives d2f d2f dx dy dy dx throughout R one (2.25) d5f We shall are dy dx dy dx N concerned, there is a This is that each ^ *' dx a are at partial differentiation depends the number of derivatives with respect to each coordinate, and not now the order in which from differentiations one on N. Then N. Proof. We apply Fubini's theorem to d2f/dx 8y in ((xa yo), (s, t)) contained in N (see Figure 2.16) a sufficiently small rectangle = , rs IY e2/ l r' [V e2/ dy (2.26) 190 2. Notions of Calculus Figure Now, we can rs Jxo Integrating and (2.27) easily evaluate the integral dy once \ df df Jxo 8x\8y J dy dy 8 again (this time with respect ay J*o L-'vo dx dy right-hand side. the on l8f f 82f dx 2.16 dy dx = c' j y) we obtain from Equations (2.26) to 8 -[f(s,y)-f(x0,y)]dy =f(s, 0 -f(x0 t) - , Now, we can [f(s, y0) -f(x0 y0)] , differentiate this ' d 8s L- d2f 8x8y ' (x, y) dy dx -i. 82f 8x Then, from (2.28) f' (2.28) equation with respect to 5 first, and then t. By the calculus, we know how to differentiate the integral on the the upper limit of integration : fundamental theorem of left with respect to For fixed y, a2/ = axey(''y)dy ax(s't)-8x<s'y) 8y (s, y) dy 2.8 Differentiating this equation with respect to t , we Differentiation 191 obtain 82f 82f dx 8y as now Partial 8y 8x desired. Another allows important application Proposition 18. two variables F function of Fubini's theorem is this result, which to differentiate under the us on F(x)= Then F is Suppose that f integral sign. is a continuously differentiable function of and y, a < x < b, and y the interval [fl, b~\ by x e D, a domain in R". Define the |7(x,y)dy differentiable and d-f(x) j8/(x,y)dr = Jd dx dx We shall show that F is the indefinite Proof. f integral of the function J 8f. \yx(x,y)dy and thus by the fundamental theorem of calculus, the follows. proposition By Fubini's theorem i[ll^y)dy\dx=l[V^{x'y)dx by the fundamental f(t,y)-f(a,y). Thus But theorem of dy calculus, the inner integral on the right is [f(t,y)-f(a,y)]dy=F(t)-F(a) f'Tf ^(x,y)df\dx=\ JD J J LJD Let are us 8x return obtained consideration of the first-order derivatives. to lines differentiating after restricting the function now by to the These parallel 192 2. of Calculus Notions to the coordinate axes. That along any line. We is, Let x0 Definition 16. we e neighborhood of x0 derivative df(x0 v) to be in a . generalize this notion to allow differentiation make this definition. R" and suppose /is a real- valued function defined If v is a vector in R", we define the directional , jff(*o + 'v) This is clearly the Um/(x0 + fv) same as /(x0) - t i-o We leave it as an g(x0) = exercise to that verify (2.29) d/(x0,Ej) Now, in certain pathological cases the directional derivatives need not together in any nice way, but typically we need only know the vatives in order to find any directional derivative. Proposition 19. Proof. vary one ... , + linearly . in v. looking at the difference fv)-/(x0) variable at argument with a a In order to expose the idea without we consider the two-variable time. pile of indices, encumbering case. difference f(x0 + t h, y0 + tk) {f(x0 deri a neighborhood ofx0 and the partial Then the directional derivatives df/dx" all exist near x0 The argument consists in /(x0 hang Suppose f is defined in derivatives df/dx1, df(x0, y) partial + th, y0 + f(x0 y0) , tk) -f(x0 + th, y0)} + {f(x0 + th, y0) -f(x0 y)} , the Write the 2.8 find We can the mean x0 and better a expression for the + th, y0) f(x0 y0) - 8f = , Similarly, by applying the 8f 8y is, there is by applying f0 between a , value theorem to the function f(x0 + th, s), mean we can as (x0 + th, t]a)tk -q0 between y0 and y0 + tk. some rectangle [(x0 yo), (x0 , f(x0 + df ty)-f(x0) = --0, we Thus, we have for suitable (f0 v) , in the + th, y0 + tk)], dx t (f .,8f, o , yo)h + oy v. ,. (x0 + th, r)0)k , obtain by continuity that d((x0 y0), (h, k)) , Thus the That (fo yo)th rewrite the term in the first set of braces t y0) of s. 193 + th such that x0 Letting Differentiation term in the second set of braces value theorem to the function f(s, f(x0 for Partial proposition = + j (*o y0)h , (x0 y0)k , (2.30) is verified, at least in R2. This linear function, df(x0 v) of the vector v in R" is called the differential We will make a systematic study of this in a later chapter. The of/ at x0 , . vector-valued function K\ \dxl'""dx") IK. gradient off and is denoted by V/ generalization of (2.30) to n variables is called the 19 that the df(*o ,v) The in the what = et W more <. V/(x0)> Proposition t2-31) total derivative." It is not as powerful one variable and it is some kind of tool. For cumbersome, but it does provide a similar gradient behaves as a analysis of a function example, = It is clear from is sort of as " the derivative in 194 2. Notions Proposition 20. attains a of Calculus The maximum gradient of a function vanishes at any point at which it minimum value. or (xo1, x0") is (for instance) a maximum value of /, then Proof. If x0 f(x0l, x', x0"), as a function of x', attains a maximum at x0'. Thus, 8f/8x' vanishes at x0'. Since this is true for all i, Vf(x0) 0. = . . . . , . . . . . , , = Examples 46. Consider /(x, y, V/=(2x Thus x = - zero x - is, only x2 + xy + y2. when 2y = 2 that = 2y) + y,x + V/is z) at the This is the origin. only critical point, and a minimum at that. 47. f(x, y, V/= (cos y, is never 48. zero, z) = y + x sin y, 1) so /has no f(x, y,z) V/= (cos(yz), x cos = xz x cos z critical values. (yz) sin yz, xy sin yz) V/is zero only when x Oandyz n(n + ^foranyintegern. Clearly, / has both negative and positive values near any point on the line {x 0}, so no such point is critical. Thus, /has no critical points. = = = EXERCISES 20. Find the first partial derivatives of these functions. sin(xy) (c) x'' (d) x2y + y2x 21. Differentiate x*". (Hint: This is the same as finding the directional derivative of x"z at a point (x, x, x) in the direction of (1, 1, 1).) (a) xyz (b) 2.9 Improper Integrals 195 22. If /is differentiable at x0, then 8f ,- (x0) for all = df(x0 Ei) , i. 23. Suppose that/, g are differentiable at x0 in R". Show differentiable and V(fg)(x0) =f(x0)Vg(x0) + g(x0)Vf(x0). 24. If /is differentiable at x0, and/(x0) ^0, then v(i)(x0) ^ = V/(x0) 25. What is the minimum of x2 + 26. What is the maximum of x+3v that fg is also y2 + (2v + l)2 ? n l+x2+y2' 27. Compute the differentials of the functions in Exercise 20. PROBLEMS 44. Suppose /is a differentiable function of two variables and gi,g2 are one variable so that the range of (gi,g2) is in the differentiable functions of domain Find the derivative of of/. 45. Let /be function of 46. x a y alone if and Suppose that 47. Let T: R" h(t ) =f(gi(t), g2(t)). differentiable function of two variables. -> L : R" R" be -> a only if 8f/8x + 8f/8y R is a linear function. linear transformation. = Show that /is a 0. What is V/_ ? Define the function on Show that / is differentiable, and V/(x, y) f(x, y) <T'y, Tx} (recall that T' is the transpose of T: if T is represented by the matrix (a/), then T' is represented by (b/) where b/ at'). R" x R": = (Tx, y>. = = 48. If T: R"-+R" is a <7x, x> is differentiable, 2.9 g(x) = = Improper Integrals We return be linear transformation, then the function Tx + Tx. and V#(x) now considering focus on the " introduce the to the study of functions of functions defined on " one variable; in fact, the whole real line. infinity of such functions. notion of lim/(x) as x -* oo. behavior at we will Our interest will For this purpose we 196 2. Notions If/ is Definition 17. {x: x > fl} lim/(x) = a say that we if, for L of Calculus real-valued function defined in an infinite interval converges to L as x becomes infinite, written > 0 there is an M > 0 such that x> M implies f(x) e every x-*oo |/(x) L| Similarly, if/ is defined < . in {x: x<b] we say lim/(x) = L x-*<x> (the limit of there is an f(x) M is L as x 0 such that > becomes M x < negatively infinite) if, implies \f(x) L\ < e. for every > 0 Examples lim 49. M x > 1/x = For 0. implies |l/x 0| - given > 0, we can take M = _1. Then < . 50. 4x2 ,. + 3x + 5 lim - ox jc-+qo For, 4x2 2 long so 1 - = 7 2 0, as x > 4 + + 3x + 5 3/x ~ 8x2 Now, 8 7 - we can - 5/x2 7/x2 + (2.32) compute the desired limit by using the standard algebraic rules (the limit of a sum is the sum of the limits, etc.). (See Exercise 28.) Since 1/x, 1/x2 tend to zero as x->oo, the limit of (2.32) as x-> oo is 4/8 = 1/2. 51. x\x\ ,. hm x-*co 1 T X I'm 5=1 X-* oo x\x\ t + X 2= 1 If X2 x|x| 1 = ' Y+x1 = TTx1 l + i/x2 if x < 0, x|x| x2 1 + x2 1 + x2 -1 1 + 1/x2 2.9 lim arctan 52. x = Improper Integrals 197 n/2. Definition 17 is the analog for functions defined on an infinite interval of the notion of convergence of a sequence (a function defined on the integers). lust as we pass from sequences to series we can pass from infinite limits of functions to infinite sums; that is, integrals Let/be a continuous / is integrable if lim \xaf exists, Definition 18. We say absolutely integrable if lim J?/ /is over infinite intervals. function on in which case we \xa \f\ the interval {x: a}. x > write the limit as exists. Examples 53. x-2 is integrable dx 1 x = Ji = the interval on [1, oo). For --+1 m i so Cx~2dx= Jl 54. x~y (--+1^1) lim m-oo\ is not cos x = 1 m absolutely integrable on the interval [1, oo). For -2HB + OO dx > X Jl Between 2;tn - JI/3 QQg x Z I b=1 J2nn-n/ and jt/3 dx X 3 2rcn + 1 n/3, x cos x > (2nn + n/3) 1 \. Thus, f Ji The 2n 1 cos X dx> Z ^i = o 2 (27tn + tt/3) infinite intervals is entirely analogous to the We have the following facts (whose counterparts theory of integration on theory of infinite series. theory of series are easily recognized). in the oo 3 2. 198 Proposition of Calculus Notions Let f be continuous 21. on the interval {x : x > a}. (i) fis absolutely integrable if and only if the set {\xa |/|} is bounded. (ii) Iff is absolutely integrable, then fis integrable. (iii) (Comparison Test). // there exists a b > a and a constant K and an integrable positive function g defined on {x: x> b} such that Kg > |/|, thenf is absolutely integrable. Proof. (i) If |/| is integrable, clearly {Jj |/|} is bounded. On the other hand, if {J; |/|} is bounded, let L supfjs |/|}. Then for e > 0, L e is not an upper bound, so e. Then for all x>.x0, there exists an x0 such that S |/| > L - = - L>: j l/l>| !/!>- so -flfl\ <B (ii) Suppose j? |/| Let e > 0. f Then for n, = L. Then there is l/l- m >: x0 |c-cm| = Let c an x0 = rS/. {c} is a Cauchy sequence. , f fzf l/l^ f l/l- f l/l Thus {c} is Cauchy, Let > n so 0, and find N in the ;> x0 , a f \f\-L as x <- - e We show that such that for so + converges, say to that |c previous computation. c| < a c. j |/|-. < We shall show that in fact e/2 for n^>N. Then for x > J/= c. max(x0 N), , 2.9 (iii) Under the given hypothesis, if x b x j l/I^J" e Thus > Improper Integrals 199 1, then co 1/1+ AT J g<oo b a by (i), /is absolutely integrable. Here is easily derived relationship between integrals which provides yet another an series and the absolute convergence of test for the convergence of series. Proposition 22. (Integral Test) Let f be a positive, decreasing function + Then Jj f exists if and only ifY.n=if(n) < defined on R . Proof. For x,n<x<n+l we have f(n)>x>n+ 1. Thus/()>|i;+1 /> f(n +1). Thus, by comparison the series 2 j+1 fand 2/(") converge or diverge together. But the convergence of the first series is the same as the existence of J /, and conversely. This proposition gives an easy proof that 2 l/<1+e) < < for e > 0. (Compare For if we consider the integral j? dtjt1*', we have to the work of Example 18.) r* dt -1 x i 1 1 ex' e 1 ~ as x ->-ao. Example 55. OO 1 ?2 n(log n)2 < 00 For log au /'e* du f"*-* dt J 2 No* 'log 2 f(l0g f)2 I 1 ,og2 log _, = -" 1 2 logx Thus r / dt h f(logf)2 i _ *-\log2 M=_L logx/ log: < oo 200 2. of Calculus Notions EXERCISES 28. Verify these algebraic properties of lim. Suppose lim/(x), lim g(x) JC-.00 X-.00 exist. (a) lim f(x) + g(x) = x-*o (b) lim f(x)g(x) = x-*co (c) lim -. lim f(x) + lim lim f(x) lim - = #(x) g(x). x-*<x> x-*ao f(x) g(x). x-*co x-*oo Jim-^ *? if lim hm^tx) #(x) ?t 0. x-.co x-oo 29. Compute these limits (a) sin as x -> oo. 1 x . x (d) tan-. (C) XSinx- x x2 + 3x + 1 1 ** + l x2-l (c) FT!" 30. Which of these series converge: 2 (a) n=2 nlogn n=2 1 " (>) 1 W 2^r-T (10g lOg ri)2 = n(logn)2 ii = 2 n__. 1 OO Z n 2 = oo 2 x2 (log n)2(log log n)2 n3'2 n=2(logn)2 1 oo -J7T f * IV ' 2 W 2 2 (d> Cg) ^r-^i 1 CO n 2 (f) -j n = 2 (log rt),2 1 ( sin n)2 X-.00 2.70 2.10 The The Space of Continuous Functions 201 Space of Continuous Functions The mathematician attacks his problems with a certain store of techniques. problem will require the development of a new technique; more often the problem is solved by viewing it in one way, and then another and then again another until a viewpoint is obtained which allows for the application of one of those techniques. Sometimes if the viewpoint is clever enough, or profound enough or naive enough the applicable technique is quite elementary and surprising and leads to further deep discoveries. This is the case with the contraction lemma (a fixed point theorem) which we shall apply several times in this text to obtain some of the basic facts of calculus. First, in this section, we shall develop the particular viewpoint in the relevant context. It is simple enough instead of looking at continuous Occasionally functions Let in us a one at a time, we illustrate this with finding a consider them all. particular problem. Suppose differentiable function with these properties: f'(x)=f(x) for all a x and /(0) = we are interested (2.33) 1 function means first of all to verify that a solution to our and secondly to establish some technique for computing it. problem exists, We already have enough experience with calculus to know that this second of objective will be hard to fulfill. What we in fact seek is a means effectively This provides a clue : let us look for a sequence our solution To find such a approximating of functions {/} . which converges to a function with the properties (2.33). Such a sequence would be a sequence of differentiable function {/} such If we that the sequence {fn(x)} converges for all x, and f'n(x) =f-i(x). had such a sequence, we could take the limit and deduce that lim/'n(x) = lim/n_1(x) lim/(x) will solve our problem. itself provides the tech a good idea, because Equation (2.33) be Let any function, and define /0 nique for generating such a sequence. Will the sequence so forth. and /,=/' Then let/2=A,/3=A, that Notice 7 i -/ o. /2 {/} converge? Well, that is a problem. we must be very Thus, /3=/'2=/"o, and more generally / =/<5n)is careful to choose an infinitely differentiable function for/0. Suppose f0 so all and 0, Then / + 1 =/o"+1 chosen as a polynomial of degree n. converges, the rest of our functions are zero. Thus, the sequence certainly so/(x) = Now this is = 202 but 2. hardly Notions of Calculus solution, since the condition /(0) to a = 1 is not verified. In fact, this present approach has obviously petered out fruitlessly and it may be 1 in our because we have not incorporated the initial condition /(0) = approach. Can we put all of (2.33) in one statement, and then proceed with this technique of generating an approximating sequence ? The funda mental theorem of calculus says yes; in fact, (2.33) can be rewritten as f(x)=ff(t)dt + l (2.34) 'o This is operation involving integration rather than differentiation, advantage of not having to choose a very wellbehaved function for the first approximant. Let us try again, with (2.34) rather than (2.33). Letting/, 1, we find and now an have the added so we = /i(x) = f2(x) = f 1 dt + 1 = + 1 x "o 2 f (f + 1) dt + 1 + = x + 1 2 Jo /3(x)=/o(y '+1)d'+1=^+5+x + + 1 /b(x)=/o7-i(o^+i=5+(-^ ---+^+-+i + (2.35) Now we're getting converges for any /(x) = somewhere. x. lim/(x)= recognized we sought after function. the solution of need the limit in now our problem see = that the series (2.35) (Of course the reader has long since as being the exponential is the theoretical mathematics that will allow Xn J/(f)d-f+l= Z-f Jo B=on! function. that it did in fact turn out that (2.35) and correctly deduce r* /(x) seen 0n! Thus he should be reassured to What already -. = this must be the We have Thus, letting us way.) to take The 2.10 Space of Continuous Functions 203 led to the question of convergence in the space of continuous proceed to that theory. functions. Let X be a closed bounded set in R", and let C(X) denote the space of all continuous complex-valued functions on X. We know that iff and g are two functions in C(X), then so are/+ g ana\fg and cf, for c, a complex number. In particular, C(X) is a vector space on which multiplication is defined. The vector space C(X) is quite different from the vector spaces C", R" : C(X) is usually infinite dimensional (see Problem 49). C(X) does not have any Thus we are We now in fact, we wouldn't know how to choose one. however, C(X) is not very different. There is in this particulars, obvious "standard basis" In other space a reasonable notion of closeness. Two functions are close if their values are everywhere close ; that is, if the maximum of their difference is small. This leads to Definition 19. a notion of Let X be a space of continuous functions length and distance in C(X). closed and bounded set in jR", and X. If /e C(X), the length of/is C(X) the on H/ll =max{|/(x)|:xeX} If/ g The are in C(X), the properties of distance length between/ and g is \\f-g\\. and distance are just those of the corresponding notions in R" : \\cf\\ = \c\ H/ll ll/+<7ll< 11/11 + 11*11 the ll/n =0, then /=0. What is important is what we can consider notion of convergence of a sequence of continuous functions. We say that term of the /n ->/if ll/n -/II -> . that is> if the distance between the general becomes arbitrarily small. This is the same as saying that and If sequence / of/n at points of X converge to the values of/in a uniform manner. The value of these notions lies not only in their naturality, but in the now the values possibility of finding specific functions satisfying given properties by techniques of approximation. Let us make this precise. realizable Definition 20. C(X). Let X be We say that {/} that lim n-* 00 ||/ - /|| = 0 a closed bounded set, and {/} is uniformly convergent if there is an sequence in /e C(X) such a 204 2. of Calculus Notions We say that the sequence is such that II/b /mil uniformly Cauchy if, for e > every 0 there is an N whenever n,m> N < Examples 56. Let x uniformly converges /n'(x) to (1 x)x". This sequence ||/,||. compute max|/(x)| [0, 1], /(x) Let zero. us = - = n(l-x)x"-1-x" = so/'(x) 11/. be the interval = 0 has the solutions V which tends to 57. On the l/U+1/ + n x = n 0, x l\n + n/(n = + + Thus 1). lj zero. same interval the sequence fn(x) = sin x/n tends to zero, for ||/J sin = -? - 0 asn->oo 58. Consider the convergence of the sequence {nx sin x/n} on the [0,1]. Now we know that sin x/n ->0 as n - oo, but interval - nx oo, so cannot we We have to refine our n, it is very close to nx nxsin about the For x/n. large product. values of Thus x/n. (2.36) x n n so we = - make any deduction information about sin guess that nx sin x/n -* x2. Let us prove it by computing (2.37) x nx sin n In order to do . x x n n that, let < sin r n us provide an in the interval estimate to [0, 1] our guess (2.36). (2.38) 2.10 Then The Space of Continuous Functions 205 (2.37) becomes X nx sin x / 2 x\ 1 + nj x . nxlsin = \ n n I nx = . x x\ n nj sin \ X . lliwll < sm -x2 n (2.39) X - n 1 < n X nx (2.40) n . -^ = n n2 and since n_1 -*0 as n -> co, we are thrc)ughL. 59. On the interval It is not does not m = 2n, [0, 1] the sequence {sin nx} is not convergent. Cauchy sequence. The distance ||sinnx sinmx|| become arbitrarily small as n, m->co. In particular, if even a we ||sin(nx) have sin(2nx)|| > sinl I n \ 2n/ sinf 2n \ | = 1 2n/ The basic theorem about convergence of continuous functions is the which plays the same role in C(X) as the least upper bound axiom following, does for R. It provides the assertion of existence of functions with prescribed properties. In order to verify that a sequence of functions has a continuous limit, we need only verify that it is a uniformly Cauchy sequence. Theorem 2.14. uniformly X. uniformly Cauchy Suppose {/} is Proof. on A This n,m~^.N. means : This l/n(x) Thus, for sequence of continuous - uniformly Cauchy e > 0, there is an precisely a for every x is means fm(x) \<e for all x e sequence of continuous functions N > 0 such that 1 1/ /m 1 1 < e for - (2.41) X each x, {/(x)} is a uniformly Cauchy sequence of real numbers, and Denote the limit, lim/(x) by f(x). We must show that this thus converges. function functions convergent. ->/(x) is continuous, and that/ converges uniformly to/. 206 2. Notions First of all, if e > of Calculus 0, choose N as above, and let m -> in oo (2.41). obtain, for We n>N, lim |/(x) -/(x)| |/(x) -/(x)| = < for all e x e X m-* oo Thus, if n^N, ||/-/||>e. This implies that lim ||/-/|| =0, desired. as n- oo / is continuous. Fix x0 e X. Let e > 0 and choose iV so large that < e/3. Since / is continuous, there is a S>0 such that ||x x0||<3 /II ll/ implies |/v(x) /(x0)| < e/3. Then if |x x0| < 8, Now | f(x) -/(xo)l l/(x) -/(x)| + |/(x) -/(x)| + IMx) -/(x0)| ^ e e e <3+3+3=, desired. as seen one vector space of functions, we can easily see them every The collection of bounded real-valued functions on a set X is a Having where. vector space taking functions same over the reals. values in R" is also taking a The collection of all bounded functions on X the space of continuous All the spaces here are endowed with the vector space; values in R". similarly, concept of length : ll/H =sup{||/(x) ||: xeX} Of even more interest analytic operations. are For the spaces of functions on which is defined some example, if I is an interval, the space of all real- valued functions which C](/) are differentiable on / is a vector space. The space of all functions whose derivative is continuous is also a vector space, is the space C(n,(/) of all functions which have continuous nth derivatives. The space R(I) of functions which are integrable on / is a vector space. These (and other) examples are further elaborated in the exercises. Suffice it to as say here that the mathematical theory which follows this point of view (20th-century) development which has only in foundations of mathematics, but in the (called functional analysis) is a recent had profound impact, not practical application of mathematics Let us return to the space bounded set X in R". in we a space, are on which easily led Once are in all branches of science. C(X) of continuous functions we begin thinking defined such notions to consider functions on on of these functions a closed as points distance and convergence, that space. Naturally, such a as function is continuous if it takes convergent sequences into convergent sequences. 2.10 The Space of Continuous Functions 207 Examples 60. Let g e /-/, that is, C(X) and define \\fng-fg\\< II/.-/H ll^n 61. Define II/2 -/2|| If /-?/> thusalso = <b(f) =fg. $ ||/-/||-*0,then i/,: C(X) ll(/ -/)(/ +/)|| the term continuous, for if ->o C(X), <P(f) =f\ - js < ||/ -/|| ,/, js also continuous, - ||/ +/|| ||/ +/|| remains bounded for (2.42) while \\f-f\\->o ||/2-/2||->0. 62. If P is any polynomial, \/ip(f) = P(f) is continuous on (Problem 55). 63. Define M: C(X) -^ R, M(f) = C(X) ||/||. This is continuous, since \\M(f)-M(g)\\ = \ ||/||-|l*ll l<ll/-<7ll 64. Let x0 AT and define F0 : C(X) ^ R, F0(f) =f(x0). Certainly is continuous: for if/->/in C(X), then the maximum over X F0 f \L(x) -/W| Fo(L) F0(f). tends to zero; in particular, |/(x0) -/(x0)| ->0, so ^ 65. The definite / = [a, b~] <= R. integral is J/"-//|-|-f//n_/) so if/n ->/, also J//, than that of from a continuous function on C(I), where For -> \,f <\\L-f\\(b-a) A stronger and more important statement the indefinite integral, as a function Example 65 is that C(I) to C(I) is continuous. This is contained in the next pro position. Proposition 23. Let I {x e R: a < x < b}. Suppose f is a sequence of functions on I converging uniformly to f. Let F(x) J-* / jafi Then F^F uniformly. continuous F(x) = = = , 208 2. Notions of Calculus Proof. x I F(x)-F(x)\= J Thus, taking the maximum (/-/) the on SS 11/. -/IK* - < a) 11/. -/IK* - a) left, l|F-F||<||/-/||(6-a) if / so ->/ uniformly so also F^F. Problem 56 is intended to demonstrate that tion is not a continuous function on C(I). on the other hand, differentia (It isn't even everywhere defined; i.e., there are continuous functions that do not have a derivative.) less, Proposition 23 has this consequence for differentiation. Neverthe Proposition 24. Let {/} be a sequence of continuously differentiable functions on the interval [a, b~] and suppose that (i) {/'} is uniformly Cauchy, (ii) f(a) 0 for all n. Then {/} is uniformly convergent to a differentiable function f and f lim/'. = = The Proof. proof of this proposition consists in a rereading By that theorem of Proposition 23 via the fundamental theorem of calculus. X fn(x)=j /'. a by Proposition 23, / is also convergent. If we let g lim/' then lim/, Thus, lim/, is indeed differentiable and its derivative is g lim/' so = , = Jj g. = . Let to the consideration of our original problem. In fact, generalize slightly. Let c be a complex number, and let us seek a differentiable complex-valued function / such that let us return now it us f'(x) This is, tinuous = cf(x) for all x by the fundamental function/such that f(x) = c\Xf(t)dt + l and /(0) = 1 theorem of calculus the (2.43) same as seeking a con (2.44) 2.10 Now that follow we a more and define the Tf(x) The Space of Continuous Functions have the necessary theory sophisticated approach. function T on C(I): c = ff(t) dt and point of view available, Let I be the interval I + 1 = 209 we may \_-R, R], (2.45) 'o / such that/= Tfi that is, a fixed point of the transfor technique is that of successive approximation. Let /0 be any continuous function, and define f Tf0, f2 Tf =T2f0, and in general T"f0. We must show that the sequence {/} converges. If / Tfn_i 1 we can compute the sequence explicitly, and we find that we choose /0 We seek function a Our mation. = = = = = (cx)"~l (ex)" Then if m > L(x) n, f(x) - = (ex)'1 (cx)m k + f + -b^-rv, (m-1)! [-R, R] the maximum by |c|, and x by R. Thus, On the interval replacing c m ii f Um All- ' + (|c|Kr i + k=o ^R)m'1 of this i + i + k\ k=o + 1)! expression is dominated by (lcl*>"+1 (n (m_i)i m, (cx)"+i ; (n ml + l)! K\ Since the series (f. (kl R)k is a Cauchy sequence, so by (2.46), converges, its sequence of partial sums Since T is {/} is a Cauchy sequence and is thus uniformly convergent. continuous on lim/, = C(I), lim we have T(/B_,) = Tflim/,-,) = r(lim/) 210 so to 2. Notions lim/ solves spend a few the The number /'(*) given problem. This function is important enough for paragraphs discussing it. exponential function, denoted exp(cx), is the solution of the differential c cf(x) = us more Definition 21. complex of Calculus /(0) = or ecx, for any equation 1 First of all, this definition makes sense, because there is only one solution. If g also solves, then d [ecx~\ ecxg' cecxg cecxg cecxg = 92 dx since g' ecx or the Thus e^g'1 is constant. Since its value at 0 is cg. From these discussions we have these additional g. = = exponential = b ex+y we from (ii) 1, of 0 n! eV. never zero. = Part (ii) follows and =(*) must have h(x) = e', '(0)=_=1 so (ii) is verified. Part (iii) follows immediately : ^CXq-CX (e")-1 properties = "'(*) Thus = function Part (i) follows directly from the argument above. uniqueness. Fix v, and define h(x) e'+yle*. Then Proof. so = ecx is from the 1, e^g'1 25. Proposition (ii) (iii) 0 92 _ gCX-CX _ Q _ 1 =<r". PROBLEMS 49. Let / be dimensional. a nonempty interval in R. Show that C(I) is infinite The Fixed Point Theorem 2.11 50. Show that the sequence of functions on 211 the closed unit disk in C defined by n X ux)=Lk2 converges. | 2 Z"/M converge 51. Does the sequence 52. Let {a} be these facts: a sequence of on the closed unit disk? complex numbers such that 2 M < co- Verify For every z, |z| < (a) i/Wi 2 < n= l,/(z) 2*=' = ifl-i 1 (b) /is continuous {z on e C: \z\ < 1}. 2i?=N+il,.l^0as/V^*>. / Show that g be continuous functions \\fg\\ < 54. Show that x x n n Is \\g\l the interval for all < sin ll/ll on This is true because polynomials f(z)=^Liaz\ uniform limit of the 53. Let az" converges, and \\fg\\ < on since /is the ||/-/v||< the closed and bounded set X. 11/11 lltfll possible? [0, 1], n n2 55. Let xi, . . . , xk e X and p be any polynomial in k variables. Define r-.C(X)^C ,F(/)=K/(xi), ...,/(*)) Show that T is continuous. funct.ons which sequence {/} of differentiable is not convergent. that {/'(*)} convergent, but such 56. Find is a uniformly 2.11 The Fixed Point Theorem of the point theorem is a generalization the discussion approximations described above in The fixed exponential function root of Newton as a technique for finding First, is this. method Newton's technique was first used by polynomial equations. Simply stated, This technique of successive of the 212 2. Notions of Calculus technique is described by means of which one can transform a given approxi a root into a better approximation. One then chooses a reasonable approximation, applies this technique to it to find a better one. Having this, one again applies the technique : if it's a good one, the result is an even better approximation. Continuing in this way, one obtains a sequence of approximations which should converge to the root. Now, having described the procedure, let us turn to Newton's specific technique for bettering approximations. Let / be a given real polynomial. We want to find a point x0 such that f(x0) 0. Choose a px so that/f^) is small. Now, replace the function by its linear approximation at p1: L(x) =f(Pi) +f'(Pi)(x Pi), and let p2 be the root of L(x) 0. In other words, replace the graph off by its tangent line and let p2 be the x intercept of that line (see Figure 2.17). Now apply this procedure to p2 Let p3 be the root of the linear approximation to / at p2 and so forth. We can describe Newton's technique abstractly as follows : For any point p, let T(p) be the zero of the linear approximation of /at p:T(p) solves the equation f(p) +f'(p)(T(p) p) 0. (We must a mation to = = . , - Figure 2.17 = 2.11 # 0 for T to be that/' T(p) assume have we p, and = The Fixed Point Theorem well-defined a conversely, thus 213 function.) Clearly, if f(p) 0, are in reality seeking a fixed = we point of T\ T has the property of contraction Suppose 1 such that on some interval I. There is a Ty\ < c\x y\, all x, y e I. Then Newton's method 0 (or/'(x) works. There is a root of/(x) 0) on the interval /, and it is the limit of the sequence x0 Tx0 T2x0 where x0 is any point of /. This is the content of the fixed point theorem. We now state and prove it explicitly for subsets of C(X). It will be clear that the theorem is true for subsets of R", by virtue of the same argument. c < \Tx - - = , , Suppose S is of sequences Theorem 2.15. a , closed a S contains all limits which is = in S. contraction, that is, there is II T(f) Then there is - a T(g) || unique < c ||/ - g \\ ..., of functions in C(X) : that Suppose T is a mapping of S onto S a c < set 1 such that for allf, g e S continuous function f0 such that T(/0) =/0 . Proof. Certainly the fixed point is unique. For if T(f0) =/0 and T(f) =/, then l!/o-/ill= lir(/o)-r(/)]|<c||/o-/i||<||/o-/ill unless ||/0-/i||=0, that is, /o =/i. Let the sequence {/} be defined as follows :fi=f,f2 Now let fe C(X). Tf, Tfn-l. {/} is a Cauchy sequence. For f3 Tf2,...,fn = = = ll/.+i-/.ll so we can = ll7y.-3/.-ill^c||/.-/.-il| verify by induction that ll/.+i-/.ll<c"ll/i-/oll Thus, for m > n we 11/- -/.!!< have ZUi+i-fj) <mf\\fj+l-fj\\ J=n c" #)"* < Since c lim Tfn < = II/1-/0IKII/1-/0I Since T is continuous, Tf0 {/} is Cauchy, so has a limit f0 e C(X). function. fixed lim/+1 =/0 and thus f0 is the desired 1 - , , n-eo n-> oo As an \IcJ) x0 an > illustration 0 such that on x02 the real numbers let = a, us prove that if by Newton's method. First, a > we 0, there is describe the 214 2. p). 2p(x Tp = of Calculus 0, the linear approximation to x2 Thus, the zero of this linear polynomial is Let p T. map + Notions contraction a p2 a + p ^2p -IH Clearly, if T has a fixed point x0 that Tis at p is a > , 1 |Tx-Tv|=; we x02 must have = Thus, a. we must show closed interval: on some a a 1 X V ~2 y + a , (y -X) x-y + xy -\ x-y\ 1-^ XV only ensure that \. {x: x2 >a/2}. (a/xy) Then for x, y e I, xy > a/2, so a/xy < 2, which is the desired inequality. Thus, by the fixed point theorem there is an x0 with x02 > a/2 such that Since a, x,y 1 x02 = now give a Sometimes theorem. j a (a/xy) < 1, so contraction with somewhat a c need we Let/ = = function of x: value (0, 1), and near of y. The relations = 1 y more subtle application of the fixed point relation between two real variables determines function of the other. as a are 1 positive, 1, for Tto be a. We shall as a all axe > = For (1, 0) we sin(x(log y)) example, x2 x; + y2 the relation = 1 gives should write = x y = (1 = x + v = one 0 determines x2)1/2 y2)1/2 as a (1 near the function 0 somewhat less transparent, nevertheless as a function of x. we can ask whether or not they do determine y Suppose now, in F(x, y) defined in the (2.47) = general we have equation (see Figure 2.18) an 0 (2.47) plane. We ask : does saying y g(x) ? amounts to = there exist More a function g of x such that is there a function g precisely, such that F(x, y) = 0 if and It is not hard to find a only if y = #(x) necessary condition. For there to be such a function 2.11 y is a function of The Fixed Point Theorem y is not jc a 215 function of j: Figure 2.18 it must be the that each line constant intersects the set F(x, y) 0 F(x, y), as a function of y on lines x The root of constant must take the value 0 only once. 0 is then the value g(x). Now we recall from one-variable theory F(x, y) that a function H(y) will take all values once if H'(y) j= 0. Thus the reason in only one case x point (see Figure 2.19). = = Thus the function = = able condition to impose on F is that it has a continuous partial derivative with respect to y, and dF/dy = 0. This condition turns out to be enough. More precisely, suppose that F is defined and has continuous partial derivatives in the neighborhood of the origin in R2, and dF/dy(0, 0) ^ 0. Figure 2.19 216 We seek a and F(x, F(x0 y) function g defined in g(x)) 0. If we fix This 0. = function of y of F(x0 y) , a brings neighborhood of x x = , as a of Calculus Notions 2. = right T(y) us is the Newton did: as at y ; that + dy 0 such that a zero of the linear #(0) = 0 root of Define T approximation is, dF F(xo,y) = 0, then we seek x0 back to Newton's method. near (xo,y)(Ty-y) = 0 or dF Ty Just as Thus, = y- Jy in Newton's need we y for x0 that fixed we now case the solution of point. that T is a that it will have This (2.48) , , only verify near x so F(x0 y) (x0 y) application F(x0 y) = , contraction in fixed a 0 is the fixed some point of T. interval of values of point ; and we define g(x0) to be point theorem really works, as of the fixed shall prove. Suppose that F has continuous partial derivatives in and that F(0, 0) 0, dF/dy(0, 0) # 0. Then there is 0), neighborhood of(0, in x some interval 6, e) such that g definedfor ( function Theorem 2.16. = F(x, y) Proof. = 0 if and only if Instead of (2.48) we y = a a g(x) consider something slightly simpler. For x near 0, define Tx(y)=y- d2L-(0,0) Ty F(x,y) (2.49) We want to find the fixed point, if it exists, of (2.49). e 17 < y < 77 in which Tx is < x < e, a Thus we seek suitable intervals, contraction \8F (0,0) . T,( yi) By the mean - Tx(y2) =yi-y2- value theorem there is a [F(x,yi)-F(x,y2)] t, between y1 and y2 such that dF F(x, y,) - F(x, y2) = dy (x, 0(yt - y2) (2.50) 2.11 Equation (2.50) becomes, Tx(yi) Tx(y2) - = - (0, 0)"1 8-f (x, 0 y2)\lI 3-f dy dy (0, 0). we may choose s<yi<e, of e, e < y2 e so and < e (2.51) - Now the term in brackets is continuous in Thus 217 substitution, upon (yi The Fixed Point Theorem (x, <!;) and has the value 0 at \ if -e < x < e, that that term is less than is between yy and y2 . With this choice (2.51) gives \Tx(yi)-Tx(y2)\<i\yi-y2\ Then, if Tx is indeed a contraction. Define g(x) as the fixed point of Tx 0, then by (2.49) Tx(y) y, so we must have y g(x). On the F(x, y) other hand, if y g(x), then Tx(y) y, so again by (2.49) we must have The theorem is proved. 0. F(x, y) To say that the function g exists is already good enough, but much more is We will leave the verifica true: g is a continuously differentiable function. tion of this fact to the interested reader (see Problem 58). In Section 7.2 we shall reconsider this theorem (known as the implicit function theorem) in many more variables. The beauty of the fixed point theorem is that the general context does not at all complicate the ideas, nor the verifications. so . = = = = = = EXERCISES 31. Find, by Newton's method, a sequence of numbers converging to the square root of a, for any a > 0. Now, do the cube root. 32. Find a sequence converging to a root of these polynomials : (c) xb-2x2-3x + 2 (a) x3 + x2 + x+l (b) (a) F(x, y) 33. (d) x5 -x- I F(x, y)=x sin(xy). For what values of (x, y) such that 0 defines v as a 0 is it true that nearby the equation F(x, v) x2-x+l Let = = function of x? (b) Same problem for (ii) F(x, y) x" y, (i) F(x,y)=xy2 + 2xy+\, x2 v2+ (iii) F(x, y) 34. Let F(x, y) be differentiable in a domain D, and (x0 ,y0)e D such that F(xo,yo)=0. Suppose g is differentiable and has the property Show that 0. vo F(x, g(xj) <7(*0) = = = = , 9{-Xo)- 8F\dx(x0,y0) 8F/dy(x0,yo) - 218 Notions 2. 35. Find of Calculus g' where g is defined implicitly by l (c) exy (d) e"=y xsin(xy)=0 cos(x+v)=y (a) (b) = PROBLEMS 57. Prove the fixed Theorem on IfS is then there is S, a a point theorem in subset unique of R" and T is e S such that y0 F(x0 y0) , 0, differentiable = 0. dF/8y(x0 jo) (F(x, y(x))=0 , Theorem 2.15 as defined on S and is T(y0) y<> and contraction . be Let g a = partial derivatives 58. Let F have continuous = R": (x0 y0) near the , We g(x0)=y0). and suppose function described in can prove that g is follows. (a) First of all, by the mean value theorem, for any (x, y), there is (f 7j) on the line between (x0 y0) and (x, y) such that , , 8F 8F F(x, y) F(x0 y0) - (I t/)(x ~Xo) = , + > (, -q)(y Why is the mean value theorem applicable? (b) Now, if we substitute y=g(x), y0 =g(x0), (|, rj)(x -Xo) + = - we y0) have dF 8F 0 a Yy (f V)(9(x) 0(Xo)) - Thus g (x) - x g(x0) Xo - dF/8x(lj, ri) 8F/8y(, tj) Conclude that g is differentiable and g'(x0) 2.12 8F/8x(xo,g(x0)) = 8F/8y(Xo,g(xo)) Summary z,... of A sequence zx to C. complex numbers is a function from {z} converges to z if, for every e The sequence positive integers there is an N such that \z z\ < e for A convergent sequence is n > the > 0 N. bounded, but not conversely. A monotonic Cauchy criterion: a bounded sequence of real numbers is convergent. 2.12 219 Summary sequence {z} converges if, for every e > 0, there is an N such that \z for both n,m>N. The series formed of a sequence {zn} is the sequence of sums zm \ - < e (?=i zj- If the sequence of sums converges, we say that the series converges and denote the limit by "= i z If 2 z- converges, then z -> 0, but not conversely. If {ck} is a sequence of nonnegative numbers, c*. converges if and only if the sequence =1 ck is bounded. A series z converges absolutely if . XlzJ Absolutely convergent < oo. series may be summed in any convenient way. Tests for Convergence Suppose |z| < \wB\ for all but finitely (0 E |w| converges, z is absolutely convergent, (ii) if so does 2 |h>|. comparison test. if If root test. is |c|1/n < r for some r < 1 and all but many 2 finitely Then n. |z| diverges, many n, 2 c absolutely convergent. If \cn+1/cn\ < r for some r < 1 and all but finitely many n, is 2 c absolutely convergent. The sequence {yk} of vectors in R" is said to converge to v if, for every e > 0, there is an N such that v || < s for k > N. A sequence of vectors || yk ratio test. - converges if and only if it does so in each coordinate. A set S is closed if and only if yk e S, lim yk v implies = v e S also. Every sequence contained in a closed and bounded set has a convergent subsequence. An .Revalued function defined in R" is said to be continuous at v0 iff is defined in a neighborhood tion is continuous on a of v0 and yk -> v0 implies f(yk) </(v0). point of S. set S if it is continuous at every A func If S is a closed and bounded set, and / is a continuous real-valued function defined on S, then/is bounded and attains its maximum and minimum. Sections 2.6 and 2.7 the definitions here; are only mainly about integration. major results. fundamental theorem of calculus. interval [a, F(x) exists for all b}. = Then the We shall not recollect the Suppose / is continuous integral ff x e [_a, b~\. Fis differentiable on (a, b) and F' =/. on the 220 R 2. Notions fubini's theorem. = Jj Let /be I in R". x x of Calculus an J/can integrable function defined computed by iteration: \j ([ \l /(*'. *") dx" ^"-1 = Let /be a v is v is defined a real-valued function defined in R", the directional derivative vector in on a rectangle be ' dx1 neighborhood of x0 in R". If df(x0 v) of/atx0 in the direction a , by lim/(X + ty)' ~ /(Xo) f->0 (if it exists). The ,(x0) = partial derivative df(x0,Ei) derivatives If these partial df(x0 y) is linear in , If the partial of/with respect to x' at x0 is v. are We derivatives can all defined and continuous df/dx' all exist in an compute the derivatives d(df/dx')/dxJ. These derivatives. If all first and second derivatives in an open set d2f d2f dx1 dx' throughout N. Suppose that / an F(x) = has continuous dx partial interval of reals, and D is f f(x, y) dy Then F is differentiable and d,.., 00 x0 , then open set are we may be able to the second-order off exist and are partial continuous N, then dx' dx1 where I is near write = f W J g^0y)dy a derivatives in the domain I domain in Rn. Let x D, 2.12 Suppose /is verges to L a as x real-valued function defined -> written oo lim/(x) = L if R. on |/(x) - We say L| 221 Summary that/(x) con be made arbi- can x->ao trarily small by taking on x sufficiently large. If now /is a continuous function R such that f/ lim ^0 x- oo exists, say that we /is integrable on R. If lim J* |/| exists, /is absolutely X~*QO If/ is a positive, decreasing continuous function if and only if "= i/(n) < oo. /exists jf We denote by C(X) the collection Let X be a closed and bounded set in R". of all complex-valued continuous functions on X. C(X) is a vector space. If/is in C(X), the /en#fn of/is Integral integrable. defined on test: R, then H/ll =max{|/(x)|:xX} For/ # in C(X) the distance between/and gis \\f- g\\. If {/} is a sequence in C(Z), and ||/ -/|| ->0 as n-> oo for some /e C(Z), we say that {/} Cauchy criterion. Suppose {/} is a sequence converges uniformly to / in C(X) satisfying the following condition: for each > 0, there is an N such that ||/ -/J| < 6 whenever n,m>N. Then there is an/e C(X) such that /->/ uniformly. integration. also J*/ The c -" If X is an interval in R, and/, -^/uniformly J/ uniformly. exponential function, denoted is the solution of the differential exp(cx), or equation y' ecx for any = cy, y(0) in C(X) complex 1. = then number It has these properties : (cx)n = c(x+y) ecx is _ o n! ecxecy never zero. fixed point theorem. onto S mapping of S II T(f) Then there is - a Let S be which is T(g) || < c ||/ - a a closed set offunctions in contraction; that is, there is g II C(X) and c < for all figeS unique continuous function f0 such that T(f0) =f0 T a 1 such that 222 of Calculus Notions 2. implicit theorem. function Suppose (0, 0), and derivatives in a neighborhood Then there is a function g defined for F(x, y) = if and 0 of only if y x = in that F has continuous that some F(0, 0) = interval ( partial 0, dF/dy(0, 0) # 0. e, e) such that g(x) FURTHER READING M. Spivak, Calculus, Benjamin, New This is York, 1967. It is text in the one-variable calculus. an eloquent an excellent reference for a full treatment of the material in this chapter. Lichtenberg, Mathematics for Scientists, Benjamin, New York, 1966. This is a review of the theory of calculus from the point of view of the physical scientist. It includes a chapter on numerical analysis. T. A. Bak and J. C. W. Burrill and J. R. Knudsen, Real Variables, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1969. An advanced text, going thoroughly through the material of this chapter and beyond to MISCELLANEOUS 59. Let So also is the a of Lebesque Then {x + yn} is also a linear subspace Show that the collection C of convergent sequences is a linear subAlso C0 the collection of all sequences converging to zero is a . , subspace of B. These spaces are all infinite dimensional. lim on convergent sequences in the obvious R : lim{x} lim x Show that lim is a linear function. 62. Define the function way : lim : C -* " " = . 63. What is the dimension of the space of linear functional annihilate C0? 64. Let xi x+i sequence. Show that it is not finite dimensional. vector space. space of B. linear a r; thus the collection S of all real 60. Show that the collection B of bounded sequences is of the vector space S of all sequences (Problem 59). 61 integration. PROBLEMS {x} and {yn} be sequences. {rx} for any real number sequences is theory = =4, i(xn + 3/x). x2 = on C which x are defined, let i(4 + ), and once x2 {x} converges. Assuming that, find the , . . . , Prove that limit. 65. (a) Show that for lim n"/(n + 1)' = every integer k, 1 limnV(n+l)t+1=0 lim nk+i/(n + 1)" does not exist (b) Let k be an integer, and 1 > h > 0. (c) Show that lim n/h" does not exist. Show that lim n"h" = 0. 2.12 66. Let x+i xi = Summary 223 1, and in general 1+x, _, 3 3 + x Find lim x 67. Suppose lim . Let y Let A: be (a) (b) = z = z. J(z_, + z). Then a positive integer. lim ,y z. Now let {y} be defined by = 1 y- = + ~k~+\ ^Zn Zn+1 "' ^ z"+) Then lim y=z also. (c) This time take 1 y = - (zi + + z) Once again lim > z. Suppose that / is lim/(c) =/(c). = 68. continuous at c, and lim c = c. Then 69. Let {c} be a sequence of complex numbers, and suppose (|c|)"" R. Show that R'1 is the radius of convergence of 2 cz". 70. Let {.$}, {?} be two sequences of positive numbers such that lim s tn ' = exists and is nonzero. Then 2 s converges if and only if 2 t converges. {c} be a sequence of positive numbers. Suppose that for every we have also sequence of positive numbers {/?} such that 2 Pi < 2 C"P < - Prove that {c} is bounded. 72. Verify Schwarz's inequality: 71. Let iiaAiV^iw2- !>i2 / 1=1 n=l n=l by virtue of the same fact for finite sums, which was dis Chapter 1 .) Is the reverse 73. Prove that if 2 kl2 < , then 2 (Un)\a\ < co. It is true (Hint: cussed in Problem 74 of implication true? 74. Let S be a S} is a closed 75. Suppose that / is for all on a 76. R". Suppose Let x0 there is , an x2 e a /is {yeR": <v, s>=0 a R" and positive real-valued function defined log /is also continuous. continuous Show that that Xi e = set. s 6 set S in R". Show that (S) subset of Rn. continuous real-valued function defined c e R" such that R be such that f(x2) = c. /(x0) < c </(x,). on all of Show that 224 2. Notions of Calculus 11. Show that if /is a continuous function on the interval / taking only rational values, then /must be constant. 78. A set S in R" is called connected if every continuous real-valued func tion has the intermediate value property. Show that this is equivalent to the following definition: A set S is not connected if there is defined 79. a continuous real-valued function / two values. S which takes precisely Verify the following assertions : (a) A ball in R" is connected. (b) The set of integers is not connected. 1} is connected. (c) The sphere {xe R3: ||x || (d) The union of two balls in R" is connected if and only if they on = intersect. (e) An open set is not connected if and only if it can be written as the disjoint union of two nonempty open subsets. (f ) A closed set is not connected if and only if it can be written as the disjoint union of two nonempty closed sets. 80. Let / be a continuous function on the closed and bounded set X. Then/is uniformly continuous; that is, given e > 0, there is a S > 0 such that for all x, y e A'such that |x y\ < S we have |/(x) f(y)\ < e. Supposing not, derive we can a contradiction as " follows. There is an e0 such that " for every 8, is not true. Taking |x y | < S implies \f(x) f(y)\ < e0 S 1/n, there are x,yn with |x y\ <l/but \f(xn)f(y)\ >e0. Since X is closed and bounded, these sequences have convergent subsequences: = Show that lim x' {x\}, {y/}. = lim / but |/(lim x') /(lim y')| > e0 , a contradiction. 81. Let L be a linear functional on R" and choose v0 such that ||w0|| = 1 and L(v0)=max{L(v): N| = l} Show that for every v e R", L(v) L(v0) <y, v0~>. 82. Let / be an integrable function on the rectangle [a, b]. Let R, be rectangle [a, b + <(b a)], for 0 <, t <, 1. Verify that / is integrable on = each rectangle R, and define F(t) JRt /. Show that / is continuous. Is /differentiable? 83. Let Q {pjq : p, q integers with 0 <,p <l q). Q is a subset of the unit interval [0,1] which is not measurable. For surely Jxo 0, and if kj R => Q, then also Ri u u R => [0, 1], so Ri J 2 Xi ^ !> and u_= , = = thusj Xq = 84. Let 1- / be integrable nonnegative function defined on the domain D {(x, y,z)eR3; 0 <. z <>f(x, y) ; (x, y)eB}. Verify that Vol(Z>) j /. B c R2 and an consider = = 2.12 85. 225 Summary Suppose that / is a continuous decreasing real-valued function of a 0. Then f<f f(x) sin x dx converges (compare f(x) real variable and lim = X-.CO this with Leibniz's theorem for 86. Suppose that /is /(x)^ + oo if, for -s- Hxll-* as every M there is that if /is |jx|| a a series). real-valued function defined We say that R". oo if such that a f(x) > M real-valued continuous function oo, then /attains on a minimum at some on whenever ||x || > K. R" such that/(x) -> Show + oo as point. 87. Define /(x)->0 in a way ||x||-*oo as suggested by the definition in continuous function and a 88. minimum on on problem. Show that if a a maximum R". Suppose / is a real-valued function which has continuous derivatives in the ball {x <7(x)=f the above R" has this property, then it attains both e R": ||x|| < 1}. partial Show that the function f(tx)dt same properties, and find Vg. 89. Let /2 be the space of sequences {c} of real numbers such that has the 2ici2< n = l Because of the result in Problem 72 are in (Schwarz's inequality), if {c} and {dn} I2, then <{*}, ,}> 2 = n = c*d l Show that I2 is a Euclidean vector space with that inner product. 90. The space of continuous functions on the unit interval can be made into a Euclidean vector space in this way: converges. </<?>=[ f(t)g(t)dt Corresponding by || 1 12 so as product is a notion of length which we denote distinguish it from the modulus || || introduced in the to this inner to 226 2. Notions of Calculus Show that this length is deficient in these respects : We can have ||/||2-*0 without having ||/||-^0. text. (a) (b) Cauchy We can have a converge to a sense of continuous functions which is {/,} sequence sequence in the of the continuous function. length || ||2 On the other (c) if ||/. ||. ^0, then ||/||2 -*0 also. 91. Suppose L: C[0, l]-*j? is a linear function. tinuous if and only if there is an M > 0 such that , a but which does not hand, show that Show that L is con \L(f)\^M\\fU 92. Show that there is f'o(x) = a for all (/o(x))2 differentiable function unique x and Do it /o(0) by applying the fixed point theorem ontheset{/<=C[i ]: ||/||<f}: = f0 such that i to the function T defined below x Tf(x)=\ 93. We of (n f2(t)dt+i talk of open and closed sets, and convergence in the space M " n) matrices, merely by considering them as vectors in R"2. Doing so these statements : can x verify (a) (b) (c) (d) The set G of invertible (n x n) matrices is open. The set of triangular matrices is closed. The function A->A2 is continuous. lfp is any polynomial in one variable the function T->p(T) is continuous. (e) lim (x/n!) 2=o (l/n!)TB exists for all TeL(R", Rm). fl-00 94. Suppose g is a continuous real-valued function [a, a]. Show that the implication f J g(t)f(t)dt = on the interval 0 -0 for all F implies g 0 holds whenever F is any one of these classes : (a) F=C([-a,a]). (b)F=Ci([-a,a]). (c) F is the collection of all polynomials. (d) Fis the collection {xi'-Ia subinterval of [a, a]}. (e) Fis the collection of all continuously differentiable functions such that/(-a)=/(a) 0. fe = =